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2023-10-18 08:49:36 +00:00
p<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>ޤ<>*o<>;a<><61>i<EFBFBD>B<><42>lQ<03><>ҹh<D2B9>}<7D>,<2C><>jA<6A><41><EFBFBD>%<25>Ԕ<05><><15><>L3<1B><><>"7SI+<2B><>j<><6A>w<EFBFBD>1<EFBFBD><31>> <0B>٫%<25><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>e<EFBFBD>s<><73><EFBFBD>v<EFBFBD><76><01>9<EFBFBD>ͯk͕<6B>Y<EFBFBD>ƴ><3E><>vr<76><72>M<EFBFBD> W<>Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25]
1 1 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory436.jpg
2 2 401 1 55
3 3 201 1 500136
4 4 301 DialogEnable 1 Zack We made it. 1
5 5 202 1 1
6 6 301 Nearly at their limits, the Scavengers stand in front of the doorway. A dusty nameplate with the words "Central Control Room" written on it hangs on the open door.
7 7 201 1 500140 -600
8 8 201 2 500139 600
9 9 201 3 500136
10 10 301 1 "Beardy" Is this what we're looking for? 1
11 11 301 Kordes I didn't expect to find it... Seems like there aren't any monsters here. Maybe because we're on such a high floor? 2
12 12 301 Zack Maybe the monsters can't climb stairs. Or maybe we're just lucky. 3
13 13 301 Zack CPFs with earlier serial codes are often prototypes. The government feared a Punishing Virus leak or that the technology wasn't full developed. So they were often built in less populated areas. Looks like it's smaller in scale and the interior hasn't been fully optimized. 3
14 14 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Zack The central control room is the most important place in the tower, so it's relatively easy to find. 3
15 15 202 1 2 3 1
16 16 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory441.jpg
17 17 301 AniZhuanchangEnd Entering the room, Zack smells a dusty, stale odor, indicating that the room hadn't been opened for quite some time.
18 18 301 Zack shows a subtle expression, like a long entangled hatred, but with a flash of memory.
19 19 301 His eyes spell a sense of hatred towards something he cannot separate from.
20 20 301 Zack touches the console, causing the interface to light up.
21 21 201 1 500136
22 22 301 1 Zack Looks like it's still working...! 1
23 23 202 1 1
24 24 301 Zack's hand trembles slightly with excitement. He puts his hands on the console and slowly exhales.
25 25 201 1 500140
26 26 301 1 "Beardy" You work on that. I'll go see if we can find anything else in the room. 1
27 27 202 1 1
28 28 301 Zack nods, then begins to study the complex control system.
29 29 201 1 500136
30 30 301 1 Zack First, I need to locate the fire door at the entrance... Do I need to input a command...? 1
31 31 301 Zack Damn it. Where the hell am I supposed to find the commands? They were probably set ages ago! 1
32 32 301 Zack Guess I'll see if I can at least open a side door... 1
33 33 301 Zack Wait... the last time this control system was activated... it was during the end of the Post-Pandemic Age?! 1
34 34 301 Zack Since the door to the tower was never opened, why is it still running?! There hasn't been anyone to maintain the centrifuge array. There's no way it should still be in operation! 1
35 35 301 Zack What's going on here... If the tower still functions normally, there shouldn't be so many Hetero-Creatures here! 1
36 36 201 2 500140 -600
37 37 201 3 500139 600
38 38 301 1 Kordes What's wrong? Your face is pale. 3
39 39 301 Zack Something's... not right with this tower. 1
40 40 301 "Beardy" That's for sure, pal. Look around at all these plants and monsters. Of course, there's something going on here. 2
41 41 301 Zack No, that's not it. 1
42 42 301 Zack I thought this tower was started recently... That's what the operation log states. But the control system shows that it was last activated during the Post-Pandemic Age! 1
43 43 301 Zack So how was the tower activated? Who can bypass the control authentication here and start the tower? 1
44 44 301 Zack puts his head in his trembling hands, muttering to himself.
