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2023-10-18 08:49:36 +00:00
Iڙ<><DA99>HnF<6E>С"<22>$v<>g:q<0E><>+<2B><>tP u<>|!^`S<15><>x<EFBFBD>P<12>Y<EFBFBD><59><12><15>+C<><43>8K<38>׶<EFBFBD><D7B6>^<5E><>`<60><>H<EFBFBD><48>-<2D><15><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>&U<><55><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>c4X_:rx1`<60>Z>,S<>2<EFBFBD>u<EFBFBD>G<>R<EFBFBD>yp/e(<28>m<EFBFBD><6D>oId ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25]
1 1 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory545.jpg
2 2 401 1 5
3 3 201 1 500001 1
4 4 301 DialogEnable 1 Celica ...That's all for today. Any more questions, Captains and Commandants? 1
5 5 301 The simulated sky outside has turned dark long ago, but the large meeting room is brightened up by ceiling lights. The meeting invite indicated it was a "short meet-up," but it lasted way longer than that unsurprisingly.
6 6 301 Celica Any questions at all? 1
7 7 301 Celica Alright. The meeting's over then. 1
8 8 401 1 204
9 9 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Even in the last row, you can feel Celica's uncontainable joy, probably because she does not have to work extra hours.
10 10 202 1 1
11 11 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory17.jpg
12 12 301 AniZhuanchangEnd You follow the crowd outside and see the team members waiting.
13 13 201 1 1031001 1 1
14 14 301 1 Liv Oh, it's Commandant. 1
15 15 203 1 0.25 -400
16 16 201 2 500166 400
17 17 301 1 Lucia The meeting must be exhausting, Commandant. 2
18 18 302 Where's Lee?
19 19 202 1 2 1
20 20 201 1 500026 1
21 21 301 1 Lee I'm here. 1
22 22 301 You hear Lee's voice from behind, along with—
23 23 203 1 0.25 -400
24 24 201 2 1081001 1 400 1
25 25 301 1 Kamui I'm here too, Commandant! 2
26 26 301 Lee I had an annoying problem on the way here. It took me some time. 1
27 27 204 2 2
28 28 301 Kamui Are you talking about when you got lost in the square? 2
29 29 301 Kamui You were going in the complete opposite direction if I didn't find you! 2
30 30 204 1 6
31 31 301 Lee Shut up! 1
32 32 302 Thanks, Kamui. 33 Are you here for Chrome? 35
33 33 301 Lee ... 1
34 34 36 301 Kamui No problem. I came here for you anyway, Commandant. 2
35 35 301 Kamui I'm here for you, Commandant. 2
36 36 204 1
37 37 301 Lee What do you need our Commandant for? 1
38 38 204 2 1
39 39 301 Kamui Captain and Wanshi need to do some preparation, so I'm here to run errands. 2
40 40 202 1 1
41 41 203 2 0.25
42 42 301 Kamui hands over 4 red invitations. The address on them is a famous restaurant in Babylonia, while the time indicates 23:00.
43 43 302 What is this? 44 A gathering at this time? How did it get approved? 48
44 44 301 Kamui It's the invitation for our New Year gathering. 2
45 45 301 Kamui The event last year seems to have had a great influence. Many are organizing such parties. 2
46 46 204 2 2
47 47 51 301 Kamui So I proposed to host one if there aren't ongoing missions, and Captain agreed. 2
48 48 301 Kamui Today is the New Year's Eve in the Eastern calendar. 2
49 49 204 2 2
50 50 301 Kamui The performance of WGAA last year had a great influence. Many are also organizing New Year parties this year. 2
51 51 301 Kamui Celica said there were too many applications, so President Hassen agreed to all. 2
52 52 203 2 0.25 400
53 53 201 1 500026 10 -400
54 54 301 1 Lee You could have told us in the comms. Why come all the way here? 1
55 55 202 1 1
56 56 203 2 0.25
57 57 301 Kamui It's an important festival. We need some proper procedures! 2
58 58 301 Kamui Make sure you all come, Commandant. I still need to tell others! 2
59 59 202 2 1
60 60 301 Kamui left in a hurry. He seems to feel genuinely happy about the event.
61 61 301 It is 20:22 now, still a long time away from the starting time of the party.
