Key Comment Values[1] Values[2] Values[3] Values[4] Values[5] Values[6] Values[7] NodeTypeName Node Type Entry Display Name Unexpected Encounter Shark-speare Sale Emergency Crisis Battle Engagement Emergency Crisis NodeTypeIcon Node Type Entry Display Icon Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiTheatre/UiTheatreStageTypeIcon05.png Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiTheatre/UiTheatreStageTypeIcon06.png Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiTheatre/UiTheatreStageTypeIcon03.png Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiTheatre/UiTheatreStageTypeIcon02.png Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiTheatre/UiTheatreStageTypeIcon04.png NodeTypeDesc Node Type Entry Display Description Weigh up. Shark-speare seems to love Tinbread Cookies. Emergency arose. Prepare to engage. Defeat the enemies for loot. Future Intersection NodeTypeSmallIcon Node Type Entry Display Icon Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBiancaTheatre/UiBiancaIconEvent01.png Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBiancaTheatre/UiBiancaIconEvent02.png Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBiancaTheatre/UiBiancaIconEvent03.png Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBiancaTheatre/UiBiancaIconEvent04.png Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBiancaTheatre/UiBiancaIconEvent05.png Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBiancaTheatre/UiBiancaIconEvent06.png DifficultyTitleIcon Difficulty Title Icon Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBiancaTheatre/UiBiancaTheatreIconDifficulty01.png Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBiancaTheatre/UiBiancaTheatreIconDifficulty02.png Assets/Product/Texture/Image/UiBiancaTheatre/UiBiancaTheatreIconDifficulty03.png DifficultyButtonIcon Difficulty Button Icon Assets/Product/Texture/Atlas/UiTheatre/UiTheatreTxtDifficulty01.png Assets/Product/Texture/Atlas/UiTheatre/UiTheatreTxtDifficulty02.png Assets/Product/Texture/Atlas/UiTheatre/UiTheatreTxtDifficulty03.png Assets/Product/Texture/Atlas/UiTheatre/UiTheatreTxtDifficulty04.png SpecialRewardName Special Reward Name (Skill, Level Up, Decoration Point, and Force Affection) %s Script Inspiration Cadenza SpecialRewardIcon Special Reward Icon (Skill, Level Up, Decoration Point, and Force Affection) - Pending %s Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconTools/IconTheatre07.png Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconTools/IconTheatre04.png Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconTools/IconTheatre03.png HelpKey Help Key BiancaTheatre RoleDetailLevelIcon Character Details Level Information Icon Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconTools/IconTheatre07.png RoleDetailLevelDesc Character Details Level Information Description Script All Character Level RoleDetailEquipIcon Character Details Equipment Information Icon Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconTools/IconTheatre07.png RoleDetailEquiupDesc Character Details Equipment Information Description Script Weapon & Memory Level RoleDetailSkillIcon Character Details Skill Information Icon Assets/Product/Texture/Image/IconTools/IconTheatre06.png RoleDetailSkillDesc Character Details Skill Information Description Chord Skill Level DifficultyButtonTextIcon Difficulty Button Text Icon Assets/Product/Texture/Atlas/UiTheatre/UiTheatreTxtDifficulty1.png Assets/Product/Texture/Atlas/UiTheatre/UiTheatreTxtDifficulty2.png Assets/Product/Texture/Atlas/UiTheatre/UiTheatreTxtDifficulty3.png Assets/Product/Texture/Atlas/UiTheatre/UiTheatreTxtDifficulty4.png FirstStoryId First Played Cutscene ID RG00601BA BtnSelectName Button's Text Select BtnRewardName Button's Text Claim PercentTitle Progress: %d%% BtnFettersAsset Resource paths for more bond buttons Assets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiBiancaTheatre/BtnFetters.prefab GridItemAsset Resource paths of item grids Assets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiBiancaTheatre/GridBiancaPopUp.prefab GridFettersAsset Resource paths of bond grids Assets/Product/Ui/ComponentPrefab/UiBiancaTheatre/GridFettersNode.prefab StrengthenCoinId Enhanced Token ID 96118 SettleDataName Data Content Name of the Total Settlement Screen Nodes Cleared Battle Nodes Total Stars Artifacts Collected Chapters Completed LevelItemId Level Item ID 96117 PropUnlockPercent Codex Unlock Progress \n%d/%d NotSelectTeam The text of a pop-up message when tapping Next without selecting a squad. Select Survey Team. NotSelectRecruitTicket The text of a pop-up message when tapping Next without selecting a recruit voucher. Select any Stray Invitation. NotSelectExReward The text of a pop-up message when tapping Next without selecting extra rewards. Select Artifact. StrengthenBtnActiveName Skill Details Activation Button Text Locked Activated Activate TextColor Text Color BBBBBBFF FF0000FF RewardTips Reward Tips No claimable rewards found Rewards cannot be claimed when a journey is in progress. Level limit reached UnitIcon Instruction Icon (1 Squad, 2 item) Assets/Product/Texture/Atlas/UiBiancaTheatre/UiTheatreIconBtnFenDui.png Assets/Product/Texture/Atlas/UiBiancaTheatre/UiTheatreIconBtnDaoJu.png BtnRecruitName Recruit Button Name Recruit Star Up BiancaTheatreComboTips Bond Description Evolve Requirement: BannerProgress Entry Progress Description Current Level: %s/%s StartViewTitle Titles for Difficulty Selection, Squad Selection, Recruit Voucher Selection, and Battle Rewards Select Difficulty Establish Survey Team Select Invitation Claim Battle Rewards QualityTextColor Text Color Corresponding to the Quality 797979 797979 588ad6 cc68c1 C68B23 C4695B RecruitTipsTitle Recruit Pop-Up Details Title (1 Recruit, 2 Star Up) Unlock the owned/trial character Improve the character's all Basic Abilities. NotRoles Reminders when tapping the character list button but there are no characters available. No characters recruited StrengthenTips Notice Nodes cannot be activated when a journey is in progress. FightRewardEndRecvTipsDesc The text of the second pop-up when exiting without claiming all battle rewards. Confirm to proceed? All unclaimed rewards will be lost. RebootTitle Battle Reset Title Reset Warning RebootDesc Battle Reset Warning You have %s *%d. Stage reset requires %s *%d. Confirm to proceed? RetreatTitle Battle Retreat Title Battle Warning RetreatDesc Battle Retreat Description This round of adventure will count as defeat once you leave the battle. You have %s *%d. %s can be used to revive/reset the stage. Confirm to leave and tally your results? MainViewShowRewardId Main Screen Reward Display 550193 SettleAnimaTime Time for the result calculation screen to slide to the bottom (in seconds) 3 NotActiveQualityColor Unactivated Quality Color 797979 UnusedRecruitCountDialogContent The description of the second pop-up when tapping Next without using up all recruit attempts. Confirm to proceed? (Unused recruit attempts will not be carried over.) RoleDetailBallIconBg In the character details brief skill panel, the background resource path of the Red, Yellow, and Blue Orbs Assets/Product/Texture/Atlas/Common/CommonSekuai1.png ReceiveExpTipsContent Pop-Up Description When Claiming Rewards at Max Level The Curse Queller's Path has already reached its max level. Excess Downfall Crystals will be lost. Confirm to claim? MissionComplete All mission completed