forked from PGR/ascnet
Fork 0

4663 lines
277 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2023-10-18 15:33:14 +00:00
Key Text
HeroSdkLoginFailed Login failed
CommonNotOpen Not yet available
ServerChecking Checking...
ServerFail Failed
ServerHigh Full
PremissionDesc Set permission first
PremissionCameraDesc The game needs access to your photos. Please go to Settings and enable it
PremissionWriteDesc Please proceed to your device's settings to enable Write Storage Permission
PremissionReadDesc Please proceed to your device's settings to enable Read Storage Permission
LoginLimitTip We detected suspicious activities with your account. You must answer all questions correctly to continue playing.
LoginLimitProgress Question {0}/{1}, {1} questions in total
LoginLimitNoSelection Select an option
LoginLimitRightAnswer Correct
LoginLimitWrongAnswer Wrong answer. You will be logged off soon
LoginLimitPass Question successfully answered
TeamManagerCheckCaptainNil Must have a leader
TeamManagerCheckFirstFightNil The starter position must not be empty
TeamDoNotChooseCaptain Leader not selected
EquipLevelUpItemEmpty Select material
EquipLevelUpMaxLevel Level limit reached
EquipLevelUpItemNotEnough Not enough materials
EquipFunctionNotOpen Not yet available
EquipBreakMax Max Overclock
EquipBreakMinLevel Level too low
EquipBreakItemNotEnough Not enough materials
EquipBreakCoinNotEnough Not enough Cogs
EquipResonanceSelectWeapon Select weapon to consume
EquipBreakThroughDes2 Overclock 2
EquipBreakThroughDes3 Overclock 3
EquipBreakThroughDes4 Overclock 4
EquipAwarenessReplaceBtnName {0} - Resonance
EquipMultiStrengthenTips The enhancement material you've selected will yield surplus EXP. If you confirm this training, the result level will be higher than your choice of level.
EquipMultiStrengthenNotSelectLevel Select the target level
EquipMultiStrengthenItemNotEnough Insufficient materials
EquipMultiStrengthenCoinNotEnough Insufficient Cogs
CharacterManagerItemNotEnough Not enough materials
CharacterManagerCoinNotEnough Not enough Cogs
CharacterCheckTeamNil Team cannot be empty
CharacterNotOpen Not yet available
CharacterMaxLevelLimit Level limit reached
CharacterPromotePartNotEnoughCoin <color=#FF0000FF>Promoting costs {0} Cogs</color>
CharacterPromotePartEnoughCoin Cogs Cost: {0}
CharacterPromotePartEnoughCoin02 <color=#0F70BCFF>Cogs Cost: {0}</color>
CharacterGradeSufix Rank {0}
CharacterGradeSufix02 <color=#FF0000FF>Rank {0}</color>
CharacterPromotePartLevelLimit Construct level too low
CharacterPromotePartItemLimit Requirements not met
CharacterPromotePartCoinLimit Not enough Cogs
CharacterPromoteGradeConditionTitle <color=#0F70BCFF>Requires 4 abilities at:</color>
CharacterPromoteGradeTitle Promotion Cog Cost
CharacterGradeMax Max rank reached
CharacterUpgradeSkillConditionTitle Requirement:
CharacterUpgradeSkillConsumeTitle Requires:
CharacterUpgradeSkillConsumeSkillPoint Skill Point
CharacterUpgradeSkillConsumeCoin Cogs
CostCoin Cogs Cost:
CharacterUpgradeSkillConditionLevel Construct reaches Lv.{0}
CharacterUpgradeSkillConditionQuality Construct evolved to {0}
CharacterUpgradeSkillConditionGrade Construct promoted to {0}
CharacterSkillMax Max level reached
FightAssistClose Support signal disabled
FightAssistOpen Support request sent to the nearest squad
CharacterUngradeSkillCoinNotEnough Not enough Cogs
CharacterUngradeSkillSkillPointNotEnough Not enough skill points
CharacterUngradeSkillLevelLimit Construct level too low
CharacterUngradeSkillQualityLimit Construct class does not meet the requirement
CharacterUngradeSkillGradeLimit Refit requirements not met
CharacterUngradeSkillComplete Skill improved
CharacterUnlockSkillComplete Skill unlocked
CharacterUnlockNewCharacter Unlock New Members
CharacterUpgradeComplete Promoted
CharacterLiberateShouldFollowOrder Awaken the previous level first
CharacterLiberateSuccess {0} awaken
CharacterResonanceSkillDes Level: {0}+{1}
CharacterFullName {0} - {1}
CharacterUnowenedIntroduce <size=40>{0}</size>:<size=40>{1}</size><size=24> {2}</size>
CharacterLackDps Missing {0} Attackers
CharacterLackTank Missing {0} Tanks
CharacterLackCure Missing {0} Supports
TipTitle Tips
EquipReplaceTip This is currently equipped by {0}. Equipping will remove it from that Construct. Proceed?
EquipAwarenessReplaceTip This is currently equipped by {0}. Equipping will remove it from that character. Proceed?
EquipPutOnNotChar Card does not exist
EquipPutOnEquipTypeError Cannot equip enhance material
EquipPutOnSiteError Invalid part
EquipTakeOffNotChar Gear not equipped
EquipTakeOffWeapon Cannot unequip weapon
EquipWeaponMax Weapon at max level
EquipChipMax Memory at max level
EquipStrengthenPreciousTipTitle Notice
EquipStrengthenPreciousTipContent Enhance material includes 5★ or higher equipment. Proceed?
EquipResonancePreciousTipTitle Notice
EquipResonancePreciousTipContent Resonance material includes 5★ or higher equipment. Proceed?
EquipAwakeTipTitle Tips
EquipAwakeTipContent Carry out Hypertune for <color=#0E70BD>[{0}]</color>?
EquipResonanceWeaponRepeatTipTitle Notice
EquipResonanceWeaponRepeatTipContent After unlocking Resonance Skill, repeating Resonance can only change the character bound, continue?
EquipResonancePosText Grid {0}
EquipSuitPrefabCount <color=#ff4e4e>{0}</color>/{1}
EquipSuitPrefabCountMax {0}/{1}
EquipSuitPrefabCurName Current Set
EquipSuitPrefabRenameLengthError Input Set Name
EquipSuitPrefabSaveNotEquipIds Set does not contain Memory
EquipSuitPrefabSaveNotName Input Set Name
EquipSuitPrefabSaveOverMaxNum Set limit exceeded
EquipSuitPrefabEquipSame Already equipped same Memory
EquipSuitPrefabRenameSuc Set Renamed
EquipSuitPrefabDeleteSuc Set Deleted
EquipSuitPrefabSaveSuc Set Saved
EquipSuitPrefabEquipSuc Set Equipped
EquipSuitPrefabNum {0}/{1}
EquipGridUsingWords Equipped
EquipGridInPrefabWords In Set
StoryReviewTip Option
StoryGetRewardTip Obtained {0}x{1}
OnlineInstanceQuitRoom Are you sure you want to leave the co-op team room?
OnlineInstanceCancelMatch Cancel matching?
OnlineInstanceLeastPlayer At least {0} members required
OnlineRoomLeastPlayer At least %s members required
OnlineInstanceLimitPlayer Max {0} members
OnlineInstanceMatching Matching...
SingleModeCanNotSelectDifficulty You cannot change the stage difficulty in solo mode.
MultiplayerRoomCanNotSelectDifficulty Only the leader may change the difficulty
MultiplayerRoomCanNotChangeAutoMatch Only the leader may change quick matching
MultiplayerRoomCanNotSetAbilityLimit Only the leader may set a BP limit
MultiplayerRoomTeamHasSameCharacter Duplicate Characters in team
MultiplayerRoomRecommendAbility Recommended BP {0}
MultiplayerRoomAbilityNotLegal Invalid BP
DrawUseTicketToDraw Spend {0}{1} to buy {2} Standard Supply Cards?
DrawDrawCountIsNotEnough Not enough attempts
DrawNoneMallError No resources available to research
DrawNotOpen Not yet available
DailyActiveRewardTitle Reward details
WeekActiveRewardTitle Weekly activity reward details
SuitSkillTip ({0}-Piece set)
SettingCheckSave Save changes?
SettingSave Settings saved
TeamLevelToOpen Reach Lv.{0} to unlock
CopyToOpen Clear {0} to unlock
FinishToOpen Complete {0} to unlock
FunctionNotDuringOpening Feature unavailable
FunctionOpenStage Stage <color=#ff7e4b>{0}</color> unlocked
FunctionOpen Feature <color=#ff7e4b>{0}</color> unlocked
LevelUnit Level
ExtraExperience {0}% extra EXP
WeaponSkill Weapon Skill
ChipSkill Memory limit reached
ReformSkill Refit Skill
LoginPhoneEmpty Enter mobile number
LoginCodeEmpty Enter verification number
ActivateCodeEmpty Enter activation code
LoginSignOut Logout from this account?
NetworkError Network error
GetServerListFail Unable to retrieve server list.\nRetry?
ConnetGameServerFail Cannot connect to server.\nRetry?
MallNotOpen Not yet available
WeaponBagFull Weapon limit reached
ChipBagFull Memory limit reached
CharacterLevelFull Cannot exceed Commandant level
CharacterSignTip Nice to meet you.
EquipCoinLack Not enough Cogs
FubenBuyCountTitle Buy attempts
FubenBuyCountDesc Spend {0} BC to buy {1} attempts?
FubenPreMainLineStage Please complete prerequisite Main Stage [{0}] first
FubenPreExtraChapterStage Please complete prerequisite Ex Stage [{0}] first
FubenPreShortStoryChapterStage Complete the prerequisite story stage "{0}" first
FubenPreStage Please complete prerequisite stage [{0}] first
FubenPreStageNotPass Complete the previous stage first
FubenBossPreStage Complete the previous stage first
Liveness Activity: {0}/{1}
Finish Activity: Complete
DifficultMode Difficulty:
Difficult1 Normal
Difficult2 Hide
Difficult3 Stronghold
FubenDifficultyNormal Normal Story {0}-{1}
FubenDifficultyHard Hidden Story {0}-{1}
FubenDifficultyNightmare Stronghold {0}-{1}
FubenNotUnlock Quest not unlocked
FubenNeedLevel Requires Commandant Lv.{0}
FubenActionPointNotEnough Not enough Serum
FubenChallengeCountNotEnough Insufficient attempts
FubenChallengeResetTime Reset Time
FubenNeedComplatePreChapter Must complete previous chapter on the same difficulty
PlayerLevelUp Increase Commandant level by {0}
FightExitMsg Leave battle?
FightRestartMsg Restart battle?
FightOnlineMsgCdText {0}s
Award Reward
Zero 0
One 1
Two 2
Three 3
Four 4
Five 5
Six 6
Seven 7
Eight 8
Nine 9
Ten 10
Hundred 100
Thousand 1000
TenThousand 0K
AHundredMillion 100000000
Diary Day
Mouth Month(s)
Monthly Month
Week Week(s)
Year Year(s)
Day day(s)
Second sec
Minute min
Snap {0}% Off
Hour hour(s)
Aha Haha
IsExpire Expired
Diamond Black Card
UpperLimit Limit
Recycle Recycle
Residue Remaining
Preheat Preview
Buy Purchase
Success Success
Acquire Obtained
AtPresent Owned
ComingSoon Coming Soon
NotUnlock Not unlocked
FubenMainLineSectionName Chapter {0}
ComeFrom From
CharacterNotMoreLevel Member level cannot exceed Commandant level
ErrorInValidationCode Invalid verification code
AssetsBuyConsumeNotEnough Not enough {0}
LoginPhoneError Enter a valid mobile number
LoginCodeError Enter a valid 4-digit verification code
LoginActivationCodeError Enter a valid 8-digit activation code
MailGetRewardEmpty No mail available
ToolMonthBefore month(s) ago
ToolDayBrfore day(s) ago
ToolHourBefore hour(s) ago
ToolMinuteBefore minute(s) ago
FriendCount Friends
FriendDayCharge Claimed today
FriendChargeCoin Today's Cogs income
FriendMyId My ID:
FriendLatelyLogin Last online:
FriendOnLine Online
FriendOffLine Offline
FriendRemoveTip Deleting a friend will delete your Bond and any chat messages with them. Confirm?
FriendSelectRemoveTip Choose friend to delete
FriendHaveApply Request already sent
ChatSystemMsg System message
ChatWorldMsg World Chat
ChatGuildMsg Command Bureau Chat
ChatPrivateMsg Private Chat
ChatWorldNewMsg [<color=#34aff9>{0}</color>] new message(s)
ChatManagerGetGiftNotGift No receivable gift
CurrentlyHas Owned: {0}
DifferentRefreshTimes Not enough refresh attempts
RefreshShopItemNotEnough Not enough materials to reset
BuyNeedItemInsufficient Not enough materials to purchase
CanBuy In stock: {0}
DayCanBuy Daily limit: {0}
WeekCanBuy Weekly limit: {0}
MonthCanBuy Monthly limit: {0}
GainCount Obtained x {0}
TimeLimit Time-limited
RecommendLevelDesc Recommended Lv.: {0}
Recommend Rec
HotSell Hot
TimeSoldOut Time remaining: {0}
InputChatMsgTip Enter chat message...
SendMessageCooling <color=red>%d</color> s until next communication...
RefreshRecommended Refresh recommendations
UseSuccess Change successful
BuySuccess Purchase successful
EmojiText [Emoticon]
GiftText [Gift]
FashionNoGet [Coating] not unlocked
FashionNoWay Cannot be obtained at this time
CharacterLock Construct not unlocked
ApplyForTip Cannot send friend request. Wait {0}h, then try again.
ApplyButtonName1 Send request
ApplyButtonName2 Friends
ActiveTime <size=26><color=#626c78>Remaining time: </color></size>{0}
BuyCount <size=26><color=#626c78>Available: </color></size>{0}/{1}
ShopResetTimes <size=26><color=#626c78>Times: </color></size>{0}/{1}
AlreadyFriends Already a friend
FriendNotAddSelf Cannot add yourself as friend
2023-11-20 15:19:46 +00:00
PleaseEnterPlayerID Enter player ID
2023-10-18 15:33:14 +00:00
NewPlayerTaskGetAward [Available rewards]
NewPlayerTaskLock [Lock]
NewPlayerTaskFinish [Complete]
NewPlayerTaskLockMsg [Challenge not available] Cannot view mission details
NewPlayerTaskGroupLockMsg Member has not contacted you
EquipReformItemDisplay Owned: {0}
EquipSkillDesc <size=42><color=#0F70BCFF>{0}</color></size>\n{1}
EquipReformSelectItemDisplay x{0}
TipsEquipReformNeedSelectItem Choose item to refit
EquipReformItemNotEnough Insufficient items
GiftMoneySendNotReceive You gave {0} a box of Cogs, increasing your Bond by {1}
GiftMoneySendHaveReceive {0} received a gift of {1} Cogs from you
GiftMoneySendOverdue The Cogs that you gave {0} have expired
GiftMoneyReceiveNotReceive {0} gave you a box of Cogs, increasing your Bond by {1}
GiftMoneyReceiveHaveReceive Received {1} Cogs from {0}
GiftMoneyReceiveOverdue The Cogs that {0} gave you have expired
TowerOpenDesc /{0} reset
TowerTimeIsOver Reset
TowerDowngrade Expected demotion
TowerRelegation Avoided demotion
TowerUpgrade Promotion confirmed
TowerStage Row
TowerTimes Times
TowerTImesStart No.
TowerStageInfo Row <color=red>{0}</color>
TowerFriend Friends
TowerGuild Army
TowerStranger Bystander
TowerOpenAssist Enable Assist
TowerCloseAssist Disable Assist
TowerStrabger Bystander
TowerCannotEnter Max level reached for this grade
AssistDistanceDesc Distance {0} km
AssistPlayerDefaultSign That's how good I am!
ShopCannotFindActiveShop Event is not available yet
ShopActivityItemCount {0}
ShopNoGoodsDesc No item available
ShopHaveNotBuyCount Limit exceeded
ShopGridCommonCount x{0}
NoLimit Unlimited
HostelFloorLock [Area not unlocked]
HostelSelectChar [Tap the right side to choose a Construct to move in]
HostelCharInWork [Construct on chores cannot leave their floor]
HostelFullElectric Full
HostelFullVitality Full
TeamSelectError Construct in team
ChallengeFightNumTitleCH Rank {0}
ChallengeFightNumTitleEN STAGE{0}
ChallengeRewardIsGetted Reward Claimed
ChallengeRewardIsTips Reward available
HostelMaxElectric Storage limit
HostelPerElectric Production rate
HostelWorkElectric Chores production
HostelWorkSlot Slots
HostelDeviceUp Increase to
HostelDeviceLevel Lv
HostelDeviceNeedEle Requires {0} {1} as power source
HostelSelectCharWork Choose Construct
CharacterVitality Focus {0}
HostelProductElectric Generate Particle
HostelSlotProduct Generate {0}
HostelWorkTime Chore time
TipsNeedSelectCharacterStoryStage Choose a story mission first
HostelWorkReward Complete production to get
HostelPerSlot {0}/Members
HostelWorkSlotLock Chores slot not unlocked
BuyChallegeCount Attempt <color=#FF6B3EFF>{0}</color> time(s)
CanChallegeCount Attempts:
BuyChallegeDesc Attempt
BattleWinSelectStage Return
BattleWinAgain Retry
BattleWinNext Next stage
BattleWinMain Main
BattleWinArenaOnlineAgain Stay
BattleWinArenaOnlineBack Leave
BattleWinMainCannotEnter Cannot enter the next stage
GraphicDownLevel Frame rate is low. Reduce graphics level?
FubenEmexProgress <color=#0f70bcFF>{0}</color>/{1}
NewRoomSingleCannotSetRobot Cannot edit test team
CharacterShowLevel {0}<color=#000000FF><size=40>/{1}</size></color>
World World
Team Squad
System System
Mentor Guide
None N/A
Attack ATK
Defense DEF
Life HP
Blast CRIT
Score Rating
EvaMaxDes Max
Evaluation Rating
PutOn Equip
Obtain Obtain
StorySkipDesc Skip story?
InputTips Enter Chat Message
CountDownTips Can send again in ({0}S)
Clipboard Copied to clipboard
WrongDate Date entry error
Birthday {0}/{1}
CopySuccess Copied
RecycleTips High-rating item selected. Continue recycling?
BossSingleChallengeCount <size=58><color=#0E70BDFF>{0}</color></size>/{1}
BossSingleScore Progress {0}
BossSingleNoNeedScore All obtained
BossSingleScore2 Current Progress: {0}
BossSingleMinute <color=#0E70BDFF>{0} mins</color>
BossSingleMinuteHideBoss <color=#e53632>{0}m</color>
BossSingleLevel <color=#0E70BDFF>{0}</color>
BossSingleLevelHideBoss <color=#e53632>{0}</color>
BossSingleBossScore <size=50><color=#0E70BDFF>{0}</color></size>/{1}
BossSingleBossScoreHb <size=50><color=#e53632>{0}</color></size>/{1}
BossSingleOpenTip 3rd boss unlocked in Advanced area
BossSinglePrecentDesc {0}<size=42>%</size>
BossSingleRankDesc Level: {0}-{1}
BossSingleLeftTime <size=34><color=#000000FF>Time until reset: </color></size>{0}
BossSingleLeftTimeIos (iOS rankings)
BossSingleLeftTimeWin (win rankings)
BossSingleLeftTimeAndroid (Android Ranking)
BossSingleLeftTimeAll (All platform rankings)
RoomStamina AP{0}/{1}
RoomNoStamina {0} Stamina too low
BossSingleStamina Stamina: {0}/{1}
BossSingleNoStamina {0} Stamina too low
BossSingleSocreReward Reward sent by mail
BossSingleBossNotEnough Boss not unlocked
BossSingleBossRankSocre <size=22>Progress </size>{0}
BossSingleLeftTimeIcon Time until reset: {0}
BossSingleChooseLevelTypeEmpty Select a difficulty first
BossSingleProgressChooseable No difficulty level selected
BossSingleBossSectionLeftTime Operation lasts: {0}
BossSingleProgress Progress: {0}/{1}
BossSignleBufenTip Required points reached. The Progress of all previous difficulty levels becomes maximum.
NotSelEquiping Cannot select an equipped part
PleaseSelMorePart Choose at least one item
IsSureRecycle You have selected an equipment with higher rating than your current equipment. Continue recycling?
EvaNorSuccess Identification Success
EvaBigSuccess Identified Great Success
CoureDesc Complete stage <color=#0E70BDFF>{0}</color> to get reward
IsSureDelete Confirm delete?
DorType1 Memory - Armor
DorType2 Cooling - Armor
DorType3 Processor - Armor
DorType4 Power - Vanguard
DorType5 Motherboard - Bio
DorType6 Graphics - Bio
OnlineInviteFriend "{0} is challenging {1}, we need your support, <color=#0F70BC>{2}</color>."
OnlineInviteLink <a href={0}>[Go now]</a>
OnlineKickOut Kicked from room
OnlineSendWorldSuccess Sent
OnlineQuickStart Quick Match On
OnlineQuickOver Quick Match Off
OnlineCurCharacterAlreadyFight This Construct is already being deployed
OnlineFightSuccess Deployed
OnlineInstanceEnterRoom Added to team
OnlineCancelReadyBeforeSelectCharacter Cannot change characters when ready
OnlineRoomOnDisconnet MatchPlayerOffline
OnlineRoomClose Room closed
BuyCountIsNotEnough Not enough purchases
SocialGiftTips Claim All <color=#34aff8>({0}/{1})</color>
DrawTotalCount <size=30><color=#000000FF> researched: </color></size>{0}
DrawCount Research x{0}
ServerDisconnect Server terminated connection
ServerError Server connection error
ServerShutdown Server down
HeartbeatTimeout Disconnected from server
LoginTimeOut Login timeout. Try again?
ShieldFunctionTip This feature is temporarily closed. Please refer to in-game announcement for more details.
FubenNotTime Quest expired
FubenDailyIsAlreadyReset Quest has reset
FubenDailyRemainCount Remaining: {0}
FubenDailyOpenRemark Open on {0}
FubenDailyOpenHint Only open on {0}
FubenDailyAllDayOpen Open all day
DailyActive Daily Activity
WeekActive Weekly Activity
LevelActionPoint {0}(+{1})
OnlineBossTimeOut Co-op reset
FlopRewardSelect Choose reward
FlopRewardWait Waiting for confirmation
FlopRewardWaitClose Page will close soon
FlopRewardGetReward <color=#6EAC45>Selected</color>
DrawCombination {0}
DrawVoucherNotEnough Not enough {0}
DrawBuyVoucherQuery Spend <color=#0f70bc>{0}</color>[{1}] to buy <color=#0f70bc>{2}</color> [{3}]?
DrawOwnVoucherAmount <size=34><color=#838383FF>Owned: </color></size>{0}
DrawResetTime <size=40><color=#FFFFFFFF>Time until reset: </color></size>{0}
Fract {0}<size=30>/{1}</size>
RoomHrefDisabled Support message expired
GetAssistFail Support failed: No squad encountered
ChatManagerNotSendCoinToNotFriend Can only send Cogs to friends
ChatManagerGiveGiftFailedHaveGiven ChatManagerGiveGiftFailedHaveGiven
RoomQuit Left co-op team
CharacterExpItemsUse Successfully used
CharacterPartUpGrade Overclock successful
CharacterActivation Successfully activated
ExpAdd EXP +{0}
BountyTaskRefreshCountNotEnough Not enough refresh attempts
BountyTaskAccetpTaskSuccess Bounty mission accepted
BountyTaskRewardTipTitle Bounty mission reward
BountyTaskTipTitle Bounty mission tip
BountyRankDescContent Rewards sent by mail every Mon 07:00 AM UTC
BountyTaskTipContent Missions and grade are reset at 07:00 UTC every Monday.\nMissions cannot be deleted for the duration of the cycle.\nYou can refresh your favorite missions 7 times each day.
UiFubenCoinSkillName {0} <color=#{1}>{2}</color>
UiFubenCoinSkillReward Previous income <size=42><color=#{0}>{1}</color></size>
UiFubenCoinSkillChallenge <color=#{0}>{1}</color>
UiFubenCoinSkillDesc1 Row 1 text
UiFubenCoinSkillDesc2 Row 2 text
UiFubenCoinSkillDesc3 Row 3 text
MissionSendSuccess Dispatched
MissionConditionMemberLimit Not enough members in dispatch team
MissionConditionNotEnough Dispatch requirement not met
MissionGiveupSuccess Dispatch mission abandoned
MissionRefreshSuccess Refreshed
MissionAutoSelectFail No members meeting dispatch requirements
MissionTeamCountTipTile Tips
MissionGiveupTaskContent Abandon this mission?
MissionRefreshTaskContent Spend %s%s to refresh mission?
MissionCurContent (Current)
MissionTaskTeamMember Requires %s Constructs
MissionTaskCountContent Max missions increased to %s
MissionTaskTeamCountContent Max dispatch teams increased to %s
UiPanelCreateTxtExplain The more Coins you spend, the higher the rate for rare Decor.
UiPanelCreateTxtFurnitureCoin You can spend :
UiPanelRefitConsume Decor Coin Cost
UiPanelRefitSelectDrawing Select Blueprint
BfrtFightEchelonTitle Battle Team [{0}]
BfrtLogisticEchelonTitle Support Team [{0}]
BfrtLogisticEchelonTitleSimple Support {0}
BfrtFightEchelonTitleSimple Battle {0}
BfrtRequireCharacterNum Battle members: {0}
BaseEquipRecycleNotSelected Choose equipment first
FightTeamConditionLimit Battle team does not meet requirements
LogisticsTeamConditionLimit Support team does not meet requirements
BfrtInfoTeamName Team {0}
BfrtRequireNum Battle Team: {0}
BfrtRequireNum1 Support Team: {0}
BfrtRequireNum2 Total members: {0}
BfrtTaskOrder Mission {0}
BfrtDeployTipContent Change {0} from {1} to {2}?
BfrtDeployTipTitle Team Tip
BfrtCharacterAbilityLimit Member BP does not meet requirements
BfrtChapterProgress {0}/{1}
BfrtAllChapterProgress Chapters completed: {0}/{1}
BfrtChpaterLocked Locked
BfrtChapterUnlockCondition Complete the previous chapter to unlock
BfrtAutoTeamNoMember No member meeting requirements
WeaponLevel {0}(Reso.+{1})
CharGradeUseItem Requires {0}: {1}
CharQuiltyLevelUp {0} growth
CharUnlockTips Members: {0}
FavorabilityGetReward Obtained
FavorabilityGetRewardWithArgs Gained Reward {0} X {1}
FavorabilityNoStrangeNewsData No secret data available
FavorabilityNoPlotData No story data available
FavorabilityNoInfoData No file data available
FavorabilityNoAudioData No voice data available
FavorabilityNoActionData No action data available
FavorabilityUnlockPlotSucc Story [{0}] unlocked!
FavorabilityUnlockInfoSucc Data [{0}] unlocked!
FavorabilityUnlockStrangeNewsSucc Secret [{0}] unlocked!
FavorabilityUnlockAudioSucc Voice [{0}] unlocked!
FavorabilityAddExp [{0}]'s Affection has increased by {1}!
FavorabilityPlotTitle EP{0}
FavorabilityCurrSelected Current
FavorabilityCast CV:
FavorabilityAudioUnlock Voice [{0}] has not been unlocked!
FavorabilityInfoUnlock Data [{0}] has not been unlocked!
FavorabilityNotOwnChar You do not own this Construct!
FavorabilityStroyUnlcok Story [{0}] has not been unlocked!
FavorabilityStrangeNewsUnlcok Secret [{0}] has not been unlocked!
FavorabilityChooseAGift Choose a gift!
FavorabilityGiftNumberZero No gift selected!
FavorabilityRewardCollected Reward [{0}] has been claimed!
FavorabilityRewardUnlock Reward [{0}] has not been unlocked!
FavorabilitySetAssistSucc [{0}] has been set as assistant!
FavorabilitySetAssistAlready [{0}] is already your assistant!
2023-11-20 15:19:46 +00:00
FavorabilitySetChiefAssistSucc [{0}] set as the Chief Assistant successfully
FavorabilityNotRemoveOnlyAssist You cannot cancel the only assistant you have.
FavorabilityRemoveAssistSucc [{0}] removed from the assistant position successfully
2023-10-18 15:33:14 +00:00
EquipStrengthenMaxLevel Max level reached
EquipStrengthenCurLevel {0}/<color=#28CFFFFF>{1}</color>
EquipLevelText <color=#0E70BDFF>{0}</color><size=30>/{1}</size>
EquipMultiStrengthenSuc Equipment Training Successful
EquipStrengthenSuc Enhanced
EquipPutOnSuc Gear equipped
EquipTakeOffSuc Gear unequipped
EquipResonanceSelectCharacterTip Choose a member to sync
EquipResonanceSelectWeaponTip Consume a weapon of the same rank
EquipResonanceSelectAwarenessTip Consume a Memory of the same rank
EquipResonanceNoWeaponTip No weapon available
EquipResonanceNoAwarenessTip No Memory available
CustomUiTip <color=#ffffff>Tip: Tap a button and drag it to adjust its position.</color>
CustomUiConflict <color=#ff0000>Tip: Some buttons are overlapping.</color>
CustomUiSaved <color=#0000ff>Tip: Config saved</color>
CustomUiUnsave Config not saved. Are you sure you want to exit?
CustomUiSchemeCustomName Custom Config
AwarenessDetailTitle Memory Stats
WeaponDetailTitle Weapon Stats
WeaponSkillBtn Weapon Skill
SuitSkillBtn Set Skill
WeaponStrengthenTitle Select Weapon
CustomLoadingRemoveTip Remove this picture from list of random loading pictures?
CustomLoadingMaxTip Custom loading screen picture upper limit reached. Please delete unwanted pictures first.
LoadingType1 Default loading screen: Only use default loading picture.
LoadingType2 Custom loading screen: Select pictures to add them to the random list. The loading screen will display the selected pictures randomly.
2023-11-20 15:19:46 +00:00
FocusType1 Auto Lock: Move the joystick and cast a skill to lock the enemy in your way.
2023-10-18 15:33:14 +00:00
FocusType2 Manual Lock: Tap empty space (excluding the joystick area) to switch lock-on target. Press and hold to unlock the target. <color=#0e70bd>If you have checked "Display Lock Button", press "Lock" to switch lock-on target in battle.</color>
2023-11-20 15:19:46 +00:00
FocusType3 Advanced Lock: Toggle between Auto Lock and Manual Lock in real time. <color=#0e70bd>Auto Lock</color> is activated by default and locks the enemy in the direction of your joystick when you cast a skill. Tapping any blank space on the screen will switch it to <color=#0e70bd>Manual Lock</color>, with which tapping again will change the locked target, while holding down will unlock the current target and revert to Auto Lock. <color=#0e70bd>If the [Display Lock Button] option is enabled, tapping the button will lock the enemy and holding it will unlock the target.</color>
2024-01-23 00:22:05 +00:00
FocusTypeDlcHunt1 Auto Lock: Move the joystick and use a skill to lock the enemy's part in your way.
FocusTypeDlcHunt2 Manual Lock: Tap the Lock button once to switch to a new enemy. Press and hold the Lock button to call out the part lock bar and perform precise locking of the enemy's parts.
FocusTypeDlcHuntTeaching Lock mode modification is prohibited in tutorial stages
2023-10-18 15:33:14 +00:00
WeaponTransType1 Off: On the weapon screen, <color=#0e70bd>skip animations and display the transformed weapon directly</color>
WeaponTransType2 On: On the weapon screen, <color=#0e70bd>display the weapon transform animation</color>
RechargeType1 Off: The accumulated recharge screen will not display the current recharge amount
RechargeType2 On: The accumulated recharge screen will display the current recharge amount. Player can toggle the button to display the detailed value
AwarenessStrengthenTitle Select Memory
EquipIsLock Equipment is locked
EquipIsBindCharacter Exclusive Construct cannot be changed
EquipResonanceSelectSlot Resonance Skill slot {0}
EquipPutOnSpecialCharacterIdNotEqual This equipment is exclusive to {0}: {1}
ArenaTeamKickOutMemberConfirm Remove [{0}] from the team?
ArenaTeamLeveTeamConfirm Leave the current team?
ArenaTeamAlreadyHaveTeam Cannot apply. You are already in a team.
ArenaTeamCanNotInvite Cannot invite. You are not in a team.
ArenaTeamIsFull Cannot invite. Team already has 3 members.
ArenaTeamIsNotCaptain Only the leader may send an invitation.
ArenaActivityBeginCountDown In Team:
ArenaActivityResultCountDown Tallying:
ArenaActivityEndCountDown In progress: {0}
ArenaOverDescription Results
ArenaTeamDescription Recruitment Phase
ArenaFightNotJoinDescription War Zone mission updated
ArenaFightJoinDescription Battle Phase
ArenaWaveRate Fluctuation level {0}
ArenaPlayerLevelRange Level range: {0}-{1}
ArenaActivityUpRegion Promotion
ArenaActivityKeepRegion Defending
ArenaActivityDownRegion Demotion
ArenaActivityUpRegionColor <color=#20bb61>Promotion</color>
ArenaActivityKeepRegionColor <color=#2086bb>Defending</color>
ArenaActivityDownRegionColor <color=#bb204f>Demotion</color>
ArenaActivityNotUpRegionDesc Teams in this group will not be promoted
ArenaActivityNotDownRegionDesc Teams in this group will not be demoted
ArenaActivityNotKeepRegionDesc Teams in this group will not retain their current rank
ArenaActivityUpRegionDesc The {0}-{1}-place teams are promoted
ArenaActivityKeepRegionDesc The {0}-{1}-place teams retain their current rank
ArenaActivityDownRegionDesc The {0}-{1}-place teams are demoted
2023-11-20 15:19:46 +00:00
ArenaActivityUpRegionContributeScoreDes No.1-{0} in the group with {1} Merit will advance to the team of a higher level.
2023-10-18 15:33:14 +00:00
ArenaActivityConfirmUnlockArea Unlock [{0}]?\nUnlocks remaining today: {1} (resets daily)
ArenaActivityUnlockCountNotEnough No unlocks remaining today. Try again tomorrow.
ArenaActivityLordIsEmpty Empty
ArenaActivityStage Area {0}
ArenaActivityResultUp You have been promoted to <color=#0f70bc><size=60>{0}</size></color> in War Zone.
ArenaActivityResultDown You have been demoted to <color=#0f70bc><size=60>{0}</size></color> in War Zone.
ArenaActivityResultKeep You have retained your rank of <color=#0f70bc><size=60>{0}</size></color> in War Zone.
2023-11-20 15:19:46 +00:00
ArenaActivityResultNotContributeScore Merit lower than {0}. You stayed in the <color=#0f70bc><size=60>{1} Team</size></color> in the War Zone.
2023-10-18 15:33:14 +00:00
ArenaActivityProtected <color=#30aa17>Demotion Protection</color> has retained your position in <color=#0f70bc><size=60>{0} Squad</size></color>
ArenaActivityStrategyContent Event time:\nPhase 1: Sun 18:30 - Wed 18:00\nPhase 2: Wed 18:30 - Sun 18:00\n\nMode help: Complete different zones to earn points in War Zone. New enemy types will appear in each phase.\n\nZone help: You may attempt the 3 zones multiple times. You earn points based on completion time and remaining HP in the first 2 zones. Enemies will spawn indefinitely in the 3rd zone; you earn points based on damage dealt and remaining HP when time expires.\n\nGrade help: Commandants are placed in different grades and ranked based on their score in each grade. The top-ranked Commandants in each grade are promoted to a higher grade at the start of a new phase.\n\nTeams: You can team up freely during the preparation time. At the start of battle, teams that have less than 3 members will be automatically matched until they have enough numbers. Team rankings are based on total member score.
ArenaActivityAreaIsNotOpen This zone is locked during this phase
ArenaActivityPoint {0}
ArenaMaxSingleScore Max {0} points
ArenaMaxSingleNoScore No max score
ArenaMaxAllScore {0}<size=40>MAX</size>
ArenaMaxAllHistoryScore {0}<size=30>MAX</size>
ArenaGrouplScore Wave {0}
ArenaTeamInvitError Must be in the same grade to join team
ArenaTeamInvitTip There may be delays in refreshing it
ArenaTeamLevelError Commandants must be in the same grade to join team
ArenaTeamChallengeError Player has not entered the War Zone yet
ArenaRankPonit <size=24><color=#575757>Pt</color></size>{0}
ArenaRankTime Refresh Time: {0}
ArenaRankResault *The ranking fluctuation is based on the changes between the final ranking in this season and the ranking at 12:00 (UTC) on the day it is tallied.
ArenaOnlineLfteTime to Reset
ArenaOnlineLeftTimeOver Mission has reset
ArenaOnlineJindu Progress: {0}/{1}
ArenaOnlineSectionLeftTime Available Time <color=#0F70BC><size=42>{0}</size></color>
ArenaOnlineStarDesc Collection Progress {0}
ArenaOnlinePassDesc Progress: {0}/{1}
ArenaOnlineChapterLevel (Level range: {0}-{1})
ArenaOnlineChapterLeftTime {0}
ArenaOnlineSectionLeftTime1 {0}
ArenaOnlineSectionLeftTime2 {0}
ArenaOnlineStageDetailHintOnline Stamina Cost
ArenaOnlineStageDetailHintSingle Stamina Cost
ArenaOnlineCreateRoomOnline Create Room
ArenaOnlineCreateRoomSingle Solo Battle
ArenaOnlineStageDropDesc Flip {0} more card(s) to get Hypertune Catalyst - Extreme ({1}/{2})
ArenaOnlineTimeOut This event has already been refreshed
ArenaOnlineDayTimeOut This area has already been refreshed
ArenaOnlineActiveBuffDesc Inver-Sync ({0}/{1})
ArenaOnlineStageChangeTip Adjust the current stage to: <color=#FEE82A>{0}</color>?
ArenaOnlineStageInfoTip Current target stage: <color=#FEE82A>{0} [{1}]</color>
StageChangeInfo Stage selected: <color=#FEE82A>{0}</color>
ArenaOnlineStageChangeInfo The host has changed the target to: <color=#FEE82A>{0}</color>
ArenaOnlineCharEnduranceTip Insufficient Stamina to enter battle
ArenaOnlineInviteShow [{0}]
ArenaOnlineSettleAssist {0} <size=32><color=#D58216>+1</color></size>
ArenaOnlineInstanceQuitRoom Confirm to leave the room?
ArenaOnlineSectionClose The current area is locked
ArenaOnlineRoomConnectTimeOut Room connection timeout
ArenaOnlineCanNotSwitchToUnopenedSingleStage Solo mode is not available in this stage
2023-11-20 15:19:46 +00:00
ArenaTaskTitle War Zone Mission - {0}Lv{1}-{2}
2023-10-18 15:33:14 +00:00
ComeAcrossTips 3 max chance encounters per day. Attempts reset at 24:00.
ComeAcrossStart Begin!
