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2023-10-18 08:49:36 +00:00
Z<07><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><06>k<EFBFBD><6B>]7<12><>><3E><><EFBFBD>>(<28>+<2B><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>H<EFBFBD><48><06>h‰rB<72>p<><70>ols<6C><73><EFBFBD>!N<><4E><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>O<EFBFBD><4F>Id Name Desc Title EventType ActiveConditionId[0] AutoPopup ForceFinish Mutex SubEventId[0] SubConditionId[0] SubEventId[1] SubConditionId[1] SubEventId[2] SubConditionId[2] EffectId[0] EffectId[1] EffectId[2] EffectId[3] EffectId[4]
1 Recorded Start the journey 2
2 Recorded I'll keep it in mind 2
3 Recorded There's nothing left to do here 2
4 Recorded All will be well 2
5 Recorded Send the message to the camp 2
100 Clean up the Ruins There are several ruins in the safe area, which seem to have resources that we could use. Besides, we can use the space after cleaning them up. Maybe we can send some people there to work on this. 1 2 0
101 Medical Supplies A functioning medical depot that can provide medical support for the camp. Build a Medical Depot for the Scavengers to work and produce medical supplies stably. 1 2 0
102 Food Supplies Although the condition is limited, if we can build a supply depot and have some people work there, there will be stable food supplies for the camp. 1 2 0
103 Build Outposts You can build one Exploration Team for each Outpost you constructed. You can have up to two Exploration Teams and send them out to explore the word outside. 1 2 0
10100 Anchor Point We came a long way to find this city. After discussion, we decide to use it as our anchor point and hope we can get through this together... 1 1 1 1 1 0
10101 Finding the Outpost At Carl's suggestion, we clean out the abandoned outpost in the city. There we find some functional weapons and protective gear. Although these are still not enough for us, at least some of us can explore places we didn't dare to go with these items. 1 1 1 2 0
10102 Timely Help A man who calls himself the "exchange merchant" begs us to take in the Scavengers he saved. Seeing his wounds, I accept it. After I settle these new members, the exchange merchant gives us many supplies and immediately sets off for the next city. 1 1 10103 0
10103 Recorded Added: New member x5, Obtained: Medicine x20, Food x20 2 10109 10110
10104 Hostile Neighbors There is a group of Scavengers who arrived earlier than us near our camp. They seem to be unhappy to see us being here and are always looking for trouble. Something bad will happen if we don't do anything about it. Maybe we should get ourselves prepared for it. 1 1 1 2 0
10105 Conflict A conflict takes place between us and the Scavengers who have been living nearby when we just arrive. It has already started before I arrive. Many are injured in the conflict. Anxiety is spreading in the camp. 1 1 10106 0
10106 Recorded Scavengers: -8 Health, -8 Satiety (Some Scavengers could die) 2 10111
10107 Warmth Before Winter The weather has been nice lately. The construction of the urban area on the west is almost complete. The Scavengers nearby have moved away. Hope this is not the last bit of warmth before winter. 1 1 1 2 0
10108 Settling Down The temporary camp is almost done. A lot has happened, but we don't have the time to think about the past as we have just settled here. There is still a long way to go if we want more people to survive. 1 1 1 4 0
10109 Collapse Today, a collapse took place when everyone was working. Some of us are injured. To speed up their recovery, I decide to provide more food to them during the next few days. However, we still need time for everyone to recover from the trauma. 1 1 10106 0
10110 Conflict Another conflict breaks out between the Scavengers nearby and us. There is only wreckage and wounded people left when I arrive. 1 1 10106 0
10200 Getting Worse We have settled down for the moment, but things are still not looking good. Hope the winter won't last too long. 1 1 1 1 0
10201 Helpful Supplies We come across the "exchange merchant" again, who gives us some supplies. It's not much but is better than nothing. 1 1 1 10202 0
10202 Recorded Received: Medicine x25, Food x25 2 10207
10203 Work in Winter We have to work in the cold wind in order to survive, so my friends and I decide to give them more supplies to keep everyone calm. 1 1 1 10204 0
10204 Recorded Lost: Medicine x5, Food x5 2 10208
10205 Work in Winter We have to work in the cold wind in order to survive, so my friends and I decide to give them more supplies to keep everyone calm. 1 1 1 10206 0
10206 Recorded Lost: Medicine x10, Food x10 2 10209
10207 Work in Winter We have to work in the cold wind in order to survive, so my friends and I decide to give them more supplies to keep everyone calm. 1 1 1 10208 0
10208 Recorded Lost: Medicine x15, Food x15 2 10210
10209 Arrival of Christmas The winter day festival is around the corner. We bring back some electrical appliances. Although they are not functional, at least they can add some festive vibe to the environment. 1 1 1 1 10210 0
10210 Recorded All will be well 2
10211 The Way Home - Request A Scavenger who calls himself Siegfried comes to us, saying that he and his friends got separated when entering the city. Wounded and unable to travel, he asks us to look for clues about his friends at the camp on the riverbank. 1 1 1 10212 0 10213 0
10212 Agree Obtained: The location of [Rocky Riverbank] 2 10212
10213 Refuse Siegfried will leave 2
10214 The Way Home - Inquiry Siegfried asks us if we have any news about his friends. 1 10214 1 1 10215 0 10216 0
10215 Positive Answer Point to the farm 2 10217 0
10216 Negative Answer Withhold the information in the recording in the camp 2 10219 0
10217 The Way Home - Departure Hearing what we said, Siegfried blushes. He thanks us in a serious way and gives us all the supplies he has before dashing off in the direction of the suburban farm. 1 1 1 1 10218 0
10218 Accept the gift Received: Wood x50, Iron x50 2 10218
10219 The Way Home - Silence We lie to him, saying that we haven't found his friends. The light in his eyes is gone for a moment. Eventually, he thanks us and fives the few supplies he has to us. He asks us to inform him if we get any news about his friends. 1 1 1 1 10220 0
10220 Accept the gift Received: Wood x50, Iron x50 2 10220
10221 The Way Home - Aftermath A group of wandering Scavengers come to our camp, saying that Siegfried asked them to bring the remaining supplies at the farm to us as a gift to thank us for helping him find his friends. When I ask them where Siegfried is, they say that he killed himself, because this is the only way for him to reunite with his friends. 1 10221 1 1 10222 0
10222 Recorded Received: Wood x50, Iron x50 2 10222
10223 The Way Home - Echo Not hearing any news about his friends for a very long time, Siegfried finally decides to join us. He still believes that they are alive and hasn't given up looking for them. He will have the courage to live on as long as that hope is still there. 1 10223 1 1 10224 0
10224 Recorded Added: New member x1 2 10224
10300 Christmas Jack has been shouting "Christmas! Christmas! Christmas!" in excitement lately. He said he would make sure the Comms Devices in the city are restored so everyone can listen to the Christmas song during Christmas. I think it's a good idea to pull everyone out of the sadness, so I accept Jack's suggestion, but I also wonder if there's anything else I can do to help. 1 1 1 1 1 0
10301 Minor Flu More and more people start to cough lately. It could be some kind of a minor flu. Although it's not a big problem, it is still mentally draining. 1 1 10302 0
10302 Recorded Scavengers: -25 Health, -25 Satiety (Some Scavengers could die) 2 10309
10303 Unknown Disease An unknown disease is spreading across the camp. Many start to have the symptoms of headache and diarrhea. The medical depot filled with patients. The health and diet conditions are getting worse. We have to do something. 1 1 10304 0
10304 Recorded Scavengers: -30 Health, -30 Satiety (Some Scavengers could die) 2 10310
10305 Nameless Family Letter To remember their deceased family members, some people start a "family letter meeting." They write letters to their departed family members send the letters to them. The tears on their faces leave silver traces in the firelight. More and more people join the organization. I can't stop them, because I understand how much they miss their families. Sometimes I still wake up at night after dreaming of the face Alice had when she was dying... 1 1 10306 0
10306 Recorded All will be well 2
10307 Nameless Family Letter - 2 The accident happens suddenly. During a gathering, the fire on the burning letters lights up a pile of wood nearby. The fire spreads fast. Many people are injured in the fire. This is not a good news in a cold winter like this. 1 1 10308 0
10308 Recorded Scavengers: -35 Health, -35 Satiety (Some Scavengers could die) 2 10311
10309 Adjustment Jack says excitedly that the Comms Devices are going to be fixed before Christmas. If everything goes well, we could finally have something to cheer everyone up a bit. 1 1 1 1 10310 0
10310 Recorded All will be well 2
10311 Father We encounter a wounded Scavenger. He tells us that he was out on his own to find medicine for his sick child. Although he find the medicine, his way back home was blocked by the enemies. Therefore, he wants us to look for his child with him at a camp by the river. 1 1 1 10312 0 10313 0
10312 I'll Do My Best Obtained: The location of [Riverside Camp] 2 10312
10313 Refuse We don't have the power to help you. 2 10314 0
10314 Father It seems that he knows that we are going to refuse him. Or maybe he is used to rejection. Hearing us, he thanks us and staggers away. Maybe he will knock on another door. Maybe he will face the enemies' fire with his severely wounded body. Regardless of his choice, all we can do is to wish him the best of luck. 1 1 1 10315 0
10315 Recorded We have no choice 2
10316 Father - Inquiry I ask the man to stay put for some rest and leave to check the riverside camp with the others. When we are back, we find him still looking in the direction where the riverside camp locates. Seeing us, he staggers to us and asks us about Yee. 1 10316 1 1 10317 0 10318 0
10317 Tell a White Lie Don't tell the father the truth 2 10319 0
10318 Tell Him the Truth Tell the father that his child is probably dead 2 10325 0
10319 Father - White Lie The father stares at me. Right before I start to wonder if he had spotted any lack of conviction in my voice, the father seems to accept the news and says, "I see. Thank you." Maybe he already noticed that I was just trying to comfort him, or maybe not. There is no way to find out the answer. 1 1 1 1 10320 0
10320 Recorded We did our best 2
10321 Father - Two Bullets The father is gone. All we find is a note that says, "I had a gun, which was loaded with two bullets. I always took it with me. One day, I accidentally fired one of them. After that, I find it hard to face the truth that I have only one bullet left. Now it seems one bullet is just enough. Thank you. You are good people. I have buried some supplies in the orchard to the southwest. Hope you will find them useful." 1 10321 1 1 10322 0
10322 Recorded Obtained: Location of ["Orchard"] 2 10322
10323 Father - Secret The boy wakes up. He tells us that his name is Yee politely and asks us if we can help him find his father. He has the exact same accent of his father, so I don't know how to respond. It reminds me of something I learned before, "Things exist longer than the history of mankind. They have always been whispering secrets here." 1 10323 1 1 10324 0
10324 Recorded We did our best 2
10325 Father - Thread The father remains silent for a long time. Long enough to make us doubt whether he has lost consciousness. When he finally struggles to open up, he begs us to keep looking for his child. He tells us that there is an orchard to the southwest, and Yee loved it as a kid. He also says we can have all the supplies he buried there, as long as we can find his beloved child Yee. 1 1 1 1 10326 0
10326 I'll Do My Best Obtained: Location of ["Orchard"] 2 10326
10327 Father - Reunion The boy wakes up. The father breathes a sigh of relief. He hugs the boy tightly and kisses him over and over again. This is a rare moment of reunion after the disaster. Although we keep asking them to stay, they still decide to leave once the boy gets better. They leave us some supplies as a thank you gift for us. 1 10327 1 1 10328 0
10328 Recorded Accepted: Wood x75, Iron x75 2 10328
10400 Silver Lining Jack fixed the Comms Devices earlier than we expected. Everything seems to be going well. 1 1 1 1 1 0
10401 Survivors - 1 A group of Scavengers arrived at our city this morning. They have a lot of supplies and look in good shape. According to the leader, another group of them is not far from here and will arrive soon. As the weather is getting worse recently, they want us to take them in for a while. 1 1 1 10402 0
10402 Recorded Added: New member x5 2 10410
10403 Survivors - 2 The second group of Scavengers have arrived. However, they were attacked by the Corrupted on the way here and lost most of their supplies, but fortunately they are in good health. I believe they will recover very soon if we take good care of them. 1 1 1 10404 0
10404 Recorded Added: New member x5 2 10410
10405 Accident ... The survivors who are supposed to arrive here today are still not here. The first group of Scavengers arrived go out to search for them but haven't found them. Now we can only hope that they are lost rather than having any terrible accident. 1 1 1 10406 0
10406 Recorded There's nothing left to do 2
10407 Survivors - 3 The third group of Scavengers finally arrived last night. They are severely wounded and lost all their supplies. Apparently, they ran into armed Scavengers. I understand that everyone wants to live, but do we really have enough supplies to share with them? 1 1 1 10408 0
10408 Recorded Added: New member x5 2 10410
10409 Attack The Corrupted attacked our camp last night. Attacks like this have being growing as the number of people at the camp increases. Fortunately, although we lost some supplies, no one is injured. 1 1 1 10410 0
10410 Recorded Lost: Wood xxx 2
10411 Survivors - 4 The final group of Scavengers have arrived. The place suddenly looks crowded. We can settle them for a while, but work and life have to continue. 1 1 1 10412 0
10412 Recorded Added: New member x5 2 10410
10413 Christmas Song Jack died. He bade farewell to the winter with the Christmas song playing in the background... On the following day, we received signals from other cities via the Comms Device he fixed. Could it be a silver lining that Jack brought us? 1 1 1 1 10414 0
10414 Recorded All will be well 2
10415 Mother's Request We find some food from the ruins. As my friends and I are placing them in storage, a young woman rushes into the camp to see me. She begs, "Could you share some of the food with me, please...? Otherwise... My child could die..." 1 1 1 10416 0 10417 0
10416 Refuse Obtained: Food x8 2 10417
10417 Agree Give her some food 2
10418 Mother's Request - Thief I was told that our warehouse was stolen. The woman who begged me for food was caught in the act. The others refuse to listen to her. Suffering from anxiety for days, they take all it all out on the woman. However, there is nothing I can do about it. 1 10418 1 1 10419 0
10419 Recorded I have no choice 2
10420 Mother's Request - The 2nd Time There is more food in the ruins than we expected. As we are digging, the woman finds me again. She looks extremely haggard due to the torment of the disaster. She begs me for more food the way she did the first time. 1 10420 1 1 10421 0 10422 0
10421 Refuse Obtained: Food x10 2 10422
10422 Agree Give her some food 2
10423 Mother's Request - Disappearance The woman disappears all of a sudden. If I hadn't attempted to check on her and her child, no one would have noticed her disappearance. 1 10423 1 1 10424 0
10424 Recorded I have no choice 2
10425 Mother's Request - The 3rd Time The woman appears again right after we sort out the last bit of food from the ruins. Unlike the embarrassment she had when she first came to us, now there is also guilt all over her face. It seems that she has used up all her strength just to talk to me. Finally, she makes up her mind and says, "Sorry. I swear this is the last time... I swear." 1 10425 1 1 10426 0 10427 0
10426 Refuse Obtained: Food x5 2 10427
10427 Agree Give her some food 2
10428 Mother's Request - Wish I heard that the door of the warehouse was pried open in the morning. But I go through everything in the warehouse, and nothing has been stolen. I find a note in blurry handwriting on my desk after getting back. It says, "I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't have lied to you. But I had to, because I didn't want you to stop me... I believe that my boy is waiting for me somewhere in this world, and I have to find him. I will take the supplies I received and try my luck for the last time. Goodbye, kindhearted one." 1 10428 1 1 10429 0
10429 Recorded Wish her good luck 2
10430 Mother's Request - Ashes Today I find some supplies and a note in neat handwriting. The note says, "Thank you for your kindness. I feel too ashamed to lie to you or myself. Here are the supplies you gave me. Please take them back. I'm terribly sorry." This suddenly reminds me of a new mound not far from the camp, which has a plank on it. It looks like the woman has given in to her fate. 1 10430 1 1 10431 0
10431 Recorded Recycled: Food x10 2 10431
10500 Pursuit Although the old signal has been traveling among the Comms Devices for a very long time before it is finally captured by us, we still decide to follow it after discussion. Hope that city is still as safe as it was, just like how it is described in the broadcast. 1 1 1 1 1 0
10501 Food Poisoning I don't know if it is because of the weather, but the food in storage seems to have gone bad. Many have complained to me about having unclean food. I need to send someone to look into this. 1 1 10502 0
10502 Recorded Scavengers: -25 Satiety 2 10508
10503 Impostors We record everything we distribute every day, but people are still complaining about not receiving food. I look into this and find that there are imposters claiming others' food. I have thus tightened the management of the distribution of supplies, it is still not enough to completely stop this from happening. 1 1 10504 0
10504 Recorded Scavengers' Satiety -30 2 10509
10505 Wandering Thief Guys on patrol find a big hole in the food warehouse. The trace of dragging heavy objects around goes all the way out of the city. It seems this is the work of other Scavengers. 1 1 10506 0
10506 Recorded Scavengers: -35 Satiety 2 10510
10507 Unknown Disease An unknown disease is spreading across the camp. Many start to have the symptoms of headache and diarrhea. The medical depot filled with patients. The health and diet conditions are getting worse. We have to do something. 1 1 10508 0
10508 Recorded Scavengers: -10 Health (Some Scavengers could die) 2 10511
10509 Chemical Exposure The worker at the medical depot knocks over the potion. Although Carl immediately takes emergency measures, some of us still inhale the poisonous gas it generates. 1 1 10510 0
10510 Recorded Scavengers: -10 Health (Some Scavengers could die) 2 10512
10511 Accident A small explosion suddenly takes place at a facility in the working area. We immediately start rescuing people, but those nearby are still wounded. 1 1 10512 0
10512 Recorded Scavengers: -10 Health (Some Scavengers could die) 2 10513
10513 Academy in the Rain - 1 We find an academy nearby. Carl stares at it for a very long time. And on his face, there are drops on his face, which I can't tell if they are tears or rain. This is the first time that I see the "unyielding Carl" being so fragile... I don't know if I should go there and search for supplies on my own or stay to comfort him... 1 1 10514 0 10515 0
10514 Explore on your own Explore without Carl 2 10516 0
10515 Explore together Explore with Carl 2 10516 0
10516 Academy in the Rain - 2 Carl insists on entering the academy with us. With his help, we are able to go around the ruins and broken limbs and collect many useful resources. Before we leave, Carl buries explosives at the exterior walls of the academy. None of us stop him. The entire building becomes a dark black gravestone in an explosion that sounds like a cry. The bloody walls are broken into pieces on the ground, like a vague epitaph. 1 1 1 10517 0
10517 Recorded All will be well 2 10514
10518 Spring We finally survived the winter along with the city. And the city itself has already become a "home" to us. But I have a bad feeling, as the night before dawn is always the darkest. So I have a meeting with several other guys in charge to get prepared for terrible tragedies that could happen. How I wish I'm wrong this time... 1 1 1 10519 0
10519 Recorded All will be well 2
10520 The Beginning A string of bad luck has made everyone felt down. Even Jack passed away. He would be cheering us up like he always did if he was here. I suggest that we find out what happened to the city. Someone has to stand up and point a way for the team in moments like this. 1 10520 1 1 10521 0
10521 Recorded All will be well 2
10522 Experiment Succeeded Back to the camp, we finally figure out what's on the photo that we found in the ruins beside the lab building with the help of the others. On the photo, a woman wearing a white lab coat is standing before a pile of human corpses. In the top right corner are words written with a rusty red marker—"Experiment Succeeded". 1 10522 1 1 10523 0
10523 Recorded There's nothing left to do 2
10524 Quarrel The more I think about it, the more suspicious I feel. So Carl and I go over the audio recording again and find an encrypted content at the end of the recording. After spending a lot of effort on it, we have finally deciphered it. It's a voice message left by the doctor in a weak but gentle tone—I have no regrets, because I have you. 1 10524 1 1 10525 0
10525 Recorded There's nothing left to do 2
10526 Touch Back to the temporary camp, we still can't get rid of the last scene we saw in the monitor room from our mind... We looked in the direction where the doctor pointed with her index finger and saw an officer kneeling on the ground, head down, with a shovel through his chest. The firelight projects both of their shadows up high, making their fingertips touch at the last moment of their lives. 1 10526 1 1 10527 0
10527 Recorded ... There's nothing left to do. 2
10528 The End Maybe the city will be buried in snow and the memory will be frozen, but the story will be passed on. We straighten our collars and walk out of the city. Our story is not over yet. And their story will be recorded, as long as I'm alive. 1 10528 1 1 10529 0
10529 Recorded The story continues 2
101020 Burning Ruins Fortunately, we haven't lost many things in the fire. And the fire itself has even been protecting the remaining resources in the ruins. 1 1 101021 0
101021 Recorded Obtained: Wood x215, Iron x135 2 10151
101030 Empty Library Even the basement was blown up. The channels are fragile, making it hard to explore... What's left here... are just some books. 1 1 101031 0
101031 Recorded Obtained: Wood x260, Iron x325 2 10152
101040 Riverside Camp Supplies, bullet casings, damaged traps, and corpses are scattered around the place. No matter where the old residents are. Things are definitely looking good for them. 1 1 101041 0
101041 Recorded Obtained: Medicine x10, Food x15 2 10153
101050 Run-Down Slum No one who looks them straight in the eye could make the decision to end their lives. The only thing we can do is to respect their choice and take the healthy ones among them with us. As for those who stay, we can only force ourselves not to think about what could happen to them. 1 1 101051 0
101051 Recorded Found: Survivor x4, Obtained: Medicine x25, Food x20 2 10154 10155
101060 Crowded Street The entire street looks like a huge metal graveyard. Unable to recycle all the vehicles, we remove some useful parts from them to bring with us. 1 1 101061 0
101061 Recorded Obtained: Wood x120, Iron x140 2 10156
101070 Quiet Bomb Shelter Inside the building, it's as quiet as it looks. There's nothing here except corpses and remains scattered around. 1 1 101071 0
101071 Recorded Obtained: Wood x210, Iron x225 2 10157
101080 Collapsed Skyscraper Fortunately, the building is not as fragile as it looks. We still manage to find a lot of supplies among the bricks and tiles. The Scavengers are wounded but generally in good shape. After a brief talk, they decide to go back to the camp with us. 1 1 101081 0
101081 Recorded Found: Survivor x5, Obtained: Medicine x15, Food x20 2 10158 10159
102020 Signal Station Although the signal station is empty, the terminal in it still has the information about nearby locations. A large supermarket and a high-end residential catch our attention. They look safe, and it's very likely for us to find supplies and Scavengers there. Maybe we should take a look at both of them. 1 1 102021 0
102021 Recorded Obtained: Wood x165, Iron x180 2 10251
102030 High-End Residential Area This is strange... In most of the rooms, useful resources are in the right place. Even the beds are neatly made. It is definitely a cozy place if you ignore the dummies that appear in some of the rooms. 1 1 102031 0
102031 Recorded Obtained: Wood x135, Iron x120 2 10252
102040 Fine Dining Restaurant It is not hard to go down there, but the warehouse is already half empty. However, the food remaining will be enough to last for a few days. 1 1 102041 0
102041 Recorded Obtained: Wood x240, Iron x200, Medicine x40, Food x40 2 10253
102050 Two-Story House It turns out that the cry is just the noise made by the wind passing through the opening on the house. The small house is clean inside and out. There are remains of a pet dog at the door to the backyard with knife cuts on the white bones. Apparently, all the edible parts were already gone before it died. 1 1 102051 0
102051 Recorded Obtained: Wood x95, Iron x110 2 10254
102060 Quiet Cabin Before we get close, a man rushes out of the room screaming. He kneels and bursts into tears when he sees us. He tells us in a broken voice that he and his family have been hiding here for days and there is only one bullet left in his gun. Fortunately, he doesn't need to use it on the Corrupted or himself. 1 1 102061 0
102061 Recorded Found: Survivor x1, Obtained: Wood x260, Iron x260 2 10255 10256
102070 Convenience Store Ruins Most buildings of the convenience store became ruins under fire, but the shelves on the ruins are pretty organized. What's more creepy is the "cashier" dummy made with wood blocks behind the counter. 1 1 102071 0
102071 Recorded Obtained: Wood x75, Iron x85 2 10257
102080 Bloody Church There is a swinging rope in the church. We climb up the rope to the clock tower and find several dying Scavengers and a small number of supplies. I don't know why we end up bringing them all back to the camp. Maybe it is because of the "God doesn't save me" words written in crooked handwriting on the wall. They are hastily scratched with red paint like a blocked call for help... Who knows... 1 1 102081 0
102081 Recorded Found: Survivor x11, Obtained: Medicine x30, Food x35 2 10258 10259
102090 Supermarket in Mist Maybe it is because of the thick fog, we are scared by the dummy by the door when we walk in. Everything inside has been ransacked, even including the dummies in the showcase. Eventually, we have to break down and take back the only wooden dummy left at the entrance. 1 1 102091 0
102091 Recorded Obtained: Wood x55, Iron x90 2 10260
102100 Collapsed School The school has been destroyed on the inside except the underground store room, leaving a fragile shell on the outside. It is too quiet here. Only the plush toys and the wooden dummies are left and arranged in a way as if they were having a class together. 1 1 102101 0
102101 Recorded Obtained: Wood x260, Iron x245 2 10261
102110 Wasteland Piles of wood and iron are neatly placed with rusty mechanical parts scattering around on the ground. According to Jack, those are the debris of the Harvester. 1 1 102111 0
102111 Recorded Obtained: Wood x425, Iron x455 2 10262
102120 City Hospital Every single door in the hospital from the outside is locked, which is weird to us. We end up finding some survivors deep in the hospital. When we open up the door, their faces change from fear to surprise and finally to relief, as they know that they are saved. 1 1 102121 0
102121 Recorded Found: Survivor x10, Obtained: Medicine x25, Food x25 2 10263 10264
102130 Rocky Riverbank We come across an empty camp on the riverbank. There is some provisions at the most prominent spot in the camp. The amount is enough to support one person for days. On the provisions, there is a recording. The content of the recording goes like this, "Siegfried, it seems the Corrupted have spotted us, so we decide to retreat to the farm around here. Remember to find us there if you hear this recording." 1 102131 0
102131 Recorded Obtained: Wood x170, Iron x150 2 10265
102140 Suburban Farm There is blood everywhere. Even the soil is softened by the blood and feels like soaked cotton when you step on it. We find the corpses of the Corrupted and a small group of Scavengers. I'm afraid that there is no way for Siegfried to catch up with his friends. 1 102141 0
102141 Recorded Obtained: Wood x60, Iron x100 2 10266
103020 Traveler's Cabin It's not a big room. However, it looks empty as there isn't much furniture in it. All the medicine and food are organized carefully on the desk. Beside them is a nameplate with a flying bird and a half-written suicide note. A young woman is lying crookedly on the chair with a gun in the blood at her feet. 1 103021 0
103021 Recorded Obtained: Medicine x21, Food x25 2 10351
