
123 lines
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2023-10-18 15:33:14 +00:00
Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25]
1 1 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory60.jpg
2 2 401 1 204
3 3 201 1 500292
4 4 301 DialogEnable 1 Liv Lucia, Lee, where did you two go? 1
5 5 202 1
6 6 201 1 1011001 400
7 7 201 2 500029 -400
8 8 301 1 Lucia I had to help Lee get something. We already knew where it was, but then Lee suddenly disappeared. 2
9 9 202 1 2 1
10 10 201 1 500292
11 11 301 1 Liv Hmm... Did Lee run into any danger? 1
12 12 202 1 1
13 13 201 1 500029 -400
14 14 201 2 1011001 400
15 15 301 1 Lee ... 2
16 16 201 1 500029 -400
17 17 301 Lucia No. I realized Lee was just pacing around in circles. 1
18 18 302 Hah. 20 ... 20
19 19 204 2 6
20 20 301 Lee Ahem—this city all looks the same. It's too easy to get lost. 2
21 21 204 2
22 22 301 Lucia Lee, is your navigation module... 1
23 23 203 1 0.25 -600
24 24 203 2 0.25 600
25 25 201 3 500292 1
26 26 301 DialogDisable 1 Liv Shhh! 3
27 27 302 Alright, alright. 28
28 28 302 Now that everyone is here, let's continue with the mission. 29
29 29 301 DialogEnable AniZhuanchangBegin Lucia & Lee & Liv Understood. 1 2 3
30 30 202 1 2 3 1
31 31 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory314.png
32 32 401 1 102
33 33 201 1 500013
34 34 401 2 1508
35 35 301 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 The sun rises from the city horizon, illuminating the Corrupted lurking in the shadows. 1
36 36 401 2 10002001
37 37 202 1
38 38 301 Within a split second of metallic scrapping, the Corrupted's broken body appears within its own visual module.
39 39 301 The signals received in its electric shell gradually fades to nothingness as its head collides with the ground. The last image branded in its memory is a flash of bright red.
40 40 201 1 500292 5 -400
41 41 201 2 500029 400
42 42 301 1 Liv Lucia, another enemy at your 3 o' clock! 1
43 43 301 Lucia Understood. 2
44 44 202 1 1
45 45 203 2 0.25
46 46 401 2 1505
47 47 301 Lucia cleans the Corrupted oil off her katana with a flick of her wrist. She kneels at the ready, then sprints off in the direction indicated by Liv.
48 48 301 A small red light flashes through Lucia's visual module. With her keen perception, she quickly glances in the direction of the red light to see a Jitterbomb lying there.
49 500 204 2 5
50 49 301 Lucia !! 2
51 50 301 Seeing the Jitterbomb, Lucia quickly withdraws behind cover. However, to her surprise, there is no explosion.
52 51 301 Lucia What happened? 2
53 52 203 2 0.25 400
54 53 201 1 1011001 -400
55 54 301 1 Lee I overloaded it. If a threat exposes itself, I won't let it remain a threat to us. 1
56 55 301 Lee I won't allow myself to make the same mistake twice. 1
57 501 204 2 1
58 56 301 Lucia Thanks. 2
59 57 301 Lee Don't let your guard down. 1
60 58 401 2 1510
61 59 301 Right as Lucia hears the message on the comms, a bullet from Lee flies past her and takes out a Corrupted rushing toward her. However, due to the distance, the bullet fails to pierce the Corrupted's protective casing. Seizing the opportunity, Lucia flips her katana up and stabs the Corrupted in the head.
62 60 301 Lucia I've eliminated all the nearby Corrupted. 2
63 61 301 Lee Same here. 1
64 502 204 2 5
65 62 301 Lucia Clear up the remaining Corrupted in the center of 38th Street, Liv. 2
66 63 201 1 500292 -400
67 64 301 1 Liv Roger. 1
68 65 301 Liv raises her hands slightly, hindering the horde of Corrupted's movement. A pink electric current flows between Liv and her Levi-Gun.
69 66 301 Liv Control secured for 13 seconds. I'll leave the rest up to you all. 1
70 67 301 Lucia Alright, Commandant. It's our turn. 2
71 68 302 (Reload) 69
72 69 401 2 1511
73 70 301 Liv Commandant, are your hands really okay? 1
74 71 302 Don't worry. 72
75 72 302 Our instructor taught us how to handle a situation like this. 73
76 73 301 Liv Okay... 1
77 74 202 1 2 1
78 75 301 In the distance, Lucia waves her left hand, giving the attack command. Lee charges out from within the shadows of a nearby building.
79 76 302 (Climb over barricade) 77
80 77 301 You climb over the barricade and quickly charge toward the horde of Corrupted.
81 78 301 As Lucia and Lee advance down the street, Corrupted fall before their blade and gun one after another.
82 79 201 1 500013
83 80 401 2 1508
84 81 301 1 As you advance, a Corrupted blocks your way forward. 1
85 83 401 2 1510
86 84 301 You aim the muzzle of your gun between its eyes and pull the trigger. The Corrupted falls to the ground with a heavy thud.
87 85 201 1 500292 5
88 86 301 1 Liv Commandant, on your left! 1
89 87 202 1 1
90 88 301 Even though Liv is suppressing the enemy's movements, that does not mean their attacks are any weaker.
91 89 301 You turn to the left, barely managing to parry the Corrupted's incoming attack. A bullet flies past you, putting an end to the Corrupted standing before you.
92 90 201 1 1011001
93 91 301 1 Lee Get your head in the game! 1
94 92 302 (Open fire) 93
95 93 401 2 1510
96 94 301 Raising the gun, you shoot past Lee and kill a Corrupted about to attack him from behind.
97 95 302 You too. 96
98 96 301 Lee Hmph. 1
99 97 301 In order to maintain stability with the gun, you subconsciously use too much strength in your hands, causing blood to slowly seep from your bandages.
100 98 201 1 500292 5
101 99 301 Liv Com. Man. Dant. 1
102 100 302 Oops, you caught me. 102
103 101 202 1 1
104 102 301 With the collective efforts of the Gray Ravens, the horde of Corrupted on the street has finally been cleared. Liv suddenly appears next to you. She grabs your hands despite you intentionally keeping them behind your back and out of view.
105 103 201 1 500292 5
106 104 301 1 Liv Don't move. I need to give you emergency medical care. 1
107 105 202 1 1
108 106 301 After confirming that all Corrupted have been eliminated, Lucia and Lee walk over to you and Liv.
109 107 301 Liv expertly bandages both of your hands, then both of you look up at Lee and Lucia as they approach.
110 108 201 2 500029
111 109 301 1 Lucia What's wrong, Commandant? 2
112 110 302 I'm all good. No worries. 111
113 111 203 2 0.25 400
114 112 201 1 1011001 -400
115 113 301 1 Lee ...Whatever. 1
116 114 301 DialogDisable Lee Shall we take a break before moving on? 1
117 115 302 Let's keep moving. The factory is up ahead. 116
118 116 302 The threat will only get worse if we wait any longer. 117
119 117 302 We need to cut them off at the source ASAP. 118
120 118 301 DialogEnable Lee Understood. 1
121 119 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin Lucia Agreed. Let's proceed as the commandant has directed. 2