ComeAcrossRight <color=#8cfa7a>Correct!</color>
ComeAcrossWrong <color=#fd6e6e>Incorrect!</color>
ComeAcrossEnd Auto exits in %ss
ComeAcrossTimeout <color=#fd6e6e>Time's up!</color>
NewbieDayTab1 Day 0{0}
NewbieDayTab2 Day {0}
NewbieDayUnlock Target is locked
ComeAcrossNext Next question comes in %ss
ComeAcrossGameEnd <color=#2abdfc>Finish</color>
FavorabilityStorySectionName Chapter {0}
EquipDecomposionCapacityDes Scrappable Weapons
EquipRecycleCapacityDes Weapon available for recycle
EquipCapacityDes Owned
AwarenessDecomposionCapacityDes Scrappable Memories
AwarenessRecycleCapacityDes Memory available for recycle
AwarenessCapacityDes Memory Owned
SuitCapacityDes Sets Owned
MaterialCapacityDes Items Owned
FragmentCapacityDes Shards Owned
DecomposeTitle Scrap Preview
RecycleTitle Recycle Preview
ConverseTitle Convert Preview
SellTitle Sell Preview
DecomposeConfirmTip You have selected <color=#0E70BD>4★ or above equipment</color>.\nYou will get approximately 70% of the training materials used from deconstructing. (Resonance materials are not refunded. Non-integer values are rounded down)
DecomposeConfirmTitle Re-confirm Equipment Recycle
EquipRecycleConfirmTip You have selected <color=#0E70BD>5★ or above equipment</color>. Recycle anyway?
EquipRecycleConfirmTitle Recycle Double-check
SellConfirmTip The selected items are high rank.
SellConfirmTitle Re-confirm Sell Items
ItemDeadLine (Expires in {0})
ItemDorpDesc Obtained by card flipping
SelectGiftCount (Select <color=#FF0000FF>{0}</color> Rewards)
SelectGiftMaxCount Selectable packs full.
SelectReplicatedGiftCount (Select <color=#FF0000FF>{0}</color> Rewards)
PrequelChapterTimes Attempts: {0}
TrialIllustration There are a total of 5 stages, each divided in to 2 phases.\nStages can be cleared repeatedly, but repeated clears have no rewards.\nEarn equipment for every 5 stages cleared.
AwarenessTfPos Grid {0}
AwarenessTfMaterialMainError Please select the main material
AwarenessTfMaterialError Not enough materials
AwarenessTfConfirmTitle Note
AwarenessTfConfirmContent Refitting a weapon will keep its current level.
AwarenessTfConfirmContentResonance Current equipment has a Resonance Skill. Refitting will remove it.
AwarenessTfMaterialSelectError Selection limit reached
PrequelChallangeTab Challenge Mode
PrequelCompletion Completion: {0}/{1}
PrequelFragmentReset Resets Daily
PrequelFragmentTimeReset Reset Time: {0}
2023-11-20 15:19:46 +00:00
PrequelChapterNotOpen Interlude is not available yet.
2023-10-18 15:33:14 +00:00
TrialFinish Completed
TrialUnLock Locked
AbilityInsufficient Insufficient BP
2023-11-20 15:19:46 +00:00
BattleAbility Battle Power
2023-10-18 15:33:14 +00:00
AvgInsufficient The current stage is extremely dangerous, raising {0} of your members' BP to {1} is recommended. Challenge anyway?
Insufficient The current stage is extremely dangerous, raising your members' BP to {0} is recommended. Challenge anyway?
AbilityCurrentTips {0} (Current BP: {1})
AvgAbilityTips {0} (Current BP: {1})
RenameLengthError Nickname cannot be empty
DrawRuleHint <color=#36cdff>{2}</color> {1}rate in <color=#36cdff>{0}</color>
DrawBottomTimes 100% in <color=#36cdff>{0}</color> attempts
AbilityCurrentSufficientTips <color=#0e70bd>{0} (Current Highest BP: {1})</color>
AbilityCurrentInSufficientTips <color=#e84c4c>{0} (Current Highest BP: {1})</color>
TrialForPro First Half Progress: {0}/{1}
TrialBackEndPro Second Half Progress: {0}/{1}
TrialName Memory Rescue
TrialLevelFinish Rescued: {0}/{1}
NoticeTag1 Event
NoticeTag2 Supply
NoticeTag3 Important
2024-01-23 00:22:05 +00:00
NoticeTypeTitle1 Event News
2023-10-18 15:33:14 +00:00
NoticeTypeTitle2 News
ShopAutoRefresh <size=26><color=#626c78>Refreshes in: </color></size>
PrequelUnTrigger Conditions unmet
DrawResetTimeShort {0}
TrialNoFinishTips Please clear Athmail stage first.
NoActivities No event news.
NoInGameNotice No news.
ItemCanConvert Overflow
DrawCardResetTime <size=28><color=#AFAFAFFF>Resets in: </color></size>{0}
ArenaActivityTeamStatusWrong Recruitment function currently unavailable. Please do so in recruitment phase.
ArenaActivityStatusWrong War Zone status changed
EmailExpireTime Time left: {0}
EmailForever Time left: Permanent
ArenaActivityStatusChange Arena status changed
Rank1Color <color=#ff3f3f>{0}</color>
Rank2Color <color=#0e70bd>{0}</color>
Rank3Color <color=#30aa17>{0}</color>
RankOtherColor <color=#636363>{0}</color>
RankOtherColor2 <color=#ffffff>{0}</color>
FriendApplySuccess Friend request already sent.
FrienRefreshSuccess Friends refreshed.
FriendAgree Friend request accepted.
FriendRefuse Friend request declined.
FriendThrowSuccess Mass Delivered
AutoFightStageMainType Main Story
AutoFightStagePrequelType Interlude Challenge
DormMaxPutFurnitureCountHit Decor limit reached
DormAllDesc Select All
DormFurnitureRecycelNull No Decor selected
DormDraftRecycelComfirm Confirm to recycle the selected Decors (or Blueprints)?
DormDraftRecycelGreaterAComfirm <color=#0E70BD>A-Rank or above Decors</color> have been selected. Are you sure you want to recycle selected Decors?
DormRecycleConfirmTitle Decor Recycle
DormFurnitureRecycelComfirm Recycle the selected Decor?
DormFurnitureRecycelUsingComfirm Decor in use. Recycle?
DormFurnitureRecycelUsingTip Cannot recycle Decor in use.
DormFurnitureNotSuit No Set Stat
DormCharacterLevel Rank {0}
DormCharacterHpRecover When Dormitory reaches {0}{1}{2}, Constructs will recover {3} Stamina per hour.
DormCharacterHpLeft <color=#0E70BD><size=40>{0}</size></color>/{1}
DormCharacterHpSpeed Recovers {0} Stamina per hour.
DormCharacterMoodSpeed Recovers {0} Mood per hour.
DormFurnitureEffectDesc The Dormitory with this Decor increases Construct's {0} by {1}, {2}does not come into effect.
DormFurnitureEffectDescNull No special effects
DormFurnitureSelectNull Not selected
DormFurnitureSelectSuitNull No set selected
DormFurnitureScoreDesc <size=24>{0}</size>{1}
DormFurnitureAllTypeRepeatClickHint Please select a type
DormSelectAllCount Select all <size=38><color=#0E70BD>{0}</color></size>
DormSelectCount Filtered <size=38><color=#0E70BD>{0}</color></size>
DormLock Unlock
DormPerson Members
DormWork Chores
DormLove Likes
DormLike Favors
DormTotalScore Overall
DormTask Mission
DormDes Info
DormWareHouse Warehouse
DormReName Rename
DormFieldGuilde Guide
DormMyFriend My Friends
DormMember Dorm Members
DormStranger Unknown Visitor
DormWorking In Chores
DormWorked Finished Chores
DormBase Basic
DormJapanese Daily
DormPunk Punk
DormDesSecond Dormitory comfort contains Beauty, Comfort and Practicality, and different mates prefer different stats.\nEnter the warehouse to check the stats that the Constructs/Transcendants/Corrupted/Humans prefer. Comfort can improve the Stamina recovery speed of the Construct (Note:. If the stats your mate prefers is high, Mood can also be restored).\nOnly one Dormitory is unlocked at the beginning, then you can use Decor tokens to unlock other Dormitories one by one. Each Dormitory can support up to 3 mates.\n\nYou can buy Decors from the shop (Note: the stats of any decor in the shop is fixed), or obtain via build/refit.\nYou can only build "Basic Decor Set", and can define its stats by yourself.\nRefit means you can change the appearance of any decor by spending the corresponding blueprint (may have special effects).\n\nMates with high Mood can regularly send gifts to you. So try your best to increase the Mood of your mates.
DormDesWork Expend Stamina of Constructs to do chores for Dorm Coins.\nEach Chore done will use almost all of a Construct's Stamina.\nStamina spent affects the output of Dorm Coins.\nChore attempts can be increased through unlocking more Dormitories.\nChore attempts reset at 07:00 AM UTC daily.
DormChinese Dormitory
DormReNameSuccess Renamed
DormReNameFail Rename failed
ExploreChapterName Chapter {0} Records
ExploreNotOpenError Please clear the previous chapter
DormOnline Online
DormOffline Offline
DormNoCount No Dormitory
2024-01-23 00:22:05 +00:00
DormBagFurnitureCount Decors <size=26><color=#000000FF> Owned: </color></size><size=52><color={0}>{1}</color>/<color=#0f70bc>{2}</color></size>
2023-10-18 15:33:14 +00:00
DormBagEmneyCount <size=26><color=#000000FF>Corrupted Owned </color></size><size=52><color=#0f70bc>{0}</color></size>/{1}
DormBagCharacterCount <size=26><color=#000000FF>Owned Omniframes </color></size><size=52><color=#0f70bc>{0}</color></size>/{1}
DormBagHumanrCount <size=26><color=#000000FF>Humans Owned </color></size><size=52><color=#0f70bc>{0}</color></size>/{1}
DormBagInfestorCount <size=26><color=#000000FF>Owned Uniframes </color></size><size=52><color=#0f70bc>{0}</color></size>/{1}
DormBagNiErCount <size=26><color=#000000FF>Owned Collab </color></size><size=52><color=#0f70bc>{0}</color></size>/{1}
DormBagDraftCount <size=26><color=#000000FF>Blueprints Owned </color></size><size=52><color=#0f70bc>{0}</color></size>
DormHight <color=#{0}>{1} (High)</color>
DormFondleCount Pat Attempts <color=#34AFF8FF><size=66>{0}</size></color>/{1}
DormFondleRecovey {0} Recovering
DormMiddle <color=#{0}>{1} (Medium)</color>
DormHightDescription <color=#0f70bcff>Likes</color>
DormMiddleDescription <color=#0f70bcff>Favors</color>
DormObtainLevelSRecovery This recycling will include <color=#D2B53C><size=80>S-Rank</size></color> Decors.\nProceed?
DormObtainLevelSReset This refit will include <color=#D2B53C><size=80>S-Rank</size></color> Decors.\nProceed?
DormObtainLevelSRefit This selection will include <color=#D2B53C><size=80>S-Rank</size></color> Decors.\nProceed?
DormObtainRecovery Will gain Decor Coin
DormObtainReset Insufficient Decor Coins
DormObtainRefit Decor Coins needed
DormBuildEnoughDesc Please invest <color=#0E70BD>3-10</color> Decor Coins
DormBuildNoEnoughDesc Please invest <color=#C6403A>3-10</color> Decor Coins
DormRefitEnoughCount <color=#000000CC>x{0}</color>
DormRefitNoEnoughCount <color=#C6403A>x{0}</color>
DormBuildEnoughCount <color=#000000FF>{0}</color>
DormBuildNoEnoughCount <color=#C6403A>{0}</color>
DormBuildMinCount Minimum reached
DormBuildNotChangeCount Requires floors, walls or ceilings to decorate the Dormitory.\nAre you sure produce them in batch?
DormBuildNotCount Please select an amount
DormBuildCountDesc Amount
DormBuildMaxCount Max {0} Decor crafted in batches each time
DormTemplateTitle Decor List
DormTemplateDesc Decor List Description
DormTemplateTitlePrecnt Completion <color=#0E70BD>{0}%</color>
DormTemplateTarget Set Target
DormTemplateCountEnough <color=#0E70BD>{0}</color><color=#767676>/{1}</color>
DormTemplateCountNotEnough <color=#C6403A>{0}</color><color=#767676>/{1}</color>
DormRefitCountEnough <color=#0E70BD>{0}</color><color=#000000>/{1}</color>
DormRefitCountNotEnough <color=#C6403A>{0}</color><color=#000000>/{1}</color>
DormTemplateSelectTip Dormitory already bound
DormTemplateSelectHaveTip1 Do you wish to remove the binding for <color=#C6403A>{0}</color> Dormitory and bind the template to this Dormitory instead?
DormTemplateSelectHaveTip2 Do you wish to remove the binding for the current Dormitory and <color=#C6403A>{0}</color> Dormitory and bind the template to this Dormitory?
DormTemplateSelectCancelTip Remove the binding?
DormTemplateSelectSuccess Binding successful
DormTemplateUnSelectSuccess Binding removed
DormTemplateSelectNoneTip Select a Dormitory to bind
DormTemplateSaveSuccess Saved
DormTemplateSaveTip Overwrite the existing record?
DormTemplateSaveTipName Enter collection template name
DormTemplateSaveNoneTip Select a record to save
DormTemplateEncondeNoneID Enter the imported shared ID
DormTemplateEncondeTip The imported scene will overwrite the existing one. Continue?
DormTemplateShareTip ID copied to clipboard. Daily sharing attempts left: {0}
DormTemplateShareCuptrue Saved in your photo gallery
DormTemplateOneKeyTip Do you wish to swap all the Decors in <color=#C6403A>{0}</color> for those in the template (only owned Decors will be swapped)
DormTemplateOneKeySuccesss Swap successful
DormTemplateOneKeyNone No replaceable Decors at the moment
DormTemplateNoneTip Save it as a template?
DormQuickToBuy Please go to Store/Dormitory Shop to buy blueprints.
DormExceptionItemConvert Invalid Decor Blueprints have been converted into Decor Coins at a ratio of 1:15.
BaseEquipNeedLevel Requires Commandant Lv.{0}
BaseEquipType1 Attacker Only
BaseEquipType2 DescNotUse
BaseEquipType3 DescNotUse
ExploreBuffUnlock Clear {0} to unlock
ExploreBuffUnlockSeparate ,
ExploreRewardError Reward Claimed
ExploreRewardTitle Reward details
ExploreExplain Complete all chapter missions to unlock the chapter reward and the next chapter.\n\nEvery member has limited Stamina in each chapter\n\nAll members' Stamina resets upon entering a new chapter.
FurnitureDefaultDraft Assets/Product/Texture/Atlas/UiFurnitureBuild/FurnitureJia.png
FurniturePreviewIcon Assets/Product/Texture/Atlas/UiFurnitureBuild/FurnitureWeizhi.png
FurnitureChooseFurniture Select a Decor
FurnitureChooseDraft Select a Blueprint
FurnitureNotMatchDraft This Blueprint cannot modify the selected Decor
FurniturePlaceNotCorrect Please place the Decor first
FurnitureOutOfLimit Decor cannot be placed. Decor type limit reached.
FurnitureChooseAType Please select a Decor type.
ExploreBannerProgress Newest Chapter:
ExploreBannerProgressEnd All Completed
FurnitureDescription Comfort level distribution changes depending on the Decor Coins used.\nUsing more Coins will have a better chance at better Decor.
DormBuild Build
DormWorkTips You can only assign Chores below the max Chore slots
DormWorkCount Slots <size=66><color=#0f70bc>{0}</color></size>/{1}
DormEmptyTips No resident in this Dormitory
DormActiveStateTips This Dormitory is locked
DormActiveTips Activate Dormitory with {1} x{0}? (Bought in Dorm Coin Shop)
FurnitureInvestment At least<color={0}> {1} </color>Dorm Coins needed. At most<color={2}> {3} </color> Dorm Coins can be used.
DormActiveSuccessTips Dormitory Unlocked
DormEnterTips Enter Dormitory {0}?
DormVisitStrangeEmptyTips No Visitors
DormVisitFriendEmptyTips No Friends
FurnitureSelectAType Select a Decor type
DormPersonMoveTips Move {0} to Dormitory {1}?
DormRewardText Reward Claimed
FurnitureSaveSuccess Decor Saved
FunitureCannotCompound Selected Blueprint cannot craft Decor
FurnitureTips Tips
FurnitureIsSave Save changes?
2024-01-23 00:22:05 +00:00
DormFurnitureCreateDetailTips Too many Decors in the warehouse. Unable to manufacture. Please recycle some of the Decors first.
DormFurnitureCreateLimitTips The number of Decors is about to exceed the limit. ({0}/{1})
2023-10-18 15:33:14 +00:00
DormWorkNoRewardTips No claimable rewards
ExhibitionNotObtainCharacter Member unobtained
ExhibitionTaskNotFinish Conditions unmet
ExhibitionUnknownCharacter No info available
ExhibitionExplain Portraits of collected members will light up.\nIncrease BP and level of members to unlock their exclusive reward.
DormFullPersonTips Dormitory limit reached.
DormVisitorFirend Add {0} as friend?
FavorabilityGetWay You can obtain gifts from Chance Encounter.
BossOnlineProcess Scavengers left: {0}
BossOnlineKillCount Constructs defeated: {0}
BossOnlineConsumeTips Scavengers are all exhausted. During tallying, selection of [Scavenger Rewards] will become unavailable. Continue?
BossOnlineNotUnlock Please complete the previous difficulty stage.
BossOnlineConsumeFinish Scavengers exhausted.
BossOnlineInvade1 Luna's Orders
BossOnlineInvade2 Gabriel
BossOnlineInvade3 I've been waiting here for ages!
BossOnlineInvade4 Sorry.
BossOnlineInvade5 You must first stop here
ActivityBranchNormalProcess Progress: {0}/{1} (Normal)
ActivityBranchLeftTime Event Time Left: {0}
ActivityBranchDifficultProcess Progress {0}/{1} (Challenge)
ActivityBranchCurLevelDes Lv.{0} - {1}
ActivityBranchLevelDes Lv.{0} - {1}
ActivityBranchFightLeftTime Mission Time Left:
ActivityBranchShopLeftTime Exchange Time Left:
ActivityBranchChallengeBeginTime Challenge available in: {0}
PayAcceptTips Recharging... Please wait patiently.
PaySuccess Recharged
PayFail Recharge failed
ActivityMainLineEnd Event is over
ActivityBranchFightEnd Battle time is over
DormCaressTips Placing Constructs on Beds can recover their Mood faster
FurnitureCleanRoom Retrieve all?
FurnitureRevertRoom Reset changes?
DormReNameTips Name cannot contain blank spaces
ActivityAlreadyOver Event is over
ActivityAlreadyClose Event is unavailable
DormPersonTxt Members
DormRemouldTxt Decorate
DormMenTxt Menu
ActivityBossSingleProcess Progress: {0}/{1}
ActivityRepeateChallengeProcess {0} Progress: {1}/{2}
ActivityBossSinglePreStage Complete prerequisite stage {0}
ActivityBossSingleFightEnd Battle time is over
DormVisitNameStyle {0}<size=28>{1}</size>
DormFieldGuildeCountText <size=52><color=#0f70bc>{0}</color></size>/{1}
DormWorkRefreshTime Refreshes at <size=66><color=#0f70bc>{0}</color></size> daily
DormWorkVitNotEn Insufficient Stamina for chores
DormWorkPosUnLockTips Unlock a new Dormitory
FurntiureBuildCreateCH Craft
FurntiureBuildCreateEN Basic Decor
FurnitureBuildRefitCH Modify
FurnitureBuildRefitEN Modify Decor
FurnitureRefitScore Rating <size=26><color=#000000CC>{0}</color></size>
ActivityBranchNotOpen Event is not available yet
ActivityBranchOver Event is over
ActivityBossSingleNotOpen Event is not available yet
ActivityBossSingleOver Event is over
ActivityRepeatChallengeNotOpen Event is not available yet
ActivityRepeatChallengeOver Event is over
2024-02-29 04:51:22 +00:00
ActivityRepeatChallengeDesc When the team has <color=#59f5ff>{0}</color>, you can obtain Lv.{1} permission effects in advance upon starting the stage.
ActivityRepeatChallengeLevelTitle Authority Level: {0}/{1}
ActivityRepeatChallengeAutoOpen Auto Clear is on.
2023-10-18 15:33:14 +00:00
ActivityBossOnlineOver Opens at 01:00-04:59, 09:00-12:59 and 17:00-20:59 from 2/7 - 2/20 (UTC) daily
ActivityArenaOnlineOver "Regional Co-op Event time: 11:00-14:00 and 20:00-23:00 daily"
BossOnlineOver Boss has been refreshed
FurnitureWholeText ALL
FurnitureAddType Add Type
MaxRecommendFight Construct BP must be higher than
AvgRecommendFight Average Construct BP must be higher than
RecommendFight Recommended BP
NoneBfrtMode No Stronghold mode currently
CancelText Cancel
DormWorkStart Begin Chores
DormFurnitureName {0} <size=28>{1}·{2}</size>
EquipResonanceExplainTitle Equipment Resonance Guide
EquipResonanceExplain 6★ Weapon Resonance-\nEffect: Gains specific Weapon Resonance Skill\nCost: Any 6★ Weapon x1\nNote: Binds to members; Weapon Skill resonated before changing members can be swapped without cost\n5★ Weapon Resonance-\nEffect: Gains 2 determined basic stat bonuses\nCost: Any 5★ Weapon x1\n6★ Memory Resonance-\nEffect: Randomly gains 1 Skill. Skill Level can be stacked.\nCost: Same set Memory x1\nNote: Binds to members\n5★ Memory Resonance-\nEffect: Randomly increases 2 stats\nCost: Same set Memory x1
EquipResonanceAwakeExplainTitle Hypertune Instructions
EquipResonanceAwakeExplain 1. Requirements for Hypertune:\n·It has to be a 6★ memory.\n·The memory has been overclocked and upgraded to its max level.\n·The memory has been resonated.\n2. Hypertune stat bonuses:\n·Only applied to its bound character.\n·The stat bonuses are not randomly produced.\n·The stat bonuses are permanent. Changing the resonance will not affect the existing stat bonuses.
EquipResonanceConsumeItemLack Insufficient Resonance Items
EquipStrengthenBtnTxt1 Enhance
EquipStrengthenBtnTxt2 Level Up
EquipBreakthroughBtnTxt1 Overclock
EquipBreakthroughBtnTxt2 Level Limit
PusrchaseBuyTips You are about to spend <color=#2275FF>${0}</color> to purchase [{1}]. Continue?
PurchasePayText Recharge
PurchaseLbText l Pack
PurchaseHK Black Card
PurchaseYK Monthly Pass
PurchaseErrorCantMultiplyWithDiscount Purchase failed. The discount coupon cannot be used for batch purchase.
ReportFinish Player reported
ReportError Report again in {0}s
PurchaseYKExChangeTab Exchange
PurchaseYKShopTab Black Card Shop
ReportSelectTypeError Please enter report information
ReportTemplate This player might have cheated in "{0}".
SetPlayerInfoError Requests too frequent. Please try again later.
2023-11-20 15:19:46 +00:00
RecommendFriendError Frequent refresh attempts. Please try again later.
2023-10-18 15:33:14 +00:00
SetAppearanceSuccess Saved
PurchaseAddHide *****
PurchaseRestTypeDay Daily Limit {0}/{1}
PurchaseRestTypeWeek Weekly Limit {0}/{1}
PurchaseRestTypeMonth Monthly Limit {0}/{1}
PurchaseRestTypeInterval Every {0} Day Limit {1}/{2}
PurchaseExchangeTips Purchase for extra {0} {1}
PurchaseFirstPayTips Gain an extra {0} {1} in your first purchase
PurchaseAddPayDes You will be rewarded based on cumulative RC charged.
PurchaseYKDes [Monthly Pass A]\n1. Purchase the Monthly Pass A to claim 100 Black Cards at 07:00 AM UTC every day for 30 days.\n2. You may purchase up to 2 Monthly Pass A only. Cannot own Monthly Pass A & Monthly Pass C in a same period.\n3. Once you have purchased a Monthly Pass A, you will receive 300 Black Cards immediately.\n\n[Monthly Pass C]\n1. Purchase the Monthly Pass C to claim 90 Black Cards at 07:00 AM UTC every day for 30 days.\n2. You may purchase up to 2 Monthly Pass C only. Cannot own Monthly Pass A and Monthly Pass C in a same period.\n3. Once you have purchased a Monthly Pass C, you will receive 300 Black Cards immediately.
SaveShowSetting Save display settings?
ArenaStaSocre Pt{0}
ArenaRankDesc (Refreshed every 30 mins)
ArenaHighDesc {0} <size=32><color=#000000FF>(Current Highest)</color></size>
ArenaConnotPassTip Clear prerequisite stage to unlock
IsNotFriend Not friends
PurchaseBuySuccessTips Purchase successful
BagNoOverFragment No extra shards
DormWorkNoPerson No Constructs selected
DormVisitBtn Random Visit
FavorabilityMaxLevel Affection is max
DormReNameErrorText Dormitory name cannot be blank
DormWorkNoPerson1 No members available for Chores
PurchaseLiSellOut Pack sold out
PurchaseSetOffTime Available for {0}
PurchaseSetOnTime Available in {0}
PurchaseBuyNotSet Not available yet
PurchaseYKBuyLimt Monthly Pass Limit: {0}/{1}
PurchaseYKSurplusDay Days Left: {0}D
PurchaseYKMaxDay Highest Total: {0}/{1}D
PurchaseYKGetTips Gain <color=#ff8338><size=30>{0}</size></color> {1}
PurchaseYKDayGet Continue {0}D every day for <color=#59f5ff>{1}</color> {2}
FavorabilityMaxGiftNum Limit reached
PurchaseYKBuyText1 Purchase (<color=#ffea00>{0}</color> {1}s)
PurchaseYKBuyText2 Tap to purchase continuously
PurchaseYKBuyText3 Cannot purchase continuously
PurchaseYKBuyText4 Unlimited
PurchaseGiftValitimeTips1 Pack about to expire
PurchaseGiftValitimeTips2 Packs about to expire
BossSingleCannotReward Point condition unmet
PurchaseNotBuy Cannot purchase
BossSingleRepeartDesc Challenges bosses to refresh Progress.\nProgress does not stack.
BossSingleScoreDesc When you get <size=30><color=#BA2A2A>{1}</color></size> Progress at the <size=30><color=#BA2A2A>{0}</color></size> difficulty level,\nthe Progress of all previous difficulty levels will become maximum.
BossSingleAutoFightDesc1 No record
BossSingleAutoFightDesc2 No Auto Clear for {0} Difficulty
BossSingleAutoFightDesc3 <color=#0E70BDFF>{0}</color>/{1}
BossSingleAutoFightDesc4 {0}<size=26><color=#000000FF>/{1}</color></size>
BossSingleAutoFightDesc5 <color=#0E70BDFF>{0}</color>/{1}
BossSingleAutoFightDesc6 <color=red>{0}</color>/{1}
BossSingleAutoFightDesc7 Member has ran out of Stamina. Cannot refresh record.
BossSingleAutoFightDesc8 Insufficient attempts. Cannot refresh record.
BossSingleAutoFightDesc9 Refreshing your record will cost your formation Stamina and 1 daily attempt. Continue?
BossSingleAutoFightDesc10 (Max {0} Progress obtainable)
BossSingleAutoFightDesc11 Refreshing your record will cost your formation Stamina and 1 daily attempt, and will only be 80% of your saved Progress. Continue?
BossSingleAutoFightDesc12 Auto Clear Progress lower than current Progress, cannot Auto Clear
BossSingleNameHideDesc <color=#e53632>{0}</color>
BossSingleNameNotHideDesc <color=#0E70BDFF>{0}</color>
BossSingleNameHidePassDesc1 {0}s
BossSingleNameHidePassDesc2 The stage has not been cleared
BossSingleFightCharCount <color=#0E70BDFF>Number of Members ≥ {0}</color>
BossSingleFightCharCountHB <color=#e53632>Number of Members ≥ {0}</color>
BossSingleChallgeCount <color=#0E70BDFF>{0}/{1}</color>
BossSingleChallgeCountHB <color=#e53632>{0}/{1}</color>
DrawNotEnoughError Insufficient Coins
CdKeyIsEmpty Enter Gift Code
MaxCurRecommendFight (Current Highest BP {0})
AvgCurRecommendFight ({0} Construct conditions unmet)
TaskLeftHour <color=#0e70bd> {0} </color>hr left
TaskLeftMin <color=#0e70bd> {0} </color>min left
TaskBeginHour Starts in <color=#0e70bd> {0} </color>hr
TaskBeginMin Starts in <color=#0e70bd> {0} </color>min
FightConditionError Requirements unmet
TaskStateUnopen Locked
TaskStateOverdue Expired
TaskStateSkip Advance
FightUiCustomConflict The current battle UI is overlapping. Please first modify your battle UI!
PurchaseDirGet Instantly Obtain
PurchaseFreeText Free
PurchaseLBSettOff Not Available
BattleLoseActorNum Enter Member: {0}
PurchasePayGetText Purchase for extra {0} {1}
BossSingleAutoSuccess Auto Cleared
DormDrawNoOpenTips Pool not available yet
DormWorkText Chores
DormPersonText Members
DormDrawText Research
DormTaskText Mission
DormShopText Shop
DormWareHouseText Warehouse
DormBuidText Build
2024-01-23 00:22:05 +00:00
DormTemplateText Template
DormEntrustText Commission
2023-10-18 15:33:14 +00:00
BossSingleReslutDesc You have broken your highest Progress record. Cancel?
DormDisable Dorm not available yet
PurchaseLBBuySuccessTips Purchase successful
PurchaseSettOff The pack is no longer available
DormNoRoomsTips No Dormitory to switch
DormComfortLevelTips Match residents' preferences to increase their Stamina and Mood Recovery.
ConfirmText Confirm
FurnitureColorS #daa10d
FurnitureColorA #a029c9
FurnitureColorB #0e70bd
FurnitureColorC #42a306
FurnitureQualityS S
FurnitureQualityA A
FurnitureQualityB B
FurnitureQualityC C
DormWorkingText In Chores
DormNoPerson No Omniframes
DormWorkSeleCount Slots <size=42><color=#0f70bc>{0}/{1}</color></size>
GradeStarNum <size=50><color=#0f70bc>{0}</color></size>/{1}
FurnitureCreateSuccess Craft Success
FurnitureRefitSuccess Modify Success
MainFubenProgress {0}%
DormTaskDText Dormitory Achievements
DormTaskNText Achievement Missions
DormTouchDesc Pat repeatedly
DormTouchTimeOut Pat after <color=#0E70BDFF>{0}</color>s
FurnitureMaxCoin Limit reached
FurnitureColorAttrA #ff8a8f
FurnitureColorAttrB #ffc259
FurnitureColorAttrC #87afff
DormWorkVitTxt Stamina <color=#000000FF><size=32>{0}/{1}</size></color>
BossSingleDesc You can challenge bosses here. 3 random bosses will appear (2 in Basic).\nBosses are divided into Groups α, β, and γ, and will be refreshed.\nDefeating a boss will earn your Progress. You will be automatically rewarded for reaching certain Progress.\nProgress ranking will be tallied every Monday. You will be rewarded based on your ranking.\nYou cannot challenge uncleared stages when character Stamina reaches 0. Character Stamina refreshes with every reset.\nYou can challenge bosses 4 times from Monday to Friday and 8 times from Saturday to Sunday.\nAuto Clear will only give you 80% of your highest previous Progress.\nAuto Clear will still reduce character Stamina and consume attempts.
BossSingleAutoFightDesc Auto Clear will only give you 80% of your highest previous record.\nAuto Clear will still reduce Construct Stamina and exhaust attempts.\nAuto Clear can be used 9 times in total until the next reset.
BossSingleAutoFightRateDesc Progress is <color=#0E70BDFF>{0}</color> of your original record.
BossSingleAutoFightCount2 Auto Clear {0}/{1}
BossSingleAutoFightCount1 Auto Clear
BossSingleAutoFightCount3 Insufficient Auto Clear attempts
ChatNotAllowed (〃'▽'〃)
DormVilityTxt <color=#FFFFFFFF>Stamina: <size=20>{0}/{1}</size></color>
FurnitureZeroCoin Insufficient Decor Coins
TaskStoryNoTask Story mission completed
InTeamCantLookExhibition Cannot access Member Army in Co-op room
InTeamCantLookDorm Cannot access Dormitory in Co-op room
DormNullFurniture No Decors
DormNullEnmey No Corrupted Yet
DormNullCharacter No Omniframes
DormNullHumman No Humans at the moment
DormNullNiEr No collab
DormNullInfestor No Uniframes
DormNullDraft No Blueprints
DormNotEnoughDraft Insufficient Blueprints
LoginNetworkError Login network error
LoginHttpError Login network error
DormVitalityRecovery Stamina Recovery <color=#0E70BDFF>+{0}/h</color>
DormMoodRecovery Mood Recovery <color=#0E70BDFF>+{0}/h</color>
DormNextRecovery Next Requirement
DormMaxRecovery Max
DormNextRecovery2 Next Level Effect
DormVitalityRecovery1 Stamina Recovery <color=#B04141FF>-{0}/h</color>
DormMoodRecovery1 Mood Recovery <color=#B04141FF>-{0}/h</color>
DormRecovery1 <color=#0E70BDFF>{0}</color>
DormRecovery2 <color=#B04141FF>{0}</color>
EquipStrengthenAutoSelectEmpty No Equipment to select
DayOfGetMedal Reward Date: {0}
RemainTimeMedal Effective Time: {0}
MedalNumber World No. {0}
MedalOverdue Badge has expired
AccumulateMonyDes Total RC Bought {0}
PurchaseLBRewardTips Continuous rewards are distributed through mail
ChangeNameLimitHour {0} hr of rename cooldown left
ChangeNameLimitHourMin {0} hr {1} min of rename cooldown left
TaskLeftDay <color=#0e70bd> {0}</color>D left
TypeItem Item
TypeCharacter Omniframe
TypeIsomer Uniframe
TypeWeapon Weapon
TypeWafer Memory
TypeFashion Coating
TypeFurniture Decor
TypeHeadPortrait Portrait
TypeChatEmoji Stamp
TypePartner CUB
ToOtherThing (Converted into {0})
DrawLogCpunt Latest {0} Record
DrawLogTittle Acquirement
FightQualityLowest Low
FightQualityMiddle Medium
FightQualityLow Normal
FightQualityHight High
FightQualityHightest Best
ActivityBriefTotalTime Event Time: {0}-{1}
ActivityBriefAloneTime Event starts at: {0}
ActivityBriefFightTime {0}-{1}
ActivityBriefShopTime Shop Time: {0}-{1}
ActivityBriefLeftTime Remaining time: {0}
ActivityBriefShopLeftTime Remaining <color=#FFFFFF>{0}</color>
ActivityBriefTaskLeftTime (Mission Remaining: {0})
ActivityBriefNoTask No missions
ActivityBriefMainlineNotInTime Event is unavailable
ActivityBriefTaskMissionInfo Mission Details
ActivityBriefTaskDesc [Dragon Jade] can be obtained from:\n\nFirmus: Chapter Reward\nConfrontation: 1st Clear Reward
ActivityBriefPrequelNotInTime Event is unavailable
ChannelLabel Channel
ChannelRecruit Recruit Channel
ChannelRecruitIdStr Recruit
ChannelNumberLabel ({0} votes)
ChannelChanged Join channel [ <color=#78e1ff>{0}</color> ]
DrawNewHandCount Current Attempts: {0}
PurchasePayFirstGetText 1st Time×2
BfrtStatePassed Captured
BfrtStateNotPassed Capturing
FurnitureBuildingListFull Decor crafting space full
SetInputStart Input (Supports Combo Buttons)
SetInputFirstKey (Release button to reflect changes)
FurnitureBuildStart Craft Decor
EquipResonanceConsumeItemCount Cost x{0}
DormVistorFriend Friend List
DormVistorStranger Visitor List
UseBattery Select Serum
RecActPoint (1ml of Serum recovered in{0})
Forever PERM
DormReNameErrorNoChange Dormitory is the same as before
AutoFightDialogTitle Auto Clear
AutoFightDialogDescription You can obtain resources equal to 50%-80% of the respective Resource Missions.
TaskDoNotFinish Mission not completed
TaskAlreadyFinish Reward Claimed
DrawResetTimeActivity <size=40><color=#FFFFFFFF>Event time left:</color></size>{0}
DrawResetTimeOldActivity <size=40><color=#FFFFFFFF>Event time left:</color></size>{0}
DisableKeyboardTip The tutorial currently does not have keyboard support.
DisableJoystickTip The tutorial currently does not have controller support.
FubenDialogTitle Event Info
MailCountText Capacity: <size=40><color=#0e70bd>{0}</color></size>/{1}
SetJoyStickSuccess Changed successfully
SetJoyStickError Settings saving failed. Overlapping buttons exist.
SignLengthError Message cannot be empty.
PurchaseSettOut Sold Out
HideStageIsOpen Hidden stage [{0}] unlocked
ItemOverLimit Items over your storage limit are sent to your mailbox
OverLimitCanNotUse Cannot be used. Using this will go over the Serum limit.
FunctionalMaintain Function under maintenance
MaxNameLengthTips Characters over: {0}
DormNameMaxNameLengthTips Characters over: {0}
MaxSignLengthTips Characters over: {0}
DormScoreAttrADes <size=28><color=#AD3434FF>{0}</color></size>
DormScoreAttrBDes <size=28><color=#D58216FF>{0}</color></size>
DormScoreAttrCDes <size=28><color=#0A77b9FF>{0}</color></size>
FestivalNotInActivity Event is over
DormWorkNoMoodTips Insufficient Mood, cannot substitute
DormDaiGongWarnTips Cannot Quick Substitute
DormTxtDaigongDes Spend <color=#0f70bc>60</color> Mood to find work substitution and also gain an extra <color=#0f70bc>10</color> Decor Coins
BatteryLeftTime Serum Bundle expires in: {0}
TimeLimitItemLeftTime (Expiry: {0})
MailBoxIsFull Mailbox full. To prevent unwanted overwriting of the mail in your mailbox, please reorganize your mail before trying again.
WaferBoxIsFull Memory storage full, please reorganize storage before proceeding.
WeaponBoxIsFull Weapon storage full, please reorganize storage before proceeding.
WaferBoxWillBeFull Memory limit reached in the Warehouse
WeaponBoxWillBeFull Weapon limit reached in the Warehouse
ItemBoxWillBeFull Amount Limit of Item Exceeded
ActivityBabelTowerNotInTime Event is not available yet
ActivityBabelTowerOver Event is over
BabelTowerSelectDifficultAbility Recommended BP: {0}
BabelTowerUiBaseRatio (Difficulty Bonus Coefficient {0})
BabelTowerSelectDifficultRatio Bonus Coefficient: {0}
BabelTowerNewRoomBtnName Confirm
BabelTowerTeamOrder Team 0{0}
BabelTowerTeamLock When all levels have a clear record of Team {0}, Team {1} will be unlocked.
