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2023-10-18 15:33:14 +00:00
Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25]
1 1 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory21.jpg
2 2 401 1 208
3 3 201 1 1031001
4 4 301 DialogEnable 1 Liv Based on the calendar used by humanity in the past, we're approaching the "Winter Solstice". 1
5 5 301 Liv The so-called "Winter Solstice" means the end of autumn and the beginning of winter. It's also when Earth reaches its closest proximity to the sun, with sunlight shining directly on the Tropic of Capricorn. 1
6 6 301 Liv This day will be the shortest day of the year— 1
7 7 301 Liv So humans have always cherished this special day. 1
8 8 204 1 1
9 9 301 Liv But the primary reason isn't just purely based on astronomical data, but rather on the warmth of culture and tradition. 1
10 10 204 1
11 11 301 Liv Apparently, "Christmas" was originally established to commemorate the birthday of a religious prophet. 1
12 12 301 Liv Later, it gradually evolved into a holiday when people can relax and liberate themselves after working hard for the entire year. 1
13 13 301 Liv People were said to prepare all kinds of decorations, food and gifts the day before. 1
14 14 301 Liv Christmas Eve symbolizes peace and serenity with the coming of the new year. 1
15 15 301 Liv In the past, people would prepare milk and cookies, go to bed, and wait for Santa Claus to climb down their chimney and place gifts under the Christmas tree. 1
16 16 204 1 6
17 17 301 Liv ... 1
18 18 301 Liv Well, I'm sure the commandant would be very happy to receive my gift. 1
19 19 204 1
20 20 301 Liv But... I'm a little embarrassed. Is this really worthy of being called a gift? Will the commandant think I'm just being coy... 1
21 21 204 1 1
22 22 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Liv If I can find a good time... When it's just the two of us... I will...! 1
23 23 202 1 1
24 24 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory14.png
25 1000 401 1 5
26 25 201 1 1011001 400
27 26 201 2 1021001 -400
28 27 301 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 Lucia ...Liv, she... always seems worried... Is that why? 2
29 28 301 Lee ...Can you just drop it? You always have to... get down to the bottom of everything... 1
30 29 301 Lucia ...But the commandant... 2
31 30 301 Lee ...The commandant is busy enough as is... Our business can't be... 1
32 31 302 (Approach quietly...) 1001
33 1001 204 2 1
34 32 301 Lucia Ah?! Commandant? 2
35 33 302 I heard you talking about Liv. 1002
36 1002 204 2
37 34 301 Lucia Did you hear everything? 2
38 35 301 Lucia (Sighs) Guess we have no other choice but to tell you. 2
39 36 301 Lucia Here's the situation, Commandant. Something seems to be on Liv's mind recently. 2
40 37 301 Lucia It's not affecting her M.I.N.D. stability, but I'm worried that it's affecting her performance on missions. 2
41 38 204 1 10
42 39 301 Lee Agreed. After all, we've already been notified about the start time for our next mission. 1
43 40 204 1
44 41 301 Lucia So I've been thinking about how to cheer Liv up. 2
45 42 204 2 1
46 43 301 Lucia I know you've been really busy recently, so I was just discussing it with Lee. I wasn't expecting to drag you into this. 2
47 44 302 We're a team. 45
48 45 204 2
49 46 301 Lee You should've taken the commandant into consideration, Lucia. 1
50 47 204 2 6
51 48 301 Lucia Sorry, Commandant! I just don't want you to worry about us. 1
52 49 302 It's alright. 50
53 50 204 2
54 51 301 Lee Now then, Lucia, fill the commandant in with everything you just told me. After all, our decision is up to the commandant anyway. 1
55 52 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Lucia Well, this all started more than ten days ago, at the beginning of the month. 2
56 53 202 1 2 1
57 54 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory21.jpg
58 55 504 0.7
59 56 301 AniZhuanchangEnd Lucia That day, as usual, I went to Liv's room to ask her about maintenance.
60 57 301 Lucia But seeing her frown, I figured I'd find something else to talk about and put her heart at ease.
61 58 301 Lucia —Speaking of, everyone's always out on missions. We don't have any time for a break. I'm sure you'd be happy with a vacation, right?
62 59 301 Lucia That really got her attention.
63 60 201 1 1031001 1
64 61 301 1 Liv Vacation...? Feels like I haven't heard that word in ages. 1
65 62 204 1
66 63 301 Lucia Well, we belong on the battlefield. It's not like the Corrupted ever take a day off.
67 64 301 Lucia However—the missions haven't been as urgent recently. I'm sure if you talked with the commandant... you could get some time off.
68 65 204 1 7
69 66 301 Liv ...Even you take time off, Lucia? But if it was a real vacation, then... Um... 1
70 67 204 1 1
71 68 301 Liv That reminds me! Speaking of vacation, it's almost "that time"! 1
72 69 301 Lucia "That time"?
73 70 301 Liv Christmas! It only comes once a year! When humans still lived on the surface, everyone always looked forward to it! 1
74 71 301 Liv Whenever someone would mention a holiday vacation, it was always during Christmas! 1
75 72 204 1
76 73 301 Lucia I heard that Christmas used to be a festival to commemorate the birth of a prophet. At least, that's what that "Sister" told me.