103030 Roadside Gas Station The door of the convenience store warehouse is jammed with a severely damaged body. We could barely identify that it was a body of a young male. There is a familiar flying-bird nameplate on his chest. I try my best to search for useful materials. The back door of the warehouse is wide open. It looks like someone went out from here. 1 103031 0
103031 Recorded Obtained: Medicine x30, Food x25 2 10352
103040 Industrial Park We come across a group of friendly Scavengers, who share some supplies with us. They decide to head to the abandoned mine. "If we hadn't run into the Corrupted, we should have been there yesterday," a young Scavenger says, "My sister is waiting for this medicine there." 1 103041 0
103041 Recorded Obtained: Medicine x45, Food x35 2 10353
103050 Abandoned Market The entire market has been severely damaged, leaving only concrete chunks, rusty steel bars, and curable resin fragments. 1 103051 0
103051 Recorded Obtained: Medicine x15, Food x10 2 10354
103060 Abandoned Port There are a group of Scavengers living on the ship. After negotiation, we decide to exchange food. 1 103061 0
103061 Recorded Obtained: Wood x70, Iron x100 2 10355
103070 Quiet Bomb Shelter We find some useful stuff in the bomb shelter. This is probably the best news we have received after walking such a long way. 1 103071 0
103071 Recorded Obtained: Wood x250, Iron x260 2 10356
103080 Collapsed Mansion To our surprise, there is already a team of Scavengers here. They tell us that they have found a lot of supplies in the abandoned mine and even share some of their supplies with us. 1 103081 0
103081 Recorded Obtained: Wood x355, Iron x360 2 10357
103090 Golden Farm ... Those golden cylindrical items are not food. They are the hybrids of countless empty cannonball shells with the flying bird mark and Hetero-Creature remains. Apparently, there was a fierce battle on the farm. The twisted ruts start from the barn and go all the way to the distance. Several kids emerge from the bales when we are collecting food. They look frightened and beg us to take them. And of course, we won't leave them there to die. 1 103091 0
103091 Recorded Found: Survivor x7, Obtained: Medicine x30, Food x40 2 10358 10359
103100 Armed Dwelling Even these fierce opponents are just human beings who struggle to survive. These Scavengers have done their best to help us and even agree to join us after we talk. 1 103101 0
103101 Recorded Found: Survivor x8, Obtained: Medicine x22, Food x26 2 10360 10361
103110 Empty Trench We find several bloodstained transport boxes filled with stuff. There is also a battle progress summary. But the noise of the Corrupted comes, so we have to leave with the supplies. 1 103111 0
103111 Recorded Obtained: Wood x425, Iron x400 2 10362
103120 Forest Valley There are campfires and tents, but there are also corpses of humans and the Corrupted on the ground. Piles of bloodstained bandages and supplies with a flying bird mark are scattered around. No matter who were here, they must have been attacked and things are not looking good to them. 1 103121 0
103121 Recorded Obtained: Wood x285, Iron x350 2 10363
103130 Abandoned Mine It looks like a massacre took place here. The further we go in, the stronger the burnt smell gets. So we fast collect some building materials and leave. I start to doubt where the supplies the Scavengers gave us back at the mansion came from... 1 103131 0
103131 Relieve them from misery Obtained: Wood x25, Iron x15 2 10364
103140 Riverside Camp This place is full of the traces of the Corrupted. It looks like it has just experienced an attack. The newly dug soil is soft and wet. There is a faint smell of rust in the air... We all know that whoever was here, their odds of survival are pretty slim. 1 103141 0
103141 Recorded Obtained: Medicine x12, Food x9 2 10365
103150 Orchard To our surprise, we find an injured boy in a burnt house in the middle of the woods. He is generally fine except having a slight fever, so I ask the others to take him back to our camp first. Before we leave, Jack finds some resources buried in the yard before the house. It's not much but enough to keep us going for a while. 1 103151 0
103151 Recorded Obtained: Medicine x16, Food x18 2 10366
103160 Orchard To our surprise, we find an injured boy in a burnt house in the middle of the woods. He is generally fine except having a slight fever, so I ask the others to take him back to our camp first. Before we leave, Jack finds some resources buried in the yard before the house. It's not much but enough to keep us going for a while. 1 103161 0
103161 Recorded Obtained: Medicine x16, Food x18 2 10366
104020 Empty Trench The trench is as poor as it looks. We take all the useful materials and fill the trench. Hope this will stop the Corrupted from disturbing those who are buried here... 1 104021 0
104021 Recorded Obtained: Wood x50, Iron x65 2 10451
104030 Crowded Street Several Corrupted came out while we were searching for useful materials in the cars. Jack and I decided to stay behind to buy some time for the others to leave with the materials first. Eventually, we survived with some wounds. Compared to the loss of some materials, what worries me more is that Jack starts to have some suspected symptoms of tetanus. This is a bad news as we don't have the medicine for this... 1 104031 0
104031 Recorded Obtained: Wood x80, Iron x95 2 10452
104040 Camp Amidst Woods The entire camp is like a giant graveyard. The storage box is full of the mixture of small bone fragments and powder. Apparently, their owners were Scavengers who once lived here. My friends and I remove the materials that still seems to be in good conditions. They are of no use to those who once lived here. 1 104041 0
104041 Recorded Obtained: Wood x485, Iron x380 2 10453
104050 Abandoned Supermarket We find some supplies and a letter in poor handwriting. The letter goes like this, "Dad says that I can write everything down even if nobody will read it or the ink fades. Recently, I've hearing mom calling my name from distance, but dad always asks me to shut my ears and not listen to it. But he never tells me why. Doesn't he miss mom? We haven't seen her for so long. I miss you so much, Mom." 1 104051 0
104051 Recorded Obtained: Medicine x25, Food x25 2 10454
104060 Bloody Church No survivors, no supplies, no Corrupted. Unwilling to return empty-handed, we remove some useful materials from the statues of gods in the church. I won't as the gods to forgive me. The tangible supplies are more of a relief than their forgiveness. 1 104061 0
104061 Recorded Obtained: Wood x505, Iron x555 2 10455
104070 Cabin Amidst Woods Unwilling to return empty-handed, we still decide to take a look inside. The first thing we see is a big pile of black burnt empty cans on the desk. We spend a lot of time in the cabin before finally finding some intact supplies. We don't know if someone left them behind in a hurry or discarded them. Just when are we about to leave, I see two phrases carved repetitively behind the door—"face the reality", "only one left"... 1 104071 0
104071 Recorded Obtained: Medicine x18, Food x20 2 10456
104080 Quiet Bomb Shelter A group of Scavengers are using here as their temporary shelter. After negotiation, they decide to go back with us with their supplies. 1 104081 0
104081 Recorded Found: Survivor x6, Obtained: Medicine x37, Food x28 2 10457 10458
104090 Small Fishery Luckily, the fishing net still works. While Carl is fishing, we find some medicine in the shanty. It's not much, but at least we can have fish meat today. 1 104091 0
104091 Recorded Obtained: Medicine x11, Food x5 2 10459
104100 Dilapidated Building Fortunately, the building is not as fragile as it looks. We still manage to find a lot of supplies among the bricks and tiles and some Scavengers who are struggling to survive. 1 104101 0
104101 Recorded Found: Survivor x5, Obtained: Medicine x10, Food x12 2 10460 10461
104110 Run-Down Slum I just can't make the decision to end their lives when I look them in the eye. After a brief discussion, we decide to respect their choice and take the healthy ones among them with us. As for those who stay, we can only force ourselves not to think about what could happen to them. 1 104111 0
104111 Recorded Found: Survivor x6, Obtained: Medicine x26, Food x31 2 10462 10463
104120 Empty Library There is a surprising amount of supplies stored in the basement. It could have been a pleasant exploration experience if there were no damaged corpses outside or the corpse of a child curling up on the ground inside. 1 104121 0
104121 Recorded Obtained: Medicine x15, Food x16 2 10464
105020 Overlook Point This place is not as safe and well stored with supplies as they mentioned in the communication. All that we see are corpses and debris on the ground. 1 105021 0
105021 Recorded There's nothing left to do here 2
105030 Lab Building Crossing the defense line that is long unmanned, we see a lab building with warning marks all over its exterior. There is a scrunched-up photo in the ruins beside the building. The smell of potion gets stronger and stronger, for safety considerations, my friends and I decide to check our protection suits before we go any further. 1 105031 0
105031 Recorded There's nothing left to do here 2
105040 Armed Dwelling ... There is no conflict but also no possibility of exchange. The bullet that lands at our feet is their answer. 1 105041 0
105041 Recorded There's nothing left to do here 2
105050 Radio Station We find a communication facility here. It's ironic when you think of the message it sent, "We have a ground force, sufficient supplies, and are willing to provide shelter for the Scavengers nearby." Hearing the message, Carl immediately destroy the communication facility here. 1 105051 0
105051 Recorded There's nothing left to do here 2
105060 Strange Opening We find a notice, which says an unknown plague breaks out in the city. Through a narrow passage, we arrive at a giant lab building. Outside the building are military trenches and defenses. We get a lot of ammo there. 1 105061 0
105061 Recorded There's nothing left to do here 2
105070 Quarantine Area Posters about the outbreak of an unknown plague are scattered around on the ground, mixed with potions and broken glass bottles. We go through every corner of this place but haven't found anything useful. 1 105071 0
105071 Recorded There's nothing left to do here 2
105080 Underground Lab Carl found an audio recording of a male officer arguing with a female doctor. We manage to figure out the cause of their dispute about the disordered recording—the officer doesn't agree with the doctor's idea of conducting human experiments to find the cure for the plague. The recording also documented the most violent quarrel between them, where the officer failed to stop the doctor. She started to experiment over and over again on herself. And we have never heard the voice of the officer for the rest of the recording. 1 105081 0
105081 Recorded There's nothing left to do here 2
105090 Hidden Room This is the monitor room of the lab, where we witness the last day of the city. The citizens who were driven mad by death found this place. No matter what they said, it still caused panic. Someone pulled the trigger, and the pushing immediately escalated into bloodshed. At the end of the recording, we see a female doctor in the white lab coat kneeling in the fire. Covered in wounds with her blood-soaked lab coat, she still struggled to reach out as if she wanted to grab something. 1 105091 0
105091 Recorded There's nothing left to do here 2
105100 Outer City The day breaks, but the sunlight feels surprisingly cold. In the deadly silence of the air, silver-white snowflakes come down from the sky. Each snowflake is placed gently by the wind before they touch the ground. The snow takes over every corner of the city little by little until it finally buries the entire city. 1 105101 0
105101 Recorded There's nothing left to do here 2
105110 Residential Area We spend a lot of time searching in the residential area but end up finding no one. Only the tents and hanging clothes suggest that a large group of Scavengers once lived here. The wind blows through the deserted residential area, making a creepy sad cry that gives me a chill down the spine. I think I smell potion in the air... I can still smell it even after we leave the area. 1 105111 0
105111 Recorded There's nothing left to do here 2
105120 Supermarket in Mist This place is too quiet... So we decide not to take any chances just for some supplies that may not even exist. We have to drop the idea of solving the mystery surrounding the whispering coming from the mist. After all, our lives are more important than solving the mystery. 1 105121 0
105121 Recorded There's nothing left to do here 2
1010 No One Lives With the last member of the camp passed away, all the struggle, confusion, and regret were gone with the bonfire and turned into unmarked graves along with the ashes. Ending Event 1 1011 0
1011 Recorded I see. 2
1020 A Silent Place It has never been so quiet on this land. Even the last person is trapped in fear and illusion—There is no hope. We can never make it through. Ending Event 1 1021 0
1021 Recorded I see. 2
2010 Survival Exercise Despite the hardship, we managed to build a relatively stable camp. Thank you for your effort. We are grateful. Ending Event 1 1 1 1 2011 0
2011 Recorded I see. 2
20100 Survival Exercise A disaster is a disaster no matter when it takes place. Many died. Many try to survive together. But before it all begins, it's necessary to learn about some simple rules of management. Story Event 1 1 1 1 20101 0
20101 Recorded I see. 2
20102 Unexpected Guests A group of strange survivors appear near the camp, asking us to provide them a shelter. In return, they would like to give us all the supplies they have. Everyone in the camp is happy to have some new blood to joining them. Even the coldest person in the camp is smiling. Sudden Event 1 1 1 1 20103 0
20103 Recorded Obtained: Survivor x7 2 201030
20104 An Accident Following a loud bang, a scream pierced through everyone's eardrums. I arrived on the scene and found that Will accidentally triggered the hunting trap. Fortunately, his injury is not serious and will recover after some rest. However, the accident has shocked people in the camp and cast a shadow on their hearts. Sudden Event 1 1 1 1 20105 0
20105 Recorded Spirit -10 2 201050
20106 Battleground News Somehow there is a rumor spreading among people, saying that the situation on the frontline is not looking good. The news itself is only half-truth, not to mention it has been over-exaggerated. By the time I heard it, the news has already become absurd: "The Punishing Virus has gained a complete victory and Earth has fallen." I have to explain to everyone that this is fake news. However, it has already hurt everyone's spirit. Sudden Event 1 1 1 1 20107 0
20107 Recorded Spirit -10 2 201070
20108 Easy Victory The patrol team saw some Corrupted coming over during shift change. Luckily, they quickly took care of the enemies and got plenty of useful supplies from them. Sudden Event 1 1 1 1 20109 0
20109 Recorded Obtained: Wood x300, Iron x300 2 201090
1100 Sunny Day Record Even looking through a hole of the ruins, one can feel that this is a cloudless day. On <color=#0F70BC>sunny days</color>, Scavengers are less likely to get sick or starved and tend to consume less supplies every day. Perhaps... something good will happen as well. Weather Event 1 1 1 1101 0
1101 Recorded I see. 2
1102 Sunny Day Reward A rotten wood chest was found deep in the camp. It could be missed during previous searches. Although the chest is broken, the medicine in it is still within its shelf life, which is a small consolation for us. Weather Event 1 1 1103 0
1103 Recorded Obtained: Medicine x15 2 1103
1104 Sunny Day Reward A rotten wood chest was found deep in the camp. It could be missed during previous searches. Although the chest is broken, the medicine in it is still within its shelf life, which is a small consolation for us. Weather Event 1 1 1105 0
1105 Recorded Obtained: Medicine x20 2 1105
1106 Sunny Day Reward It's a happy surprise to find so much food out of so many rooms in the safe zone, not to mention, there are still many places left unsearched. We are probably blessed by the good weather. Weather Event 1 1 1107 0
1107 Recorded Obtained: Food x15 2 1107
1108 Sunny Day Reward It's a happy surprise to find so much food out of so many rooms in the safe zone, not to mention, there are still many places left unsearched. We are probably blessed by the good weather. Weather Event 1 1 1109 0
1109 Recorded Obtained: Food x20 2 1109
1110 Good Weather The weather today is amazing. Sunlight comes in through the gaps of the ruins. Everywhere is warm. A smile finally appears on everyone's face after they have been through so much hardship. Weather Event 1 1 1111 0
1111 Recorded Spirit +5 2 1111
1112 Good Weather The weather today is amazing. Sunlight comes in through the gaps of the ruins. Everywhere is warm. A smile finally appears on everyone's face after they have been through so much hardship. Weather Event 1 1 1113 0
1113 Recorded Spirit +10 2 1113
1200 Thunderstorm Record The pouring rain seemed to have washed away all the colors in the world, leaving only the inky clouds in the sky. On <color=#0F70BC>rainy days</color>, Scavengers are more likely to get sick, starved, and tired and tend to consume more supplies. If the rain doesn't stop, it might also cause extra consumption of the supplies in the camp. Weather Event 1 1 1 1201 0
1201 Recorded I see. 2
1202 A Sudden Storm The crude warehouse could hardly withstand the sudden storm. Despite our efforts to salvage the supplies, we still lost most of them. Weather Event 1 1 1203 0
1203 Recorded Medicine -20 2 1203
1204 A Sudden Storm The crude warehouse could hardly withstand the sudden storm. Despite our efforts to salvage the supplies, we still lost most of them. Weather Event 1 1 1205 0
1205 Recorded Medicine -30 2 1205
1206 A Sudden Storm The crude warehouse could hardly withstand the sudden storm. Despite our efforts to salvage the supplies, we still lost most of them. Weather Event 1 1 1207 0
1207 Recorded Food -20 2 1207
1208 A Sudden Storm The crude warehouse could hardly withstand the sudden storm. Despite our efforts to salvage the supplies, we still lost most of them. Weather Event 1 1 1209 0
1209 Recorded Food -30 2 1209
1210 A Sudden Storm The air is humid and cold and the sky is dark. The seemingly endless rain is eroding everyone's spirit. Weather Event 1 1 1211 0
1211 Recorded Spirit -5 2 1211
1212 A Sudden Storm The air is humid and cold and the sky is dark. The seemingly endless rain is eroding everyone's spirit. Weather Event 1 1 1213 0
1213 Recorded Spirit -10 2 1213
1214 Lifting the Spirits The ditches in the camp were destroyed way back at the beginning of the war and always get clogged easily. Whenever there is heavy rain, dirty water will overflow from the ditches, posing a risk of damaging houses or causing disease. We can greatly reduce the chances of people getting sick by distributing medicine beforehand. This will also improve their mental state. Weather Event 1 1214 1 1215 1215 1216 0
1215 Distributing Medicine Medicine -15, Spirit +15 2 1215 1216
1216 Ignore Nothing will happen. 2
1217 Lifting the Spirits The ditches in the camp were destroyed way back at the beginning of the war and always get clogged easily. Whenever there is heavy rain, dirty water will overflow from the ditches, posing a risk of damaging houses or causing disease. We can greatly reduce the chances of people getting sick by distributing medicine beforehand. This will also improve their mental state. Weather Event 1 1217 1 1218 1218 1219 0
1218 Distributing Medicine Medicine -20, Spirit +20 2 1218 1219
1219 Ignore Nothing will happen. 2
1300 Snowy Day Record The wind and snow can still find a way to get in, even if you close the doors and windows and hide your neck and jaw in your collar. On <color=#0F70BC>snowy days</color>, Scavengers' stats will be greatly affected. Even the buildings could <color=#0F70BC>stop working</color>. Weather Event 1 1 1 1301 0
1301 Recorded I see. 2
1302 After the Snow Most of the buildings in the camp failed to withstand the ferocious snowstorm and collapsed shortly after it started. We tried to repair them in the storm, but it will take a considerable amount of time before they are fully restored. Weather Event 1 1 1 1303 0
1303 Recorded The Medical Depot will stop working for 1 day 2 1303
1304 After the Snow Most of the buildings in the camp failed to withstand the ferocious snowstorm and collapsed shortly after it started. We tried to repair them in the storm, but it will take a considerable amount of time before they are fully restored. Weather Event 1 1 1 1305 0
1305 Recorded The Supply Depot will stop working for 1 day 2 1305
1306 After the Snow Our warehouse lost the tough, but short, battle against the wind and snow. Its roof was even blown off, leaving a complete mess inside. Although we went through a lot of trouble to salvage some of the supplies, most of them were blown away and there is no chance of retrieving them. Weather Event 1 1 1307 0
1307 Recorded Medicine -40 2 1307
1308 After the Snow Our warehouse lost the tough, but short, battle against the wind and snow. Its roof was even blown off, leaving a complete mess inside. Although we went through a lot of trouble to salvage some of the supplies, most of them were blown away and there is no chance of retrieving them. Weather Event 1 1 1309 0
1309 Recorded Medicine -50 2 1309
1310 After the Snow Our warehouse lost the tough, but short, battle against the wind and snow. Its roof was even blown off, leaving a complete mess inside. Although we went through a lot of trouble to salvage some of the supplies, most of them were blown away and there is no chance of retrieving them. Weather Event 1 1 1311 0
1311 Recorded Food -40 2 1311
1312 After the Snow Our warehouse lost the tough, but short, battle against the wind and snow. Its roof was even blown off, leaving a complete mess inside. Although we went through a lot of trouble to salvage some of the supplies, most of them were blown away and there is no chance of retrieving them. Weather Event 1 1 1313 0
1313 Recorded Food -50 2 1313
1314 After the Snow Everything is so blindly white that they even start to look pink, making one's eyes hurt to look at it. Everyone is experiencing snow blindness to some extent, which further reduces their energy. Weather Event 1 1 1315 0
1315 Recorded Spirit -5 2 1315
1316 After the Snow Everything is so blindly white that they even start to look pink, making one's eyes hurt to look at it. Everyone is experiencing snow blindness to some extent, which further reduces their energy. Weather Event 1 1 1317 0
1317 Recorded Spirit -10 2 1317
1318 After the Snow Everything is so blindly white that they even start to look pink, making one's eyes hurt to look at it. Everyone is experiencing snow blindness to some extent, which further reduces their energy. Weather Event 1 1 1319 0
1319 Recorded Spirit -15 2 1319
1320 Lifting the Spirits Wind and snow come in through the holes in the camp buildings. Those who sleep in lower places found a thin layer of snow on their quilts when they woke up at night due to coldness. Some warm food could help them restore their spirits. Weather Event 1 1320 1 1321 1321 1322 0
1321 Distributing Food Food -15, Spirit +15 2 1321 1322
1322 Ignore Nothing will happen. 2
1323 Lifting the Spirits Wind and snow come in through the holes in the camp buildings. Those who sleep in lower places found a thin layer of snow on their quilts when they woke up at night due to coldness. Some warm food could help them restore their spirits. Weather Event 1 1323 1 1324 1324 1325 0
1324 Distributing Food Food -20, Spirit +20 2 1324 1325
1325 Ignore Nothing will happen. 2
1400 Red Tide Record The Punishing Virus concentration in the air is so high that one can smell rotten blood in it. Due to the <color=#0F70BC>Red Tide</color>, it's extremely easy for Scavengers to get sick, starved, or feel desperate. On days like this, attacks are also more likely to take place, and supplies and buildings are prone to severe damage. Better to get prepared in advance. Weather Event 1 1 1 1401 0
1401 Recorded I see. 2
1402 Red Tide Corruption Some Corrupted came out of nowhere and attacked our camp, destroying the buildings in the camp. We immediately formed a repair team, but the buildings were severely damaged. It will take one to two days to fully repair them. Weather Event 1 1 1 1403 0
1403 Recorded The Medical Depot will stop working for 2 days 2 1403
1404 Red Tide Corruption Some Corrupted came out of nowhere and attacked our camp, destroying the buildings in the camp. We immediately formed a repair team, but the buildings were severely damaged. It will take one to two days to fully repair them. Weather Event 1 1 1 1405 0
1405 Recorded The Supply Depot will stop working for 2 days 2 1405
1406 Red Tide Corruption The Corrupted flooded in through the broken fence. We organized a counterattack and repaired the fence as soon as possible but still lost a great amount of supplies. Weather Event 1 1 1407 0
1407 Recorded Medicine -40 2 1407
1408 Red Tide Corruption The Corrupted flooded in through the broken fence. We organized a counterattack and repaired the fence as soon as possible but still lost a great amount of supplies. Weather Event 1 1 1409 0
1409 Recorded Medicine -50 2 1409
1410 Red Tide Corruption The Corrupted flooded in through the broken fence. We organized a counterattack and repaired the fence as soon as possible but still lost a great amount of supplies. Weather Event 1 1 1411 0
1411 Recorded Food -40 2 1411
1412 Red Tide Corruption The Corrupted flooded in through the broken fence. We organized a counterattack and repaired the fence as soon as possible but still lost a great amount of supplies. Weather Event 1 1 1413 0
1413 Recorded Food -50 2 1413
1414 Red Tide Corruption The howl of the Corrupted is everyone's nightmare. There is a smell of rotten blood even in the deepest dream. People are like statues carved with sad expressions, praying for the Red Tide to disappear faster silently in the camp. Weather Event 1 1 1415 0
1415 Recorded Spirit -5 2 1415
1416 Red Tide Corruption The howl of the Corrupted is everyone's nightmare. There is a smell of rotten blood even in the deepest dream. People are like statues carved with sad expressions, praying for the Red Tide to disappear faster silently in the camp. Weather Event 1 1 1417 0
1417 Recorded Spirit -10 2 1417
1418 Red Tide Corruption The howl of the Corrupted is everyone's nightmare. There is a smell of rotten blood even in the deepest dream. People are like statues carved with sad expressions, praying for the Red Tide to disappear faster silently in the camp. Weather Event 1 1 1419 0
1419 Recorded Spirit -15 2 1419
1420 Lifting the Spirits The Red Tide came ferociously, putting many people in despair and panic. Many blame their exhaustion on not receiving enough essential supplies. Soon, everyone is complaining about the same thing. Should I give more supplies to them? Weather Event 1 1420 1 1421 1421 1422 0
1421 Distributing Food Medicine -15, Spirit +15 2 1421 1422
1422 Ignore Nothing will happen. 2
1423 Lifting the Spirits The Red Tide came ferociously, putting many people in despair and panic. Many blame their exhaustion on not receiving enough essential supplies. Soon, everyone is complaining about the same thing. Should I give more supplies to them? Weather Event 1 1423 1 1424 1424 1425 0
1424 Distributing Food Medicine -20, Spirit +20 2 1424 1425
1425 Ignore Nothing will happen. 2
1426 Lifting the Spirits The Red Tide came ferociously, putting many people in despair and panic. Many blame their exhaustion on not receiving enough essential supplies. Soon, everyone is complaining about the same thing. Should I give more supplies to them? Weather Event 1 1426 1 1427 1427 1428 0
1427 Distributing Food Food -15, Spirit +15 2 1427 1428
1428 Ignore Nothing will happen. 2
1429 Lifting the Spirits The Red Tide came ferociously, putting many people in despair and panic. Many blame their exhaustion on not receiving enough essential supplies. Soon, everyone is complaining about the same thing. Should I give more supplies to them? Weather Event 1 1429 1 1430 1430 1431 0
1430 Distributing Food Food -20, Spirit +20 2 1430 1431
1431 Ignore Nothing will happen. 2
2010100 Apartment Ruins In the building, there are still traces left by people who lived here, but we haven't found any survivors. The walls are covered with old battle marks. Half-packed supplies, damaged devices, and furniture are scattered around. Whoever lived here left in a hurry. The ruts outside the building extend to the <color=#0F70BC>east</color>. We might catch up with them if we set off immediately. Exploration Event 1 1 1 2010101 0
2010101 Collect Resources Obtained: Wood x200, Iron x200 2 2010101
2010200 Camp Amidst Woods The noise from the camp gets clearer as we move close to it. But the noise suddenly disappears when we finally get near the camp. A bird flips its wings and flies away. There is only the sound of our breaths in the woods. It's a small camp, so we can perfectly handle any possible situation. What do you say? Do we go inside? Exploration Event 1 1 1 2010201 0 2010202 0 2010203 0
2010201 Enter From Front Enter the camp from front 2 2010201 2010215 2010216 2010217
2010202 Investigate Carefully Enter the camp from behind 2 2010202 2010215 2010216 2010217
2010203 Leave Cautiously Try to bypass the exploration point 2 2010203 2010215 2010216 2010217
2010204 Camp Amidst Woods The camp is not big, so it didn't take us too much time to find the source of the weird sound. It's a small, simple wood cabin. We have eye contact with one another and get our weapons ready. However, the door of the cabin is kicked open from the inside before we take action. Screaming, guns, people explaining and stopping others. All kinds of noises all come at once. When we finally calm down, those in front of the cabin are already covered in paint. I should feel lucky that it's just an exercise. Were it a real combat, I might have already turned into a body. Exploration Event 1 1 1 1 2010205 0
