Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25] 1 1 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory100.png 2 2 401 1 209 3 3 301 DialogEnable 5:30 a.m. Universal time 4 4 301 On a transport craft in low Earth orbit... 5 5 301 The engine emits a low and steady hum. After some time, the crews' ears become accustomed to the sound. Rather than finding it disruptive, the uniform rhythm is like white noise lulling the crew with the desire to sleep. 6 6 301 The seat belts secure them to their seats, comforting them despite the weightlessness. Yet their need and longing for gravity are instinctive, carved in their genes. There is a sense of emptiness and loss in the vacuum of space. 7 7 301 This loss only amplifies the sense of drowsiness. 8 8 301 In order to suppress the impulse to close your eyes and take a nap, you slowly shift your gaze to the porthole. 9 9 301 You see the quiet universe dotted with stars. 10 10 301 The transport craft should be traveling at inconceivable speed. But in the vastness of space, the stars, millions of light-years away, fail to serve as a reference point for you "moving forward," regardless of how fast the ship is. 11 11 301 If it were not for the hum of the engine in your ears, there would be no sensation of the ship moving. 12 12 301 The sense of emptiness continues to escalate. 13 13 301 Just as your consciousness is about to succumb, numbness makes its way up your spine. 14 14 301 Everything you see appears to stop as if someone pressed the pause button. 15 15 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Fragments of memory begin to rush before your eyes in a kaleidoscope of colors. 16 16 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory16.jpg 17 17 401 1 36 18 18 504 0.7 19 19 201 1 500004 20 20 301 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 Asimov You were infiltrated by Huaxu in City 075. Your Mind Beacon was forced into a corrupted M.I.N.D. 1 21 21 301 Asimov Initiating a M.I.N.D. connection with a Corrupted is unprecedented. After a thorough examination, we've found that your Mind Beacon has become corrupted. 1 22 22 301 Asimov And up until this point, you haven't been able to recover from the corruption. 1 23 23 301 Asimov I'm sure you've also noticed that your M.I.N.D. has fallen into a constant state of intermittent "memory replays." 1 24 24 301 Asimov "Memory replays" isn't exactly the most appropriate term for your symptoms, but it'll do for the time being. 1 25 25 301 Asimov In other words, you will randomly fall into a chaotic storm of memory flashbacks without warning. 1 26 26 301 Asimov Some of your repressed or supposedly forgotten thoughts... numerous fragments of memory will bombard your consciousness. 1 27 27 301 Asimov There's nothing wrong with your physical body other than the Mind Beacon pollution—at least for now. 1 28 28 301 Asimov The Science Council also wants to put you under constant observation to see whether any other physiological functions will be affected by your corrupted Mind Beacon. 1 29 29 301 Asimov But that's for later. I think you'll have more difficult challenges to tackle in the interim. 1 30 30 301 Your vision fragments again. 31 31 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory46.jpg 32 32 201 1 500012 33 33 301 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 Nikola What happened in the underground cavern is enough for you to be court-martialed. 1 34 34 301 Nikola You're still sitting here only because you were responsible for defeating the Polyphage. 1 35 35 301 Nikola Locking up the heroes responsible for defeating the Polyphage would only cause an uproar among the people, so the decision was made to allow you to continue field operations. 1 36 36 301 Nikola However, don't think your merits have offset the severity of this issue. The authorities won't simply let bygones be bygones. 1 37 37 301 Nikola As long as the distrust remains, countless pairs of eyes will be watching your every move. 1 38 38 301 Nikola If you do anything out of the ordinary during this time, even the President can't protect you. 1 39 39 202 1 1 40 40 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory284.jpg 41 41 201 1 500011 42 42 301 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 Hassen Nikola has always been blunt. Pay it no mind. 1 43 43 301 DialogDisable Hassen You know what he meant. It was more of a reminder than a warning. 1 44 44 302 I know. 45 45 45 302 Why are you telling me this? 46 46 46 301 DialogEnable Hassen Because I have a suspicion that... this isn't over yet. 1 47 47 301 Hassen I need people I can trust and deploy when the time comes—that includes the Gray Ravens. 