
133 lines
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2023-10-18 15:33:14 +00:00
Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25]
2023-10-18 08:49:36 +00:00
1 1 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory425.jpg
2 2 401 1 210
3 3 401 2 215
4 4 301 DialogEnable There is a slight gust of wind from the elevator shaft.
5 5 401 2 576
6 6 402 700 576
7 7 301 The steel frame creaks with the tension of the chain blade as a figure in the gray cloak slowly descends from above.
8 8 301 In one fluid motion, the figure gracefully lands on his feet without producing even the faintest of sounds. If there is stage and a spotlight, he must be the acrobat garnering all the attention of the crowd.
9 9 301 The figure walks down the intricate staircase with the familiarity of walking in one's home.
10 10 301 He takes off the hood that has been covering his head, shakes his messy long hair, and gives a curtain call to the petite figure sitting in the room.
11 11 402 215
12 12 201 1 500367 1
13 13 301 1 Roland Mission complete. Are you satisfied with my performance, miss? 1
14 14 203 1 0.25 400
15 15 201 2 500308 -400
16 16 301 1 Cinderelik ... 2
17 17 301 Roland I would appreciate it if you could make my exit more dignified. 1
18 18 301 Cinderelik With your ability, Roland, you can leave at any time without my help. 2
19 19 301 Roland Sorry, I can't help making things more dramatic. 1
20 20 204 2 8
21 21 301 Cinderelik ...Is that how it is? I see. 2
22 22 202 1 2 1
23 23 301 She gently nods in understanding, and casts her eyes back to the monitors.
24 24 301 This is the location closest to the CPF's centrifuge array as well as the central hub underground. The real "Mother" grows and incubates here, so Cinderelik had transformed it into a greenhouse similar to the underground waterway.
25 25 301 A terminal composed of multiple monitors is pieced together in the center of the greenhouse. Each screen displays different images throughout the CPF.
26 26 301 The images contain entangled vines, damaged facilities, wandering Hetero-Creatures, and dead bodies quietly drying in the gaps between plants.
27 27 301 Most of the screens are static images. Only a few in the middle show signs of human activity.
28 28 301 The monitors constantly change as they follow the group's movements from different angles. A peculiar waveform accompanied with data is displayed in the upper right corner of each image.
29 29 301 As if confirming the changes of numbers and waveforms, the Hetero-Hive Mother separated by the glass on the other side occasionally sends out violent "fetal movements."
30 30 201 1 500367 1 400
31 31 201 2 500308 -400
32 32 301 1 Roland Impressive... You've got quite the knack for capturing the perfect angle. If this was the Golden Age, I'm sure you'd win an award for best director. 1
33 33 301 Cinderelik Mother sees everything. 2
34 34 301 Cinderelik The entire CPF and even the surrounding forest have become an extension of its senses. 2
35 35 301 Cinderelik's eyes remain fixated on the flashing images and data on the screen.
36 36 301 Monitor Broadcast "Did Rolmo fall down the elevator?"
37 37 301 Monitor Broadcast "...Into the elevator shaft. With all those strange plants, I'm afraid he's already..."
38 38 301 Roland Hah! Look. They're worried about me. 1
39 39 301 Roland Looks like I've still got it in me. 1
40 40 301 Cinderelik Variables have been introduced into the experiment. Beginning observation. 2
41 41 301 In the gray surveillance video, the knotted branches suddenly split, and the red abscesses resemble gelatinous eyes. These exposed red spheres rotate from time to time among the branches, watching from the shadows everything happening inside the tower.
42 42 301 Cinderelik ...These "eyes" will relay what they see to Mother. Your mission is complete. 2
43 43 204 1
44 44 301 Roland Will these "guests" be helpful to your research? 1
45 45 301 Cinderelik Mother's incubation rate has steadily increased due to the stimulation from outside the CPF and the changing mental state of the humans inside it. 2
46 46 301 Cinderelik The final transformation will complete in approximately 4 hours. After that, incubation will begin. 2
47 47 204 1 1
48 48 301 Roland Now that we are almost done, I've got a question about this "Mother". What's going to hatch out of her? 1
49 49 301 Cinderelik This is Gabriel's unfinished business. I don't fully understand it, but I will continue his research based on the information he left behind. 2
50 50 301 Roland Gabriel... It's a pity that Alpha finally got the best of him. Even if his memory shell was more intact, I don't think it's possible to recover all the data. 1
51 51 301 Roland I watched his every move while he tinkered with those Hetero-Creatures. So I know the details of his experiment. 1
52 52 301 Roland I was thinking... If you tell me about "Mother", I'll fill you in on the details. 1
53 53 301 Roland smiles and lifts his palms up in a gesture of sincerity.
54 54 301 Roland We're in this together, you know... I think it's a fair trade. 1
55 55 301 Roland Speaking of which... I've seen Gabriel repair Hetero-Creatures broken beyond recognition. His skill and technology... really amazes me. 1
56 56 301 Cinderelik looks up at Roland. A touch of emotion flashes in her dark gold eyes.
57 57 301 Cinderelik Der Meister... told me a story. 2
58 58 301 Cinderelik A group of greedy adventurers awoke a slumbering demon while stealing the treasure in its lair underground. When the demon woke up, he saw that humans were weak and greedy, and decided to reshape the world... 2
59 59 301 Roland Oh? 1
60 60 301 Roland I see. So these actors are playing the role of those "adventurers." Everything in this tower is a play for "Mother", is that right? 1
61 61 204 1
62 62 301 Roland ...As for me. I'm also an actor in this performance. Correct? 1
63 63 301 Cinderelik Der Meister's exact words were, "Let Mother witness humanity's potential." 2
64 64 301 Cinderelik He said you are the hunter now. 2
65 65 301 Roland pauses for a moment, then bursts out laughing.
