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2023-10-18 08:49:36 +00:00
C<EFBFBD>-_<><5F><EFBFBD>!LΨ<4C>2<><32>=<3D>Β<EFBFBD>L<EFBFBD>2<EFBFBD><32>e<EFBFBD><><C894><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>\s<>1)<29> <0A>Z<EFBFBD>Sƭr<C6AD>JN<05>"<22>}<7D><>h<12><15>;<3B><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>w<EFBFBD>`<60>'@<40><>UHC<48>#Q<>G<EFBFBD><47><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>\<5C>]<5D>JB<4A><42><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>&<26>/<2F><><1D>%Ϛ\<5C><03>4Wo@֕<><D695>Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25]
1 1 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory30.jpg
2 2 401 1 201
3 3 401 2 1508
4 4 201 1 500013
5 5 301 DialogEnable PanelActor1Shake 1 Corrupted —! 1
6 6 202 1
7 7 201 1 500197
8 8 301 1 Soldier A Whew... It's over, eh? 1
9 9 301 After taking out all the attackers, the group blanks out for a moment, collectively forgetting what they had been doing before the battle began.
10 10 203 1 0.25 -400
11 11 201 2 500189 400
12 12 301 1 Camu What are you people doing? Start collecting our things! 2
13 13 301 Camu's squad is sent on a new mission to transport some packages for Kurono.
14 14 301 Like their supplies, the items are sent to them via airdrop. The packages are heavily bundled up and come with small filters, perhaps for secrecy or other reasons.
15 15 301 While receiving their shipment, Camu's squad is attacked by a Corrupted horde.
16 16 301 Soldier A Oh, yeah... Come help, everyone... 1
17 17 301 DialogDisable As the other members come back to their senses and are about to help with the supplies, a scream rings out right next to Camu.
18 18 202 1 2
19 19 502 RImgBg1DisableSlow
20 20 401 1 202
21 21 101 RImgBg2Enable Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgCg/Cgqz1601.jpg
22 22 301 DialogEnable RImgBg1Shake Soldier Ahhhhhhhh!
23 23 301 Camu Hey! What's wrong?
24 24 301 The screams increase in volume. The soldier is lying face-down on the ground, scratching at his own arms and neck.
25 25 301 His face turns purple. As if suffocating, he starts struggling to pull off his protective gear in attempt to breathe better.
26 26 301 Camu Stop! Taking off your gear here? Are you off your rocker?
27 27 301 Soldier Ahhhhh! It hurts... And so itchy...
28 28 301 RImgBg1Shake Soldier Aaaaaaaahhhh!
29 29 301 The squad members surround the screamer, trying to figure out what is going on, while Camu keeps shaking him in hopes of keeping him calm.
30 30 301 Camu Where are you hurting? Were you injured in the battle? Or are you sick?
31 31 301 Soldier Aaaahhhh! I don't know... don't know, Camu!
32 32 301 His whole body is in pain and drastically weakened. It is as if lava is churning in his brain.
33 33 301 The man manages to spit out a few words as he writhes on the ground. Camu touches his body and senses a strong heat radiating from his skin.
34 34 301 Camu Oh, right... the serum! Someone fetch the serum!
35 35 301 Soldier A Got it! Give him a shot now!
36 36 301 Some other members had already gone off to fetch the serum before Camu's shout, as this is not the first time something like this has happened.
37 37 301 Though they have no idea what the reason is, squad members would sometimes suddenly fall down in excruciating pain and lose all control over their limbs.
38 38 301 Kurono's response to situations like this is always: "More serum."
39 39 301 But the official solution did not seem to work this time. They give the soldier the shot, but things do not take a turn for the better.
40 40 301 Soldier Camu... Camu...
41 41 301 Camu What?
42 42 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Soldier Ugh... we... we're real unlucky, huh...
43 43 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory0.png
44 44 301 AniZhuanchangEnd Camu Hey, what do you mean? His vitals are—Hey! Hey! Wake up!
45 45 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Camu Dammit!
46 46 401 1 12
47 47 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory40.jpg
48 48 301 AniZhuanchangEnd —
49 49 201 1 500189 -400
50 50 201 2 500005 400
51 51 301 1 According to the contract they signed, all bodies of squad members must be returned to Kurono. Along with the delivery, Camu brings his dead squadmate there.
52 52 301 Camu I'm here to make a delivery... yet you won't even let me into the city? 1
53 53 301 Guard It's part of the contract. Don't try to force your way in, or we'll shoot. 2
54 54 301 Camu is held up at the gate while his "packages" are brought into the city right away.
55 55 301 Camu Yeah, I know you'll shoot. Anyway, what's happened to this dude? If you guys want the body, it means you'll give him an autopsy, right? 1
56 56 301 Guard I said don't move! 2
57 57 401 2 1511
58 58 301 Camu What's happening? 1
59 59 301 Camu notices that the guards are on high alert—not because of the contractual obligations, but a sort of instinctive reaction.
60 60 301 With every step Camu takes towards the guard, he takes one step back and clutches his weapon tighter.
61 61 301 It was the same when they took in the body. Those people seemed disproportionately nervous, as if Camu was handing over an explosive.
62 62 301 Camu Tell me what you know. 1
63 63 401 2 1510
64 64 301 Clenching his fist, Camu marches towards the guards, who immediately open fire without bothering to issue a warning according to the rules.
65 65 301 Guard Dammit! Told you to stay back! 2
66 66 301 Camu Tch... 1
67 67 401 2 10001004
68 68 202 1 2
69 69 301 Camu knows better than to cause a scene here, so he gives up his questioning attempt and backs up, finally fleeing the city amidst gunfire.
70 70 401 2 1504
71 71 301 What happened to his squadmate? And what do the Kurono guards know?
72 72 301 What will happen to him and the other squad members?
73 73 301 AniZhuanchangBegin The questions still plague Camu's mind.
74 74 201 1 500187
75 75 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory38.jpg
76 76 301 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 Meanwhile, a man stands on the city's lookout platform. He watches the retreating figure and presses a button on his communications device.
77 77 301 Mao Zhen Mao Zhen speaking. The "monsters" have left the city. 1
78 78 301 ...
79 79 301 Mao Zhen It's only been a short time since these models have been employed in operations before the "accidental" deaths began. I'm truly regretful. 1
80 80 301 Mao Zhen And the deaths have become increasingly frequent. Our "monsters" might not have much time left. 1
81 81 301 Mao Zhen So we should just go ahead without any ado, huh? Got it. How about we send them to "that place", then? 1
82 82 301 ...
83 83 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin Mao Zhen Yes. As a member of the Special Security Department, I'll handle this. 1