2010205 Continue Next Page 2 2010205
2010206 Camp Amidst Woods We took the injured man back to the room. The house owner told us that his name was <color=#0F70BC>George</color>. He came from a friendly Scavenger camp and temporarily camped here after getting separated from his friends in battle. He said that, if we didn't mind (of course, we don't mind), he could bring the supplies of his camp and join us. He also mentioned that some of his friends went north and some south. We might be able to catch up with them if we set off immediately. Exploration Event 1 1 1 1 2010207 0
2010207 Collect Resources Obtained: Wood x200, Iron x200, Survivor x1. New Location discovered. 2
2010208 Camp Amidst Woods To be safe, we decide to get in from behind, which proved to be the right choice. The camp is not big, so it didn't take us too much time to find the source of the weird sound. We quietly split up and aim from under the window. From there we see the house owner holding a pan nervously, who also raises his head and sees us. A short while later, we burst into laughter. Exploration Event 1 1 1 1 2010209 0
2010209 Continue Next Page 2 2010209
2010210 Camp Amidst Woods After speaking to the owner of the house, we learned that his name was <color=#0F70BC>George</color>. He came from a friendly Scavenger camp and temporarily camped here after getting separated from his friends in battle. He said that, if we didn't mind (of course, we don't mind), he could bring the supplies of his camp and join us. He also mentioned that some of his friends went north and some south. We might be able to catch up with them if we set off immediately. Exploration Event 1 1 1 1 2010211 0
2010211 Collect Resources Obtained: Wood x200, Iron x200, Survivor x1. New Location discovered. 2
2010212 Camp Amidst Woods As none of us know what's in the camp, we decide to leave this area as soon as possible. But just before we leave, someone holding a pan rushes out from the camp, blaming us for not following the exercise plan. "You cowards! At least get in and have a look!" The man is too excited. We laugh while calming him down and listening to the reason why he camped here. Exploration Event 1 1 1 1 2010213 0
2010213 Continue Next Page 2 2010213
2010214 Camp Amidst Woods After speaking to the owner of the house, we learned that his name was <color=#0F70BC>George</color>. He came from a friendly Scavenger camp and temporarily camped here after getting separated from his friends in battle. He said that, if we didn't mind (of course, we don't mind), he could bring the supplies of his camp and join us. He also mentioned that some of his friends went north and some south. We might be able to catch up with them if we set off immediately. Exploration Event 1 1 1 1 2010215 0
2010215 Recorded Obtained: Wood x200, Iron x200, Survivor x1. New Location discovered. 2
2010300 Roadside Gas Station Good news and bad news. Good news: No enemies in the gas station. It's very safe there. Bad news: There is almost nothing left in the convenience store. We searched for hours but only found a few supplies. There's no need to stay here any longer. Exploration Event 1 1 1 2010301 0
2010301 Recorded Obtained: Medicine x15, Food x10 2 2010301
2010400 Wastewater Treatment Plant There are not many supplies left. Fortunately, there are still a few building materials to collect. But just when we are carrying the supplies out, a rustling sound suddenly comes from deep under the ruins. It sounds like something is moving. Exploration Event 1 1 1 2010401 0 2010402 0
2010401 Follow the Sound Search for the source of the sound 2 2010401 2010402 2010405
2010402 Leave Cautiously Leave with Wood x120 and Iron x100. 2 2010402
2010403 Wastewater Treatment Plant We find four exhausted survivors deep under the ruins. With great effort, we dig them out and decide to move on with them. Exploration Event 1 1 1 1 2010404 0
2010404 Leave Cautiously Obtained: Wood x120, Iron x100, Survivor x4 2
2010500 Suburban Quarantine Station A group of survivors made here their temporary shelter. We speak to them and find that they're from the same Scavenger camp as the people we saved. So we decide to take them with us, along with the few supplies they left. Exploration Event 1 1 1 2010501 0
2010501 Collect Resources Obtained: Medicine x10, Food x10, Survivor x6 2 2010501 2010502
2010600 Resource Landfill Site There are a lot of good stuff, dazzling and colorful... I can't make this up any more. Just take these supplies and leave... Rngh— Exploration Event 1 1 1 2010601 0
2010601 Collect Resources Obtained: Wood x70, Iron x125 2 2010601
2010700 Empty Trench There is no one in the trench except for some transport boxes filled with items. There is blood on the boxes and a simple battle report showing that the army marched all the way to the north of the trench. Even from the current position, you can still see piles of Corrupted remains. In other words, if it's safe enough over there, then there must be plenty of useful supplies. Take the supplies and leave asap. We don't have the time to give condolence to their owner. Exploration Event 1 1 1 2010701 0
2010701 Collect Resources Obtained: Wood x30, Iron x45, Medicine x20, Food x20 2 2010701
2010800 Battlefield Ruins The metal of the remains became crispy in the battle fire. It breaks easily with a touch, leaving black powder that looks like ashes in the hand. But this allows us to find more supplies. Take them and leave. Exploration Event 1 1 1 2010801 0
2010801 Recorded Obtained: Wood x300, Iron x300 2 2010801
2010900 Community Hospital We reached the community hospital at night. The white building looks gray in darkness with dim light coming from the gap of a window. We thought we could move around freely but after using five lockpicks, we finally realize that every door in the hospital is shut and the lockpicks we have are not enough to open all the doors. There are many rooms in the hospital, and we can only explore some of them. Exploration Event 1 1 1 2010901 0 2010902 0
2010901 Investigate the Pharmacy Move to the pharmacy 2 2010901 2010906 2010907
2010902 Investigate the Inpatient Department Move to the inpatient department 2 2010902 2010906 2010907
2010903 Community Hospital After consideration, we decide to search the pharmacy. It should have the most supplies in the hospital and is more likely to be used as a base. But George stops us just when we are ready to move. He says that the pharmacy is deep in the hospital, but we can see the light outside the hospital, which means that the light is not from the pharmacy. He certainly has a point. So we get prepared and start moving to the inpatient department. Exploration Event 1 1 1 1 2010904 0
2010904 Continue Next Page 2 2010904
2010905 Community Hospital We end up finding some survivors in the inpatient department of the hospital. When we open up the door, their faces change from fear to surprise and finally to relief, as they know that they are saved. Exploration Event 1 1 1 1 2010906 0
2010906 Collect Resources Medicine x20, Food x20, Survivor x2 2
2011000 Suburban Signal Station The signal station has already been occupied. The two wanderers look fierce but are just ordinary people struggling to survive. Unfortunately, they are not friends of George. After a brief conversation, they immediately agree to join us to find an evacuation opportunity together. Meanwhile, with their guidance, we find a lot of useful supplies in the signal station. It's a win-win situation. Exploration Event 1 1 1 2011001 0
2011001 Collect Resources Wood x400, Iron x400, Survivor x2 2 2011001 2011002
2011100 Southern Woods The burned "corpses" around the forest have become a perfect protection for the survivors and an obstacle for us. We have to spend a lot of time clearing the road to finally reach the camp deep in the forest. And George's friends are here, safe and sound. Exploration Event 1 1 1 2011101 0
2011101 Collect Resources Obtained: Survivor x7 2 2011101
2020 The Way Back Home The evacuation route to the evacuation point on the south side of the mountain was finished in a short time. We were finally able to get out of here and move further south.\nAbu was severely injured, so he didn't return to the camp. The two young people from the northern camp took him directly to the evacuation point. Joy was also with him. He looked great when we had the call this morning, talking about the future, his hometown, and everything about the sea in the south while feeding carrots to Joy. I'm grateful for this. I can't imagine an ending better than this one. Ending Event 1 1 1 1 2021 0
2021 Recorded Record Ends 2
2022 An Everlasting Dream The evacuation route to the evacuation point on the south side of the mountain was finished in a short time. We were finally able to get out of here and move further south.\nOut of selfishness, I asked the young people of the northern camp to leave with Joy, and they have already arrived at the evacuation point. And Abu and I will set off today. A dead person can't dream, so I will make his dream of the future, his hometown, the white birch courtyard, and the sea in the south go on.\nLet me take a final look at the camp before I leave.\nI'll take you home, Abu. Ending Event 1 1 1 1 2023 0
2023 Recorded Record Ends 2
2024 An Empty Future The evacuation route to the evacuation point on the south side of the mountain was finished in a short time. We were finally able to get out of here and move further south. And the price behind this is no longer important.\nLet me take a final look at the camp. The conversations, the secrets, the cries for help and the struggles will be forever forgotten after we leave. Ending Event 1 1 1 1 2025 0
2025 Recorded Record Ends 2
202000 Evacuation Preparation After a fierce battle, we finally got rid of the Corrupted and found this temporary shelter. Without the comms device, we only managed to scout a very small area around here: There seems to be a <color=#0F70BC>forest</color> in the <color=#0F70BC>north</color>, towering <color=#0F70BC>mountains</color> in the <color=#0F70BC>south</color>, and a <color=#0F70BC>resource depot</color> sign in the <color=#0F70BC>east</color>.\nWe can only explore around here at this moment. We have to <color=#0F70BC>repair the comms device</color> asap to explore a bigger area and see if we can find the closest and safest <color=#0F70BC>evacuation point</color>. Story Event 1 1 1 1 202001 0
202001 Recorded I see. 2
202002 Exploration Team I managed to build the first <color=#0F70BC>outpost</color> in a short time but find it difficult to select members for the exploration team. Everyone seems to be injured from the previous battle. Not to mention we have just settled down, and everyone is exhausted.\nWhen I'm still thinking, Abu finds me and volunteers to lead the team.\nAbu is one of the few who have gone through training and real battles in the camp. I shouldn't be worried about him, but I still hesitate. Seeing this, Abu smiles and promises, "Don't worry, Geller. I won't be too far away before the comms device is repaired. And I'll make sure to immediately inform you if anything happens."\nHearing what Abu says, I finally agree as there is no better plan. Story Event 1 1 1 1 202003 0
202003 Recorded Hope everything is fine for Abu 2
202004 Comms Device The construction of <color=#0F70BC>the comms device</color> is finally complete. And we are finally able to detect <color=#0F70BC>exploration points further away</color>. But an evacuation comms message finds us almost at the same time. The message shows that there is a relatively safe <color=#0F70BC>evacuation point</color> right on the other side of the <color=#0F70BC>mountains in the south</color> of the camp. It's now occupied by powerful Scavengers, who will help people evacuate to safe areas in the south. But further exploration is needed to determine the specific location of the evacuation point. Story Event 1 1 1 1 202005 0
202005 Recorded Map updated. New locations discovered: [Cableway], [Forest Edge] 2 202005 202006 202007
202008 Weather Change The temperature starts to drop and the clouds look heavy as if it could start to snow at any time. We'd better check our supplies and make sure we have <color=#0F70BC>stored up enough supplies</color> in the camp. Story Event 1 1 1 1 202009 0
202009 Recorded The weather seems to have changed 2 202009
202010 About Joy Joy is a horse raised by Abu. She has been with Abu ever since she was still a baby horse. Later, Abu joined the army, and Joy became his battle horse. No matter how difficult the battle was, they were always there for each other and will accompany each other in the future.\nAbu wants to take Joy with him and I have no reason to refuse him. Not to mention Joy is a brilliant fighter. So I immediately start to get prepared to bring Joy to him. Story Event 1 1 1 202011 0
202011 Recorded There's nothing left to do 2
202012 Weather Change The roars and screams of the Corrupted seem to have come from the distant sky. I can still hear clearly it even under the quilt. The Corrupted seem to be in a collective frenzy or riot and are moving toward us. We'd better get ready as soon as possible. Story Event 1 1 1 1 202013 0
202013 Recorded The weather seems to have changed 2 202013
202014 White Birch Courtyard Later, Abu tells me that he dreams to have a room like the one he sees in the village.\n"I've been fighting battles my whole life. Rarely do I remember how luxury 'home' is," he smiles and continues, "Although we had relatively fixed camps, we are still birds of passage, moving around all the time... Geller, how I wish we could have our own houses. Better with a courtyard before the front door and a tree in it. Better be a fruit tree. It doesn't have to be big. I can sleep on the tree, and my horse can be tied to the tree. When she has her own babies, I can let them run around in the courtyard. Geller, how I wish we could have our own houses." Story Event 1 1 1 202015 0
202015 Recorded There's nothing left to do 2
202016 The Sea in the South There is no better candidate than Abu in the camp, so I have to give him the mission to search for the evacuation point. Abu agrees without hesitation. He gets excited after knowing the evacuation point is on the south of the mountain. He grew up in the south and feels like the mission is a good chance for him to return home. He keeps talking about the food, flower fields, warm wind, and boundless sea that I have never seen.\n"Even Joy didn't have the chance to see the sea," he promises me happily, "I'll make sure to show you around when we arrive in the south." Story Event 1 1 1 202017 0
202017 Recorded There's nothing left to do 2
202100 Comms From Afar - 1 We receive a comms message from a stranger almost the same time we arrive at the evacuation point: "Greetings to whoever receives this message. This is the northern camp. Due to the attack of the Corrupted, we are now moving south. Any individual or organization who receives this message, please contact us. We need your help. Thank you."\nThis is a request for help. Should I respond? If I respond, they will immediately get our camp's coordinates. Should I take the risk?\n... What would Abu do in this case? Story Event 1 1 1 1 202101 0 202102 0
202101 Respond Inform the source of receiving the Comms and explore Location [Forest Edge] to trigger [Forest Edge - A] 2 202101
202102 Ignore Ignore the Comms and explore [Forest Edge] to trigger [Forest Edge - B] 2 202102
202103 Comms From Afar - 1 The comms device remains quiet before a voice suddenly comes out from it, "... My God! Someone picked up!"\nThe speaker seems to realize that he was too carried away, so he coughs a bit and continues, "Cough, I mean, I wish you the best and I respect you the most! I'm thrilled that you responded almost immediately after we sent out the message!" The youthful voice is speaking seriously at a fast pace, "This is the northern camp. We were attacked by the Corrupted, so we abandoned the camp and started to evacuate to the south... Oh, you should have known this from our previous message."\n"Sorry that we tracked the source of your signal without permission, but it seems that you're on our evacuation route. Do you mind... to take us in?" Story Event 1 1 1 1 202104 0 202105 0
202104 What do you mean? Ask for details 2 202104
202105 Of course. Agree to the proposal 2 202105
202106 Comms From Afar - 1 "Well... This is a bit embarrassing. We don't have any weapons and it's dangerous out there... Simply put, we hope you can guide us and um... take us in."\nThe speaker sounds embarrassed but immediately adds, "We don't have many people! And, and we have a lot of food! We won't cause you any trouble!" Story Event 1 1 1 1 202107 0
202107 I see. Agree to the proposal 2 202107
202108 Comms From Afar - 1 There is silence on the other side of the device, and then the speaker responds while trying to control their excitement.\n"I... We don't know what to say... Thank you! Thank you so much! You are so generous!" The young man's voice is a bit distorted, but we can still feel the excitement in his voice, "You... I mean, do you like sheep milk cake? Or sheep milk tea? Sheep oil cake? Ahhh— What are you doing, Zhou?" Story Event 1 1 1 1 202109 0
202109 Are you okay? Send Comms 2 202109
202110 Comms From Afar - 1 A squeaky sound comes from the device. Soon, the young man is back and says in disappointment, "Nothing. Sorry. I was too carried away. Milk products may easily go bad, so I'm sorry that I can't bring our specialties to you."\But the young man immediately adds, "I... I'll bring you a painting instead," he says excitedly, "I painted it myself. It's a painting of an aurora. Have you seen an aurora before? We had it here. It's said that it appears every summer across the sky just like a dream. But I only read about it, because there is no aurora after I was born. Only elder people have seen it. I don't know when will we be able to come back after we leave, so I painted... Ahhh! Enough, Zhou!" Story Event 1 1 1 1 202111 0
202111 Uhm... thanks? Send Comms 2 202111
202112 Comms From Afar - 1 There is another moment of silence before the young man is finally back again, "Cough. No need to thank us! We are the ones that need to say thank you! Then I'll stop bothering you. See you in the south!" Story Event 1 1 1 1 202113 0
202113 Yeah. See you in the south. Recorded. Comms ended. 2
202114 Comms From Afar - 1 The camp is about to have new members. I suddenly have a feeling as if I were out exploring with Abu. I can't wait to share the feeling with Abu but think it's a bit childish and funny.\nI think a bit and send a simple message to him, telling him that some northern camp members will soon arrive at our camp. Abu responds very quickly. As expected, he is very happy and would like to come back and welcome the new members upon their arrival.\nHearing his words, I feel also a bit happy. Story Event 1 1 1 1 202115 0
202115 Recorded There's nothing left to do 2
202116 Comms From Afar - 1 It's not that we are cold-blooded.\nIt's just we are also suffering from the disaster, not to mention taking care of other people. Besides, it's hard to identify the true purpose of another person over a device.\nBut somehow I haven't told Abu about it. He would be sad if he knew this.\nI won't blame me. He would never blame me. But he will be sad. Story Event 1 1 1 1 202117 0
202117 Recorded There's nothing left to do 2
202210 Comms From Afar - 2 We receive another call from the northern camp.\nThey probably just found a place to settle down. I can hear the young man gasping even from the device, "Long time no see! How are you doing these days? Phew— We just got rid of a group of the Corrupted. Thanks to your help, we are all doing well. That was a near miss. And the painting is intact."\nThe young man takes a breath and continues seriously, "I contact you because we have a bad finding. Do you remember that we said that we left our hometown because the Corrupted attacked us?" Story Event 1 1 1 202211 0 202212 0
202211 I don't remember. Send Comms 2 202211
202212 I remember. Send Comms 2 202212
202213 Comms From Afar - 2 The young man seems to be choked. He stops a bit and then says gloomily, "Then now you know! We left our hometown because the Corrupted attacked us!" Story Event 1 1 1 1 202214 0
202214 Okay, okay, okay. Send Comms 2 202214
202215 Comms From Afar - 2 "We found the Corrupted were following us," the young man pauses, "To be more specific, it's um... more like they are... migrating. To be frank, they are moving south as well. And it's highly possible that some of them are already far ahead of us or even close to you." Story Event 1 1 1 1 202216 0
202216 I know. Don't worry. Send Comms 2 202216
202217 Comms From Afar - 2 The young man sighs, "Okay. Good... Anyways, just be careful. We will have some rest and then keep moving. Hope we can meet as soon as possible so that we can fight together or we can help you with other things. We will contact you again if anything happens! Once again, see you in the south!" Story Event 1 1 1 1 202218 0
202218 Take care. See you in the south. Recorded. Comms ended. 2
202220 Comms From Afar - 2 The comms device receives another message from the same sender, "Greetings to whoever receives this message. This is the northern camp. The Corrupted are still after us... We... suffered a great loss. And we have a very disturbing speculation... Anyways, no matter who you are, if your camp is in the south, please get prepared for battle asap. Besides, please, any individual or organization who receives this message, please contact us. We really need your help. Thank you." Story Event 1 1 1 202221 0 202222 0
202221 Respond Inform the source of receiving the Comms and explore Location [Burnt Forest] to trigger [Burnt Forest - A] 2 202221
202222 Ignore Ignore the Comms and explore [Burnt Forest] to trigger [Burnt Forest - B] 2 202222
202223 Comms From Afar - 2 There was silence for a while.\n"My God... My God! Thankfully, some is responding!" A young voice comes from the comms device. It sounds tired but excited. "Hello, this is the northern camp. Sorry for tracking your signal source without permission, but we um..." He swallows and then continues, "We need help right now. You're the only camp that responded to us in the past few days."\nAnd then, before we respond, the young man continues,\n"Simply put, we were attacked by the Corrupted and left our hometown. It's said that you could even see aurora there a long, long time ago, but now it's only a place in our memory," he smiles. It's hard to identify his emotion from his voice. "Anyways, we are moving south. We hope you can take us in if possible." Story Event 1 1 1 1 202224 0 202225 0
202224 What's in it for me? Send Comms 2 202224
202225 Our pleasure. Send Comms 2 202225
202226 Comms From Afar - 2 "What's in it for you?" the young man pauses and then smiles bitterly, "Like what? How about a painting of an aurora? I'm afraid we... can't promise you enough 'payback'. But if we meet, you can have all our supplies—food, medicine, building materials, intel, human labor, anything. Anything you want and we have." Story Event 1 1 1 1 202227 0
202227 I agree to take you in. Send Comms 2 202227
202228 Comms From Afar - 2 There is silence on the other side of the device. Then, a young man speaks while trying to control his excitement, "Thank you... I don't know what to say but thank you. I mean it."\nHe smiles and tries to speak in a higher, excited voice, "Sorry that I sound so exhausted, but you probably... can't imagine how we feel right now. We are exhausted but thrilled. Right, I have to tell you something about the Corrupted."\n"We haven't been able to get rid of them ever since we left the camp. Recently, we found that they were not after us but happened to go in the same direction as we did. Simply put, they are moving south as well, toward your camp." Story Event 1 1 1 1 202229 0
202229 I see. I will take care. Send Comms 2 202229
202230 Comms From Afar - 2 The young man pauses.\n"G-great," he says. Someone mumbles, "Wow. That's so cool." And then after a while, the young man says in a low voice that he has to go and says goodbye to us. Story Event 1 1 1 1 202231 0
202231 Recorded Comms Ended 2
202232 Comms From Afar - 2 The camp is about to have new members. I suddenly have a feeling as if I were out exploring with Abu. I can't wait to share the feeling with Abu but think it's a bit childish and funny.\nI think a bit, then send a simple message to him, telling him that some northern camp members will soon arrive at our camp, deliberately missing out the information of the first message. Abu responds very quickly. As expected, he is very happy and would like to come back and welcome the new members upon their arrival.\nHearing his words, I feel also a bit happy. Story Event 1 1 1 1 202233 0
202233 Recorded There's nothing left to do 2
202234 Comms From Afar - 2 No matter what the "speculation" is, I choose not to take the risk. I guess it's probably about another Corrupted riot or things like that. We've had enough bad news these days. This is not a big deal.\nBad news doesn't help me or Abu. So why do I listen to it? Story Event 1 1 1 1 202235 0
202235 Recorded There's nothing left to do 2
202310 Comms From Afar - 3 As expected, we receive another call from the northern camp.\n"Morning!" the young man says in a cracked voice, "Sorry to be so abrupt. We might need some advice from you. Simply put, we planned to enter the forest in the south today, but now we see a deep valley before the forest. I swear we haven't seen it on any map, so we have no idea what's down there."\n"I want to take a longer route to see if we can go around it. But my friend thinks we should go directly across the valley because it's the shortest route and time is of the essence."\n"We can't convince each other, so we want to ask you for advice. Which route do you suggest us to take?" Story Event 1 1 1 202311 0 202312 0
202311 Take a detour Send Comms 2 202311
202312 Go directly through the valley Send Comms 2 202312
202313 Comms From Afar - 3 "I knew it would be safer to go around," the young man says proudly, "Better to wait for three minutes than to rush a second. This is all for the sake of our safety... Huh? This is a quote from a Golden Age movie. Haven't you heard of it, Zhou?\nAnyways, thank you for your advice. We are leaving right now. Hope we can meet soon!" Story Event 1 1 1 1 202314 0
202314 Take care. We'll meet soon. Recorded. Comms ended. 2
202315 Comms From Afar - 3 "... Go straight through the valley? Are you sure?" the young man sounds doubtful, but someone next to him lets out a cry of victory. "Alright. Since I asked you for advice, then we'll try to go through the valley... Zhou! Don't be too carried away!" the young man chuckles and then continues, "We are leaving now. Hope we can meet soon!" Story Event 1 1 1 1 202316 0
202316 Take care. We'll meet soon. Recorded. Comms ended. 2
202320 Comms From Afar - 3 There is another message from the comms device: "This is the northern camp. We are about to cross the [deep valley]. Things are not looking good. I decide to go directly through the valley. It's the shortest route. Please, anyone who receives this message, anyone, please contact us. We need your help... Thank you." Story Event 1 1 1 202321 0 202322 0
202321 Respond Inform the source of receiving the Comms and explore Location [Dark Path] to trigger [Dark Path - B] 2 202321
202322 Ignore Ignore the Comms and explore Location [Dark Path] to trigger [Dark Path - B] 2 202322
202323 Comms From Afar - 3 There is a long silence on the other side. I don't know how much time has passed before a youthful, exhausted voice repeats, "This is the northern camp. We are about to cross the [deep valley]. Things are not looking good. I decide to..." Story Event 1 1 1 1 202324 0
202324 (Interrupt the speaker) We received your message. Send Comms 2 202324
202325 Comms From Afar - 3 "... Am I hallucinating...? Am I hallucinating? Someone received our message?! It's real... Someone received our message."\nThe young man's voice is cracked by sobs or something else. It takes him a while to calm down, "This... This is the northern camp. We were attacked. And we are now moving south. Now... It's only me and Zhou. He is injured and doesn't look good. Please... Please help us. Please!" Story Event 1 1 1 1 202326 0
202326 I see. Where are you right now? Send Comms 2 202326
202327 Comms From Afar - 3 "We... We were supposed to enter the forest today. All the maps show that it should be flat ground here, but somehow there is actually a deep valley. It's probably related to the recent abnormal activity of the Corrupted, but I'm not sure. The forest is right across the valley," the young man tries hard to calm down, "I... I noticed that your signal came from the forest. I want to go directly through the valley. It's the shortest route. But... But I know this is not safe. But I'm worried that Zhou may not be able to last that long,"\nthe young man is almost crying,\n"What should I do..?" Story Event 1 1 1 1 202328 0
202328 Calm down. To be safe, take the detour. Send Comms 2 202328
202329 Comms From Afar - 3 "... You are right. Okay. I'll try to find a way around," the young man responds, "I think... I think we can enter the forest tomorrow." Story Event 1 1 1 1 202330 0
202330 Take care. We'll pick you up as soon as possible. Recorded. Comms ended. 2
202331 Comms From Afar - 3 I don't know why I didn't answer the message. It's the best choice I made after weighing the pros and cons. But there is a voice that keeps saying that it's too late and they can't survive this.\nAbu doesn't even know that we received these messages./n... Perhaps he will never know about them. Story Event 1 1 1 1 202330 0
202332 Recorded There's nothing left to do 2