77 74 301 Lucia But I've never celebrated Christmas...
78 75 301 Liv So it goes like this... Every Christmas, the entire city becomes alive and bustling. 1
79 76 301 Lucia Um... Like when refugees run away during an air strike?
80 77 301 Liv ...Only you'd put it like that, Lucia. Um... No. It's not like that. Around Christmas time, everyone is relaxed, cheerful, and stress-free. 1
81 78 204 1 1
82 79 301 Liv Christmas trees line the streets, colorful lights decorate houses, and parents prepare gifts for their children... 1
83 80 301 Liv Children go play outside in the snow and have snowball fights until someone calls them back home for Christmas Eve dinner. 1
84 81 301 Liv Everyone gets together to eat and talk. It may seem small, but it's a time of joy. 1
85 82 301 Lucia Seems like you sure have some fond memories.
86 83 204 1 14
87 84 301 Liv Well... its not like that. I don't remember my family ever celebrating Christmas... 1
88 85 301 Lucia ...Why?
89 86 301 Liv I... I don't know. 1
90 87 301 Liv I just remember always being jealous of the kids from normal families. I always wanted to celebrate Christmas with my family just like them... 1
91 88 301 Lucia ...
92 89 301 Liv It's sad to think about it. Now that I'm a Construct, I'll never have a chance to be with my family, let alone celebrate Christmas with them. 1
93 90 301 Lucia Well, you can ask the commandant to have some time off.
94 91 204 1
95 92 301 Liv Can I... really? 1
96 93 301 Liv ... 1
97 94 204 1 6
98 95 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Liv But... I... Forget it... 1
99 96 202 DialogDisable 1 1
100 97 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory14.png
101 98 504 0
102 99 302 AniZhuanchangEnd So Liv wants to celebrate Christmas... 100
103 100 201 1 1011001 400
104 101 201 2 1021001 -400
105 102 301 DialogEnable 1 Lucia Seems like it. 2
106 103 301 Lucia Maybe I shouldn't have brought the topic up with Liv... But seeing how much it would mean to her, I don't want her to be disappointed. 2
107 104 301 Lee But didn't you already give Liv advice? 1
108 105 301 Lee Like ask the commandant for some time off? 1
109 106 301 Lee It's a strange concept to me, but maybe combining work and rest will be more beneficial for performing missions. 2
110 107 204 1 10
111 108 301 Lee And this is also a good opportunity for our team members to get a better understanding of each other. Removing social barriers between each other should prove beneficial to future operations. 1
112 109 204 1
113 110 301 Lucia Lee, you mean... 2
114 111 301 Lee Yes. 1
115 112 302 I have no problem with it. 113
116 113 301 Lucia Sorry? 2
117 114 302 Even if we're on a mission... 115
118 115 301 Lucia ...What are you saying, Commandant? 2
119 116 302 Did I say anything about not celebrating Christmas? 117
120 117 301 Lucia ...Understood. You're right. Babylonia hasn't imposed any restrictions over mission control. As long as circumstances permit, holding a Christmas celebration won't affect our mission. 2
121 118 301 Lee Speaking of which, I've confirmed that the next mission will be located in a town in the northern region of what was once Russia. 1
122 119 301 Lee It's just a simple recon mission. As long as we proceed with caution, we won't encounter any large groups of Corrupted. There shouldn't be any safety concerns. 1
123 120 301 Lee The location appears satisfactory. 1
124 121 301 Lucia Location? 2
125 122 301 Lee Lucia... You can't have Christmas without snow. Correct? 1
126 123 301 Lucia ...Really? Think Hassen took this into consideration when he assigned us to the mission? 2
127 124 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Lee You're overthinking it... 1
128 125 202 1 2 1
129 126 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory45.jpg
130 1005 401 2 205
131 127 301 AniZhuanchangEnd Simultaneously at Babylonia HQ...
132 128 201 1 500011 -400
133 129 201 2 500001 400
134 130 301 1 Hassen Achoo—! 1
135 131 301 Hassen That's odd... Is the thermostat broken? 1
136 132 301 Hassen It feels chilly in here. 1
137 133 301 Celica Maybe someone's talking about you? After all, you sent people to Russia to perform a mission in the middle of winter... 2
138 134 301 Hassen You know that wasn't entirely up to me, Celica. 1
139 135 301 Celica I had no idea! 2
140 136 301 Hassen Enough. Quit playing games. We still have a lot to do. 1
141 137 301 Celica So, Mr. President, when's it my turn for you to send me on a relaxing winter getaway? 2
142 138 301 Hassen I said quit playing games... 1
143 139 301 Celica Very well, Mr. Hassen... But I think you're spoiling them. Sending a team with such high combat power as Gray Raven is a bit overkill. 2
144 140 301 Hassen They've had it hard enough as is. 1
145 141 301 Celica ..And that's why I supported your decision. 2
146 142 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin Hassen I hope everything goes according to plan. I don't know if those kids have even seen snow. 1