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2023-10-18 08:49:36 +00:00
<EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><17><><EFBFBD>U<EFBFBD><55><05><18><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25]
1 1 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory139.png
2 2 401 1 36
3 3 401 2 968
4 4 401 400 2 1543
5 5 401 2 1543
6 6 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStorySandNew.prefab 2
7 7 301 DialogEnable —14.5 km away from the conservation area reconstruction site 04.
8 8 301 The endless desert is like the end of the road of exile, its monotonous scenery capable of paralyzing visual sensors.
9 9 201 1 500486
10 10 301 1 Walking on it is a defective mechanoid. More precisely, she has to believe that she is defective.
11 11 301 She is a machine. Calculations and probabilities are what guide her path. Beyond them, everything else is not dissimilar to the desert beneath her feet.
12 12 301 There is no belief to believe, no wish to wish upon. There is nothing in the desert, but nothing is not what she wants.
13 13 301 All her attempts to be rid of it all must cease completely.
14 14 204 1 7
15 15 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Haicma Is that... a sandstorm? 1
16 16 402 968
17 17 401 1 140
18 18 101 DialogDisable Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory338.jpg
19 19 202 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 1
20 20 201 200 1 500013
21 21 401 200 2 1508
22 22 401 200 2 661
23 23 401 2 661
24 24 502 PanelActor1Shake
25 25 301 DialogEnable "Bang!" "Bang!"
26 26 301 Your shots shatter the knees of the Corrupted, halting its advance. But this is clearly not enough to stop the army that is hiding in the sandstorm.
27 27 202 1
28 28 301 The ravaging sand has lowered visibility almost entirely. You cannot determine where to go if you do not know where the Corrupted are. One mistake will get you surrounded and lead to your demise.
29 29 301 And behind you is a cave that leads to who-knows-where.
30 30 301 That is your worst option. You may not be able to reestablish contact with Gray Raven if you go too deep in this sandstorm.
31 31 301 The wind is bellowing. Suddenly, a sharp blade strikes you from your blind spot.
32 32 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiHitNew.prefab 2
33 33 302 (Dodge) 34
34 34 301 The rusty metal grazes past your nose. A wave of scarlet monsters is growling, trying relentlessly to land their lethal strikes.
35 35 301 Are they that close already?
36 36 302 (Risk it) 37
37 37 401 1 36
38 38 301 This is probably the closest you have been to reaching the speed of a Construct. You turn around, dashing into the cave as you hear thuds from blades hitting rocks right behind you non-stop.
39 39 401 200 2 1543
40 40 401 200 2 1508
41 41 401 AniZhuanchangBegin 2 561
42 42 101 DialogDisable Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory139.png
43 43 401 1 209
44 44 201 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 500486
45 45 301 DialogEnable 1 Haicma Approximately 2 hours until the sandstorm ends. 1
46 46 301 Ever since she started walking, Haicma's existence has been tugged toward all directions by different numbers.
47 47 301 No matter where she goes, conclusions made with powerful calculations have been pushing her toward a destined ending like an invisible hand.
48 48 301 ...Until a human showed up, and "miracles" started shining outside her only oasis.
49 49 301 She began to deviate from her path, guided by the hints of warmth she felt. Each time she got closer and closer to the world beyond the desert.
50 50 301 But this is as far as she goes. Miracles are the stuff of humans, unobtainable by mere imitations.
51 51 301 Haicma Approximately 1 hour 57 minutes until the sandstorm ends. 1
52 52 301 Haicma The church is warning me about human sightings... 1
53 53 301 Haicma Update—it's the Babylonian commandant, accompanied by Constructs. The chance of encountering and possibly clashing with them... 2%. An optimistic number. 1
54 54 301 But her last record shows that there is only a 0.039% chance that she would meet the human again. If that... miracle can happen once again, how optimistic a 2% chance actually is?
55 55 401 2 1543
56 56 301 With that, Haicma stands up. A machine does not hesitate. If those are the results of her calculation, she will act accordingly.
57 57 401 1 36
58 58 301 Are you attempting to believe in something again?