1 48 48 301 Hassen I don't have time to have my people tangled up in bureaucracy, and neither do you. 1 49 49 301 Hassen At the very least, soldiers should die on the battlefield, not on the gallows of those they serve. 1 50 50 301 Hassen The most important thing for Eden now is to solve problems and defeat the enemy, not go on a witch hunt against one of our own. 1 51 51 301 Hassen As long as you can prove your loyalty and your worth to Eden in the next battle, that supervision will naturally lift. 1 52 52 302 But, right now... 53 53 53 301 Hassen I've heard from Asimov about your problems. 1 54 54 301 Hassen Do you want to stay in the ICU? Or continue duty on the front line? 1 55 55 302 Of course I— 56 56 301 A golden arc of light suddenly shatters your recollection. 57 57 202 RImgBg1Disable 1 1 58 58 504 DialogDisable 0 59 59 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryZhengyanNew.prefab 3 60 60 101 RImgBg1Enable Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory100.png 61 61 401 1 12 62 62 301 DialogEnable Your consciousness returns in an instant. 63 63 301 You do not have the time to think about how long you were out, seeing that the arc slicing through your memory was not an illusion. 64 64 301 It is real. Outside the porthole, the unchanging scenery suddenly shifts with the appearance of the arc. 65 65 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Like a scimitar fresh out of the forge, a gentle and curved horizon forms in the afterglow of the golden light amid the sea of stars. 66 66 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory334.png 67 67 301 AniZhuanchangEnd Hidden up until this moment, Earth finally reveals its true face. 68 500 502 RImgBg1BlowUp 69 68 301 Soon, the faint golden light turns blinding white. As the transport craft continues to coast along in orbit, the sun slowly rises from the distant shadow, illuminating the surface of the blue planet in its entirety. 70 69 301 Without the atmosphere to scatter the light, the dazzling rays of sunlight are sharp and absent of their usual tenderness. 71 70 301 Just staring at it momentarily fills your brain with an unspeakable sense of vertigo. 72 71 301 ??? Comm... 73 72 301 ??? ...and... 74 73 301 ??? ...dant— 75 74 301 Someone seems to be calling out to you by your ear. 76 75 301 RImgBg1Shake ??? Commandant! 77 76 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Right as your thoughts are about to drift away again, the stern voice brings you back to reality. 78 77 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory232.png 79 78 401 1 201 80 79 201 1 1031001 14 -600 81 80 201 2 500026 10 600 82 81 201 3 500166 83 82 301 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 You suddenly turn your head to see Liv and Lucia standing before you with looks of worry. Lee furrows his eyebrows faintly. 1 2 3 84 83 302 ... 84 Huh?! 86 85 84 301 Liv Is it a... memory replay? 1 86 85 89 301 Liv We shouldn't have accepted this mission. The commandant obviously hasn't fully recovered... 1 87 86 204 2 88 87 301 Lee lets out a sigh of relief. His frowned brows seem to relax as well. 89 88 301 Lee Don't look directly at the sun without the proper equipment. Even though the porthole is equipped with a filter, the UV light is still enough to burn your retinas. 2 90 89 302 I'm fine. 90 91 90 302 I was just lost in thought... 91 92 91 202 1 2 3 1 93 92 301 Lucia looks out of the porthole to where you were looking. 94 93 301 She seems to want to say something, but before she can speak, she is interrupted by another harsh voice. 95 94 301 RImgBg1Shake ??? Is now the time for slacking and idle chit-chat, Gray Raven Commandant? 96 95 301 Following this, a hologram projection appears before you. 97 96 201 1 500286 98 97 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryTongxunHalfNew.prefab 1 99 98 301 1 Fluorescence lights form the outline of an elderly man in the air. He is wearing the same standard-issued commandant uniform. Every meticulous pleat is as stern and upright as his expression. 1 100 99 301 The man's eyes are slightly cloudy with age, but his posture remains upright like that of an unyielding pine. 1 101 100 301 With eyes like an old falcon, he scans all the soldiers aboard the transport craft. 1 102 101 301 Although you are not communicating face-to-face and there is no literal "eye contact," all soldiers present subconsciously straighten their posture as they meet his "gaze." 1 103 102 301 Hans This is Hans speaking. I will be the Chief Commander for this ground mission. 