Id	ActionId	NextActionId	Type	IsBlock	IsEnd	BeginAnim	EndAnim	BeginDelay	EndDelay	Params[1]	Params[2]	Params[3]	Params[4]	Params[5]	Params[6]	Params[7]	Params[8]	Params[9]	Params[10]	Params[11]	Params[12]	Params[13]	Params[14]	Params[15]	Params[16]	Params[17]	Params[18]	Params[19]	Params[20]	Params[21]	Params[22]	Params[23]	Params[24]	Params[25]
1	1		101			AniZhuanchangEnd				Assets/Product/Texture/Image/BgStory/Bgstory304.png																								
2	2		401							1	202																							
3	3		201							1	500276																							
4	4		301			DialogEnable				1	Embla	Askr! Askr!	1																					
5	5		301									Embla rushes over to Askr frantically.																						
6	6		301								Embla	Askr! Askr!	1																					
7	7		201							1	500275																							
8	8		301			PanelActor1Shake				1	Askr	...	1																					
9	9		201							1	500276																							
10	10		301							1	Embla	Askr! Askr!	1																					
11	11		201							1	1031001																							
12	12		301							1	Liv	Embla, stop shaking it. Let me take a look...	1																					
13	13		301									Liv tries to stop her, but she continues to shake Askr stubbornly.																						
14	14		201							1	500275		-500																					
15	15		201							2	500276		500																					
16	16		301							1	Askr	...	1																					
17	17		301								Embla	Askr! Askr!	2																					
18	18		302								What's... going on?	19																						
19	19		202							1	2				1																			
20	20		201							1	1031001																							
21	21		301							1	Liv	I've heard others say that although the bionic machines in the past were programmed with emotions, they were ultimately an imitation.	1																					
22	22		301								Liv	They knew to "cry when upset," but they didn't know what really constituted "upset."	1																					
23	23		301								Liv	"If someone by your side isn't moving, then they must be dead. If someone by your side is dead, then that is worth being upset."	1																					
24	24		201							1	500029		-400																					
25	25		201							2	1011001		400																					
26	26		301							1	Lucia	...Even though it was their "choice," they were ultimately following pre-programmed orders...	1																					
27	27		301								Lee	Mechanoids can only act according to the logic of AI, and AI doesn't have the ability to "make its own choices."	2																					
28	28		301								Lee	All their actions are just optimizing predetermined solutions.	2																					
29	29		301								Lee	Crying when you are sad, for mechanoids, means that all you need to do is cry when you are sad.	2																					
30	30		301								Lee	Why be sad? Why cry? These... are the choices that a "soul" makes, not an AI.	2																					
31	31		301								Lucia	...	1																					
32	32		202							1					1																			
33	33		301									Lucia quietly walks up to Embla, who is still shaking Askr.																						
34	34		201							1	500029		-400																					
35	35		201							2	500276		500																					
36	36		301							1	Lucia	...Embla, you have to stop.	1																					
37	37		301			PanelActor2Shake				1	Embla	Askr! Askr!	2																					
38	38		301									Embla keeps shaking Embla, completely ignoring Lucia.																						
39	39		301								Lucia	Embla, please stop.	1																					
40	40		301									Lucia reaches out and braces Askr, stopping Embla from shaking him.																						
41	41		301								Lucia	Embla, please stop. This won't solve anything.	1																					
42	42		301								Embla	...Won't. Solve. Anything?	2																					
43	43		301								Lucia	Will you let us try if we say we can come up with a way to help?	1																					
44	44		301								Embla	...	2																					
45	45		301									Embla raises her upper body, turns her head, and looks at all of you silently.																						
46	46		202							1	2				1																			
47	47		201							1	500276																							
48	48		301							1	Embla	"Knowledge." Has no. Answer. If Askr. Doesn't. Move...	1																					
49	49		302								Our "knowledge" does.	50																						
50	50		201							1	1031001																							
51	51		301							1	Liv	We can't guarantee if it will work, but...	1																					
52	52		201							1	500276																							
53	53		301							1	Embla	Don't know. But. Want. Askr. Move.	1																					
54	54		301								Embla	If. Your. "Knowledge." Can...	1																					
55	55		301									Embla looks up at you all again. After a short pause, she slowly stands up and takes a step back.																						