45 45 301 Zack This tower... has been in operation for at least two months. 1
46 46 301 "Beardy" ...Something wrong with that? 2
47 47 301 Zack To put it plainly, the CPF is just a super large air conditioner. 1
48 48 301 Zack With the operation of the centrifuge array, the filter tower can separate gases with different densities, allowing it to pull the Punishing Virus from the air and transfer it to the filter element at the base of the tower. 1
49 49 301 Zack Therefore, it's necessary to do routine maintenance on the centrifuge array and clear the filter once it's reached max concentration. 1
50 50 301 Zack Generally, CPFs in areas with larger populations need to have routine maintenance once a month due to the air quality. But even CPFs in forests cannot go two months without maintenance. 1
51 51 301 Zack But... The Punishing concentration here is low, and we can still breathe here safely. 1
52 52 301 "Beardy" Is someone maintaining it? 2
53 53 301 Zack Impossible. It's too complicated. Each step needs to be carried out strictly according to special instructions. Even the slightest error can lead to disastrous results. We can't joke around with the lives of everyone who lives within a 12 kilometer radius. 1
54 54 301 "Beardy" "We"? I get it now. You know, I've been meaning to ask how you know all of this. I know that you're a mechanical engineer, but I didn't know that you used to work in CPFs. 2
55 55 301 Zack "Was" a mechanical engineer. 1
56 56 301 Zack quickly corrects him.
57 57 301 Zack I didn't participate in the construction of any tower. I just had to maintain the centrifuge array once since no one wanted to go near it. 1
58 58 301 Zack ...After all, it's not easy to maintain it. Any mistake will lead to infection. It's nothing but bad news. 1
59 59 301 Zack The only reward was a nutri-stick. In retrospect, I was just taken advantage of... 1
60 60 301 Kordes If that's the case, where is the filtered Punishing Virus going? 3
61 61 301 Zack That's the problem. 1
62 62 301 Kordes The plants and monsters we saw on the way here... 3
63 63 301 Zack ...I don't think things are that simple. 1
64 64 301 After Zack presses a few buttons on the terminal, the projection screen suddenly lights up, showing an image.
65 65 301 Even "Beardy" who has no knowledge of the CPF can see the seriousness of the situation. The image is covered with red warnings and data.
66 66 301 AniZhuanchangBegin "Beardy" ...What's this? 2
67 67 401 1 51
68 68 202 1 2 3 1
69 69 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory425.jpg
70 70 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStory/FxUiStoryError.prefab 2
71 71 201 1 500301
72 72 301 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 The image is an indecipherable 3D model. It looks like a heart but also an egg of some kind of creature. Countless red cables stretch out from it, each with a high concentration of Punishing Virus.
73 73 301 AniZhuanchangBegin The cables look eerily familiar to the Scavengers. They have an uncanny resemblance to the umbilical cords on the humanoid creatures in the forest or the plants in the cracks of the tower.
74 74 202 1 1
75 75 505 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStory/FxUiStoryError.prefab
76 76 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory441.jpg
77 77 201 1 500136
78 78 201 2 500140 -600
79 79 201 3 500139 600
80 80 301 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 Zack ...These umbilical cords are like pipelines of energy supply, providing this thing with... Punishing Virus. 1
81 81 301 Zack The Punishing Virus, which should've been sent to the filter element through the centrifuge array, is being redirected into whatever the hell this thing is. 1
82 82 301 Zack clenches his fist on the console even tighter.
83 83 301 Kordes This level of concentration... 3
84 84 301 Kordes' voice trembles. He doesn't even dare to look at the alarming data that continues to escalate.
85 85 301 "Beardy" Holy ****. We're done for. Compared to the Red Tide, this is a whole new level. 2
86 86 301 "Beardy" What's this progress bar? 2
87 87 301 "Beardy" points to the progress bar at the bottom of the screen. It's visibly ticking up as they watch.
88 88 301 "Beardy" 89.6%. What happens when it's full? 2
89 89 301 Zack shakes his head in silence.
90 90 301 Even if they can't get the answer, they know that when the progress bar is full, nothing good will happen.
91 91 301 Zack What should we do? We can handle one or two Hetero-Creatures, but this looks completely out of our league. 1
92 92 301 Should they escape and act like they didn't see anything? The trio exchanges glances, apparently all thinking the same thing.
