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2023-10-18 15:33:14 +00:00
Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25]
1 1 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory424.jpg
2 2 401 1 201
3 3 301 DialogEnable It has been 15 days since the transport craft vanished into the sky.
4 4 301 Time is a pot that brews misery from the hunger and pain of those who have remained on the surface.
5 5 301 After the twins were hurt, they have since changed their course, heading north once again. This time, they are approaching from the plains on the east.
6 6 301 With the south returning to momentary peace, many without shelter have started gathering at the underground base of City 047.
7 7 301 Even with the many resources stored there, they will run out one day.
8 8 301 Having been informed about the presence of the barrage of Hetero-Creatures, most people want to depart the area to avoid exhausting the resources. Still, they are apprehensive about the regions without Constructs.
9 9 301 While everyone is at a loss, Gray Raven coordinates with the other elite squads and has Strike Hawk and Cerberus meet up with them in City 047, as the two teams switch their posts with other Constructs who have stayed behind.
10 10 201 1 500309 -600
11 11 201 2 500166
12 12 201 3 500168 600
13 13 301 1 Although they have not seen each other for a while, most of the three squads are in no mood to catch up, save a quick confirmation of each member's status and conditions. 1 2 3
14 14 301 Given the situation they are in, they can tell what each other has been through without needing to say anything.
15 15 202 1 2 3 1
16 16 301 Still, one person has remained blissfully cheerful.
17 17 201 1 500166 -600
18 18 201 2 1081001 2
19 19 201 3 500026 600
20 20 301 1 Kamui Hiya, two of the three Gray Ravens! How are you both doing? 2
21 21 301 Lee Are you here to say that you've been doing fine? 3
22 22 301 Kamui Haha! Shouldn't I be fine when I see my buddies alive and well? 2
23 23 204 3 10
24 24 301 Lee ... 3
25 25 301 Who knows why Lee stops answering Kamui.
26 26 202 1 2 3 1
27 27 301 The day after the catastrophe, Strike Hawk and Cerberus were both assigned missions to escort the transport crafts traveling between the surface and Babylonia.
28 28 301 In the beginning, the rate of successful rescues was high, with the elite squads leading the charge.
29 29 301 But even they could not withstand the many attacks mid-flight. Although they managed to protect the personnel, they could not save the transport craft from crashing to the ground.
30 30 301 They tried multiple times with little to no results, and so their escort missions turned into rescue missions on the surface.
31 31 301 At least the Constructs remaining here are safe, as well as Liv, who managed to return to Babylonia. That is all they can ask for.
32 32 201 1 500168 400
33 33 201 2 500309 -400
34 34 301 1 Vera There's no time to waste. Let's assign the upcoming missions. 1
35 35 301 Chrome Understood. 2
36 36 202 1 2 1
37 37 301 Having checked everyone's status, the three captains assign the 687 people in City 047 into 8 platoons according to their expertise.
38 38 301 Each member of Gray Raven, Cerberus, and Strike Hawk will form a new squad with two other Constructs who have stayed behind, each squad leading a platoon to head for the different conservation areas.
39 39 301 In smaller groups, they are more capable of handling unexpected situations while reducing conflicts for scarce resources. If worst comes to worst, the loss will be minimal.
40 40 301 With everyone's agreement, people begin to collect their belongings before waiting outside the base, ready to follow the Constructs and leave.
41 41 201 1 500336
42 42 301 1 Noctis Hold on. 1
43 43 301 Noctis suddenly stops everyone from proceeding, pointing at Camu, who is standing 800 meters away, reachable only through comms.