BabelTowerNoneFight Project Babel challenge stage has ended
BabelTowerNoneOpen Project Babel has ended
BabelTowerNotEnoughScore Unlocked at {0} points{1}
BabelTowerCurMaxScore (Highest {0})
BabelTowerLeftTimeDesc Remaining Time:
BabelTowerNoneCharacter No Constructs can be deployed at the moment
BabelTowerLevelDesc Lv:{0}
BabelTowerResetDesc Delete Logs
BabelTowerIsResetDesc By doing so, you will delete this team's Strategic level in this stage and unlock the characters in use.\nDelete the team record of stage [{0}]?
BabelTowerCharacterLock A Member in your party has been locked
BabelTowerPleaseSelectALeader Appoint a Member as the leader
BabelTowerPleaseSelectAFirstFight Select a member as starter
BabelTowerPassLastGuide Clear the previous rank to unlock
BabelTowerGuideStageCanntSelect Current Target Strategy option has been locked
BabelTowerActivityTimeLeft Remaining Event Time:
BabelTowerStageLevelBuffLocked This affix is available for {0} or above difficulty
BabelTowerStageLevelBuffChanged Difficulty changed. Some affix needs to be selected again.
BabelTowerSettleLevelTips Lv.{0}
ResidueStockText Left: {0}
AlreadyobtainedCount <size=40><color=#0f70bc>{0}</color></size>/{1}
PurchaseLimitBuy Limit {0}/{1}
GachaIsNotOpen Feature available time: {0}-{1}
GachaIsClose Event is over
GachaIsNotEnough Insufficient stock
BabelTowerStageResetSucceed Stage [{0}] logs deleted
BabelTowerStageWipeOutSucceed Stage [{0}] logs recovered
BabelTowerStageShowDesc Highest Strategic Lv.: {0}
BabelTowerStageUnlockDifficulty Reach Babel Tower <color=#ff6347>Floor {0}</color>\nto unlock this difficulty
XSocialNameEmpty Note title cannot be empty.
SocialRemarkIsSame Title of friend note cannot be the same.
GuildDonationDes Wishes Left Today
GuildDonationHaveDes Owned: <color=#0f70bc>{0}</color>
GuildDonationProDes <color=#0f70bc>{0}</color>/{1}
GuildDonationDeleDes Client: <color=#0f70bc>{0}</color>
GuildDonationPosDes Position: {0}
GuildRankYoukuDes Members {0}/{1}
GuildPersonCountDes <color=#0F70BCFF>{0}</color>/{1}
2024-01-23 00:22:05 +00:00
GuildGoodsShopAuthorityTips Purchase only available to the Leader/Deputy Leader
2023-10-18 15:33:14 +00:00
SocialDeleteRemarkSucceed Note deleted
GuildDetailsDes 1. Rankings will rank Command Bureaus based on Total Contribution over 7 days.\n2. Command Bureaus with the same Contribution will be rated based on time.\n3. In the Command Bureau, you can switch to Personal Level Rankings.
GuidVistorRankBtnDes Ranking
GuidVistorApplyBtnDes Send request
GuidVistorChannelBtnDes Channel
GuidVistorExitBtnDes Exit
GuildFullVistorGuildDes Command Bureau full.
GuildVistorCountFormDes {0}/{1}
GuildAnnouncementTitle Command Bureau Notice
GuildAnnouncementDes Enter new announcement
GuildInterComTitle Internal Comms
GuildInterComDes You can edit the Bureau's internal comms here.
GuildNameTitle Command Bureau Name
GuildInfoTextRange (1-{0} Charas)
ScreenAll All
ScreenOther Others
ActivityRepeatChallengeExp Next Level: {0}/{1}
ActivityRepeatChallengeDayExp Daily EXP Limit: {0}/{1}
ActivityRepeatChallengeLevel Lv.{0}
ActivityRepeatChallengeNextLevelDesc Lv.{0} Effect
ActivityRepeatChallengeMaxLevelTip Max Level Reached
ActivityRepeatChallengeBuffDes {0}
ActivityRepeatChallengeAddExpTip Authority Level EXP increased by {0}
ActivityRepeatChallengeFightEnd Battle time is over
ActivityRepeatChallengeHideBeginTime Abyss Mode available in: {0}
ActivityRepeatChallengeCostNotEnough Insufficient to enter battle
ActivityRepeatChallengeChapterLock {0} more to unlock
ActivityRepeatChallengeChapterCurBtn Over in {0}
ActivityRepeatChallengeChapterLockBtn1 Locked
ActivityRepeatChallengeChapterFinished This chapter has been completed
ActivityRepeatChallengeChapterFinishedBtn Completed
ActivityRepeatChallengeTaskAlreadyFinish Reward Claimed
ItemHaveSelectedCount <color=#0e70bd>{0}</color>/{1}
ItemSelectedCountOverLimit Limit exceeded
MailWillFull (Mail nearly full)
MailIsFull (Mailbox full)
2024-01-23 00:22:05 +00:00
MailCantManulDelete All deletable mails removed. Mails that can't be manually deleted are kept.
2023-10-18 15:33:14 +00:00
CanBuyText Purchases Left
MaxCanBuyText Limited warehouse spaces left. You can only purchase
GuildGiftBtnDes Filter
GuildGiftReqTxtDes Daily Request {0}/{1}
2023-11-20 15:19:46 +00:00
GuildRecommErrorTipsDes Enter the 8-digit Command Bureau ID
2023-10-18 15:33:14 +00:00
GuildGiftNameDes [{0}]
GuildGiftEmptyDes No gifts
GuildDonationBtnDes Donate
GuildDonationrCountFormDes {0}/{1}
GuildCountFullDes Command Bureau members at max.
ArchiveWeaponAchievementHaveFinish Completed
ArchiveWeaponAchievementStoryUncollectedDesc Complete the collection to watch a story cutscene
ArchiveWeaponAchievementStoryCollectedDesc Tap to play cutscene
ArchiveAwarenessNormal Normal Memory
ArchiveAwarenessActivity Event Memory
ArchiveAwarenessFliterAll All
ArchiveAwarenessFliterTwoStar 2★
ArchiveAwarenessFliterThreeStar 3★
ArchiveAwarenessFliterFourStar 4★
ArchiveAwarenessFliterFiveStar 5★
ArchiveAwarenessFliterSixStar 6★
AwarenessSiteOne 1
AwarenessSiteTwo 2
AwarenessSiteThree 3
AwarenessSiteFour 4
AwarenessSiteFive 5
AwarenessSiteSix 6
ArchiveEquipResume %s <size=38><color=#0E70BDFF>%s</color></size>
ArchiveEquipSettingWeapon Weapon Settings
ArchiveEquipSettingAwareness Memory Settings
ArchiveEquipSettingNextPage Next Page {0}/{1}
ArchiveEquipMaxLv Max Level
ArchiveEquipMaxBreakThroughCount Overclock Attempts
ArchiveAwarenessName {0}·{1}
PurchaseYKExpireDes Can continuously purchase Monthly Pass
RogueLikeAddActionPoint Rest (use Support Point to recover team HP)
RogueLikeIntensifyBuff Prep (use Support Point to upgrade effects)
RogueLikeRestLeave Resupply at rest point and head to the next area (tap manually)
RogueLikeGetAssistRobot Obtained Support Construct {0}
RogueLikeCurrentSection Location cleared: {0}
RogueLikeCurretnActionPoint Action Points: {0}/{1}
RogueLikeShopItemSellOut This item is sold out
RogueLikeNotEnoughActionPoint Insufficient Action Points. Use Support Construct instead.
RogueLikeCurrentNodeFinish This stage is completed
RogueLikeRandomRobotTitle Support Construct
RogueLikeRandomRobotDetails Get a random support Construct.
RogueLikeAssisRobotTeam Support Formation
RogueLikeChallengeTeam Challenge Formation
RougeLikeNotInActivityTime Outside the event period
RogueLikeNotInActivityFightTime Outside the event challenge period
RogueLikeNodeTitle PT-{0}
RogueLikeTeamMaxMember Dispatched members < 3
FubenRepeatNotInActivityTime Outside the event period
RogueLikeShopBuyTips You will spend <color=#0E70BDFF>{0} Action Points to </color>buy [{1}]. Proceed?
RogueLikeTeamNeedCount Required units: {0}
RogueLikeActionPointCost Action Points: {0}/{1}
ActivityBriefShopLock Carriage is not available yet
RogueLikeLeaveShopTitle Tactical Supply
RogueLikeLeaveShopContent Leave for the next target location. Confirm?
RogueLikeNeedActionPoint 1
RogueLikeCostItemTips You need {0} more {1} to complete the event
RogueLikeExchangeItemTips You need {0} more {1} to complete the event
RogueLikeBuyNotEnough Insufficient items
RogueLikeSelectABuff Select the Enhance Effect
RogueLikeOutOfDate (Expired)
RogueLikeOutOfActionPoint Action Points consumed are fewer than {0}
RogueLikeQuestResetTime Remaining Reset Time:
RogueLikeLeaveRestTitle Respite
RogueLikePurgatoryResetTitle Reset Progress
RogueLikePurgatoryResetValue 1. You can only reset the progress once per day\n2. Reset attempts will be consumed regardless whether you reset a single floor or all floors
RogueLikeSetTeamTitleNormal Team Today
RogueLikeSetTeamTitlePurgatory Team to Deploy
RogueLikeSetTeamPurRuleValue <size=28>1. There is no Action Point limit in Trial Mode.\n2. Get a unique collectible to record your score after clearing the Trial Mode.\n3. Support Construct or Terminal are not available in Trial Mode.\n4. You cannot use Cogs to revive in Trial Mode.\n5. You may reset the progress (single floor or all floors) once per day. \n6. If you choose to reset a single floor, all the stage progress, buffs, currencies will be reversed back to when you first arrive at this stage.\nThe team deployed will also be reset.\n7. You may reconfigure your team once each time you reach a new chapter.</size>
ArchiveLockNameText ? ? ?
TimeOnSale On sale in: {0}
ActivityBriefShopOnSaleLock Not yet on sale
GuildNameMaxNameLengthTips Command Bureau name cannot exceed {0} characters.
GuildNameEmptyText Command Bureau name cannot be blank
GuildNameSpecialTips Cannot contain special characters
GuildDelarationMaxNameLengthTips Command Bureau news cannot exceed {0} characters.
GuildDeclarationDefaultText Enter new announcement
GuildDeclarationHintText Sensitive words are strictly prohibited. The system may forcibly change the name or disband the guild if such words are detected.
GuildDeclarationSpecialTips Cannot contain special characters
EquipResonanceSelectAwareness Select Memory
EquipWithSpecialCharacterIdCanNotBeReplaced Cannot swap exclusive weapon
EquipBreakThroughPopUpAttrPrefix {0} Growth/Lv.
EquipSuitSkillPrefix2 2-Piece Set
EquipSuitSkillPrefix4 4-Piece Set
EquipSuitSkillPrefix6 6-Piece Set
EquipResonanceNotOwnCharacter Resonance unavailable without this Construct
EquipResonance5StarWeaponRepeatTip It has already been resonated
EquipAwakenNot <color=#FF0000FF>2 and 3★</color> equipment cannot be hypertuned
EquipReformNot <color=#FF0000FF>2- and 3★</color> equipment cannot be refitted
EquipCanNotAwakeCondition Equipment must be max level to initiate a Hypertune
EquipAwakenItemNotEnough Not enough materials
EquipAwakenCoinNotEnough Not enough Cogs
EquipAutoTakeOffNotWearingEquip No gear available to unequip
EquipBreakthroughConfirmTiltle Confirm equipment Overclock
EquipBreakthroughConfirmContent Overclock to increase level and stats.
EquipBreakThroughDes0 None
EquipBreakThroughDes1 Overclock 1
ArchiveTagMaxText 3 tags max
ArchiveMonsterKillText Kills: <size=38><color=#0E70BDFF>{0}</color></size>
BabelTowerMyRankLevel <size=22> </size>%d
BabelTowerRankReset <size=32><color=#000000FF>Ends in </color></size>%s
BabelTowerRankItemLevel <size=22><color=#000000FF> </color></size>%d
Guild The Bureau
PlayStory Play Story
2024-01-23 00:22:05 +00:00
PlayBeforeStory Play pre-combat Cutscene
PlayAfterStory Play post-combat Cutscene
2023-10-18 15:33:14 +00:00
MovieSkipTipTitle Story Skip Notice
MovieSkipTipContent Skip story?
RogueLikeTaskLeftTime Remaining time: {0}
RogueLikeNoneBuff No obtained effects
RogueLikeOptionLeave Leave
AimEquipSelectTitle Selected Set Rate <size=60><color=#0F70BCFF>Up</color></size>
AimCharacterSelectTitle Selected Member Rate <size=60><color=#0F70BCFF>Up</color></size>
AimPartnerSelectTitle Selected CUB Rate <size=60><color=#0F70BCFF>Up</color></size>
DrawAimLeftTime {0} left
HeadLeftTimeText Remaining time: {0}
DrawAimLeftTimeOver (The pool has expired)
HeadValidTimeText Expires in {0}
AssignSkillPlus All {0} members' {1} level +{2}
AssignDeployTipTitle Team Tip
AssignDeployTipContent Change {0} from {1} to {2}?
AssignTeamTitle Battle Team [{0}]
AssignInfoTeamName Team {0}
AssignSelectNotMatch Character doesn't meet the requirements
AssignSelectIsUsed This character is already stationing in another area
2024-01-23 00:22:05 +00:00
AssignFightNoMember Team(s) not met the required deployment team size. Empty starter/leader slot.
2023-10-18 15:33:14 +00:00
AssignStageUnlock Complete the previous stage first
AssignBuffOccupyLock Stationing requirements not met. Check details within the stage
AssignStageOccupyLock Stationing requirements not met
AssignOccupySelected Stationed
AssignOccupyUnselected Dismissed
AssignChapterProgressTxt Occupy area: {0}
2024-01-23 00:22:05 +00:00
AssignChapterCanOccupy [{0}] is available for stationing!
AssignChapterPass Clear Area [{0}]
AssignChapterProgress <color=#0f70bc>{0}</color><size=40>/{1}</size>
AssignName Border Pact
AssignOccupyProgress Border Pact Stationing: {0}/{1}
AwarenessCoverOccupyProgress Sequence Pact Guards: {0}/{1}
2023-10-18 15:33:14 +00:00
PicCompositionHintText <color=#878787FF>Enter message</color>
RegressionTabTextTask Welcome Back
RegressionTabTextSendInvitation Invite Friend
RegressionTabTextAcceptInvitation Invite Reward
RegressionTaskScheduleRewardTipsTitle Reward Details
RegressionTaskScheduleRewardHaveGet Reward Claimed
RegressionSendInvitationRewardNeedMore You cannot claim rewards yet. Invite more people to join your cause!
RegressionSendInvitationShareFailed Sharing failed. Please check your connection and see if the application is correctly installed.
RegressionAcceptInvitationDefaultText Input Invite Code
RegressionAcceptInvitationCodeError Invite Code error
RegressionAcceptInvitationCodeHaveUse You have already used this Invite Code
RegressionAcceptInvitationCodeNotUseSelf You cannot use your own Invite Code
RegressionAcceptInvitationCodeCopy Invite Code copied to clipboard
RegressionAcceptInvitationUseCodeFrequently Action too frequent. Please try again later.
RegressionActivityOver Event is over
RegressionInvitationActivityOver Event is over
FuBenMainlineActivityNotReachChallengeTime Main Event Hidden Mode unlocks in {0}
2024-01-23 00:22:05 +00:00
FuBenMainlineActivityNotReachVariationsTime Main Event Mutation Mode unlocks in {0}
2023-10-18 15:33:14 +00:00
PicCompositionSave Sketches saved ({0}/{1})
PicCompositionUpLoad Uploading successful. Status refreshes in 30s
RogueLikeCostAction Stage AP cost: {0}
RogueLikeNotCostAction Support characters don't consume Action Points
RogueLikeDefaultSupportChar By default, Support Formation shows the first 3 support characters you acquired
CharacterSkillLevelDetailResonanace Resonance
CharacterSkillLevelDetailAssign Border Stationing
CharacterSkillLevelDetail +{0}
CharacterSkillTypeText [{0}]
RogueLikeShopBuyItemTips Spend <color=#0E70BDFF>{1} x{0}</color> to buy [{2}]?
RogueLikeNoneSupport Support character not yet acquired
RogueLikeSupportCharFull Support character limit reached. Cannot join team
RogueLikeNeed3SupportChars At least 3 support characters are required to use Support Formation
RogueLikeEventFullRobot Support character limit reached. Cannot join team
RogueLikeDayReset Event has been reset. Set up your team again
PicCompositionPraise Liked
PicCompositionAllEmpty At least one message is required
RebootCostText Cost: {0}
PicCompositionErrorText Failed to submit. Paragraph {0} contains sensitive characters
FubenMainLineNoneOpen Chapter locked
RogueLikeSetTeamTitle Formation Today
RogueLikeSetTeamContent After saving, the team to deploy will be locked. Would you like to proceed?
PicCompositionMemoMax Draft limit reached ({0}/{1})
PicCompositionUpLoadTimeBefor Upload not yet available
PicCompositionTimeOut Outside the event period
WindowsInlayTimeOut Feature not yet available
PicCompositionNetError Connection error
PicCompositionHaveEmpty Message cannot be blank
PicCompositionEdit Editing successful
NotHaveOtherComposition No works have been approved yet. Please wait
NotHaveMyComposition You don't have a work of your own yet. Upload one!
RogueLikeEndTime Remaining Event Time:
RogueLikeWeekResetTime Mission Time Left:
OnlineFriendEffectMsg Disabling the teammate effect can make the game run smoother. Disable it?
PicCompositionDayUpLoad Upload attempts have been used up for the day
PicCompositionMaxUpLoad Upload attempts have been used up for the event
PicCompositionUpLoadCount Uploads left: <color=#139BFEFF>{0}</color>
PicCompositionUpLoadRead No changes can be made after upload. Proceed?
PicCompositionUpLoadTimeText Upload available time
PicCompositionUpLoadTimeAfter Upload feature closed
PicCompositionLikeHint Each work can be liked only once
PicCompositionPlayerName From: {0}
PicCompositionRankReward No{0}~No{1}
RogueLikeSupportStationCost Insufficient Action Points. You will get 16 Action Points at 5am every morning.
RogueLikeBuySupportNotEnough Insufficient {0}
PicCompositionLikeSelf Cannot like your own work
PicCompositionNotEnough Insufficient Type II Votes
PicCompositionRankTop TOP{0}
ArchiveMonsterLock Insufficient data. Kill enemies to unlock
PicCompositionUpLoadOpenTimeCount <size=24>Upload will be available in </size> <size=30> <color=#0089ff>{0}</color> </size>
PicCompositionUpLoadOverTimeCount <size=24>Upload will be closed in </size> <size=30> <color=#0089ff>{0}</color> </size>
PicCompositionOverTimeCount <size=24>Event will end in </size> <size=30> <color=#0089ff>{0}</color> </size>
PicCompositionTotalTime {0}-{1}
PicCompositionNotSave There are unsaved comments. Do you wish to save them as drafts before exiting?
PicCompositionTimeQver Event is over
ActivityRogueLikeNotOpenTime 09/24-10/8
PicCompositionServerRankName ({0} rankings)
PurchaseBuyHongKaCountTips Insufficient Rainbow Cards.
PicCompositionfrequencyHint Action too frequent. Try again later in {0}s
GuildDialogTitle Command Bureau
GuildShopIsCostBuy Spend {0} to buy a(n) {1}?
GuildShopNotEnoughBuyCount Insufficient purchase attempts
GuildTourstAccess You cannot do this as a guest.
GuildInformationLimited You have no authority to edit the {0}.
GuildChangeInformationIsSame Please ensure the {0} has been edited.
GuildInformationOverCount {1} over {0} character(s)
GuildInformationNotEmpty {0} cannot be empty.
GuildRankNameHasNotChanged Please edit the defined position and save it.
GuildNotAccessSetName You cannot do this as you are not the {0}.
GuildNotAdministor You have no authority to do this.
GuildMemberLevel Level {0}
GuildMemberOnlineCount Online: <color=#008FFF>{0}</color>
GuildMemberOnline <color=#0E70BD>Online</color>
GuildGiftChangeGuildCondition You cannot claim this pack as you have joined another Command Bureau recently.
GuildGiftMaxLevel The pack has reached its max level.
GuildGiftProgressNotEnough Progress incomplete
GuildMainRefreshCountDown Refreshes in <color=#0f70bc>{0}</color>
GuildQuitContent Upon leaving, you must wait 8 hours before joining a new Command Bureau. United Achievement Points will also be temporarily deducted until joining a new Command Bureau, at which point they will be returned. Confirm?
GuildBuildNotEnough Insufficient Construction Progress
GuildNotAccessLevelUp You have no authority to upgrade the Command Bureau.
GuildLevelIsMax Max Command Bureau level reached
GuildLevelUpContent After upgrading the Command Bureau to Lv.{0}, the daily maintenance fee will become {1} Command Bureau Contribution. Are you sure?
GuildLevelUpHint Your Command Bureau has reached <color=#0f70bc>LV.{0}</color>
GuildUrgentMaintain Submit the emergency maintenance fee?
GuildDescPosition Position
GuildLikeItemNotEnough Insufficient items to give a like
GuildChannelTypeAll [The Bureau]
GuildLogItemType [{0}]
GuildSendRequestSuccess Invite sent
GuildApplyRequestSuccess Application sent
GuildKickMemberSuccess Removed the member from your Command Bureau successfully.
GuildIsKickMember Remove this player from the Command Bureau? All the points earned by this player during the current round of simulation siege will also be removed.
GuildRefreshRecruitInCd Refresh in cool down. Please try again in {0} second(s).
GuildNormalShopTitle Command Bureau Shop
GuildPurchaseShopTitle Store
GuildPositionIsSame The current position is {0} already.
GuildPositionChangedContent Change it to {0}?
GuildPositionChangeAdminContent Only 1 player can assume this position. Hand over the position [{0}] and the Command Bureau's management authority to this player?
GuildDonationPublishTips Insufficient wish sending attempts
GuildNewsAll All
GuildNewsGuild Command Bureau
GuildNewsMember Members
GuildRankLevelChangeNotify The current position is changed to {0}.
GuildKickOutByAdministor You were kicked out of the Command Bureau.
GuildDonationNotEnoughCount Insufficient donations
GuildCustomRankSelectTitle Choose position name (single choice)
GuildCustomRankTitle Define Positions
GuildCustomRankHasSame Duplicate names appear
GuildDonationSuccess Donated successfully
PurchaseBuyKaCountTips Insufficient {0}
GuildDonationPublishSuccessTips Wish sent
GuildWelcomeWordSuccessTips Edit successful
GuildSetNameTitle Enter a new Command Bureau name
GuildSetNameLength ({0}-{1} characters)
GuildSetNameFree <b>*This mandatory name change is free of charge</b>
GuildSetNameHint Please avoid using sensitive words, otherwise your guild might be disbanded forcibly.
GuildSetNameSuccessTips Guild name changed
GuildBuildSuccessTips Command Bureau created
GuildAllLevels All
GuildLevelDes Lv.{0}
GuildVistorModeDes Guest Mode {0}/{1}
GameNoticeTestFileName 5de7a87785fcb06b5b773bf1
GuildNowVistorModeTips Currently in guest mode
MainLineExploreChallengeCount Challenges: <size=42><color=#0F70BC>{0}</color></size>/{1}
OnlineBossEnterConfirmTitle Tips
OnlineBossEnterConfirmContent BP is below the recommended level of {0}. Continue anyway?
GuildWillRequestTips Tips
GuildWillRequestDesTips Request this item?
UiFashionUnlockName Coating: {0}
GuildEmojiReplace [Emoticon]
MusicPlayerMainUiTextDesc Playing -
MusicPlayerAlbumSetSuccess Settings saved
UiFashionBtnNameWeapon Weapon
UiFashionBtnNameCharacter Character
GuildNameMinNameLengthTips Command Bureau name must be at least {0} character.
GuildHasSendRecruit Invite sent
GuildAcceptSucceed Accepted {0}'s application
UiFashionDetailTitleCharacter Coating
UiFashionDetailTitleWeapon Weapon Coating
UiFashionDetailTipTitleCharacter Coating Info
UiFashionDetailTipTitleWeapon Weapon Coating Info
GivenGiftText Special Communications will not be triggered for Members who have already received gifts. Proceed anyway?
OverGiftText Only one Special Communication will be triggered no matter how many gifts are given. Proceed anyway?
GivenAndOverGiftText Already sent a special gift to the character and Affection is full
SelectMultiSpecialGiftText You can only sent one special gift at a time
WeaponFashionNotOwn Weapon Coating expired
AwakeCharacterName The current Hypertune effect can be applied to [{0}] only.
ExFullGiftText Affection is at the max level. Giving more gifts will not increase it. Proceed anyway?
GiftGiven Gift given
CollectionHide Unable to view collectibles
CollectionEmpty Player does not own any collectibles
UnionDamageToBoss Total damage dealt in the core stage:
UnionHadFightEventStage You have already challenged this stage
UnionEventStageOverLimited You can only clear {0} Defense Zone stage(s) during each challenge.
UnionBlackFightPoint <size=22><color=#000000FF>Operation Points </color></size>{0}
UnionBlackPraiseNum <size=22><color=#000000FF>Likes </color></size>{0}
UnionRankLevel Level: {0} - {1}
UnionKillRankTitle Points Ranking
UnionPraiseRankTitle Like Ranking
UnionUnRank Out of the ranking
UnionWhiteFightPoint <size=22><color=#FFFFFF>Operation Points</color></size> {0}
UnionWhitePraiseNum <size=22><color=#FFFFFF>Like(s)</color></size> {0}
UnionSectionSureCount Confirm ({0}s)
UnionGradeCountDown Countdown: {0}
UnionMainOverdue Expired
UnionMainRewardHasClick This chest has already been claimed
UnionMainKillLimited Kill count not reached
UnionKillMainNotInActivity Outside the event period
UnionRoomHadReady You cannot swap the sharing character when you are ready.
UnionRoomEnvTitle Environment: {0}
UnionRoomDialogTitle Phalanx
UnionRoomExitRoom You cannot return to this room after leaving. Continue?
UnionSelectSameRole You cannot deploy duplicate characters
UnionRoomExitStage You cannot return to this room after leaving. Continue?
UnionStageCondition Unlocked by clearing other stages {0} time(s)
UnionLeaveMiddle The matching has ended. Your challenge data will still be recorded.
UnionLeaveTimeOver Battle time is over
UnionLeaveKickOut You have been removed from the team
UnionTipPraise I borrowed your <color=#25c4ec>{0}</color> to clear the stages and already gave you a like!
UnionTipsFightBorrow "I borrowed your <color=#25c4ec>{0}</color>. Thank you so much!"
UnionTipsBorrowOthers I borrowed <color=#ff7e00>{0}</color>'s <color=#25c4ec>{1}</color>.
UnionTipHighestPoint Use assist characters to reach a new high score!
UnionSectionProcessCount Round {0}
UnionInMatching Player is already on the team
UnionKillExitRoom Confirm to leave the room?
UnionMemberKickOut You have been removed from the team
UnionLeaderStayTooLong You have remained idle for a long time
UnionKillResetDesc <size=26>Resets in: {0}</size>
UnionKillRankDesc Only operation points from the core stage will be tallied
UnionPraiseRankDesc Total Time: {0}-{1}
UnionSectionIsComing Arrived in {0}
UnionCantLeaveRoom You cannot do this in Phalanx
UnionMeFinishText Becomes active after clearing this stage
UnionEffectiveText Bonus is active
UnionInvalidText Bonus is no longer active
UnionTeamFinishText Becomes active after you and 1 teammate clear this stage
UnionRewardResetTime (Reward reset time: {0})
UnionResetText Boss defeated: {0}/{1}
BuyWeaponFashionIsTimeLimit Selected items include Weapon Coatings that have an expiry date. If you proceed, they will be converted into the Weapon Coating Blueprints based on the remaining time. Proceed?
BuyWeaponFashionIsNotTimeLimit Selected items include Weapon Coatings that have an expiry date. If you proceed, the Weapon Coating's remaining time will be increased based on your purchase time.
StoryArchiveErrorHint Unlock requirements not met
UnionDamageMax #ED6104
UnionDamageNotMax #323232
PicCompositionRuleText Players must comply with relevant laws and rules regarding online behavior and shall not engage in the following actions:\n\n(1) Threatening national security, leaking national secrets, subverting state power, and sabotaging national unity.\n(2) Damaging the national image and interests, and hurting the public interest.\n(3) Inciting ethnic hatred, ethnic discrimination, and sabotaging the national unity.\n(4) Advocating terrorism and extremism.\n(5) Violating national religious policies, and advocating cults and superstition.\n(6) Violating the constitution, laws, rules, etc.\n(7) Spreading rumors, disrupting social order, and jeopardizing social stability.\n(8) Spreading obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terror, or instigating crime.\n( 9) Endangering cyber security.\n(10) Insulting or slandering other people, and infringing on other people's rights and interests.\n(11) Infringing on other people's intellectual property rights and other legal rights.\n(12) Posting any content prohibited by laws or administrative rules.\n(13) Engaging in immoral acts.\n(14) Posting any content that Kuro Game deems to be inappropriate or does not approve of.\n\nIf a player commits any of the above actions, Kuro Game has the right to terminate services for them, and the player in question will bear the legal responsibility that arises.
PicCompositionRuleTitle Note on editing
PicCompositionPass Approved
PicCompositionFailedPass Not approved
PicCompositionExamine Under review
PicCompositionNotUpLoad Not uploaded (to be approved)
PicCompositionWaitWord Transmitting...
ShopItemSellOut Item sold out
ChatRoomChannelNotOpen Available after entering a room
UnionLeaveOffline You are removed automatically due to an unstable network connection.
UnionNetworkFluctuation You are removed from the room automatically due to an unstable network connection.
UnionCnFormatDate MM/dd/yyyy
TimeFormatMinute MM/dd HH:mm
ArchiveMonsterEvaluateHint Submitted
ArenaOnlineCloseTip It will be available at 05:00 (UTC), Jun 11 2020.
ArenaOnlineCloseTip2 Available time: 06/11
GuildQuitRemovePosition Please transfer Commander-in-Chief to another player before leaving the Command Bureau.
GuildQuitLastMember <size=43>Upon leaving, the Command Bureau will disband and you must wait 8 hours before joining a new Command Bureau. United Achievement Points will also be temporarily deducted until joining a new Command Bureau, at which point they will be returned. Confirm?</size>
GuildQuitMemberQuit <size=43>Upon leaving, you must wait 8 hours before joining a new Command Bureau. United Achievement Points will also be temporarily deducted until joining a new Command Bureau, at which point they will be returned. Confirm?</size>
GuildTalentConditionLevel Command Bureau reaches Lv.{0}
2024-01-23 00:22:05 +00:00
GuildTalentConditionPoint Any prerequisite beacon level ≥ Lv.{0}
2023-10-18 15:33:14 +00:00
GuildTalentUpgradeComplete Beacon Level upgraded
GuildTalentPointNotEnough Insufficient Beacon Points
GuildTalentPointProgress Beacon Points: <color=#0e70bd><size=47>{0}</size></color>/{1}
GuildTalentGloryDescription The Command Bureau Levels Up When Its EXP Is At Max.
GuildDissmissLeader Dismiss Commander-in-Chief
GuildDissmissDes <size=37>After successfully electing a new Commander-in-Chief, Dismiss Cost will be transferred to the original Commander-in-Chief. If the election fails, the Dismiss Cost will be returned to you.\n\nWhen more than one person dismisses the Commander-in-Chief, the authority of the new Commander-in-Chief will be determined according to each person's position and total contribution.</size>
GuildDissmissCostNotEnough Insufficient items to dismiss Commander-in-Chief
GuildApplyLessLevel Command Bureau level limit: lv.{0}
UiPrequelTitleProgressStrFormat <color=#0f70bc><size=166>{0}</size></color>/{1}
GuildSendGiftSuccess Gift sent to {0}
GuildCustomNameTooLong Define Positions cannot exceed {0} characters
ActivityBossSingleAttention Reminder
UnionKillFightStatus Challenging: {0}
GuildSettingModifySucceed Application Settings edited
GuildContributeDesc Contribution <color=#1481B3>{0}</color>
GuildPopularityDesc Popularity <color=#1481B3>{0}</color>
FuBenExtraChapterActivityNotReachChallengeTime Extra Story hidden mode will be unlocked in {0}
FuBenShortStoryChapterActivityNotReachChallengeTime Story hidden mode will be unlocked in {0}
GuildSortByContribute 7D Contrib.
GuildSortByLevel Lv
GuildSortByRankLevel Command Bureau Position
GuildRecommendInCd Command Bureau refresh recommendation on cooldown. Please try again later.
BuyAssetPanelTitle Use
GuildSearchGuildNotFound Command Bureau not found
2024-02-29 04:51:22 +00:00
ActivityBossSingleSchedule {0}<size=62>/{1}</size>
2023-10-18 15:33:14 +00:00
GuildSettingLevelLessThanZero Application Settings level below 0
ArchiveStoryNpcLock Not enough data
GuildBossRankPersonalTitle Change to Personal Ranking
GuildBossRankGuildTitle Change to Command Bureau Ranking
2024-01-23 00:22:05 +00:00
GuildBossNotCurrentActivity You can only claim your Weekly Contribution Rewards after the reset next Monday upon switching to a different Command Bureau.
GuildBossNotOpen Simulated Siege available at Lv.40
2023-10-18 15:33:14 +00:00
GuildCustomNameNotSpace Define Positions cannot be blank
InfestorExploreSectionLeftTimeSection1 Time until analysis: {0}
InfestorExploreSectionLeftTimeSection2 Remaining time: {0}
InfestorExploreSectionLeftTime Remaining time: {0}
InfestorExploreEnterSectionEnd Exploration available once results are calculated
InfestorExploreName Autopoiesis Maze
InfestorExploreDiffLevelBorder {0}-{1}
InfestorExploreChapterLockTip Prelude incomplete. Clear the previous area first.
InfestorExploreCharacterHpPercent HP: {0}%
InfestorExploreActionPointDes Current Action Points: {0}
InfestorExploreTeamEmptyTip No Combat Squad configured. Cannot explore this area.
InfestorExploreTeamChangeConfirmTitle Save Formation
InfestorExploreTeamChangeConfirmContent Enter Explore to change the formation in the Safe Zone. Confirm?
InfestorExploreNodeFogTip Unable to detect info on secret areas.
InfestorExploreActionPointNotEnough Insufficient Current Action Points. Earn <color=#0e70bd>14</color> Action Points tomorrow.
InfestorExploreTeamForbitReplaceCharacter Cannot change members while exploring
InfestorExploreRestNodeNotReach Reach this grid to change the Combat Squad
InfestorExploreSupplyNodeNotReach Reach this grid to claim supplies of your choice
InfestorExploreSupplyNodePassed Supplies claimed. Unable to explore again
InfestorExploreSupplyNodeName Material Crates
InfestorExploreSupplyNodeDes Material Crate filled with some items. It may be of some use to you.
InfestorExploreShopNodeName Add-On Terminal
InfestorExploreShopNodeDes Used to replenish Add-On Unit Terminals but at the cost of certain materials. (<color=#0e70bd>Use Aberrant Cubes to purchase Add-On Units</color>)
InfestorExploreShopNodeLeaveTitle Leave
InfestorExploreShopNodeLeaveContent Leaving the Add-On Terminal to the next location. Continue?
InfestorExploreShopNodePassed You have already left the Add-On Terminal. Cannot rejoin.
InfestorExploreShopNodeNotReach Reach this grid to claim supplies of your choice
InfestorExploreShopNodeNotCurrent You haven't reached this node
InfestorExploreShopNodeCurrentFinshed You have already left the Add-On Terminal. Cannot rejoin.
InfestorExploreShopNodeSellOut Add-On Terminal sold out
InfestorExploreShopNodeBuyTips Use <color=#0E70BDFF>{0}</color> Aberrant Cubes to purchase <color=#0E70BDFF>{1}</color>?
InfestorExploreShopNodeMoneyNotEnuoghRefresh Not enough Aberrant Cubes to refresh
InfestorExploreShopNodeMoneyNotEnuogh Not enough Aberrant Cubes to purchase
InfestorExploreRewardNodeName Freight Terminal
InfestorExploreRewardNodeDes Freight machine used for exchanging resources between blocks. If you do not place an item with it, you will be unable to take out items.
InfestorExploreRewardNodePassed Freight Terminal has finished exploring. Cannot repeat.
InfestorExploreRewardNodeNotReach Reach this grid to obtain supplies left by other Commandants
InfestorExploreRewardNodeDefaultPlayerName Celica
InfestorExploreRewardNodeDefaultMessage Special Babylonia Supplies have been sent~
InfestorExploreCoreAutoDecomposeTitle Auto Deconstruct
InfestorExploreCoreAutoDecomposeContent You already reached the max level for <color=#0E70BDFF>{0}</color>. Duplicate Add-On Units will be automatically converted into: <color=#0E70BDFF>{1}</color>x Aberrant Cubes.
InfestorExploreRewardNodeNotSelectReward Choose a reward to package
InfestorExploreRewardNodeSelectRewardSuc Reward packaged
InfestorExploreRewardNodeLastPlayerSelect {0}'s choice
InfestorExploreReset Autopoiesis Maze event has reset
GuildBuildEnoughColor #808080
GuildBuildNotEnoughColor #ff0000
GuildBuildNotEnoughCosts Insufficient items to create a Command Bureau
GuildBuildGuildTitle Create
GuildBuildGuildContent Spend {0} to create a Command Bureau?
GuildAlreadyInGuild You are already in a Command Bureau
AreaOnlineInvitationDes You received a recruitment invite. View?
GuildSettingLevelMoreThanMax Application Settings are higher than max lv.{0}
GuildChangeScriptErrorLength Failed to change welcome message as length limit is exceeded
GuildNoneWelcomeWord Customize Message cannot be blank
InfestorExploreShopNodeActionPointNotEnuogh Not enough Action Points to purchase
InfestorExploreContractBuyTips Spend <color=#0E70BDFF>{0} Action Points to</color> buy {1}?
InfestorExploreSupplyNodeCurrent Material Crate claimed
InfestorExploreTeamSaveSuc Autopoiesis Maze Team saved
InfestorExploreRestNodePassed You have already left the Safe Zone. Cannot rejoin.
InfestorExploreRestNodeCurrent Path blocked. Cannot advance to this grid.