66 66 204 1 1
67 67 301 Roland Then I really need to thank him for looking at it from my perspective. 1
68 68 301 Cinderelik Perhaps it would be easier to just show you Gabriel's recordings. 2
69 69 301 No longer paying attention to Roland, Cinderelik reaches out to the terminal.
70 70 202 1 1
71 71 203 2 0.25
72 72 401 2 1515
73 73 301 <<Interface Confirmation<< Data Recovery<<
74 74 401 2 1515
75 75 301 Complete<<Confirming Identification<<Complete
76 76 301 Data generating. Initiating final command before shutdown.
77 77 301 A sequence of records broadcast on the monitor, containing the entirety of data from Gabriel's discovery of the Hetero-Core shards all the way to his ceasing of functionality.
78 78 202 2 1
79 79 401 2 613
80 80 501 300 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiNoiseNew.prefab 3
81 81 402 613
82 82 401 1 55
83 83 505 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiNoiseNew.prefab
84 84 304 Re%……#cor&*%@ding#%: ffffffff Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory453.jpg 1
85 85 304 Damage sustained by %Alpha&... Frame in critical condition. Available means of attack: 0. Neural circuit losing functionality. ffffffff Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory453.jpg 1
86 86 304 Switching ?% to backup memory block &%. ffffffff Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory453.jpg 1
87 87 304 Memory circuits are still intact. If properly analyzed, complete experimental records can be recovered. ffffffff Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory453.jpg 1
88 88 304 Looks like I will no longer see the Punishing Virus's final answer. ffffffff Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory453.jpg 1
89 89 304 What a pity. ffffffff Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory453.jpg 1
90 90 304 Fortunately, as long as der Meister upholds his promise, my unfinished business will continue. ffffffff Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory453.jpg 1
91 91 304 I've marked the location of "Mother". Cinderelik will pick up where I left off. ffffffff Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory453.jpg 1
92 92 304 After witnessing my body be dismantled once more, I suddenly came to understand that before I became a Ascendant... ffffffff Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory453.jpg 1
93 93 304 No, even before that... How to define data that has occupied this memory shell before gaining sentience... ffffffff Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory453.jpg 1 1
94 94 304 A bottle of alcohol broken over my body... ffffffff Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory453.jpg 1
95 95 304 A cigarette burning against my skin... ffffffff Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory453.jpg 1
96 96 304 As my head was trampled into the dirt repeatedly and I could only tremble in others' laughter... Something broke the shackles of my programming. ffffffff Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory453.jpg 1
97 97 304 Helpless. Loathing. Unwilling. Insanity. Even now, these meaningless things occupy my neural circuit. ffffffff Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory453.jpg 1
98 98 304 Useless memory data that had been deleted somehow finds its way back into my memory shell. But it is too late to find out the cause of this error. ffffffff Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory453.jpg 1
99 99 304 Time is running out... ffffffff Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory453.jpg 1
100 100 304 I have dedicated myself to the Ascension-Network. These are my last words. ffffffff Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory453.jpg 1 1
101 101 401 2 613
102 102 501 300 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiNoiseNew.prefab 3
103 103 202 1 1
104 104 505 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiNoiseNew.prefab
105 105 402 613
106 106 401 1 210
107 107 301 The recording stops.
108 108 301 The rest is intermittent static.
109 109 301 The screen turns black. Only the red light indicating "End" flashes in the dark, just like the red eyes under the mask of the crazed martyr who refused to stay down.
110 110 301 Cinderelik ends the broadcast with no expression on her face. Rather than watch the recording, she was staring at Roland's reaction silently.
111 111 201 1 500367 7 400
112 112 201 2 500308 -400
113 113 301 1 Cinderelik This is all of the data Gabriel left behind. 2
114 114 301 Roland Hmph... Stubborn bastard up until the very end. 1
115 115 301 Roland The real cumulation of the Punishing Virus's will? Seems like the things in this "Mother" are far more troublesome than the Pterygota Queen. 1
116 116 204 1
117 117 301 Roland Honestly, can't say I'm too fond of this. 1
118 118 204 1 1
119 119 301 Roland Good thing Babylonia's got their hands full for the time being. Now's a good time to proceed with our work while they're distracted. 1
120 120 301 Roland seems to gloat at their misfortune, yet his narrowed gaze is like a surging undercurrent in the depths of a tranquil pool.
121 121 301 Cinderelik Now it's your turn to provide details on Gabriel's experiment not mentioned in the recordings. 2
122 122 301 Roland Of course. 1
123 123 301 Roland I'm a man of my word. 1
124 124 301 Roland Speaking of which, what were Gabriel's "last words"? 1
125 125 202 1 2 1
126 126 401 2 1515
127 127 301 Cinderelik remains quiet as she opens another data file.
128 128 301 Gabriel's voice begins to play. His voice is deep and hoarse, reminiscent of the angel of death blowing a horn to declare the end.
129 129 401 1 36
130 130 301 "This is the selection of a higher will. Time is running out."
131 131 301 "The real culmination of the Punishing Virus' will..."
132 132 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin "Will soon come into being..."