56	56		302								Thank you.	57																						
57	57		301								Embla	Why. Thank?	1																					
58	58		302								Because you understood.	59																						
59	59		201							1	500029		-400																					
60	60		201							2	1011001		400																					
61	61		301							1	Lee	...That doesn't seem to be written in their program. Is it self-evolution?	2																					
62	62		301								Lucia	Their computational abilities seem to be quite rudimentary... Can this level of AI evolve itself?	1																					
63	63		301								Lee	I don't know... Let Liv try to repair Askr first.	2																					
64	64		302								Liv.	65																						
65	65		202							1	2				1																			
66	66		201							1	1031001																							
67	67		301							1	Liv	Understood. Beginning medical procedures...	1																					
68	68		202							1					1																			
69	69		301									...																						
70	70		301									As Liv attempts to repair Askr, Embla stands beside her and stares at Askr, motionless...																						
71	71		301									Naturally, there is no emotion in her green "eye," despite it being different from the other mechanoids.																						
72	72		301									...The look is so different from the one in her eye as she was shaking Askr moments prior.																						
73	73		201							1	500029																							
74	74		301							1	Lucia	...Commandant.	1																					
75	75		302								What is it?	76																						
76	76		301								Lucia	In your opinion, do we look more human? Or machine?	1																					
77	77		302								Why are you asking me this all of a sudden?	78																						
78	78		301								Lucia	I know that we are the commandant's weapon. Or rather... humanity's weapon.	1																					
79	79		301								Lucia	...	1																					
80	80		302								The answer is obvious—like a human.	81	More like a machine.	87	You're both.	94																		
81	81		301								Lucia	...Really? But we...	1																					
82	82		302								When I first met you...	83																						
83	83		302								I asked you...	84																						
84	84		301								Lucia	"Are you alone?"	1																					
85	85		302								You still remember.	86																						
86	86	100	301								Lucia	...Of course I remember.	1																					
87	87		301								Lucia	Machine...?	1																					
88	88		302								Only by definition.	89																						
89	89		301								Lucia	...By definition?	1																					
90	90		302								No matter what...	91																						
91	91		302								...You are you, Lucia.	92																						
92	92		301								Lucia	...You're right. Regardless of what I am, I am Lucia of the Gray Ravens.	1																					
93	93	100	301								Lucia	Thank you, Commandant... for giving me a renewed perspective.	1																					
94	94		301								Lucia	...Both?	1																					
95	95		302								Only by definition.	96																						
96	96		301								Lucia	...By definition?	1																					
97	97		302								No matter what...	98																						
98	98		302								...You are you, Lucia.	99																						
99	99		301								Lucia	...Understood.	1																					
100	100		302								One more thing...	101																						
101	101		301								Lucia	?	1																					
102	102		302								Forget it. Let's get back to the task at hand.	103	Lee asked me that, too.	104																				
103	103	108	301								Lucia	...?	1																					
104	104		301								Lucia	...How did you respond, Commandant?	1																					
105	105		302								Take a guess.	106	The same answer.	107																				
106	106	108	301								Lucia	Knowing you, Commandant, I'd wager that you gave him the same answer.	1																					
107	107		301								Lucia	...I see. You are the commandant after all.	1																					
108	108		202							1					1																			
109	109		301									Right at that moment, Lee finishes up helping Liv with her repairs and walks over.																						
110	110		201							1	1011001																							
111	111		301							1	Lee	Commandant.	1																					
112	112		302								What is it?	113																						
113	113		301									Lee remains quiet. Instead, he just shakes his head.																						
114	114		302								...Askr?	115																						
115	115		301								Lee	(Nods)	1																					
116	116		302								...	117																						
117	117		301								Lee	We decided to wait for your order.	1																					
118	118		302								Alright, let's go.	119																						
119	119		301				AniZhuanchangBegin				Lee	Right.	1																					
120	120		202							1					1																			
121	121		301			AniZhuanchangEnd						Embla still stands there, motionless; her posture remains unchanged.																						
122	122		301									Liv finishes scanning Askr one more time, then stands up and looks over.																						
123	123		201							1	1031001	14																						
124	124		301							1	Liv	...There's nothing I can do to repair the mechanoid.	1																					
125	125		301								Liv	He was suffering from damages along the way, but the last strike has completely destroyed the internal structure...	1																					
126	126		302								...There isn't anything else you can do?	127																						
127	127		301									Liv quietly shakes her head, then takes a step back from Askr.																						
128	128		201							1	500276																							
129	129		301							1	Embla	...Why?	1																					
130	130		202							1					1																			
131	131		301								Everyone	?																						