62 62 301 As you try to think of something to do during this time, you notice a few unread mails on the terminal. They probably arrived during the meeting earlier.
63 63 302 (Open the mail) 65
64 64 401 2 1515
65 65 301 "Commandant, you have a new gift!" The sender claims to be the 1st Department of Science Council, Babylonia.
66 66 301 But from what you can remember, the 1st Department has never used such a random writing style. In fact, it really sounds like someone else...
67 67 302 (Open the next mail) 68
68 68 301 "The gift's been left unattended for a long time! Don't let it feel lonely! Open it now!" It comes from the same sender.
69 69 301 You receive more mails every few minutes, most of them consist of the same messages that urge you to collect the gift outside the lounge.
70 70 301 There is a lengthy gap after the second last mail. The last one was sent just minutes before the end of the meeting.
71 71 302 (Open the mail) 72
72 72 401 2 1515
73 73 301 "┘┘┘┘┘┘┘"
74 74 301 "┘┘┘┘┘┘┘┘┘┘┘┘┘┘"
75 75 301 "┘┘┘┘┘┘┘┘┘┘┘┘┘┘┘┘┘┘┘┘┘"
76 76 301 It does not even have a sender.
77 77 201 1 500166 2 1
78 78 301 1 Lucia notices you have been staring at the terminal. Unable to see the mail content, she is curious to know what happened.
79 79 301 1 Lucia What's the matter, Commandant? 1
80 80 302 Nanami seems to have sent something. 81
81 81 302 She's urging me to go collect it. 82
82 82 201 1 500026 1
83 83 301 1 Lee Hope it's not explosives again. 1
84 84 203 1 0.25 -400
85 85 201 2 1031001 1 400
86 86 301 1 Liv Speaking of which, we haven't seen Nanami for a long time. 2
87 87 202 1 2 1
88 88 401 2 1515
89 89 301 You hear the sound of another incoming mail.
90 90 302 (Open) 91
91 91 301 "Open it now before it gets mad!"
92 92 302 (Open) 93
93 93 401 2 1515
94 94 301 "10, 9, 8, 7, 6.9, 6.8..."
95 95 401 1 205
96 96 301 There is no time to hesitate. You immediately run toward the Gray Raven lounge.
97 97 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryLineSpreadNew.prefab 3
98 98 401 2 1504
99 99 201 1 1031001 7 -400 1
100 100 201 2 500166 5 400 1
101 101 301 1 Liv & Lucia Commandant?! 1 2
102 102 202 1 1
103 103 202 2 1
104 104 201 1 500026 10 1
105 105 301 AniZhuanchangBegin 1 Lee I should have touched wood. 1
106 106 202 DialogDisable 1 1
107 107 505 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryLineSpreadNew.prefab
108 108 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory17.jpg
109 109 302 AniZhuanchangEnd (Panting) 110
110 110 301 DialogEnable The lack of oxygen is making your brain all foggy. You feel your windpipe burning. Your lungs are demanding air with no limit.
111 111 301 The countdown has stopped before you could realize. You blink a few times to barely calm down.
112 113 301 In front of you is the familiar Gray Raven lounge. Fortunately, it is not in ruins as you imagined. You see a red package left at a very obvious place outside the lounge door.
113 114 301 It seems the sender wanted to tie a complicated knot, but gave up half-way.
114 115 301 The package is entangled in rope. It doesn't look like the rope can be easily untied.
115 116 201 1 500166 1
116 117 301 1 Lucia Is this Nanami's gift? 1
117 118 203 1 0.25 -400
118 119 201 2 1031001 400 1
119 120 301 1 Liv Commandant, did Nanami mention what was inside? 2
120 121 302 No.
121 122 202 1 2 1
122 123 301 At least the size of the package can rule out the possibility that Nanami wrapped herself inside.
123 124 201 1 500026 1
124 125 301 1 Lee Based on past experience, we better handle it with care. 1
125 126 302 Take it into the lounge first. 127
126 127 202 1 1
127 128 301 When you lift the package up, you realize it is surprisingly heavy. Through the red wrapping paper, the gift feels like a hard, solid sphere.
128 129 301 You cannot help but remember the bomb graffiti that Nanami did before, and become even more careful.
129 130 301 It's not like Nanami's gift can kill you or anything. But you still decide to treat it with utmost care because—
130 131 302 AniZhuanchangBegin Hope the next door does not complain about us again. I don't want to write another incident report!