1 104 103 301 Hans Asimov, the Science Council's Chief Technician, has already explained the specific matters of this mission to you. I won't go over them, as I'm sure most of you have already committed the details of this mission to memory. 1 105 104 301 Hans However, given the lack of discipline among the Construct squads I just witnessed, let me reiterate these orders to prevent further negligence. 1 106 105 301 Upon saying this, Hans' gaze seems to sweep past you. 107 106 302 (Meet his gaze) 107 108 107 301 Hans ... 1 109 108 301 Hans Let's begin the mission briefing. 1 110 109 505 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryTongxunHalfNew.prefab 1 111 110 202 1 1 112 111 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Following Hans' words, your mind returns to before your departure. 113 112 504 0.7 114 113 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory46.jpg 115 114 401 1 36 116 115 301 AniZhuanchangEnd 24 hours ago— 117 116 301 Babylonia war room— 118 117 301 Several commandants gather before the war table. 119 118 201 1 500011 120 119 301 1 Hassen The battle against the Ascendants has come to an end. Your heroic deeds on the surface were astonishing. 1 121 120 301 Hassen Unfortunately, the Parliament is unable to give you the medals and honors you deserve at the moment. 1 122 121 301 Hassen After receiving this urgent assembly order, you've probably realized—new troubles have arisen and are imminent. 1 123 122 301 Hassen Celica, project the information. 1 124 123 201 1 500001 125 124 301 1 Celica Yes, President. 1 126 125 202 1 127 126 401 2 1515 128 127 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Celica quickly operates the terminal, and the holographic projection reveals a series of remote sensing images. 129 128 401 1 202 130 129 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory321.png 131 501 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryTongxunNew.prefab 2 132 130 301 AniZhuanchangEnd Immediately, the dark blue screen is covered with a large swath of red. 133 131 301 Sanguine crystal clusters "bloom" on the surface in the shape of arteries, forming a cobweb of "rivers" entrenched in the surface. 134 132 301 Some of the images are very blurry—either due to issues with the transmissions, or perhaps the photographers were facing external threats and unable to record everything. 135 133 401 1 36 136 134 301 Someone gasps. Shortly after, the entire conference room falls deathly quiet. You could hear a pin drop. 137 135 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Hassen clears his throat, breaking the solemn silence. 138 502 505 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryTongxunNew.prefab 139 136 201 1 500011 140 137 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory46.jpg 141 138 301 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 Hassen Asimov, since you were the first person to organize the data on the current situation, I think it's only appropriate you take it from here. 1 142 139 202 1 143 140 401 2 1516 144 141 301 Asimov nods and approaches the war table. 145 142 201 1 500004 146 143 301 1 By the look of his haggard expression, pale lips, and faint dark circles under his eyes, he appears to have had several sleepless nights the past few days. 147 144 301 However, right as he opens his mouth to speak, his usual professionalism as the Science Council's chief technical officer returns. 148 145 401 1 10 149 146 301 Asimov Some of the teams that weren't dispatched during the last large-scale ground operation may be unaware of this. So, I'll explain it briefly. 1 150 147 301 Asimov As you can see, during our last ground operation, we uncovered dark red tides containing new— 1 151 148 301 He pauses for a moment as if struggling to come up with the proper wording. 152 149 301 Asimov New—forms of the Punishing Virus. 1 153 150 301 Asimov Based on their physical properties, the Science Council has decided on the name "Red Tide" for the time being. 1 154 151 301 Asimov However, this is definitely not a natural phenomenon caused by the explosion and proliferation of red algae in the conventional ecological sense. This entity has nothing to do with water. 1 155 152 301 Asimov After conducting an analysis of samples, the red liquid you see is the Punishing Virus itself. 1 156 153 301 Asimov One of our Construct teams engaged in a direct confrontation with the Ascendants during a previous operation. 1 157 154 401 2 1516 158 155 203 1 0.25 450 159 156 201 2 500012 -450 160 157 301 1 Nikola suddenly steps forward and interrupts Asimov. 