3 2 301 DialogEnable Bianca Is everyone ready? Hold your neighbors tight and keep the children close. We're moving now to the Southern Diocese.
4 3 301 Bianca If we do not live within God's reach, then I will bring us all to where God can see us.
5 4 301 Bianca Even if our prayers are unheard, and salvation never comes, I do not intend to merely sit and wait—
6 5 301 Bianca Everyone will be saved... I'll protect you all, until the end.
7 6 301 Bianca So, let us move.
8 7 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Bianca (Please wait for me, Father Snow, I will bring them all to the eastern diocese, then I'll be returning to the church...)
12 11 301 On the hazy snowy horizon, the outline of the travelers could be seen getting closer and closer, only leaving a trail of footsteps behind them.