44 44 301 Noctis Seems like one of us hasn't been assigned his duty yet. 1
45 45 203 1 0.25 -400
46 46 201 2 500309 400
47 47 301 1 Chrome My apologies for not explaining earlier. Because of Camu's unique quality, he is not able to work with others by himself. He will be following Wanshi in the upcoming mission. 2
48 48 301 Chrome There are more wounded in Wanshi's platoon. He would've been too occupied with them to fight. 2
49 49 301 Chrome Camu won't enter the base. He'll be patrolling outside. 2
50 50 202 1 2 1
51 51 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryTongxunHalfNew.prefab 1
52 52 201 1 500175
53 53 301 1 Camu ... 1
54 54 505 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryTongxunHalfNew.prefab 1
55 55 201 1 500336 4 400
56 56 201 2 500309 -400
57 57 301 1 Noctis This guy... Once they complete the what-mega weapon, he'll be able to get rid of his "unique quality," won't he? 1
58 58 301 Chrome About that, we did talk to Camu when we received the notice. 2
59 59 301 Chrome Even if the Omega Weapon is really capable of that, he has no wish to change who he is right now. Not to mention that there are still a lot of uncertainties regarding the weapon's power. 2
60 60 204 1
61 61 301 Noctis Huh? Does he enjoy being excluded? 1
62 62 202 1 2 1
63 63 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryTongxunHalfNew.prefab 1
64 64 201 1 500175
65 65 301 1 Camu Better to be excluded than to include myself with a bunch of idiots. 1
66 66 505 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryTongxunHalfNew.prefab 1
67 67 201 1 1081001 2
68 68 301 1 Kamui He just wants to make sure he can still work in Dead Zones by himself. 1
69 69 301 Kamui I remember him saying, "the Dead Zones are too dangerous for the rest of you, but someone has to do it!" 1
70 70 202 1 2 1
71 71 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryTongxunHalfNew.prefab 1
72 72 201 1 500175 5
73 73 301 1 Camu Shut up. 1
74 74 505 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryTongxunHalfNew.prefab 1
75 75 202 1 2 1
76 76 201 1 500328 -600
77 77 201 2 500168
78 78 201 3 500336 600
79 79 301 1 No. 21 Captain's platoon also has many wounded. No one's helping her. 1
80 80 301 Vera That's why I have taken in most of the armed refugees. 2
81 81 301 Vera Is everyone ready? Let's confirm the mission one more time. Our destinations are the three neighboring cities on the west coast. 2
82 82 301 Vera If you encounter the Red Tide, or a wave of Hetero-Creatures, contact the rest of us and prepare to change course. 2
83 83 301 No. 21 Copy. 1
84 84 301 Noctis Gotcha. 3
85 85 203 1 0.25 -800
86 86 203 3 0.25 800
87 87 202 1 3 1
88 88 301 1 Vera Also— 2
89 89 301 Vera suddenly turns to Lee with a teasing smile.
90 90 204 2 1
91 91 301 Vera Let your brother know you're safe when you have the time, no? 2
92 92 203 2 0.25 400
93 93 201 1 500026 -400
94 94 301 1 Lee ? 1
95 95 301 Vera I'd hate to be annoyed to death when I do my mission report. 2
96 96 204 1 10
97 97 301 Lee ... 1
98 98 301 Vera Let's move. 2
99 99 202 1 2 1
100 100 201 1 500166 5
101 101 401 2 1515
102 102 301 As everyone watches the Cerberus captain's platoon leave, they hear screaming from Lucia's comms.
103 103 401 1 203
104 104 203 1 0.25 -600
105 105 509 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory316.png 2
106 106 301 ??? H-help! HELP!!!
107 107 301 Lucia Watanabe? What's happening? 1
108 108 301 Watanabe Our base is [BUZZ—] the twins [BUZZ—]
109 109 201 1 500026 -600
110 110 301 1 Lee Are you attacked by the twins? 1
111 111 401 2 657
112 112 401 200 2 657
113 113 401 2 658
114 114 401 300 2 657
115 115 401 200 2 10001004
116 116 401 200 2 658
117 117 401 200 2 658
118 118 401 2 10007502
119 119 301 Gunshots and screams come through the terminal, but they do not hear Watanabe's answer.
120 120 201 1 500166 5 -600
121 121 301 1 Lucia Hello? Watanabe? Watanabe?! 1
122 122 401 2 613
123 123 501 200 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiNoiseNew.prefab 3
124 124 402 613
125 125 505 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiNoiseNew.prefab
126 126 301 Watanabe There're [BUZZ—] many wounded [BUZZ—] help [BUZZ—]
127 127 301 Even with the unstable signals and Watanabe's faltering voice, the Constructs who hear his few, brief words have fallen silent.
