Id ActionId NextActionId Type IsBlock IsEnd BeginAnim EndAnim BeginDelay EndDelay Params[1] Params[2] Params[3] Params[4] Params[5] Params[6] Params[7] Params[8] Params[9] Params[10] Params[11] Params[12] Params[13] Params[14] Params[15] Params[16] Params[17] Params[18] Params[19] Params[20] Params[21] Params[22] Params[23] Params[24] Params[25] 1 1 101 AniZhuanchangEnd Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory154.png 2 2 401 1 18 3 3 201 1 1081001 1 -400 4 4 201 2 500155 400 5 5 301 DialogEnable 1 Kamui YOOOOOO! WHOOOAAAA! This ship is BIG! 1 6 6 301 Chrome Keep your voice down, Kamui. If some guards are hiding nearby and they hear you— 2 7 7 301 Kamui I don't see the point of staying quiet, though! 1 8 8 301 Kamui After all, this place is hustlin' and bustlin' already, right? 1 9 9 202 1 2 1 10 10 301 Kamui points at the clamor in front of him. 11 11 301 The deck of the giant vessel is jam-packed with people, shouting, seething, trampling over each other. 12 12 301 Shouts peddling wares fill the ship. Curious-looking merchants, like ants, fill every inch of the space. 13 13 301 Peddling Voices Dried earthworms! Dried earthworms, dug fresh from the mud in the ballast! Get one for three grubs or one mile! 14 14 301 Curses Hey! Hey! Whatcha think ya doing? Use your eyes, not your hands! That's 200 mileage if you chip my wares! 15 15 201 1 500144 16 16 301 1 ??? Goods... More goods... 1 17 17 301 Merchant B Anyone need a hand? We've got medical-grade prosthetics straight from the Golden Age. Of the highest quality! 18 18 301 ... 19 19 202 1 20 20 201 1 1081001 2 -400 21 21 201 2 500155 400 22 22 301 1 Chrome ...Yeah, you're right. 2 23 23 301 Kamui And you were wondering how to blend in! Looks like we can just march straight through. 1 24 24 301 Chrome Kamui, wait— 2 25 25 301 Chrome yanks Kamui back before he can stride into the crowds. With his free hand, he alters the frequency of the Inver-Device in order to receive a sudden message. 26 26 202 1 1 27 27 201 3 500146 1 -400 28 600 401 1 202 29 28 501 Assets/Product/Effect/Prefab/FxUi/FxUiStoryNew/FxUiStoryTongxunHalfNew.prefab 3 30 29 301 1 ??? Great, great... finally. 3 31 30 301 The rushed words were uttered by a blonde youth who soon appears in the line of sight of the two Strike Hawk members, beaming. He looks delicate and friendly. 32 31 301 Chrome This is executive officer Nikola's private channel. Who are you? 2 33 32 301 ??? Don't worry, I'm Nikola's agent. He's on another mission, so I'm in charge of getting in touch with our contacts. 3 34 33 301 ??? Here. My credentials. 3 35 34 301 The blonde youth could have sent his electronic ID to Chrome, but for some reason, he pulls out the physical employee ID from inside his suit and holds it close to the screen. 36 35 203 2 0.25 600 37 36 203 3 0.25 -600 38 37 201 1 1081001 2 39 38 301 1 Kamui Ooh, a rookie tactician in the Combat Department... and your name is Murray... 1 40 39 301 Chrome Wait. Murray, huh... I apologize for the impudence, but are you related to Lee from the Gray Raven squad? 2 41 40 301 Murray Yep, you got it. I'm Brother's brother. Uh, that sounded weird. Anyway, yeah, I'm Lee's younger brother. 3 42 41 551 301 The youth—Murray—smiles and greets the two. 43 551 42 204 3 0 44 42 301 Murray Anyway, back to the main point. Executive officer Nikola should have already told you about the mission details, but I'll still run it past you again as per official procedure. 3 45 43 301 Murray For this mission, the Strike Hawk squad shall investigate the suddenly-appeared KCC vessel to see if there is indeed a Chamber of Commerce presence on the ship, and also search for the subsidiary AI systems of Gestalt. 3 46 44 301 Chrome The second part is the one we should prioritize, right? 2 47 45 301 Murray Yeah. It's a direct assignment from Executive officer Nikola. We don't know why this KCC ship showed up all of a sudden, but the movements of other factions is not the primary concern of this mission. 3 48 46 301 Murray Word for word from Executive Officer Nikola, "Our main objective is to find if there are any Gestalt-related AIs on the ship." 3 49 47 301 Murray If there aren't, we retreat immediately. If there are... 3 50 48 301 Chrome We take them. By force. 2 51 49 301 Murray Well, that's what it says on paper. But it might be better to retreat immediately after the inspection. There's only two of you, so combat is gonna be tough. 3 52 50 301 Kamui Um, question! 1 53 51 301 Murray Sure, if I know the answer. 3 54 52 301 Kamui I keep hearing about it, but... What exactly is Gestalt? 1 55 53 301 Murray ... 3 56 54 301 Chrome Sorry, our Kamui is a bit— 2 57 55 301 With Kamui's untimely question, everyone falls silent. Murray gapes in disbelief. 58 56 301 Murray Um, no, it's fine. Since you have a question, I'll give you a brief answer. Gestalt is... well, an AI system that can perform super-large-scale calculations. 3 59 57 301 Murray This AI will self-develop and learn, and perform all sorts of calculations or research for us according to our needs. 3 60 58 301 Kamui Wow, that's dope. So we can just chuck everything to Gestalt then, huh? 1 61 59 301 Murray Essentially, yes. Some used to call Gestalt a dream come true. It didn't end up being that amazing, but it still completed its most important mission of... 3 62 60 301 Murray ...Protecting humans. In fact, Babylonia is protected by Gestalt. 3 63 61 301 Kamui Like how our Inver-Devices protect Babylonia? 1 64 62 301 Murray Not exactly, but that also works as an explanation. 3 65 63 301 Murray Gestalt is a system that keeps Babylonia running. Kind of like a firewall for Babylonia. 3 66 64 301 Murray However, there's more than one AI developed with the same low-level infrastructure as Gestalt. Which means that the defense of Babylonia— 3 67 65 301 Chrome —Could be at risk of being broken through if someone else manages to find the source code of Gestalt-related AIs. 2 68 66 301 Murray Yes. 3 69 67 301 Murray sighs, and Kamui heaves a heavy sigh as well. 70 700 204 3 8 71 68 301 Murray Either way, we can't allow the wrong people to find the source code. I'll act as support during your operation. Let's set off then, Strike Hawk. 3 72 69 301 Kamui Ooh! Let's go! 1 73 70 301 Kamui Wait... Capt., what exactly are we gonna do? 1 74 71 301 Chrome Don't act all excited to set off one second and become confused the next. But, well... I do have some clues. Someone back at the market just caught my eye. 2 75 72 301 1 AniZhuanchangBegin Chrome Follow me, Kamui! 2