InfestorExploreRestNodeSucTitle HP Recovery
InfestorExploreRestNodeSucContent The Combat Squad made some adjustments and recovered some HP
InfestorExploreEventTypeTipTitle Exploration Results
GuildNoneSelectPresent No gift selected
GuildBossTacticsTips You must set the recommended sequence for each stage
ArchiveNotUnLockTime Cannot unlock now
ActivityShortStoryChapterEnd Event is over
ActivityExtraChapterEnd Event is over
GuildBossConfirmTips Challenge stage: {0}
GuildBossLowClassTips Low Viral Intensity Region
GuildBossHighClassTips High Viral Intensity Region
GuildBossAlreadyPlayedTips You have already challenge other [{0}] stages
InfestorExploreLeftTime Time until analysis: {0}
InfestorExploreCurActionPoint Current Action Points: {0}
InfestorExploreRestNodeName Safe Zone
InfestorExploreRestNodeDes A small safe area used to separate building modules. There is no specific design purpose, and therefore is not corrupted. (<color=#0E70BDFF>Replace Combat Squad members to recover HP</color>)
InfestorExploreFightRewardMoneyLack Not enough {0} to purchase
InfestorExploreFightRewardConfirmTitle Confirm Purchase
InfestorExploreFightRewardConfirmContent Spend {0} {1} to buy a(n) {2}?
InfestorExploreOutPostNodePassed Simulation battle has ended. Unable explore again.
InfestorExploreOutPostNodeNotReach Path is too far. Cannot advance to this grid.
InfestorExploreOutPostNodeCurrent Path blocked. Cannot advance to this grid.
InfestorExploreEventNodePassed This position has finished exploring. Cannot repeat.
InfestorExploreEventNodeNotReach Path is too far. Cannot advance to this grid.
InfestorExploreEventNodeCurrent Path blocked. Cannot advance to this grid.
InfestorExploreFightNodePassed Battlefield cleared. Unable to explore again.
InfestorExploreFightNodeNotReach Path is too far. Cannot advance to this grid.
InfestorExploreFightNodeCurrent Path blocked. Cannot advance to this grid.
InfestorExploreChapterMessageEmpty You cannot leave it blank
InfestorExploreChapterMessageSuc Transmission sent
InfestorExploreCoreDecomposeEmpty Select an Add-On Unit to deconstruct first
InfestorExplorLeftTimeDesSection1 Time until analysis:
InfestorExplorLeftTimeDesSection2 Event Time Remaining:
InfestorExploreCharacterReplaceTip Swap configurations in the Safe Zone while exploring
InfestorExploreRequestChapterLeaveMsgInCD Too many transmissions sent. Please wait {0}s and try again
InfestorExploreOutPostNodeName Strategy Simulator
InfestorExploreRankScoreDes {0}Pt
InfestorExploreUpDiff Grade improved to <color=#34AFF9><size=77>{0}</size></color>
InfestorExploreUnchangeDiff Grade remains at <color=#34AFF9><size=77>{0}</size></color>
InfestorExploreDownDiff Grade reduced to <color=#34AFF9><size=77>{0}</size></color>
InfestorExploreRewardNodeCloseTipTitle Leave
InfestorExploreRewardNodeCloseTipContent You cannot package rewards for other Commandants after leaving. Continue?
InfestorExploreTeamCharacterListEmpty Uniframes not obtained. Unable to play.
FubenExtraNotOpen Event is over
Eliminate Combine a 3-ping to earn
EliminateFlipItemLack Insufficient items. Each card flip costs x%s %s
EliminateNotOpen Event not yet available
EliminateTimeOut Event is over
EliminateResetTitle Reset
EliminateResetContent Reconfigure step count? (Return to the configuration after the last 3-ping and reimburse spent items)
EliminateExchangeItemLack Insufficient exchange attempts. You must spend x%s %s
EliminateResetSuccess Reset
EliminateCannotReset Please move first
EliminateFlipEnd Card flipping has ended
EliminateEnd All ranks complete. Please claim your reward.
2024-01-23 00:22:05 +00:00
SpecialTrainNotOpen Outside the event period
SpecialTrainTimeOut Outside the event period
SpecialTrainHellModeLock Hard Mode available at {0}
SpecialTrainTimeFormat MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm
SpecialTrainBreakthroughDesc1 Different bombs will trigger explosions in different areas
SpecialTrainBreakthroughDesc2 Hit the boss with bombs to earn points
SpecialTrainBreakthroughDesc3 Team hitting the target with bombs of the same color can cause CRIT DMG
SpecialTrainBreakthroughHellDesc1 <color=#57f0fb>Friendly Fire On</color>: Bombs will also deal damage to teammates
SpecialTrainBreakthroughHellDesc2 <color=#57f0fb>Victory in Advance</color>: Kills in advance grant bonus points
SpecialTrainBreakthroughHellDesc3 <color=#57f0fb>More Turns</color>: Hard Mode contains more turns
SpecialTrainBreakthroughSettleRound Remaining Turns Bonus: +{0}
SpecialTrainBreakthroughTimeHellMode Available in: {0}
SpecialTrainBreakthroughSettleDesc1 Remaining Turns Bonus +{0}
SpecialTrainBreakthroughSettleDesc2 Boss DMG -{0}
SpecialTrainBreakthroughSettleDesc3 Personal Hit +{0}
SpecialTrainBreakthroughSettleDesc4 Teammate DMG Reduction -{0}
2023-10-18 15:33:14 +00:00
ActivityBossOpenTip Clear the previous level to unlock
GuildNoneJoinGuild Not yet joined
ExhibitionCollectionDefaultLable Collection Rate
ExhibitionCollectionLable1 Omniframe Collection Rate
ExhibitionCollectionLable2 Uniframe Collection Rate
ExhibitionCollectionLable3 Collab Collection Rate
ExhibitionDefaultGroupName Unidentified
ExhibitionDefaultGroupDescription No information on this force can be found in Babylonia's database.
2024-01-23 00:22:05 +00:00
ExhibitionSelectAureoTitle Please select an Infinitas Awakening Wrist Band.
ExhibitionSelectAureoDesc A Halo device for Infinitas Awakening frames.
ExhibitionSelectBallColorTitle Please select a color for the Signal Orbs.
2024-02-29 04:51:22 +00:00
ExhibitionSelectBallColorDesc Gains 3 Signal Orbs of the same color on debut.
2024-01-23 00:22:05 +00:00
ExhibitionSuperLimit The Custom feature can only be unlocked after the Infinitas Awakening.
2023-10-18 15:33:14 +00:00
HeadFrameUse Equip
HeadFrameNonUse Unequip
HeadFrameSelect Select Portrait Frame
HeadPortraitSelect Select Portrait
HeadFrameNoSelectTitle Not selected
HeadFrameNoSelectHint Tap the Portrait Frame on the left to view details
HeadPortraitNoSelectHint Tap the Portrait on the left to view details
GuildBossDeathDis When the Siege Target reaches 0 HP, all members of the Command Bureau will receive %d Battle Points.
HeadFrameUsecomplete Equipped
HeadPortraitUsecomplete Change successful
HeadFrameNonUsecomplete Unequip
EquipAwarenessSuitPrefabCharacterTypeWrong Current set has unequipable memory. Please select another set.
GuildBossLogLine1 <color=#00ae9d>%s </color> challenged <color=#00ae9d>[%s]</color>
GuildBossLogLine2 Deal <color=#f58220>%s</color> DMG to the Siege Target.
GuildBossLogLine3 Triggered <color=#f58220>%d</color> times in the area
GuildBossLogLine4 <color=#fdb933>(Skill activated)</color>
GuildBossLogLine5 Stage skill has dealt <color=#f58220>%s</color> DMG.
GuildBossLogLine6 Area Stability reaches <color=#f58220>%d%%</color>
UiPanelCharacterExchangeBtnNameGouzaoti Switch to Uniframe
UiPanelCharacterExchangeBtnNameGanranti Switch to Omniframe
GuildBossDie When the Siege Target reaches 0 HP, all members of the Command Bureau will gain {0} Personal Points.
GuildBossCount (Battle data saved: {0}/{1})
GuildBossDiffLv Difficulty Lv.{0}
GuildBossDiffUnlock {0}
GuildBossDiffHp {0} HP
GuildBossDiffScoreAdd Total Command Bureau Points +{0}%
GuildBossChangeGuildRankStr Change to Command Bureau Ranking
GuildBossChangePlayerRankStr Change to Personal Ranking
GuildBossEnterWarningTitleStr Tips
GuildBossEnterWarningStyleStr You can select more <color=#2a5caa>School Skills</color>. They can be of great help to you in battle. It is suggested to reconsider before proceeding.
GuildBossStyleWarningCountinue Proceed Anyway
2024-02-29 04:51:22 +00:00
GuildBossStyleWarningGoSelect Select a School
2023-10-18 15:33:14 +00:00
GuildBossEnterLowWarningStr Each commandant can only select 1 <color=#2a5caa>[Regular Zone]</color> stage to challenge each round of the event. Continue?
GuildBossEnterHighWarningStr Each commandant can only select 1 <color=#c63c26>[Special Dispatch Zone]</color> stage to challenge each round of the event. Continue?
GuildBossDamage Deal {0} DMG to the Siege Target
GuildBossStyleSelectSucceess School Selected
GuildBossStyleSkillActiveSuccess Skill Activated
GuildBossStyleSkillUninstallSuccess Skill Removed
GuildBossStyleSkillAllUninstall All Skills Removed
GuildBossStyleSkillMax You have reached the capacity and can't activate this skill
GuildBossStyleSkillHasActiveCore Only one core skill can be activated at a time
GuildBossStyleSelectLimit You must wait for the current battle to be over before you can select a school
ActivityGuildNotOpen The event will begin after maintenance ends on August 13th
ActivitySpecialTrainNotOpenTime 08/06-08/13
LoginUserAgree Please accept the agreements below to start the game.
LoginUserAgreeToggle I have read and agree to the <color=#34AFF8><a href=|{0}|>User Agreement</a></color>, <color=#34AFF8><a href=|{1}|>Children's Privacy Agreement</a></color>, and <color=#34AFF8><a href=|{2}|>Privacy Policy</a></color>.
LoginUserAgreeToggleSdk I have read and agree
LoginUserAgreeItem <color=#34AFF8><a href=|{0}|>{1}</a></color>
LoginUserAgreeItemAnd ,
Agreement Protocol
SpecialCollectionLevel Level {0}
GuildBossCountFull Challenge attempts used up
GuildBossLayoutRankLevelError Only {0} and {1} can use battle schemes
GuildBossLayoutError You must set the clear sequence for all levels before publishing
GuildBossCountDown Reset after {0}
GuildBossHpNote While you were gone, the Command Bureau dealt {0} DMG to the Siege Target
GuildBossContribute Guild Contribution +{0}
GuildBossTipTitle Simulated Siege Accomplished
GuildBossTipDesc Thanks to your Command Bureau's efforts, the target of the Simulated Siege has been destroyed. You can claim your rewards on the Simulated Siege screen.
GuildBossRankNone No. Unranked
GuildBossRankRewardTitle Stamp Pack Reward
GuildBossRankRewardDesc You can claim a stamp pack reward based on the rank range your guild belongs to.
GuildBossTopPlayerScoreName Pt{0}
GuildBossBuffActive The stage you wish to challenge has already been triggered for the maximum amount of times. It is advised that you challenge another stage. Continue anyway?
GuildBossHpRewardName Can be claimed once the Siege Target's HP is reduced to <color=#3cd3ff>{0}%</color>.
GuildBossSkillProgress Triggered: {0}/{1}
GuildBossStyleSelect Select School
GuildBossStyleSkillLock Unlocks at Command Bureau Lv.{0}
GuildBossStyleChangeTime Switch in {0}
GuildBossStyleSelected Selected
ShopItemPaidGemNotEnough Insufficient Black Cards
ShopItemHongKaNotEnough Insufficient Rainbow Cards
WeaponFashionGetTitleInfo Duplicate Weapon Coating Tips
WeaponFashionForeverGetAlreadyHaveForever The option includes permanent Weapon Coatings you already own. If you confirm, they will be converted into a certain number of <color=#0E70BD>Weapon Coating Blueprints</color>. Proceed?
WeaponFashionLimitGetAlreadyHaveForever 所持済の武器塗装が選択されています。獲得後に<color=#0E70BD>獲得した武器塗装の期間</color>に対応する<color=#0E70BD>武器塗装設計図</color>に変換されます。続行しますか
WeaponFashionForeverGetAlreadyHaveLimit The option includes used Weapon Coatings. If you confirm, they will be converted into a certain number of <color=#0E70BD>Weapon Coating Blueprints</color> based on their <color=#0E70BD>remaining time</color>. Proceed?
WeaponFashionLimitGetAlreadyHaveLimit [{0}]'s usage time increased by {1}
ArenaRankPlayerPointTimeDesc Last Challenge Time: {0}
NotHaveCollection No Collectibles
NotHaveMedal No Medals
NotOpenCollection Feature is not available yet
TeamCharacterTypeNormalLimitText Guidance: Only Omniframes can be deployed
TeamCharacterTypeIsomerLimitText Memory Connection: Only Uniframes can be deployed
TeamCharacterTypeDebuffLv1LimitTextNoColor Collab Hack: Uniframes' ATK decreases by 30%.
TeamCharacterTypeDebuffLv2LimitTextNoColor Chaotic Tactics: Uniframes' ATK decreases by 60%.
TeamCharacterTypeDebuffLv1LimitTextWithColor Collab Hack: <color=#D3242C>Uniframes'</color> ATK decreases by 30%
TeamCharacterTypeDebuffLv2LimitTextWithColor Chaotic Tactics: <color=#D3242C>Uniframes'</color> ATK decreases by 60%
TeamCharacterTypeIsomerDebuffLimitDefaultText Regular Zone: Omniframes recommended
TeamCharacterTypeNormalDebuffLimitDefaultText Special Dispatch Zone: Uniframes recommended
TeamRequireCharacterNormalText Guidance: Only <color=#0D70BC>Omniframes</color> can be deployed
TeamRequireCharacterIsomerText Memory Connection: Only <color=#D3242C>Uniframes</color> can be deployed
TeamRequireCharacterIsomerDebuffDefaultText Regular Zone: <color=#0D70BC>Omniframes</color> recommended
TeamRequireCharacterNormalDebuffDefaultText Special Dispatch Zone: <color=#D3242C>Uniframes</color> recommended
TeamSelectCharacterTypeLimitTipNormal Only Omniframes can be deployed
TeamSelectCharacterTypeLimitTipIsomer Only Uniframes can be deployed
TeamSelectCharacterTypeLimitTipIsomerDebuff The Uniframe is in Regular Zone {0}, dispatch Uniframe for battle? (The squad members will be cleared after confirming.)
TeamSelectCharacterTypeLimitTipNormalDebuff The Omniframe is in Special Dispatch Zone {0}, dispatch Omniframe for battle? (The squad members will be cleared after confirming.)
TeamPrefabCharacterTypeLimitTipIsomerDebuff The Uniframe is in Regular Zone {0}, dispatch Uniframe for battle? (The squad members will be cleared after confirming.)
TeamPrefabCharacterTypeLimitTipNormalDebuff The Omniframe is in Special Dispatch Zone {0}, dispatch Omniframe for battle? (The squad members will be cleared after confirming.)
TeamPrefabDefaultName Team {0}
TeamPrefabWithoutName Enter a preset team name
TeamPrefabRenameSuc Preset team name created
SwapCharacterTypeIsNotMatch Member type does not match the dungeon type. Cannot swap.
SwapCharacterTypeIsDiffirent You cannot have both Omniframes and Uniframes on the team. Replace and other team members will be directly cleared. Confirm?
CharacterTypeLimitNameNormal Battlefield Command
CharacterTypeLimitNameIsomer M.I.N.D. Connection
CharacterTypeLimitNameIsomerDebuff Low Viral Intensity Region
CharacterTypeLimitNameNormalDebuff Dead Zone
ChapterCharacterTypeLimitNormal Guidance: Only <color=#0D70BC>Omniframes</color> can be deployed to this area
ChapterCharacterTypeLimitIsomer Memory Connection: Only <color=#D3242C>Uniframes</color> can be deployed to this area
ChapterCharacterTypeLimitIsomerDebuff Regular Zone: <color=#D3242C>Uniframes'</color> ATK decreases by 9%
ChapterCharacterTypeLimitNormalDebuff Special Dispatch Zone: <color=#0D70BC>Omniframes'</color> ATK decreases by 9%
TeamCharacterTypeNotSame You cannot have both Omniframes and Uniframes on the team. Deploying the character will clear other team members. Confirm?
WorldBossAttributeAreaSchedule Clearance Progress
WorldBossBossAreaSchedule Remaining HP
WorldBossActionPoint Tranquilizer:
WorldBossLevelDamege Damage dealt to Amberia: {0}
WorldBossLevelAdvise Recommended BP: {0}
ActivityExpeditionNotOpen Event is not available yet
ActivityFubenBossSingleNotOpen Event is not available yet
ActivityWorldBossNotOpen Event is not available yet
ActivityPuzzleNoItem You do not own this puzzle piece
DormShareCountNotEnough Insufficient attempts left
DormShareWaitTime You can share again after {0}s
ActivityShopNotOpen Event is not available yet
ActivityShopOver Event is over
ActivityExpeditionOver Event time: 2022/8/2 07:00 - 2022/8/15 06:59 (UTC)
ActivityWorldBossOver Event is over
WorldBossBuffGeted (Unlocked)
WorldBossRobotGeted (Unlocked)
WorldBossBuffLevelLow (Overwritten)
NewRoomSingleTeamBuffDes Inver-Sync ({0}/{1})
ExpeditionHaveCommented You have already sent a message to this member
ExpeditionNeedRecruitMember Please recruit members first
ExpeditionRecruitTimes Refresh Attempt ×{0}
ExpeditionEntryBannerProcessStr Stage Progress: {0}
ExpeditionOnClose Event ended
ExpeditionCoinNotEnoughBuyDraw <color=red> {0}</color>
ExpeditionActiveComboStr <color=#0E70BD>{0}</color>
ExpeditionRoleListRoleButtonText Details
ExpeditionDoLikeOverTime Daily Like limit reached
ExpeditionActivityEnd Event is over
ExpeditionRecruitTimeCountDown Refresh attempts afterward <color=#0E70BD>+1</color>
ExpeditionNoRecruitTime No refresh attempts
ExpeditionCharaRecruited This character has already been recruited
ExpeditionHaveDoLike Already liked this comment
ExpeditionMaxRank MAX
ExpeditionActivityNotStart Outside the event period
ExpeditionNoContentComment Cannot be empty
ExpeditionIsPicked Recruitment limit per round exceeded
ExpeditionFullMember Recruitment slots are full. Unable to recruit more members.
ExpeditionFireConfirmTitle Warning
ExpeditionFireConfirmContent Dismiss the member?\nThis will <color=#ff3f3f>remove and reset</color> the member\nand <color=#ff3f3f>not refund Recruitment Attempts</color>.
ExpeditionDefaultTeamConfirmTitle Warning
ExpeditionDefaultTeamConfirmContent <size=36>Replace\n<color=#ff3f3f>{0} and {1}</color>\nwith \n<color=#0E70BD>{2} and {3}</color>?\nThe core members will be <color=#ff3f3f>dismissed and reset (without refunding Recruitment Attempts)</color>.\n<color=#0E70BD>Trained new members will inherit the trained members' Stars.</color></size>
ExpeditionComboTipsPhaseTitle Phase - {0}
ExpeditionDrawPRRecruitTimes Refresh Attempts
ExpeditionNoPassStage N/A
ExpeditionNoRanking N/A
ExpeditionPBTitle {0}★ Members
ExpeditionDrawPRTitle Recruitment Level: {0}
ExpeditionDrawPRPercent {0}%
ExpeditionResetCountDown <size=32><color=#000000>Remaining Event Time:</color></size> {0}
ExpeditionRankingWaveStr INF-{0}
ExpeditionWarningControlName Recommended Rank:
ExpeditionWarningCurNumText Average Stars of Current Members: {0}★
ExpeditionInfiDetail Waves Cleared: {0}
ExpeditionRecruitLevelUp Recruitment Level Upgrade
ExpeditionNightmareOpen Nightmare Difficulty Available
ExpeditionRecruitLevel Lv{0}
ExpeditionTierLock Clear the prerequisite stage first
ExpeditionCantReset Reset requirement not met
ExpeditionNormalNameFontColor {0}
ExpeditionNormalTierFontColor {0}
ExpeditionNightmareFontColor <color=#943429>{0}</color>
ExpeditionResetTips By resetting Progress, current floor Stage Progress will be reset, the record of cleared floors will be saved. A new team can be set after reset, and member recruitment level and recruitment chances will be reset as well. (Recruited {0} times)
ExpeditionMemberLock This member has been locked. Reset corresponding stage to use.
ExpeditionMaxLevel Max Stars reached for this member
ExpeditionDefaultTeamTips Core members have exclusive skills, <color=#0E70BD>which can be activated by deploying at least 1 member. Exclusive skills cannot be active at the same time. (Tap the icon to view details.)</color>\n Preset team can be switched at any time after being unlocked. <color=#ff3f3f>This will dismiss the current core members</color>, and <color=#0E70BD>the new members will inherit the trained members' Stars</color>.
ExpeditionDefaultTeamIsUnlock Rest Point {0} reached
ExpeditionStageNotOpenTip Please wait for the countdown to be over to start the stage
PlayerInfoCharacterEmpty No members displayed
PlayerInfoWithoutPermission Access limited by commandant
WorldBossBossChallengeText Attempts
WorldBossKilled Killed
WorldBossStageLockText Dreaming node {0} is not cleared yet
WorldBossAttributeChallengeText Area Challenge Attempts:
WorldBossExploreScheduleText Clearance Progress
WorldBossMoney Dream Shard
WorldBossReportName [Notice from Celica]
WorldBossNoPower Insufficient Tranquilizers. Cannot clear the dreaming node.
WorldBossNoChallengeCount Insufficient attempts
WorldBossNotInActivityTime Outside the event period
WorldBossQuestResetTime Remaining Reset Time:
WorldBossFashionRule 1. In the Elegy Of Nightmare event, whenever Amberia's HP (which is shared across the server) has dropped to a certain point, a new discount for "Chrome FX Coating - Golden Days" will be unlocked. (The Coating Pack will be sold at a 30% discount (168 Rainbow Cards) when it comes out, and the new discounts will be applied on top of this!)\n\n2. If Amberia is not defeated when the Elegy of Nightmare event ends, "Chrome FX Coating - Golden Days" will be released after the event. Its discount will be determined by Amberia's remaining HP.\n\n3. If Amberia is defeated during the event, "Chrome FX Coating - Golden Days" will be released immediately and offer an up to 60% discount to all players! (A 60% discount followed by a 30% discount, which means you can purchase it with only 68 Rainbow Cards!)
WorldBossBossAreaUnLockHint Not available yet (Unlocked after clearing <color=#FEE82A>{0}/{1}</color> dreaming nodes)
WorldBossFinishStageFightHint This dreaming node is already cleared. Still proceed to fight?
WorldBossAttributeStageRewrdHint Clear all locations to claim <color=#FEE82A>{0}/{1}</color>
WorldBossFashionRuleTitle Coating Event Details
WorldBossIsNotOpen Outside the event period
WorldBossFashionHint Coating Event Details
StartGame Play
ShortStoryChapterFindNoChapterData Chapter data not found
ExtraChapterFindNoChapterData Chapter data not found
ActivityBriefExtraNotInTime The event will start at 10:00 on Feb 4
ClickClearGameTaskProcess <color=#00ffffff><size=64>{0}</size></color>/{1}
ClickClearGameOutHint Leaving Tag Time <color=#0E70BDFF>will not save progress</color>. Continue?
ClickClearGameRewardProcess {0}<size=30>/{1}</size>
ClickClearGameTouchWrongHeadTip Tapping the wrong Construct will deduct time.
ClickClearGameUnlock1 Unlocks after clearing "East General's Find and Tag" challenge
ClickClearGameUnlock2 Unlocks after clearing "South General's Find and Tag" challenge
ClickClearGameUnlock3 Unlocks after clearing "West General's Find and Tag" challenge
ClickClearGameOver Event is over
PurchaseFashionRepeatTipsTitle Duplicate Coating Tips
PurchaseFashionRepeatTipsContent The pack you selected contains one or more Coatings that you already own. If you continue to purchase, these Coatings will be converted into Coating Blueprints instead. Continue anyway?
BatteryOverSelectItemNum Max Serum quantity exceeded
ArenaAutoFightSuccess Auto Clear completed
ArenaCannotAutoFight Auto Clear is unlocked after you score full points in this area
ArenaMarkAlreadyMax You have already scored full points in this area
PlayerLevelShort Lv
PlayerLevel Commandant Level
HonorLevelShort Rank
HonorLevel Honor Rank
Promote Up
PurchaseLBHaveFashionCantBuy *You already own this permanent Coating.
PurchaseLBHaveFashion *You already own one or more rewards in the pack permanently
PurchaseLBDontNeed No need
PurchaseRewardAllHaveErrorTips You already own all the content of this pack and do not need to purchase again
RogueLikeReFreshBlood Use {0} Support Points to restore member HP back to {1}%?
RogueLikeNotActionPoint You don't have enough Action Points. Please wait until tomorrow.
WeaponFashionNotOwnTipMsg Time-limited Weapon Coating [{0}] has expired
WeaponFashionConverseTitle Duplicate Weapon Coating Conversion Reminder
OwnLimitBuyForeverWeaponFashionConverseText This Weapon Coating has {0} remaining. After purchase, the remaining time will be converted into <color=#0E70BD>Weapon Coating Blueprint</color>. Continue?
OwnLimitBuyForeverWeaponFashionGiftConverseText This item contains Weapon Coating you already own ({0} remaining). After purchase, the remaining time will be converted into <color=#0E70BD>Weapon Coating Blueprint</color>. Continue?
OwnForeverBuyLimitWeaponFashionConverseText This item contains Weapon Coating you already own permanently. After purchase, the remaining time will be converted into <color=#0E70BD>Weapon Coating Blueprint</color>. Continue?
RogueLikeTrialPoint Trial Points: {0}
RpgTowerMemberIsLevelMax Character is at max Star
2023-11-20 15:19:46 +00:00
RpgTowerFinished The event has ended
2023-10-18 15:33:14 +00:00
RpgTowerStarDescription {0}★
RpgTowerLevelUpCostStr <color=#0e70bd>{0}</color> /{1}
RpgTowerLevelUpCostNotEnoughStr <color=#ff3f3f>{0}</color> /{1}
RpgTowerSkillUpDescription All Skill Level {0}
2023-11-20 15:19:46 +00:00
RpgTowerTalentPiecesDes Specialty Points: {0}
RpgTowerCharaTalentIsAlreadyUnlock Specialty already activated
RpgTowerEnd The event has ended
RpgTowerNotStart Event is not available yet
2023-10-18 15:33:14 +00:00
RpgTowerChallengeTimeNotEnough Today's challenge attempts have been used up
RpgTowerChallengeCountStr {0}/{1}
RpgTowerRemainTime Remaining time: {0}
RpgTowerNoUpgradeCondition No Star Up requirement
RpgTowerChapterProgressStr Progress: {0}/{1}
2023-11-20 15:19:46 +00:00
RpgTowerTalentPointsNotEnough Insufficient Specialty Points
RpgTowerResetTalentConfirmTitle Reset the Talents on the interface
RpgTowerResetTalentConfirmContent After reset, the character's Specialty interface will be restored to default (all Specialty Points used will be refunded). Reset?
RpgTowerStageNotOpen Please clear the previous stage first
2023-10-18 15:33:14 +00:00
RpgTowerMemberNoReachLevelUpCondition Character Star Up requirement not met
RpgTowerMemberLevelUpItemNotEnough Insufficient Promotion Certificates
RpgTowerReachCondition Available for Star Up
2023-11-20 15:19:46 +00:00
RpgTowerTalentCannotUnlock Activate any one of the Talents in the previous layer first
2023-10-18 15:33:14 +00:00
RpgTowerNoNeedReset 1★ character cannot be reset
2023-11-20 15:19:46 +00:00
RpgTowerCantGetSupply You have already claimed today's supply. Come back tomorrow after 5:00!
2023-10-18 15:33:14 +00:00
RpgTowerMaxLevel At max
RpgTowerStageDetialRecommendLevelTips Recommended for team Lv. {0} and above
RpgTowerTalentLevelNotEnough Unlocked at team Lv. {0}
RpgTowerTeamLevelNotEnoughTitle Insufficient team level
2023-11-20 15:19:46 +00:00
RpgTowerTeamLevelNotEnoughContent Low team level. The challenge may be extremely hard. Start the challenge anyway? (Tips: You can claim Team EXP from the Daily Reward to enhance your team.)
2023-10-18 15:33:14 +00:00
RpgTowerWarningControlName Recommended Level:
RpgTowerCurNumText (Current team Lv. {0})
RpgTowerNeedTeamLevel <color=#FFFFFF>Reach team</color> <color=#fff21f><size=32>Lv.{0}</size></color> <color=#FFFFFF>to unlock</color>
RpgTowerUnlockTalent Activate
RpgTowerTalentLock Locked
RpgTowerTalentActive Activated
RpgTowerCharacterNotExist Character to reset talent does not exist
2023-11-20 15:19:46 +00:00
RpgTowerTalentCannotActive Please reset the Talents of the next layer/all Talents/switch frame Specialty first
2023-10-18 15:33:14 +00:00
RpgTowerStageScoreStr Points: {0}W
RpgTowerStageScoreBiggerThenBillion Points: {0} Hundred Million {1}W
2023-11-20 15:19:46 +00:00
RpgTowerResetOneTalentConfirmTitle Reset Individual Talent
RpgTowerResetOneTalentConfirmContent Specialty Points of the Talent will be refunded after the reset. Confirm?
RpgTowerPreLayerNotActive Activate any one of the Talents in the previous layer to activate this Talent.
2023-10-18 15:33:14 +00:00
RpgTowerTalentAlreadySet In Use
2023-11-20 15:19:46 +00:00
RpgTowerTalentSet Switch Frame Specialty
RpgTowerTalentTypeNotActive <color=#0E70BD>Switch frame Specialty</color> to activate the Talent.
RpgTowerChangeTalentTypeTips Switch Specialty from <color=#0E70BD>{0}</color> to <color=#0E70BD>{1}</color>? After doing this, you'll start to use the Talents under the <color=#0E70BD>{2}</color> Specialty.
RpgTowerSetTalentTypeTitle Switch Frame Specialty Path
2023-10-18 15:33:14 +00:00
RpgTowerStageDifficultTitle1 EASY
RpgTowerStageDifficultTitle2 NORMAL
RpgTowerStageDifficultTitle3 HARD
2023-11-20 15:19:46 +00:00
RpgTowerStageLock Please Clear First: {0} - {1}
RpgTowerSingleBattle Solo Battle
RpgTowerRotateBattle Rotation Battle
RpgTowerTalentCompatibilityTips Please <color=#0E70BD>Switch frame Specialty</color> first
2023-10-18 15:33:14 +00:00
PhotoModeNoFashion You do not own this Coating
PhotoModeSaveSuccess Photo saved
PhotoModeShareSuccess Sharing successful
PhotoModeShareCancel Sharing canceled
PhotoModeShareFailed Sharing failed. Please check if this app is installed.
PhotoModeChangeFailedNotHasBackground Sync failed. You do not own the scene
PhotoModeChangeFailedNotHasCharacter Sync failed. You do not own the character
PhotoModeChangeFailedNotHasFashion Sync failed. You do not own the coating
PhotoModeChangeSuccess Synced to Main Screen
PhotoModeNotChooseText Not selected
2023-11-20 15:19:46 +00:00
PhotoModePartnerLocked The CUB is locked
PhotoModeLogoInfoMutex You can't put the Logo and the card in the same corner!
PhotoModeCannotSyncTips The current information is consistent with the main interface information!
PhotoAlignmentLT Top Left Corner
PhotoAlignmentRT Top Right Corner
PhotoAlignmentLB Bottom Left Corner
PhotoAlignmentRB Bottom Right Corner
PhotoAlignmentDisable Hide
2023-10-18 15:33:14 +00:00
DragPuzzleActivityNotOpen Event not yet available
DragPuzzleActivityEnd Event is over
DragPuzzleActivityPuzzleNotOpen This puzzle is locked. Please complete the previous puzzles first.
DragPuzzleActivityPuzzleProgress {0}/{1}
DragPuzzleActivityAllPieceTaked All required puzzle shards have been exchanged
DragPuzzleActivityItemNotEnough Insufficient items to exchange for the shards
DragPuzzleActivityTheBlockHasPiece There is already a shard
DragPuzzleActivityTheBlockHasCorrectPiece There is already a correct shard
DragPuzzleActivityCanTakeReward Reward requirements are not met
DragPuzzleActivityExchangePieceError Puzzle piece exchange error
DragPuzzleActivityDercyptionTips Tip: [{0}]
DragPuzzleActivityDercyptionErrorPassword Incorrect password. Take a good look at the puzzle!
DragPuzzleActivityTryDercyption All clues have been collected. Try deciphering the password now
DragPuzzleActivityDercyptionNeedComplete You must complete the clue puzzle to solve it
MaintainerActionWinCount Battle Mission
MaintainerActionBoxCount Supply Crate
MaintainerActionDayPower Daily Action Points
OwnForeverBuyForeverWeaponFashionConverseText This item contains Weapon Coating you already own permanently. After purchase, this Weapon Coating will be converted into <color=#0E70BD>Weapon Coating Blueprint</color>. Continue?
MaintainerActionEventWeekUpdate Event updated
MaintainerActionEventDayUpdate Action Points have been reset
MaintainerActionEventOver Bounty Mission is now replaced by Operation Guardians
MaintainerActionPowerOver Daily action limit reached
MaintainerActionFightReward Battle Miss: Win to earn
MaintainerActionBoxReward Supply Crate: Earn supplies
UnUsedCouponDiscount Not selected
DiscountCouponRemain (Remaining: {0})
NormalDiscountIsBetter You cannot use this as this pack currently has a greater discount.
CouponCountInsufficient Insufficient discount coupons ({0} needed)
CouponEndTime (Ends in {0})
MaintainerActionNotStart Starting Time: {0}
MaintainerActionLeftTime Time until reset: {0}
MaintainerActionProgress Progress: {0}/{1}
MaintainerActionWinFightText Battle Victory: {0}/{1}
MaintainerActionWinBoxText Supply Crate: {0}/{1}
MaintainerActionFightCompleteText Weekly battle mission completed
CaptainSkillLock (Leader Skill locked)
MaintainerActionFightHint You have unused Supply Crates. Would you like to start the last battle anyway?
WeaponFashionLimitGetInBag [{0}]'s usage time increased by {1}
MainLineMission Main Mission
SubLineMission Side Mission
TRPGDefaultMainLineTargetDesc Main Story completed. More secrets are yet to be unearthed.
TRPGDefaultTargetDesc The mighty Connector, all the secrets have vanished.
TRPGEnduranceDesc While exploring the main story of Fake Ascension, stamina will be consumed to clear certain [Calculation] events.\nEven if the Connector's Combat Squad abilities meet the [Calculation] requirement, the calculation cannot be completed without stamina.\nStamina is restored daily at 07:00 UTC, at a rate of five points each day.\nOnce the maximum limit is reached, stamina is no longer restored.
TRPGEnduranceTitle Stamina Details
ShopTitle Shop
TRPGShopTipsAlready (Owned: {0})
TRPGShopItemOversell Today's items are sold out. Please come back when items are refreshed at 07:00 UTC tomorrow.
TRPGMemoryChip Memory Shards: {0}/{1}
TRPGMemoryNotPlayTipsDesc Collect all shards to play hidden stories
TRPGUseNum Amount: {0}
TRPGHaveDesc Owned: {0}
TRPGMainAreaCanOpenTime Logic Circuit Set-up Wait: {0}
TRPGBossOpenTime Arrival of Destruction: {0}
TRPGMazeCardUnReach Cannot tap maze card
TRPGRoleUnlockTip You do not own this Connector. Unable to review
TRPGRoleTalentResetCostLack Insufficient items. Unable to reset Talent
TRPGRoleTalentResetNotTalentActive No activated Talent. Unable to reset
TRPGRoleTalentNeedPreTalentActive Prerequisite Talent has not been activated
TRPGRoleTalentActiveCostLack Insufficient Talent Points. Unable to activate Talent
TRPGExploreTalentResetTipsTitle Reset Talent?
TRPGExploreTalentResetTipsContent {1} {0} will be consumed to reset the Connector's Talent. Continue?
TRPGItemCount (Owned: {0})
TRPGItemCommited Handed {0} over to the Headquarters
MentorSystemPreStudentHint Feature is not available yet. Guide level {0} unmet
MentorSystemPreMentorHint Feature is not available yet. Guide level {0} unmet
MentorSystemNoStudentHint No students yet
MentorSystemNoMentorHint No Military Instructor yet
TRPGMazeCardRecord {0}: {1}/{2}
TRPGMazeMapBtnName Area {0}
TRPGExploreExp EXP{0}/{1}
TRPGExploreEndurance AP{0}/{1}
TRPGExploreEnduranceValue {0}/{1}
TRPGExploreExmaineTotalRound Round x {0}
TRPGExploreExmaineUseItemReqValue Calculated
TRPGExploreExmaineUseItemReqValueDeny Missing
TRPGExploreExmaineUseItem Use Items
TRPGExploreExmaineLackEndurance Insufficient Stamina to calculate. Stamina will restore at 07:00 UTC tomorrow.
TRPGExploreExmaineCostItemTips Confirm spending {0} to calculate?
TRPGExploreExamineCostEnduranceTips (Successful calculation will deduct {0} Stamina. If you fail, Stamina will be not deducted but other events will be triggered.)
TRPGExploreExmaineBackTipsTitle Exit the calculation?
TRPGExploreExmaineBackTipsContent Tapping Exit will end the calculation with the current results
TRPGExploreExmaineResetLackItem Insufficient items to reset Calculation. Unable to reset
TRPGExploreExmaineResetDoNotNeed This Connector has not cast yet. Unable to reset
TRPGExploreExmaineCantEnterNextRound Certain Connectors have not cast yet. Unable to calculate the next round
TRPGExploreExmaineRoleAlreadyRolled This Connector has already cast
TRPGExploreExmaineResetTipsTitle Confirm calculating again?
TRPGExploreExmaineResetTipsContent Consume {1} {0} to calculate again?\nOwned: {2} {0}.