93 93 301 "Beardy" The existence of something like this is a huge threat. We can't just let it go. 2
94 94 301 Zack Besides, the conservation area we're going to isn't far from here. 1
95 95 301 Kordes ...Help. 3
96 96 301 Kordes ...Call for help! 3
97 97 301 Kordes This tower was built by the World Government. There must be a communication system, an alarm system, and a special emergency frequency! 3
98 98 301 Kordes If we can send a message, even if it's a radio signal, even if Babylonia's army doesn't receive it, as long as someone can receive it... 3
99 99 301 "Beardy" Someone might come to the rescue! Yeah! Why didn't I think of that... 2
100 100 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Zack I'll give it a try. 1
101 101 202 1 2 3 1
102 102 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory425.jpg
103 103 201 1 500367 1
104 104 301 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 Roland Hah... Look at them trying to call for help. 1
105 105 301 Roland They have no idea that we can see all their running, hiding, struggling and even trying to call for help crystal clear on the monitors. 1
106 106 301 Looking at the Scavenger with a serious look on the screen, Roland laughs heartily, but his eyes are not smiling at all. Inside them are only deep and complicated emotions.
107 107 202 1 1
108 108 301 He hears a distant noise in his M.I.N.D., like quietly dusting off an old roll of film and playing it again.
109 109 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory0.png
110 110 301 "Of course, I do. First, the screen went black. After that, the cameras kept changing, but I saw everything."
111 111 301 AniZhuanchangBegin "You running and looking for a place to hide, then ending up in that conference room. I saw the whole crisis!"
112 112 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory441.jpg
113 113 301 AniZhuanchangEnd Roland shakes his head, forcing himself to recover from the chaos of noise. The Scavengers' onscreen "performance" continues.
114 114 301 They are anxiously checking the large operation panel in the central control room, trying to find a way to contact the ground forces or Babylonia.
115 115 301 But the filter's signal had long since been jammed. No one will hear their desperate cries for help.
116 116 301 The Scavengers in the image seem to realize this. They stand around the console, their faces pale as a ghost.
117 117 301 Roland has seen this look of despair countless times on helpless Constructs and hopeless humans...
118 118 301 And... What else is on their face?
119 119 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory0.png
120 120 301 "Anyway, please call the police ASAP"
121 121 301 "I gotta say, this attempt at boosting audience participation is a bit ham-fisted."
122 122 301 AniZhuanchangBegin ...But do you really know what 'real' is?
123 123 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory425.jpg
124 124 301 AniZhuanchangEnd Even for just a moment, Roland still feels the pain tearing his stomach. A feeling of nausea that he had buried in the depths of his soul a long time ago. It was as fleeting as an illusion, but at the moment, it was clear as day.
125 125 301 Those feelings that he thought he would not resurface, like ghosts hidden in an abandoned house, begin to haunt him again one by one with the progression of the "performance."
126 126 301 —These feelings become stronger and stronger until they could no longer be ignored.
127 127 201 1 500367 5
128 128 301 1 Roland ...Ha. 1
129 129 301 Roland Good show... Jolly good show. 1
130 130 202 1 1
131 131 301 Roland smiles with a slight grimace, then jumps off the stack of old machinery and walks to the door.
132 132 201 1 500367 1
133 133 301 1 Roland But watching these are dreadfully boring. I'm going to find a place to sleep. 1
134 134 301 Before he leaves, he glances back at the rusty schematic of the tower hanging on the wall and the location of hidden fire exits.
135 135 301 Generally speaking... the audience isn't allowed on stage.
136 136 301 AniZhuanchangBegin But there's always an exception.
137 137 202 1 1
138 138 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory441.jpg
139 139 301 AniZhuanchangEnd In the central control room, the three Scavengers are slumped on the ground.