59 59 301 She pauses for a moment. Words of counsel repeat in her mind like an alarm triggered when a line is crossed, questioning her in her neural circuit.
60 60 401 1 206
61 61 301 "But if you don't try and hold onto something, miracles will never happen."
62 62 204 1 10
63 63 301 Haicma Hypothetically speaking, if that human is in this desert... 1
64 64 301 She knows full well how fragile humans are. There are so many things that can take a human's life in a desert during a sandstorm.
65 65 301 In a way, that 99.961% chance of not encountering each other is what she wants.
66 66 301 Haicma There is a 0.011% chance the rescue will be successful, on par with a miracle. 1
67 67 204 1 5
68 68 301 AniZhuanchangBegin But her priority has changed. The only thing she can do now is to try and hold onto something.
69 69 505 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStorySandNew.prefab
70 70 202 DialogDisable 1
71 71 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory37.jpg
72 72 301 DialogEnable Narrow, suffocating, and dark—when a fork appears on the road, every option seems to spell doom.
73 73 301 The thuds and clanks are still coming from behind. You do not have time to figure out which path to go, so you eliminate the option that clearly goes further underground, hoping that it will even the odds.
74 74 301 AniZhuanchangBegin You run, climb, and run some more. Stumbling your way through, you finally arrive in an open area.
75 75 502 DialogDisable
76 76 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory33.jpg
77 77 301 DialogEnable The good news is there are signs of Scavengers living here in the past. Chances are there is a second exit on the other end that connects to the surface.
78 78 301 The bad news is that something else has likely entered the cave through the backdoor already.
79 79 201 1 500013
80 80 401 2 1508
81 81 301 1 Corrupted Uuuurgh— 1
82 82 301 The Corrupted have managed to block your paths on both ends. Turning back is certainly going to cost you your life, so all you can do is charge forward.
83 83 302 (Never been more determined.) 84
84 84 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryLineSpreadNew.prefab 2
85 85 401 2 1543
86 86 301 You move first, aiming while you run. Holding your breath, you synchronize your footsteps with your heartbeats.
87 87 301 Not yet. You are not close enough yet. You only have one magazine, and you cannot afford to waste it.
88 88 401 2 1508
89 89 301 Corrupted Uuuurgh— 1
90 90 301 As you are about to pull the trigger, the Corrupted raises its weapon.
91 91 401 2 10112002
92 92 502 PanelActor1Shake
93 93 301 Out of nowhere, the blade of a scythe pierces the head you are aiming at, like a scene out of an absurd comedy.
94 94 302 (Emergency knee slide!) 96
95 95 401 2 1543
96 96 202 1 1
97 97 505 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryLineSpreadNew.prefab
98 98 301 You look as the blade sweeps above you before quickly withdrawing.
99 99 302 Haicma? 100
100 100 201 1500 1 500486
101 101 201 1 500013 400
102 102 201 2 500013 -400
103 103 401 2 1508
104 104 301 Corrupted Uuuurgh— 1 2
105 105 301 Without saying a word, Haicma swings at the Corrupted rushing in.
106 106 401 2 10112009
107 107 502 PanelActor1Shake
108 108 301 Robotic arms and torsos fly in the air as oil and spark splatter everywhere alongside metal scraps.
109 109 401 2 1506
110 110 202 1 2
111 111 301 Their bodies only become less fragmented after Haicma realizes cutting their heads is more effective.
112 112 201 1 500486
113 113 301 1 It is calmness and tranquility you have never seen. A harvest at its purest.
114 114 401 2 819016
115 115 301 The corpses in her way are kicked aside, their tangled cables flung away.
116 116 401 2 819016
117 117 301 By the time the grim reaper finishes reaping her field, the noises finally subside.
118 118 401 2 1516
119 119 301 Stepping over body after body, she holds her liquid-covered scythe and stands before you.
120 120 401 1 208
121 121 302 ... 122
122 122 301 Haicma ... 1
123 123 204 1 1
124 124 301 Haicma My observation shows that your bodily functions are operational. Do you need me to help you stand? 1
125 125 302 Not right now, thanks. 126 I'm gonna lie down for a second if that's alright. 126
126 126 301 Her scythe quivers eagerly. You better stand up now in case she uses it to fish you up.
