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2023-10-18 14:45:13 +00:00
using MongoDB.Bson;
using MongoDB.Bson.Serialization.Attributes;
using MongoDB.Driver;
using AscNet.Table.share.character;
using AscNet.Table.share.character.skill;
using AscNet.Common.MsgPack;
using AscNet.Common.Util;
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using Newtonsoft.Json;
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using AscNet.Table.V2.share.equip;
using AscNet.Table.V2.share.character.quality;
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namespace AscNet.Common.Database
#pragma warning disable CS8618 // Non-nullable field must contain a non-null value when exiting constructor. Consider declaring as nullable.
public class Character
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public static readonly List<CharacterLevelUpTemplate> characterLevelUpTemplates;
public static readonly List<EquipLevelUpTemplate> equipLevelUpTemplates;
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public static readonly IMongoCollection<Character> collection = Common.db.GetCollection<Character>("characters");
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static Character()
if (File.Exists("Data/CharacterLevelUpTemplate.json"))
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characterLevelUpTemplates = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<CharacterLevelUpTemplate>>(File.ReadAllText("Data/CharacterLevelUpTemplate.json")) ?? new();
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2023-11-29 14:01:00 +00:00
characterLevelUpTemplates = new();
if (File.Exists("Data/EquipLevelUpTemplate.json"))
equipLevelUpTemplates = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<EquipLevelUpTemplate>>(File.ReadAllText("Data/EquipLevelUpTemplate.json")) ?? new();
equipLevelUpTemplates = new();
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private uint NextEquipId => Equips.MaxBy(x => x.Id)?.Id + 1 ?? 1;
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public static Character FromUid(long uid)
return collection.AsQueryable().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Uid == uid) ?? Create(uid);
private static Character Create(long uid)
Character character = new()
Uid = uid,
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Characters = new(),
Equips = new(),
Fashions = new()
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// Lucia havers by default
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return character;
/// <summary>
/// Don't forget to send Equip, Fashion, and the Character notify after using this!
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id"></param>
/// <exception cref="ServerCodeException"></exception>
public AddCharacterRet AddCharacter(uint id)
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AddCharacterRet ret = new();
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CharacterTable? character = CharacterTableReader.Instance.FromId((int)id);
CharacterSkillTable? characterSkill = CharacterSkillTableReader.Instance.FromCharacterId((int)id);
CharacterQualityTable? characterQuality = TableReaderV2.Parse<CharacterQualityTable>().OrderBy(x => x.Quality).FirstOrDefault(x => x.CharacterId == id);
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if (character is null || characterSkill is null || characterQuality is null)
// CharacterManagerGetCharacterDataNotFound
throw new ServerCodeException("Invalid character id!", 20009021);
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if (Characters.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == character.Id) is not null)
// CharacterManagerCreateCharacterAlreadyExist
throw new ServerCodeException("Character already obtained!", 20009022);
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NotifyCharacterDataList.NotifyCharacterDataListCharacterData characterData = new()
Id = (uint)character.Id,
Level = 1,
Exp = 0,
Quality = characterQuality.Quality,
InitQuality = characterQuality.Quality,
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Star = 0,
Grade = 1,
FashionId = (uint)character.DefaultNpcFashtionId,
CreateTime = DateTimeOffset.Now.ToUnixTimeSeconds(),
TrustLv = 1,
TrustExp = 0,
Ability = 0,
LiberateLv = 1,
CharacterHeadInfo = new()
HeadFashionId = (uint)character.DefaultNpcFashtionId,
HeadFashionType = 0
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characterData.SkillList.AddRange(characterSkill.SkillGroupId.Take(8).Select(x => new NotifyCharacterDataList.NotifyCharacterDataListCharacterData.NotifyCharacterDataListCharacterDataSkill()
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Id = uint.Parse(x.ToString().Take(6).ToArray()),
Level = 1
FashionList fashion = new()
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Id = character.DefaultNpcFashtionId,
IsLock = false
ret.Fashion = fashion;
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if (character.EquipId > 0)
ret.Equip = AddEquip((uint)character.EquipId, character.Id);
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ret.Character = characterData;
return ret;
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public NotifyCharacterDataList.NotifyCharacterDataListCharacterData? AddCharacterExp(int characterId, int exp, int maxLvl = 0)