140 140 201 1 500136
141 141 201 2 500140 -600
142 142 201 3 500139 600
143 143 301 1 "Beardy" ...Things aren't looking good. 2
144 144 301 Zack ...I've tried everything, but I can't start the gate using the central control system here. 1
145 145 301 Kordes We can't send a distress signal, and now we can't even open the door. 3
146 146 203 2 0.5 -400
147 147 301 "Beardy" Impossible... There's gotta be another way. Right? 2
148 148 301 "Beardy" ...We're so close to the conservation area. 2
149 149 301 On the brink of fatigue, "Beardy" drags himself over and grabs Zack's clothes with his trembling hands. He keeps repeating his question. The always cheery smile has disappeared from his face. Instead, there's only the gradual emergence of fear and despair.
150 150 301 It seems that some string that has been stretched tight for a long time is finally about to break.
151 151 301 Zack ... 1
152 152 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Kordes ... 3
153 153 202 1 2 3 1
154 154 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory0.png
155 155 301 AniZhuanchangEnd No one responds.
156 156 301 The central control room is almost maddeningly silent. The intermittent hiss of the CPF being strangled by the plants outside knocks at their hearts.
157 157 301 AniZhuanchangBegin The projection screen is still lit, and the progress bar reading is still growing.
158 158 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory441.jpg
159 159 201 1 500136
160 160 301 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 Zack No... 1
161 161 301 Zack It's not over yet... 1
162 162 301 Zack stands up slowly.
163 163 301 Zack Punishing Virus... Corrupted... This is all their doing... Damn it... 1
164 164 301 As if all his strength has been pulled away, he holds onto the console for support. However, his eyes are transfixed on the bright red color on the projection screen.
165 165 301 Zack Just because of an oversight before I went to sleep... I didn't notice the mechanical abnormality... No, no, that's because I've been lying. Hell, I'm still lying to myself! 1
166 166 301 Zack I said, "How can my machines be infected with an organic virus? Isn't that just a common malfunction?" 1
167 167 301 Zack I hid the mechanical abnormality, and I didn't report it... 1
168 168 301 Zack When I woke up... I opened the door... 1
169 169 301 Zack All the machines I was familiar with now had... red eyes... their bodies... stained with red blood... 1
170 170 301 Zack The anomaly I should've paid more attention to harmed my family... harmed the entire block... 1
171 171 201 1 500139
172 172 301 1 Kordes Zack, calm down... 1
173 173 202 1 1
174 174 301 Zack closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. His hand on the console clenches into a fist.
175 175 201 1 500136
176 176 301 1 Zack The CPFs... are machines built to protect people. 1
177 177 301 Zack The conservation area was built around the CPF. Countless refugees were reunited under the tower. 1
178 178 301 Zack Mechanic engineers built these towers. How could we let these... disgusting monsters... act so recklessly! 1
179 179 301 Zack puts his hand on the keyboard and begins to type rapidly. Several pages spread out on the projection screen.
180 180 301 Each page displays the number and status of various groups of centrifuges.
181 181 301 Zack I'm going to destroy the tower's centrifuge array, cut off power and put a stop to this CPF. 1
182 182 301 Zack Even if we can't destroy the monster, we can at least prevent that progress bar from increasing. 1
183 183 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Zack The CPFs should be a hope for humanity, not a lair for those monsters! 1
184 184 202 1 1
185 185 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory425.jpg
186 186 401 2 716
187 187 301 AniZhuanchangEnd An ear-piercing alarm begins to echo throughout the entire tower.
188 188 301 Alert WARNING! WARNING! Centrifuge array in Sector A deactivated. Please contact maintenance personnel to resolve the issue immediately!
189 189 301 Alert WARNING! WARNING! Centrifuge array in Sector B deactivated. Please contact maintenance personnel to resolve the issue immediately!
190 190 301 Alert WARNING! CPF will be rendered inoperative without immediate course of action.
191 191 201 1 500308
192 192 301 1 Cinderelik ...? 1
193 193 301 The metrics and oscillograms on the screen have changed significantly.
194 194 301 Cinderelik This reading... Is... "Mother"... "afraid"? 1
195 195 301 The progress bar that is about to come to an end stops slowly and buzzes repeatedly with a warning sound.