EquipResonanceIsExist Grid {0} resonated
EquipResonanceSelectEquipTips Select a piece of equipment to consume
EquipResonanceSelectItemTips Select an item to consume
EquipResonanceSelectTips Please select a Resonance Skill first
EquipResonanceChangeSuccess Resonance Skill swapped
EquipResonanceSelect Choose Skill
EquipResonanceChange Swap Skill
TRPGNotOpenTruthRoad No Story to replay
EquipResonancePreview Skill Preview
EquipResonanceNoEnough Insufficient items
TRPGBossCloseTime Mission Time Left: {0}
ChatMentorMsg Guide Channel
MentorShipApplyedText Request Sent
MentorShipNotApplyedText Send request
MentorStudentFullText The student list is full
MentorTeacherFullText You already have a Military Instructor
MentorPlayerSearchText Enter Commandant ID to search
MentorStudentCountText {0} more student(s) can be recruited
MentorRecommendStudentText Recommended Student
MentorRecommendTeacherText Recommended Military Instructor
MentorLabelMaxText Selection limit reached
MentorManifestoMaxText Tap to edit. Less than {0} characters
MentorPlayerIdErrorText Commandant ID format error
MentorFinishManifestoText Announcement sent
NieREnd Outside the event period
NieRNotStart Event is not available yet
NieRChapterProgressStr Main Stages: {0}/{1}
NieRChapterPartStr PART.{0}
NieRChapterPercentStr {0}%
NieRChapterPhaseStr Phase {0}
NieStageTitleStr STORY_{0}
2024-02-29 04:51:22 +00:00
ContributeScoreDesc Merits are proof of honor and effort that celebrate commandants' contributions in War Zone.\nMerits are distributed based on your ranking in every phase of War Zone. Different groups and rankings provide different Merits.\nOnce you reach 100 Merits, they will no longer increase and will become a demotion protection that exempts you from demotion (all Merits will be reset to 0 in such case).\nMerits are not affected by promotion/demotion in War Zone, yet they will be deducted for demotion protection.\nRegardless of your ranking, you will not receive any Merits when you have 0 War Zone points.\nYou must spend 100 Merits to advance from Hero Squad to Legend Squad.
2023-10-18 15:33:14 +00:00
ContributeScoreNumberDesc Gain {0} points to offset demotion penalty
ActivityNierShopLock Locked
ActivityNierShopLeftTime (Shop Remaining: {0})
Monday Monday
Tuesday Tuesday
Wednesday Wednesday
Thursday Thursday
Friday Friday
Saturday Saturday
Sunday Sunday
TRPGAlreadyobtainedCount <size=32><color=#0f70bc>{0}</color></size>/{1}
FuBenExperimentProgress {0}/{1}
FuBenExperimentRewardIsTaked Reward has been claimed
FuBenExperimentTakeRewardFaild Failed to claim reward
FuBenExperimentSkinTag New Coating
NieRMaxSingleScore Max {0} points
NieRMaxSingleNoScore No max score
NieRMaxAllScore {0}<size=40>MAX</size>
NieRMaxAllHistoryScore {0}<size=30>MAX</size>
EquipResonanceSelectItemTitle {0}★ Memory Resonance Material
EquipResonanceSelectFree Weapon resonated. No materials are needed to swap skills
TRPGSwitchTargetComplete Start tracking current missions
NieRPODSkillLevel Lv. {0}
NieRPODSkillUpLevelNeed Costs {0}:
NieRRepeatTickNotEnough Insufficient amount
NieRPODSkillUpLevelSuccess Upgraded
NieRChapterLock Chapter not unlocked
NieRChapterOtherRate Progress
ActivityConsumeRewardTime {0} -- {1}
ActivityConsumeRewardDialogTipTitle Total Spending Event
ActivityConsumeRewardDialogTipContent New Total Spending reward activated. Go to the event screen to claim.
MentorTeacherPhasesRewardText Guide Progress
MentorTeacherTaskHintText This student has not completed challenge or graduated
MentorStudentGraduateLevelText Reach Commandant Level {0}
MentorStudentCandApplyOfGraduationedText Collaboration terminated
MentorStudentGraduateTipTittle Congratulations on completing all the drills and earning the graduation reward
MentorStudentGraduateTipInfo - Graduation -
NieRActivityLeftTime {0} left
NieRChapterBossRate Decipher Progress
NieRActivityChapterLock Activates in {0}
FirstRewardTitle 1st Clear Reward
DropRewardTitle Drop Reward
NieRStageUnLockByPer Unlocks after clearing {0}
TRPGUseItemComplete Successfully used
SpecialPointRewardIsGet Reward Claimed
NierAbilityLock Unactivated
NierAbilityUnLock Activated
2024-01-23 00:22:05 +00:00
AwarenessUnAwake [Not Activated]
AwarenessAwake [Hypertune]
2023-10-18 15:33:14 +00:00
NieRActivityChapterEnd Current area has ended
AwarenessGroup Memory Set
AwarenessGroupWithName {0} Memory Set
TRPGAreaAleardyOpen [{0}] is activated and can be explored
TRPGItemMaxNumCantBuy Item limit reached. Unable to purchase
MentorStudentDoGraduateHint Qualification assessment available. Are you sure you want to graduate early?
MentorTeacherChangeTaskHint Students can select 3 missions daily, which can be swapped by the Military Instructor
MentorTeacherDayCanChangeTask Number of missions can be changed today
MentorTeacherGiveItemHint Instructors obtain gifts (5★ Memory Shard x300) according to Weekly Activity that can be sent to students
MentorStudentWeekCanGetTask Missions available this week
MentorStudentDayCanGetTask Missions available today
MentorStudentFinishTaskNoRewardHint Instructor hasn't gifted any Memory Shards yet
MentorStudentFinishTaskHasRewardHint Gifted by Military Instructor {0}
MentorCanNotUseChatText Guide Channel not yet available
MentorTeacherPhasesTaskText Guide Mission Progress
MentorTeacherEstablishText Military Instructor's Announcement
MentorStudentEstablishText Student Announcement
MentorTeacherChangeTaskText Swap Mission
MentorStudentSelectTaskText Claim Mission
TRPGShopTipItemMaxNumCantBuy The amount of purchased items has exceeded the allowed carrying limit.
TRPGTalent {0}/{1}
TRPGTruthRoadAreaNotOpen The area's Story Replay is not available. Please complete the previous area's Main Story first.
TRPGWorldBossOver The event is over!
TRPGGetRewardMaxTips Item limit reached. Extra items destroyed automatically.
TRPGExploreEnduranceForActivity AP{0}/{1}
TRPGYingdiDesc Each Connector owns 3 abilities: Combat, Perception, Arithmetic.\nIn the event of an [Calculation event], the Connector's abilities will be verified for eligibility.\nYou can boost the Connector's abilities by using items or Talent.\nWhile exploring, the Connector might be injured or inflicted with ability-decreasing debuffs due to perilous incidents.
CollectionWallNoneShow No collection walls displayed
CollectionWallUndo Reset changes?
CollectionWallPlaceNotCorrect Please place the collectible first
CollectionWallEmpty This player has not displayed collection wall
MentorSelectStudentGiveText Select
MentorChangeStudentGiveText Swap
MentorUnSelectStudentGiveText Remove
MentorGiftIsSelectedText Picked
MentorPlayerStateNoneText Instructor
MentorPlayerStateStudyText Studying
MentorPlayerStateGraduateText Graduated
MentorEmptyManifestoHint Announcement cannot be empty
MentorCantChangeTaskHint You have used up daily swap attempts
MentorTeacherGiftEmpeyHint Must contain at least one Memory
MentorShipComplete Collaboration established
MentorShipDisconnectHint Collaboration terminated
MentorShipBuildSendHint Collaboration request sent
MentorDoMentorShipDisconnectHint The other party has been online within 3 days, and the collaboration cannot be established within 12 hours after you terminate the collaboration. Are you sure to continue?
MentorDoCancelDeclarationHint There are unsubmitted changes. Discard changes?
TRPGShopItemForeverOversell This unique item has been sold out
TRPGYingdiDescTitle Connector Ability Info
TRPGMazeLeaveTipTitle Leave the area?
TRPGMazeLeaveTipContent After leaving the current area,\nyou will start from Lv. 1 area upon re-entering.
TRPGMazeTipCurrentPos Entering {1}
TRPGMazeGiveUpFightTipTitle Re-confirm Quitting Battle
TRPGMazeGiveUpFightTipContent Are you sure you want to quit battle?\nAfter quitting, you can still move forward. <color=#ff3f3f>But you will lose 20 [Battle Support Points].</color>
MentorRecommendStudentEmptyHint No more students for now
MentorRecommendTeacherEmptyHint No more Military Instructors for now
TPRGWorldBossNotInActivityTime Outside the event period
PokemonUpgradeItemNotEnough Insufficient items
PokemonMonsterMaxLevel Mechanoid has reached the max level
PokemonMonsterAutoLevelUpLackItem Insufficient mechanoid level up material
PokemonMonsterAutoLevelUpTips Spend {0} x{1}?
PokemonMonsterEnergyCost Costs {0}
PokemonMonsterEnergyCostProgress Available: {0}/{1}
PokemonMonsterRecommendCareer Recommend: {0}
PokemonMonsterFormationMaxEnergyCost Cost limit reached. Cannot deploy other mechanoids.
PokemonMonsterFormationTeamFull Team full. Cannot deploy other mechanoids.
PokemonMonsterFormationTeamWithoutBoss Core team member not deployed. Cannot start the battle.
PokemonMonsterFormationTeamNotFull Team is not full. Cannot start the battle.
PokemonMonsterFormationTeamEmpty No mechanoids in the team. Cannot undeploy.
PokemonMonsterAllCareer All Classes
PokemonCannotGetTimeSupply Insufficient rewards to claim.
PokemonJindu Progress: {0}/{1}
PokemonRemainingTimeLimit Insufficient attempts
PokemonOver Outside the event period
PokemonMonsterSwitchSkillUnlock Insufficient Stars to unlock this skill
PokemonMonsterLevelUpTo Mechanoid has already reached lv.{0}
PokemonMonsterListEmpty No squad members obtained
PokemonChapterProgress Progress: {0}/{1}
PokemonSkipTimesNotEnough Insufficient Trap Dolls
PokemonSkipSuccessTips Skip the stage by using a Trap Doll
PokemonResetTipsTitle Level Reset Confirm
PokemonResetTipsContent Are you sure you want to reset the mechanoid to Lv.1 and return all training resources?
PokemonSpeedUpTipTitle Tips
PokemonSpeedUpTipContent 1. Battle actions, sound effects and background music will be played in Acceleration Mode\n2. 2x speed can be turned off in the pause screen
GuardCampSupportTipsDesc Add Cheering Sticks for [{0}]
GuardCampUnOpenTitle Team Selection Start Time
GuardCampSupportOpenTitle Cheering time remaining
GuardCampSupportCloseTitle Result Announcement:
GuardCampCloseTitle Ending time
GuardCampCardPoolCaption The total number of Cheering Sticks in the reward pool equals to the number of Cheering Sticks invested by the participants + the number of Cheering Sticks in the extra reward pools unlocked
GuardCampCardPoolDrawLotteryCaption ※Winning Team's Black Cards = Cheering Sticks Rewarded for Supporting the Correct Team ×2 + Reward Pool ×0.6 ÷ Team Size\n※Losing Team's Black Cards = Reward Pool ×0.4 ÷ Team Size\n※If the result of (Black Cards ÷ Team Size) is not a whole number, then the final result will be the next lowest whole number higher than the number.\n— For example, if the number you get is 1234.1, then 1235 Black Cards will be rewarded to everyone.
GuardCampSupportCloseTipDesc Cheering has ended
GuardCampSelectCampSuccess Team selected
GuardCampSupportCampSuccess Cheering successful
GuardCampSupportCampMax Personal Cheer limit reached
NotPurchaseData No items available for purchase
GuardCampUnopenTipDesc Cheering event starts at {0}
GuardCampSelectCampTipDesc Spend <color=#0E70BD>[{1}] ×{0}</color>\nto join [{2}].\nYou cannot change your decision after joining the team.
GuardCampMaxSupport A maximum of <color=#0E70BD>[{1}] ×{0}</color> can be added during the event
GuardCampMinSupport A minimum of <color=#0E70BD>[{1}] ×{0}</color> can be added
GuardCampSupportInsufficientQuantity Insufficient Glowsticks. Please change the amount.
GuardCampSupportTipsBtnName Cheer
NieREasterEggAgeStr years old,
NieREasterEggLeftBtnStr Previous
NieREasterEggRightBtnStr Next ({0}/{1})
NieREasterEggOkBtnStr Submit
NieREasterEggReviveStr [{0}]
CharacterFilterEmpty No members available
FestivalActivityNotInActivityTime Outside the event period
MentorStudentDeleteTaskHint Deleting a mission will not restore your mission claim attempts. Delete anyway?
ChristmasTreeRemoveOrnamentHint Remove this item?
ChristmasTreeSubItemInsufficientQuantity Insufficient [{0}]!
ChristmasTreeSaveAppearanceSuccess Saved!
ChristmasTreeRestoreHint Discard changes?
ChristmasTreePartGroupFull No space to add ornaments to the Christmas tree
ChristmasTreeInPreviewMode You are in preview mode. Please exit first
ChristmasTreeOrnamentDescHead Stats: {0}Overall Rating: {1}{2}
ChristmasTreeOrnamentFull All ornaments claimed
ChristmasTreeOrnamentNotOwn Item not owned
ChristmasTreeAttrDeltaPlus <color=#25BF6D>+{0}</color>
ChristmasTreeAttrDeltaMinus <color=#C62310>{0}</color>
ChristmasTreeSubItemLack <color=#C62310>{0}/{1}</color>
ChristmasTreeSubItemNoNeeded <color=#7F7F7F>{0}/{1}</color>
NieREasterEggSaveToServer Sacrifice your data to help another commandant?
NieREasterEggLabelStr {0} [{1}{2}{3}]
MaintainerActionBoxGetTitleText Supplies
MaintainerActionAutoFightGetTitleText Battle Reward
MaintainerActionBoxGetSubTitleText Weekly Supplies Claim Attempts
MaintainerActionAutoFightGetSubTitleText Weekly Battle Missions Completed
NieRBtnTeamNameStr YoRHa Archive
NieRBtnRenWuNameStr Abyssal Action
NieRBtnShopNameStr Secret Exchange
NieRBtnRepeatNameStr Reverb Archive
NieRShopNameStr Secret Exchange
GachaNotEnoughSkipHint Insufficient currency. Jump to the Purchase screen ?
TRPGLevelUpTips Commandant Exploration Level upgraded to obtain more Talent Points
MentorMonthlyStudentCountHInt Students recruited this month: {0}
ChessPursuitStable Practice Phase
ChessPursuitFight Combat Phase
ChessPursuitTimeDesc Boost duration: {0}~{1}
ChessPursuitBuZhenEnter Complete formation
ChessPursuitReplaceCharacterTip This character is already deployed to another defense
ChessPursuitBloodCount HP: {0}%
ChessPursuitBuZhenEnterFailed Each defense must have a character to proceed to the next rank!
ChessPursuitMaxScore Max: {0}
ChessPursuitBuZhenEnterTip Complete formation?\n(Formation cannot change during match)
ChessPursuitKeepCount Duration: {0} round(s)
ChessPursuitBossHurMax Highest: {0}
ChessPursuitSaoDangIsFistOpen Suppress?\n(The main target will instantly die. The remaining combat attempts will be calculated based on the target's position and the remaining forces.)
MentorStudentLevelLimitHInt Level too high. Guide Mission disabled.
BuyAssetHKNotEnoughTips Insufficient Black Cards. Go to the exchange page to purchase more?
LottoExtraRewardProcessText Progress
LottoTimeStr {0}--{1}
LottoActivityOver Event is over
ChessPursuitShopBuyTips Use <color=#0E70BDFF>{0}{1}</color> to purchase [{2}]?
ChessPursuitEveryRoundAddCoinTips Increases by {0} every turn
ChessPursuitCardMaxCount <color=#0f70bc>{0}</color> /{1}
ChessPursuitPlayerRankHistory Highest Rank: {0}
ChessPursuitMapGridNumText #{0} Defense
ChessPursuitMaxDamageHistory Highest DMG: {0}
ChessPursuitShopBuyCompleteTips Purchased
ChessPursuitFinishDesc Current game mode changed
ChessPursuitDrillItemCoinDesc Initial Combat Phase increase: {0}
ChessPursuitNotInTime Event is not available
ChessPursuitBossKiller Main target killed!
ChessPursuitNotRankReward No ranking rewards
NieRCharacterAbilityOpenTips Successfully Unlocked {0}/{1}
NieRMainLineNewJieDuanOpenTips Entering Phase 2 [Decipher]
NieRNewQuanXianStageOpenTips Obtained Nameless Archive
NieRNewCharacterOpenTips YorRHa Archive: {0} unlocked
ComposeGameShopItemIsSelled Item purchased
ComposeGameNoCoinBuyDraw <color=red> {0}</color>
ComposeShopRefreshCountDown Later will obtain <color=#0E70BD>1</color> refresh attempt
ComposeGameEnd Event is unavailable
ComposeGameCoinNotEnough Insufficient tokens
ComposeGameGridsNotEnough Insufficient inventory space
NewDrawMainBottomText Researched
NewDrawSkipNotInTime Research unavailable
MaintainerActionWarehouseGetTitleText Warehouse Resources
MaintainerActionWarehouseGetSubTitleText Weekly Resourses Claim Attempts
MaintainerActionWarehouseReward Abandoned Warehouse: Obtain Warehouse Resources
MaintainerActionWinWarehouseText Warehouse Resources: {0}/{1}
DrawNotEnoughSkipText Insufficient tokens. Transferring to Token Exchange Interface.
LottoDrawFreeText Free
MaintainerActionMentorReward Cross-check: Activate area with both instructor and student to gain rewards.
ChessPursuitResetTipContent Reset current game mode?\n(Resets to the Formation Phase. Current progress, combat attempts, and the main target's HP will reset.)
ChessPursuitAutoTipContent Activate auto-battle according to your highest battle log record? (Deal {0}% DMG to the main target).
ChessPursuitBossMaxRatio Max single damage taken: {0}
ChessPursuitBossStep Moves per turn: {0}-{1}
ChessPursuitInfinite No limit
ChessPursuitActualCombatItemCoinDesc Initial Combat Phase increased by {0}
ChessPursuitStageNotOpen Unlocked after defeating the target in the prerequisite stage
ChessPursuitFightTimeDesc Mode resets remaining:
ChessPursuitStableTimeDesc Combat Phases remaining:
ChessPursuitHardOpen Elite Operation Mode now available!!
CommonInTheTeam In Team
CommonCoinNotEnough Insufficient tokens
MaintainerActionMentorCount Cross-check
MaintainerActionWarehouseCount Abandoned Warehouse
MaintainerActionFinishHint {0} complete
MaintainerActionTaskCount Weekly Mission
CoupletGameNotOpen Complete Couplet [{0}] to unlock
CoupletGameActivityNotOpen Couplet Event has not started yet
CoupletGameActivityEnd Couplet Event has ended
CoupletGameCoupletUnlock Couplet [{0}] unlocked
CoupletGameItemNotEnough Insufficient items
CoupletGameTaskNumProcess <size=40><color=#0f70bc>{0}</color></size>/{1}
CoupletGameConsumeCount <color=#ff1b01>{0}</color>
EquipRecycleSetttingCancelConfirmTitle Setting Reminder
EquipRecycleSetttingCancelConfirmContent Recycle settings have been modified. Would you like to discard the changes?
EquipSetRecycleConfirmTitle Selection Reminder
EquipSetRecycleConfirmContent The selected Memory for recycle is 5★. Would you like to select it anyway?
EquipSetRecycleConfirmContentExtra According to your current settings, the Memory to be recycled will be converted into <color=#0f70bc>shards</color> <color=#0f70bc>in {0} days</color>.
EquipSetRecycleConfirmContentExtraNegative According to your current settings, the Memory to be recycled will not be converted into <color=#0f70bc>shards</color>.
ChessPursuitRankNotRecord No record
ChessPursuitCantAuto Each defense must have a battle log to use Suppress.
SimulatedCombatProgressStr Stages completed: {0}/{1}
SimulatedCombatMemberSelection Members recruited ({0}/{1})
SimulatedCombatMemberSeleNotEnough Members recruited (<color=#ff4343>{0}</color>/{1})
SimulatedCombatNormalMode [Normal Mode]
SimulatedCombatHardMode [Challenge Mode]
SimulatedCombatStarChallenge {0}★ challenge
SimulatedCombatStarChallengeNotFinish Challenge incomplete
SimulatedCombatStarChallengeFinish {0}★ challenge completed
SimulatedCombatStarChallengeNoneConfirm You have selected 0★ difficulty\nContinue with battle preparations?
SimulatedCombatOverMaxChar You have already selected 3 members. Remove 1 before selecting again
SimulatedCombatNormalModeMinChar You must recruit 3 members to form a team
SimulatedCombatHardModeMinChar Recruit at least 1 member to form a team
SimulatedCombatBuySucc Purchased
SimulatedCombatBuyNothing Select at least one item to purchase
SimulatedCombatBuyFail Insufficient operators. Complete daily missions or clear the challenge mode to obtain more Simulated Operators.
SimulatedCombatBuffTipPrefix Bonus:
SimulatedCombatRewardTime Total reward attempts {0}
SimulatedCombatRewardStar You are playing {0}★ challenge
SimulatedCombatFailTips Operation failed. All operators have been refunded.
SimulatedCombatGetRewardSucc Clear reward received. 1 daily reward attempt has been used.
SimulatedCombatBackOrFailTip 2. All consumables will be refunded if the challenge is failed, or you leave battle halfway.
SimulatedCombatBackConfirm Leave the current stage?\nYour purchase details are saved.
SimulatedCombatChallengeRewardHelpTitle Challenge Rewards
SimulatedCombatChallengeRewardHelpContent You may claim the challenge mode rewards 3 times per day\nThe rewards cannot be accumulated to the next day and are reset daily\nChallenge mode stages provide different rewards based on the number of stars\nHigh-star stages are more difficult and offer better rewards
SimulatedCombatChallengeBuyMember Recruit Member
SimulatedCombatChallengeBuyBuff Purchase Bonus
SimulatedCombatChallengeMemberTip You must recruit 3 members to form a team
SimulatedCombatOverMaxCharUnableBuy Team full. Remove at least one member before recruiting again
SimulatedCombatNoRewardTodayTip No daily reward attempts remaining
FubenHackDailyTicket Ticket
FubenHackDevelop Simulation Buff
FubenHackDevelopBtn Buff\nList
FubenHackEquipBuffAvailable Applicable
FubenHackEquipBuffUsed Applied
FubenHackEquipBuffLock <color=#ff3f3f>Unlock when Buff reaches Lv. {0}</color>
FubenHackEquipBuffApply Apply
FubenHackRepeatResume Repeat challenges cost no tickets
FubenHackUnlockTip Clear the previous stage with 3★ to unlock the next stage
FubenHackEquipBuffSucc Buff effect applied
FubenHackBuffPosLockTip The slot is unlocked when the Buff effect reaches lv. {0}
FubenHackEquipBuffFail Buff effects have been fully applied, no space for new Buff effects
FubenHackTakeOffBuffSucc Buff effect unequipped
FubenHackTicketNotEnough Insufficient tickets
FubenHackUnlockBuffFail Insufficient Buff level to unlock
FubenHackUnlockBuffSucc Successfully Unlocked!
FubenHackLevelUpTitle Buff level upgraded
FubenHackLevelUpDesc Buff effect unlocked!
FubenHackBuffDetailTitle Buff Effect
FubenHackLevelName Buff Level Up
CoupleCombatTeamOverDoubleTip This game mode does not support a third member
CoupleCombatTeamLessDoubleTip Two members as a team are required to start a battle
CoupleCombatRobotUsed This member has been locked in another stage
CoupleCombatResetStageTip This stage will be considered not cleared after resetting it, and the corresponding character will be unlocked. Confirm reset?
CoupleCombatResetStageSucc Stage reset!
CoupleCombatHardModeNotOpen Unlocked once the last stage in Normal Mode is cleared
2024-01-23 00:22:05 +00:00
CoupleCombatSkillCareer Class: {0}
CoupleCombatSkillActiveDesc Active Effects: {0}
CoupleCombatSkillPassiveDesc Passive Effects: {0}
CoupleCombatSkillCareerTitle Carrier
CoupleCombatSkillActiveTitle Active Effects
CoupleCombatSkillPassiveTitle Passive Effects
CoupleCombatCareerName <color=#6495ED>{0}</color>
2023-10-18 15:33:14 +00:00
PartnerListIsEmpty You do not have a CUB yet
PartnerSkillFieldIsLock Evolve CUB to {0} to unlock
SignGiftPackTimeRemainTip Remaining
SignGiftPackHoldTip Continue
SignGiftPackFree Free
PartnerSyncPartnerError You are doing this too frequently. Please try again later
PartnerNameIsEmpty Enter CUB name
PartnerRenameSuc CUB name set
SpringFestivalCollectCardGetReward Claim {0} time(s)
SpringFestivalCollectCardGuildHelp Happy Chinese New Year! During the "Spring Collect" event, I just need a {0}. I hope someone can lend a hand!
SpringFestivalHasGetReward Claimed
SpringFestivalSmashEggsHighestScore Highest: {0}
SpringFestivalCollectWordMaxCount Claim limit reached
SpringFestivalItemNotEnough Insufficient item. Unable to select
SpringFestivalConvertItem Points have been exchanged for Lucky Money, which has been added to your wallet.
SpringFestivalSuccessHasItem The Fortune Giver was knocked out! Lucky you! You earn {0} points and a few items.
SpringFestivalFailWithProtect The Fortune Giver dodged your attack! Thanks to Nanami's Lock Charm, you have not lost any points.
SpringFestivalFailWithProtectAndItem The Fortune Giver dodged your attack! Thanks to Nanami's Lock Charm, you have not lost any points and earned a few items.
SpringFestivalFailNoItem The Fortune Giver attacks you! Your points turned into Lucky Money!
SpringFestivalSuccessNoItem The Fortune Giver was knocked out! You earn {0} points.
SpringFestivalFailHasItem The Fortune Giver attacks you! Your points turned into Lucky Money and you earn a few items.
SpringFestivalRequestFriendSuccess Request sent. The player can answer your quest in the Spring Collection Event's [Send "Fu"] interface.
SpringFestivalGuildRequestSuccess Request sent
SpringFestivalGuildCdTip Request available: {0}
SpringFestivalScoreNotEnough Insufficient daily point value. Cannot claim.
SpringFestivalNotOpen Outside the event period
SpringFestivalSequenceSuccessTip You have a {0}x win streak. If you fail to attack the Fortune Giver, you'll lose all your points. Continue?
SpringFestivalCollectWordProcess Claimed: {0}/{1}
SpringFestivalRewardDesc1 Obtain the four characters "Yan Rang Ying Sui" to exchange for a "Yan Rang Ying Sui" Gift Box.
SpringFestivalRewardDesc2 Obtain the four characters "Tu Su Nuan Chun" to exchange for a "Tu Su Nuan Chun" Gift Box.
SpringFestivalRewardDesc3 Obtain "Yan Rang Ying Sui" and "Tu Su Nuan Chun" 1 time for a chance to unlock a New Year Box.
SpringFestivalNextGetRewardTime Claim attempts refresh the next day at 07:00.
SpringFestivalCanNotGetFinalReward Insufficient claim attempts. You must obtain "Ya Rang Ying Sui" and "Tu Su Nuan Chun" rewards to unlock.
SpringFestivalUniversalTips Exchange {0} Super Characters for 1 reward?
SpringFestivalSendWordMessage Happy Chinese New Year! Here's a {0} to wish you fortune in the coming year!
SpringFestivalSendWordSuccess Sent
SpringFestivalGetWordSuccess Claimed
SpringFestivalItemCantSend Insufficient item. Unable to send
SpringFestivalFromFriend Friends
SpringFestivalFromGuild Guild
SpringFestivalRequestWordTip Request a {0}
SpringFestivalSendWordTip Send a {0}
SpringFestivalGetRewardTitle Obtain
SpringFestivalOver Event is over
SpringFestivalGuildRequestRefresh Request status refreshed
StrongholdActivityNotOpen Norman Revival Plan has not started
StrongholdActivityTimeNotOpen Norman Revival Plan has not started
2023-11-20 15:19:46 +00:00
StrongholdActivityTimeActivityBegin Battle Starts in: {0}
StrongholdActivityTimeFightBegin Battle Ends in: {0}
2023-10-18 15:33:14 +00:00
StrongholdActivityTimeFightEnd Event time remaining: {0}
StrongholdActivityTimeFightEndExtra Current event time remaining: {0}
StrongholdActivityProgress Progress: {0}/{1}
StrongholdActivityName Norman Revival Plan
StrongholdActivityNameFightNormal Elimination
StrongholdActivityNameFightHard Cover Tactic
StrongholdActivityChapterHardFirstOpen Cover Tactic Unlocked
StrongholdGetMianralLeft {0} Ores collected
StrongholdMineTime Collection time: {0}
StrongholdMineTimeDelay Calculation of results is delayed to: {0}
StrongholdElectricTime Next expansion: {0} daily
StrongholdElectricTimeDelay Next expansion delayed to: {0}
StrongholdEndurance (Combat points: {0})
StrongholdEnduranceTime Points renewal: {0} daily
StrongholdEnduranceTimeDelay Points renewal delayed to: {0}
StrongholdRecordAssist {0} ({1} Cogs received)
StrongholdRewardProgress <size=32><color=#0f70bc>{0}</color></size>/{1}
StrongholdUiMineActDes 1. Mining sector instructions 1.\n2. Mining sector instructions 2.\n3. You may use the "switch" button to change the leaderboard to ranked by level.
StrongholdMineEfficiencyDesc Individual production: {0} Ores/day
StrongholdMinerGrowRateDesc Miners grow by {0}% every day
StrongholdMinerExplainOne An autonomous, self-multiplying miner robot that specializes in Tantalum mining. Will join the mining sector once the Elimination battle in a particular abandoned mine is completed.
StrongholdMinerExplainTwo You may collect the Tantalum Ores produced after production is finalized every day. It will also be automatically sent to your inventory at the end of the mission.
StrongholdJournalTips Ore production is calculated at {0} every day. The production data for future days is an estimate only.
StrongholdJournalTipsDelay The calculation of daily Ore production is delayed to {0}. The production data for future days is an estimate only.
StrongholdJournalDay Day {0}
StrongholdSetAssistCharacterInCD You may reselect the support character in {0}s
StrongholdRefershAssistCharacterInCD You may refresh the support character in {0}s
StrongholdSetAssistTips Support members have no restriction\nThey can be borrowed by fellow Command Bureau members and friends\nYou will receive Cog rewards if the borrower has successfully cleared a stage\nThe rewards are calculated daily
StrongholdSetAssistRecordDuration Day {0}, battle support provided for {1} min. Received rewards from Babylonia: {2}*{3}
StrongholdEnterChapterConfirmTitle High-risk Zone Reminder
StrongholdEnterChapterConfirmContent Only basic stronghold can be built in this mine. The electricity usage limit is further impacted and you cannot request external assistance.
StrongholdDeployElectricTipsTitle Electricity Limit Reminder
StrongholdDeployElectricTipsContent The total electricity limit of all teams in Cloud Island is 600
2024-01-23 00:22:05 +00:00
StrongholdPerfectStrategyNotActivate Team's average BP is not enough to activate the Perfect Tactics. The progress of areas cleared with Perfect Tactics will be reset. Confirm?
2023-10-18 15:33:14 +00:00
SettleLoseSkipConfirmTitle Tips
SettleLoseSkipConfirmContent Would you like to leave this stage?
PurchaseCanBuyText {0} purchases Left
PartnerQualityUpEmpty Select CUB
PartnerCoinNotEnough Insufficient Cogs
PartnerLevelUpMaxLevel Level limit reached
PartnerLevelUpItemEmpty Select materials
PartnerBreakMax Overclock limit reached
PartnerItemNotEnough Insufficient materials
PartnerBreakMinLevel Unable to overclock: level too low
PartnerClipNotEnough Unable to evolve: insufficient shards
PartnerQualityMax Max quality reached
PartnerSkillField Available Skill {0}
PartnerAllStarActivate All nodes have been activated
PartnerAllStarCanActivate Already sufficient to activate all nodes
PartnerBackItem Return material
PartnerStoryIsLock Story is still locked
PartnerSkillLevelCN Level {0}
PartnerSkillLevelEN Lv {0}
PartnerAllSkillLevelMax All skills have reached max level
PartnerPartnerAndClipNotEnough No duplicate CUB or insufficient required Shards.
SpecialFashionShopDurationTime Event Time ({0} - {1})
SpecialFashionShopGiftTitle Gift Display
WhiteValenDateInvite {0} invitation(s) available
WhiteValentineNoInviteChara Select a character to invite
WhiteValentineCharaIsDispatching Character has been dispatched
WhiteValentinePercentAdd +{0}%
WhiteValentinePercentMinus -{0}%
WhiteValentineEnergyCountDown Recover 1 stamina every {0}
WhiteValentineCostTimeStr {0}s
WhiteValentineNoSelectChara Select a character first
WhiteValentineCoinNotEnough Insufficient items. You cannot wander around
WhiteValentinePlaceDispatching Event in progress
WhiteValentineCoinNotEnoughStr <color=red> {0}</color>
WhiteValentineCantInvite Insufficient invites or all characters have been already invited
WhiteValentineCancelConfirm Cancel date
WhiteValentineCancelConfirmContent Are you sure you want to cancel the date? You will not get the rewards, and consumed stamina will not recover.
WhiteValentineEnergyNotEnough Insufficient stamina. Please try again later.
WhiteValentineEncounterPreTip You spend your rest break wandering around town...
WhiteValentineEncounterNoMemberTip You spent some Stamps and had a great afternoon.
WhiteValentineAlreadyFinishEvent The event is already completed. You can collect the rewards now.
WhiteValentineMissionComplete <color=#34AFF8>All missions completed</color>
WhiteValentineDateNotStart The event is not available yet. Stay tuned!
WhiteValentineDateEnd Event is over
WhiteValentineBlueStr <color=#34AFF8>{0}</color>
WhiteValentinePlaceCountDownStr Completing in {0}
WhiteValentineGrayStr <color=gray>{0}</color>
WhiteValentineAttrCharaComplete You have obtained all characters of this type
PartnerSelectSkillFull Equipped skill limit reached
PartnerNoBadyCarry N/A
PartnerSkillUnLock Unlocked
2024-01-23 00:22:05 +00:00
PartnerSkillLevelUp Skill Upgrade Successful
2023-10-18 15:33:14 +00:00
StrongholdSetAssistRecordLendCount Day {0}, battle support provided for {1} time(s). Received rewards from Command Bureau: {2}*{3}
StrongholdUiElectricActDes 1. Power Station instructions 1.\n2. Power station instructions 2.\n3. You may use the "switch" button to change the leaderboard to ranked by level.
StrongholdUseElectricDes Electricity used: {0}
StrongholdTotalElectricDes Current Max Electricity: {0}+{1} (Generated)
StrongholdElectricTimeTwo Next battery arriving in: {0} every day
StrongholdElectricTimeTwoDelay Next battery arrival is delayed to: {0}
StrongholdElectricAdd Bonus electricity limit from next battery: {0}
StrongholdElectricAbility Current total support BP: {0}
StrongholdChapterProgress Progress: {0}/{1}
StrongholdChapterUnlockCondition Clear {0} to unlock
StrongholdUiFightMainActDes 1. 1 combat point will be consumed to clear the stage.\n2. Successfully clearing the Deep Hive can immediately clear all the remaining stages within the mine and get you all the 1st clear rewards, at the cost of the total combat points required to clear all the uncleared stages.\n3. Combat points are issued every day.
StrongholdBuffConditionDes Neutralize Requirement: {0}
StrongholdTeamTitle Combat team [{0}]
StrongholdTeamIndex Team {0}
StrongholdPluginAddFail No electricity available for distribution
StrongholdPluginAddOverLimit Add-on use limit reached
StrongholdPluginSaveFail Electricity overload. Please adjust
StrongholdTeamRestartConfirmTitle Retreat reminder
StrongholdTeamRestartConfirmContent After retreating, your current stage progress will be reset and the already cleared stages need to be challenged again. Retreat anyway?
StrongholdTeamRestartConfirmContentOther Ongoing Challenge Progress found in <color=blue>{0}</color>, challenging this stage will cause the retreat of that team, all cleared stages will need to be challenged again. Confirm retreat?
StrongholdEnterFightConfirmTitle Battle Start Tip
StrongholdEnterFightConfirmContent Load stage with current Progress? Tap "cancel" to enter Elimination page.
StrongholdElectricTeamMaxNum Electricity support roster full. Remove one or more members before adjusting the roster again
StrongholdElectricSupportInElectricTeam This member is already in the electricity team and cannot be assigned to the support team
StrongholdElectricSupportInTeamList This member is already in one of the preset teams and cannot be assigned to the support team
StrongholdElectricDeployInElectricTeam This character is already in the electricity support team and cannot be put in your current team
StrongholdElectricDeploySameCharacter Unable to assign to team. A similar model of this character is already deployed
StrongholdElectricDeployInTeamLock This character already has an existing stage progress and cannot be assigned to the team
StrongholdDeployTipTitle Team reminder
StrongholdDeployTipContent Move {0} from combat team {1} to {2}?
StrongholdEnterFightElectricOver Electricity overload. Unable to enter battle
StrongholdEnterFightEnduranceLack Insufficient combat points. Please wait for points to recover
StrongholdEnterFightTeamListNoCaptain One or more teams have no leader assigned and cannot enter battle
StrongholdEnterFightTeamListNoFirstPos One or more teams have no starter assigned and cannot enter battle
StrongholdDeployAssistantTipTitle Support Character reminder
StrongholdDeployAssistantTipContent Using this support character will cost {0}{1}. Would you like to proceed?
PartnerAllComposeHint Would you like to combine all available CUBs?
PartnerIsCarringHint This CUB is already carried by {0}. Would you like to move it to another member?
StrongholdDeployQucikDeployEmpty Quick team list empty
PartnerComposeFinish CUB combined successfully
PartnerComposeClipEmpty Insufficient Booster Structural Parts
StrongholdPluginSetSaveSuc Add-on setting saved
ElectricTeamCancelTipTitle Electricity support withdrawal reminder
ElectricTeamCancelTipContent After withdrawing, your electricity will overload, causing all Add-ons to become unavailable. Continue anyway?
DormCannotRecycleLockFurniture Cannot recycle locked Decor
DormCannotRemakeLockFurniture Cannot remake locked Decor
StrongholdBorrowCountOver All stages use one common support character
StrongholdBorrowMaxTimes Daily borrow limit reached
StrongholdBorrowCostLack Insufficient Cogs. Unable to borrow support
StrongholdRobotRefusePartner Cannot view the CUB of trial characters
StrongholdRobotRefuseFashion Cannot view the Coating of trial characters
StrongholdRobotRefuseWeapon Cannot view the weapon of trial characters
StrongholdRobotRefuseAwareness Cannot view the Memory of trial characters
StrongholdQuickDeployTeamLock This character already has an existing stage progress and cannot be switched
StrongholdTipLastGroupDebuff {0} has been weakened
StrongholdtipNewChapter {0} is unlocked
StrongholdAssistantFirstOpen Character support is unlocked
MoeWarScheOpenCountdown Available in {0}
MoeWarScheCloseCountdown Ends in {0}
MoeWarScheIsEnd Ended
MoeWarScheNotOpen Session has not started
MoeWarRankPlayer Total Cheer Points
MoeWarRankDaily Total daily Cheer Points
MoeWarRankScore <size=22><color=#000000FF>{0} </color></size>{1}
MoeWarMyRankScore <size=22>{0} </size> {1}
MoeWarMatchVoteRefreshTimeSplit .
