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2023-10-18 08:49:36 +00:00
<EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>e<EFBFBD><EFBFBD><10><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><?<3F>!n=! <0F>xg(<28>6P<36><50><EFBFBD>32<33>ܹ<EFBFBD>pj<70>)<29>6fn<66><<3C><>j<EFBFBD>9<EFBFBD><39>S<EFBFBD>G6<47>{]צ<>ܕ<EFBFBD><DC95><16>D~(<28><><EFBFBD>彋q<E5BD8B><71>0<EFBFBD>4ՕgH<67>2<EFBFBD><32>ҩ<EFBFBD><10>n<EFBFBD><6E><EFBFBD>It<49><04>)[<5B><12>k<EFBFBD><6B><EFBFBD>Yv<59>
<EFBFBD>Q<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>[Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25]
1 1 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory105.png
2 2 401 1 5
3 3 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStorySnowNew.prefab 2
4 4 201 1 1011001 -400
5 5 201 2 1021001 400
6 6 301 DialogEnable 1 Lee Whoa, whoa, whoa... Wait a second. This was your idea, Lucia? 1
7 7 204 2 6
8 8 301 Lucia I... 2
9 9 204 2
10 10 301 Lee Sigh... This is turning into a disaster. 1
11 11 204 1 10
12 12 301 Lee I regret having her help... 1
13 13 204 1
14 14 201 2 1041001 1 400
15 15 301 1 Nanami TA-DA! Whatcha think? Here's my one-of-kind, super-duper, most prettiest Christmas tree in the whole wide world. Who'd say no to this? 2
16 16 301 Nanami Scoot over, you two! Give my Super Christmas Tree some time in the limelight. 2
17 17 204 1 10
18 18 301 Lee Sigh... 1
19 19 202 1 2 1
20 20 201 1 500103
21 21 301 1 A Christmas tree decorated with all sorts of parts and equipment appears before them. 1
22 22 301 Lucia Watanabe's belt... You ran off to the Forsaken Camp, then came right back? 1
23 23 301 Lee Bianca's hat... You didn't steal all of this... Did you? 1
24 24 301 Nanami Nope, nope! I just... borrowed them. They've got extras just sittin' around. It'd be a shame to just let them go to waste! Look! I also brought one of your jackets, Lee! 1
25 25 301 Lucia And my scarf... 1
26 26 301 Lee And even Kamui's headphones... 1
27 27 301 Nanami Hehe, and I had Karenina's scarf from earlier! 1
28 28 301 Nanami But wait! I got a bunch of the commandant's clothes, too! 1
29 29 202 1 1
30 30 201 1 1011001 -400
31 31 201 2 1021001 400
32 32 301 1 Lucia ... 2
33 33 204 1 10
34 34 301 Lee Are you really sure this okay? I'm sure the commandant's going to go ballistic after seeing this... um... "Super Christmas Tree"... 1
35 35 204 1
36 36 301 Lucia It's not like we have time to find any other ornaments. This is all we got... 2
37 37 301 Lee I guess there's nothing to be afraid of... Right...? 1
38 38 301 Lucia Well, if you think about it from another point of view... She might still be surprised. 2
39 39 301 Lucia It's the thought that counts. As long as Liv is happy, I'm sure the commandant won't mind. 2
40 40 301 Lee You're right. After all, the commandant has always been understanding. I don't think Nanami's "surprise" will disappoint. 1
41 41 301 Lucia Besides, I think the commandant means the most to Liv. 2
42 42 204 2 1
43 43 301 Lucia I hope she gets the sentiment. 2
44 44 204 2
45 45 301 Lee Considering this is what we've been building up to. 1
46 46 201 1 1041001 1 -400
47 47 301 1 Nanami Got that right! That's what I was thinking! You're all the best! So I like that there's a little bit of all of us hanging on the tree! 1
48 48 301 Nanami I made this tree hoping Liv likes it, so there's no way she won't! 1
49 49 201 1 1011001 -400
50 50 301 1 Lee It's about time. Let's go. 1
51 51 204 2 1
52 52 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Lucia (Nods) 2
53 53 401 2 1514
54 54 202 1 2 1
55 55 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory101.png
56 56 201 1 1031001 1
57 57 301 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 Liv Today's been great. I can't remember the last time I saw snow. 1
58 58 301 Liv Thank you so much, Commandant! 1