196 196 301 —94.5%
197 197 301 —94.5%
198 198 301 —93.9%
199 199 301 —93.5%
200 200 301 —Then, the reading starts to slowly retreat.
201 201 301 Cinderelik ...Mother! 1
202 202 202 1 1
203 203 301 At the moment she sees the reading beginning to retreat, Cinderelik's dark golden pupils suddenly shrink.
204 204 301 She immediately looks toward the Hetero-Mother, which was previously in a stable state and is now crying. After the scarlet umbilical cords lost their supply of Punishing Virus, they fall to the ground like a rapidly withering and rotting plant.
205 205 301 The remaining red umbilical cords, hungry for more nutrients, slowly crawl with "Mother" to the place with the highest Punishing concentration.
206 206 201 1 500308
207 207 301 1 Cinderelik "Mother" is starving because of them. 1
208 208 301 Cinderelik The centrifuge arrays... Four of them are already irreparable. 1
209 209 301 Cinderelik ...Why? This problem has never occurred in previous experiments. 1
210 210 301 Cinderelik ...They're hurting "Mother". 1
211 211 301 Cinderelik No... I can't let this happen. 1
212 212 301 Cinderelik Unfavorable factors in the experiment need to be screened out. 1
213 213 301 Cinderelik raises her hand and gently sings a lullaby.
214 214 301 The lullaby is calm and long, passing through the stacked steel frames and iron pipes. The Hetero-Creatures hiding in the dark, as if having obtained some enlightenment, go in a certain direction under the guidance of Cinderelik.
215 215 301 Cinderelik "Mother" needs more space for delivery. 1
216 216 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Cinderelik commands the Hetero-Plants that has penetrated through the cracks to rip open the ceiling. Cross-shaped light projects onto "Mother". As the cracks widen, Cinderelik can now see what's above, as "Mother" gradually moves in that direction.
217 217 401 1 60
218 218 202 1 1
219 219 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory441.jpg
220 220 201 1 500140
221 221 301 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 "Beardy" You've got to be joking... 1
222 222 202 1 1
223 223 301 Despite all of the Hetero-Creatures they had seen along the way, none frightened them as much as the scene in front of the Scavengers.
224 224 301 From the glass wall in front of the central control room, they can see the scene inside the CPF. Only a faint skylight at the top of the tower illuminates the base floor, which had been eroded by the Hetero-Plants.
225 225 301 The sturdy, solid vines break open the floor to form a hatch. A huge black shadow appears from deep within the darkness. Something rises gradually on the branches and vines. The sounds of the CPF's walls being scratched and squeezed echo in the nearly fortified space.
226 226 301 The dense black shadow is like a giant parasite living in the tower, climbing up among the lingering branches step by step.
227 227 201 1 500136
228 228 301 1 Zack Is that it... I didn't expect it to be hiding under the CPF. 1
229 229 301 Zack Is it climbing outside because it can't absorb energy from the centrifuge array? 1
230 230 301 Zack This is only the beginning... 1
231 231 301 Zack lowers his head and quickly operates the control terminal. Sweat drips from his forehead and falls on his trembling hands, which does nothing to impede his work.
232 232 301 Zack I need to violate each safety protocol one by one... I never thought I'd see such a day, but... 1
233 233 202 1 1
234 234 301 Alert ERROR! ERROR! Centrifuge array in Sector C deactivated. Please contact maintenance personnel to resolve the issue immediately!
235 235 301 But who could have thought that doing such a thing would end up helping humanity resist the Punishing Virus?
236 236 301 As "Mother" begins to rise, the vines become more aggressive and continue to bang on the door to the central control room. To combat this, Kordes and "Beardy" barricade the door with heavy objects.
237 237 301 Both of them slump on the floor with their backs against the heavy objects and look at Zack, who is hurriedly working in front of the console.
238 238 301 "Beardy" looks like he has recovered to his usual appearance and smiles bitterly at his empty gun.