MoeWarMatchVoteRefreshTimeUnit {0}
MoeWarMatchVoteRefresh Total Cheer Points refreshed at {0}
MoeWarMatchVoteNoResult Calculating
MoeWarMatchVoteNotRefresh Not refreshed yet
MoeWarMessageThank Thank Message
MoeWarMessageIntro Vote Intro
MoeWarSkipAnimation Skip
MoeWarSkipGift Block Comment
MoeWarSupportTitle Vote {0}
MoeWarDailyVoteItemLimitTip Cannot use any more Festival Stamps on this companion today
MoeWarDailyVoteLimitTip Daily vote limit reached
MoeWarDailyVoteLimitTip2 Reaching daily vote limit soon
MoeWarMatchEnd Daily data update
MoeWarActivityOver Eden Festival has ended
MoeWarGoVote To Vote
MoeWarVote Vote
MoeWarMyVote My Votes:
MoeWarRankName Cheers Ranking
MoeWarIntroduceName Contestant Profiles
MoeWarGameName Schedule
MoeWarDailyVoteItemNotEnoughTip Insufficient {0}
MoeWarParkourQuit You have left "Speed Racer"
MoeWarNotOpen Event is not available yet
ChessPursuitQuickDeployTeamTitle Defense [{0}]
ChessPursuitDeploySwitchTipsContent This character is already deployed at Defense [{0}]. Move to the current Defense instead?
ChessPursuitUsePrefabTipsContent {0} is already deployed at Defense [{1}]. Using the default setup will remove this character.
ChessPursuitNotSwitchCharacter Cannot deploy more than one identical characters in the same Defense
ChessPursuitNoCaptain Unable to complete formation. Defense [{0}] has no leader.
ChessPursuitNoFirst Unable to complete formation. Defense [{0}] has no starter.
ChessPursuitHistoryKillCount Min. attempt used: {0}
PartnerUpLevelHint Enhanced successfully
PartnerCanBreakthroughHint Activate Overclock
PartnerIsMaxHint CUB slot limit reached
PartnerCarrySuccess Equipped
PartnerChangeSuccess Swap successful
PartnerPutdownSuccess Unequipped
PartnerIsTrainingHint Consuming CUBs that have undergone training will return part of the items used during training. Continue?
PartnerStrengthenAutoSelectEmpty No item available to select
UseNutPackage Select Cog Pack
ChoiseNutPackageOver Cog Pack selection limit reached
NutOverMaxCount Cog limit reached
CommonActivityTimeStr Remaining time: {0}
CommonRedText <color=red> {0}</color>
FingerGuessingRuleTitle {0} Turns {1} Wins
FingerGuessingStageNotSelect Select a stage first
FingerGuessingStageNotOpen The stage is not available yet. Complete the previous stages first.
FingerGuessingEyeClose Third Eye is disabled
FingerGuessingScoreStr Score: {0}
FingerGuessingEnemyScoreStr Opponent score: {0}
FingerGuessingHeroScoreStr Your score: {0}
FingerGuessCoinNotEnough Insufficient [Antique Mirror]
FingerGuessingResultDraw DRAW
FingerGuessingResultLose LOSE
FingerGuessingResultWin WIN
FingerGuessingRoundStr ROUND {0}
FingerGuessingOpenEyeRuleStr Enable Third Eye to foresee {0} actions from the opponent
FingerGuessingHighScore Highscore: {0}
FingerGuessingEyeOpenTipsTitle Enable Third Eye
FingerGuessingEyeOpenTipsContent Would you like to enable Third Eye?
FingerGuessingTurnStr Round: {0}/{1}
FingerGuessingOpenEyeTips Challenge failed. Consider enabling Third Eye before challenging again.
ChessPursuitBattleReplaceCharacterTip {0} is already deployed to {1}. Cannot swap.
PartnerUnequipped No CUB equipped
PartnerSeatNotLock The skill slot is locked
PartnerSkillUnequipped No skill equipped
PartnerMainSkill Active Skill
CommonActivityEnd Event is unavailable
CommonActivityNotStart Event is not available yet
CommonSlashStr {0}/{1}
NameplateOutTime Expired
NameplateIsHave {0}<color=#0f70bc> (Owned)</color>
NameplateGetTime Obtained at {0}
NameplateLv Lv{0}
GetNamepalteIsExpire {0}<color=#0f70bc> (Expired)</color>
NameplateExp {0}/{1}
NotHaveNameplate No Nameplate
MentorStudentCurLevelText Current Level: {0}
MentorLevelText Lv{0}
NameplateToItemStr Converted to item——{0}
StartInTime Starting in {0}
EndInTime Ends in {0}
TimeUp Ended
MoeWarPreparationCount Preparation ({0}/{1})
MoeWarLastRecruitCount {0}<size=28><color=#4E4D4D>/{1}</color></size>
MoeWarHelperTimeLimit Deadline: {0}
MoeWarAnswerRecordPerctnt {0}<size=30><color=#525252>/{1}</color></size>
MoeWarAnswerRecordRightCount (<color=#1571BD>{0}</color> questions answered correctly)
MoeWarAssistanceRecoveryTime One attempt will be resumed in {0}
MoeWarSupportVoteItemCount Vote {0}\n{1}/{2} in total
MoeWarOccupyLastTime Remaining time: {0}
MoeWarPrepareFightNotCharcter Select contestants from the left
MoeWarParkourFightNotCharacter Please select your racer first
MoeWarPrepareNotHelpter No Helpers available. Please contact a Helper first
MoeWarRecruitTipsDesc Start communication?
MoeWarGrandTotal Today's {0}
MoeWarConditionNotAllComplete You haven't reached the max preparation level. Proceed anyway?
MoeWarNotDailyLimitVoteTips {0} has no daily limit
MoeWarDailyLimitVoteTips {0} has a daily limit of {1}/{2}
MoeWarSupportSuccess Thanks for your participation, Commandant! {0}'s Festival Cheer Points have increased.
MoeWarVoteEffectTitle Increases the contestant's Cheer Points
MoeWarVoteRewardTitle Gives event token "Joy"
ArchivePartnerLock Insufficient data. Obtain this CUB to unlock
MoeWarConditionDesc Condition {0}:{1}
PartnerSkillLevelOverFlow Cannot exceed the total skill level limit
MentorTaskCompletedHint Mission complete
TeamGridSameRole Identical {0} found in team
MoeWarBtnPrepareSmallTitle Voting Stamp received
MaintainerActionNotOpen Operation Guardians has not started
GachaOrganizeUnlockTips Available after getting all the\n<size=28><color=#FFF732>[Special Rewards]</color></size> in the last supply crate
GachaOrganizeLockNotDraw You need to collect all the special rewards of the last supply crate
GachaOrganizeSoldOutNotDraw Supply reward claimed
GachaOrganizeDrawCount {0} supplies
GachaOrganizeDrawNotEnoughError Insufficient items. Participate in the Festival and vote with Festival Stamps to replenish.
GachaOrganizeNotEnoughSkipHint Insufficient items. Participate in the Festival and vote with Festival Stamps to replenish. Advance?
GachaOrganizeRankTip Supply Crate
StrongholdBatteryGetDes Day 1: 1000\nDay 2: 1000\nDay 3: 1000\nDay 4: 1000\nDay 5: 1000\nDay 6: 0\nDay 7: 0\nDay 8: 0\nDay 9: 0\nDay 10: 0\n
StrongholdBtnSkipDesc To {0}
StrongholdStageClear Autonomous Miner number increased
StrongholdAnimationClose Closing in {0}s
StrongholdElectricDeployUsePrefabSameCharacter The default lineup consists of an identical character that is already deployed. Unable to add this character to the team.
ActivityStateChange Event status changed
MoeWarHelperOverExpired Character expired
MoeWarRespondItemMaxTitle <size=74>Quantity of {0} has reached limit</size>
MoeWarRespondItemMaxDesc Please use {0} support first
MoeWarGoToVote To Voting
MoeWarMainText Vote for your favorite contestants. Give them all the support you have!
MoeWarWebName Web Events
MoeWarWebNameEng WEB
MoeWarRewardName Remembrance Parlor
MoeWarRewardNameEng SHOP
MoeWarGachaName Tea Stall
MoeWarGachaNameEng REWARD
MoeWarTaskName Festival Journal
MoeWarTaskNameEng TASK
MoeWarVoteButtonName Vote
StrongholdGridInPrefab In default
StrongholdAlreadySelectLevel Norman Revival Plan level already selected
StrongholdTimeFormat M/d HH:mm
StrongholdSectionOne Preparation Phase
StrongholdSectionTwo Battle Phase
StrongholdLevelLimit (Lv{0}-{1})
StrongholdPauseTimeAfterFightBegin Extension is only available 48 hours after entering Battle Phase
StrongholdPauseTimeBeforeFightEnd Extension is unavailable during the last 24 hours of Battle Phase
StrongholdPauseConfirmTitle Extension reminder
StrongholdPauseConfirmContent After extension, the calculation of resources will be delayed by 24 hours, and it will double up at the next available deadline. Would you like to continue?
StrongholdSetAssistRecordDelay Day {0}, calculation delayed, no support rewards will be issued
StrongholdFirstFightConfirmTitle Battle Tips
StrongholdFirstFightConfirmContent Once the battle starts, you will enter Battle Phase. Every 24 hours, the resources are calculated, yielding bonus miners, Ore, combat points and Electricity. Would you like to start? (Battle will automatically commence in {0})
StrongholdRewardTipTitle {0} rewards
StrongholdRewardTipTitleDefault Current Rewards
StrongholdChooseLevelTypeEmpty Select a difficulty first
DecomposePartnerConfirmTip You have selected <color=#0E70BD>A-Rank or above CUB</color>.\nYou will get approximately 50% of the training materials used from deconstruction. (Non-integer values are rounded down)
DecomposePartnerConfirmTitle CUB deconstruct doublecheck
PartnerDecomposionCapacityDes CUB available for deconstruct
PartnerCapacityDes CUB owned
StrongholdBatteryGetTitle Expected Electricity supply
StrongholdBatteryGetMediumDes Day 1: 1000\nDay 2: 1000\nDay 3: 1000\nDay 4: 1000\nDay 5: 1000\nDay 6: 0\nDay 7: 0\nDay 8: 0\nDay 9: 0\nDay 10: 0\n
StrongholdBatteryGetHardDes Day 1: 20\nDay 2: 30\nDay 3: 40\nDay 4: 70\nDay 5: 80\nDay 6: 100\nDay 7: 120\nDay 8: 150\nDay 9: 500\nDay 10: 1500\n
MovieAssembleConditionDesc Condition to unlock: {0}
StrongholdChooseLevelTypeOne Regular Battle (low difficulty, regular rewards)
StrongholdChooseLevelTypeTwo Pioneer Battle (high difficulty, great rewards)
KoroCharacterActivityEnd Event is over
MoeWarRecruitSelectReply Select Reply
MoeWarRecruitContinueContact Keep connecting
Close Close
MoeWarSupportViewTitle Celica Support
ReformStageTimeLockTip Stage not yet available
ReformStagePassLockTip Modifications can only be performed after the basic stage is cleared
ReformAtivityTimeEnd This event is over
ReformMaxBuffCountTip The optional bonus effect has reached the upper limit, please cancel the previous selection first
ReformMaxEnvCountTip The optional environment effect has reached the upper limit, please cancel the previous selection first
ReformScoreLimitTip Insufficient Challenge Points. Go collect more!
ReformCharDetailText Details
ReformSettleTitleText Modify level: {0}
ReformEvolvableStageUnlockTip Requires a score of {0} on the previous stage
ReformEvolvableEnemyNameText Enemies and Affixes
ReformEvolvableMemberNameText Member
ReformEvolvableBuffNameText Bonus
ReformEvolvableEnvNameText Environment
ReformBaseStageUnlockText Unlocks after {0}
ReformScoreCancelLimitTip After deselecting, other modification requirements cannot be met. Please solve the Buff modification first
ReformPreviewLimitTip It can only be previewed until the basic stage is cleared
ReformMaxScoreTitle Accumulated Points
ReformEvolvableStageName0 Stage
ReformEvolvableStageName1 Universal Modify
ReformEvolvableStageName2 Super Modify
ReformEvolvableStageName3 Extreme Modify
ReformBuffPanelTopTip Select bonuses to enhance the team. The more the Star bonuses, the stronger the effect
ReformEnvPanelTopTip Tip: Amount of available environment (<color={0}>{1}</color>/{2})
ReformEnemyPanelTopTip Tip: Add Affixes to enemies in the Affix screen
ReformMemberPanelTopTip Tip: Use new members to create powerful teams
ReformMainBuffTipsTitle Stage Affix
ReformEnemyBuffTipsTitle Enemy Affix
ReformEnemyLevelText Danger: {0}
ReformReadyTitleText {0}—{1}
ReformSettleScoreText Points gained: {0}
ReformListSaveBtnName Confirm Modification
ReformEnemyAddCountText Additional enemies: {0}
ReformMemberAddCountText Additional members: {0}
ReformReadyFirstDropText First Clear Rewards
ReformReadyScoreDropText Challenge Points
ReformSaveEvolableStageTip Modification {0}-{1} saved for challenge
ReformMonsterOpenTip You can only view enemy details until the Codex function is activated
ReformSettleMaxScoreTip You didn't reach this stage's Highest Score <color=#828282>{0}</color>
ReformEvolvableDiffOpenTip {0}-{1} difficulty has been activated. Modification recommended before challenging
ReformMemberPanelTopEvolableTip <color=#828282>Tap again to unselect </color>
MentorDoMentorShipDisconnectFailPassHint As the other party has not been online for more than 3 days, the collaboration can be directly terminated. Confirm termination?
MentorDoGraduateHint Students above Lv.80 can only graduate by themselves after terminating a collaboration. However, a new collaboration cannot be established. If the other party has been online within 3 days, you cannot establish a collaboration within 12 hours after you terminate the collaboration. Are you sure you want to graduate by yourself?
MentorDoGraduateFailPassHint Students above Lv.80 can only graduate by themselves after terminating a collaboration. Are you sure you want to graduate by yourself?
MentorDoApplyTeachaeMaxHint The other party has an Instructor
MentorDoApplyLevelOverHint The other party has established a level of collaboration
MentorMessageLengthTips The message contains more than {0} characters
MentorMessageIsEmpty Please enter your message here
LastLoginTimeText Recent Log-in: {0}
MentorMessageSendCompleteHint Message posted
MentorTeacherGiftEmptyHint Insufficient gifts
MentorTeacherGiftDesc The Instructor can obtain 3 gifts upon reaching 100 Mission Activity. The gifts can be sent to the students who complete Guide Missions.
MentorTeacherGiftHint All gifts can be claimed once a week. Gifts will be cleared at 07:00 every Monday
PokerGuessingRuleText The system displays two cards at a time. One is visible, and the other is blind. Players must guess which card is higher in value (A represents 1).\n \nFor the first time, randomly draw a visible card out from the initial deck, then randomly draw out a blind card. When the deck is empty, reshuffle to continue.\n \nYou can open the Card Tracker to view the current record. They are classified by suites and displayed from smallest to largest as blind cards. The card will be flipped over when it is guessed.\n \nIf you would like to participate, spend Cogs to start Poker Guessing (Cogs are only required for the first game each day). Complete Daily Missions to collect Button Cells.
PokerGuessingEmptyLibrayText The deck is empty now. Reshuffle to continue
PokerGuessingCostItemText Consume {0}
PokerGuessingRuleTextTitle Poker Guessing Rules
PokerGuessingRecordTitle Card Tracker
PokerGuessingRecordTitle2 Card Summary
PokerGuessingNewGame New Turn
PokerGuessingTask Event Mission
PokerGuessingShop Event Shop
PokerGuessingStory Character Story
PokerGuessingScoreOutRange Point limit reached
PokerGuessingVictory Victory
PokerGuessingFailed Failed
PokerGuessingDraw Tie
PokerGuessingVictoryEng Victory
PokerGuessingFailedEng Failed
PokerGuessingDrawEng Draw
PokerGuessingStraightWins Wins
PokerGuessingNotOpen Event is not open yet
PokerGuessingActivityEnd Event is over
PokerGuessingPlayStory Play Cutscene
PokerGuessingUnlockStory Unlock Story
PokerGuessingSendTitle Send Gift
2024-02-29 04:51:22 +00:00
PokerGuessingSendContent Sending {0} Astro-Mystery Box can view the character's Valentine's Day story.\nConfirm to send?
2023-10-18 15:33:14 +00:00
PokerGuessingGameNotStart Game not started
PokerGuessingTipsCountDeficiency Insufficient tip attempts
PokerGuessingCharacterSwitch Character Switched
PokerGuessingUnlockItemDeficiency Insufficient Astro-Mystery Boxes. To get more, please refer to the Starry Conversations instructions.
MentorStudentGiftCompletHint Gift sent
PartnerTeachingProgressRate Complete: %s/%s
PartnerTeachingActivityLeftTime Remaining Event Time: %s
PartnerTeachingActivityEnd Event is over
PartnerTeachingTag New CUB
InvertCardGameNotHaveSeverData The game is not open yet, please wait
InvertCardGameTimeNotOpen Game time is locked
InvertCardGameTimeEnd Game time has expired
InvertCardGameStageNotOpen Unlock until the [{0}] is complete
2023-11-20 15:19:46 +00:00
InvertCardGameMaxInvertConutTextBlue After flipping cards over for <color=#64e7ff>{0}</color> times, no Klein Bottles will be spent to flip (<color=#64e7ff>{1}</color>/{2})
InvertCardGameMaxInvertConutTextNormal After flipping cards over for <color=#64e7ff>{0}</color> times, no Klein Bottles will be spent to flip ({1}/{2})
2023-10-18 15:33:14 +00:00
InvertCardGameCurInvertConutText Current flip: <color=#64e7ff>{0}/{1}</color>
InvertCardGameConstomCountBlue <color=#64e7ff>{0}</color> to flip
InvertCardGameConstomCountRed <color=#da4a4a>{0}</color> to flip
2023-11-20 15:19:46 +00:00
InvertCardGameHaveNotEnoughItem Insufficient [Klein Bottles]. Unable to do this.
2023-10-18 15:33:14 +00:00
ActivityBriefNotOpenTips Activates in {0}
ScratchTicketSelectChoseTips Tap the option to select a line of numbers
ScratchTicketActivityLeftTime Event time remaining:
ScratchTicketAllFinishTips You have received all the event rewards. Stay tuned for the next event!
ScratchTicketGridAlreadyOpenTips Cannot open the same slot again
ScratchTicketMaxOpenTips Max No. of slots opened
ActivityBaseTaskSkipNotInDuring Event has not started
RpgMakerGameStageNotOpen Clear {0} to unlock
MentorTeacherGiftCompletHint Gift sent
MentorTeacherSameMessageHint Please confirm that the contents of the two messages are different
STThemeUnlock Unlock after {0}
STSingleWavePreUnlock Clear {0} to unlock
STMultiWavePreUnlock Clear {0} Wave {1} to unlock
STBagPluginCapacity Capacity <color=#0e70bd><size=36>+{0}</size></color>
STBagDecomposionNum Amount: {0}
STBagDecomposionDataIsNull Select the Add-on to scrap first
STStartTier Begin Adventure
STContinueTier Continue Adventure
STTpProgress <size=55>{0}</size>/{1}
STTsHistoryFloorStr F{0}
RpgMakerGamePlayMainQuickTipsDesc The stage will be reset once you leave.\nWould you like to proceed anyway?
RpgMakerGamePlayMainIsUseHintDesc Need any tips for this action?
RpgMakerGameCharacterLockName Unknown frame
RpgMakerGameCharacterLockInfoTitle Construct Info
RpgMakerGameCharacterLockInfoDesc Information encrypted
MineSweepingNotOpenHint Event is not open yet
MineSweepingOverTimeHint Event has ended
MineSweepingStageWinHint Victory: Open all the safe areas ({0}/{1})
2024-01-23 00:22:05 +00:00
MineSweepingStageLoseHint Failure Condition: Hit by the "Lightning" {0} times ({1}/{2})
MineSweepingChapterWinHint ???: Now that you're ready. Try to follow me.
2023-10-18 15:33:14 +00:00
MineStageUnLockHint Clear STAGE {0} to unlock
MineChapterLockHint Prerequisite chapters locked
KillZoneActivityNotOpen Event not yet available
KillZoneActivityEnd Event is over
KillZoneProcess Stages completed: {0}/{1}
KillZoneChapterLeftTime {0}
KillZoneChapterUnlockLeftTime This area will be unlocked in {0}
KillZoneStageUnlockTip Complete the prerequisite Stage {0} first
KillZoneActivityLeftTime Remaining time: {0}
KillZoneDiffHardLockTip Available after player completes challenge {0}-{1}
KillZoneStageMaxKillNum Max Kills: {0}
KillZoneFarmRewardTipTitle Challenge Rewards
KillZoneFarmRewardTipContent You may claim the challenge mode rewards 3 times per day\nThe rewards cannot be accumulated to the next day and are reset daily\nChallenge mode stages provide different rewards based on the number of stars\nHigh-star stages are more difficult and offer better rewards
KillZoneTotalStarProcess {0}<size=30>/{1}</size>
KillZoneStarRewardProcess <size=50><color=#0f70bc>{0}</color></size>/{1}
KillZoneTotalStarDescNormal Rank Rewards
KillZoneTotalStarDescHard Challenge Reward
KillZoneSelectPlguinEmpty Go to [Edit Add-on] page to equip the Add-on
KillZoneSelectPlguinEmptyOperate Select the Add-on to equip
KillZonePlguinMaxLevelSuffix Lv{0}
KillZonePlguinMaxLevelStr Max
KillZoneResetPlguinEmpty No Add-on to reset
KillZoneResetPlguinTips Reset Level {0}-{1} of current Add-on to locked?
KillZoneResetPlguinsTips Reset current Add-on ({0} in total) to locked?
KillZonePlguinLevelUpCostLack Insufficient cost to upgrade Add-on
KillZonePlguinActiveCostLack Insufficient cost to activate Add-on
KillZonePlguinUnlockCostLack Insufficient cost to unlock Add-on
KillZonePlguinResetCostLack Insufficient cost to reset Add-on
KillZoneDailyRewardTips Daily rewards will be calculated based on the player's total rank for Normal and Challenging Stages. Resets daily at 7:00 UTC.
KillZoneSettleWinKillEnemyCount Target Count: {0}
ScheOpenCountdown Available in {0}
STThemeLayer F{0}
STStageProgress Progress: {0}
2024-01-23 00:22:05 +00:00
MineSweepingNotCoinHint Insufficient [Energy Cubes]. Unable to do this.
2023-10-18 15:33:14 +00:00
STOverTimeHint Event has ended
STStartTierText Begin Adventure
STContinueTierText Continue Adventure
STChooseEnhancerTit Select the Abyssal Buff
STChooseEnhancerText (Different Abyssal Buffs will stack in your current challenge, but a higher level buff will replace the same buff of lower levels.)
STGetPluginTit Add-on Rewards
STGetPluginText (Add-on rewards are sent out at the end of your challenge. You will get Add-on after every 5 floors in Infinite Abyss. The amount and quality of Add-on increase with the number of floor.)
FashionStoryActivityEnd Event is over
FashionStoryTrialStageLeftTime Remaining Event Time: {0}
FashionStoryTrialStageEnd Coating experience has ended
FashionStoryProcess Progress: {0}/{1}
FashionStoryEnd The story event is over
SocialBlackTipsDesc Once you block the player, you will no longer receive messages from them. The Bond between you two will be reset and the friendship will be automatically terminated. \nWould you like to continue?
SocialBlackRemoveDesc The commandant has been removed from the blacklist
SocialBlackMaxCountDesc Capacity {0}/{1}
SocialBlackEnterSuccess The player has been blocked
SocialBlackEnterOver The player is already in your blacklist
DrawSelectCountText Remaining attempts: {0}
DrawSelectNotCountText No attempts available
DrawSelectNormalHint Are you sure you want to switch the rate-up character to the one selected? <color=#ff0000>{0}</color> chance left to switch during the event.
DrawSelectRandomHint There's no Up character in the bundle to be selected. Select anyway?
DrawSelectCountFullText <color=#ff0000>{0}</color> chance left for selecting bundle by yourself during the event
DrawSelectNotCountFullText <color=#ff0000>Unable to switch UP characters during the event</color>
DrawBannerSelectCountText You have <size=38px><color=#ffffff>{0} chances </color></size> to select an UP character by yourself during the event
DrawBannerSelectNotCountText Unable to replace UP characters during the event
STFightFinishUsePluginText Consume Add-on
STFightFinishUsePluginHint Add-on will be consumed once you confirm to claim the rewards
STFightFinishSelectPluginText Consume Add-on
STFightLoadingTeamText Combat Team {0}
STTdEnhanceTitleMain Bonus drops
STTdEnhanceTitleSub You can get a buff in every floor of Infinite Abyss. This buff is only valid within Infinite Abyss.
STTdPluginTitleMain Add-on Drop
STTdPluginTitleSub Add-on rewards are available at the end of Floor 5, 10, 15, and 20 of Infinite Abyss, and will be sent to you at the end of the challenge.
STTdEnhanceLock Unobtained
STTdPluginLock F{0}
STTcTitle Go to F{0}?
StrongholdTeamAutoRuneConfirmTitle Energy Field configuration notice
StrongholdTeamAutoRuneConfirmContent Some teams do not have Energy Field configured. Do you want to start with the default setup?
StrongholdTeamSelectSubRuneEmpty No Energy Field module selected. Unable to save
StrongholdTeamSelectRuneConfirmTitle Energy Field selection notice
StrongholdTeamSelectRuneConfirmContent This Energy Field is used by team {0}. Would you like to swap it to this team?
StrongholdTeamResetStageConfirmTitle Stage reset notice
StrongholdTeamResetStageConfirmContent Once reset, this stage will become uncleared and you will need to challenge again. Confirm reset?
StrongholdTeamRuneLockTip Energy Field already used cannot be moved to other teams
PassportLevelDesc Lv {0}
PassportActivityTime {0} - {1} ({2} weeks)
PassportActivityCurrWeekly Week {0}
PassportSpendBuyDesc <color=#0f70bc>{0}</color> to purchase
PassportBuyLevelUpDesc to increase rating to Lv.<color=#0f70bc>{0}</color>
PassportLevelUnLockSupplyDesc Supplies unlocked at <color=#0f70bc>Lv.{0}</color>
PassportLevelUnLockDesc Unlock at Lv.<color=#fee82a>{0}</color>
BuyConfirmTipsTitle Confirm purchase
PassportBuyPassportTipsDesc Use {0} {1} to purchase <color=#0f70bc>{2}</color>?
SuccessfulItemPurchase {0} Purchased
PassportBuyLevelTipsDesc Use {0}{1} to purchase {2} of {3} to level up to Lv.{4}?
PassportBuyLevelMaxDesc The rating level has already reached the maximum level available for purchase
PassportBtnBuyPassportDesc <color=#ffea00>{0}</color>{1} purchase
AlreadyBuy Purchased
STMultiTeamTeamListNoCaptain One or more teams have no leader assigned and cannot enter battle
STMultiTeamTeamListNoFirstPos One or more teams have no starter assigned and cannot enter battle
STPcLockText In Use
PassportBuyExpCompleate Level purchased
STShopRefreshTime <size=26><color=#ffffff>Attempts replenished: </color></size>{0}
STShopRefreshBtnText Refresh: {0}/{1}
STCostPluginNumberOver Add-on equip limit exceeded
STHonorNameText Data Track obtained:
SuperTowerShopOwnerText Owned {0}
2024-02-29 04:51:22 +00:00
SuperSmashRollbackNothing Select the records you wish to withdraw.
SuperSmashRoleHasSelected P{0} selected
2023-10-18 15:33:14 +00:00
SuperSmashProgressText First Opponent\n<color=#ff8e43>{0}/{1}</color>
SuperSmashTeamLevel Team Level: {0}
SuperSmashModeLock Unlocks after [{0}] is available
SuperSmashTeamLevelMax Max level reached
SuperSmashTeamLV LV.{0}
STPluginCountNotEnough Add-on amount does not meet the requirement
STMultiTeamInHint Team {0}
STTransfiniteNotOpen Ultralimit Simulation not available
STTransfiniteMaxLevel Max Ultralimit level reached
STBonusCharaNotOpen SP Character not available
SameCharacterInTeamTip Duplicate characters deployed
IsomerLimitTip No Uniframes
2023-11-20 15:19:46 +00:00
NormalLimitTip No Omniframes
2023-10-18 15:33:14 +00:00
PassportAutoGetTipsTitle Auto claimed
PassportAutoGetTipsDesc Some rating missions have refreshed. The Intel points of your completed rating missions have been automatically claimed:
STTierCanNotPlayHint Infinite Abyss with theme {0} is in progress
STActivityTimeEnd Deep Blue Warzone has ended
STShopBuyItemNotEnoughTips Insufficient tokens
STShopRefreshItemNotEnoughStyle <color=#ff0000>{0}</color>
STPluginDetailsStarStr <color=#0f70bc><size=34>{0}</size></color>
CommonRemainTime Remaining time: {0}
STRoleLevelUpUsePluginTip You have selected {0}★ or above Add-on. Continue?
STRoleLevelUpNotPluginTip Select Add-on to level up
STTierScoreStr {0}/{1}
STMainBtnBagName Add-on Inventory
STMainBtnShopName Fusion Center
STMainBtnSpecialName SP Character
STMainBtnGachaName Tactical Supply
STMainBtnMapName Map
STNoStageType Stage type does not exist
STShopTitle Add-on Fusion Center
STExpansionLevelTitle Ultralimit
GachaAlreadyobtainedCount {0}/{1}
ST3DMainThemeStageLevel Stage Progress
ST3DMainThemeTierLevel Abyssal Progress
MineSweepingChallengePlusHint <color=#e6240a>{0}</color> extra attempts have been added
STShopOverCapacity Cannot purchase Add-on that exceeds the remaining inventory capacity
STTagetFunctionTitleText Privilege Target
STPluginUnlockTipContent Use {0} stars to unlock {1} exclusive slot? Once unlocked, the exclusive slot effect of {1} can be activated in event stages.
STBagPopText Expansion items automatically used to increase inventory capacity
STMultiTeamRewardTitle Team
STMultiWaveRewardTitle WAVE
STRewardText {0} rewards
STNoPlugin No Add-on is compatible to the current character deployed
ExchangeTeamMemberTitle Team reminder
ExchangeTeamMemberContent Swap {0} from {1} to {2}?
BattleTeamTitle Combat Team {0}
STSameCharacterNotInTeamTip An identical character is already in the team
STNotSelectPlugin No Add-on selected for this challenge
STNotUsePlugin No Add-on has been consumed for this challenge
STSettleConfirmHint Use Add-on to claim the challenge rewards?
STSettleCancelHint Abandon challenge? (No Add-on will be consumed, but you cannot get any rewards)
STTierPrepareEnhanceTip You can select an Abyssal Buff at the start of each floor based on the characters deployed. Buffs are only active during the current adventure.
2024-01-23 00:22:05 +00:00
PartnerLongPressLevelUpSkill Cost to upgrade skill to Lv.<color=#0E70BDFF>{2}</color> —\nCogs ×<color=#0E70BDFF>{0}</color> Support Skill Component ×<color=#0E70BDFF>{1}</color>\n \nUpgrade the skill?
2023-10-18 15:33:14 +00:00
LongPressLevelUpSkill Upgrade requires Cogs x<color=#0E70BDFF>{0}</color> Skill Point x<color=#0E70BDFF>{1}</color>\nAfter upgrade, the new skill level is: {2}\nWould you like to proceed?
SummerEpisodeMapSelectTitle Photo scene selection
SummerEpisodeActivityEnd Midsummer's Memorial Day has ended
STShopRefreshItemNotEnoughTips Insufficient Cogs
NewRoleDrawNotOpen Research Pool is not available
STTierStageNotFullMemember You need to deploy 3 characters for this stage
PassportExp {0}/{1}
PassportMaxExpText Total Intel Value:
PassportBuyCaptionDesc Purchasable until <color=#0F70BC>{0}</color> before event ends
RpgMakerGameSecondHintTitle How can I help you?
FunctionNotOpen Feature is not available yet
UiFashionBtnNameFashion Coating {0}/{1}
UiFashionBtnNameHeadPortrait Member Portrait {0}/{1}
UiFashionBtnNameWeaponFashion Coating {0}/{1}
UiFashionIntroFashion Coating Info
UiFashionIntroHeadPortrait Unlock Requirements
UiFashionHeadPortraitConditionDefault Obtain member to unlock
UiFashionHeadPortraitConditionLiberation Upgrade Construct to Ultima to unlock
UiFashionHeadPortraitConditionFashion Obtain Coating to unlock
2024-01-23 00:22:05 +00:00
PartnerLongPressLevelUpSkillMax Cost to upgrade skill to Lv.<color=#0E70BDFF>{2}(Max)</color> —\nCogs ×<color=#0E70BDFF>{0}</color> Support Skill Component ×<color=#0E70BDFF>{1}</color>\n \nUpgrade the skill?
2023-10-18 15:33:14 +00:00
LongPressLevelUpSkillMax Upgrade requires Cogs x<color=#0E70BDFF>{0}</color> Skill Point x<color=#0E70BDFF>{1}</color>\nAfter upgrade, the new skill level is: {2} (Max)\nWould you like to proceed?
SummerEpisodePhotoScore Photo Points
SummerEpisodeMischiefScore Mischief Points
SummerEpisodeWorkingScore Cooperation Points
ReportGuildFinish Reported Guild
DlcHasDownloaded Downloaded
DlcCanDownload Downloadable
RpgMakerGameTipClose Closing in {0}
SCBossOpenTimeTips Available in {0}
SCBossActivityTimeOut Event is over
SCBossMaxScoreText Highest Record: {0}
SCRoleMainSkillNotChangeTips Cannot switch fixed skill
SCRoleSkillUploadSuccess Deploy success
SCRoleOverMaxSkillCountTips Surpassed maximum skill amount {0}
SCRoleTimeLockTips Available in {0}
SCRoleReceivedTips Character not yet purchased
SCRankEmptyText N/A
LivWarmActivityUseItemCountText Consume <color={0}>{1}</color> to move Portrait position once
LivWarmActivityReminderLoseText After moving a total of {0} times, this stage does not cost any more tokens <color=#34aff8>({1}/{2})</color>
LivWarmActivityStageLockTips Complete [{0}] to unlock
LivWarmActivityItemNoEnough Insufficient tokens
LivWarmActivityClearStage Cleared
LivWarmTaskProgress {0}/{1}
SCRankTotalName Total Ranking
SCRankScoreTips <size=22><color=#000000FF>Damage Points: </color></size> {0}
SameColorGameShuffleBallHint There are no more moves, the board will be reset.
2023-11-20 15:19:46 +00:00
SCStepText Remaining Turns: {0}
2023-10-18 15:33:14 +00:00
SCDamageText Damage Points: {0}
SCBuffRoundText {0}
SCTipBuffDetailName Buff details
SCTipBossSkillDetailName Skill details
SCTipBuffDetailDesc Buff description
SCTipBossSkillDetailDesc Skill description
SCWinDamageText Damage Points: {0}
SCWinRankText Required to reach {0}: {1}
2023-11-20 15:19:46 +00:00
SCActivityTimeText <color=#fff000>{0}</color>{1}
2023-10-18 15:33:14 +00:00
PassportExpText Intel Value:
PassportRewardTxtBuy <color=#0f70bc>{0}</color>, increase Rating Lv. to Lv.<color=#0f70bc>{1}</color>?
SSBMainPointGetText {0}/{1}
SSBMainLeftMonsters Remaining opponents for the first battle: {0}
SSBMainLeftEnergy Obtainable energy sources: {0}
SSBGainText Energy obtained increased by {0}%
SSBCharaHeadCheck P{0} selected
SSBSelectBan This position is disabled
SSBOnlyRandom This position is set to be randomized
SSBMonsterCanActive Join battle in {0}
SSBMonsterLock Opponent is locked
SSBMonsterDisable Opponent is disabled
SSBInfoCoreAtk ATK <color=#0F70BC>+{0}</color>
SSBInfoCoreLife HP <color=#0F70BC>+{0}</color>
SSBSelectCoreGain Amplification Extent: {0}
SSBReadyRankNow Current Rank: <color=#31a2e7>{0}</color>
SSBReadyWinCount Current Streak: <color=#31a2e7>{0}</color>
SSBMainEnergy {0}<color=#ffffff><size=36>/{1}</size></color>
SSBNeedSelectMonster Select your opponent
SSBOtherModeIsPlaying Other divisions are in progress
SSBRobotCantEditEquip Cannot change trial character's equipment
SSBEggRobotCantEditCore Easter egg character cannot edit Super Cores
SSBCoreNotOpen Super Core is not available
SSBNeedRoleMinPosition This division needs at least {0} character(s)
SSBConfirmFight Confirm Result
SSBStartFight Battle
SSBNextFight Continue fighting
SSBNotReachOpenTime This division is not yet available. Please come back later.
SSBNoRanking N/A
SSBRepeatColor No duplicate colors in the positions
SSBNoCaptain Please designate a leader
SSBMultyCharacterTypeInTeam You cannot have both Uniframes and Omniframes on the team for team vs team battles
SSBRepeatCharacterInTeam No duplicate characters in the team
SSBStageNotClear Uncleared
SSBClearTimeTitle Round {0}
SSBBattleAbility Battle Power <color=#0da6ec>{0}</color>
SSBExitConfirmTitle Retreat reminder
SSBExitConfirmContent Currently in battle. Save the battle progress?
SSBClearTimeBtnName Clear Record
SSBCharacterBtnName Member Preparation
SSBLockPos This position is locked
SSBOrderSortBtnName Position Adjustment
SSBRewardCantGet Insufficient Points
SSBRewardAlreadyGet Reward Claimed
SSBEntranceProgress Progress: {0}/{1}
SSBEnergyNotEnough Insufficient Compressed Energy Sources. Unable to amplify.
SSBCurrentScore Current Division Points {0}
SSBCoreUpgradeDes Sync Character's ATK increases by {0} and HP increases by {1}.
SSBMainRewardLevel {0}<color=#ffffff><size=36>/{1}</size></color>
SSBSelectMapTitle Select map
SSBSelectEnviorTitle Select environment
SSBBossNumOver This division has no more than {0} boss opponent(s).
SSBNoRewards Obtainable energy has reached its limit.
SSBMonsterNoWords This opponent has no affixes.