127 127 204 1
128 128 301 Haicma Please turn around. 1
129 129 302 Why? 130
130 130 301 Haicma Please turn around. 1
131 131 302 (Turn around as quickly as you can) 132
132 132 401 2 1543
133 133 202 1 1
134 134 301 Immediately, you feel her palm touching your back.
135 135 301 Her metallic hand darts around your back, gradually warming you up.
136 136 301 Haicma You're... doing fine. I suggest you consider your physical condition before putting yourself in danger next time.
137 137 302 That's... low enough... 138
138 138 301 Haicma I can't inspect your back, which is why I require my sense of touch. Unless... you are willing to accommodate a visual observation?
139 139 302 No. 140
140 140 301 Haicma I shall continue, then.
141 141 302 ... 142
142 142 302 Is it really necessary to go this far? 143
143 143 301 Haicma Human bodies are fragile. You might be injured somewhere we can't see.
144 144 302 I can't output a diagnosis report like a Construct, after all.
145 145 301 Haicma Perhaps that is why humans can charge forward on the path they believe in...
146 146 301 Haicma speaks softly. Before you can ask anything, she takes two steps back.
147 147 301 Haicma Inspection complete. Your physical condition is acceptable.
148 148 201 1 500486
149 149 301 1 She does not seem to have any intention of cleaning the stains the fight has left on her. She just stands there quietly, lost in thought.
150 150 301 Not even when you search for your belongings does she react.
151 151 301 Unlike how she always had her eyes on your every move when you first met, Haicma leaves her blind spots fully exposed to you now.
152 152 401 1 36
153 153 301 If that's the case...
154 154 302 (Reach out) 155
155 155 301 Haicma Prioritizing explored areas—assessing risk—route plotted. We can move now— 1
156 156 204 1 7
157 157 401 1 207
158 158 301 Her voice stops the moment you touch her face. That is inevitable, understandably, as the stains on her cheeks are hard to remove when you are trying to be as gentle as possible.
159 159 301 You are not using the gun cleaning cloths, even though they are a better fit according to the manuals. Instead, you take out your handkerchief without a second thought.
160 160 301 Unlike what you have expected, her face does not feel metallic and cold. Instead, the temperature is slowly rising.
161 161 301 As the warmth from her delicate face reaches your palm, your hand moves even slower.
162 162 301 Haicma ... 1
163 163 302 Hold on. 164
164 164 302 I forgot the disinfectant, sorry— 165
165 165 301 Haicma The liquid splashes from a damaged Corrupted cannot infect or damage me. 1
166 166 302 Right. 167
167 167 204 1 3
168 168 301 Haicma It hasn't obscured my visual module or caused mobility issues, so why are you... 1
169 169 302 Well... Won't you feel uncomfortable like this, Haicma? 170
170 170 204 1 7
171 171 301 Haicma ... 1
172 172 204 1 10
173 173 301 Hesitating briefly, Haicma closes her eyes and lowers her head as if trying to conceal something.
174 174 301 Haicma I won't. 1
175 175 302 I suppose I was assuming. 176
176 176 301 After you finish cleaning her facial area, all that remains are her shoulders.
177 177 204 1
178 178 301 Haicma You can consider using metal scrubbers if you want to be more efficient. 1
179 179 302 ... 180
180 180 302 AniZhuanchangBegin Request declined. 181
181 181 202 DialogDisable 1 1
182 182 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory31.jpg
183 183 301 DialogEnable It has been four hours since the sandstorm ended.
184 184 201 1 500486
185 185 201 2 500028 1500
186 186 301 You sit on a dune with Haicma and wait after transmitting your locations.
187 187 301 Despite Haicma's combat capability is way beyond what you imagined, you still cannot leave her in the desert on her own.
188 188 301 Except, you have not been able to locate her name in the register of the nearby conservation area, however hard you try.
