
173 lines
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2023-10-18 15:33:14 +00:00
Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25]
1 1 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory314.png
2 2 401 1 201
3 3 201 1 500013
4 4 401 2 1508
5 5 301 DialogEnable 1 The Gray Ravens gradually approach the factory on 39th Street. As the team presses onward, more and more Corrupted begin to appear before you. 1
6 6 401 2 10002001
7 7 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiHitNew.prefab 2
8 8 202 1
9 9 301 Lucia takes the lead in cutting off the Corrupted. However, several Corrupted use this opportunity to attack her.
10 10 301 Seeing the oncoming attack, Lucia leaps into the air and slices down through the approaching Corrupted. With the failure of the Corrupted's attack, Lee's gunfire penetrates their memory shells, giving them no further opportunity to attack.
11 11 301 Lucia kneels on the ground to stabilize her frame. All of the Corrupted that had attacked this area are now paralyzed at her feet.
12 12 201 1 500292 5 -400
13 13 201 2 1011001 400
14 14 301 1 Liv Lee, 5 Corrupted are crawling on the ceiling at 10 o'clock. 1
15 15 301 Lee All clear. 2
16 16 201 1 500029 -400
17 17 301 1 Lucia Lee, behind you! 1
18 18 302 (Punch) 19
19 19 401 2 1512
20 20 301 Lee dodges the incoming attack of a Corrupted arm severed by Lucia. Luckily, you are able to deflect it before it hits Liv, who is engaged in combat analysis behind you.
21 21 201 2 500292 6 400
22 22 301 1 Liv Hmm? Are you laughing, Commandant? 2
23 23 302 1 Yeah. 24
24 24 301 Lucia What are you so happy about? 1
25 25 302 Just seems like we're beginning to act like a team. 26
26 26 201 1 1011001 -400
27 27 301 1 Lee Hmph... Enough with that. 1
28 28 202 1 2 1
29 29 301 Blades and bullets fly in the factory as Corrupted debris piles up behind.
30 30 301 As if aware of the incoming threat, the factory's assembly line begins to rapidly increase Corrupted production. A newly manufactured horde of Corrupted pours out like a flood of steel from the assembly line, destroying everything in their wake.
31 31 302 Stop them from spreading to other areas. 32
32 32 301 After receiving your order, Lucia and Lee rush forward and attempt to stop the massive horde of Corrupted, but a single team is powerless in their attempt to stymie the flood.
33 33 301 Before the Gray Ravens, the Corrupted quickly reduce in number as they surge in other directions.
34 34 201 1 500292 5 -400
35 35 201 2 1011001 400
36 36 301 1 Lee Tsk. 2
37 37 301 Liv There's... too many. And they keep growing in number! 1
38 38 202 1 2 1
39 39 401 2 1503
40 40 301 RImgBg1Shake Boom—
41 41 201 2 500029 5
42 42 301 1 Lucia What was that—?! 2
43 43 301 The Corrupted charging the Gray Ravens from the left side were suddenly vaporized by a white light.
44 44 301 Lucia Long-ranged support? 2
45 45 202 2 1
46 46 401 2 1503
47 47 301 RImgBg1Shake Shortly after, another white column of light descends from the sky, swallowing all the operating machinery within the factory in a violent explosion. A wave of scalding machine parts falls at your feet.
48 48 201 2 500292 5
49 49 301 1 Liv This landing point... No, this can't be! 2
50 50 302 ? 51
51 51 301 Liv Commandant! Everyone! 2
52 52 301 Liv calls out loudly and presses your shoulder firmly with her hand. You struggle to ask something, only to find a pink force field gradually surrounding your body.
53 53 302 This is... 54
54 54 301 Liv Sorry, Commandant, I started the operation without permission. 2
55 55 302 Do what you believe is right. 56
56 56 301 Liv Got it. 2
57 57 202 1 2 1
58 58 301 AniZhuanchangBegin The pink force field begins to slowly expand, enveloping each member of the Gray Ravens.