202410 Comms From Afar - 4 We receive a message from the northern camp almost on time. The young man still sounds full of energy,\n"Morning! Thank you for guiding us. We are now in the forest! It's the first time that I see such a dense forest... I can even see the hunting traps and things like that. Everyone is nice. We decide to set up a camp here first. Is everything fine on your side? Should we wait here for you?" Story Event 1 1 1 202411 0
202411 We'll pick you up very soon. There's nothing left to do 2
202420 Comms From Afar - 4 We wait a long time before we receive a message from the northern camp. The young man seems a bit tired, probably having suffered a lot from crossing the deep valley, "Morning. We are now... We are now in the forest. Zhou... Zhou is seriously injured. And I don't have the energy to move on. We are sorry. We are... now near a hunting trap. Is it fine to wait for you here? We are sorry. I'm really... really tired." Story Event 1 1 1 202421 0
202421 We'll pick you up very soon. There's nothing left to do 2
202430 Comms From Afar - 4 This is a short message from a weird signal source. We can hardly imagine how it got out, "This is the northern camp. I got through the deep valley. I'm... in the forest. Please contact me if you receive this message... Thank you." Story Event 1 1 1 202431 0
202431 Respond There's nothing left to do 2
2020100 Abandoned Postal Station The postal station is full of battle traces. One can imagine how fierce the battle was just by looking at the station. The station is almost empty. Abu digs out the most deeply hidden supplies, which form a little pile on the ground.\nThis is predictable. After all, the ruts extending to the east and the traces of the Corrupted are more worrying than the small number of supplies. Exploration Event 1 1 1 2020101 0
2020101 I know. Keep moving. Obtained: Wood x150, Iron x150 2 2020101
2020200 Mountain Village The village was probably abandoned long before the war broke out. Everything was kept in a relatively good shape except for the normal deterioration caused by the wind and the sun. Some buildings even have potato veins in the backyard.\nAbu stands before a house with a white birch in the yard for a very long time until his friends pack all the resources up and ask him to leave. Exploration Event 1 1 1 2020201 0
2020201 Collect Resources Obtained: Wood x120, Iron x120 2 2020201 2020202
2020300 Cableway It would be hard to find this cableway without the comms device. The fence in front of it were broken with fresh cuts, sealing off the entrance and burying some unfortunate fellow underneath.\nThere is no way up the mountain from here. Abu takes a look around and finds a relatively flat road, which could be an old hiking trail or something. We could try if we can go up from there.\nBut Abu also warns us that there are traces of the Corrupted around here, so we must get fully prepared before we move on. Exploration Event 1 1 1 2020301 0
2020301 Collect Resources Obtained: Wood x150, Iron x150, Survivor x1 2 2020301 2020302
2020400 Relatively Flat Mountain Road The road is relatively flat. Although it's not comfortable to walk on it due to the traces and ditches left by war, riding a horse immediately makes the journey pleasant. Along the road, there are plenty of useful supplies, including food and medicine that are still within their shelf life.\nEveryone on the team is happy to find these supplies except Abu. He looks worried and reminds us once again of finding everything that could help us and get fully prepared before we move up. Exploration Event 1 1 1 2020401 0
2020401 Collect Resources Obtained: Wood x150, Iron x150, Medicine x60, Food x60 2 2020401
2020500 Mountaintop Viewpoint We finally arrived at the viewpoint. The good news is that the watchtower is used by several survivors as their camp. The bad news is that it's already surrounded by the Corrupted. We have paid a terrible price to save the survivors in the watchtower.\nWhen the battle is finally over, Abu can't feel his left hand anymore. But Looking down, we can still see numerous wriggling, red points on the mountain road.\nI ask Abu to go back to the camp, but he refuses.\n"Geller, I know what you're trying to say. The exploration team can bring the resources back, but someone has to stay. And I'm that person. If we all retreat down the mountain, I can't promise you that we can get here again so easily. Besides," Abu says in a strong, calm voice, "Besides, the way back home is right before us. I can't go back." Exploration Event 1 1 1 2020501 0
2020501 Collect Resources Obtained: Wood x100, Iron x100, Medicine x70, Food x70, Survivor x2 2 2020501 2020502
2020600 Cliff Lake After meeting Abu, the team is attacked when crossing the lake. The gunshots and screams attract more Corrupted. They come at us in a large group like flies flying to rotten meat.\nSeeing the team almost getting buried by the sea of the Corrupted, Abu grits his teeth and loosens up Joy's reins. He kisses his little horse the last time and then slaps hard on its back. Joy neighs and gallops off to the north with the Corrupted chasing after it. The team seizes the opportunity and reaches the opposite bank in a short time.\nAbu explains to me calmly. In the end, he says softly, "Geller, my Joy is gone... She didn't get the chance to give birth to her foals or see the sea in the south, but I have to move on. We are gonna get home soon." Exploration Event 1 1 1 2020601 0
2020601 Recorded Stop looking at Joy. Look at me, Abu. Look at me. 2
2020700 Mountain Valley I receive the message from the team the next day after it arrived at the valley. This time, it's from Noah. According to him, the team just finished a fight and established communication with the evacuation point in the south. The evacuation point promised to build a safer evacuation channel for the entire camp to leave after the team reaches the evacuation point and confirms our camp's coordinates.\n"And," Noah swallows. I already know what he is about to say. Just when I want to hang up, Noah's voice breaks into my ear, "Abu... was shot... He was covering us..."\nI can hardly hear what he says next. I can't hear anything except the sharp ringing in my ears. The entire world suddenly feels like a horrible nightmare. Exploration Event 1 1 1 2020701 0
2020701 Recorded Bring... Abu back. 2
2020710 Mountain Valley "But we also have good news," Noah's voice keeps coming out from the device, "A kid from the northern camp arrived last night. Everything went well in the second half of the battle. He helped a lot. And—"\n"He found Joy."\n"Did you hear me? Joy is alive. The kid from the northern camp found her in a valley and together we won the battle... Hello? Say something! Geller? Can you hear me? Hello?" Exploration Event 1 2020710 1 1 2020711 0
2020711 Recorded Joy... Joy is still alive. 2
2020720 Mountain Valley "... I haven't finished yet!"\nNoah shouts. His voice drags me back to reality. "Abu is still alive! Why can't you just hear me out!"\n"He was shot. We thought there was no hope. But guess what? A kid who claimed to be from a northern camp showed up on the battlefield with Joy and supplies!"\n"It's a shame that you were not there! The way the kid and Joy fought together was amazing! I've never seen a fighter as flexible as he was in my entire life. Except Abu, of course. Abu without the injury is way better than that kid."\n"... Geller, why is it always me talking? Don't you have something to say? Hello? Can you hear me?"\n... I'm crying, overwhelmed by the great joy of recovering what was lost. Exploration Event 1 2020720 1 1 2020721 0
2020721 Recorded It's over... We can finally go home. 2
2020800 Southern Evacuation Point The team finally arrived at the evacuation point on the south of the mountain. The comms device here is still working tirelessly.\nAfter getting the coordinates of our camp, the survivors at the evacuation point immediately rallies everyone and works out a safer evacuation route.\nWe can finally go home. Exploration Event 1 1 1 2020801 0
2020801 Recorded We can finally go home. 2
2020900 Resource Transfer Depot The team arrived near the transfer depot smoothly. But when we open the door, a strong smell of rotten meat rushes out. There are limbs and remains everywhere. A robot with its left chest and lower body missing is still rolling its eyes.\nThe safe room at the deepest part of the building was locked from the inside, but it's not much harder than eating an apple to break the door. The room is littered with supplies. On the chair in the center of the room sits a person. The gun in his hand and the hole in his head are not enough to tell his story. Only the intermittent recording keeps playing, "I want to... go... home."\n... The situation of the transfer depot makes me worry if the resource depot is still standing. Exploration Event 1 1 1 2020901 0
2020901 Collect Resources Obtained: Medicine x30, Food x30 2 2020901
2021000 Eastern Resource Depot The building is more like a giant tomb made of steel bars and ashes than a resource depot. The metal gate has become fragile due to corrosion and fire. The team moves deep into the building without too much trouble and arrives at the entrance under the guidance of Abu. The entrance is blocked by numerous corpses with a pool of blood in front. And there are people inside the basement.\nIt's hard to imagine how these half-grown-ups survived everything. When Abu finds them, they huddle together with the girl who seems to be the oldest among them standing in front. She is shaking with a broken metal rod in her hands.\nAbu covers their eyes while taking them outside. But the sound of shoes stepping on the pool of blood is still loud. The kids are crying silently as if they are afraid to wake up something. Exploration Event 1 1 1 2021001 0
2021001 Collect Resources Obtained: Wood x300, Iron x300, Medicine x60, Food x60, Survivor x3 2 2021001 2021002
2021100 Path of Fallen Leaves Most of the plants are withered and the dry leaves on the ground make a rustling sound when I step on them, but it is still a beautiful place. The mountain is full of flower trees. And it rains golden petals when the wind blows. Fine. I exaggerated a bit. But still, it's very beautiful.\nAbu looks happy. He keeps saying that it would be great if Geller, I, were there, and even better if Joy were there as well. "Joy would be thrilled." Abu says, "We have to bring her with us next time."\n... Everything here is nice. It would be better if there are more resources. Exploration Event 1 1 1 2021101 0
2021101 Collect Resources Obtained: Wood x10, Iron x10 2 2021101 2021102
2021210 Forest Edge Although the team hasn't quite arrived at the forest yet, they can still feel the cold wind coming out from it. There are herbs and clusters of berries around the rocks, which appear in smaller amount as the team moves north. Most of them are plants that the team has never seen before, so no one dares to pick them. Exploration Event 1 2021210 1 1 2021211 0
2021211 Collect Resources Obtained: Wood x150, Iron x150, Medicine x15, Food x15 2 2021211 2021212
2021220 Forest Edge Although the team hasn't quite arrived at the forest yet, they can still feel the cold wind coming out from it. There are herbs and clusters of berries around the rocks, which appear in smaller amount as the team moves north. Most of them are plants that the team has never seen before, so no one dares to pick them. Exploration Event 1 2021220 1 1 2021221 0
2021221 Collect Resources Obtained: Wood x150, Iron x150, Medicine x15, Food x15 2 2021221 2021222
2021310 Burnt Forest - A The forest was probably burned down a long time ago. The charred black dead plants have already become hotbeds of new life. Almost every black branch has colorful fungi on it. There are also a small amount of green herbs in low spots. Some lucky teammates have even seen small wild animals coming out for food.\nThe entire team has immediately grown a strong awe for life and quickly packed their bags with the resources they could gather. Exploration Event 1 2021310 1 1 2021311 0
2021311 Collect Resources Wood x300, Iron x300, Medicine x30, Food x30 2 2021311 2021312
2021320 Burnt Forest - B The forest was probably burned down a long time ago. The charred black dead plants have already become hotbeds of new life. Almost every black branch has colorful fungi on it. There are also a small amount of green herbs in low spots. Some lucky teammates have even seen small wild animals coming out for food.\nThe entire team has immediately grown a strong awe for life and quickly packed their bags with the resources they could gather. Exploration Event 1 2021320 1 1 2021321 0
2021321 Collect Resources Wood x300, Iron x300, Medicine x30, Food x30 2 2021321 2021322
2021410 Dark Path - A Covered by the giant tree crown, the path is dark even in the daylight. It feels like something would suddenly jump out at you when walking on the path.\nThe forest seems to go on forever. However, are there really any resources or survivors ahead? Exploration Event 1 2021410 1 1 2021411 0
2021411 Recorded Keep moving 2 2021411
2021420 Dark Path - B Covered by the giant tree crown, the path is dark even in the daylight. It feels like something would suddenly jump out at you when walking on the path.\nThe forest seems to go on forever. However, are there really any resources or survivors ahead? Exploration Event 1 2021420 1 1 2021421 0
2021421 Recorded Keep moving 2 2021421
2021430 Dark Path - C Covered by the giant tree crown, the path is dark even in the daylight. It feels like something would suddenly jump out at you when walking on the path.\nThe forest seems to go on forever. However, are there really any resources or survivors ahead? Exploration Event 1 2021430 1 1 2021431 0
2021431 Recorded Keep moving 2 2021431
2021510 Hunting Trap - A The forest is like a boundless black sea.\nThe team finds some survivors here. They are exactly those who claimed to be from the northern camp in the communication, but what's different is that there are only two of them.\nApparently, they've been waiting here for a very long time and have plenty of resources with them, including the painting about the aurora the young man mentioned in the communication, of course. It's taken good care of by the young man in his bag. One can feel the artist's love for the things in the painting from the picture and the brushstrokes. Exploration Event 1 2021510 1 1 2021511 0
2021511 Continue Next Page 2 2021511 2021512 2021513
2021512 Hunting Trap - A We suggest having some rest before we take them back to the camp, but the young man refuses. He becomes more anxious after we tell him that we have already located the southern evacuation point.\n"That is exactly where the Corrupted went!" He says nervously, "At least, at least let me go first! I've been fighting against the Corrupted for a long time. I know what to do! Let's go! Now! We have to go before it's too late!" Exploration Event 1 1 1 1 2021513 0
2021513 Recorded Obtained: Medicine x50, Food x50, Survivor x2 2
2021520 Hunting Trap - B The forest is like a boundless black sea. It's hard to imagine if we could find anyone here, but the team still finds two survivors here. They are exactly those who claimed to be from the northern camp. Apparently, they've waiting for a very long time. One of them is in a coma due to a heavy injury and is taken care of by the one that seems lucid.\nThe young man gets anxious when we tell him that we've located the southern evacuation point. He tells us that that is exactly the direction the Corrupted went. "At least, at least let me go first! I've been fighting against the Corrupted for a long time. I know what to do! Let's go! Now! We have to go before it's too late!" Exploration Event 1 2021520 1 1 2021521 0
2021521 Continue Next Page 2 2021521 2021522 2021523
2021522 Hunting Trap - B As for the resources, there are not many left. The young man feels sorry about this and tells us that they've lost most of their resources when crossing the deep valley.\n"... Are you saying that you took a painting instead of food or medicine?"\n"Cough... So, so what? It's aurora. The aurora of my hometown." Exploration Event 1 1 1 1 2021523 0
2021523 Recorded Obtained: Medicine x20, Food x20, Survivor x2 2
2021530 Hunting Trap - C The forest is like a boundless black sea. It's hard to imagine if we could find anyone here, but we still find two fresh corpses there. They sit together against the tree. Both look young.\nThere is a bag next to them. Inside the bag, there is a small amount of food, a painting of an aurora with blood on it, and a simple comms device. After analyzing its signal source, we find that it is a frequency that we are very familiar with—It's a comms device from the [Northern Camp]. Although severely damaged, it is still playing this message intermittently:\n"Next year... There will be no aurora next year." Exploration Event 1 2021530 1 1 2021531 0
2021531 Recorded Obtained: Medicine x20, Food x20 2 2021531
2021600 Hunter's Cabin No one could imagine that people could live this deep in the forest.\nThe survivors here seem to have been living here for a very long time. They have placed traps in the northern part of the forest for hunting and survive on the prey.\nAfter hearing that we are looking for the evacuation point, they beg us to take them with us. We want to refuse, but no one could make up their mind seeing the eyes of the two who have been through so much hardship. Exploration Event 1 1 1 2021601 0
2021601 Recorded Wood x300, Iron x300, Medicine x20, Food x20, Survivor x2 2 2021601 2021602
2021700 Rocky Riverbank According to the records, it used to be the only ice-free river across the forest, but it has long been frozen over and is now only a few meters wide. The exposed riverbank is broad and flat, making it a perfect camping site. Some survivors have set up a camp here. They couldn't find food but collected plenty of resources in the forest nearby. After we speak, they tell us that they are happy to go back to the camp with us with their resources. Exploration Event 1 1 1 2021701 0
2021701 Collect Resources Obtained: Wood x240, Iron x240, Survivor x2 2 2021701 2021702
2021800 Lumberjack's Cabin Before the team gets close, a man rushes out of the room screaming. He kneels and bursts into tears when he sees that we are not the Corrupted. He tells us in a broken voice that he and a few friends have been in survival mode for way too long and there is only one bullet left in his gun. Fortunately, he doesn't need to use it on the Corrupted or himself. Exploration Event 1 1 1 2021801 0
2021801 Collect Resources Obtained: Wood x350, Iron x350, Survivor x4 2 2021801 2021802
2021900 Old Logging Site Following the route provided by the Scavengers in the cabin, the team arrived at the logging site and found the remaining Scavengers. Terribly starved, they stare at Joy as if they're looking at several steaks. However, this place is filled with building materials. Abu has to send them back in batches. Thankfully, we have Joy with us. Only she can carry them.\nWith these resources, the comms device should be repaired in a short time. Abu can't wait to get back. Exploration Event 1 1 1 2021901 0
2021901 Collect Resources Obtained: Wood x480, Iron x480, Survivor x2 2 2021901 2021902
203010 Temporary Shelter Hey, old man, we found a <b>Small Temporary Shelter</b> nearby. Due to the lack of medicine and food, it is full of disease, pain, and even death. Death and fear are spreading in the shelter.\nI told people there that we could take them back to our town, and they were happy and <color=#145ABE>gave us some supplies in return</color>. I thought they took us heroes. They said that their exploration team had not come back for 5 days.\nI guess it must have lost its way. Exploration Event 1 1 1 203011 0
203011 Send Comms Humph, they didn't take you as their hero. They just wanted to express their gratitude. (Obtained: Food x80, Medicine x80, Survivor x3) 2 203011 203012
203020 Flat Area Is this how it feels away from the nagging old man?\nToday we have come across a <b>flat area</b>. It is pretty deserted. If possible, I'm gonna turn it into a circuit next year and invite my friends over for a race. Exploration Event 1 1 1 203021 0
203021 Send Comms Humph, I can only let you have 10% of it to play around. 2
203030 Abandoned Hospital I've got some good news and some bad news. The good news is that we came across an <b>abandoned hospital</b> and <color=#145ABE>collected plenty of medicine and food from there</color>. The bad news is that we got lost on our way back. The weird location of the hospital made us lose our direction.\nHowever, old man, I found many hypotensive drugs in the hospital. I can get some for you if you give me the racing car key. Exploration Event 1 1 1 203031 0
203031 Send Comms You need to pass the night somewhere safe.(Obtained: Food x100, Medicine x100) 2 203031
203040 Forest Edge Hey, old man, we arrived at the <b>forest edge</b>. I bet you haven't seen a forest before. This is a dense forest that even the sunlight can't go in. It was hard to go into there, so we walked around and <color=#145ABE>found some supplies</color>.\nI really feel sorry for the exploration teams. Did they get themselves eaten by bears in the forest? Exploration Event 1 1 1 203041 0
203041 Send Comms I killed a bear with several punches when I was young. (Obtained: Food x50, Medicine x50, Wood x300, Iron x300) 2 203041 20307
203050 Abandoned Gas Station This is an <b>abandoned gas station</b>, old man. Although it is abandoned, we <color=#145ABE>found plenty of supplies</color> around the broken vending machines. You know, the regular vending machines in gas stations. Who knows if there used to be a bunch of racing car enthusiasts around here.\nDo you know old Ed in our team, old man? Yeah, the weird, forty-year-old man. He sneezed a dozen times in a row today. It was really funny and we all laughed.\nI was a bit worried about whether he was okay, so I asked him to go back to the camp, but he refused, saying that he would never lose to the young people.\nThe way he looked with snot hanging from his nose was hilarious but not as funny as you are.\nBy the way, is everything alright on your end? Do I need to send these supplies back to the camp first? Exploration Event 1 1 1 203051 0
203051 Send Comms He may have caught a cold. You have to make him take some cold medicine. (Obtained: Food x50, Medicine x50, Wood x200, Iron x200) 2 203051
203060 Abandoned Road Old man, many team members have caught colds due to the rainy days. Everyone is tired and sick. And the weather doesn't look like it's going to clear up again. We've been walking on an <b>abandoned road</b> for a long time. There are no creatures around, only the rampant storm. The only good news is that we seem to <color=#145ABE>be closer to</color> the giant wheel. Exploration Event 1 1 1 203061 0
203061 Recorded Take care of yourself. Get back immediately if you don't feel well. 2
203070 Abandoned Farm - 1 I don't know if the message is out through the comms device. The bad weather is affecting the signals of the comms device.\nEverything's fine, old man. It's just the weather is getting worse. Exploration Event 1 1 1 203071 0
203071 Send Comms (Failed) ······ 2 203072 0
203072 Abandoned Farm - 2 Old man, little Peter had a high fever last night. He kept murmuring his mom's name <color=#145ABE>unconsciously</color>. Poor little Peter, he was an orphan when we brought him back. And we always call for our loved ones when we are deep in pain.\nOld man, what's the most important thing in our life? Could it be <color=#145ABE>living happily with everyone we love</color>? Exploration Event 1 1 1 1 203073 0
203073 Send Comms Gyan, you have to come back if the team is not in a good state. 2 203074 0
203074 Abandoned Farm - 3 We are almost at the giant wheel. The weather is getting worse. The sleet is cutting our skin. And it's hard to keep moving. We came across an <b>abandoned farm</b> and spent a night there. The storm outside doesn't seem to stop. And the roof above us is making funny noises as if it's gonna be blown away by the wind.\nI feel scared, old man.\nBut uncle Ed said that you were a hero. The son of a hero is never scared of anything. Exploration Event 1 1 1 1 203075 0
203075 Send Comms Gyan, I'm proud of you. Make sure you come home safe and sound. 2 203076 0
203076 Abandoned Farm - 4 Old man, I remember the cream stew mom used to make when I was little. How I wish I could go home and have the stew.\nHope that our town can get back to normal and everyone can <color=#145ABE>live happily</color> after we make it.\nOld man, do you know the secret of being <color=#145ABE>happy</color>? Exploration Event 1 1 1 1 203077 0
203077 Send Comms Gyan, everyone is waiting for you to come back. Everything will be alright. 2
203080 Giant Wheel - 1 Mayor, this is Jodi. I requested to borrow the comms device to report to you what happened on our end.\nWe arrived <b>near the wheel</b>. There we saw a giant mechanical device that I had never seen before. It stood on the cliff with its center rotating non-stop, creating a huge vortex in the center. We think it must be the cause of the bad weather in the area. The device looks solid and our explosives are not enough to destroy it. How can we make it stop? Exploration Event 1 1 1 203081 0
203081 Send Comms Cliff? You could try blow the cliff up instead? 2 203082 0 203081 203080 203085 203082
203082 Giant Wheel - 2 After the comms device remained quiet for about four or five hours, I hear a loud explosion from afar. The ground is shaking. Residents of the town think it's an earthquake and rush out to check on the situation.\nOnly I'm holding the comms device tight in my hand and hope it rings again. Exploration Event 1 1 1 1 203083 0
203083 Send Comms Wait patiently... 2 203084 0
203084 Giant Wheel - 3 Mayor! We did it!\nWe blew up the cliff.\nThe wheel fell into the sea under the cliff and washed away by the sea. I hope it was completely broken.\nWe'll go back as soon as possible. We finally completed our mission. Exploration Event 1 1 1 1 203085 0
203085 Send Comms Welcome back, heroes of the town. (Obtained: Wood x180, Iron x180, Survivor x5, Spirit +20) 2
203090 Abandoned School We kept moving and came across an <b>abandoned school</b>. To our surprise, there are <color=#145ABE>5 young survivors</color> in it. They seem to have been starved for a long time, but thankfully we found them and their <color=#145ABE>mental state is okay</color>.\nShould we bring them back to town? Exploration Event 1 1 1 203091 0 203092 0
203091 Send Comms You can share the location of the town with them. You can even let them join our town if you're willing to. 2 203093 20307
203092 Send Comms Of course, Gyan. Perhaps this way we'll not be worried about the manpower shortage in town. (Obtained: Survivor x5) 2 203092 20307
20301 Guardians of the Town We did it. <color=#145ABE>There are more than 30 people in the camp</color>.\nThe sky cleared up. Gyan and his exploration team were back <color=#145ABE>safe and sound</color>.\nGyan looks like a different person after returning to the town. Somehow, he managed to persuade his friends into setting up a team of town guardians, aiming to protect everyone in town. Ed couldn't bear to see them hanging around and took over the training of these guardians. He now trains them every day on the training ground. Ending Event 1 1 1 1 20302 0
20302 Recorded The future of the town lies in the hands of these young people. 2
20303 Weak and Powerless We did it. <color=#145ABE>There are more than 30 people in the camp</color>.\nAs the day of return approached, the exploration team was still not back in town. I started to have a bad feeling about this. In an afternoon, we finally saw the exploration team again. Covered in wounds, they seemed to have been through a fierce battle. Poor Ed lost an arm trying to protect everyone. Gyan was weirdly <color=#145ABE>quiet</color> when I found him as if he had been through something horrible.\nTo me, it's good that everyone is back. Ending Event 1 1 1 1 20304 0
20304 Recorded Everything will be alright, Gyan. 2
20305 Brave Explorers We did it. <color=#145ABE>There are more than 35 people in the camp</color>.\nThe sky cleared up. And thankfully, Gyan and his exploration team were <color=#145ABE>back safe and sound</color>.\nThe brave explorers have played an important part in bringing everything back to normal in town. What they did is far <color=#145ABE>beyond our expectations</color>.\nBack from the expedition, Gyan no longer plays around and would sneak out with the exploration team to explore around the town. Ed caught and scolded him several times in the beginning but later acquiesced in accepting him to the team.\nAfter that, Gyan started to lead the team to go out for exploration independently. Sometimes they brought back supplies, and sometimes refugees. Gyan is becoming more and more mature.\nGyan, <color=#145ABE>thank you for making the town stronger</color>. Ending Event 1 1 1 1 20306 0
20306 Recorded Advance into the future, brave explorers. 2
20307 The Price of Being a Hero We did it. <color=#145ABE>There are more than 35 people in the camp</color>.\nThe sky cleared up and the exploration team was back. Residents rushed out to welcome them while cheering.\nGyan was back. There was determination in his eyes. We had a talk over night and he told me he wanted to join the army. He wanted to get stronger, to be able to help more people. I know I'll miss him, but I still agreed with his decision. A few days later, he packed his bag and left, <color=#145ABE>fading into the distance</color>.\nGo and pursue the power you seek, my child. Ending Event 1 1 1 1 20308 0
20308 Recorded Come home soon, my child. 2
20311 Day 1 The supply depot and the medical depot have stopped working after days of <color=#145ABE>bad weather</color> in a row. Although there is still sufficient food in the warehouse, we will run out of food if the bad weather continues.\nThe day before yesterday, I saw a <color=#145ABE>giant wheel in the distance</color> through the telescope. The wheel may well be the cause of the sudden change in weather. Should we send an exploration team out to investigate? Story Event 1 1 1 1 20312 0