59 59 302 Forget something, Liv? 60 Today's an important day. 60
60 60 204 1 7
61 61 301 Liv Huh? 1
62 62 302 Close your eyes. 63
63 63 301 Liv O-okay... What are you doing? 1
64 64 201 1 500103
65 65 302 Open your eyes. 66
66 66 201 1 1031001 7
67 67 301 1 Liv W-what... W-what's this...?! 1
68 68 302 It's a Christmas tree. 69 Nanami decorated it herself. 69
69 69 201 1 500103
70 70 301 1 Nanami slowly scoots the tree in front of Liv. 1
71 71 201 1 1031001 7
72 72 301 1 Liv N-Nanami? 1
73 73 203 1 0.25 400
74 74 201 2 1011001 -400
75 75 301 1 Lee ...Yes. By definition, it is, in fact, a Christmas tree. 2
76 76 301 Liv You too, Lee..? 1
77 77 201 2 1021001 1 -400
78 78 301 1 Lucia It might be a bit rough around the edges, but we hope you like it. 2
79 79 204 1
80 80 301 Liv Lucia, too... 1
81 81 204 1 6
82 82 301 Liv (Tears up) You guys... Everyone... So that's what you've been up to. 1
83 83 302 Tonight is Gray Raven's first Christmas Eve. 84 Let's enjoy it together. 84
84 84 201 2 1011001 -400
85 85 301 1 Lee I'm just relieved you like the Christmas Tree, Commandant. 2
86 86 201 2 1021001 1 -400
87 87 301 1 Lucia Not only that, I think our ability to work as a team in battle will be better now. 2
88 88 201 2 1011001 10 -400
89 89 301 1 Lee Sure wasn't easy, though... 2
90 90 201 2 1041001 1 -400
91 91 301 1 Nanami Yippie! Looks like my Super Christmas Tree is making you blush, Liv! You like it, don'tcha? 2
92 92 204 1 1
93 93 301 Liv Yes, I really do! I'm so happy to receive such an amazing gift, Nanami. 1
94 94 201 2 1021001 1 -400
95 95 301 1 Lucia I think this turned out to be a really great team exercise. 2
96 96 201 2 1011001 -400
97 97 301 1 Lee At least it wasn't all for nothing. It means a lot to put a smile on your face, Liv. 2
98 98 201 2 1041001 1 -400
99 99 301 1 Nanami Alight, alright! Livy, Liv! Time for you to tell us how you feel! Make way, everybody! Move it or lose it! 2
100 100 301 Nanami So... How do you feel after seeing the Super Christmas Tree? 2
101 101 301 Liv How do I feel? I feel surprised. And happy. 1
102 102 301 Nanami ...That's it? 2
103 103 301 Liv Yeah... But just one more thing— 1
104 104 201 2 1021001 -400
105 105 301 1 Lucia What's that? 2
106 106 301 Liv Next time, can you not mix everyone's stuff with all that candy... 1
107 107 302 ...Couldn't you have at least left my stuff alone? 108 I second the motion... 108
108 108 301 Lucia Relax, Commandant! 2
109 109 201 2 1011001 -400
110 110 301 1 Lee So the commandant DOES care after all... 2
111 111 201 2 1041001 -400
112 112 301 1 Nanami But I heard you have to cover the Christmas tree with candy all the way to the tippy-top! Only then is it a REAL Christmas tree! 2
113 113 204 1 1
114 114 301 Liv You're right. Good job, Nanami... I really like the Christmas tree and the commandant's... ornaments. 1
115 115 301 Liv But considering all the hard work everyone put in getting ready for the holiday, I'm the only one who gets to enjoy the surprise. I'd rather... 1
116 116 204 1 6
117 117 301 Liv I'd rather work together with everyone so we can all enjoy Christmas. 1
118 118 301 Liv Sorry, I know it sounds childish... But that's how I really feel. 1
119 119 301 Liv I want us to get ready for Christmas together. That way all of us can enjoy the holiday! 1
120 120 204 1
121 121 301 Nanami (Whimper) You're so amazing, Liv! I think I'm gonna cry! 2
122 122 201 2 1011001 -400
123 123 301 1 Lee That sure is something only you would say, Liv. Well, Christmas isn't over yet. 2
124 124 201 2 1021001 1 -400
125 125 301 1 Lucia Looks like there aren't enough lights on the tree. What should we do, Commandant? 2
126 126 302 Gray Raven, Liv, time to initiate Operation Christmas! Give it your all! 127
127 127 204 1 1
128 128 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin Liv O-okay, Commandant! I'll do my best! 1