161 158 301 Nikola Get to the point, Asimov. 2 162 159 202 1 2 1 163 160 201 1 500011 164 161 301 1 Hassen Nikola, let Asimov present whatever information he feels is pertinent to the mission. 1 165 162 202 1 1 166 163 301 Asimov furrows his eyebrows, seemingly slightly displeased, then continues speaking. 167 164 201 1 500004 168 165 301 1 Asimov I won't repeat the specific details of the operation, only the results. 1 169 166 301 Asimov The commandants present who have participated in previous operations have most likely encountered new forms of Corrupted. 1 170 167 301 Asimov These enemies are unlike conventional Corrupted. Instead, they are a form of pure Punishing Virus, possessing apparent biological features. 1 171 168 301 Asimov More specifically, they represent an evolution of the Punishing Virus—Punishing Hetero-Creatures. 1 172 169 301 Asimov The specific mechanism and reason are unknown. We don't know why the Punishing Virus is capable of self-evolution. 1 173 170 301 Asimov The only thing we can say for certain is that they are created by the Punishing Virus within the Red Tide. 1 174 171 301 Asimov The Red Tide will devour machinery and organisms, then decompose them into nourishment for breeding Hetero-Creatures. 1 175 172 301 Asimov Originally, after repelling the Ascendants, the proliferation of the Red Tide began to diminish. 1 176 173 301 RImgBg1Disable Asimov However, we received a transmission from the recon team twenty-four hours ago. 1 177 174 202 1 1 178 175 101 RImgBg1Enable Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory326.png 179 503 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryTongxunNew.prefab 2 180 176 301 Asimov —The Red Tide has resurfaced. 181 177 301 Asimov The proliferation is different from last time. So, we didn't realize the severity until it was already too late. 182 178 301 Asimov The Red Tide is like a relentless cancer, going into remission only to recur anew. 183 179 301 Asimov The Red Tide initially lurked in an underground cavern that was designed as nuclear fallout shelter by City 075. It circulated through the city's underground waterways before reaching critical mass and emerging onto the surface. 184 180 301 RImgBg1Disable Asimov We dispatched our recon team to the city ruins to ensure that it was under our supervision. 185 504 505 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryTongxunNew.prefab 186 181 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/BgStory46.jpg 187 182 201 1 500004 188 183 301 RImgBg1Enable 1 Asimov However, the characteristics of the Red Tide seem to fluctuate without rhyme or reason. In this regard, it's not a tide in the traditional sense but more of a fluid organism that can act autonomously. 1 189 184 301 Asimov Plus, the underground cavern was built in secret, so many places are in our blind spots. Some underground waterways connect to nearby rivers through an intricate network of pipelines. Even if the rivers have dried up, the riverbeds and ravines are still there. 1 190 185 301 Asimov A portion of the Red Tide was able to slip out of the city undetected through these blind spots. 1 191 186 301 Asimov Moreover, as you just saw on the screen, the Red Tide has formed tributaries along the surface of the wasteland. 1 192 187 301 Asimov After receiving this information from our scouts on the surface, the Science Council has conducted emergency tests on this form of the Red Tide. 1 193 188 301 Asimov Fortunately, this Red Tide isn't as rampant as the first time, nor has it expanded to the point of becoming an unstoppable deluge. 1 194 189 301 Asimov Unfortunately, its distribution is still far too prolific. The Red Tide has formed a real river, dispersing into countless smaller tributaries. 1 195 190 301 Asimov After calculating the course of these tributaries, we found one thing. 1 196 191 301 Asimov They are headed toward— 1 197 192 202 1 198 193 301 Asimov's finger swipes the screen, displaying a wider version of the map. 199 194 301 His fingertip points to a large blue sector. 200 195 301 ...The ocean. 201 196 201 1 500004 202 197 301 1 Asimov It's heading toward the shoreline. 1 203 198 301 Asimov If we allow the Red Tide to reach the shoreline, there's no turning back. 1 204 199 301 Asimov Unlike the ocean, land serves as an inorganic buffer zone that can block the Red Tide. There is no better medium for the wanton proliferation and spread of Red Tide than water. 1 205 200 301 Asimov The whole sea will become corrupted, devoured and assimilated by the Red Tide. 1 206 201 301 Asimov By that time, the Punishing Virus will spread to every corner of the world. 