20312 Recorded I'll think about it. 2
20313 Outpost Constructed Today, the weather was even worse. On the stormy night, my rebellious son <color=#0F70BC>Gyan</color> knocked on my door.\n"I plan to set off with the exploration team in a few days. This is a comms device. You can use it to contact me. And I will never be a coward like you."\nI wanted to stop him but gave up when I saw the determination in his eyes. I know that my son is just like who I was, brave and tough, and there is no way I can stop him. Story Event 1 1 1 1 20314 0
20314 Accept the comms device Let's grab some expedition essentials in the warehouse. You'll find them useful. (Obtained: Food x5, Medicine x5) 2 20315
20315 Important Decision To rally an exploration team, we need to build an outpost first. The Wood and Iron in town are not enough. We have to <color=#0F70BC>demolish some medical depots or supply depots</color>.\nThis makes residents sad, but we must change to fight against bad luck. Story Event 1 1 1 20316 0
20316 Recorded I'll think about it. 2
20321 Smoggy Today, the entire town is covered in smog. The visibility is poor outside. We have to stay inside as much as possible and wear a mask if we have to go out. There is a strong smell in the air. It's heavily polluted.\nDue to the air pollution, the weather is not suitable for medicine production. <color=#0F70BC>All Big Medical Depots have to stop running for 1 day</color>. Weather Report 1 20314 1 1 1 20322 0
20322 Recorded All Big Medical Depots stop working for 1 day 2 20322
20323 Smoggy There is a strong smell in the air. The heavy air pollution has led to the smog and the poor visibility outside. We ask everyone to stay inside as much as possible and wear a mask if they have to go out.\n<color=#0F70BC>None of the Big Medical Depots meet the production standards</color>. Weather Report 1 20313 1 1 1 20324 0
20324 Recorded All Big Supply Depots stop working for 1 day 2 20324
20325 Blizzard The blizzard is getting stronger with big snowflakes and biting wind. The Big Medical Depots were built on a distant hill in town so that we could collect better medicine. However, it's exactly where the blizzard affected the most. As expected, the roof of the medical depots is almost gone due to the blizzard.\n<color=#0F70BC>We have to stop all the Big Medical Depots from running for two days</color>. We will start them again when everything is back to normal. Hope we'll get through this. Weather Report 1 20314 1 1 1 20326 0
20326 Recorded All Big Medical Depots stop working for 2 days 2 20326
20327 Blizzard The blizzard hits and leaves thick snow on the ground. The bad weather makes it hard to travel outside.\nIn order to get things back to normal again in town, some residents have been assigned the job to sweep the snow. Due to the lack of manpower and the bad weather, <color=#0F70BC>all Big Supply Depots have to stop running for two days</color>. They will resume production when the weather gets better.\nIt will get better, right? Weather Report 1 20313 1 1 1 20328 0
20328 Recorded All Big Supply Depots stop working for 2 days 2 20328
20329 Smoggy There is a strong smell in the air. The heavy air pollution has led to the smog and the poor visibility outside. We ask everyone to stay inside as much as possible and wear a mask if they have to go out.\nAs the residents have to stay inside, <color=#0F70BC>their Spirit starts to drop</color>. Weather Report 1 1 1 1 20330 0
20330 Recorded Residents: Spirit -10 2 20330
20331 Blizzard The blizzard hits and leaves thick snow on the ground. It's hard to even open the door and sweep the snow, not to mention to go out.\nDue to the poor heating system, <color=#0F70BC>residents have to wait for the bad weather pass</color>. Weather Report 1 1 1 1 20332 0
20332 Recorded Residents: Spirit -15 2 20332
20333 Thunderstorm The rainstorm comes. The rain hits the window hard in the strong wind. Outside, the rain keeps pouring down in darkness. A thick blot of lightning lights up the sky, followed by a loud thunderclap.\nA lightning struck the electric wire of a Big Medical Depot, <color=#0F70BC>which will not be able to operate today</color>. Fortunately, residents found this before any serious damage was caused. Weather Report 1 20314 1 1 1 20334 0
20334 Recorded One Big Medical Depot stops working for 1 day 2 20334
20335 Thunderstorm Dark clouds cover the sky, casting the entire town into darkness. Suddenly, rain starts pouring down with the rumble of thunder.\nWe failed to take our food back before the rain started. <color=#0F70BC>The food in one of the Big Supply Depot has been washed away and unable to be retrieved</color>. Let's let the elderly and children have food first if we have any remaining. Weather Report 1 20313 1 1 1 20336 0
20336 Recorded One Big Supply Depot stops working for 1 day 2 20336
20337 Rainbow After the rain, a beautiful rainbow appears on the east side of the town, which makes everything seem full of life again.\n<color=#145ABE>A group of refugees suddenly show up at the entrance to the town</color>. They remind me of the dark days the town has been through a while back. It turns out that they followed the smoke from kitchen chimneys here. However, I'm not sure if the remaining supplies after the disaster are still enough to support the entire town.\nResidents have different opinions about whether to accept them or not. Weather Report 1 1 1 1 20338 0
20338 Accept the refugees (Survivors +10) 2 20338
20350 Sudden Event 5 young people and 2 children arrive at the entrance to the town. The young people saved the children from a pack of wolves on their way here. According to the children, they lost their parents in the disaster and would have been eaten by the wolves if the young people hadn't saved them. If fate allowed them to live, then let's take them in. They seem to be <color=#145ABE>in a low spirit</color> due to the arduous journey. Hopefully, we'll receive some good news in the next few days. Sudden Event 1 1 1 20351 0
20351 Accept the poor refugees Survivors +7 2 20351
204010 Burning Ruins The ruins are filled with smoke and an unpleasant smell. The burning fire is telling the anger and frustration of the dead.\nI ask Gina to analyze the battlefield, trying to figure out who started the war, but we haven't found any information about the enemy here. Looking up, I can see the blurry, dark outline of a city in the distance. It still seems that we still have a long way to go before reaching that city. Exploration Event 1 1 1 204011 0
204011 Recorded Captain, I think what happened is more than a battle. 2
204020 Highway 68 One must take Highway 68 to enter the city. We are now closer to it. On the ground, we find some shells and bomb shrapnel.\n"GJD-76?" I look at the mark on the shrapnel. Isn't it the bomb used by the guardians?\nBut there are only shells of our weapons. Where are the enemy's shells? Exploration Event 1 1 1 204021 0
204021 Recorded Could it be an internal conflict, Captain? 2
204030 City Outskirts We have reached the edge of the city and found <color=#145ABE>"plenty of remaining supplies"</color>. The traces of life here reveal how prosperous the city was in the past.\n"I remember the city hosting a marathon race in the past. You won the championship, right?" Exploration Event 1 1 1 204031 0
204031 Recorded The prize of the championship is a valuable pocket watch. Do you still have it with you, Captain? (Obtained: Food x50, Medicine x50) 2 204031
204040 City Entrance We are blocked by some guards, who have recognized that we are also soldiers.\n"Are you here to join the Ouroboros as well? We are in desperate need of soldiers."\n"The Ouroboros? What is that?" Rich asks.\n"We have mastered the critical AI technology of the city and will use it to control the organization's weapon system. Given more time, we'll be able to control the military forces of the entire area and establish our own organization."\nAI technology! Are they talking about Gina's source database?\nWe exchange a look with Peter, who immediately gets our message. Exploration Event 1 1 1 204041 0 204042 0
204041 Avoid Fight (Remain silent)... 2
204042 Fight Head-On Ugly pests. Let's teach them a lesson first. 2
204050 City Center - A1 I reach the city center while Peter and the others are helping me stall the guards. My destination is where I created, no, revived Gina.\nThe basement in the city center. Gina's source database.\nMeanwhile, a group of people seem to be approaching me from the darkness.\n"Let's fight, Gina."\nI turn around, pull out the gun, and reload.\nIt's time to end this. Exploration Event 1 20402 1 1 204051 0
204051 Recorded Captain, it reminds me of the days we fought together. 2 204054 0
204052 City Center - B1 After taking care of the guards, we arrive at the city center. Although there is another group of enemies ahead, we are not afraid as long as we stay together.\nWe arrange into our classic defense formation, ready to seize the city center in one go. Exploration Event 1 20403 1 1 204053 0
204053 Recorded We need to get to the basement ASAP, Captain. 2 204056 0
204054 City Center - A2 I arrive at the basement alone and see the one behind the scene. It's Rod, my supervisor. Realizing there is no chance to win,\nhe bursts into laughter, "If I can't have it, no one can."\nHe then pulls out a bomb, ready to push the button at any time.\nI shoot at him in panic but fail to hit him. The bomb explodes in a loud bang.\n<color=#145ABE>Gina's source database is gone.</color>\nI thus fall into endless darkness. Exploration Event 1 1 1 1 204055 0
204055 Recorded So this is how it feels to die, Captain? 2 20418
204056 City Center - B2 We arrive at the basement alone and see the one behind the scene. It's Rod, my supervisor. Realizing there is no chance to win,\nhe bursts into laughter, "If I can't have it, no one can."\nHe then pulls out a bomb, ready to push the button at any time.\nRight at this moment, Peter pulls the trigger and hits Rod's arm, preventing the bomb from exploding.\n<color=#145ABE>Gina's source database has been protected.</color> Exploration Event 1 1 1 1 204057 0
204057 Recorded We won, Captain! 2 20418
204060 Church What is this place? Judging from the ruins, we can tell that it used to be a church. The entire place has been taken over by the lilies in blossom. A cross lies in the sea of lilies under the sunlight coming down through the stained glass as if God had descended. The pure and sacred beauty of the church leaves us all speechless for a moment.\n"This is so beautiful." Nico crouches down and touches the lilies.\n"Humans pray to God or hold sacred vow ceremonies in places like this. Have you got anyone that you want to make a vow to, Captain?" Rich asks.\n"Stop asking weird questions, Rich. Let's split up and start looking for supplies." Exploration Event 1 1 1 204061 0
204061 Recorded Go and search for resources, Captain. 2
204070 Dilapidated Building The building seems fragile in the wind. There are bullet holes left by the war all over its walls.\nWe find traces of a bonfire. It seems that someone was here before.\nWe can keep looking down this road. Exploration Event 1 1 1 204071 0
204071 Recorded We need to stay alert as we don't know if we're after a friend or a foe. 2
204080 Hillside Villa There seems to be a fierce battle around the villa. To be more specific, it was the slaughter of unarmed, innocent civilians. I feel sorry for not being there for them. We bury their bodies and find many supplies left by them in the villa.\n"With the supplies, we'll be able to\n<color=#145ABE>build a simple comms device</color>. Let's report this to the organization." I say while thinking, "\n<color=#145ABE>We might use the large memory of the comms device to store Gina's source database</color>." Exploration Event 1 1 1 204081 0
204081 Recorded We should get moving, Captain. (Obtained: Iron x1000, Wood x1000) 2 204081
20401 Reconciliation With the World We transferred Gina's source database to the comms device in the shelter and blew up the basement in the city center. After that, we told the public that Nordin's AI was destroyed.\nOnly a few know that Gina is always by my side.\nAnd the criticism also disappeared after the operation. We were called back by the organization. Despite the betrayal, we are still willing to make peace with the people and keep helping those who are suffering. Ending Event 1 1 1 1 20402 0
20402 Recorded Which city shall we visit today, Captain? 2
20403 Let's Go Home We returned to the shelter after eliminating all the enemies. There we built our own home.\nHumans' betrayal left a scar in our hearts, and we'll never forget the hate and disgust on their faces when they drove us away.\nSince then, we have been living happily in our own home, away from the battles. Ending Event 1 1 1 1 20404 0
20404 Recorded Captain, Let's... go home. 2
20405 Long Waiting The team members are looking at me with concern when I wake up again. According to them, they went through a lot of trouble to dig me out of the ruins of the basement.\n"Where is Gina?" The first thing I want to know is if she is still okay.\nEveryone remains silent.\nGina's voice is not coming from the earphones of the comms device.\n"Captain, have you lost your memory? We built a comms device in the shelter. We can use it to restore Gina's data. It's just a matter of time," says Nico.\nI don't know how long it will take, maybe a month, a year, but I know Gina will be back by my side. Ending Event 1 1 1 1 20406 0
20406 Recorded 2
20407 A World Without Gina The team members are looking at me with concern when I wake up again. According to them, they went through a lot of trouble to dig me out of the ruins of the basement.\n"Where is Gina?" The first thing I want to know is if she is still okay.\nEveryone remains silent.\n"Captain, I tried everything I could think of, but I still couldn't find her data. I'm sorry. I can't find her." Nico cries as she stands by the bed.\nI don't know how to react when hearing this.\nA memory from the past flashes through my mind...\n<color=#145ABE>[Hidden Memory]</color>\nIn the faint morning light of the church, dew condenses on the leaves. A fluffy little squirrel pops its head out of a tree hole. Lily buds bloom quietly. Everything has come to life again. I can almost hear the sound of people laughing around me.\n"Gina, do you know what the vow ceremony is?" I say while looking at the beautiful girl next to me.\n"It's the ceremony where humans vow to be with the one they love forever, Hans." Ending Event 1 1 1 1 20408 0
20408 Recorded 2
20411 Jun 1 "Morning, Gina. The weather looks good today. Let's play some music." Story Event 1 1 1 1 20412 0
20412 Recorded Morning, Captain. Let's play the song Longing. 2
20413 Jun 1 I start working while humming along to the soothing music. Today's task is to <color=#145ABE>clean up the small ruins</color>.\nI used to be the captain of the attack team. My team has helped many Scavengers under my leadership. However, we destroyed a commercial building by mistake due to a command error in an operation not long ago. Some Scavengers recorded it, and there started to be rumors saying that we are a "rude", "dangerous" team that "threats the safety of others".\nThe organization has deployed us to garrison the boundary, and we will reunite once the situation has passed.\nOf course, I'm not alone. I'm accompanied by my most proud "assistant", the advanced AI—Gina. Story Event 1 1 1 20414 0
20414 Recorded Visitor detected 500m away, Captain. 2 20423 0
20415 Jun 2 The four of us gather around the table and start to enjoy the lunch. Nico shares the adventure she had with Rich in great excitement.\n"We even hacked into the organization's classified base just to find this place. It would be another story if we were caught. I sent some good stuff to the computer of the old man of the organization. Hope he won't get mad when he sees them during the meeting tomorrow. I've shared Captain's location with other teammates. They should be here soon." I don't know how to react when I see the proud look on the genius hacker's face. Story Event 1 1 1 1 20416 0
20416 Recorded I bet Nico sent some weird emojis to the old man. 2
20417 Jun 3 We have never experienced a <color=#145ABE>extreme weather like this</color> on the wasteland. The thick dark clouds are getting close, threatening to deprive us of the remaining oxygen here. I start to have a bad feeling.\nThe supplies we have is not enough to survive the harsh weather. We have to keep the <color=#145ABE>resource devices working at full capacity</color> to keep everyone healthy. Story Event 1 1 1 1 20418 0
20418 Recorded Captain, the weather is going to be extreme. Please ensure that there are sufficient supplies in storage. 2 20449 0
20419 Outpost Constructed The outpost was constructed. I decide to set off with 4 team members with the rest observing the outskirts of Nordin.\n"Attack team! Our mission this time is— to protect Gina's source database! Let's go!" Story Event 1 1 1 20420 0
20420 Recorded Thank you, Captain. 2
20421 Comms Device Constructed The comms device has an extremely large memory. We can gradually transfer Gina's source database to it. This way we won't need to worry about corrupting her database. Story Event 1 1 1 20422 0
20422 Recorded Thank you, Captain. 2
20423 Jun 1 I go up to the second floor and through the telescope, I see <color=#145ABE>three figures</color> approaching the shelter. They are Nico, Rich, and other old teammates of mine.\nOut of joy, I run out of the room and shout into the distance, "Hey! Let's see which unlucky fellows managed to find this unlucky captain!"\n"Captain!!!" Hearing my voice, Nico starts running toward me. Story Event 1 1 1 1 20424 0
20424 Recorded Congratulations Captain, we can have a happy dinner together. (Obtained: Teammates +3) 2 20414
20425 Jun 2 A noise comes from the outside when we are busy talking. It's Peter, the <color=#145ABE>sharpshooter</color> I trust the most, my old teammate. They all found this place. The team has reassembled.\nNow that we are together again, we need to <color=#145ABE>clean up the ruins and build Supply Depot(s) and Medical Depot(s) to provide survival supplies for everyone</color>. Story Event 1 1 1 20426 0
20426 Recorded I'm happy to see you back in a good state, Captain. (Obtained: Teammate x5, Food x10, Medicine x10) 2 20416 20417 20415
20427 Jun 4 The bad weather lasted two days and there is no sign of it getting better. I need to <color=#145ABE>send some people to the Supply Depot(s) and Medical Depot(s)</color> to ensure the full operation of the facilities and get more supplies.\n"Gina, check the weather for the next few days." Story Event 1 1 1 1 20428 0
20428 Recorded Weather Detection Result: The weather will be extreme in the next few days. Please ensure that there are sufficient supplies in storage, Captain. 2
20429 Jun 5 Today, Nico asked me about how Gina worked. Due to the inadequate network conditions, I failed to access the source database via Gina or let her show her true power. She is now just an AI living in the comms device, who can only chat with me or play some table games with us at most.\n"AI will not die as long as we have a device with a memory that stores data. Let's find a device with a large memory to store Gina's source data, Captain." Nico scratched her head and said, "Build a Gina Gen 2 AI for me."\n"No problem, smart girl. But how can we find that device without the support of the organization?" I tapped Nico's little head.\nActually, I think there is no need to do so, because Gina's source database is in Nordin.\nNrodin should be the safest place right now. Story Event 1 1 1 1 20430 0
20430 Recorded What does it feel like to die, Captain? 2
20431 Sunny Today's sunlight seemed to be stronger than usual. While cleaning my room on a whim, I found some supplies left unused in a dark corner. Although I'm an atheist, I've started to believe in luck ever since I was prohibited from taking action. I'll just take the unexpected gain as a blessing from the god of fate, as I know it's the only way to make me feel better. Weather Event 1 1 1 20432 0
20432 Recorded There will always be good things, Captain. (Obtained: Food x10, Medicine x10) 2 20432
20433 Jun 6 The weather was still bad today. We stayed in a cramped shelter, playing cards while waiting for the stormy night to pass. To my surprise, Nico fixed the old radio. She patted it and a voice started to come out intermittently from the radio.\n<color=#145ABE>"To every Nordin citizen... who is still in the city..., please evacuate to the outskirts of the city. The city... is... no longer... in our hands..."</color> I still got the message clearly despite the noise in the broadcasting.\n"It's your turn, Captain" Rich urges.\n"Oh, my bad." I pull out a card without thinking. Story Event 1 1 1 1 20434 0
20434 Recorded Captain... 2
20435 Jun 6 After everyone left, I ask in a low voice,\n"Gina, can you get me the information of Nordin?"\nNordin, a city I once saved and the reason that I was stationed here.\nThe organization promised to take good care of the city, but why did fall? Story Event 1 1 1 20436 0
20436 Recorded Captain, an unknown device is blocking the signals from the city. I can't get any information about it. 2
20437 Jun 7 Today, I checked around the shelter alone. I walked about 7 km and looked at the city through the telescope, but the only thing I saw was the gray smoke.\nGina tried hard to connect to the city's network, but all network ports were blocked, so we failed to get any information about the city.\nTo me, Nordin is a special city. I had many precious memories here.\nI met Gina in the city and lost her in a battle. To keep her by my side forever, I created an AI based on Gina and named it after her name. Story Event 1 1 1 1 20438 0
20438 Recorded Captain, it's getting late. Time to return to the shelter. 2
20439 Jun 8 I tossed and turned a lot but couldn't sleep last night. Nico laughed and said that I looked like a giant gorilla when she saw the dark circles under my eyes the next morning.\nPeter seemed to notice that I wasn't in a good state and asked me if I needed anything. I waved to him and told him I was okay.\nI would rather keep my team out of these struggles. We were saving humans, but they treated us like enemies.\nI'm fine as long as my team is happy in this shelter. Story Event 1 1 1 1 20440 0
20440 Recorded Captain, you don't need to handle everything yourself. 2
20441 Jun 9 Building an adequate number of supply facilities turned out to be a good decision. I plan to explore the city alone after we have <color=#145ABE>saved up enough supplies</color>. I want to find out what happened in Nordin and why the city fell so suddenly.\nWhat makes me worried is that, given all Gina's source database is stored in Nordin, I would lose her if it is destroyed.\nIf they captured Nordin for Gina's data,\nthen they would be able to use it to hack into all the weapon networks and take control of all weapon devices. Story Event 1 1 1 1 20442 0
20442 Recorded Captain... 2
20443 Jun 9 At night, Nico and Rich had a fight over whether to roast corn with honey or pepper. Both of them are still children. Peter should be able to take care of them after I leave.\nI <color=#145ABE>need to get prepared</color> before setting off. Story Event 1 1 1 1 20444 0
20444 Recorded I'll always be by your side, Captain. 2 20445 0
20445 Jun 10 In the early morning when the team was deep in sleep, I took my bag and looked around. Happy times are always short.\nI opened the door and found my team was already waiting outside.\n"Are you trying to be a hero without us, Captain?" Nico shouted at me angrily.\n"If Gina hadn't told us... You wanted to go to Nordin along?" Story Event 1 1 1 1 20446 0
20446 Recorded Sorry, Captain. I did it without your permission. 2 20447 0
20447 Jun 10 Stopped by the team, I decided to visit Nordin with them. After a rough calculation, I found that we could <color=#145ABE>demolish some of the remaining production buildings and build the outpost</color> after we have <color=#145ABE>enough supplies in the Warehouse for everyone for today and our journey ahead</color>.\nThe attack team is never a one-man team.\nWe have been through so many dangerous situations, and we'll definitely make it this time. Story Event 1 1 1 20448 0
20448 Recorded Captain... 2
20449 Jun 3 If the bad weather continues for a few days, we have to scale up our production to store up more supplies <color=#145ABE>for the time being</color>. With the spare iron and wood we have, <color=#145ABE>we will be able to build 1 Supply Depot and 1 Medical Depot</color>. Story Event 1 1 1 1 20450 0
20450 Recorded Captain, remember to distribute the remaining supplies wisely. 2
2050100 Unread Comms "Dear Captain of the Scavengers, there are a great number of the Corrupted wandering <color=#0F70BC>due east</color> of the Hexagon Island. Their behavior resembles the observing and probing actions of beasts before hunting. A <color=#FF0033>Red Tide Invasion</color> is estimated to take place in <color=#0F70BC>10 to 20 days</color>. It would probably be the biggest attack in the history of the island and leave no survivors. As the island is far from the continent and has had no contact with us for three years, its situation is unknown to us. Please go there and save the islanders asap. Tap to download the Red Tide Data Analysis attached>>\nBabylonia Command Post"\nYou have no idea when the message will be received. It seems as if the comms depot on the Hexagon Island were a fake. Looking at the 100th message that failed to get out, you give up the idea of using the comms device. Better find another chance to load the attachment. You and your Scavengers were already exhausted after the long journey, so you decided to camp at an island near the main one and <color=#0F70BC>demolish the ruins</color> to get materials for now and plan island exploration tomorrow.\nYou took an abandoned building as your temporary shelter on this island. Story Event 1 1 1 1 2050101 0
2050101 Recorded 2
2050110 Speak of the Devil You are full of energy after a night's sleep. You have to build 1 <color=#0F70BC>outpost</color> today and hurry to the Hexagon Island to gather information and search for supplies.\nThe sound of an argument outside interrupts your thinking. You get up and your assistant comes in.\n"Captain! Two islanders just came to our door, saying that they were the guardians of the island and the island chief would like to know our reason to stay. They asked to see you immediately. Arrogant." The assistant clenches the fist. "I told them we came here to help, but they didn't believe me!"\nHearing this, you have made your decision. You decided to: Story Event 1 1 1 2050111 0 2050112 0
2050111 Play it by ear Find out what they want and then act accordingly 2 1 2050113 0
2050112 Be tough Ask to see the island chief directly to save time 2 2050115 0
2050113 Removing Misunderstanding You straighten up your clothes and walk out. You notice that the islanders seem to be alerted by the Scavenger badge on your chest.\n"Scavenger officer, may I ask why you came to the Haxegon Island?" One of the islanders asks. You cut to the chase and explain the danger the island is about to face and that you're here to help.\n"Although the Hexagon Island is a lonely island, after three years of construction, it now has a thick, tall wall on each side with a gate on each wall. As long as the gates are closed, we will be able to prevent any danger from coming in. Right. Take the pass. Don't lose it. Otherwise, you won't be able to enter or leave the island." Saying so, the islander hands you a pass and invites you to <color=#0F70BC>form an exploration team</color> to enter the Hexagon Island and check out the fortifications.\n"You have to have the pass to enter and leave the island freely. You can leave if you don't have any questions." Another islander says, leaving some island specialties as a gift for you. It seems that the camp is obviously short of supplies. Story Event 1 1 1 1 2050114 0
2050114 Recorded Camp: Food +5 2 2050114
2050115 Blind Confidence You straighten up your clothes and walk out. You notice that the islanders seem to be alerted by the Scavenger badge on your chest.\nYou cut to the chase and explain to them that the island will soon be in danger and you're here to help. You ask the islanders to take you to the island and work out a rescue plan with the island chief.\nThe islanders laugh a bit and say, "Although the Hexagon Island is a lonely island, after three years of construction, it now has a thick, tall wall on each side with a gate on each wall. As long as the gates are closed, we will be able to prevent any danger from coming in. Right. Take the pass. Don't lose it. Otherwise, you won't be able to enter or leave the island." Saying so, the islanders throw the pass to your assistant and leave.\nIt seems that we have to <color=#0F70BC>form an exploration team</color> to enter the Hexagon Island. The islanders apparently have no idea how dangerous the crisis is. Plus, the <color=#FF0033>supplies in the camp are going to run out very soon</color>. We must act as soon as possible. Story Event 1 1 1 1 2050116 0
2050116 Recorded 2
2050117 A Gift You receive a package just before you set off. The note on it says,\n"Scavenger Officer, please take this humble gift.\nMercy, Island Chief of the Hexagon Island" Story Event 1 1 1 1 2050118 0
2050118 Collect Supplies Camp: Medicine +10, Food +10 2 2050118