132	132		201							1	500276																							
133	133		301							1	Embla	Why?	1																					
134	134		203							1	0.25	-500																						
135	135		201							2	1031001	14	400																					
136	136		301							1	Liv	...Because Askr can't be fixed.	2																					
137	137		301								Embla	Askr. Is dead?	1																					
138	138		301								Liv	...The memory drive that stores its consciousness is still running, but we can't provide a suitable host to transfer it...	2																					
139	139		301								Embla	Askr. Needs. A suitable host?	1																					
140	140		202							1	2				1																			
141	141		201							1	1011001																							
142	142		301							1	Lee	Are you suggesting...	1																					
143	143		201							1	1031001	14																						
144	144		301							1	Liv	Embla...	1																					
145	145		201							1	500276																							
146	146		301							1	Embla	Embla. Become a host. Okay.	1																					
147	147		301								Embla	Embla. Askr. Are the same.	1																					
148	148		302								...Why would you do that?	149																						
149	149		301								Embla	Embla. Shaking. Shaking. Askr doesn't move.	1																					
150	150		301								Embla	If Embla can. Make Askr move.	1																					
151	151		301								Embla	Embla will do it.	1																					
152	152		301								Embla	Askr. Never. Let Embla get hurt.	1																					
153	153		301								Embla	Embla. Can also. Not let Askr get hurt.	1																					
154	154		301								Embla	Okay. Embla will do it.	1																					
155	155		301									Stuttering, Embla silently kneels before Askr.																						
156	156		201							1	500275																							
157	157		301							1	Askr	...	1																					
158	158		201							1	500276																							
159	159		301							1	Embla	Embla. Searching. Nothing found.	1																					
160	160		201							1	500275																							
161	161		301							1	Askr	...	1																					
162	162		201							1	500276																							
163	163		301							1	Embla	Embla. Thought of way. Make Askr. Move.	1																					
164	164		301								Embla	Not move. Okay. Embla wants. Askr here.	1																					
165	165		401							2	1506																							
166	166		201							1	500275																							
167	167		301							1	Askr	...	1																					
168	168		202							1																								
169	169		301									Embla spreads her arms to grasp Askr's head and slowly removes the spherical part.																						
170	170		201							1	500276																							
171	171		301							1	Embla	Askr said. This part. Must not be damaged.	1																					
172	172		201							1	1011001																							
173	173		301							1	Lee	Is that the core?	1																					
174	174		201							1	500276																							
175	175		301							1	Embla	Just. Place it. In Embla's body...	1																					
176	176		201							1	1031001																							
177	177		301							1	Liv	...Commandant.	1																					
178	178		302				AniZhuanchangBegin				...Let her do it.	179																						
179	179		202							1					1																			
180	180		401						500	2	1509																							
181	181		401						500	2	1506																							
182	182		301			AniZhuanchangEnd						After the core was completely installed into her frame, Embla maintains her posture as she kneels on the ground.																						
183	183		201							1	1031001																							
184	184		301							1	Liv	...Embla?	1																					
185	185		201							1	500276																							
186	186		301							1	Embla?	...	1																					
187	187		302								...Did it fail?																							
188	188		201							1	1031001																							
189	189		301							1	Liv	No... Her frame is normal. She's just not responding. Perhaps...	1																					
190	190		302								...Perhaps?	192																						
191	192		301								Liv	Perhaps, with two consciousnesses in a single frame... they are acclimating to the frame's control.	1																					
192	193		201							1	500276																							
193	194		301							1	Embla?	"Comrade." I. Have too.	1																					
194	195		301								Embla?	Embla. Become a host. Okay.	1																					
195	196		301								Embla?	Here. There. All is. Naraka.	1																					
196	197		302								Embla...?	198																						
197	198		301			PanelActor1Shake				1		The rambling Embla trembles for a moment, then raises her head and gazes into the distance.																						
198	199		301								Embla?	... I want. Push everything. Past breaking point. I can. Wake "Father".	1																					
199	200		301								Embla?	... I want. Push everything. Past breaking point. I can. Wake "Father".	1																					
200	201		202							1					1																			
201	202		301									Embla stands, then stumbles off into the distance.																						
202	203		302								...What's going on?	204																						
203	204		201							1	500029																							
204	205		201							2	1011001		600																					
205	206		201							3	1031001		-600																					
206	207		301							1	Liv	I don't know... but it looks like she's thought of something.	3																					
207	208		301								Lee	She's repeating what Askr said... Is she doing what Askr originally wanted to do?	2																					
208	209		301								Lucia	Maybe. Let's follow her.	1																					
209	210		302		1		AniZhuanchangBegin				Right. It's not like we have any other choice.