1 207 202 301 Asimov In order to curb the spread of the Red Tide, Babylonia has formulated a plan to bombard the Red Tide with the Longinus Arsenal, referencing the plan made during the battle at the space station. 1 208 203 301 Asimov The first step of this plan is to obtain the exact coordinates and location of the Red Tide. 1 209 204 301 Asimov During the Golden Age, you only needed to send a request to satnav system to obtain the specific coordinates for an area. 1 210 205 301 Asimov But now, these satellites have become corrupted by the Punishing Virus, so we can no longer rely on them. 1 211 206 401 2 1516 212 207 203 1 0.25 450 213 208 201 2 500011 -450 214 209 301 1 Hassen approaches the war table. 215 210 301 Hassen Next, I will brief everyone on the mission. 2 216 211 301 Asimov As you wish, Mr. President. 1 217 212 401 2 1516 218 213 202 1 1 219 214 203 2 0.25 220 215 301 Asimov nods then takes a step back. 221 216 301 Hassen Celica. 2 222 217 401 2 1515 223 218 301 Celica presses a button. The movable panel in the center of the war table separates into two sections with a crisp pop as a small platform rises up from within. 224 219 301 To everyone's surprise, a long black hexagonal needle, nearly 1.5 meters in length, appears. 225 220 301 Hassen This device was promptly developed by the Science Council. It's called a "bit domain node." It will be distributed to all team captains present at the beginning of the operation. 2 226 221 301 Hassen Your task is to locate the edge of the Red Tide, insert the bit domain node, activate it, then protect it until you receive the evacuation order from Babylonia. 2 227 222 301 Hassen The total coverage must include all of the Red Tide tributaries. We need to remove it all at once to ensure that no residual tide is left this time. 2 228 223 301 Hassen If you are attacked by Hetero-Creatures during this period, hold your position to ensure the integrity and security of the bit domain node. 2 229 224 301 Hassen In order to ensure that this operation goes according to plan, we will saturate our deployments, positionings, and attacks. 2 230 225 301 Hassen Eight teams will be deployed to execute this calibration mission. Each team is composed of an elite task force led by a commandant and several Construct squads. 2 231 226 301 Hassen The elite task force led by the commandant will be responsible for deploying the node, while the Construct teams will be responsible for protecting them in the interim. 2 232 227 301 Hassen Hopefully, all eight bit domain nodes will be deployed—that's the only ideal situation. 2 233 228 301 Hassen However, Babylonia needs at least three bit domain nodes to be successfully deployed in order to obtain accurate enough coordinates. 2 234 229 301 Hassen If you have any questions, please raise them now, and Asimov will explain the details to you. 2 235 230 302 What is a bit domain node? 231 No questions. 242 236 231 202 2 1 237 232 201 1 500004 238 233 301 1 Asimov Hmm... Where to start? 1 239 234 301 Asimov It's not overly technical. It's a rush job used to temporarily replace satellites. 1 240 235 301 Asimov The satnav system continuously broadcasts its current coordinates and time. 1 241 236 301 Asimov However, thanks to the Punishing Virus, there are no navigation satellites available in low Earth orbit, so we have to use bit domain nodes instead. 1 242 237 301 Asimov When they're deployed on the surface, they will measure the distance and angle between the other nodes, then continuously broadcast a signal to space. 1 243 238 301 Asimov After receiving the signal, Babylonia will calculate the specific coordinates of each node, then delineate the attack range for the Longinus Arsenal. 1 244 239 301 Asimov Babylonia will inform you after successfully receiving the signal and calculating the coordinates. Until then, you can't retreat. 1 245 240 301 Asimov It should be noted that the current orbital altitude of Babylonia allows us to orbit Earth in about two hours. The signal from the nodes will only be received when passing through the airspace within the range of the nodes. 1 246 241 301 Asimov This is also why you need to defend the nodes upon activation. 1 247 242 202 2 1 248 243 201 1 500004 249 244 301 1 Asimov Are there any other questions? 1 250 245 301 Asimov Alright, there's just one more thing I'd like to add. 1 251 246 301 Asimov Unlike when the Red Tide was found in City 075, the consistency... is more like running water than thick mud this time. We aren't sure why. 1 252 247 301 Asimov Regardless, all you need to know is that the "concentration" and "volatility" of the Red Tide are significantly less than what it was before. 