2050200 Smart Gate One You took the pass and arrived at the Hexagon Island. "Welcome, Scavenger officer. I'm Mercy, the island chief here. I'm in charge of everything on the island. I heard that you came a long way to help us. A kind person indeed." A robust, middle-aged man walks up to you with a friendly smile. He seems reliable with pleasant manners.\nYou explain why you decided to come in the hope that he can evacuate the islanders and tell you something about the comms depot. But he deliberately changes the topic to the fortifications. He points at the walls, "Have a look at our fortifications. These walls are 9 meters high with a high-power particle cannon every 3 meters up. I believe they are enough to defend against most of the monster attacks." Just when you want to say something, the two islanders you met yesterday drag you to a facility and say, "Officer, why don't you try out our special event? It's called the 'Hexagon Warrior' trial. The participants are going to be measured in terms of 6 combat abilities, namely 'intelligence, survival, strength, combat, defense, and weapon'. It was held once every three years. And we once even had three hundred Scavengers competing for the prize, the ticket of the Nighter."\nSmart Gate One used to be the venue for the trial of intelligence. The islanders draw a question for you. The question seems easy at first glance but is actually difficult, testing the knowledge of operations research. You don't know how to react. The island chief pats your shoulder and says, "Haha, easy, they just wanted to introduce you to our culture. I'll send some islanders to help you fix everything back at your camp. And we'll talk after you settle down." The island chief turns around and leaves. You decide to: Exploration Event 1 1 1 2050203 0 2050204 0
2050203 Take the supplies Team: Islanders +3, Wood +180, Iron +180, Medicine +50, Food +50. 2 2050203 2050204
2050204 Read the question again and take the supplies Team: Islanders +3, Wood +180, Iron +180, Medicine +50, Food +50. 2 2050206 0 2050203 2050204 2050207
2050206 Hidden Secret "You read the question carefully and find its segmentation a bit weird. You reorganize the sentence and get the morse code as follows:\n-. --- .-.-.- .---- ... ..- .--. .--. .-.. .. . ...\n.--. .. .-. .- - . ...\n.-. ..- -.\nThe first part indicates where the supplies are. You put the note in the pocket, find an excuse to wander around Gate One, and find the supplies as expected. But the segments after that make things seem a bit difficult.\n(Deciphered Content: First, supplies, pirates, run)" Exploration Event 1 2050206 1 1 1 2050207 0
2050207 Recorded Team: Medicine +60, Food +60 2
2050300 Survival Gate Two You keep moving with the pass and arrive at the second Defense Gate. You have slowed down the pace of the rescue plan after the island chief introduced their solid, advanced fortifications.\n"Officer!" A familiar face appears in front of you again. It's the islander you saw on the second day. "Officer. We meet again. I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Forest, your guide during your time on the island."\nSeeing him being nice, you also decide to be friendly, "Mr. Forest, do you need to repair the comms station on the island? I have teammates who are good at machina. We can help you repair it or build a new one."\n"Officer. Just call me Forest. About the comms station, it's a decision the islanders made themselves. You don't need to be bothered." Forest looks embarrassed and continues, "Why don't you have a look around the facilities and the pleasant sight? The natural hexagonal coast of this island is a world wonder." The island is really big. You and your team spend half a day wandering but still find yourselves around Gate Two.\n"Officer. Behind these gates were the competition venues. This gate was named the 'Survival Gate' as it was where the 'survival' challenge was held. And the gate number suggests the order of this challenge." Saying so, Forest leads you to an entrance and helps you put on the defensive gear. "Go. You might be able to find the supplies you want inside. It all depends on your survival skills. My personal advice is to choose the <color=#0F70BC>deserted direction</color> first."\nYou decide to: Exploration Event 1 1 1 2050301 0 2050302 0 2050303 0
2050301 Search for supplies in the sparse area 2 2050304 0 2050305
2050302 Search for supplies in the lush area 2 2050306 0 2050307
2050303 Search for supplies in the deserted area 2 2050308 0 2050309
2050304 Small Harvest You've collected a small amount of medicine and food but plenty of building materials. The harvest of the exploration is not bad. Exploration Event 1 2050304 1 1 1 2050305 0
2050305 Collect Supplies Team: Wood +100, Iron +100, Medicine +10, Food +10. 2
2050306 Medium Harvest You've collected a moderate amount of medicine and food but plenty of building materials. The harvest of the exploration is great. Exploration Event 1 2050306 1 1 1 2050307 0
2050307 Collect Supplies Team: Wood +100, Iron +100, Medicine +20, Food +20. 2
2050308 Rich Harvest You've collected plenty of medicine, food, and building materials. It seems Forest really wants to help us. He seems to have something to say about what happened at "Smart Gate One" last time. Exploration Event 1 2050308 1 1 1 2050309 0
2050309 Collect Supplies Team: Wood +100, Iron +100, Medicine +30, Food +30. 2
2050400 Strength Gate Three This pass is really useful. It allows you to travel freely on the island. You arrive at Strength Gate Three and see a row of colorful cars around it. "We won't give you another one if you lose your pass." As expected, Forest shows up. "Here is where the participants drag trucks to show their strength. As the competition is stimulating, it is the competition with most Scavengers watching. Scavengers can bed and trade items during the process, but every time she would stop such behaviors..." There is temporary sadness in Forest's eyes. He quickly calms down and says, "Let's continue..."\n"By the way, the islanders who helped out at the camp said there was a big-scale attack from the Corrupted three years ago. More than half of the people were dead. And half of them were outside Scavengers. Is this true?" You ask.\n"That's correct. The 'Hexagon Warrior' competition three years ago attracted many Scavengers. Maybe attracted by the frequent human traffic at sea, the monsters stormed the entire island during the award ceremony. Those who survived built this wall to prevent similar things from happening."\n"Haha, anyways, pick a car. Let's search for some supplies along the coast. But I have to remind you that the <color=#0F70BC>road there is a bit bumpy</color>." You decide to: Exploration Event 1 1 1 2050401 0 2050402 0 2050403 0
2050401 Select the shabby off-road vehicle with good grip Best choice for rugged terrains 2 2050404 0 2050405
2050402 Select the spacious sedan Best choice for a comfortable journey 2 2050406 0 2050405
2050403 Select the flashy sports car There are some supplies on the car. Should be able to take them. 2 2050408 0 2050405
2050404 Tranquility You've made the correct choice and collected many supplies. However, they won't fit in the car. Forest promises to take the remaining supplies to the camp. Exploration Event 1 2050404 1 1 1 2050405 0
2050405 Collect Supplies Team: Medicine +10, Food +10 2 2050410 0
2050406 A Small Accident "The spacious car is supposed to carry more supplies, but it won't move due to being left unused for a long time and serious abrasion. The maritime security guards pass by and agree to help you transport the supplies, but you need to give them some supplies in return. You can get the supplies directly from their camp another day." Exploration Event 1 2050406 1 1 1 2050407 0
2050407 Collect Supplies Team: Medicine +10, Food +10 2 2050412 0
2050408 Perfect Submersion The performance of the sports car is "amazing". It drives you directly into the sea. Fortunately, you are fine. Forest says the supplies in the car are just some expired seasonings and it's okay to lose them. Exploration Event 1 2050408 1 1 1 2050409 0
2050409 Collect Supplies Team: Medicine +10, Food +10 2 2050414 0
2050410 Off-Road Vehicle Subsequent Event—Arrival on Time An islander visits you to deliver some supplies for Forest. They happen to the supplies that didn't fit into the off-road vehicle. Story Event 1 1 1 2050411 0
2050411 Collect Supplies Camp: Medicine +30, Food +30 2 2050411
2050412 Sedan Subsequent Event—True Colors of the Maritime Security Guards The maritime security guards visit you and ask you for the payment you promised. Story Event 1 1 1 2050413 0
2050413 Loss of Supplies Camp: Medicine -5, Food -5 2 2050413
2050414 Sports Car Subsequent Event—Surprise Attack from the Seasonings Scavengers in the camp picked up some seasonings on the sea and cooked a meal with them. But the seasonings are expired. Everyone in the camp is having diarrhea. Story Event 1 1 1 2050415 0
2050415 Recorded Scavengers in the Camp: Health -10 2 2050415
2050500 Honor Island In the center of the Honor Island stands an alloy column. It stands tall on this small subsidiary island as if it is supporting the sky. A beautiful lady leans on the railing, forming a harmonious picture with the setting sun. "Hmm?" The lady notices you. "Are you the leader of the Scavengers? I haven't seen an outsider for ages. I suggest you leave immediately. It's not safe here."\n"The fortifications are not bad. Should be enough to defend against the Red Tide."\n"It's never the Corrupted that you should be afraid of. It's the people! The pirates!" She suddenly raises her voice and then calms down. "Three years ago, the Elvist pirates in the area killed people for money. They mainly targeted the ships of the Scavengers who came to participate in the competition. I have no idea if they... or if he is still alive."\n"He?"\n"That's right. He! The pirate with an <color=#0F70BC>X-shaped scar on his left arm</color>! If he hadn't killed my family three years ago, I wouldn't have..."\nYou express your condolences and comfort her. And then, you ask her why she told you this.\n"My name is Beverly. I'm an outsider just like you. Island chief Mercy is no longer welcoming outsiders after the attack by the Corrupted three years ago. Many left here over time. Only a few stayed. But you're different. You're the first outsiders who arrived in the past three years."\n"Find me in the medical depot on the island. I work there." Beverly says and leaves. You decide to look around and search for some supplies first. Exploration Event 1 1 1 2050501 0
2050501 Collect Supplies Team: Medicine +25, Food +25 2 2050501
2050600 Cultivation Area You arrive at the cultivation area and see Forest arguing with several maritime security guards. "Why giving us so little food? Are you cutting our supplies just because of our boss's fault?" The leader says as he gets angrier, threatening to destroy the entire place. "There's going to be a blizzard tomorrow. We're doing this to get prepared for it," Seeing you, Forest suppresses his anger and says in a low voice. Just when you try to mediate, a thick, strong hand stops you.\n"I made the decision. With the blizzard tomorrow, there could be another attack from the Punishing monsters. We must have more supplies at hand to handle the crisis," The island chief says seriously, "I'm afraid other islanders wouldn't agree to let you have more."\n"That's enough. Just because your sister died because of Captain Paul three years ago, doesn't mean you can make everything difficult for all the maritime security guards. He already committed suicide. We have nothing to do with this!"\n"Humph." Island Chief Mercy's face darkens as if he is ready to eat the guards alive. Forest immediately volunteers to handle the problem and makes Mercy leave.\n"Officer. Could you please take these 5 maritime guards back to the camp? I'll give you massive supplies for your trouble!" Forest begs you in embarrassment. Seeing this, you have no choice but to accept. Exploration Event 1 1 1 2050601 0
2050601 Collect Supplies Team: Islanders +5, Medicine +85, Food +85 2 2050602 2050601 205041 2050600
2050700 War Gate Four Danger is brewing under the gray sky. You don't have much time. To make everyone aware of the gravity of the situation, you send the data analysis of the Red Tide monsters to all the islanders via the comms station. It causes panic among people. Everyone is scrambling for the few boats to escape the island. Right at this moment, the voice of the island chief comes from the broadcast.\n"Everyone, please calm down. I can assure you there is absolutely no problem in our defense system. What happened in the past will not happen again! And the Red Tide monsters won't come all at once. Through targeted strikes, we'll definitely achieve the victory," Island Chief Mercy successfully calms down the islanders, "All young islanders, please now gather at the square of the War Gate Four for further defense instructions." People start to move to War Gate Four. Beverly is among them. When you are about to call her, you see Earl moving in the opposite direction. You decide to: Exploration Event 1 1 1 2050701 0 2050702 0 2050703 0
2050701 Follow the Crowd After all, you also have something to do with it 2 2050704 0 2050705
2050702 Catch up with Beverly and go with her Tell her about the pirate with the X-shaped scar 2 2050706 0 2050705
2050703 Follow Earl to find out what he is up to He seems to have some sort of secret 2 2050708 0 2050705
2050704 Onto the Platform Seeing you arrive, they ask you to go up onto the platform. Overwhelming noise comes from the islanders under the platform.\n"Scavenger officer, will we be able to defend against all the monsters?"\n"Are we going to die?"\n"Will someone come and save us?"\n"Quiet!" Islander Chief Mercy says, "Show me the inherited bravery and pride! Who are we? We are the brave descendants of the pirates of Elvist! The chosen ones by the islanders of the Hexagon Island! You are warriors with all 6 combat abilities—'intelligence, survival, strength, combat, defense, and weapon'. Are you afraid of the attacks from these brainless monsters?" Mercy's words are encouraging. "Three years ago, we let our guard down and the Corrupted got in. But things are different today. We invested so much effort in building the walls and the best cannons for this day. We ask for revenge! We are gonna get them by surprise! Elvist!!!"\n"Elvist!" "Elvist!" "Elvist!"\nThe island chief and the islanders raise their arms and shout, revealing their true identity before the crisis. Later, they finalize the defense plan and distribute some supplies. This is going to be a sleepless night for everyone. Exploration Event 1 2050704 1 1 1 2050705 0
2050705 Collect Supplies Team: Medicine +20, Food +20 2
2050706 Overwhelming Hatred Seeing you waving at her, Beverly immediately drags you to a corner. "What are you doing? Are you trying to get yourself killed?"\n"So you're here for that person? That person is already dead."\n"What did you say?!" Beverly screams, which draws the attention of people nearby. You find an excuse and turn them away. Beverly finds it hard to believe that the Scavenger before her found the person that she has been looking for three years and that person is dead. She can't accept the reality.\n"There were maritime security guards among the islanders who went back with me to the camp. They told me that their captain was the only robust man with an X-shaped scar on the left arm and the man committed suicide due to some reason three years ago."\n"Who are we? We are the decedents of the brave Elvist pirates!" It's Mercy's motivational speech. Beverly clenches her fists and remains quiet, head down. Perhaps because of the weather, perhaps not, you just feel cold. Later, Beverly turns around, refuses your kind offer, and leaves the square.\nAt the gathering, a battle plan is made and battle supplies are distributed. It's going to be a tough night for everyone. Exploration Event 1 2050706 1 1 1 2050707 0
2050707 Recorded Team: Medicine +20, Food +20 2 2050710 0
2050708 The Fugitive You follow Earl silently, staying a certain distance from him. At a corner, Earl turns and walks away. You speed up, trying to catch up, but feel something cold pointing at your head.\n"Officer? It's not good to be a stalker."\n"I thought you went to see Island. I want to make sure she's safe."\n"Humph. She lives with the island chief. What can possibly happen to her?"\nYou're shocked but still remain calm. "So the ticket you mentioned is not the ticket to any tourist ship, but the Nighter!"\nEarl narrows his eyes and scrutinizes you. It seems he doubts himself for a second. "Then what are you up to?"\n"I just want to get my rescue task done. Just like that. For Scavengers, staying alive is all that matters."\n"Hahaha! So hypocritical! I suggest you stay out of it. Otherwise, who knows what will happen we I catch you next time? Huh!"\nYou breathe a sigh of relief and leave. Back to the gathering, you hear Mercy saying something like "We... Pirates... Decedents..." At the gathering, a battle plan is made and battle supplies are distributed. It's going to be a tough night for everyone. Exploration Event 1 2050708 1 1 1 2050709 0
2050709 Collect Supplies Team: Medicine +20, Food +20 2
2050710 Mysterious Letter The camp receives some supplies. There is a letter attached to it with the content as follows:\nScavenger Officer, these medicines are of no use to me, so I'll let you have them. Please leave the island as soon and far away as possible. Let's pretend that we don't know each other when we meet again.\n Story Event 1 1 1 2050711 0
2050711 Collect Supplies Camp: Medicine +10 2 2050711
2050800 Unnamed Island The island locates near Strength Gate Three and can only be reached by assault boat. Forest has quit being your guide ever since Mercy got angry last time, so you have to explore on your own, which makes you a little bit uncomfortable. The island is surrounded by warning lines and looks like it's halfway developed. There is a "no trespassing" sign before the entrance. You have to hide the boat and then search for supplies on the island. But the island has been abandoned for a long time and there is almost nothing you can take away.\nJust when you prepare to leave, you see a boat coming from the distance, so you decide to: Exploration Event 1 1 1 2050801 0 2050802 0
2050801 Leave ASAP 2 2050803 0
2050802 Hide and Observe 2 2050805 0
2050803 Stern Warning Island Chief Mercy sees you when you're about to leave by boat. Mercy says strictly, "You should not be here! Get out of here immediately!"\nYou apologize and immediately leave with your teammates. Exploration Event 1 2050803 1 1 1 2050804 0
2050804 Recorded 2
2050805 Secret of the Island Chief A figure walks off the boat. It's Mercy, the island chief. He enters a shattered building with a bunch of flowers in his hand. You follow him silently, hide beside the window, and listen carefully.\n"I'm sorry, my little sister. It's been three years, but I still haven't caught the person who did it."\n"My bad. I didn't stop when you told me so. Three years ago, I told them we would quit after it was done, but Paul wanted to have the ticket of the Nighter to himself. He kidnapped you with outsiders and locked you up here. I had already promised him to give him what he wanted, but the outsider murdered you directly. There is no such ticket at all. It's just a flash disk that allows you to board the Nighter. It's right on the boat sunk by the Corrupted and they could never get it. I have sent people waiting for him right there."\n"Your death anniversary is around the corner. Some of the outsiders are still alive. I'll bring them to you very soon!!! I'd never let any of them go even if I had to kill some of the innocent."\nThere is a shiver down your spine when you hear this. Does this mean that people who left the island in the past three years according to Beverly were actually killed by the island chief? Let's leave after Mercy. Exploration Event 1 2050805 1 1 1 2050806 0
2050806 Recorded 2
2050900 Fresh Water Treatment Area This treatment plant provides fresh water for the entire island. When you and your teammates are about to enter the plant, a little girl stops you.\n"Who are you? Why haven't I seen you on the island?" The little girl looks at you with her big, watery eyes. You crouch, pat her on the head, and say, "I'm the leader of the Scavengers. What's your name?"\n"Dad said you are a good person! My name is Island. I'm here to play with Uncle Earl. Do you want to come with me?" Exploration Event 1 1 1 2050901 0
2050901 Visit Earl with Island You're worried that it's not safe for the little girl to go on her own 2 2050902 0 2050903
2050902 Another Outsider "Uncle Earl! I'm here to play with you!" The blonde, strong man smiles brightly.\nHe bends over, looks at Island, and says, "Little Island, do you want to play hide-and-seek or ride a horse?" He then looks up at you, "Scavenger Officer. Forest mentioned you to me. What's going on in the outside world? I've been a hermit for a very long time. It's said that there are Corrupted gathering around the island. What's the situation now?" You're not prepared for so many questions coming at once and don't know how to respond. Seeing your reaction, Earl suddenly says secretly, "Or, you're here for the ticket."\nYou play dumb and ask, "Ticket? What ticket?"\n"Ah, the ticket of the fishing boat in the fishery, of course!" Earl seems to try to hide something. "Anyways, Island's father, Forest, left these supplies for you," Earl changes the topic swiftly. Hearing it's from Forest, you take them directly. Exploration Event 1 2050902 1 1 1 2050903 0
2050903 Collect Supplies Team: Medicine +50, Food +50 2
2051000 Comms Depot The comms depot is also guarded. You want to build temporary contact with the outside world and report everything to Babylonia. When you're worrying about how to enter the comms depot, you see Island and immediately ask her to draw the attention of the guards. Your team seizes the opportunity and sneaks into the comms depot. The damage of the comms depot is not serious. After repair, the comms depot is ready for use. The signal grids are gradually filled, and you're finally able to communicate with the outside world. Exploration Event 1 1 1 2051001 0
2051001 Recorded 2 2051002 0 205071 2051005 2051000
2051002 Emergency "Downloaded!" A message pops up. The "Red Tide Data Analysis" attachment that was not fully loaded on the first day is finally downloaded. It should be fine to open it for a look.\nYou open the file, and the quantity of the Red Tide is directly displayed in the form of 3D models. Seeing the result, you sit on the ground in surprise. "The... The Red Tide could destroy the entire island... There is no way that the current defense system can hold them off!"\nYou have to inform people to leave the island! With this thought, you immediately stand up and want to tell everyone to leave. Exploration Event 1 2051002 1 1 1 2051003 0
2051003 Recorded 2 2051004 0
2051004 Swaying in the Wind It occurs to you that the rescue operation is already delayed. There is no way that you can do this on your own. You should immediately contact Babylonia and request support. Soon, you receive a reply:\n"Dear Scavenger Leader, we have contacted nearby Reinforcements. They're on the way to you. But the support closest to you is several days away from you. There will be a Red Tide attack in one or two days. Please get prepared immediately!\nBabylonia"\nThe message ends here. You feel that even the warm, wet sea breeze is cold on your skin. You leave the comms device on and leave with the supplies nearby. Exploration Event 1 2051004 1 1 1 2051005 0
2051005 Recorded Team: Medicine +10, Food +10 2
2051100 Defense Gate Five The Red Tide is temporarily repelled, leaving you a chance to rest. The towering walls are now seriously damaged. You and your team have arrived to clean up the battlefield with the islanders. Your team messages you that they see Earl leaving for the shipwreck point with diving equipment. You immediately inform Forest about this. Forest and Mercy then head to the shipwreck with their people. When you are about to go there, you receive a message from Babylonia:\n"The Red Tide monsters are arriving in six directions, aiming to launch an all-out attack on the island! Please sound the alarm immediately! Stick to the last minute! Babylonia has already sent elites to support you! Please stick to the last minute!\nBabylonia"\nAfter reading the message, you send the message to all islanders without hesitation. Exploration Event 1 1 1 2051101 0
2051101 Recorded Team: Medicine +10, Food +10 2 2051105
2051200 Medical Depot The monsters start to attack. Thanks to the battle plan Mercy made at the War Gate the other day, the islanders are divided into 6 troops and are now ready for defense at the six gates. According to Mercy's plan, the strongest fighting force is deployed to the Defense Gate Five in the east of the island. It is the point closest to the Red Tide. Now, you are assigned the task to deliver supplies, but you see Beverly is wearing an islander outfit and leaving the medical center. You decide to: Exploration Event 1 1 1 2051201 0 2051202 0
2051201 Deliver Supplies 2 2051203 0 2051204
2051202 Find Beverly 2 2051205 0 2051206
2051203 Not Looking Good When you deliver the supplies, you learn from the islanders at the frontline that it's not looking good at the frontline. The monsters keep coming at a speed that is faster than the bullets. Exploration Event 1 2051203 1 1 1 2051204 0
2051204 Collect Supplies Team: Medicine +20, Food +20 2
2051205 See You Across the River You stop Beverly, asking her why she didn't evacuate. "Evacuate? Humph! Live or die, it doesn't matter to me anymore." Beverly says, crying.\n"Three years ago, we came here for the competition, for the ticket to the Nighter. I left just one day earlier and received the message that my family were killed by the pirates. My brother took a photo of a pirate's arm. There is an X-shaped scar on it... I had to come here, even at the risk of being attacked by the Corrupted. I knew they were pirates, so I worked at the medical center, thinking I can end him myself... But it's too late..." Beverly pulls her arm away from your hand.\n"Where are you going?"\n"Where? Hahaha! Across the river, I guess. But I won't go there alone. I'll make sure to go there with their companion. Hahaha!"\n"Across the river?"\n"Yes. That's where the dead people go." Exploration Event 1 2051205 1 1 1 2051206 0
2051206 Collect Supplies Team: Medicine +5, Food +5 2
2051300 Residential Area You come to the residential area to help the islanders evacuate. The area used to be prosperous but is now empty. As there is no powerful army around here, people can only stay behind the walls to wait for a chance to leave. Survival Gate Three is most far away from the frontline. Most of the elderly, the weak, women, and children retreated here to wait for rescue from the outside world. At this point, Earl carries a bag and blends in with the evacuation team, but according to Mercy's order, all young people should join the battle, so you decide: Exploration Event 1 1 1 2051303 0 2051304 0
2051303 Watch him leave Team: Medicine +10, Food +10 2 2051303
2051304 Expose Earl Team: Medicine +10, Food +10 2 2051305 0 2051303
2051305 A Dangerous Plan You point out that Earl is escaping and the soldiers immediately stop him. He asks you to let him go and promises to tell you some intel in return. He says that Beverly asked him to find some explosives for her. "But she asked for too many of them. I thought she was planning to blow up the entire island," Earl says with a smile. You gesture for the soldiers to let him go. Exploration Event 1 2051305 1 1 1 2051306 0
2051306 Recorded 2
2051400 Warehouse The battle has already spread to Mechanical Gate Six and War Gate Four. The islanders at the frontline are exhausted. The best way to help them is to deliver the supplies to them as soon as possible. The manager is counting the supplies, but it seems something is missing. Exploration Event 1 1 1 2051401 0 2051402 0
2051401 Ask what is missing Team: Medicine +30, Food +30 2 2051403 0 2051404
2051402 Ignore Team: Medicine +30, Food +30 2 2051406
2051403 Louis II Bomb The warehouse manager tells you that 3 boxes of Louis II bombs are missing. These bombs are powerful enough to destroy most of the island. The island chief will not use them unless he has to. Exploration Event 1 2051403 1 1 1 2051404 0
2051404 Recorded 2
2051500 Residence of the Island Chief Mercy happens to be back, exhausted, followed by his guards and Forest. Everyone is finally a bit relaxed as the battle is temporarily stopped. The monsters seem to have been deterred. They suddenly withdrew and disappeared into the sea. Is the battle over? You wonder. Mercy gives orders despite your presence.\n"Forest, when the rescue arrives, immediately take Island to your hometown! Or just leave here!"\nForest is surprised, "What about you, Mercy?"\n"Even if we survive this, do you think that Babylonia will spare us? Island is the daughter of you and Mary. You are an outsider. You're not involved in any piracy and are not subject to the law. Just leave asap." Exploration Event 1 1 1 2051501 0 2051502 0
2051501 Talk to Forest Team: Medicine +10, Food +10 2 2051503 0 2051504 205111
2051502 Leave Team: Medicine +10, Food +10 2 2051504 205111
2051503 The Past "Forest, you're the one who played a trick on the test of Smart Gate One, right?"\n"Haha, you spotted me." Forest says shyly while touching his nose.\n"Island's mother..."\n"She... was a good girl. Island is a lot like her. Mary never hurt anyone. She used to persuade the island chief to quit doing the bad things."\n"But God loves to joke. Paul kidnapped Mary during the Strength Gate competition three years ago." Forest frowns, "The island chief immediately agreed to give him the flash disk to board the ship. But what we didn't know was he was already in cahoots with an outsider. And when we were negotiating with Paul, the outsider killed Marry!!!"\n"Did you find the murderer?"\n"No. Outsiders never revealed their true identity back then. Paul also had no idea who he was. After all these years,... the island chief's hands are already full of blood. He killed every outsider who attempted to leave the island, but none of them was the murderer. Maybe the murderer already died in the invasion of the Corrupted back then. Hahaha, I hope so."\n" Earl. It's highly possible, Earl." You explain your theory to Forest, who then immediately leaves for the island chief. Exploration Event 1 2051503 1 1 1 2051504 0