TeachingActivityStageName <size=26>{0}</size> {1}
LoginCADPANoticTittle [Punishing: Gray Raven] Age Tips
LoginCADPANoticDesc 1. This game is a 3D post-apocalyptic and sci-fi action RPG. It is recommended for players aged 12 or above. Minors are advised to play this game under the supervision of adults.\n \n2. The game includes a main story and character stories. Advance the story by interacting in-game and clearing battles. The game has a few text-based social systems implemented and are regulated according to corresponding laws.\n \n3. A real-name authentication system is in place, the following restrictions will apply to minors:\n \n- Minors below the age of 8 may not recharge;\n- Minors between the ages 8 to 16 may not recharge more than 50 RMB each time, and not more than 200 RMB each month;\n- Minors above the age of 16 may not recharge more than 100 RMB each time, and not more than 400 RMB each month.\n- The game will only provide 1 hour of service to minors from 20:00 to 21:00 on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, and bank holidays.\n \n4. The game is set in a fictional apocalyptic world where the "Punishing Virus" has destroyed Earth. Commandants lead Constructs to fight against the mechanical army corrupted by the "Punishing" in their quest to reclaim Earth. Players can experience vibrant art styles, exquisite game interfaces and high quality background music.
ReformAwarenessSuitText {0}-Piece Set
ReformReadyPanelMaxScoreTip {0} <color=#000000><size=32>(highest: {1})</size></color>
ReformEnvBattlePreviewTitie Environment Details
ReformBattlePreviewTime Closing in {0}s
PracticeBossSettle {0}·{1}
LivWarmExtActivityTime {0} left
LivWarmExtActivityProgress Event Reward: {0}/{1}
PracticeBossDangerous Danger Level: {0}
LivWarmExtActivityExpectation Stay tuned
LivWarmRaceStageProgress Progress: {0}/{1}
LivWarmRaceStageUnlockCondition Clear {0} to unlock
LivWarmRaceRepeatChallengeText No cost for repeated challenges
PickFlipRuleDropItemTitle Drop Details
PickFlipRuleGoodSwitchBtnName Drop Switching
PickFlipRuleProbabilitySwitchBtnName Probability Switching
PickFlipRuleRewardLayerTitle Tier {0} Rewards
PickFlipRuleDropItemLayerTitle Tier {0} Probability
BabelTowerSettleTotalLevel Total level {0}
PickFlipLayerTip Tier {0}
PickFlipDialogTip The following rewards will be added to the reward pool. They cannot be changed once confirmed. Proceed?
PickFlipBuySuccess Exchange successful. Obtained {1} x{0}.
BabelTowerTeamLimitCount Exceeded the max number of members.
BabelTowerTeamSelectLimit It will exceed the max number of members.
CoupleCombatRecommonTips Trial characters are recommended.
RobotRefusePartner Cannot view the CUB of trial characters
RobotRefuseFashion Cannot view the Coating of trial characters
RobotRefuseWeapon Cannot view the weapon of trial characters
RobotRefuseAwareness Cannot view the Memory of trial characters
ElectricDeploySameCharacter Unable to deploy duplicate models.
CoupleCombatStageUnlockText <size=28><color=#939393>Unlocks in {0}</color></size>
CoupleCombatTeamNeedCount Max unit: 2
TeamNeedCount Max unit: {0}
BuyAssetTotalLimitText Purchase Limit {0}
BuyAssetTotalLimitTip Exceeded the purchase limit.
BuyAssetTimeLimitTip This item is outside the limited purchase time.
BuyAssetDiscountText {0}% Off
AreaWarActivityNotOpen Event not yet available
AreaWarActivityEnd Event is over
AreaWarActivityShopLeftTime Remaining time: {0}
AreaWarHangUpTips Clearing the Dark Block will improve the reward.
AreaWarHangUpLock Clear Area 1 to unlock the Dark Block.
AreaWarPurificationLevelLock Unlocked by clearing any Amplification block.
AreaWarSpecialRoleLock Unlocked by clearing any Support block.
AreaWarSpecialRoleTips After clearing a Support block of the corresponding character, you will receive the corresponding <color=#0e70bd>trial character</color> and <color=#0e70bd>Battle Amplification</color>.
AreaWarAreaUnlockLeftTime Available in {0}
AreaWarAreaLock Locked
AreaWarAreaSpeicalRoleUnlockProgress {0}/{1}
AreaWarAreaSpecialRoleRewardGot Reward Claimed
AreaWarAreaPurificationLevelMax MAX
AreaWarAreaUnlockSlotPurificationLevel Reach Amplification Level {0} to unlock bonus slots.
AreaWarAreaUnlockPluginPurificationLevel Reach Amplification Level {0} to unlock bonuses.
AreaWarAreaSlotEmpty Select bonuses from the right.
AreaWarAreaSlotFull The slots are full. Please remove a bonus first.
AreaWarWorldBossRankNotOpen The High-risk Dark block is not yet available.
AreaWarWorldBossUiTextNotOpen Not yet available
AreaWarActionPointNotEnought Insufficient Special Serum
AreaWarWorldBossOpenHour Available from {0} to {1}
AreaWarDisapatchConfirmTitle Dispatch Tips
AreaWarDisapatchConfirmContent Some conditions are not met. Proceed anyway?
AreaWarDisapatchEmptyTeam Select characters from the left.
AreaWarDisapatchCondition Condition Description {0}: {1}
AreaWarBlockLockTips Unlocks after completing {0}
AreaWarBlockLockTipsOr or completing {0}
AreaWarBlockUnlockTime Unlocks after {0}
AreaWarNoBlockFighting No blocks are currently in battle.
AreaWarBlockLock Locked
AreaWarBlockLockTimeFormat M/d h
AreaWarBlockLockTime Available in {0}\n
SpecialTrainMusicMatchTipTitle No rooms meet the music settings.
SpecialTrainMusicMatchTipContent Proceed to match any music?
NewRegressionSignInTimeTip Once you have logged into the game for <color=#262626>3</color> days after the event Returning to Battle, you will receive a special reward.
NewRegressionSignInTimeTip2 <size=30><color=#262626>Remaining Event Time:</color></size> {0}
LevelNotEnough Unlocked at Commandant Lv.40
NewRegressionSignInRewardTip1 Reward Claimed
NewRegressionSignInRewardTip2 Unable to claim rewards now.
NewRegressionGachaRewardTip1 Reward sets locked.
NewRegressionGachaRewardTip2 All rewards have been claimed
MultiplayerRoomOnlyLeaderTip Available for the host only.
PickFlipSelectRewardTip1 Select rewards.
PickFlipSelectRewardTip2 Selected
PickFlipWatchRewardTip1 View Rewards
PickFlipWatchRewardTip2 Obtained
PickFlipMaxRewardCountTip1 Exceeded the max amount.
PickFlipMaxRewardCountTip2 Insufficient amount. Please select again.
NewRegressChildActivityTimeout Event expired
PickFlipRandomRewardTitle Random Reward
PickFlipFixedRewardTitle Rewards of Your Choice
PickFlipLayerMaxComsumeCountTip Exchange attempts for this tier: {0}
BuyAssetDailyExchangeTip Daily exchange attempts:
BuyAssetTotalExchangeTip Remaining exchange attempts:
PickFlipLayerLimitBuyTip Exchange attempts for this tier:
BuyAssetTotalLeftCountTip (Total attempts: {0})
PickFlipConfigRewardTip This event has 5 tiers of rewards. You can add certain rewards of your choice to each tier of the reward pool.
PickFlipShopName Shop - Tree of Life
NewRegressChildActivityLeftTime <size=30><color=#262626>Remaining Event Time:</color></size> {0}
NewRegressBuyPurchaseTipsDesc Use {0}{1} to purchase <color=#0f70bc>{2}</color>?
NewRegressFettersTime Link Formation Time: {0}
NewRegressionSigninTimeTip3 Obtainable by logging in for {0}d
MemorySaveStageNotOpen The event will commence on {0}
PickFlipNotConfigTip Please select your rewards first.
NewRegressBindCodeSuccess Accepted {0}'s returning invitation.
PickFlipRewardLayerFinishedTip This tier has been cleared.
PickFlipRewardLayerTip Clear this tier to get
MainLine3dStagePrefixName {0}-{1}
BirthdayFirstSetTips <size=45>Set Commandant's birthday on <color=#ff0000>{0}</color> (MM) <color=#ff0000>{1}</color> (DD)\n(Each account can only set birthday once)</size>
BirthdayChangeTips <size=45>Change Commandant's birthday from <color=#2e75b6>{0}</color> (MM) <color=#2e75b6>{1}</color> (DD) to <color=#ff0000>{2}</color> (MM) <color=#ff0000>{3}</color> (DD)\n(Each account can only change the birthday once)</size>
BfrtNotCaptain The leader of Combat Team {0} is not set
BfrtNotFirstFight The starters of Combat Team {0} are not set
MainLine3DTaskGuide Clear Main Stage [{0}-{1}]
MainLine3DTaskGuideTitle Mission Guide:
EmojiOverTime Stamp has expired
MainLine3DTaskGuideComplete <color=#804444>Mission guide completed</color>
ShopIsNotOpen Shop is not open yet
PayPointsGetHint Recharge successful. You have got {0} bonus points.
CoupleCombatChapterLockDesc <size=28><color=#939393>{0}</color></size>\nprogress reaches {1}
CelicaTechDialogHintTip1 <size=36>We have detected that you don't have this member. Would you like to go through the tutorial first?</size>
CelicaTechDialogHintTip2 <size=36>We have detected that your BP is below 2000, and you have yet to pass Celica's Class. Would you like to go through the tutorial first?</size>
CelicaTechTips <size=36>We have detected that you don't have this character or are relatively inexperienced with this character. Would you like to go through the tutorial first?</size>
CelicaTechTipsTitle Tips
AchvPanelDefaultName Achievement
AchvPanelDefaultSubName ACHIEVEMENT
AchievementCount Completed: {0}
AchvReachPanelTitle Completed
AchievementTips Congrats, you have unlocked an achievement!
HiddenAchievementTips Congrats, you have unlocked a hidden achievement!
ReviewActivityNoGuild N/A
ReviewActivityDefaultFavorName Stranger
ReviewActivityPanelName Career Record
2024-02-29 04:51:22 +00:00
DiceGameNoEnoughCoinHint Canned Tea Leaves x<color=#ff0000>{0}</color> required to do this.
2023-10-18 15:33:14 +00:00
DiceGameCostFlagHint <color=#8DD4FF>{0}</color> Markers have been converted into <color=#8DD4FF>{1}</color> points.
DiceGameOperationTitleVerb Get
DiceGameOperationTitleA Points equal to: Total number of dice with 1, 2 and 3 <color=#9EDCFF>×{0}</color>
DiceGameOperationTitleB Points equal to: Total number of dice with 4 and 5 <color=#9EDCFF>×{0}</color> + <color=#9EDCFF>the number of times</color> this option is selected
DiceGameOperationTitleC Markers equal to: Total number of dice with 6 <color=#9EDCFF>×{0}</color>
DiceGameOperationResultAB Points Earned
DiceGameOperationResultC Markers Earned
DiceGameOperationDescA Get more points when there are more dice with 1, 2 and 3.
DiceGameOperationDescB Get more points when this option is selected for more times.
DiceGameOperationDescC Get <color=#8DD4FF>{1}</color> points for every <color=#8DD4FF>{0}</color> Markers.
DiceGameOperationCountB Option selected:
DiceGameOperationCountC Current Markers:
TheatreTxtOngoing {0} in progress...
TheatreLeaveTipsDesc Leave the adventure temporarily? (The progress of this adventure has been automatically saved and you can resume any time.)
TheatreRecruitCountHasLeft Recruitments available
NewRegressDiscountTitle The returning reward event will last {0}d after you log in.
MaverickActivityProgressStr Progress: {0}/{1}
MaverickEnd Event is over
MaverickNotStart Event not yet available
MaverickPatternEnd {0} mode has ended
MaverickPatternTimeCondition Available in {0}
MaverickStageScore Pt: {0}
MaverickRemainStartTime {0} mode will be available in {1}
MaverickRankScore <size=22><color=#000000>Points </color></size>{0}
MaverickMyRankScore <size=22><color=#FFFFFF>Points </color></size>{0}
MaverickSkillDescTitle Skill Description
ResetMaverickMemberConfirmTitle Reset Character
ResetMaverickMemberConfirmContent Would you like to reset the character?
MaverickUpgradeItemNotEnough Insufficient upgrading items!
MaverickTalentUnlockLvCondition Unlocked at character Lv.{0}
MaverickTalentUnlockPreTalentCondition Unlocks after activating Access {0}
MaverickTalentActive Activate
MaverickTalentLock Locked
MaverickTalentInactive Cancel Activation
MaverickTalentDescTitle Access Details
MaverickStageScoreMax {0}
MaverickStageHistoryScoreMax {0}
MaverickRankTip *Ranking is for display only
TheatreDecorationLevel {0}<color=#867d7b>/{1}</color>
TheatreDecorationMaxLevel MAX
TheatreDecorationTipsLevel Lv.{0}
TheatreDecorationTipsLockDesc <color=#F61414>Incomplete</color>
TheatreDecorationTipsUnLockDesc <color=#14F64A>Completed</color>
CommonRestartBtnName Restart
TheatreRestartBtnName Restart ({0})
TheatreNotRestartTips Insufficient restart attempts
TheatreAdventureShopBuyTips Use <color=#6495ED>{0} {1}</color> to purchase <color=#6495ED>{2} {3}</color>?
TheatreTokenLevelUpConditionDesc Equip this work to fight {0}/{1} battles
TheatreLockPowerFavorDesc Select once in adventure to unlock
TheatreReadyDesc Performance Effect
TheatreDifficultyTip Confirm to select {0}?
TheatreSelectableCostTip Cost {0}
TheatreTeamCountTip Require {0} team(s)
TheatreSkillLevelDesc {0} Level Up
TheatreGetSkillTip Skill obtained
TheatreDifficultyRateTip Difficulty Multiplier {0}
TheatreChapterSettleSureTitle Tips
TheatreChapterSettleSureTip End the current chapter {0}?
TheatrePassNode Node(s) Cleared
TheatrePassFight Battle - Interval Preparation
TheatrePassEvent Interpretation
TheatrePassBoss Battle - End of Act
TheatrePassReopen Remaining Returns
TheatreNotSelectTokenTip Are you sure you do not want to select any work? <color=#6495ED>Equipping a work</color> can <color=#6495ED>increase</color> the <color=#6495ED>chance</color> of getting the corresponding School.
MemorySaveTreasureTip Stages completed in current chapter
TheatreDetailRoleMaxLevel /{0}
2024-02-29 04:51:22 +00:00
NotOwnCurRole You do not own this character
2023-10-18 15:33:14 +00:00
TheatreRestartCount Restarts: {0}
TheatreCurChapter Scene {0}
TheatreRecruitRefreshNotEnough Insufficient refresh attempts
MemberLock Locked
TheatreUnlockOwnRoleDesc Reach <color=#0f70bc><size=30>{0}</size></color> BP to use your own character
TheatreUnlockOwnRoleTipsDesc Once your average BP reaches <color=#0f70bc>{0}</color>, you can add <color=#0f70bc>your own characters</color> to the team.
TheatreWeekTaskRefresh Periodical mission refresh reset
TheatreRecruitComplete Member recruited
TheatreRecruitRefreshComplete Members refreshed
TheatreEndShopTip Would you like to end the trade?
TheatreUpLevelSuccess Upgraded
2024-02-29 04:51:22 +00:00
TheatreNotSelectItem Please?select.
2023-10-18 15:33:14 +00:00
DoomsdayActivityNotOpen Event not yet available
DoomsdayActivityEnd Event is over
DoomsdayStageStartLeftDay Available after Stage {0}
DoomsdayStagetDetailBtnEnter Enter
DoomsdayStagetDetailBtnResume Start from Day {0}
DoomsdayThemeTitle Day {0}
DoomsdayThemeContent Ending in {0} day(s)
DoomsdayFubenMainLeftDay Ending in {0} day(s)
DoomsdayFubenMainLeftDaySimple {0} day(s)
DoomsdayEventTypeRemindDescMain New Important Event
DoomsdayEventTypeRemindDescNormal Tip
DoomsdayEventTypeRemindDescExplore New Exploration Event
DoomsdayFubenDetailTipsSelectBuilding Select a building first
DoomsdayFubenDetailTipsLackInhabitantToWork Insufficient manpower to work
DoomsdayFubenDetailTipsLackInhabitantToBuild Insufficient manpower to build
DoomsdayFubenDetailTipsBuildDay Completing in {0} days
DoomsdayFubenDetailTipsWorkDayRuins The ruin will be cleared in {0} days
DoomsdayFubenDetailTipsBuildLeftDay Completing in {0} days
DoomsdayFubenDetailTipsWorkLeftDay Able to work for {0} more days
DoomsdayFubenDetailBuildingEmptyTitle Build
DoomsdayFubenDetailBuildingEmptyContent Select a building to repair the target area and turn it into the building selected.\nOnce the building is completed, it can unlock the corresponding feature or generate a fixed amount of supplies every day.
DoomsdayFubenDetailBuildingInhabitantCount <color=#0c65aa><size=36>{0}</size></color>/{1}
DoomsdayFubenDetailBuildingInhabitantCountLack <color=#FF0100><size=36>{0}</size></color>/{1}
DoomsdayFubenDetailConsumeDaily x{0}/day
DoomsdayRemoveBuildingConfirmTitle Demolish
DoomsdayRemoveBuildingConfirmContent Would you like to demolish this building? (All the materials used will be refunded.)
DoomsdayBuildingBuildDay Time required: {0} days
DoomsdayBuildingCountLimit Building limit: {0}/{1}
DoomsdayBuildingSelectLackResource Insufficient materials to create the building
DoomsdayAttributeUpWithDaily {0} increase <color=#1873be><size=34>+{1}</size></color>/day(s)
DoomsdayAttributeDownWithDaily {0} decrease <color=#b32121><size=34>{1}</size></color>/day(s)
DoomsdayUnitDaily /day(s)
DoomsdayUnitPeople /member(s)
DoomsdayNumberPositiveGrowth <color=#1873be>{0}</color>
DoomsdayNumberNegativeGrowth <color=#b32121>{0}</color>
DoomsdayInhabitantAttrBad {0}{1}
DoomsdayAllotTips The Health and Satiety of Scavengers decrease every day. You can give them supplies to recover these stats.
DoomsdayAllotTipsNotFinish You need to complete today's resource allocation
DoomsdayMainTargetProgress <color=#0F70BC><size=38>{0}</size></color>/{1}
DoomsdayReportResource {0} {1}
DoomsdayReportDay Day {0}/{1}
DoomsdayInhabitantName Scavenger
DoomsdayMainEventNotFinish You have important events to resolve today
DoomsdayWin We have survived...
DoomsdayFail We failed...
DoomsdayTeamName Exploration Team -{0}
DoomsdayTeamTipsCreate Use supplies to create Exploration Teams
DoomsdayTeamTips Return to the camp to recycle supplies
DoomsdayTeamDesc Team carrying
DoomsdayTeamDescCreate Supplies Cost
DoomsdayTeamBtn Return to Camp
DoomsdayTeamBtnCreate Confirm
DoomsdayDetailTeamBtn Select
DoomsdayDetailTeamBtnCreate Create team
DoomsdayExploreLock Unlocks after building an [Outpost]
DoomsdayTeamBusy The team is in the middle of an event. Please complete the event first.
DoomsdayTeamLock Build more [Outposts] to unlock teams
DoomsdayTaskMain Stage Target
DoomsdayTaskSub Secondary Target
DoomsdayNotSelectTeam No team selected. Unable to explore.
DoomsdayTeamInEvent Team occupied by an event. Unable to move.
DoomsdayGoExplore Explore
DoomsdayBackCamp Return to Camp
DoomsdayEndCurStage End the stage
DoomsdayEndToday End the day
DoomsdayWeatherDesc Weather is {0}\n{1}
DoomsdayStageHasEnd Journey ended. Unable to do this.
RewardSuccess Claimed
TheatreUse Use
TheatreNotSelectSkill Select any School Skill
DoomsdayFubenDetailTipsBuildLeftDayRuins Completing in {0} days
DoomsdayRequireNumberDown <color=#E1504F>{0}</color><color=#0F70BC>/{1}</color>
DoomsdayRequireNumberUp <color=#0F70BC>{0}/{1}</color>
DoomsdayBackConfirmTitle Exit
DoomsdayBackConfirmContent Are you sure you want to leave the stage?\nYour stage progress will be saved at the beginning of <color=#0F70BC>every day</color>. After you leave, you can resume from <color=#0F70BC>this day</color>.
DoomsdayLoseTitle We failed...
DoomsdayFinishEndTitle End
DoomsdayLoseReasonDieOut The last person in the camp has passed away.
DoomsdayLoseReasonCrazy Everyone has lost their hope.
DoomsdayLoseReasonTimeOut Main target incomplete
DoomsdayMakeTeamSuc No exploration teams formed
DoomsdayExploreTarget Exploration Team is heading toward [{0}]
DoomsdayMakeTeamFailInhabitantLack Insufficient manpower to create exploration team
DoomsdayMakeTeamFailInhabitantEqual Unable to add all people in the camp to the team
DoomsdayMakeTeamFailRssLack Insufficient supplies to create exploration team
DoomsDayDaysOfPersistence Days of Perseverance: {0}
DoomsDayReStartDoubleCheckTips Are you sure you want to <color=#FF0033>restart</color> the stage?\nYou will start from day 1 of the stage.
DoomsDayTodayWeatherTips Today's Weather: {0}
DoomsdayBuildReachLimit Max building limit reached
DoomsdayPlaceUnLockTips Now Location Discovered: {0}
SameColorGameSkillEnergy Energy {0}
SameColorGameColorSelect Please select a colored Orb to change
SameColorGameAutoEnergy End charging {0} at the end of each round from this round
SameColorGameEnergyPlus Increase {0}
SameColorGameEnergyMinus Decrease {0}
SameColorGameEnergyMultiply Increases current Energy's {0}
SameColorGameEnergyDivide Reduces current Energy's {0}
SameColorGameRankTitle Score Rank - {0}
2023-11-20 15:19:46 +00:00
SameColorGameEnergyCount <color={0}><size=52>{1}</size> </color>/{2}
2023-10-18 15:33:14 +00:00
SameColorGameEnergyNotEnough Insufficient Energy
WeekActivityEndTime Ends in {0}
WeekActivityTime {0}-{1}
PivotCombatRankScore <size=22>Points</size> {0}
PivotCombatRankTime <size=22>Clear Time</size> {0}
PivotCombatAreaEnergy Area Energy Supply Level {0}/{1}
PivotCombatAreaEnergyNotEnough Area(s) with 0 Energy Supply Level exist(s). Unable to start the Central Reactor!
PivotCombatAreaEnergyNotActive Area Energy Supply not activated
PivotCombatProgress Progress: {0}/{1}
PivotCombatLockTimeTxt Unlocks after {0}
PivotCombatRoleLockTips Member locked in another scene
PivotCombatTeamLockTips Team member(s) locked in other stage(s)
PivotCombatSameRegion Already in the area
PivotCombatRetreatContent After the departure of the garrison, the stage will be reset to the initial status and the Energy Supply will end.
PivotCombatRetreatTitle Tips
PivotCombatNoSpecialSkillTitle Tips
PivotCombatNoSpecialSkillContent The character hasn't acquired any Uniframe Skills. Acquire now?
PivotCombatTeamPrefabLockCharacter The current team has characters stationed in other areas. They will be removed from those areas once deployed.
PivotCombatTeamPrefabLockTeam The current team cannot be deployed as it is stationed in another area.
PivotCombatSelectDifficultTittle Difficulty
PivotCombatSelectDifficultTips Difficulty cannot be changed during this event period once selected.
PivotCombatSelectDifficultNoEnhanceSkill Dive-in Battle is arduous without any Uniframe that has unlocked Uniframe Skills. It is advisable to select Regular Battle.
PivotCombatSelectDifficultNoAbilityLimit Dive-in Battle is arduous with Uniframes that have less than 6,000 Battle Power. It is advisable to select Regular Battle or enhance Uniframes' Battle Power.
TeamRobotTips Some team member(s) can be replaced with high BP trial character(s)
SameColorGameCancelSkill Your skill has been used {0} time(s) and can still be used. Exit (to enter cooldown)?
SameColorGameBannerTip Daily Tasks: {0}/{1}
SameColorGameReadyTip1 Selected
SameColorGameReadyTip2 Battle Preparations
SameColorGameReadyTip3 Change Character
SameColorGameRoleTip1 Version: <color=#3DAAFF><size=40>{0}</size></color>
SameColorGameRoleTip2 Cooldown: {0}
SameColorGameRoleTip3 Energy Cost: {0}
RobotParnerTips Unable to edit trial character
EnhanceSkillUnLockHint Modification Requirement(s)
EnhanceSkillLevelUpHint Upgrade Requirement(s)
HitMousePreStageLock Previous stage is still locked
HitMousePreStageNotClear Previous stage is not cleared
HitMouseStageLockText x{0} to unlock
HitMouseCantFindItem Failed to read event item ID
HitMouseItemNotEnough Insufficient items to unlock
HitMouseComboString <size={0}>{1}</size>
NewDrawNewHand New Player Rewards
NewDrawCalibration Calibration system active
SnowNextGrade Next Grade
SnowHighestGrade Highest Grade
SnowGradeScore {0}/{1}
SnowGameIncrease (+{0})
SnowGameRandomMapTip Cannot create room after selecting a random map
SpecialTrainSnowMatchTipTitle Tips
SpecialTrainSnowMatchTipContent Too many players in the matching queue. Create room directly?
MultiplayerRoomOnlyHomeownerTip Host Only
RoomTeamPrefabNotSupport Mode does not support overwriting teams
RoomTeamPrefabEmpty The deployed team doesn't have members. Overwrite and the members in the selected preset team will be cleared. Overwrite?
RoomTeamPrefabCover Overwrite the preset team with the data of the team deployed?
RoomTeamPrefabSameTeam Team data identical to the preset team
RoomTeamPrefabRoleEmptyTips Please set the member of this position
PartnerTeamPrefabEquipTips Equipped
PartnerTeamPrefabUnloadTips Removed
PartnerTeamPrefabExchangeTips Changed
PartnerTeamPrefabSkillSaveTips Skill preset
PartnerTeamPrefabSkillNotSaveTips [{0}]'s preset skill is not saved
PartnerTeamPrefabCoverTips [Overwrite] and the deployed team will be replaced by the preset lineup
PartnerTeamPrefabChooseTips Preset [CUB] already equipped or had skill change(s). Deploy?
PartnerTeamPrefabNotCharacter Members not set. Cannot set CUB.
TheatreDecorationCanLvUpTips <color=#6495ED>Light up the Ballade</color> to turn the page and <color=#6495ED>enter the next phase.</color>\nIf you continue the challenge, you will only play repeated stories. Would you like to Unveil?
CharacterEnhanceSkillUnLock Power Leap Modification
CharacterEnhanceSkillLevel {0}
CharacterSpSkillUnLock Uniframe Modification
2023-11-20 15:19:46 +00:00
SameColorGameEnergyDescTitle Finishing Move
SameColorGameEnergyDescText Accumulate enough Finishing Move Energy to perform it after the cooldown is over to cast the Finishing Move. The Finishing Move Energy is capped at 45.
2023-10-18 15:33:14 +00:00
EscapeNotClearLayerDesc Clear Floor {0} to challenge
EscapeActivityTime Remaining Time: {0} {1}
InChallenge In Progress
EscapeLayer F{0}
EscapeChapterEnglishId STAGE {0}
ClearStage Cleared
EscapeWinSettleDesc We're safe now!
EscapeWinSettleRewardTitle Clear Reward
EscapeSettleWinTitle Escape Unscathed
EscapeSettleWinDesc We're safe now. Do you want to take on the Hard challenge, Commandant?
EscapeSettleLoseTitle No Escape
EscapeSettleLoseDesc There's no escape from the Punishing Virus.
EscapeTimeCondition Available in {0}
ExcapeInChallenge Challenging {0}. Come back after the battle.
EscapeTimeNotReached Not available yet
EscapeResetStageTipsTitle Reset Stage
EscapeResetStageTipsDesc Your progress will be reset and the escape time will be restored to the pre-battle status.\nReset?
EscapeInChallengeMode Challenging {0} mode. Unable to switch.
EscapeGiveUpTipsTitle Withdraw
EscapeGiveUpTipsDesc This will end the challenge and clear your progress. Withdraw?
EscapeEnterFight Join Battle
EscapeSelectRole Select Member
NewYearLuckTipTitle1 "Violet Cloud" Lottery Ticket Notice
NewYearLuckTipTitle2 "Crimson Cloud" Lottery Ticket Notice
NewYearLuckItemNotEnough Insufficient [New Year Tokens]!
NewYearLuckDrawTime Results Announced
NewYearLuckExpire You missed the time. Unable to claim the Lottery Ticket.
EscapeCount {0} time(s)
EscapeSettleWinGrade (Rating: {0})
EscapeNotChallenge Not cleared
EscapeCurScore Current Points: {0}
SpEnhanceSkillTab Uniframe
EnhanceSkillTab Leap
EnhanceSkillLevelUpFinishHint Skill Leap Upgrade Successful
SpSkillLevelUpFinishHint Uniframe Skill Upgrade Successful
TeamPrefabHasRobotTips Trial frame(s) on the team. Unable to overwrite.
EscapeCurLayerClear Stage already cleared
YuanXiaoRandomMapTip Cannot create room after selecting a random map
YuanXiaoNextGrade Next Grade
YuanXiaoHighestGrade Highest Grade
YuanXiaoGradeScore {0}/{1}
YuanXiaoGameIncrease (+{0})
2024-02-29 04:51:22 +00:00
YuanXiaoGetReward The system will automatically claim Daily Mission Rewards for Commandant:
2023-10-18 15:33:14 +00:00
SpecialTrainYuanXiaoMatchTipTitle Tips
SpecialTrainYuanXiaoMatchTipContent Too many players in the matching queue. Create room directly?
UpLevelSuccess Upgraded
GoldenMinerItemAlreadyMax Add-on is full
GoldenMinerStopTipsTitle Pause
GoldenMinerStopTipsCloseText Exit
GoldenMinerStopTipsSureText Continue
GoldenMinerQuickTipsTitle Tips
GoldenMinerQuickTipsDesc You are leaving the current Cat Grab session. Confirm?
GoldenMinerPlayCurScore Current Resource Points: {0}
GoldenMinerPlayTargetScore Target Points: {0}
GoldenMinerCurStage Stage {0}
EscapeFightingNotUpdateTeam In battle. Unable to change members.
BodyCombineGameTaskProgress {0}<size=30>/{1}</size>
BodyCombineGameLock1Tips Complete {0} to unlock
BodyCombineGameLock2Tips Insufficient {0}. Requires {1} {2} to unlock
BodyCombineGameWrongAnswer Wrong answer. Please pay attention to the <color=#34AFF9>Tag</color>, <color=#34AFF9>Silhouette</color>, and the Tip Text.
BodyCombineGameCostTips Consume <color={0}>{1}</color> to unlock
BodyCombineGameStageName Area {0}
GuildWarNotGuildMaster Only Commander-in-Chief and Deputy Commander can select the difficulty level.
GuildWarNoSelectDifficulty Expedition Difficulty unselected. Select one before entering Guild Expedition.
GuildWarNoInRound Battle not available yet. Please try again later.
GuildWarIsSkip You did not create a Guild in time. Unable to participate in the current Expedition.
GuildWarActionPointNotEnough Insufficient Expedition Supplies
GuildWarRecommendActive Recommended Activity: {0}
GuildWarRecommendActiveNotEnough Guild Activity: <color=#A52A2A>{0}</color>
GuildWarRoundLeftTime Time for this round: <color=#34AFF9>{0}</color>
GuildWarRoundLeftTime2 Time for next round: <color=#34AFF9>{0}</color>
GuildWarRoundLeftTime3 Event remaining time: <color=#34AFF9>{0}</color>
GuildWarSelectDifficultAutoOpen Difficulty available after {0}
GuildWarAutoSelectDifficultComplete Difficulty auto-selected. Please enter the Command Bureau again to join the Expedition.
GuildWarEntryDate {0} - {1}
GuildWarSelectDifficultyConfirmTitle Difficulty confirmation
GuildWarSelectDifficulty Select Difficulty
GWSelectDifficultyConfirmContentNotRecommend The Command Bureau had <color=#DC143C>no</color> or <color=#DC143C>low</color> Activity last round. It is suggested to select the difficulty level based on members' Activity.\nNote: It can be changed anytime before the battle starts.
GuildWarSelectDifficultySuccess Difficulty selected
GuildWarCantKickMember Members cannot be kicked out during Expedition
GuildWarCantGiveUpGuild Guilds cannot be disbanded during Expedition
GuildWarIsOpening Event in progress
GuildWarNextRoundTime {0} until next round
GuildWarClose Event is over
GuildWarNodeRankingTitle {0} Attack Ranking
GuildWarHomeRankingTitle Resource Security Member
GuildWarEliteNodeRankingTitle Ambusher Attack Ranking
GuildWarPandaFire "When the time is up, the Base will be attacked for {0} DMG."
GuildWarPandaHitAnother Already beat. Beat the next one asap.
GuildWarAssistantLog <color=#8d8d8d>{0}</color> <color=#0f70bc>[{1}]</color> supported player <color=#0f70bc>[{2}]</color> to combat. Additional Supply {3} granted.
GuildWarAssistantLogWithoutReward <color=#8d8d8d>{0}</color> <color=#0f70bc>[{1}]</color> supported player <color=#0f70bc>[{2}]</color> to combat.
GuildWarAssistantSet Support Settings
GuildWarAssistantCD Support Cooldown: {0}
GuildWarDamageTime (Launches in {0})
GuildWarDifficultySelect1 Next Round's Choice
GuildWarDifficultySelect2 This Round's Choice
GuildWarRemindLastRound The difficulty level cannot be changed as this is already the final battle.
GuildWarNotQualify Because this round had started before you joined the Command Bureau,\nyou cannot participate in this round of battles.
GuildWarNotQualifySupport Unable to proceed as this round had started before you joined the Command Bureau.
GuildWarCD In Cooldown
GuildWarNotWeakness This stage <color=#DC143C>has not been weakened</color> and <color=#DC143C>is more difficult to clear</color>. It is suggested to challenge other stages first. Confirm to continue anyway?
GuildWarSupplyLimit {0} <size=24>(limit reached)</size>
GuildDormMainTopChannelName Channel {0}
GuildDormGiftInfoCurrentContribution Current Contribution: {0}
GuildDormGiftButtonNormal <color=#FFFFFF>{0}</color>
GuildDormGiftButtonCanReceive <color=#34AFF8>{0}</color>
GuildDormRoleInteracting Character is in interaction. Unable to perform the action.
GuildDormRolePlayingAction Playing actions. Unable to switch characters.
GuildDormChannelName1 Channel 1
GuildDormChannelName2 Channel 2
GuildDormChannelName3 Channel 3
GuildDormChannelName4 Channel 4
GuildDormSwitchChannelTitle Switching to {0}
GuildDormSwitchChannelContent Switch channel?
GuildDormDefaultInteractButtonText Interact
GuildDormActionCDTip Interaction is on cooldown
GuildDormSwitchSameChannelTip Already in the channel
GuildDormNetworkTimeOutTip Requesting to enter the Command Bureau Hall has timed out. Closing the access to the new Command Bureau and entering the old one.\nIf you still want to enter the new Command Bureau, please log in and try again.
GuildDormOverMaxReconnectTime Command Bureau lobby connection timed out
GuildMusicEditDeleteTip Song list cannot be empty
GuildDormMusicPlayerEditTip Only Commander-in-Chief and Deputy Commander are authorized to edit.
GuildDormMusicEditSaveSuccess Playlist saved.
GuildDormMusicEditCloseTitle Exit
GuildDormMusicEditCloseContent Save playlist changes?
GuildDormThemeChanged Command Bureau Special Scene Expired
2024-02-29 04:51:22 +00:00
GuildDormBgmExperienceExpire Trial expired. Unable to select.
GuildDormBgmEditExperienceExpire Trial period for the songs of the list is over.
GuildDormSceneTrialTime Remaining time: {0}
GuildDormSpecialThemeIdTips Manual change of scenes is forbidden during special events.
2023-10-18 15:33:14 +00:00
BabelTowerAffixLevelInadequateTitle Affix Level insufficient
BabelTowerAffixLevelInadequateContent Strategy Target will not be increased by completing this challenge. Continue?
BabelTowerAbilityWarningTitle Warning
BabelTowerAbilityWarningContent Your team BP is significantly lower than the recommended BP. <color=#ff6347>This battle will be incredibly challenging.</color>\nWe recommend lowering Difficulty or Affix Level before challenging.
BabelTowerPermissionUnlockTitle Access unlocked
GuildWarNormalLog {0} defeated
GuildWarSentinelLog {0} defeated. Ambush Outpost will not spawn ambushers
GuildWarBuffLog {0} defeated. Buff obtained
GuildWarGuardLog {0} defeated. Affix "Dangerous Cliff" removed
GuildWarInfectLog {0} defeated. Help the Command Bureau to clear this Expedition!
GuildWarCommonLog Challenge {0} and deal {1}% DMG
GuildWarAreaTipDie Safe Area
GuildWarAreaTipRevive Rebuilding
GuildWarAreaTipAlive Danger Zone
GuildWarSettleTipWin Current Zone defeated by Command Bureau
GuildWarSettleTipLose Current battle completed by Command Bureau
GuildWarBossSettleTip The last {0} nodes have been cleared by Command Bureau
GoldenMinerUseItemCd In Cooldown
GoldenMinerReqportScore {0}/{1}<color=#0F70BC><size=28>(+{2})</size></color>
GoldenMinerReqportObjScore {0}<color=#0F70BC><size=32>(+{1})</size></color>
GoldenMinerReqportTotalScore <color=#0F70BC><size=32>(+{0})</size></color>
GuildWarRebuildTimeTip Rebuilding in {0}
GuildWarMaxDamageTip Personal Max DMG: {0}%
GuildWarMonsterDetails Advance one node every day at 20:00 (UTC). Deal at most <color=#ff6347>{0}% DMG</color> to the base according to remaining HP upon reaching the base.
GuildWarBornRebuildTimeTip Spawning in {0}
GuildWarForwardTimeTip Pushing forward in {0}
GuildWarRebuildMaxTimeTip Rebuilding time limit reached\nChallenge available in <color=#4169E1>{0}</color>
GuildWarSweepTip Auto Clear based on max DMG dealt in the past. Consume <color=#4169E1>{0}</color> Supplies to deal <color=#4169E1>{1}</color>% DMG (Auto Clear will only earn you <color=#4169E1>{2}</color>% of the rewards)\nContinue?
GuildWarSweepTipNotWeakness Auto Clear based on max DMG dealt in the past. Consume <color=#4169E1>{0}</color> Supplies to deal <color=#4169E1>{1}</color>% DMG (This stage has not been weakened and Auto Clear will only earn you <color=#4169E1>{2}</color>% of the rewards)\nContinue?
GuildWarResidueNameEn CanLiuQu
GuildWarResidueName Non-Cleared Zone
GuildWarMyMaxRebuildTimeTip Personal Max Rebuilding Time: {0}
GuildWarSelectDifficultyPreTotalActive Last Round's Activity: {0}
GuildWarSweepFinished Auto Clear Success!