239 239 201 2 500140 -450
240 240 201 3 500139 450
241 241 301 1 "Beardy" Now we really have no way back, Zack. 2
242 242 301 Kordes Hey, "Beardy". Think these flower seeds will grow if I ingest them? 3
243 243 301 "Beardy" Heh... You're always calling me an idiot, but turns out you're the real idiot. I might not know much about plants, but I do know that burying a body under a flower patch burns their roots. 2
244 244 301 Kordes ...I just feel sorry that I couldn't make my daughter's wish come true. 3
245 245 301 Kordes But if I die, I just hope I don't see her there. 3
246 246 301 Kordes I hope that she's alive... That she lives to see when dawn of a new day comes. 3
247 247 301 "Beardy" Given how long it's been since you've seen her... If she's still alive, she should be all grown up by now. 2
248 248 301 Kordes takes out a photo tightly wrapped in clear plastic from his breast pocket and gently strokes it. In doing so, the small bag of seeds is squeezed out and falls gently onto the floor.
249 249 301 But Kordes doesn't pick it up. His eyes remain firmly locked on the photo for a long time.
250 250 301 In the yellowing photo, the girl with white hair and pink clothes looks like a gentle flower. She gives the camera a bright smile.
251 251 301 Kordes She's my pride and joy. 3
252 252 202 2 3 1
253 253 201 1 500136
254 254 301 1 Zack ... 1
255 255 301 Zack Sorry. 1
256 256 301 Zack If I hadn't insisted on coming here... you wouldn't... 1
257 257 202 1 1
258 258 201 2 500140 -450
259 259 201 3 500139 450
260 260 301 1 "Beardy" No point talking about such useless things at a time like this. 2
261 261 301 Kordes We all know that we couldn't have reached the conservation area with the supplies we had. 3
262 262 301 Kordes And obviously, you can't leave us. 3
263 263 301 "Beardy" At least, we'll die fighting—let alone against an entire tower of Hetero-Creatures. This would make for one hell of a movie. We'd be the heroes. 2
264 264 301 Even now, "Beardy" tries his best to liven up the mood. Maybe because this is the role he has always played in the team. Or maybe he simply doesn't want his partners' sad expressions to be his last memory as they die together.
265 265 301 Kordes Yeah, you're right. There's even someone to play the role of pulling out his daughter's picture right before he dies. We've got all the roles covered. 3
266 266 202 2 3 1
267 267 301 Zack chuckles. He lowers his head and swallows the guilt in his eyes as he looks back at the projector screen.
268 268 201 1 500136
269 269 301 1 Zack Good. Looks like the centrifuge array in Sector D is also... 1
270 270 301 Zack Rgh...! 1
271 271 301 His abdomen feels ice cold at first, followed by intense heat, then agonizing pain.
272 272 402 716
273 273 401 1 33
274 274 301 Zack lowers his head slowly and sees a scarlet branch protruding from his abdomen as blood drips down from it and onto the table.
275 275 202 1 1
276 276 201 2 500140 -450
277 277 201 3 500139 450
278 278 301 1 Kordes & "Beardy" Zack!!! 2 3
279 279 202 2 3 1
280 280 301 All this happens so suddenly that no one had noticed branches emerging from the small vents in the ceiling.
281 281 301 Due to the intense pain from the stab wound in his abdomen, Zack can no longer support himself and falls to the ground slowly.
282 282 301 The wound quickly shows symptoms of Punishing infection. A burning sensation rapidly spreads to his limbs.
283 283 201 2 500140 -450
284 284 201 3 500139 450
285 285 301 1 "Beardy" Kordes, serum! 2
286 286 301 Kordes Here! 3
287 287 301 Kordes hurriedly takes out the box of serum from his bag, grabs a vial, and prepares to give Zack an injection.
288 288 202 2 3 1
289 289 201 1 500136
290 290 301 1 Zack D-don't... It's... no use... Don't w-waste it... 1
291 291 301 Zack reaches out and stops Kordes' hand holding the serum, shaking his head.
292 292 202 1 1
293 293 201 2 500140 -450
294 294 201 3 500139 450
295 295 301 1 Kordes But you... 3
296 296 202 2 3 1
297 297 201 1 500136
298 298 301 1 Zack I've... had it coming... 1
299 299 301 He struggles to raise his head and looks at the progress bar on the projection screen.