189 189 509 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory338.jpg 2
190 190 203 1 0.25 -500
191 191 203 2 0.25 400
192 192 301 Construct Commandant 【kuroname】. 2
193 193 301 While your mind wanders off, your comms is back online.
194 194 302 Rescue Force? Where are you? 195
195 195 301 Construct Close enough to have eyes on you. 2
196 196 401 1 36
197 197 301 But we can't identify the Construct next to you. Please state her origins. 2
198 198 302 ... 199
199 199 301 Haicma's origins?
200 200 302 She helped me escape a Corrupted assault, and this isn't the first time she's accompanied me. 201
201 201 302 I can guarantee you she is not hostile. 202
202 202 401 1 102
203 203 301 The other side of the comms falls silent. Your heart sinks.
204 204 301 Construct We've received reports that... Scavengers have caught sight of uninfected Golden Age machines lately. 2
205 205 301 Construct If she cannot provide credible identification, do we have permission to make a similar assessment? 2
206 206 301 You want to stand in front of Haicma, but you have no idea where the Rescue Force is located. Not to mention that they must be equipped with sniper rifles and the like.
207 207 301 Furthermore, the tense situation at the conservation area means the Constructs stationed there are more trigger-happy. You cannot guarantee that they will not fire.
208 208 301 Construct We're sorry, but the recent change to the regulations in the conservation area means that we can't take any chances. Please allow me to disarm the target first. 2
209 209 302 Request declined. Please restrain yourself. 210
210 210 301 Construct We can't be sure that she is not programmed to harm the conservation area. Please understand. 2
211 211 301 Construct Not to mention that our order comes from higher-up in the chain of command. I can't follow your order even if you outrank me. 2
212 212 302 Do not use force. I repeat, do not use force. 213
213 213 301 Construct Commandant 【kuroname】, please stay where you are. 2
214 214 401 1 36
215 215 302 I promise you! She isn't some machine that just follows her programming! 216
216 216 302 Are you going to shoot her? Are you going to shoot a human?!
217 217 401 1 207
218 218 204 1 7
219 219 301 Haicma ... 1
220 220 204 1 1
221 221 301 Haicma ... 1
222 222 301 If that is the case, then...
223 223 301 Suddenly, a calming aura embraces you from behind the moment you are about to act.
224 224 301 A decline, or maybe solace.
225 225 301 Her metal arms bend, giving you a clumsy but warm hug.
226 226 301 Haicma I'm sorry we have to part here. I wish you well. 1
227 227 302 ... 228
228 228 302 Aren't you leaving with me? 229
229 229 301 Haicma Don't worry. I think I've never been closer to the answer I seek with your help. 1
230 230 301 Haicma Now, I should carry on with my mission. 1
231 231 301 Haicma I promise that I'll start looking forward to our next encounter the moment I leave this desert. 1
232 232 302 ... 233
233 233 302 Good luck. 234
234 234 301 Soon, Haicma lets you go.
235 235 301 You watch as she walks expressionless into the shadow. Before she disappears into the dark, she gives you a small bow.
236 236 301 Turning around, you follow the footsteps the two of you left behind into the dunes, and you, too, disappear.
237 237 202 1
238 238 302 ... 239
239 239 301 Construct Our apologies. Please excuse our caution. 2
240 240 301 Construct Accusing the two of you without proof was my fault. 2
241 241 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Construct Please apologize to her for me if you have the chance. 2
242 242 510 DialogDisable 800 2 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory338.jpg
243 243 202 2 1
244 244 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory71.jpg
245 245 201 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 500486
246 246 301 DialogEnable 1 That night, Haicma does not return to her temporary base until very late. She has been searching for a few things that the conservation area considered useless.
247 247 301 In an empty space, Haicma places those objects where they were in her old atelier.
248 248 301 There is a pen, a few pieces of paper, and a metal plate that was cut from somewhere.
249 249 301 Even without a complete set of drawing tools, she still wants to try her best to illustrate this picture—
250 250 204 1 1
251 251 301 Two solitary figures encounter each other in a sunlit desert, their tracks joining into a line...
252 252 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin ...As if it is going to extend indefinitely toward one direction.