131 132 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory14.png
132 133 301 AniZhuanchangEnd The lounge door is closed. The package is safely placed on the table.
133 134 201 1 500166 -400 1
134 135 201 2 500026 400 1
135 136 301 1 Lucia Shall I just open it? 1
136 137 204 2 10
137 138 301 Lee ... 2
138 139 301 Lee has a big frown on his face. You don't know whether he is troubled by the knot, or is thinking about how to safely open the gift.
139 140 202 1 2 1
140 141 201 1 1031001 3 1
141 142 301 1 Liv If it's a gift, why didn't Nanami give it to Commandant in person? 1
142 143 203 1 0.25 -400
143 144 201 2 500166 400 1
144 145 301 1 Lucia Maybe she wanted to give Commandant a surprise? 2
145 146 202 1 2 1
146 147 201 1 500026 1
147 148 301 1 Lee Perhaps she is just hiding nearby. 1
148 149 301 ??? Rrrr...?
149 150 302 What's that sound? 151 A cat? 152
150 151 156 301 1 Lee It's from the package. Sounds like a tiger cub. 1
151 152 202 1 1
152 153 201 2 1031001 1
153 154 301 1 Liv No, Commandant. It's a tiger cub. 2
154 155 157 301 Liv It comes from Nanami's gift. 2
155 156 158 202 1 1
156 157 202 2 1
157 158 201 1 500166 1
158 159 301 1 Lucia Did she send us a tiger cub? 1
159 160 302 The Star of Life's Quarantine Department would never let it pass. 161 Since when did Babylonia offer this kind of delivery service? 165
160 161 202 1 1
161 162 201 1 500026 1
162 163 301 1 Lee I agree. It can't be a creature inside. 1
163 164 169 202 1 1
164 165 202 1 1
165 166 201 2 500026 1
166 167 301 1 Lee It's not a real tiger cub. The size is different. 2
167 168 202 2 1
168 169 201 3 1031001 1
169 170 301 1 Liv Nanami won't put a living creature in the package. That would be too cruel. 3
170 171 202 3 1
171 172 301 ??? Meow...?
172 173 302 Now that's a cat, isn't it? 174
173 174 201 1 1031001 1
174 175 301 1 Liv Y-yes, but why...? 1
175 176 202 1 1
176 177 301 As you wonder why the thing inside can make different sounds, it has made new moves.
177 178 301 It first starts to wiggle slightly on the table, but soon realizes something is limiting its movement. After a short pause, two lines of diamond-shaped black blades have pierced through the red paper.
178 179 201 1 500026 -400 1
179 180 201 2 500166 5 400 1
180 181 301 1 Lee Move back, Commandant! 1
181 182 301 Lucia Liv, protect Commandant! 2
182 183 301 When the blades come out, Lee and Lucia immediately move in front of you as if something extremely dangerous is about to happen.
183 184 301 If they didn't leave their weapons in the prep room, they would have taken them out.
184 185 302 Do you really have to? 186 Liv, get a containment tank! 190
185 186 202 2 1
186 187 203 1 0.25
187 188 301 Lee I'm not writing the incident report for you this time. 1
188 189 194 202 1 1
189 190 202 1 2 1
190 191 201 3 1031001 5 1
191 192 301 1 Liv Roger! 3
192 193 202 3 1
193 194 301 The thing inside has not stopped. As the black blades spin around, both the rope and the wrapping paper have been shredded.
194 195 301 It appears to be a black, sphere-like object.
195 196 301 It then shakes off the shredded paper, completely revealing itself.
196 197 201 1 500479
197 198 301 1 It is a machine that resembles the head of a tiger. The blades that cut through the rope earlier are its "ears."
198 199 301 The anti-gravity system helps it to levitate and hover in the air, slowly spinning around. There is a red glow in its "eyes"—which are in fact cameras—suggesting that it could be looking for something.
199 200 201 1 500166 1
200 201 301 1 Lucia Is this a CUB? Did Nanami make it? 1
201 202 201 1 500479 1
202 203 301 1 When you look into its eyes, the red glow quickly flashes and it quickly pounces at you like a tiger that has found its prey.
203 204 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryLineSpreadNew.prefab 2
204 205 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin ??? Meow! Roar! 1