59 59 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory00.png
60 60 401 2 1503
61 61 301 AniZhuanchangEnd Shortly after, the third beam of white light descends upon their position and ripples outward.
62 62 401 2 1503
63 63 301 The team attempts to leave the blast area, but a fourth, fifth... no, countless beams of white light pass overhead, blocking any further progress.
64 64 301 The entire area fills with the cacophonous sound of explosions and the roars of Corrupted.
65 65 301 The ground underfoot fractures from the blasts, then disintegrates from the next beam of white light. You temporarily feel suspended in space and time as the surrounding area is filled with white light.
66 66 301 AniZhuanchangBegin The sudden bombing finally submerges the entire factory and everyone within.
67 67 101 DialogDisable Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory0.png
68 68 401 1 36
69 69 302 AniZhuanchangEnd ... 70
70 70 302 ... 71
71 71 302 ... 72
72 72 301 DialogEnable A mysterious cold breeze blows in through the neck of your damaged exoskeleton. The cold tingling sensation travels to your brain along the nervous system, awaking your dormant consciousness.
73 73 302 ... 74
74 74 301 Opening your eyes, you see that the white light has disappeared. The pink force field gradually dissipates, leaving the surrounding area shrouded in darkness.
75 75 301 ??? Comm—.
76 76 302 Who's... 77
77 77 301 ??? —!
78 78 301 ??? 【kuroname】!
79 79 302 Who's calling me... 80
80 80 301 ??? Command—!
81 81 302 I'm... 82
82 82 302 Here... 83
83 83 301 In response to the call, you instinctively raise your right hand, but feel something hard.
84 84 301 Perhaps the sudden movement had caused the rock fragments near your hand to slide down with a clear and delicate clatter.
85 85 302 ... 86
86 86 301 A sudden beam of light pierces the darkness, illuminating your field of view. Finally, you see the anxious faces of Lee and Lucia standing before you.
87 87 201 1 500029 9 -400
88 88 201 2 1011001 9 400
89 89 301 1 Lee Don't move. We're getting you out. 2
90 90 302 Lee... 91
91 91 301 Lucia Lee, looks like there's a support to the left of the commandant. Let's start from there. 1
92 92 302 ...Lucia. 93
93 93 301 Lucia Commandant, we found you. 1
94 94 302 AniZhuanchangBegin Ngh...
95 95 202 1 2 1
96 96 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory18.jpg
97 97 201 1 500029 -400
98 98 401 1 202
99 99 201 2 1011001 400
100 100 301 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 Lee Alright. Liv could've done a better job, but it should suffice for the time being. 2
101 101 301 Lucia The exoskeleton sure came in handy. 1
102 102 301 After Lee helps you with emergency first-aid, Lucia slowly helps you to your feet. After testing your legs, you find that you can still move.
103 103 302 Thanks. 104
104 104 301 Lucia Thank goodness… 1
105 105 302 Sorry for making you all worried... 106
106 106 301 DialogDisable Lucia It's fine. Just like you said—at least we're all alive. 1
107 107 302 Liv? 108
108 108 302 I remember her being right in front of me... 109
109 109 301 DialogEnable Lucia & Lee ... 1 2
110 110 301 Lee We haven't found her yet. I'm upgrading the computing power of my SAR module. 2
111 111 302 ... 112
112 112 301 The three of you fall silent. All that remains of the factory is a disarray of ruins scattered throughout the surrounding area.
113 113 301 The towering buildings were flattened; the foundation blasted askew. Everyone knew that the chance of surviving such a bombing was grim.
114 114 302 Let's get moving. She may be trapped in the wreckage just like I was. 500
115 500 204 1 3
116 115 301 Lucia Got it. 1
117 116 401 2 1510
118 117 301 Bang—!