2051504 Recorded 2
2051600 Mechanical Gate Six Survival Gate Two was broken under the attack of the Red Tide. The monsters flooded in and slaughtered the islanders inside.\n"Smart Gate One down!"\n"Survival Gate Two down!"\n"Strength Gate Three down!"\n"War Gate Four down!"\n"Defense Gate Five down!"\nSeeing the broadcasting in the comms device, you know that soon you're going to lose Mechanical Gate Six...\n"Cough... You're here... Great. Cross the river. Find yourself a companion. Cough... But I still want you to live." Beverly walks to you while pressing the wound in her belly. You immediately walk up and support her, "You got hurt!"\n"Humph... You should hate me... I'm the one who blew up the five gates and let the monsters in. I'm sorry. I'll make an official apology across the river. Cough..." Beverly places a small switch in your hand. "I'm dying. This is the remote control of the last Louis II bomb. Cough... You decide how you're gonna see me." Beverly says. The white flower passes away.\n"Stand up!" Suddenly, a gun is pointed at your head. You stand up slowly. "Earl! He has nothing to do with this! Let him go!" Forest arrives with the guards. "Dad! Uncle Earl! Boohoo! Everyone on the island is dead!" Island was brought here by the island chief's guard to find Forest here, but the island chief is probably dead... "Stop right there." Forest warns Island and the others.\nAt this moment, you decide to: Exploration Event 1 1 1 2051601 0 2051603 0
2051601 Counterattack Just risk it 2 2051604 0
2051603 Not Intervene Let's not take any chances 2 2051608 0
2051604 Silver Lining You suddenly stomp at Earl's right foot, couch, and then roll away. Forest immediately seizes the opportunity and shoots Earl. But Earl fires randomly before falling on the flash disk that he has been wanting to steal for 3 years. Unfortunately, your right leg and Forest's left hand get hit, and the monsters all come at you from behind.\n"Let's head to the <color=#FF0033>fishery</color>! We could use the assault boats there!"\nForest let two guards support you, while he is holding Island. You escape together. The other three brave guards stay behind, attract the monsters, and cover for you to leave. Exploration Event 1 2051604 1 1 1 2051605 0
2051605 To the Fishery! 2
2051608 Island Is Kidnapped Seeing everyone standing still, Earl fires a shot directly at your left leg. "Officer!" Forest shouts. Earl seizes the chance and moves over to Island. He picks her up and points the gun at her little head.\n"Don't! I'll let you go! Please don't hurt her!" Forest can't stay calm anymore.\n"Hahaha! You look just like Mercy, weak and helpless. Once I spot your weakness, you'll do anything for me! Hahaha! Poor Mercy told me the location of the flash disk, begging me to spare his daughter. But how can I spare someone who saw my face?" Earl laughs hard when he sees the look on Forest's face.\n"You killed Mom! I'm gonna bite you to death!" Hearing this, Island, who was previously stunned, bites Earl's arm and won't let go.\n"You asked for it!" "Don't!" Earl shoots at Island's back. Island's body falls like a deflated ball and lies silently on the ground. Forest fires continuously at Earl's chest in anger.\n"Island! No! Island!" Forest kneels next to Island in great sorrow. Monsters flood in at the same time. Exploration Event 1 2051608 1 1 1 2051609 0
2051609 Recorded 2 2052107 0 2051620 0 2051901 0
2051620 Monster Attack The camp was also attacked by the monsters, but luckily, there are no casualties. People are just slightly wounded. The monsters mainly targeted at the island, so this camp outside the island didn't draw too much of their attention. Story Event 1 1 1 2051621 0
2051621 Recorded Scavengers in the Camp: Health -5 2 2051621
2051700 Shipwreck Point We arrived at the shipwreck and saw a boat on the coast. There is no one on the boat.\n"He must have gone for the flash disk!" Mercy says with determination, "My people have been guarding this place for three years. We drove off outsiders who came here and killed them secretly outside the island."\n"I guess if it weren't for the Red Tide, he would have sneaked in and stolen the flash disk with the secret of the Nighter. I won't let him get away with it this time!"\n"Island chief! The Punishing monsters are coming! Let's go! We need you at the frontline!" An islander suddenly runs to us, trying to get the island chief back to lead them to fight the battle.\n"Leave it to me!" Forest steps forward, "I'll make sure he pays for it with his life! After all, he won't last long in the sea. It's full of monsters."\nMercy pats Forest hard on the shoulder and says, "Bring his head to me!"\n"Of course!" Exploration Event 1 1 1 2051701 0
2051701 Recorded 2 205161 2051700 2051701
2051800 Fishery You run to the fishery, but the monsters are still after you. Eventually, there is only you, Forest, and Island. Forest immediately decides to stay and cover you and Island to leave. Island wants to say goodbye to her father. She tells you that she wants to give him a hug before leaving. You decide to: Exploration Event 1 1 1 2051801 0 2051802 0
2051801 Accept Island's request 2 2051803 0
2051802 Pick Island up and leave without looking back 2 2051805 0 2051912
2051803 Sad Cry With your permission, Island runs back to Forest. Distracted, Forest is hit by a monster. Island hurries up but is stopped by a monster. The monster waves its hand and knows down Island.\n"Island!!!" Forest yells with anger while attacking the monsters around him crazily. But Island is still gone.\nYou look at Forest in guilty, "Forest..."\n"Go! I don't want to see you!!! Go!!!" Forest lets out a sad and helpless shout hysterically. You leave a bomb controller on the ground and say, "This is the remote control of bombs Beverly buried around here. I'll leave it to you."\nYou turn around and leave for the camp by boat. The most powerful Babylonia will land from there. Exploration Event 1 2051803 1 1 1 2051804 0
2051804 Recorded 2 2052107 0 2051905 0
2051805 Be Decisive You directly pick Island up and rush to the closest assault boat. There are too many monsters. Letting Island go back will put her in danger and distract Forest from fighting the monsters. Exploration Event 1 2051805 1 1 1 2051806 0
2051806 Recorded Team: Islanders +1 2 2052107 0 2051909 0
2051901 Beyond Hope The monsters are countless. Forest has already lost the will to fight. Injured, you can't fight flexibly. Suddenly several monsters come at you and bite your arms and legs.\nAll the guards nearby are dead. There is no other way. You push the button and detonate the bombs. Beverly, see you across the river.\nBoom— Story Event 1 1 1 1 2051902 0
2051902 Recorded 2
2051905 Bloody Mushroom Cloud Boom—\nA giant bloody mushroom cloud rises from the island. The aftershock pushes you fast in the direction of the camp. He pushed the button in the end. Forest... I'm sorry, Forest... Story Event 1 1 1 1 2051906 0
2051906 Recorded 2
2051909 Don't Look Back Island sits on the boat, crying and screaming "Dad" sadly. This is an opportunity Forest traded with his life. I can't let him die in vain, even if it means... I have to be the "bad guy" that separates him and his daughter. Story Event 1 1 1 1 2051910 0
2051910 Recorded 2 2051911 0
2051911 Hope for Survival You leave for the camp by boat. The most powerful force of Babylonia will land there. Everything finally comes to an end! Right, I have a bomb controller on me. Just throw it away. But what if... Forest should be able to... No! He will definitely survive!\nYou throw the controller into the sea. Story Event 1 1 1 1 2051912 0
2051912 Recorded 2
2052001 Information About Unnamed Island Through chatting with the islanders, the teammates at the camp have learned that a kidnapping took place on the unnamed island 3 years ago. The hostage was one of Mercy's immediate relatives. In the end, one of the kidnappers killed the hostage and ran away. The murderer is still on the run. Story Event 1 1 1 1 2052002 0
2052002 Recorded 2
2052003 Paul Scar-Arm Through chatting with the islanders, the teammates at camp have learned that there was a capable islander who fast passed the Hexagon Warrior test and became the leader of the maritime security guards. That person is Paul. However, Paul was hurt by his opponent in the competition and left an X-shaped scar on his left arm. After that, he is known as Paul Scar-Arm among islanders. Unfortunately, one of Mercy's close relatives died because of Paul, so he forced Paul to kill himself according to the island's relevant regulations of traitors.\nOnly the few remaining maritime security guards and Mercy's close relatives knew about this. Story Event 1 1 1 1 2052004 0
2052004 Recorded 2
2052005 Slight Attack The Corrupted entered the camp. Fortunately, the Scavengers killed them immediately. You lost some supplies, but there are no casualties. Weather Event 1 1 1 0 2052006 0
2052006 Recorded Camp: Medicine -5, Food -5 2 2052005
2052007 Heavy Attack The Corrupted entered the camp and started to attack at the Scavengers. One of the Scavengers was killed. Weather Event 1 1 1 0 2052008 0
2052008 Recorded Camp: Scavengers -1 2 2052008
2052009 A Colorful Sky The sky clears up gradually. There will be a rainbow. The good weather could boost the Spirit of the Scavengers at camp. Weather Event 1 1 1 0 2052010 0
2052010 Recorded Camp: Scavengers' Spirit +20 2 2052010
2052011 A Sunny Day It's a nice day, sunny and bright. Is the island entering summer? It's time to put an end to everything. Trigger the last scene via <color=#0F70BC>Mechanical Gate Six</color> or the <color=#0F70BC>Fishery</color>. Weather Event 1 1 1 1 2052012 0
2052012 Recorded 2 2052012
2052101 Ending Achieved: Helplessness In this critical moment, life or death is determined by a moment's thought. Hesitation will only make things worse. The ending the Scavenger Leader achieved is: <color=#0F70BC>Helplessness</color>.\nThe island was in ruins. The Corrupted were still searching for targets. Earl kidnapped Island in a hurry. Island was killed. Forest killed Earl but was still overwhelmed with sorrow. The Corrupted caught up with you. There was nowhere to escape. You pushed the button and detonated the bombs in despair. All of you were buried in the sea with the island. Ending Event 1 1 1 1 2052102 0
2052102 Recorded 2
2052103 Ending Achieved: Surviving Alone Being decisive is the only way to survive. The ending the Scavenger Leader achieved is: <color=#0F70BC>Surviving Alone</color>.\nThe island was in ruins. The Corrupted were still searching for targets. You used your quick wits and escaped from Earl's arms. Forest seized the chance and killed Earl. You ran to the Fishery. Forest stayed behind to cover for you and Island to leave. Island wanted to say goodbye to her father. You agreed. The Corrupted shot Island. Forest was overwhelmed with sorrow. You had to leave by boat on your own. You gave the button to Forest before you left. Forest pushed the button. Later, Babylonia's troop arrived at the island to carry out the rescue operation, but there was already nothing left on the island. Ending Event 1 1 1 1 2052104 0
2052104 Recorded 2
2052105 Ending Achieved: Hope for Survival In this critical moment, the Scavenger Leader acted decisively and made the correct decision. The ending the Scavenger Leader achieved is: <color=#0F70BC>Hope for Survival</color>.\nThe island was in ruins. The Corrupted were still searching for targets. You used your quick wits and escaped from Earl's arms. Forest seized the chance and killed Earl. You ran to the Fishery. Forest stayed behind to cover for you and Island to leave. Island wanted to say goodbye to her father. You picked Island up and left by boat in Island's cry. You threw the controller into the sea when you left. Later, Babylonia's troop arrived at the island to carry out the rescue operation and found the flash disk under Earl's body was gone. Ending Event 1 1 1 1 2052106 0
2052106 Recorded 2
2052107 The Last Scene Things are coming to an end. Story Event 1 1 1 2052108 0
2052108 Recorded I see. 2
2060 Returning to Mangshan We finally got in touch with the signal station. Today, we'll set off for the south.\nJersey finally met his lover again. He asked someone to bring you a gift. It's a wood carving of a bird resting on a branch. It's delicate and true to life.\nMangshan is finally welcoming its returning guests.\nGood days are yet to come. Ending Event 1 1 1 1 2061 0
2061 Recorded We will embark on our own way home. 2
2062 Belated Farewell We finally got in touch with the signal station. Today, we'll set off for the south.\nJersey is not here. He returns to the medical refugee camp after we leave for Mangshan. However, he still misses the chance to say the final goodbye to his lover.\n"How sarcastic..." he smiles bitterly, "I gave up the glory of being a soldier to come back here but didn't even get the chance to say goodbye. If I could start over, I hope... I hope I can stay at the camp to at least leave something for that person. Could be flowers, or something else."\n"No need to be sad, Scavenger Leader. I've already learned a lot from the war and disaster."\n"Like what?"\n"Like how to say goodbye to everything you love." Ending Event 1 1 1 1 2063 0
2063 Recorded There's nothing left to do 2
2064 The Price of Silence We finally got in touch with the comms depot again and plan to evacuate everyone to the south today. Well, actually we only have a few people with us.\nJersey didn't come. The price of silence is heavier, longer silence. In fact, everyone has an answer in their heart. But perhaps being an ignorant idiot is way easier than knowing the truth.\nSometimes I still wonder if everything would change if I had the chance to start over. Ending Event 1 1 1 1 2065 0
2065 Recorded There's nothing left to do 2
20600 The Way Home Separated with my comrades in the battle, I and a few remaining comrades arrived at this camp.\nThere is no safe places on this land. In this case, we decide to <color=#0F70BC>go home</color>. We want to go home even if it's no longer there.\nAs for how to do it, I can only count on the "nearby" <color=#0F70BC>signal station</color> the intel traders told me. It's said that the Scavengers there can get the vehicles and maps people need to evacuate to the south. Story Event 1 1 1 1 20601 0
20601 Recorded We can definitely go home 2
20602 Weather Change The temporary sunny day is about to be over. The rain clouds are gathering, covering up the sky.\nTo keep everyone in good shape, we have to <color=#0F70BC>increase</color> their medicine and food <color=#0F70BC>rations</color>. The temperature will start to drop after the rain. We should <color=#0F70BC>build more supply facilities</color> to get prepared for the winter. Story Event 1 1 1 1 20603 0
20603 Recorded The weather starts to change 2 206030
20604 Weather Change The clouds in the distance start to look heavy. Soon, it's going to <color=#0F70BC>snow and winter is coming</color>.\nDuring winter, people, especially <color=#0F70BC>the homeless</color> are more likely to fall ill and consume stamina at a faster pace. I should <color=#0F70BC>store up more supplies</color> before it's winter. Story Event 1 1 1 1 20605 0
20605 Recorded The weather starts to change 2 206050
20606 Weather Change The gray clouds far away in the sky are now over my head before I realize.\nWinter has finally come. We need to <color=#0F70BC>find the signal station</color> as soon as possible and move to the warmer south. Otherwise, we are going to run out of supplies and eventually die from this. Story Event 1 1 1 1 20607 0
20607 Recorded The weather starts to change 2 206070
20608 Map Update When the <color=#0F70BC>second outpost</color> is under construction, we receive updated <color=#0F70BC>map information</color> around the camp:\nIt seems to be the old site of the <color=#0F70BC>industrial park</color> to the <color=#0F70BC>north</color> of the camp. Across the camp is the old <color=#0F70BC>freight station</color>. The information shows that it's highly possible for both locations to contain <color=#0F70BC>building materials</color>, which should be enough for us to build more <color=#0F70BC>supply devices</color> to get through the winter. Story Event 1 20608 1 1 1 20609 0
20609 Recorded Build the second team and start exploring 2 206090
20610 Distress Signal We received the <color=#0F70BC>distress signal</color> from other Scavengers, claiming that they are evacuating to the south and hoping the camps on their path could provide shelter for them.\nI don't respond to them immediately. It seems they'll soon pass by our camp. I'll decide when they get there. Story Event 1 1 1 20611 0
20611 Recorded I'll keep it in mind 2
20612 Distress Signal We received comms from other Scavengers again.\nThey said that they will arrive at our camp <color=#0F70BC>tomorrow</color> and hope we can take them in. Story Event 1 1 1 20613 0
20613 Recorded I'll keep it in mind 2
20614 Scavengers From Afar As expected, today, the Scavengers who sent the message arrived at our camp. They are exactly the comrades who got separated from us.\nI promised to take everyone home, so I have no reason to abandon them. Fortunately, they are in good shape and have collected some supplies on the way.\nBut we were more comrades with us. According to Jack, the leader, <color=#0F70BC>other</color> comrades move slowly due to injury but will arrive in <color=#0F70BC>three days</color> at most. Story Event 1 1 1 1 20615 0
20615 Recorded Added: New Member x10, Obtained: Medicine x50, Food x50, Wood x120, Iron x120 2 20615 20616
20616 Scavengers From Afar Another group of comrades arrived. But there are only five of them. They tell me that they were attacked by the Corrupted on the way and suffered a great loss as they were already injured.\n"Naipaul and others distracted the Corrupted," Allentin cries while hitting her numb leg, "If it weren't for us... If it weren't for us...!"\nThe only thing I can do is to assure her that they will be fine.\nI promised to take everyone home. But if... if they are not coming back, should I keep waiting for them? Story Event 1 1 1 1 20617 0
20617 Recorded Added: New Member x5, Obtained: Medicine x40, Food x40, Wood x100, Iron x100 2 20617 20618
20618 Scavengers From Afar Finally... Finally!\nThe remaining comrades finally arrived at our camp today. They even brought other Scavengers they came across on the way. There are a lot of people.\nThe camp was already operating under a heavy load, so I didn't feel like taking the strangers in, but Naipaul told me that if it weren't for them, they would have been dead, so I said yes.\nFinally, everyone is here.\nTime to go home. Story Event 1 1 1 1 20619 0
20619 Recorded Added: New Member x5, Obtained: Food x50, Medicine x50 2 20619 20620
20620 Children in the Health Center Children from the <color=#0F70BC>health center</color> arrived at our camp this morning. Probably to ensure their life quality, the Scavengers in the health center let the children take plenty of <color=#0F70BC>supplies</color>, which gives me mixed feelings.\nAnyways, I promised to <color=#0F70BC>take care of</color> these children, so I'll do my best to keep my promise. Hope we can take them to evacuate to the south. 1 1 1 1 20621 0
20621 Recorded Added: New Member x4, Obtained: Medicine x120, Food x120 2 20621 20622
2060100 Roadside Cabin It's not a big room but has a strong sense of life. There's even a pot of water being heated by the charcoal fire embers. On the map next to it is a squiggly red line <color=#0F70BC>leading to the south</color>.\nThis is where we meet <color=#0F70BC>Jersey</color>. Hearing that we are looking for the signal station, Jersey offers to help.\n"I heard of that signal tower. It's on the <color=#0F70BC>south</color> of <color=#0F70BC>Mangshan</color>," he says, "I also plan to go there. That's my hometown."\n"Remuneration? I don't need any remuneration or visit your camp. You can even have all my supplies. I just want to <color=#0F70BC>go home</color>. Please take me to my home." Exploration Event 1 1 1 2060101 0
2060101 Collect Resources Bring Wood x120, Iron x120, Medicine x10, Food x10, and Survivor x3 to the Exploration Team 2 2060101 2060102
2060200 Mangshan Pass It gets cold early in the mountain. By the time we arrived, it was already snowing. The heavy snow has blocked the roads, but there are still Scavengers trying to climb up the mountain. I stand by the mountain, watching them. Some fall and get up. Some roll down the mountain. That's when I know where the abandoned supplies came from and that people can fall from the mountain just like luggage.\nIt's too dangerous to go directly up the mountain. My friends and I are trying to find another way. We pick up the supplies on the ground to make them useful. I search for wood in the snow while listening to Jersey laughing and commenting on the climbers, "There are so many homeless people in this world. Everyone wants to go home. And I'm just one of them, right?"\nHis words sound weird. It's as if he is justifying what he has been doing, but for what? Exploration Event 1 1 1 2060201 0
2060201 Collect Resources Bring Wood x100 and Iron x100 to the Exploration Team 2 2060201
2060300 Hiking Trail This is more like a relatively flat mountain road than a hiking trail. Burned plants lie randomly on the ground with bullet holes all over.\nWe came across another team of Scavengers. Some of them were injured, so they asked us for help and promised to give us all the supplies they had in return. I agreed. Exploration Event 1 1 1 2060301 0
2060301 Recorded Bring Wood x200, Iron x200, and Survivor x4 to the Exploration Team 2 2060301 2060302
2060400 Mountain Farm It's said that this place used to be a productive farm. When the corn in the field was ripe, it would look like a golden sea in the distance. But this is only scenery that the elderly recall. Unfortunately, the road from here up the mountain in the south is collapsed. We have to stay here overnight and find another way up. I can't believe that I'm kind of used to it.\nThere were other Scavengers when we arrived at the camp. They said they were just having some rest here.\n"If you want to camp at Mangshan, then you've got to visit the <color=#0F70BC>military facility</color> in the west. There you can find some equipment to help you climb the mountain. And then, you take the <color=#0F70BC>west mountain road</color>, pass the <color=#0F70BC>health center</color>, and you'll arrive at Mangshan." Exploration Event 1 1 1 2060401 0
2060401 Recorded Found: [Health Center] 2 2060401
2060510 Collapsed Road With the map found at the military facility, we managed to find a way through. We got out of the forest and found several Scavengers before us. After talking to them, we found that most of them arrived here days ago and temporarily camped here due to the constant battle in the south. But now the battle is over, and they are ready to set off again.\n"South?" Jersey spots the keyword in the Scavenger's words. "From here to the south is Mangshan. Are you saying that Mangshan is under attack?"\n"Yeah," the Scavenger scratches his head and sighs, "It's very strange. The Corrupted seem to be attracted by something. All of them are coming this way. Mangshan just happens to be on the path... What? Are you guys planning to go there?"\nJersey grits his teeth tightly. The Scavenger seems to see his anxiety and shows us the location of the medical camp. It's said that the camp is sheltering all the injured in the battle at Mangshan. Exploration Event 1 1 1 2060511 0
2060511 Recorded There's nothing left to do 2
2060610 Medical Camp This is the last refugee camp outside Mangshan, sheltering those who got injured in the previous battle at Mangshan. All are moaning. The air is filled with a terrible smell of chemicals and filth. Jersey is searching for his lover anxiously among the sea of the injured. Most of them came from other camps and passed out due to heavy injuries. No nameplate. Unable to speak. It's almost impossible to identify them.\nWait. Identification?\nI remember Jersey said that he and his lover had a "love token". If I can remember what it is, I might be able to find her: Exploration Event 1 2060610 1 1 2060611 0 2060612 0 2060613 0
2060611 Bird Pendant A bird-shaped pendant. 2 2060614 0
2060612 Pine Branch Pendant A pine-branch-shaped pendant. 2 2060616 0 2060612
2060613 Horse Pendant A horse-shaped pendant. 2 2060618 0
2060614 Medical Camp "A bird?"\nJersey said bitterly after a while of silence, "The bird is mine, but you reminded me of something. I'll keep looking."\nJersey and us searched around the camp. We even checked things left by the dead but failed to find any information about the pendant. Exploration Event 1 1 1 1 2060615 0
2060615 Recorded There's nothing left to do 2 20606191 0
2060616 Medical Camp "It's a pine branch... That's right! A pine branch!"\nJersey and I looked around in the camp. We even went through things left by the dead and couldn't find anything related to the pendant. A nurse couldn't bear to see us being so anxious and gave us some spare supplies. Exploration Event 1 1 1 1 2060617 0
2060617 Recorded Bring Medicine x50 and Food x50 to the Exploration Team 2 20606191 0
2060618 Medical Camp "A horse? What are you talking about?"\nJersey said bitterly, "It's not a horse, but you reminded me of something. I'll keep looking."\nJersey and us searched around the camp. We even checked things left by the dead but failed to find any information about the pendant. Exploration Event 1 1 1 1 2060619 0
2060619 Recorded There's nothing left to do 2 20606191 0
20606191 Medical Camp Perhaps worried by how anxious Jersey looks, a medical worker says to us, "Actually, you don't need to worry about it so much. It could be a good thing that you can't find the item. The one you're looking for is probably safe."\nShe tells us that they won't take items from people and will hang them up on their beds. After all, those are the only thing that could help identify the injured.\n"Besides, things are not as bad as you think. Some Scavengers from the Health Center came days ago and gave us plenty of medicine. And the Corrupted withdrew in the middle of the battle. Our leader said it was probably because what attracted them was turned off. Although we don't know who did it, that person helped a lot. The person you're looking for is probably waiting for you in the same place." Exploration Event 1 1 1 1 20606192 0
20606192 Recorded There's nothing left to do 2
2060620 Medical Camp This is the last refugee camp outside Mangshan, sheltering those who got injured in the previous battle at Mangshan. All are moaning. One could hardly tell that they are humans from their burned bodies. They raise their arms as if they are searching for something in the air. Jersey is searching for his lover anxiously among the sea of the injured. Most of them came from other camps and passed out due to heavy injuries. No nameplate. Unable to speak. It's almost impossible to identify them.\nWait. Identification?\nI remember Jersey said that he and his lover had a "love token". If I can remember what it is, I might be able to find her: Exploration Event 1 2060620 1 1 2060621 0 2060622 0 2060623 0
2060621 Bird Pendant A bird-shaped pendant. 2 2060624 0
2060622 Pine Branch Pendant A pine-branch-shaped pendant. 2 2060626 0 2060612
2060623 Horse Pendant A horse-shaped pendant. 2 2060628 0
2060624 Medical Camp "A bird?"\nJersey said bitterly after a while of silence, "The bird is mine, but you reminded me of something. I'll keep looking."\nJersey and us searched around the camp. We even checked things left by the dead but failed to find any information about the pendant. Exploration Event 1 1 1 2060625 0
2060625 Recorded There's nothing left to do 2 20606291 0
2060626 Medical Camp "It's a pine branch... That's right! A pine branch!"\nJersey and I looked around in the camp. We even went through things left by the dead and couldn't find anything related to the pendant. A nurse couldn't bear to see us being so anxious and gave us some spare supplies. Exploration Event 1 1 1 1 2060627 0
2060627 Recorded Bring Medicine x50 and Food x50 to the Exploration Team 2 20606291 0
2060628 Medical Camp "A horse? What are you talking about?"\nJersey said bitterly, "It's not a horse, but you reminded me of something. I'll keep looking."\nJersey and us searched around the camp. We even checked things left by the dead but failed to find any information about the pendant. Exploration Event 1 1 1 1 2060629 0
2060629 Recorded There's nothing left to do 2 20606291 0
20606291 Medical Camp Perhaps worried by how anxious Jersey looks, a medical worker says to us, "Actually, you don't need to worry about it so much. It could be a good thing that you can't find the item. The one you're looking for is probably safe."\nShe tells us that they won't take items from people and will hang them up on their beds. After all, those are the only thing that could help identify the injured.\n"Besides, things are not that bad. The battle we had is not as serious as they said. Many helped us. Only a few were in danger." The medical worker points to the patient on the bed and says, "This man got injured while covering his comrade. We could have saved him if he hadn't been injured so badly." She sighs, "It is because of people like him, more people get to live."\nJersey looks at the little wood horse in the man's grip silently. After a long while, he whispers that the man is a hero in a world that he no longer belongs to: "Idiot." He sneers in a whisper. I don't know who he refers to. Exploration Event 1 1 1 1 20606292 0
20606292 Recorded There's nothing left to do 2