var characterData = TableReaderV2.Parse<Table.V2.share.character.CharacterTable>().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == characterId);
var character = Characters.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == characterId);
if (character is not null && characterData is not null)
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CharacterLevelUpTemplate? levelUpTemplate = characterLevelUpTemplates.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Level == character.Level && x.Type == characterData.Type);
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if (levelUpTemplate is not null)
if (levelUpTemplate.Exp > exp)
character.Exp += (uint)Math.Max(0, exp);
else if (maxLvl > 0 && character.Level == maxLvl)
character.Exp = (uint)Math.Max(0, levelUpTemplate.Exp);
exp -= (int)(levelUpTemplate.Exp - character.Exp);
character.Exp = 0;
goto levelCheck;
return character;
public UpgradeCharacterSkillResult UpgradeCharacterSkillGroup(uint skillGroupId, int count)
List<uint> affectedCharacters = new();
int totalCoinCost = 0;
int totalSkillPointCost = 0;
IEnumerable<int> affectedSkills = CharacterSkillGroupTableReader.Instance.All.Where(x => x.Id == skillGroupId).SelectMany(x => x.SkillId);
foreach (var skillId in affectedSkills)
foreach (var character in Characters.Where(x => x.SkillList.Any(x => x.Id == skillId)))
var characterSkill = character.SkillList.First(x => x.Id == skillId);
int targetLevel = characterSkill.Level + count;
while (characterSkill.Level < targetLevel)
var skillUpgrade = CharacterSkillUpgradeTableReader.Instance.All.FirstOrDefault(x => x.SkillId == skillId && Miscs.ParseIntOr(x.Level) == characterSkill.Level);
totalCoinCost += Miscs.ParseIntOr(skillUpgrade?.UseCoin);
totalSkillPointCost += Miscs.ParseIntOr(skillUpgrade?.UseSkillPoint);
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return new UpgradeCharacterSkillResult()
AffectedCharacters = affectedCharacters,
CoinCost = totalCoinCost,
SkillPointCost = totalSkillPointCost
public NotifyEquipDataList.NotifyEquipDataListEquipData AddEquip(uint equipId, int characterId = 0)
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NotifyEquipDataList.NotifyEquipDataListEquipData equipData = new()
Id = NextEquipId,
TemplateId = equipId,
CharacterId = characterId,
Level = 1,
Exp = 0,
Breakthrough = 0,
ResonanceInfo = new(),
UnconfirmedResonanceInfo = new(),
AwakeSlotList = new(),
IsLock = false,
CreateTime = (uint)DateTimeOffset.Now.ToUnixTimeSeconds(),
IsRecycle = false
return equipData;
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2023-11-29 14:01:00 +00:00
public NotifyEquipDataList.NotifyEquipDataListEquipData? AddEquipExp(int equipId, int exp)
var equip = Equips.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == equipId);
EquipTable? equipData = TableReaderV2.Parse<EquipTable>().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == equip?.TemplateId);
EquipBreakThroughTable? equipBreakThroughTable = TableReaderV2.Parse<EquipBreakThroughTable>().FirstOrDefault(x => x.EquipId == equip?.TemplateId && x.Times == equip?.Breakthrough);
if (equip is not null && equipData is not null && equipBreakThroughTable is not null)
EquipLevelUpTemplate? levelUpTemplate = equipLevelUpTemplates.FirstOrDefault(x => x.TemplateId == equipBreakThroughTable.LevelUpTemplateId && x.Level == equip.Level);
if (levelUpTemplate is not null)
if (exp + equip.Exp < levelUpTemplate.Exp)
equip.Exp += Math.Max(0, exp);
else if (equip.Level < equipBreakThroughTable.LevelLimit)
exp -= levelUpTemplate.Exp - equip.Exp;
equip.Exp = 0;
return AddEquipExp(equipId, exp);
equip.Exp = levelUpTemplate.Exp;
return equip;
public void Save()
collection.ReplaceOne(Builders<Character>.Filter.Eq(x => x.Id, Id), this);
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public ObjectId Id { get; set; }
public long Uid { get; set; }
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public List<NotifyCharacterDataList.NotifyCharacterDataListCharacterData> Characters { get; set; }
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public List<NotifyEquipDataList.NotifyEquipDataListEquipData> Equips { get; set; }
public List<FashionList> Fashions { get; set; }
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2023-11-26 14:08:59 +00:00
public struct UpgradeCharacterSkillResult
public int CoinCost { get; init; }
public int SkillPointCost { get; init; }
public List<uint> AffectedCharacters { get; init; }
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public partial class CharacterLevelUpTemplate
public int Level { get; set; }
public int Exp { get; set; }
public int AllExp { get; set; }
public int Type { get; set; }
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public partial class EquipLevelUpTemplate
public int Level { get; set; }
public int Exp { get; set; }
public int AllExp { get; set; }
public int TemplateId { get; set; }
public struct AddCharacterRet
public NotifyCharacterDataList.NotifyCharacterDataListCharacterData Character { get; set; }
public NotifyEquipDataList.NotifyEquipDataListEquipData Equip { get; set; }
public FashionList Fashion { get; set; }
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