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2023-10-18 08:49:36 +00:00
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1 1 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory139.png
2 2 401 1 2
3 3 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryFireLiziNew.prefab 2
4 4 301 DialogEnable Alpha slowly opens her eyes in a barren field set aflame.
5 5 201 1 500166 5
6 6 301 1 Lucia She's corroding my consciousness. Can't believe the M.I.N.D.s connection is capable of that... 1
7 7 202 1 1
8 8 301 Huaxu's connection has twisted their M.I.N.D.s together, but Alpha's intense fury caused her part to further expand. It will not be long before she consumes Lucia's.
9 9 301 They were the same person before the divergence point. Despite the different paths they have taken since, it does not change the fact that the structure of their M.I.N.D.s have always been identical.
10 10 201 1 500100
11 11 301 1 α You were the one who tried to connect our M.I.N.D.s. Now you'll suffer the consequences. 1
12 12 202 1 1
13 13 301 The blazing flame pulsates, turning into scorching lava where the two clash.
14 14 301 Lucia holds on to her sword, recalling what has driven her forward all this time. Small snowflakes appear above the ocean of flame between the two of them, falling onto Alpha's snow-white hair.
15 15 201 1 500100
16 16 301 1 α Is that how petty the emotions that support you are? 1
17 17 301 α Or, maybe... what you've seen has given you doubts? 1
18 18 202 1 1
19 19 301 Lucia does not answer. She gently leaps with the tip of her toe, aiming her blade between Alpha's eyes. But the space shifts again just before she hits, creating a stone wall in her way, blocking her strike.
20 20 201 1 500166 5
21 21 301 AniZhuanchangBegin 1 Lucia ...Your tricks! 1
22 22 202 1 1
23 23 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory178.png
24 24 301 AniZhuanchangEnd The stone wall easily shatters from the force of Lucia's sword. Lucia raises her katana again, only to realize the sea of fire has turned into the familiar scene inside the Kowloong Metropolis.
25 25 201 1 500100 400
26 26 201 2 500166 -400
27 27 301 1 α Remember when you first met Luna? 1
28 28 301 Lucia Of course! 2
29 29 301 α Then let me ask you again, Lucia. Is the present and future that you're protecting a world that will abandon her? 1
30 30 202 1 2 1
31 31 401 2 10002001
32 32 501 1000 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiHitNew.prefab 2
33 33 301 Alpha effortlessly dodges Lucia's Cross Slash. Utilizing the moment Lucia lands, Alpha takes her blade and grates the floor in a quick spin, sparking a ring of fire around her before throwing it at Lucia.
34 34 201 1 500100
35 35 301 1 α The "me" who runs away from the past will never defeat me! 1
36 36 301 She leaps over Lucia with ease. As the sound of their blades meeting echoes, the projections of tables and chairs around them crumble into dust.
37 37 301 Alpha stands wordlessly in the smoke, concentrating all her energy onto her blade, then strikes the approaching Lucia with all her might.
38 38 301 α Now, you'll break under your doubts and regrets. 1
39 39 202 1 1
40 40 301 She stares at her fallen counterpart in the ruin and repeats what she has just said—except... this time, she is speaking to herself.
41 41 201 1 500166 5
42 42 301 1 Lucia No! I will not abandon Luna! 1
43 43 201 1 500100
44 44 301 1 α What?! 1
45 45 301 The collapsed tables and chairs reappear inside the projection of Kowloong, all flying toward Alpha. She immediately counters with her sword, cutting them into pieces as they fall to the ground.
46 46 401 1 10002001
47 47 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiHitNew.prefab 1
48 48 301 But what follows is a devastating strike that comes with all the energy Lucia has been accumulating.
49 49 204 1 17
50 50 301 α That still won't do! 1
51 51 202 1 1
52 52 401 2 1503
53 53 301 The lanterns hanging on the beams all light up from the sparks of their blades. They are once again surrounded by a sea of flame.
54 54 201 1 500166 5
55 55 301 1 Lucia I will find a way to save her! That is why—I WILL NOT BE DEFEATED! 1
56 56 301 Biting frost condenses on Lucia's sword. She swings it forward, and a wave of frost shoots out, extinguishing the fire before her, paving a path of ice. Lucia steps on the frozen track and heads toward Alpha.
57 57 201 1 500100 17
58 58 301 1 α Well, give it a shot. 1
59 59 202 1 1
60 60 301 Guardian and aggressor. Trust and betrayal. Ice and fire.
61 61 301 The impassioned strikes collide again in mid-air, generating another massive M.I.N.D. quake—
62 62 201 1 500100 17
63 63 301 DialogDisable 1 α Running your mouth when you're so lost and miserable. Is that who you are now? 1
64 500 201 1 500166 5
65 501 501 PanelActor1Shake Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiHitNew.prefab 2
66 502 401 2 10002001
67 504 202 RImgBg1Disable 1
68 65 101 RImgBg1Enable Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory0.png
69 66 401 1 207
70 67 301 DialogEnable Shattered ice turns into scattering snowflakes as Lucia's mind falls into an endless pit.
71 68 301 Lucia ...Am I... still lost?
72 69 301 Not being able to answer her own question, Lucia keeps falling when countless memories of her past, those she and Alpha share, flashes in front of her eyes...
73 70 301 The memories when she and Luna cuddled. The memories when they left the monastery with those "grown-ups." The memories when she became a Construct.
74 71 301 Lucia Luna... I will never...
75 72 301 As her voice trembles, a figure formed by her memories gently lands at the bottom of the pit.
76 73 201 1 500238 4
77 74 301 1 Luna? ...Sister. 1
78 75 301 The ivory white young girl lights up the black void like the moon in the night sky.
79 76 301 Luna? ...Did you think everything you saw was the truth? 1
80 77 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryGanRanNew.prefab 1
81 78 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin A red glow rises around Luna. She floats into the air as countless pillars of red light shoot out from underneath, and the once silent void shakes and roars...