119 118 202 1 2 1
120 119 401 1 203
121 120 301 Suddenly, a bullet hits the ground beside your foot, drawing everyone's attention. Looking up, you see a handsome male Construct standing at the opposite end of the street.
122 121 301 ??? Is that... a Corrupted?
123 122 201 1 500293
124 123 301 1 Vanessa Teasell, put away your weapon. 1
125 124 301 Vanessa appears behind the Construct referred to as Teasell, accompanied by a small, female Construct.
126 125 202 1 1
127 126 201 1 500029 5 -400
128 127 201 2 1011001 400
129 128 301 1 Lee So... You were behind all of those explosions. 2
130 129 301 Lucia What?! 1
131 130 202 1 2 1
132 131 201 1 500293
133 132 301 1 Vanessa Correct. An attack of this magnitude took a considerable amount of preparation. 1
134 133 301 Vanessa It shouldn't have been used here, but because of your mistakes, I had no choice but to use my precious orbital bombardment. 1
135 134 301 Vanessa Hmph. You should thank me. After all, I cleaned up your mess before you could cause any irreparable damage. 1
136 135 301 Vanessa First, you don't thank me. Now, the three of you are looking at me in disgust. 1
137 136 301 Vanessa Despicable. Teasell, Bambinata, stand in front of me so I don't have to see their repulsiveness. 1
138 137 301 The two Constructs beside Vanessa quietly step forward, separating you from her.
139 138 302 We can't find Liv because of your attack. 139
140 139 301 Vanessa So what? 1
141 140 301 Vanessa Even if all of you died in the explosion... So what? 1
142 141 301 Vanessa Sacrificing one squad to win the battle... Isn't that worth it? 1
143 142 301 Vanessa What do you say, Teasell? 1
144 143 301 Teasell ...You're right.
145 144 301 Vanessa Good... 1
146 501 401 2 1512
147 145 301 Vanessa smiles and slaps Teasell's handsome cheek with her other hand. He suddenly clenches his weapon, but quickly returns to normal before the others could notice.
148 146 301 Teasell's disheveled bangs obscure his gaze, hiding his expression.
149 147 301 Vanessa Do you know why I hit you? 1
150 148 301 Teasell No, I don't.
151 149 301 Vanessa Tsk. Nothing seems to get through that handsome face of yours. 1
152 150 301 Vanessa Bambinata, tell Teasell. 1
153 151 301 Bambinata Number one, Master's questions must be answered immediately. Number two, Master is always right.
154 152 301 Bambinata You hesitated, Teasell.
155 153 301 Teasell Apologies. I will be more attentive.
156 154 301 Vanessa Very well! 1
157 155 301 Vanessa smiles at Teasell's affirmation, then fixes his bangs.
158 156 302 No comrade should be sacrificed so carelessly. 157
159 157 301 Vanessa How cute of you to say that, Chief. 1
160 158 301 Vanessa What made you become like this? The Punishing Virus? 1
161 159 301 Vanessa Oh, right. As your former classmate, I have a small suggestion. 1
162 160 301 Vanessa Resign as a commandant. Leave the front line and never return. 1
163 161 301 Vanessa The battlefield isn't suitable for naive fools like you. 1
164 162 301 Vanessa Deception, exploitation, abandonment... These are the laws of victory on the battlefield. 1
165 163 301 Vanessa Stay in Babylonia. Work as a liaison officer or logistics personnel for Egret. 1
166 164 301 Vanessa You can also use Egret's resources that used to belong to Liv before we kicked her. 1
167 165 301 Vanessa Liv was as naive as you, so she was thrown away like an old doll. 1
168 166 302 Enough! 167
169 167 401 2 1510
170 168 301 Your hands begin to emit intense heat. The bandages wrapped by Liv had long been undone from the bombing. Blood flows down your arm, along your gun, and onto the ground.
171 169 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin The heat dissipation system running at the muzzle indicated that a bullet had been fired from the gun. At the other end of the trajectory stands your higher-up, Vanessa.