1 253 248 301 Asimov Only when the tide "rises" will the Punishing Virus concentration reach the equivalent found in Dead Zones. 1 254 249 301 Asimov According to monitoring reports, low tide concentration is within the range of normal Punishing zones. 1 255 250 301 Asimov This is one of the reasons why the recon team failed to notice that the Red Tide had moved. 1 256 251 301 Asimov Thankfully, however, this means that the protective devices enhanced by the Science Council on such short notice are sufficient for working in proximity to the Red Tide for the duration of the mission. 1 257 252 301 Asimov However, it's for only a short duration. Avoid close contact with the Red Tide after landing, especially during high tide. 1 258 253 201 1 500011 259 254 301 1 Hassen That should suffice. 1 260 255 301 Hassen Seems like everyone fully understands the mission and the gravity of our dilemma. 1 261 256 301 Hassen This presents an important opportunity for Babylonia to launch an attack. However, we need to change orbit and reduce altitude to commence the attack, which puts us at risk of intersecting the network of corrupted satellites. As such, our anti-air defenses won't allow us to remain in position for very long. 1 262 257 301 Hassen Similarly, your mission is not to annihilate Hetero-Creatures, but to deploy the bit domain nodes. 1 263 258 301 Hassen The nodes aren't particularly difficult to deploy, but in a strategic sense, this mission is crucial. It requires a high degree of collaboration and team awareness from all of you. 1 264 259 301 Hassen Avoid head-on confrontations and needless acts of heroism that do not otherwise serve the success of the mission. Our top priority is to protect the nodes until Babylonia receives the coordinate data. 1 265 260 301 Hassen I know that the commandants of the task forces present are among the most elite. I do not question your ability. However, this operation needs neither personal heroism nor combat ability. 1 266 261 301 Hassen What matters most are judgment and decision-making for the overall benefit of the mission. 1 267 262 301 Hassen Most of you are used to fighting solely with your own team. So for this operation only, I have specifically arranged Hans to act as the chief commander for the calibration operation at ground level. 1 268 263 401 2 1516 269 264 203 1 0.25 -450 270 265 201 2 500286 450 271 266 301 1 Hassen slightly turns to one side. The silver-haired man standing behind Hassen in stern silence since the beginning steps forward and salutes. 272 267 301 Hans Yes, Mr. President. 2 273 268 301 Some of the team captains present show faint expressions of confusion on how an elderly man, seemingly a few years older than even Hassen, is serving as the chief commander for such an important mission. 274 269 301 Hassen For safety reasons, only the commandant of each task force has the authority to deploy their bit domain node. 1 275 270 301 Hassen Please make accurate judgments and verify with Chief Commander Hans before activating your bit domain node to ensure that Babylonia receives the most accurate coordinates. 1 276 271 301 Hassen The rise and fall of the Red Tide will greatly affect the real-time topographic changes within the combat zone. There may have already been significant changes within the duration of this meeting. 1 277 272 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Hassen In case of emergency, please follow Chief Commander Hans' orders... 1 278 273 202 1 2 1 279 274 201 1 500286 280 275 504 0 281 276 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryTongxunHalfNew.prefab 1 282 277 401 1 202 283 278 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory232.png 284 279 401 1 201 285 280 301 AniZhuanchangEnd 1 Hans This concludes our mission briefing. As previously stated, give priority to my command. 1 286 281 301 Hans Don't question my judgement. Obeying orders is the first requirement of a soldier. 1 287 282 301 Hans I hope the forces of Babylonia nowadays won't let me down. 1 288 283 505 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryTongxunHalfNew.prefab 1 289 284 202 1 1 290 285 301 With that, his hologram disappears from the transport craft. 291 286 301 Right as the fluorescence light dissipates, everyone cannot help but breathe a collective sigh of relief. 292 287 301 Whispers from other Construct teams can be heard nearby. 