300 300 301 —79.9%
301 301 301 Zack ...Is t-that it? 1
302 302 202 1 1
303 303 301 Through the glass, the giant indescribable shell rises up to the height of the central control room. It appears this is the highest it can reach. The black armored shell tightly wraps the soft red underbelly. It frantically shakes the umbilical cords connected to it, screaming in agony.
304 304 301 RImgBg1Shake ??? —!
305 305 301 A moment later, the barricaded door is smashed open by some immense force from outside.
306 306 301 Outside, they see a pale girl floating.
307 307 301 Or rather, being hoisted in the air. Two fish-shaped Hetero-Creatures tightly holding strands of cloth hanging from her clothes give her the illusion of floating.
308 308 301 A half-broken wing stretches out from behind her. The girl's golden pupils are like a bottomless haze devoid of emotion.
309 309 201 1 500308
310 310 301 1 Cinderelik Please stop hurting "Mother". 1
311 311 301 Cinderelik Please stop interfering with the tower. 1
312 312 301 The girl raises her slender wrist and points to the huge shell hanging in the distance.
313 313 301 Cinderelik "Mother" is about to go through the most crucial stage. I can't let her be in danger at this time. 1
314 314 301 Cinderelik You should have come to help incubate "Mother". 1
315 315 301 Cinderelik ...Instead, you hurt it. 1
316 316 301 Cinderelik This is an unforgivable sin. 1
317 317 301 With her light, gentle tone, the pale and thin girl looks vulnerable, but the Scavengers knew the moment the door was torn open that she is no ordinary human nor is she on their side.
318 318 301 Cinderelik Now, please, turn into a bouquet of red flowers for "Mother". 1
319 319 301 She delivers them the most cruel death sentence in her most gentle tone.
320 320 401 2 10007502
321 321 301 RImgBg1Shake Right as Cinderelik points her finger at the Scavengers, a giant hole is blown out of the wall beside her with a sudden bang. Scrap metal and cement fly past her. In response, she quickly commands her fish, allowing her to escape unharmed. However, the sudden blast interrupts her attack.
322 322 201 1 500384
323 323 301 1 ??? Oops! Sorry! My aim was a little off. I didn't hurt you, did I? Looks my aim has suffered from being so weak right now. 1
324 324 202 1 1
325 325 301 A figure appears in the breached wall. He shakes the chain blade in his hand, and the dust from the explosion slowly settles.
326 326 201 1 500308
327 327 301 1 Cinderelik Roland? 1
328 328 301 Cinderelik ...I'm fine. Please be more careful next time. 1
329 329 203 1 0.25 -450
330 330 201 2 500367 1 450
331 331 301 1 The figure emerges from the dust. Shaking the dust off his hair, he smiles gracefully.
332 332 301 Roland Good. I didn't miss the climax, did I? 2
333 333 301 Cinderelik They hurt "Mother" and hindered der Meister's plan. They have to pay the price. 1
334 334 301 Roland Heh... Looks like they're already scared out of their wits. 2
335 335 301 Roland Think I can have a word with them? 2
336 336 202 1 2 1
337 337 301 Cinderelik silently floats to the side and lands in the corner of the room.
338 338 201 1 500367 1
339 339 301 1 Roland Thank you so much. 1
340 340 301 Roland looks at the Scavengers with a smile.
341 341 301 Roland Hmph, what a pity. Especially you, Zack... That wound sure looks serious. I'd advise you to leave him behind. You can't escape with him. 1
342 342 201 1 500136
343 343 301 1 Zack Aren't you... Rolmo...? 1
344 344 201 1 500367 1
345 345 301 1 Roland Ah, I'm surprised you recognize me even as you're about to go unconscious. I'm touched. 1
346 346 201 1 500136
347 347 301 1 Zack I-I was suspicious of you... ever since we entered the t-tower... Cough... 1
348 348 202 1 1
349 349 201 2 500140 -450
350 350 201 3 500139 450
351 351 301 1 "Beardy" What?! That's the refugee who led us here?! 2
352 352 301 Kordes Why'd you trick us... 3
353 353 202 2 3 1
354 354 301 The Scavengers' surprise in realizing that they were deceived was just as Roland had imagined, but their reaction lacks in intensity. Probably because they were already past the point of exhaustion.
