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2023-10-18 08:49:36 +00:00
6<><36>T<EFBFBD><54>\<5C><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>I<>]<5D>J(8\*<2A>ژl<DA98>7B<37><42>`@)\fనܽ<E0B0A8>k<EFBFBD>}<7D>#M<>TPk<50>_<EFBFBD>[<5B>i^<5E>+n[<5B>(<><7F><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><1E><>'<27>'<27>f<EFBFBD>D |<7C>Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25]
1 1 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory447.jpg
2 2 401 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 55
3 3 304 Recording: ffffffff Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory447.jpg 1
4 4 304 The Hetero-Core shard has been recovered 5 kilometers away from the Asslam docking platform. ffffffff Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory447.jpg 1
5 5 304 Compared with the previously recovered shards, this shard shows stronger activity and has the ability to integrate other shards. ffffffff Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory447.jpg 1
6 6 304 After killing Babylonia's fourth team to clear the Hetero-Core, I recovered a considerable number of shards. ffffffff Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory447.jpg 1
7 7 304 Most surprising was that they show a unique characteristic after integration. ffffffff Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory447.jpg 1
8 8 304 The properties of the crimson liquid extracted are almost the same as that found near the Hetero-Core. The cells devour one another and evolve. ffffffff Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory447.jpg 1
9 9 304 The Hetero-Core is constantly deforming and disintegrating in this slough. I'm sensing something different from ordinary Corrupted. ffffffff Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory447.jpg 1
10 10 304 I can't put my finger on it, but I understand that this kind of agitation is similar to what I sought when I was on the verge of disintegration. ffffffff Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory447.jpg 1
11 11 304 I see the future of Ascnet in this crimson mire. ffffffff Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory447.jpg 1
12 12 304 AniZhuanchangBegin After my analysis, I've decided to contribute my efforts into further research. ffffffff Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory447.jpg 1 1
13 13 401 1000 1 36
14 14 202 1 1
15 15 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory11.jpg
16 16 401 1 201
17 17 301 AniZhuanchangEnd A week before the battle of the Pulia Forest Park ruins took place.
18 18 301 A wanderer walks among the ruins of the city.
19 19 401 2 1508
20 20 301 1 In front of them is a city that has long since fallen into the hands of another ruler. Hetero-Creatures are seen here and there in the ruins, twitching and hissing from time to time. 1
21 21 301 Desolate and disorderly, this is what the planet looks like today. Row after row of lofty buildings deteriorated into dead trees made of steel and cement. Now, living creatures fight for survival in this dark jungle.
22 22 401 2 10002001
23 23 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiHitNew.prefab 2
24 24 301 With a muffled thud, the Hetero-Creatures that have followed the footsteps and arrived are torn apart by a flash of light in front of the wanderer.
25 25 201 1 500384
26 26 301 1 ??? So the defective product of Gabriel has made it this far. 1
27 27 301 The wanderer leisurely puts away his chain blade and looks at the shadows cast by the distant buildings.
28 28 301 In the distant shadows, a few figures are huddled around a campfire, cooking food with simple cooking utensils.
29 29 301 ??? Looks like our "actor" has arrived on set. 1
30 30 301 ??? Let's get ready. 1
31 31 301 AniZhuanchangBegin ??? It's time for the last performance. 1
32 32 202 1 2 1
33 33 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory19.jpg
34 34 504 0.7
35 35 201 1 500334 -450
36 36 201 2 500305 450
37 37 301 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 Vonnegut Again, welcome aboard, Roland. 2
38 38 301 Roland Save the pleasantries. 1
39 39 301 Feeling the changes in his body, Roland clenches his fists and grins a slightly mocking smile.
40 40 301 Aided by some mysterious power—the power bestowed to him by that pure white agent—he can still sense Luna's existence. Even though it's no more than a delicate strand of silk, she is somewhere within this world.
41 41 301 The mysterious "Merciful One" hadn't erased his weak connection with Luna after reconfiguring his body, but the unpredictable agent in front of him seems to mind.
42 42 301 Vonnegut Is that enough? 2
43 43 301 Vonnegut You must have known that I rarely give others the privilege to become an Ascendant. After all, even though our goal is the same, my selection process is slightly different from Luna's. 2
44 44 301 Vonnegut However, that doesn't mean that I'll be stingy in sharing my power with you. Since it's such a generous offer, I thought you would make the best use of it, rather than take a sip before setting it down. 2
45 45 204 1 1
46 46 301 Roland You're very generous, but this is good enough for me. I'm not going rusty yet and I still need it most of the time. 1
47 47 301 Yes, this is enough. He doesn't want the risk of wielding such strong power to come back to bite him one day. As long as he maintains a weak connection, he will have the possibility to achieve his ultimate goal.