2060630 Medical Camp This is the last refugee camp outside Mangshan, sheltering those who got injured in the previous battle at Mangshan. All are moaning. One could hardly tell that they are humans from their burned bodies. They raise their arms as if they are searching for something in the air. Jersey is searching for his lover anxiously among the sea of the injured. Most of them came from other camps and passed out due to heavy injuries. No nameplate. Unable to speak. It's almost impossible to identify them.\nWait. Identification?\nI remember Jersey said that he and his lover had a "love token". If I can remember what it is, I might be able to find her: Exploration Event 1 2060630 1 1 2060631 0 2060632 0 2060633 0
2060631 Bird Pendant A bird-shaped pendant. 2 2060634 0
2060632 Pine Branch Pendant A pine-branch-shaped pendant. 2 2060636 0 2060612
2060633 Horse Pendant A horse-shaped pendant. 2 2060638 0
2060634 Medical Camp "A bird?"\nJersey said bitterly after a while of silence, "The bird is mine, but you reminded me of something. I'll keep looking."\nJersey and us searched around the camp. We even checked things left by the dead but failed to find any information about the pendant. Exploration Event 1 1 1 1 2060635 0
2060635 Recorded There's nothing left to do 2 20606391 0
2060636 Medical Camp "It's a pine branch... That's right! A pine branch!"\nJersey and I looked around in the camp. We even went through things left by the dead and couldn't find anything related to the pendant. A nurse couldn't bear to see us being so anxious and gave us some spare supplies. Exploration Event 1 1 1 1 2060637 0
2060637 Recorded Bring Medicine x50 and Food x50 to the Exploration Team 2 20606391 0
2060638 Medical Camp "A horse? What are you talking about?"\nJersey said bitterly, "It's not a horse, but you reminded me of something. I'll keep looking."\nJersey and us searched around the camp. We even checked things left by the dead but failed to find any information about the pendant. Exploration Event 1 1 1 1 2060639 0
2060639 Recorded There's nothing left to do 2 20606391 0
20606391 Medical Camp Perhaps worried by how anxious Jersey looks, a medical worker says to us, "Actually, you don't need to worry about it so much. It could be a good thing that you can't find the item. The one you're looking for is probably safe."\nShe tells us that they won't take items from people and will hang them up on their beds. After all, those are the only thing that could help identify the injured.\n"Some patients would hold the important items tight even when they lost consciousness." The medical worker points to the patient on the bed and says, "This man got injured while covering his comrade. But his injury is too bad and we don't have all the medicine he needs, he may not... last too long. Even so, he never lets go of what's in his hand."\nJersey looks at the little wood horse in the man's grip silently. After a long while, he whispers that the man is a hero in a world that he no longer belongs to: "Idiot." He sneers in a whisper. I don't know who he refers to. Exploration Event 1 1 1 1 20606392 0
20606392 Recorded There's nothing left to do 2
2060700 Mangshan Entrance We are about to reach Mangsha. Probably because it's close to his hometown, Jersey looks both happy and anxious. When we rest at night, we inevitably talk about the injured we saw in the refugee camp, talking about how lucky Jersey was to have returned from the battlefield safe and sound. Jersey remains silent for a while and then says slowly,\n"Do you know how I survived the battlefield?" he smiles coldly, "I took cover under the body of my comrade. I didn't know if it was a body. I survived by hiding under a human shield."\n"I won't call it lucky. I shouldn't have lived. Glory goes to the heroes. And I'm nothing compared to the heroes who sacrificed themselves..."\n"I just wanted to go home. I promised to go home. I have to live. I must live." Exploration Event 1 1 1 2060701 0
2060701 Recorded Keep moving forward 2
2060810 Mangshan Camp We found the tent Jersey previously used without too much effort. We lift the curtain and walk in. Everything is clean and tidy. It's just there's no one inside. Just like Jersey said, we find his lover's pine branch brooch in the most obvious place in the tent. Inside, it's Jersey's photo.\nJersey holds the brooch and smiles for the first time in many days. Someone appears at the entrance of the tent almost at the same time, asking us why we broke into their tent. Exploration Event 1 2060810 1 1 2060811 0
2060811 Continue Next Page 2 2060812 0
2060812 Mangshan Camp Outside the tent stands a thin boy. He looks shocked the minute he sees Jersey. He is so surprised that he freezes for a while before he runs up to Jersey in great joy and hugs him tightly.\nWe are all shocked by this. Jersey's face darkens, and his hands start to shake. I point to the kid with my shaky hand. Just when I struggle to get out the sentence "You're a father already," the boy says excitingly,\n"You are back! A villager told me that someone entered my... your tent. I... I'm just looking after it for the owner! That person went collecting firewood and got injured in the battle days ago. The person might be slow but should be back soon! Um... Are you okay? Why do you like you're about to cry...?" Exploration Event 1 1 1 1 2060813 0
2060813 Recorded That's great 2 2060813
2060820 Mangshan Camp We found the tent Jersey previously used without too much effort. We lift the curtain and walk in. Everything is clean and tidy. It's just there's no one inside. Just like Jersey said, we find his lover's pine branch brooch in the most obvious place in the tent. Inside, it's Jersey's photo.\nJersey holds the brooch and smiles for the first time in many days. Someone appears at the entrance of the tent almost at the same time, asking us why we broke into their tent. Exploration Event 1 2060820 1 1 2060821 0
2060821 Continue Next Page 2 2060822 0
2060822 Mangshan Camp Outside the tent stands a thin, one-legged boy. His expression freezes on his face when he sees Jersey. Perhaps he has recognized that Jersey is the man in the photo inside the pine branch brooch.\nWe keep pressing him until he finally explains that this is not his tent and he is just looking after it for the person who saved him.\n"Were it not for that person, both of us would have died." The boy shudders while recalling the past, "That person said he would like to exchange for my wood horse with their brooch while protecting me under their body." The boy says, looking at Jersey, whose face darkens as the boy speaks. "That person... said..."\n\n"I can't make it to see him." That person said sadly, with their face contorted in pain, but was still smiling. "If one day he comes back, please... please tell him to live happily." Exploration Event 1 1 1 1 2060823 0
2060823 Recorded There's nothing... left to do 2 2060813
2060830 Mangshan Camp We found the tent Jersey previously used without too much effort. We lift the curtain and walk in. Everything is clean and tidy. It's just there's no one inside. Just like Jersey said, we find his lover's pine branch brooch in the most obvious place in the tent. Inside, it's Jersey's photo.\nJersey holds the brooch and smiles for the first time in many days. Someone appears at the entrance of the tent almost at the same time, asking us why we broke into their tent. Exploration Event 1 2060830 1 1 2060831 0
2060831 Continue Next Page 2 2060832 0
2060832 Mangshan Camp Outside the tent stands a thin girl.\nThe girl pauses as she sees Jersey. It seems that she has recognized that he is the one in the photo inside the pine branch brooch. The girl starts to get nervous.\n"I'm... I''m just... looking after this place for my brother." The girl's eyes are already watery before she even finishes the sentence. It seems that tears could come out of her eyes at any time. "But he was also looking after the tent for the person who saved him, before... before the Corrupted shot him in the throat."\nThe girl finally bursts into tears. Jersey's face darkens bit by bit.\nAnd then? What happened next? Where is the owner of this tent? Why did that person leave the pendant behind?\nBut there is only silence. There is nothing left to do here. Exploration Event 1 1 1 1 2060833 0
2060833 Recorded Keep moving forward 2 2060813
2060910 Signal Station We arrived at the signal station following Jersey. The station is still operating. We explain everything to the Scavengers here and we agree on the details about the evacuation and plan to start the evacuation tomorrow.\nFinally,... we can go home. Exploration Event 1 2060910 1 1 2060911 0
2060911 Recorded Get prepared to evacuate. 2
2061000 West Mountain Road Somehow we often run into other Scavengers on this mountain road. Among them, there are two children who have made an impression on me. They came from different camps and became temporary friends at the camp here. Before they left, they made a paper cane for each other with grass and agreed to meet with the paper cane after they grew up.\nJersey smiled when he saw this. He pulled out a bird pendant from his clothes and told me it was the <color=#0F70BC>"token"</color> of him and his lover: He has the bird, and his lover has the other part, a pine branch.\n"This is a bit cheesy, but we can use them to find each other. And of course, I don't want it to be the only way we identify each other." Exploration Event 1 1 1 2061001 0
2061001 Recorded There's nothing left to do. Keep moving forward. 2
2061100 Health Center This place is more like a simple refugee camp with a few more beds, slightly better hygiene, and more medicines than a proper medical center.\nHearing our plan to search for a signal station to evacuate south, some Scavengers hope we can take the children in the center with us.\n"I know it's not the first time you hear such a request, but it's not safe around the center. The Corrupted often attack us. These kids deserve to be raised somewhere safe," the female leader of the Scavengers says earnestly, "We would like to <color=#0F70BC>offer any help possible</color> as long as you agree to <color=#0F70BC>take them with you</color>. Besides, with the kids evacuated to a safe place, we can send more people to support the surrounding areas."\n<color=#0F70BC>4 children</color> is a big deal. Is my camp capable of taking in so many people? Exploration Event 1 1 1 2061101 0 2061102 0
2061101 Agree to take the children with you The 4 children will take the supplies to the camp 2 2061103 0 2061101
2061102 Refuse the woman's request We are not able to take in more people 2 2061105 0 2061102
2061103 Health Center I agreed. To be honest, I just couldn't refuse them. The children won't explore with us, so I ask comrades at camp to take them back tomorrow. Exploration Event 1 1 1 1 2061104 0
2061104 Recorded The 4 children will take the supplies to the camp 2
2061105 Health Center "Sorry, we... we are not able to take in more people."\nThere is hardly noticeable sadness in the woman's eyes when she hears this. But soon she smiles and tells me she understands my decision. They give us a few supplies before we set off.\n"Everyone is struggling to survive. I understand," she says. Exploration Event 1 1 1 1 2061106 0
2061106 Accept the supplies Bring Medicine x40 and Food x40 to the Exploration Team 2
2061200 Warship Remains As Jersey recalls, the warship has been here for as long as he can remember. All useful supplies in it were taken. This is why it's weird that there are so many Corrupted around here.\n"It seems they are not attracted by the warship 'itself' but something in the distance." Jersey warns us while observing the movement of the Corrupted, "Better be careful if we are going further ahead." Exploration Event 1 1 1 2061201 0
2061201 Recorded Be cautious and go around here 2
2061310 Military Facility Almost the entire facility is surrounded by the Corrupted. A horrible smell of blood gone bad can be smelled throughout the building. This place has already become the nest of the Corrupted. After investigation, we found a map with which we could go down Mangshan, and we are almost certain that the Corrupted were attracted by the signal transmitter in the center of the facility. We can stop them from coming if we can shut the transmitter down.\n"I can handle this if you trust me." Jersey says, "I have an idea how to shut down the device and leave unscathed. Of course, you can do it yourself or leave it like this, but I have to remind you that regardless of your choice, once I open this door, there will be a riot of the Corrupted. It might even affect the camp. If lucky, the riot will only last one or two days. If not, then no one knows how long it will last."\nJersey says and looks at me, "I'll let you decide." Exploration Event 1 2061310 1 1 2061311 2061311 2061312 0 2061313 0
2061311 Believe Jersey Jersey will act alone 2 2061314 0
2061312 Do it yourself Enter the facility and shut down the device 2 2061316 0
2061313 Leave Leave as there is no need to take the risk 2 2061318 0
2061314 Military Facility Jersey once said that he had battle experience. It shouldn't be hard for him to handle this.\n"Then I'll leave it to you. Get back safe."\nJersey smiles, taps on my shoulder, and sneaks into the Corrupted silently. I have no idea how he managed to go around them.\nA moment later, the Corrupted suddenly make a puzzled sound and disperse as if they received some sort of a silent order. The riot didn't take place. Everything went smoothly.\n"I didn't imagine that... I could help others someday." Jersey returns to the team while watching the Corrupted leaving with a mysterious smile, "Hero? No, I'm not a hero. The honor isn't mine... But I would still like to thank you for letting me be a hero for a moment." Exploration Event 1 1 1 1 2061315 0
2061315 Recorded There's nothing left to do 2 2061311
2061316 Military Facility I don't know why Jersey offered to do this, but I have no reason to put him in danger alone. After careful consideration, I decided to go myself. I found a hidden entrance at a corner of the facility, but when I finally got the door open, what was in front of me was a group of the Corrupted. At this critical moment, Jersey came and saved me. We fought our way to the center of the facility, turned off the signal generator, and left at the last minute.\nThe facility exploded. Although the Corrupted started to leave, the Corrupted trapped in the facility was set free, which led to a temporary Red Tide outbreak. Exploration Event 1 1 1 1 2061317 0
2061317 Recorded There's nothing left to do 2 2061311 2061312
2061318 Military Facility "The riot of the Corrupted".\nI repeat this word over and over, thinking about the price behind it. Eventually, I decide not to take the risk and leave with my comrades. Exploration Event 1 1 1 1 2061319 0
2061319 Recorded There's nothing left to do 2 2061311
2061320 Military Facility Almost the entire facility is surrounded by the Corrupted. A horrible smell of blood gone bad can be smelled throughout the building. This place has already become the nest of the Corrupted. After investigation, we found a map with which we could go down Mangshan, and we are almost certain that the Corrupted were attracted by the signal transmitter in the center of the facility. We can stop them from coming if we can shut the transmitter down.\n"I can handle this if you trust me." Jersey says, "I have an idea how to shut down the device and leave unscathed. Of course, you can do it yourself or leave it like this, but I have to remind you that regardless of your choice, once I open this door, there will be a riot of the Corrupted. It might even affect the camp. If lucky, the riot will only last one or two days. If not, then no one knows how long it will last."\nJersey says and looks at me, "I'll let you decide." Exploration Event 1 2061320 1 1 2061321 2061311 2061322 0 2061323 0
2061321 Believe Jersey Jersey will act alone 2 2061324 0
2061322 Do it yourself Enter the facility and shut down the device 2 2061326 0
2061323 Leave Leave as there is no need to take the risk 2 2061328 0
2061324 Military Facility Jersey once said that he had battle experience. It shouldn't be hard for him to handle this.\n"Then I'll leave it to you. Get back safe."\nJersey smiles, taps on my shoulder, and sneaks into the Corrupted silently. I have no idea how he managed to go around them.\nA moment later, the Corrupted suddenly make a puzzled sound and disperse as if they received some sort of a silent order. The riot didn't take place. Everything went smoothly.\n"I didn't imagine that... I could help others someday." Jersey returns to the team while watching the Corrupted leaving with a mysterious smile, "Hero? No, I'm not a hero. The honor isn't mine... But I would still like to thank you for letting me be a hero for a moment." Exploration Event 1 1 1 1 2061325 0
2061325 Recorded There's nothing left to do 2 2061311
2061326 Military Facility I don't know why Jersey offered to do this, but I have no reason to put him in danger alone. After careful consideration, I decided to go myself. I found a hidden entrance at a corner of the facility, but when I finally got the door open, what was in front of me was a group of the Corrupted. At this critical moment, Jersey came and saved me. We fought our way to the center of the facility, turned off the signal generator, and left at the last minute.\nThe facility exploded. Although the Corrupted started to leave, the Corrupted trapped in the facility was set free, which led to a temporary Red Tide outbreak. Exploration Event 1 1 1 1 2061327 0
2061327 Recorded There's nothing left to do 2 2061311 2061312
2061328 Military Facility "The riot of the Corrupted".\nI repeat this word over and over, thinking about the price behind it. Eventually, I decide not to take the risk and leave with my comrades. Exploration Event 1 1 1 1 2061329 0
2061329 Recorded There's nothing left to do 2 2061311
2061400 Transfer Station This transfer station was originally one of the important stations on the northern transportation railway. But now there are only two tracks left to indicate its previous identity. Some other Scavengers set up a temporary camp here. Most of them came here according to the information they got in the southern signal station just like us, but not everyone is as lucky as we are. Lives broken by disaster stand one by one, with one more miserable than the other.\n"Suffering is the most ancient and loyal sheepdog. People are just sheep who are forced to run before they can even walk properly." Perhaps seeing our sympathy for the injured, Jersey comments calmly, "The real battlefield is way more tragic than this, but there is no way to save everyone we encounter. So we have to move on. Don't let it get to you."\nHowever, most of the people here are willing to share their supplies with others even if they're struggling to live. We have thus received a lot of help. I sincerely hope that all <color=#0F70BC>those who help others</color> can be blessed by fate the same way. Exploration Event 1 1 1 2061401 0
2061401 Recorded Bring Medicine x50 and Food x50 to the Exploration Team 2 2061401
2061500 Abandoned Hotel It always gets cold early in the mountains. After a busy day, many team members start to show symptoms of a cold. We have to stay overnight in this abandoned hotel.\nIt must have been converted into a wartime base before. The interior structure has been completely changed with traces of battles all over. Fragments of maps and flags are scattered around on the floor. I look around but only find a few supplies. Just when I want to tell everyone to rest, I see Jersey standing before a cob wall, asking me to get over.\n"There is a hidden room behind this wall. If there are any supplies in this place, they could only be hidden inside." Jersey has caught a cold. There is a heavy nasal in his voice, but he sounds determined. "Believe me. I know this structure."\nI knock on the wall he points at, but it doesn't sound empty. But Jersey looks pretty familiar with this place. Should I believe him? Exploration Event 1 1 1 2061501 0 2061502 0
2061501 Believe Jersey Break the wall 2 2061503 0 2061501
2061502 Don't believe Jersey Stay away from the wall 2 2061505 0 2061502
2061503 Abandoned Hotel "Alright. I believe you."\nWe place the smallest explosives according to Jersey's instructions and break open the wall without too much effort. There is a space behind the wall. There are not many supplies, but this is better than nothing.\n"I'm impressed, Jersey. How did you know there is a hidden space?"\n"I... I've been to the battlefield. But this trick became obsolete a long time ago. Nostalgic." Exploration Event 1 1 1 1 2061504 0
2061504 Collect Resources Bring Wood x100, Iron x100, Medicine x30, and Food x30 to the Exploration Team 2
2061505 Abandoned Hotel I think it over and decide not to break open the wall.\n"Alright," Jersey says. It seems he doesn't care about it.\n"You can't be too careful," he says while leaving that wall, "Maybe... I was wrong." Exploration Event 1 1 1 1 2061506 0
2061506 Collect Resources Bring Wood x50, Iron x50, Medicine x10, and Food x10 to the Exploration Team 2
2061600 Temporary Camp Jersey fell ill. We had to pass a night at this temporary camp again. The good news is that we can see the <color=#0F70BC>hiking trail</color> by Mangshan. It should be safer if we go up from there.\nPerhaps exhausted due to his illness, Jersey looks more relaxed and reveals his past to us for the first time.\nHe returns to Mangshan to find his lover. His camp was attacked. He and his lover got separated. The two agreed to meet again in their hometown. He waited until everything settled and finally embarked on the way back home.\n"Is there someone you have to meet again no matter what happens, officer?" Jersey asks me. His eyes look terribly bright even though he is sick. "I do. So I'll live <color=#0F70BC>at all costs</color>. I'll live and then we will definitely meet again." Exploration Event 1 1 1 2061601 0
2061601 Collect Resources Bring Medicine x20 and Food x20 to the Exploration Team 2 2061601 2061602
2061700 Deep Pit The deep pit has completely cut off the road to the western camp. We have found nothing in it except the few supplies in the bottom. Exploration Event 1 1 1 2061701 0
2061701 Collect Resources Bring Medicine x30 to the Exploration Team 2 2061701
2061800 Dongshan Racecourse If it were not for the disaster, it should have been a perfect place for "the upper class" to hang out. But now it is just one of the ruins. It even makes you doubt if it's a bit small compared to other ruins.\nIn the lounge, we find a comms message, which suggests that the <color=#0F70BC>signal station</color> we are looking for lies in the <color=#0F70BC>southwest</color> of this place. Exploration Event 1 1 1 2061801 0
2061801 Collect Resources Bring Wood x200, Iron x200, Medicine x40, and Food x40 to the Exploration Team 2 2061801
2061900 Grassland of Horses There is nothing on the grassland except some small animals running around. Could it be possible that the signal station is not in this direction...? Exploration Event 1 1 1 2061901 0
2061901 Recorded Bring Medicine x30 and Food x30 to the Exploration Team 2 2061901
2062000 Golf Course The holes, big and small, left by the war have increased the difficulty level of the golf course to an insane level. Moline hit several balls but none of them entered the target hole.\nThere is nothing except the holes, nor did we find any information about the signal station. We'd better get going. Exploration Event 1 1 1 2062001 0
2062001 Collect Resources Bring Medicine x30 and Food x30 to the Exploration Team 2 2062001
2062100 Forest Park The entrance of the park looks like as if it was crushed by a giant hand. Even the steel fence was broken into big and small fragments. But it seems there are no Corrupted around, which makes it convenient for us to collect resources. Exploration Event 1 1 1 2062101 0
2062101 Collect Resources Bring Wood x200, Iron x200, Medicine x60, and Food x60 to the Exploration Team 2 2062101
2062200 Park Supermarket We can see a vast grassland in the <color=#0F70BC>southwest</color> of here. Will there be any resources?\nMost of the racks in the supermarket are empty, but the amount of dust on them is different. The medicine racks are almost dust free.\nIt seems that the supermarket has been welcoming visitors even recently. It's very likely there are other survivors ahead. So we take part of the supplies and leave the remaining to other Scavengers. Exploration Event 1 1 1 2062201 0
2062201 Collect Resources Bring Medicine x40 and Food x40 to the Exploration Team 2 2062201 2062202
2062300 Park Management Office Not surprisingly, a bunch of Scavengers have already made it a temporary base. This small room is full of patients and has a mixed smell of medicines, blood, and disinfectant.\n"This is enough," a woman leader drops the curtain and stops us before the ward, "This is only one of the countless refugee clinics. Nothing special. It's said that there is some sort of signal station in the south. My husband is already out to look for it. He says he'll be back soon."\n"There's nothing I can help. Sorry, but please take these supplies." Exploration Event 1 1 1 2062301 0
2062301 Recorded Bring Medicine x30 and Food x30 to the Exploration Team 2 2062301
2062500 Black Lighthouse The lighthouse was already damaged a long time ago, like a dark cloud lurking by the lake. To be more specific, this is not actually a "lake". It's just some filthy water with rusty metal and a mixed smell of rotten plants and animals.\nWe have to cover our noses while we explore and move out all the usable supplies from the lighthouse. Exploration Event 1 1 1 2062501 0
2062501 Collect Resources Bring Medicine x30 and Food x30 to the Exploration Team 2 2062501
2062600 Lakeside Cave The cave is deep and wet. It's hard to tell if the water was naturally generated or left by something. It gives us a feeling of walking inside the belly of some sort of giant monster.\nWe find a small camp deep in the cave. Perhaps because of its location, the camp is almost intact except for some glowing bugs crawling around. Even the <color=#0F70BC>supply chests</color> are neatly piled up with no traces of being forced open. On top of the chests is a notebook with distorted writing on one of the pages.\n\n<color=#0F70BC><i>Sorry but I want to live. Sorry, but I want to live. Sorry, but I want to live. Sorry, but I want to live. Sorry, but I want to live. Sorry, but I want to live. Sorry, but I want to live. Sorry, but I want to live. Sorry, but I want to live. Sorry, but I want to live. Sorry, but I want to live. Sorry, but I want to live. Sorry, but I want to live.</i></color>\n\n... We don't dare to lift the curtain of the tent in the center of the camp. We can see a distorted, big, drenched figure even through the waterproof cloth. Exploration Event 1 1 1 2062601 0
2062601 Collect Resources Bring Medicine x50 and Food x50 to the Exploration Team 2 2062601
2062700 Abandoned Industrial Park It's said that it used to be the biggest industrial area in the north with numerous factories and giant chimneys, making it look like a gray forest in the north of the city. But everything is gone now.\nDuring our exploration, we find a map of the surrounding area. There are two arrows extending from the industrial park, one pointing to the <color=#0F70BC>northeast</color> of the park, and one pointing to the <color=#0F70BC>south</color>. Through investigation, we are almost sure that there are traces of <color=#0F70BC>survivors</color> in the <color=#0F70BC>northwest</color> of the park. Should we have a look there? Exploration Event 1 1 1 2062701 0
2062701 Recorded Bring Wood x220 and Iron x220 to the Exploration Team 2 2062701
2062800 Freight Station ... Sometimes I wonder if it's still necessary to call the places by their old names. For example, one can hardly tell that this place used to be a "station" in the past. The giant crane was broken in the middle by some unknown force. On the ground, there is a deep hole created by the electromagnet. Even the warehouse deep inside doesn't hold many usable supplies. Exploration Event 1 1 1 2062801 0
2062801 Collect Resources Bring Wood x40, Iron x40, Wood x150, and Iron x150 to the Exploration Team 2 2062801 2062802
2062900 Abandoned Platform ... The situation is way worse than we expected. Without enough serum or medicine, people who already lost the protection of CPF start to have various degrees of ulceration.\nThey ask me to end their pain, but I... just can't do this. Should I help them? Exploration Event 1 1 1 2062901 0 2062902 0
2062901 Relieve them from misery ...Bring Food x40, Medicine x40, Wood x100, and Iron x100 to the Exploration Team 2 2062901
2062902 Take them back to the camp Bring Food x40, Medicine x40, Wood x100, Iron x100, and Survivor x2 to the Exploration Team 2 2062901 2062902
2063010 Dispatching Center We find a map of nearby exploration points and come across another group of Scavengers. To show their kindness, they give us some of the medicines they have. A young Scavenger among them tells me that they are heading to the <color=#0F70BC>"abandoned platform"</color>.\n"If it were not for the Corrupted, we would have been there already," the young Scavenger says happily, "My younger sister is waiting for these medicines there."\n\n... What have I done...? Exploration Event 1 2063010 1 1 2063011 0
2063011 Recorded... Bring Food x40, Medicine x40, Wood x100, and Iron x100 to the Exploration Team 2 2063001 2063002 2063003 2063004
2063020 Dispatching Center We find a map of nearby exploration points and come across another group of Scavengers. To show their kindness, they give us some of the medicines they have. A young Scavenger among them tells me that they are heading to the <color=#0F70BC>"abandoned platform"</color>.\n"If it were not for the Corrupted, we would have been there already," the young Scavenger says happily, "My younger sister is waiting for these medicines there."\n... This can't be real. "We... um... We are just back from the platform. We took your sister back to our camp," I scratch my head, "How about... How about we take you to the camp to see her...?" Exploration Event 1 2063020 1 1 2063021 0
2063021 Recorded Bring Food x60, Medicine x60, Wood x100, Iron x100, and Survivor x2 to the Exploration Team 2 2063002 2063003 2063004 2063005 2063006