293 288 201 1 500019 294 289 201 2 500019 600 295 290 201 3 500019 -600 296 291 301 1 Construct A Have you met Chief Commander Hans? 1 297 292 301 Construct B No, but he looks older than the President. Isn't he a bit old for going out on the front line? 2 298 293 301 Construct C Hmph. Who knows? 3 299 294 202 1 2 3 1 300 295 201 1 500028 301 296 301 1 Construct Captain Don't write off Chief Commander Hans so easily. There must be a reason why the President arranged for this. 1 302 297 202 1 1 303 298 301 ... 304 299 201 1 500026 305 300 301 1 Lee Commander Chief Hans was born in the Golden Age. He experienced the Post-Pandemic Age and the Acadia Evacuation first-hand. 1 306 301 301 Lee After that, he continued to work in the Center for Combat Intelligence as one of its core members. 1 307 302 301 Lee I didn't expect that this operation would need someone of his caliber to join us... 1 308 303 301 Lee I'm sure he's seen his fair share of warfare and bloodshed, just like the President. He's bound to be strict on others. 1 309 304 301 Lee Don't take to heart what just happened. 1 310 305 302 Worried about me, Lee? 306 Thank you. 307 311 306 309 301 Lee I just don't want my commandant to worry about such trivial matters. 1 312 307 301 Lee turns his head slightly and scoffs quietly. 313 308 301 Lee I'm only stating a fact. 1 314 309 301 Lee His personal information is not confidential and can be accessed directly in the archives. 1 315 310 301 Lee There is nothing worth talking about in private. 1 316 311 201 1 500166 6 317 312 301 1 You smile and nod at Lee. You glance to the side at Lucia, who is staring out of the porthole. 318 313 302 Lucia? 314 319 314 204 1 320 315 301 PanelActor1Shake 1 Lucia Hmm... Ah! 1 321 316 301 Lucia Apologies, Commandant. 1 322 317 302 What are you looking at? 318 323 318 301 Lucia I'm just looking at the same thing you were, Commandant. 1 324 319 302 The sunrise? 320 325 320 301 Lucia Yes. 1 326 321 301 Lucia You weren't just lost in thought, were you? 1 327 322 301 Lucia What were you thinking about, Commandant? 1 328 323 301 Lucia Sunrise at low Earth orbit looks completely different than it does on the surface... 1 329 324 301 Lucia ...Is that what you were thinking? 1 330 325 302 (Nod.) 326 331 326 204 1 2 332 327 301 Lucia lets out a barely visible smile. 333 328 301 Lucia I'm finally beginning to understand what you're thinking, Commandant. 1 334 329 301 AniZhuanchangBegin Lucia It's so bright. It's even overloading my visual components. 1 335 330 202 1 1 336 331 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory334.png 337 332 401 1 12 338 333 301 AniZhuanchangEnd In low Earth orbit, Babylonia completes one revolution around the Earth in approximately two hours. Such a "sunrise" occurs more than twelve times a day. 339 334 301 All residents of Eden born in space have long been accustomed to such a spectacle. 340 335 301 The rising and setting of the sun no longer serve as symbols of hope. 341 336 301 Day and night are no longer measured in 24-hour cycles. People must rely on other ways to define their day. 342 337 301 How much longer? How much longer until landfall? 343 338 301 Three hundred kilometers is not that far. Looking down from this height, the entirety of the blue planet is no longer in view, only the changing surface. 344 339 301 The red-tinted earth, the blue ocean. Rolling storm clouds along the tropics dancing in the stratosphere, quietly shrouding the Earth. 345 340 301 For some peculiar reason, as the distance gets closer and closer, the haunting sense of emptiness gradually disappears. 346 341 301 This is not "going" to but "returning" to Earth. Upon arrival, everything will once again carry its intended meaning. 347 342 301 AniZhuanchangBegin It is the cradle of all life and the home for which all life will return. 348 343 101 Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory232.png 349 344 401 1 36 350 345 301 AniZhuanchangEnd Guide AI Attention passengers. The aircraft will begin to decelerate and reduce orbital altitude. Reverse thrusters will ignite in fifteen seconds. Rapid deceleration will generate 2 G's of force. Please fasten your seat belts. 351 346 301 The broadcast on the intercom suddenly halts all extraneous thoughts. 352 347 301 Sit upright and firmly grip the handrails. 353 348 401 2 1503 354 349 301 RImgBg1Shake A sudden force pushes the crew firmly against the spongy padding of the seats. The overwhelming pressure strains their eyes, hearts, and bodies. 355 350 301 But this oppressive force and restraint... 356 351 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin Completely dispelled all previous unprovoked confusion.