128 128 301 Disregarding their past differences, no one here can abandon the people before them for another rescue mission.
129 129 301 Lucia Where are you? 1
130 130 401 2 613
131 131 501 200 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiNoiseNew.prefab 3
132 132 402 613
133 133 505 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiNoiseNew.prefab
134 134 301 Watanabe East [BUZZ—] 037 [BUZZ—] many Hetero-Cre— [BUZZ—] the twins [BUZZ—] changing course out of nowhere!
135 135 201 1 500026 -600
136 136 301 1 Lee City 037 is too far away from us. We wouldn't have made it even if we go now at full speed. 1
137 137 401 2 613
138 138 501 200 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiNoiseNew.prefab 3
139 139 402 613
140 140 505 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiNoiseNew.prefab
141 141 401 300 2 613
142 142 501 200 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiNoiseNew.prefab 3
143 143 402 613
144 144 505 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiNoiseNew.prefab
145 145 301 Watanabe Help [BUZZ—] Akdilek [BUZZ—]
146 146 201 1 500166 5 -600
147 147 301 Lucia Has Akdilek also joined the rescue operation?
148 148 401 2 613
149 149 501 200 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiNoiseNew.prefab 3
150 150 402 613
151 151 505 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiNoiseNew.prefab
152 152 301 Watanabe [BUZZ—] we're still being followed [BUZZ—] draw them away [BUZZ—] 043 [BUZZ—]
153 153 301 Lucia Are you asking us to meet you at the station in City 043? 1
154 154 301 Watanabe [BUZZ—] in 5 hours [BUZZ—]
155 155 510 2
156 156 203 1 0.25
157 157 301 Before he finishes speaking, they hear a dog barking from the comms before the screen of the terminal turns black from an explosion.
158 158 201 1 1081001 4 -600
159 159 201 2 500309
160 160 201 3 500273 4 600
161 161 301 1 Wanshi ...The situation there doesn't look good. 3
162 162 301 Kamui We can't just ignore them, Capt.! 1
163 163 301 Chrome You're right. Now's not the time to hold grudges. 2
164 164 202 1 2 3 1
165 165 201 1 500026 -400
166 166 201 2 500166 5 400
167 167 301 1 Lee Let's rearrange the groups. 1
168 168 301 Lucia Lee and I will take the three Constructs from our squad to the station in City 043. The refugees in our platoon will have to count on you guys. 2
169 169 202 1 2 1
170 170 201 1 500309
171 171 301 1 Chrome It's too dangerous if there're only the two of you. Please let me come along. 1
172 172 203 1 0.25 400
173 173 201 2 500166 5 -400
174 174 301 1 Lucia But... No, I suppose you're right. 2
175 175 301 Lucia Although we don't know what Watanabe's situation is for certain, he did mention they're "still being followed." 2
176 176 301 Lucia That's not a good sign. The twins were after us once, and we couldn't put any distance between us with speed alone. 2
177 177 301 Lucia We've already spent the only thing that could get rid of them. We can't count on luck this time, not anymore. We need to be prepared to fight. 2
178 178 201 2 1081001 -400
179 179 301 1 Kamui Let me come with you as well! 2
180 180 301 Chrome There are too many refugees here. The three of us leaving with our squad is the most they can afford. 1
181 181 301 Chrome Although I can't let you come with us, can the 90 people in my platoon count on you? 1
182 182 204 2 2
183 183 301 Kamui Of course! As long as I can ease your burdens a bit. 2
184 184 202 1 2 1
185 185 201 1 500166 5
186 186 301 1 Lucia Given how many injured are in the doctor's platoon, ours will have to count on the two of you. 1
187 187 201 1 500328 400
188 188 201 2 500336 -400
189 189 301 1 No. 21 No problem. 1
190 190 301 Noctis We'll say you owe me once, yeah? 2
191 191 202 1 2 1
192 192 201 1 500166 5
193 193 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin 1 Lucia Alright. Let's move, everyone. 1