48 48 301 He just needs to lie dormant and wait for the right time. He is already quite adept at doing so.
49 49 301 Vonnegut I understand. 2
50 50 301 Vonnegut slowly raises an eyebrow and claps.
51 51 301 Vonnegut The loyal "knight" is still unwilling to completely cut off his connection to the "king." 2
52 52 204 1
53 53 301 Roland Does it bother you to have such a troublemaker as your subordinate? 1
54 54 301 Vonnegut No, of course not. 2
55 55 301 Vonnegut This is exactly what I admire about you, Roland. You are persistent but not foolish. 2
56 56 301 Roland sneers.
57 57 204 1 1
58 58 301 Roland So much for the flattering. Let's cut to the chase. 1
59 59 301 Roland What is it that you want me to do? Seems you guys had quite the show with Babylonia while I was trying to repair my frame. 1
60 60 204 1 2
61 61 301 Roland Too bad I wasn't there. 1
62 62 301 Vonnegut I didn't deliberately hide the location of the "test subject," but I didn't expect Babylonia to find it so quickly. 2
63 63 301 Vonnegut But I had no desire to draw their attention so soon. It appears Babylonia is smarter than I expected. 2
64 64 301 Vonnegut That being said, I found a "seed" that shows potential. 2
65 65 301 As if thinking of something pleasant, Vonnegut's eyes show a clear smile.
66 66 301 Vonnegut Compared with this discovery, the "test subject" was an acceptable loss. 2
67 67 301 Roland First time I've ever heard someone phrase "the enemy outplayed us" so casually. 1
68 68 301 Roland Some of Babylonia's teams... are more troublesome than others. 1
69 69 301 Vonnegut Alas, opposition is not eternal. 2
70 70 301 Vonnegut Conversely, neither is allegiance. 2
71 71 301 Vonnegut Both you and I are focused on net gain, are you not? 2
72 72 301 Vonnegut So long as everything is within my grasp, I can turn anything into an opportunity. 2
73 73 301 Vonnegut After all, I can provide what they need most. Sooner or later, they will definitely consider my proposal. 2
74 74 204 1 1
75 75 301 Roland So that "test subject" was destroyed and you're going to make an even more powerful test subject No. 2, right? 1
76 76 301 Roland I seem to have seen the same tactic used by a former "companion"... It's a pity that he failed in the end. 1
77 77 301 Vonnegut Indeed. The truly vital "Mother" isn't stored here. Cinderelik has gone to investigate its condition. 2
78 78 301 Vonnegut Gabriel is well-deserving of praise for his efforts on pioneering the gestation of Hetero-Creatures. 2
79 79 301 Vonnegut We need only to take over his unfinished research and continue to explore more possibilities. 2
80 80 301 Vonnegut The emergence of the Red Tide and Hetero-Creatures is undoubtedly an important step in the evolution of Ascnet. Unfortunately, the "Polyphage" has demonstrated the limit of evolution based on Hetero-Cores. 2
81 81 301 Vonnegut These creatures only have the instinct to survive. They show no signs of intelligence or reason. 2
82 82 301 Vonnegut What's the difference between such a thing and those defective products that lose cognition due to corruption? No matter how destructive they are, they are only fit to be called puppets. 2
83 83 301 Vonnegut How can we walk with such creatures in the new world? 2
84 84 301 Vonnegut A large part of Gabriel's failure was due to his blind pursuit of power, his eagerness for success, and his neglect of the Punishing Virus's will. 2
85 85 301 Vonnegut As for "Mother"... Its appearance served as guidance to Gabriel's massively misguided path. 2
86 86 301 Vonnegut I can feel that "Mother" is the condensation of the Punishing Virus's will. She possesses fascinating possibilities. 2
87 87 301 Vonnegut I have high hopes for its future. 2
88 88 204 1 7
89 89 301 Roland So, even you don't know what "Mother" will hatch? 1
90 90 204 1
91 91 301 Roland I thought people like you would always want to have everything under control. 1
92 92 301 Vonnegut It seems that we still need mutual understanding. 2
93 93 301 Vonnegut All we can do now is witness the gestation of "Mother" and welcome the real cumulation of the Punishing Virus's will. 2
94 94 301 Vonnegut ...We just need to give her a little push. 2
95 95 204 1 7
96 96 301 Roland A push? 1
97 97 301 Vonnegut Before that, I think you should see something. 2
98 98 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin Vonnegut You haven't seen "Mother" in her entirety, have you? 2