355 355 201 1 500367 1
356 356 301 1 Roland I didn't trick you. 1
357 357 301 Roland The forest... The tower... The supplies... Every word I said was the truth. You saw it with your own eyes. 1
358 358 301 Roland I gave you intel and warned you about the intel. But, it was ultimately you who made the decision to come here, didn't you? 1
359 359 204 1
360 360 301 Roland So far, everything was on your own volition. I just led the way. 1
361 361 301 Roland's smile disappears from the corner of his lips. His tone carries a sense of pity. A trace of inexplicable sadness flashes in his eyes as he looks at them.
362 362 301 Maybe this is just another layer of his act.
363 363 202 1 1
364 364 201 2 500140 -450
365 365 201 3 500139 450
366 366 301 1 Kordes You...! 3
367 367 202 2 3 1
368 368 201 1 500367 1
369 369 301 1 Roland Don't be angry. What if I said—you have a chance to survive? 1
370 370 202 1 1
371 371 201 2 500140 -450
372 372 201 3 500139 450
373 373 301 1 Kordes You think we'll believe your lies? 3
374 374 202 2 3 1
375 375 201 1 500367 1
376 376 301 1 Roland Right, my apologies. What I said wasn't forthright enough. 1
377 377 301 Roland reaches out and gestures with a finger toward "Beardy" and Kordes.
378 378 301 Roland You... And You... If you leave Zack here, I'll ensure your safe departure from this place. How does that sound? 1
379 379 202 1 1
380 380 201 2 500140 -450
381 381 201 3 500139 450
382 382 301 1 Kordes Cut your bull****... 3
383 383 301 "Beardy" Even if we die, we will die together. 2
384 384 202 2 3
385 385 301 Kordes and "Beardy" struggle to lift up Zack, who is nearly unconscious.
386 386 201 1 500367 1
387 387 301 1 Roland Stop pretending. I've been with you long enough. It's not like I don't know how much you two want to live. 1
388 388 202 1 1
389 389 201 2 500140 -450
390 390 201 3 500139 450
391 391 301 1 Kordes But we're not just going to leave him here to die! 3
392 392 202 2 3 1
393 393 201 1 500367 7
394 394 301 1 Roland Sigh... I'm just giving you your best option. Why are you making me out to be the villain? 1
395 395 201 1 500136
396 396 301 1 Zack D-don't worry about me... Hurry... Only you... two... can survive... 1
397 397 202 1 1
398 398 201 2 500140 -450
399 399 201 3 500139 450
400 400 301 1 "Beardy" That's bull****! We're not leaving you here! 2
401 401 202 2 3 1
402 402 201 1 500367 1
403 403 301 1 Roland Nothing puts the audience at the edge of their seats like "You go first! No, I won't leave you!" 1
404 404 202 1 1
405 405 301 Roland opens his arms in a grand gesture, mimicking a classic scene in movies, then shakes his head.
406 406 201 1 500367 1
407 407 301 1 Roland Normally I wouldn't mind relieving some boredom with this kind of scene, but unfortunately... there's no time for that. 1
408 408 301 Roland Don't you feel the Punishing Virus concentration rising? That's all thanks to you destroying the centrifuge array. 1
409 409 202 1 1
410 410 401 2 10006001
411 411 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiHitNew.prefab 2
412 412 301 Roland sighs with regret. The next second, the chain blade flashes a ray of cold light as he attacks the three Scavengers sitting motionlessly on the ground.
413 413 301 The two remaining conscious close their eyes and prepare for death.
414 414 401 2 1503
415 415 301 RImgBg1Shake However, their anticipated death does not come. Everything around them suddenly began spinning, as if they were tied up and fiercely thrown out.
416 416 301 Before falling into the dark stairwell, Kordes feels a cold card in his hand and someone whispering in his ear.
417 417 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory0.png
418 418 301 "Walk along the direction shown in the picture. The basement has access to the outside."
419 419 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin "By the way, the mess has been cleaned up. Don't be too grateful."