GuildWarNodeIsDead Node cleared. Battle not available
GuildWarTaskExpireName Expired
GuildWarTaskDisableName Incomplete
StageUnlockCondition Clear {0} to unlock
DoubleTowersLevel Rank {0}
DoubleTowersRankCountDown <size=32><color=#000000>Remaining Event Time:</color></size> {0}
DoubleTowersLockPluginTips Unlocked
DoubleTowersNoChooseSlotTips Select a slot first
DoubleTowersMaxPluginTips Max level reached
DoubleTowersMustLeftOne Unload failed. Please keep at least 1 device.
DoubleTowersPluginEquip Loaded
DoubleTowersPluginTakeOff Unloaded
DoubleTowersChooseTeamMember Please first select the members to deploy
Upgrade Level up
Active Activate
Replace Swap
DoubleTowersStageLockCondition Clear {0} to unlock
EquipEnable Equip
GuildWarNowActionShow Current Battle Progress...
GuildWarHistoryActionShow Past Battle Progress...
GuildWarPathMaxHint Markers limit reached
GuildWarPathEditOverHint Marked
DoubleTowersProgress Progress: {0}/{1}
DoubleTowersPreconditionStageNotClear Please first complete: {0}
DoubleTowersAllStageNotClear Unlock after going through all Supply Stations
DoubleTowersStageTimeLimit {0} Unlocking
DoubleTowersPassed Cleared
DoubleTowersPreconditionGroupNotClear Please first complete: {0}
RpgMakerGameOpenTime {0} Unlocked
RpaMakerGameOnlyUseRole Unable to edit team
GuildWarLogCount Display last {0} records only
GuildWarLogRefreshTimeText Refreshes every {0} minute(s)
WeekChallengeLock Unlock on MM/dd/yyyy
ShopExchangeTip You are about to spend <color=#2275ff>{0} {1}</color> to purchase [{2} {3}]. Continue?
GuildWarSettleFinish Result Calculation completed
GuildWarChangeNode Node
GuildWarChangeMonster Ambusher
GoldenMinerKeepBattleTipsDesc We detected that the result of your last session was not calculated. Your progress to the nearest node has been saved. You can continue your challenge.
GoldenMinerShopTextLv Lv.{0} Lv.{1}
GoldenMinerAlreadyMaxLv Max level reached
DoubleTowersGatherSuccess Item Claimed
DoubleTowersGatherFail Item manufacturing. No item available currently
PurchaseYKTimeTip Days Remaining: {0}
PurchaseYKLimitCountTip Limited: {0}/{1}
DoubleTowersLockRank Unlock after reaching the Watcher's Tower
RpgMakerGameLastTime Event Time: {0}
RpgMakerGameMapTitle Map Preview
RpgMakerGameClearHintTitle Tips
ConsumeActivityMainCoatDesc Collect 2000 "Fortune" to claim for free
ConsumeActivityLuckyTime Event Time: {0} - {1}
ConsumeActivityShopTime Remaining Time {0}
ConsumeActivityMainTaskProgressText <color=#cb613c><size=25>{0}</size></color>/{1}
GuildWarRoundTimeOut Resting
ConsumeActivityNotOpen Event is not open yet
ConsumeActivityOver Event is over
PurchaseBgText5 SUPPLYPACK
PurchaseBgText2 SUPPLYPACK
PurchaseBgText4 EXCHANGE
PurchaseBgText1 RECHARGE
GuildWarBuffPanelTip Increase 1 level every 34% cleared (3 Levels in total)
AutoFightUnLock Auto Clear unlocked
GuildWarBaseMarkHint Resource Security Area cannot be marked. Please try other areas.
GoldenMinerShopTargetScore Target points for next stage: {0}
GoldenMinerRankTop TOP100
GuildWarBattleStart A new round of Guild Expedition has started. Enter and face new challenges!
GuildWarDeadSentinelLog Launch an attack on the Outpost, delaying the Rebuilding progress
GuildWarDeadInfectLog Attack a Non-Cleared Zone, gaining {0} points
UiBuyAssetHasNum Owned <color=#106dba><size=32>{0}</size></color>
FubenRepeatChallengeAutoFightOpenTip Auto Clear will be unlocked after the stage is cleared.
ArenaNoGuildTips No Guild
MultiDimFeverDesc Unlock Progress
MultiDimFightExitTipContent Support-type characters can revive teammates. You may be able to continue your fight with your teammate's assistance!\nAre you sure you want to exit? (Return to the battlefield to check the battle progress.)
MultiDimFightExitTipExit Exit Mission
MultiDimFightExitTipWait Wait
MultiDimActivityEnd Event is over
MultiDimActivityProgress {0} Progress: {1}/{2}
MultiDimThemeOpenText Available in\n{0}
MultiDimThemeNotOpenTip {0} is not yet available. Please try again later.
MultiDimTeamFubenOpenTimeText {0} - Next Day {1}
MultiDimMainDetailTeamNumber Recommended Players: {0}
MultiDimMainDetailNeedJobTypeTip Select {0} to start matching
MultiDimDifficultyAbilityText Recommended BP: {0}
MultiDimHighDifficultyAbilityText Recommended BP: {0} (Points added to the leaderboards)
MultiDimMainDetailRecommendDesc {0}, {1}, and {2} are recommended.
MultiDimDifficultySelectSucceed Difficulty level selected
MultiDimMainDetailMatchTipTitle Tips
MultiDimMainDetailMatchTipContent Too many players in the matching queue. Create room directly?
MultiDimMainDetailNotTeamActivity Outside the event period. Try again after {0}.
MultiDimDifficultyLimitDescription Clear\n{0} to challenge
MultiDimPresetRoleSaveSucceed Save Successful
MultiDimSingleStageOpenText {0} Available
MultiDimTalentResetTitle Talent Reset
MultiDimTalentResetContent After reset, all Talent Points will be returned and can be used to unlock new Talents.\nReset has a 24h cooldown. Confirm to reset Talents?
MultiDimChildTalentGrade Lv.{0}
MultiDimCoreTalentGrade <size=80>{0}</size>/3
MultiDimTalentNotItemCountTips Insufficient {0}.
MultiDimTalentUpgradeSucceed Success
MultiDimTeamSingleRank Personal Ranking
MultiDimTeamMultiRank Team Ranking
MultiDimTeamSettleRankTip Finalize ranking at {0}
MultiDimTeamSingleRankPoint <size=22><color=#000000FF>Points </color></size>{0}
MultiDimTeamManyRankPoint <size=22><color=#000000FF>Team Points </color></size>{0}
MultiDimTeamPercentDesc <size=42>{0}%</size>
MultiDimTalentResetTimeText Available after {0}
MultiDimThemeSelectDifficultyText Selected
MultiDimTeamNetworkPingTitle Network Test
MultiDimTeamNetworkPingContent Your network connection is unstable, which may affect your co-op experience. Are you sure you want to proceed?
TaikoMasterDifficulty HARD
TaikoMasterEasy NORMAL
TaikoMasterDefeat (Defeated {0}% of Players)
TaikoMasterFrame {0}
TaikoMasterScore <size=22>Highest Score</size> {0}
TaikoMasterCombo <size=22>Combo</size> {0}
TaikoMasterAccuracy <size=22>Accuracy</size> {0}%
TaikoMasterLock Stage will be available on {0}
TaikoMasterComboPerfect Perfect Combo!
TaikoMasterComboFull Full Combo!
TaikoMasterEmpty - - -
MultiDimCareer1 Attacker Talent
MultiDimCareer2 Tank Talent
MultiDimCareer3 Support Talent
CharacterQualityStar Phase {0}
CharacterQualityTip {0} {1}
CharacterQualitySkillTipText {0}Lv{1}
2023-11-20 15:19:46 +00:00
CharacterSkillNameText {0}{1}{2} Lv{3}
2023-10-18 15:33:14 +00:00
CharacterQualitySkillText Skill Growth
CharacterQualityAttributeText Stat Growth
MultiDimAddLike Like +{0}
MultiDimOnlineInviteTitle Invite guild members
MultiDimOnlineInviteNoFriend No available guild members
PurchaseYKIsOnBuyLimt Monthly Pass purchase limit reached
YuanXiaoText1 Ranking
YuanXiaoText2 Completed
YuanXiaoText3 Trophy
YuanXiaoText4 Score
2024-02-29 04:51:22 +00:00
YuanXiaoText5 Training Star
2023-10-18 15:33:14 +00:00
MoeWarGiftTipsDesc Sending can restore <color=#197dcb>{0}</color> Mood to the Helper.\nConfirm to proceed?
MoeWarWinnerGroup Champions
MoeWarFailGroup Underdogs
MoeWarRecruitReplyAgain Challenge Again
MoeWarRecruitNotContact No need to contact default members
MoeWarPrepareOver Competition has ended
MoeWarPrepareNotOpen Event is not available yet
MoeWarPrepareOverEn END OF THE GAME
MoeWarPrepareNotOpenEn START OF THE GAME
MoeWarVoteGainTitle Grants Golden Days
DormSelectTooMuch Recycle up to {0} Decor(s) at a time
AlreadyInNewGuild Already in the new guild
AlreadyInOldGuild Already in the old guild
MoeWarDispatchMoodLack Insufficient Mood of the character. Advance to restore?
ReformChallengeScoreTip Points Earned [Highest Modification Points: {0}]
ReformRecommendScoreTip {0} <color=#575757><size=32>(Recommend: {1})</size></color>
ReformEnemyGroupName1 WAVE 1
ReformEnemyGroupName2 WAVE 2
ReformEnemyGroupName3 WAVE 3
ReformEnemyCountTip Enemies: {0}/{1}
ReformEnemyBuffTipsTitle2 Affixes Selected: {0}/{1}
ReformMaxScoreTip Total Points (Max {0})
ReformRecommendScoreTip2 Recommended Points: {0}
ReformLockChallengeTip Cannot activate as you haven't accumulated {0} points yet
ReformEnemyBuffPanelTopTip Stronger enemies will yield more Affix Points
ReformStageTimeTip Adjust Stage Adjustment Duration
ReformEvolvableTimeNameText Duration (Limit Beyond Exclusive)
ReformStageTimePreviewText Stage Duration
ReformMaxTimeCountTip Selection limit reached
StrongholdCanAutoFight (Available for Auto Clear!)
StrongholdNotAutoFightTipsDesc Auto Clear Battle is available in the current area. Continue with manual battle anyway?
StrongholdSuggestElectricTipsDesc Electricity Used Has Gone Beyond the Recommended Value for the Chapter: <color=#0e70bd>{0} (Recommended by System) +{1} (Electricity Generated)</color>. Unable to complete some of the challenges. Start battle anyway?
StrongholdSuggestElectricTipsDesc2 Currently Electricity Used: <color=#0e70bd>{0}</color>
StrongholdDeployTxtPjzl Average Power: <color=#{0}>{1}/</color>{2}
StrongholdSuggestElectricDesc {0}+{1} [Generated]
ShopOthersDescription405 Weapon Enhancer
ShopOthersDescription404 Cogs, Enhancer
GuildDormNetworkFailed Guild Dormitory network error
XTwoSideTowerChapterConditionProcess Clear {0} to unlock
XTwoSideTowerChapterCleared Highest Vision Points: {0}
XTwoSideTowerChapterNotCleared Uncleared
XTwoSideTowerChapterTimeProcess Unlocks after {0}
TwoSideTowerPositiveTitle Downstream
TwoSideTowerNegativeTitle Upstream
TwoSideTowerStageDetailTitle Stage Details
TwoSideTowerResetTitle Tips
TwoSideTowerResetContent Resetting the chapter will <color=#e41f0a>reset your chapter progress</color>, but you will keep your highest score in the Upstream Phase.\nAre you sure you want to start a new challenge?
TwoSideTowerSettleBuffDesc {0}/{1}
TwoSideTowerSettleShieldDetail You have broken through <color=#e41f0a>{1}</color> Mirage Features\nand blocked <color=#00ffffff>{0}</color> Mirage Features in the battle of the Upstream Phase.
TwoSideTowerSettlePoint {0}/{1}
TwoSideTowerFightAgain Challenge Again
TwoSideTowerAutoFightTitle Tips
TwoSideTowerAutoFightContent After resetting the chapter, you can use Auto Clear to <color=#e41f0a>skip</color> the stages that you have cleared in the Downstream Phase.\nAre you sure you want to use Auto Clear?
TwoSideTowerSettleTitle {0} Cleared!
TwoSideTowerProcess Mission Completed: {0}/{1}
TwoSideTowerChangeTip1 Downstream Phase is over.
TwoSideTowerChangeTip2 Entering Upstream Phase.
GameExitMsg Are you sure you want to quit the game?
CommonLockedTip Locked
CourseGPAShow {0}/{1}
CourseGPAUnlockConditionDesc Total Achievement Points reached {0}
CourseChapterUnlockConditionDesc Courses completed: {0}
CourseFinishUnlockLesson Unlock new course: {0}
CourseFinishUnlockExam Unlock new License Exam: {0}
CourseGPARewardTitle Achievement Point Reward
BiancaTheatreNextTaskRefresh Refresh in {0}
RewardPreview Reward Preview
EquipGuideEquipNotExist No equipment can be equipped for now.
EquipGuideEquipCanEquips Can be equipped.
EquipGuideEquipGrowing Under Training
EquipGuideEquipFullLevel Gear Level Maxed
EquipGuideNotSetTarget No goals have been set.
EquipGuideSetTarget Goal set.
EquipGuideCancelTarget Settings canceled.
EquipGuideChangeTargetIdenticalRoleTips Switch the Equipment Goal [Set {0}] to [Set {1}]?
EquipGuideChangeTargetInequalityRoleTips Cancel the Equipment Goal for [{0}] and set it for [{1}]?
EquipGuideCancelTargetTips Cancel the Equipment Goal for [{0}]?
EquipGuideCurTargetText Current Goal
EquipGuideEquippedText Equipped
EquipGuideNoTargetText Set as Goal
2023-11-20 15:19:46 +00:00
EquipGuideDrawNoWeaponTip Research of the weapon is not activated yet
EquipGuideShopNoEquipTip No {0} of this type in the shop
2023-10-18 15:33:14 +00:00
GuildBossHighAreaLvLimit You must reach level 52 to access Special Dispatch Area battles
GuildNoneJoinToPlay You must join a Command Bureau to access this feature
SpecialTrainMatchTipTitle Tips
SpecialTrainMatchTipContent Too many players in the matching queue. Create room directly?
SpecialTrainRandomMapTip Cannot create room after selecting a random map
CurLevel Degraded successfully.
DecreaseLevel Degrade
DrawFreeTicketCoolDown Expire in {0}
2024-02-29 04:51:22 +00:00
SummerSignInDefault Please select to check an unopened postcard.
2023-10-18 15:33:14 +00:00
SummerSignInFinishSign You have used up the check attempts today. Please come back tomorrow.
SummerSignInChoseMessage Postcard from {0} and gifted <color=#ff8105>Free Research</color>
SummerSignInViewCountFinishTip You have used up the check attempts today. Please come back tomorrow.
BiancaTheatreRestartTipsDesc Insufficient Biomimetic Blood
2024-02-29 04:51:22 +00:00
BiancaTheatreLockRollCount Limited by Sight, you cannot deploy more than {0} characters.
BiancaTheatreAchievementLeft Already the first page
BiancaTheatreAchievementRight Already the last page
2023-11-20 15:19:46 +00:00
NotOwn {0} Not Owned
AssistOnlyOne Only 1 assistant in the assistant queue. Unable to randomize.
PurchaseLBOwnAll You already have all the items in the pack
MentorSearceInCD Frequent search attempts. Please search again after {0}s.
2024-01-23 00:22:05 +00:00
DlcHuntBecomeLeader You have become the room host.
RiftPluginLoad {0}/<size=30>{1}</size>
RiftPluginLoad2 <size=30><color=#ff5f2d>{0}</color></size>/{1}
RiftPluginLoadRed <size=30><color=#ff1831>{0}</color></size>/{1}
RiftPluginLoadYellow <size=30><color=#e85e03>{0}</color></size>/{1}
RiftPluginLoadBlue <size=30><color=#34aff8>{0}</color></size>/{1}
RiftChapterDepthRange {0}-{1}KM
RiftChapterDepthRangeUnKnown Depth Range Unknown
RiftChapterHadExploreDepth Detected {0}km
RiftChapterOutliersDepth Abnormal Snapshot {0}
RiftChapterProgress Clearance Progress: {0}%
RiftChapterPreLimit Incomplete prerequisite floor
RiftChapterTimeLimit Not yet available
RiftDepth {0}KM
RiftDepthSettle Depth {0}km
RiftPluginLoadMax Max add-on load reached
RiftPluginLoadNoneLeft Insufficient remaining load of the add-on
RiftPluginCharLimit Add-on can only be equipped on designated character(s)
RiftPluginTypeLimit Cannot be equipped with add-ons of the same type
RiftLoad Load: {0}
RiftChapterFightingLock You are already engaged in a battle on another layer. Please abandon the battle and try again.
RiftChapterFirstPassTip Battle layer already completed. Move to the next battle layer?
RiftChapterTimeLock Layer is not available yet
RiftLuckValueLimit Insufficient Perception Signal. Unable to start Simulacrum Snapshot.
RiftLuckNotFightLimit Please start the battle
RiftLuckOnlyLimit Incomplete Serendipitous Snapshot stage(s). Unable to generate. Advance to complete it/them?
RiftFightLimit Cannot jump in battle. Abandon the battle and try again.
RiftGiveUpConfirm Are you sure you want to abandon the battle?
RiftRefreshRandomConfirm Are you sure you want to reset?
RiftSweepConfirm Are you sure you want to Quick Clear the stage? This will consume 1 dispatch attempt.
RiftLucyNodeDesc Defeat Kuroro and get the luxurious reward!
RiftLucyNodeEnterLimit Please start the battle and then enter
RiftNodeEnterPreLock Complete the previous stage first
RiftJumpFromTo ({0}km-{1}km)
RiftSweepTimesLimit Insufficient remaining dispatch attempts today. Unable to dispatch.
RiftSweepFirstPassLimit You have to clear the area once. Unable to dispatch.
RiftSweepDataLimit Complete the result calculation of the stage(s) cleared to dispatch
RiftAttributeLimit Perception Amplification feature is not available
RiftFinish Event is over
RiftLayerNormal Regular Snapshot
RiftLayerMulti Overlapped Snapshot
RiftLayerZoom Collapsed Snapshot
RiftLayerLimit1 Area can be unlocked via 90km Zone Leap
RiftLayerLimit2 Incomplete prerequisite combat zone(s). Unable to keep going.
RiftLayerStartByAuto Note: Battle in the {0}km area is available
RiftLayerStartByJump <size=50><b>Collapse completed </b></size><size=65><b>{0}</b></size><b>km zone is now available</b>
RiftLuckValueTip Serendipitous Snapshot's Perception Signal is full. Continuing will not grant more signal.
RiftMopup Dispatch Again ({0}/{1})
UnKnown Unknown
CollectionBoxFavorMailTime Time: {0}
Common Common
PartnerSkillUpConfirm Upgraded
CharacterTowerOpenTimeDesc Reach {0} to unlock
CharacterTowerChapterInActivityDesc In Progress: <color=#fee82a>{0}</color>
CharacterTowerChapterProgressDesc Progress: {0}/{1}
CharacterTowerChapterRewardProgressDesc Progress <color=#a9a9a9>{0}</color>/{1}
CharacterTowerChapterRewardDesc Complete all missions ({0}/{1}) to obtain {2}'s gift
CharacterTowerChapterRewardFinishDesc Obtained: {0}'s gift
CharacterTowerRelationLevelDesc Lv{0}
CharacterTowerRelationActivatedDesc Activated: <color=#ff3f3f> {0} </color>/ {1}
CharacterTowerRelationFinishDesc Completed: {0} Contract Target(s)
CharacterTowerRelationLockTips Complete {0} Contract Target(s) to unlock
GuildDormClose ({0}s)
GuildSignNumberTex Keep Improving
PartnerSkillCoinNotEnough Insufficient Cogs
PartnerSkillItemNotEnough Insufficient upgrade items!
DlcHuntPercent {0}%
DlcHuntChipName Chip Group
DlcHuntChipUndress Remove all chips of this chip group?
DlcHuntChipDecompose Scrapped chips will disappear. Continue?
DlcHuntChipDecomposeFull Max Shards reached
DlcHuntChipUndressFromAllGroup Chip will be removed from all chip groups. Continue?
DlcHuntChipExpensive 6★ chip(s) in materials selected. Continue?
DlcHuntChipLevel <color=#7ae4ec>{0}</color><size=30>/{1}</size>
DlcHuntChipLevel2 {0}/<color=#28cfff>{1}</color>
DlcHuntTaskFinish All missions completed
DlcHuntChipMaxLevel Max level reached
DlcHuntChipBreakthrough Overclock {0}
2024-02-29 04:51:22 +00:00
DlcHuntChipBreakthrough0 N/A
2024-01-23 00:22:05 +00:00
DlcHuntChipSelect Selected: <color=#00ffffff>{0}</color>/{1}
DlcHuntChipGroupPower Battle Power: <color=#58c5cd><size=32>{0}</size></color>
DlcHuntChipGroupLevel Lv<color=#1f494f><size=28>{0}</size></color>
DlcHuntChipAmount <color=#00ffffff>{0}</color>/{1}
2024-02-29 04:51:22 +00:00
DlcHuntChipGroupEquipAmount Equipped: <color=#58c5cd><size=36>{0}</size></color>/{1}
2024-01-23 00:22:05 +00:00
DlcHuntChipGroupAmount <color=#ffffff>{0}</color>/{1}
DlcHuntChipAssistantZero Cannot be obtained
DlcHuntChipLevel3 Lv{0}
DlcHuntReconnectFail1 Disconnected from the team for too long. Disconnection failed.
DlcHuntReconnectFail2 Stage cleared. Reward will be mailed.
DlcHuntReconnectFail3 Failed to clear the stage. Unable to reconnect.
DlcHuntReconnectToRoom Resume to the battle in Artemis Anchor's Co-op room?\nTap "Cancel" to reconnect to the battle through the Co-op room later.
DlcHuntFightingPower Battle Power: <color=#58c5cd>{0}</color>
2024-02-29 04:51:22 +00:00
DlcHuntStrengthenSuccess Chip enhanced successfully.
DlcHuntBreakthroughSelectMaterial Please select Overclock Materials.
DlcHuntSelectAssistantChip Support Chip not selected. Battle preparation is not done. Select Support Chip?
DlcHuntWorldLock4Time Challenge Available in: {0}
DlcHuntWorldLock4PreWorld Unlocks after clearing Stage {0}
DlcHuntAssistPointReward Support Chip Borrow Reward
DlcHuntAssistCreateRoom Too few players for matching. Create a room instead?
DlcHuntReconnecting Conneting to battle. Unable to do this.
DlcHuntPopUpAttrPrefix {0} growth
DlcHuntChipEquiped Chip equipped.
2024-01-23 00:22:05 +00:00
RiftAttributeTemplateName1 Default Plan
RiftAttributeTemplateName2 A
RiftAttributeTemplateName3 B
RiftAttributeTemplateName4 C
RiftAttributeTemplateName5 ?
RiftUnlockPluginName Unknown
RiftBuyAttrConst Consume Points
RiftNextAttrConst Cost of Next Level:
GuildDormSetThemeCd Scene switchable in {0}
ColorTableNoOpenTime Not available yet. Unable to start challenge.
ColorTableNoPassStage Complete the previous stage and then start the challenge.
ColorTableBreakFight {0} challenge in progress. The progress will be lost, and the result calculation will immediately start if you end. End anyway?
ColorTableCurObtain Total: {0}
ColorTableUnlockShopTips Collect {0} Badge to unlock.
ColorTableRoundTxt Round {0}
2024-02-29 04:51:22 +00:00
ColorTableLvTxt Lv. {0}
2024-01-23 00:22:05 +00:00
ColorTableBurstSettleTip Master(s) over Lv.6! The age of masters is triggered!
ColorTableNoEnoughCostTxt <color=#ff3f3f> {0} </color>
ColorTableRollPointTxt Obtained: {0} Paint +{1}
ColorTableStudyLevelMaxDes {0} work exhibition at max level
ColorTableStudyLevelMaxTip Reach the max level to point out a master's fatal flaw or suppress the master.
ColorTableStudyLevelMaxMassage Can reduce the master's level to Lv.1.
ColorTableTipActionPoint Obtain 5 Points each round to perform Actions.
ColorTableTipEsayModeTitle After it is enabled, tap the building to advance to or execute the building feature.
2024-02-29 04:51:22 +00:00
ColorTableTipEsayMode The building window will still be open as there are multiple options for Art Criticism.
2024-01-23 00:22:05 +00:00
ColorTableTipStudyData Three-Color Paint:\nCan store up to 7 Points. Can be obtained by consuming Action Points in the Paint Workshop. Use it to raise the Rating Level or reduce the percentage of a Painting School.
ColorTableEndDialogTitle End
ColorTableEndDialogContext Unused Action Points. End anyway?
ColorTableStartBossBattle Challenge Boss
ColorTableRollBossNormalTitle Masterpiece
ColorTableRollBossExplodeTitle Burst of Inspiration
ColorTableRollBossEpidemicTitle Clash of Schools
ColorTableNewRoundTxt Round {0}
ColorTableSettleWinTitle <color=#{0}>{1}</color>
2024-02-29 04:51:22 +00:00
ColorTableSettleWinTip <color=#{0}>Tap Continue to unlock the next phase.</color>
2024-01-23 00:22:05 +00:00
ColorTableSettleLoseTitle <color=#F8F8F8>All masters have reached Lv.6. Challenge failed.</color>
ColorTableSettleLoseTip <color=#A1A1A1>Bring the level of all masters down to Lv.4 and continue the challenge?\n(You will receive the same rewards by clearing the stage in Normal mode.)</color>
ColorTableSettleHardLoseTip <color=#F8F8F8>Challenge failed.\n(You cannot revive in the Hard mode.)</color>
ColorTableShopTime Remaining Time: <size=32><color=#34aff8> {0}</color></size>
ColorTableChallengingTips Challenge in progress. Unable to enter or select other stages.
BrilliantWalkChapterUnlock Unlocks after clearing Stage {0}
BrilliantWalkStageUnlock Unlocks after clearing Stage {0}
BrilliantWalkStagelockMsg The stage is still locked
BrilliantWalkTrenchNotUnlock Modification content is locked
BrilliantWalkStageModuleActiveTipContent Module not activated. Activate it?
BrilliantWalkModuleActivated Module activated
BrilliantWalkModuleEquiped Module already enabled in another slot.
BrilliantWalkModuleDisactiveWarning Disabling the module will <color=#c94141>disconnect</color> all circuits connected to it. Disable?
BrilliantWalkModuleActiveWarning Enabling the module will replace {0}. All connected circuits on {1} will all be <color=#c94141>disconnected</color>. Enable?
BrilliantWalkQuickChangeWarning Active {1} to connect to the second circuit in {0}.
BrilliantWalkCancelChangeWarning Are you sure you want to abandon the modification plan?
BrilliantWalkResultWords Trailblazer
BrilliantWalkStageNotEnoughEnergy Insufficient available ports
BrilliantWalkStagePluginNotExist Nonexistent modification content
BrilliantWalkStagePluginNotUnlock Modification content is locked
BrilliantWalkStagePluginHasntRelatedTrenchId No corresponding module slot found
BrilliantWalkBossGameSetDifficultNormal NORMAL
BrilliantWalkBossGameSetDifficultHard HARD
BrilliantWalkChapterTime Unlocks in {0}.
BrilliantWalkChapterTimeTip Chapter not yet available
BrilliantWalkActivityNotOpen Event is not available yet
BrilliantWalkMaxPoint (Max {0} Progress obtainable)
AwarenessOccupyProgress Sequence Pact Guard Progress: {0}/{1}
DormQuestTerminalTeamTime {0} left
DormQuestTerminalLevelDesc Lv.{0}
DormQuestTerminalMaxLevel Max level reached
DormQuestTerminalNotUpgradeCondition Upgrade requirement not met.
DormQuestTerminalNotUpgradeItem Insufficient upgrade items
DormQuestTerminalStartUpgrade System upgrade started.
DormQuestTerminalUpgradeTime Remaining: {0}
DormQuestTerminalRecallTeamTitle Recall Team
DormQuestTerminalRecallTeamContent You <color=#c94141>will not receive the Commission Reward</color> if you recall team instantly.\nRecall team?
DormQuestTerminalDetailMemberCount <color=#0F70BC>{0}</color> members required.
DormQuestTerminalTeamMemberLimit Team limit reached.
DormQuestTerminalMemberNumber Not enough members.
DormQuestTerminalQuestAccept Commission already accepted
DormQuestTerminalSurpassTeamNumber Exceeding the required team size.
DormQuestTerminalMemberInTeam Member in another team. Unable to select.
DormQuestTerminalMemberInWork Member doing chores. Unable to select.
DormQuestTerminalQuestUpdate Today's commissions refreshed.
DormQuestTerminalTeamRegress Team Returned
DormQuestTerminalTeamFree Idle Team
2024-02-29 04:51:22 +00:00
DormQuestTerminalMainTeamRegress Dormitory Commission System: Teams Returned ({0})
DormQuestTerminalMainTeamFree Dormitory Commission System: Idle Teams ({0})
2024-01-23 00:22:05 +00:00
DormQuestTerminalFinishQuestCount <size=80>{0}</size><color=#000000>/{1}</color>
DormQuestTerminalNextQuestRefreshTime Next Commission Refresh in: <color=#1482E4>{0}</color>
EquipResonancedLimit Resonance is required to unlock the Hypertune feature.
FubenMainLineActionPointLackTitle Dimension Rerun Failure
FubenMainLineActionPointLackContent Insufficient Stamina. Unable to perform Dimension Rerun.
RedColorValue <color=#cb230f>({0}/{1})</color>
AwarenessHintText If <color=#ff0000>all</color> assigned members <color=#ff0000>meet</color> the recommended BP, you may <color=#ff0000>reboot</color> when you fail. (Max <color=#ff0000>10 reboots</color>)
AwarenessTotalHarm Extra DMG Bonus: {0}%
AssignOccypyProgress Border Pact Station Progress: {0}/{1}
AutoTeamLimit The stage already has progress. Unable to use Quick Deploy.
AwarenessSelectIsUsed Member is guarding another sequence.
AwarenessOccupySuccess Guarded
AwarenessOccupyDesc Challenge the sequence. Guard to increase the <color=#ff0000>Extra DMG Bonus</color>.
AwarenessOccupyProgressOnCover Guard Progress:
AssignSendMemberCalled Station Requirement
AwarenessSendMemberCalled Guard Requirement
AwarenessFight Sequence Pact Bonus
VotingPeriod Voting period
StatisticalPeriod Notice Period
SkinNameVoteNotSelectButConfirm Please select a name and then tap the Confirm button.
SkinNameVoteSecondaryConfirmation Your choice is subject to the official name of the Coating. Would you like to give it more thought?
SkinNameVoteTip Event Details
AssignOccupyThisMember Currently Stationing
AssignOccupyOtherMember Stationing in another area
AwarenessOccupyThisMember Currently Guarding
AwarenessOccupyOtherMember Guarding in another area
SuperAwareness Hypertune is only available when Memory is at max level and Resonnance Skill is unlocked
2024-02-29 04:51:22 +00:00
SetKeyConflict This key is already used by another function. Would you like to swap them?\nCurrently used by: {0}\nKey selected: {1}
SetInputStartNoCombine Tap a button
2024-01-23 00:22:05 +00:00
GuildBossOpenLimit Event is not available. Please try again later.
2024-02-29 04:51:22 +00:00
FightDlcSosTips Waiting for Rescue: {0}
ColorTableStudyDataTxt {0} / {1}
BuyItemCountLimit {0} purchase limit reached.
SuperSmashAssistance Backup
SuperSmashCareer Support/\nAmplifier
SuperSmashProgress2 Progress: <color=#0da6ec><size=42>{0}</size></color>
SuperSmashRollBack Cancel [challenge record]?\nThis will clear the challenge record.
SuperSmashRollBackTitle Reset Notice
SuperSmashFinish Completed
SuperSmashNotRipe Progress must be over {0}.
SuperSmashCanNotSelect Cannot select
Maverick2RemainUnitCount Units to Be Allocated: {0}
Maverick2UnitCountUnlock Allocate <color=#fff21f><size=32>{0}</size></color> Mind Units to unlock.
Maverick2MentalLvUnlock Unlocked at Mind Lv.<color=#fff21f><size=32>{0}</size></color>.
Maverick2TalentLv Lv.{0}
Maverick2TalentLock Talent activation conditions not met.
Maverick2TalentUnEffect Talent locked. It cannot take effect.
Maverick2HelpSkillName {0}: Lv.{1}
Maverick2HelpSkillUnlock Support Skill unlocked
Maverick2RobotlUnlock New character unlocked.
Maverick2TalentLvUpNoEnough Insufficient Mind Units. Unable to upgrade.
Maverick2ChapterCompleteProgress {0}%
GuildWarEditPathCantLink Unable to connect to this node. Please try again.
GuildWarTwinsChildDetail Merge when defeated. The lower HP the Nodes have, the lower HP after the merge.
GuildWarTwinsRootDetail Boss can restore 10% of Max HP to Ambushers.
RedText <color=#ff1831>{0}</color>
GachaMinCount Special Rewards Guarantee: {0}/{1}
GuildWarTeamAreaResetDialogTitle The record is better than the previous one. Reset?
GuildWarTeamAreaMemberLocked Character is already locked in another team. Unable to deploy.
GuildWarTeamAreaSelfMemberChange Character already in team {0}. Deploy anyway?
GuildWarTeamAreaAssitantMemberChange You can only use up to 2 support characters for 3 battles.
GuildWarTeamNumber Team {0}
MovieSpeed {0}x Speed
EpicGachaLayer0 Core Layer
EpicGachaLayer1 Level 1
EpicGachaLayer2 Level 2
BuySpeedLimit Exchange action too fast.
GuildIsKickMemberInGuildWarTime Are you sure you want to dismiss the member during the Guild Expedition?
GuildDialogKickMemberTitle Dismissal of Member
DormSkipToNewDrawMainContent Leaving the Dormitory and jumping to the Research interface. Confirm to jump?
ClearMinimumGuarantee All Special Rewards obtained.
GuildWarTeamAreaSetMemberSuccess Deployed
GuildWarTeamAreaTitle Deployment Notice
GuildWarFormationTeamTitle Combat Team [{0}]
GuildWarTeamAreaFormationChangeError Support character(s) in team. Unable to switch.
GuildWarTeamAreaUploadSuccess Record uploaded.
GuildWarTeamAreaUploadError No better challenge record. Unable to upload.
StartFight Battle
StartPlay Play
2023-10-18 15:33:14 +00:00
GWSelectDifficultyConfirmContentRecommend Recommended Activity for this Difficulty is <color=#A52A2A>{0}</color>. Activity of the Command Bureau last round is {1}. Please make sure the Difficulty you select matches the number of active members in the Command Bureau. Continue?
MultiDimFightExitTipTitle Dead Characters
ActivityRepeatChallengeChapterLockBtn Unlock at Authority Lv.{0}
FashionHaveOwnedTipsTitle Duplicate Coating Tips
FashionHaveOwnedTipsContent Selected items include owned Coating. If you proceed, it will be converted into the corresponding number of Coating Blueprints. Proceed?
ArchiveWeaponCollectionDesc Collection Rate {0}
ArchiveWeaponCollectionRate <color=#0F70BCFF>{0}%</color>
ArchiveWeaponCollectionProgress <color=#0e70bd>{0}</color>/{1}
ArchiveWeaponAchivementCollectionFinishedProgress <color=#34AFF8FF>%d</color>/%d
ArchiveWeaponAchivementCollectionNotFinishedProgress <color=#34AFF8FF>%d</color>/%d
ArchiveAwarenessCollectionDesc Collection Rate {0}
ArchiveAwarenessCollectionRate <color=#0F70BCFF>{0}%</color>
ArchiveAwarenessNextStory {0}, Unlock: [{1}]
ArchiveAwarenessNotGet Have not acquired Grid {0} Memory
EquipNotAwakeBtn Awaken
EquipAwakenBtn Awaken Details
UiArchiveMonsterKillText Kills: {0}
EquipAwakenMax Max awakening level reached
EquipMinCritMultiple Minor critical {0:P1} EXP
EquipMaxCritMultiple Minor critical {0:P1} EXP
ItemTimeLimit Recycle
BossOnlineOpenTimeTip Opens: 01:00-04:59, 09:00-12:59 and 17:00-20:59 (UTC) daily
SelectFurniture Select Decor
BuyAssetCurBatteryNameDesc Current Serum
BuyAssetCurNutCaseNameDesc Current Cogs
BuyAssetCurBatteryTxtDesc Serum Obtained
BuyAssetCurNutCaseTxtDesc Cogs Obtained
BuyAssetCurBatteryNoneDesc No Serum Bundles to use
BuyAssetCurNutCaseNoneDesc No Cog Boxes to use
PurchaseRiYuanName USD
PurchaseBuyHeiKaDescTips Purchase {1} with xxx USD?
PurchaseBuyHeiKaFirstTips 1st Recharge Doubled
PurchaseBuyHeiKaName Black Card
Specificbusinesstransactionlaw 黒パス及びアイテムその他のデジタルコンテンツについて\n\n◆販売業者名称\nHK HERO ENTERTAINMENT CO.,LIMITED\n\n◆所在地\nFLAT/RM 1903 19/F LEE GARDEN ONE 33 HYSAN AVENUE CAUSEWAY BAY, HK\n\n◆お問い合わせ先\n【カスタマーサポート】\n※お問い合わせへの回答は原則メールでの対応となります。何卒ご協力お願いいたします。\n\n【業務内容についてのお問い合わせ】\n※本アドレスは業務連絡用のみです。\n\n◆代表者\n楊斌\n\n◆販売価格\n購入手続きの際、都度画面に表示いたします。表示価格は消費税を含みます。\n\n◆販売価格以外の費用\n商品の購入、ダウンロード等に必要となるインターネット接続料金、通信料金等は、お客様のご負担となります。\nそれぞれの料金は、お客様がご利用のインターネットプロバイダ、携帯電話会社等にお問い合わせください。\n\n◆お支払時期及び方法\n黒パスをご購入いただく場合、ご利用のスマートフォン端末によって、お支払い方法が異なります。\niPhoneをご利用の方購入時にApp Storeでのお支払いになります。\nAndroidGoogle Playストアをご利用の方購入時にGoogleウォレットでのお支払いになります。\nアイテムその他のデジタルコンテンツは、黒パスによりご購入いただきます。\n\n◆提供時期\n購入確定後、すぐにご利用いただけます。\n\n◆返品等について\nデジタルコンテンツの特性上、購入確定後の返品交換には応じられません。\n\n◆対応機種\n対象のサービスが動作するAndroid端末、iPhone端末のいずれかが必要です。\n動作環境は、各アプリの公式サイトにてご確認ください。
Capitaldecisionmethod 資金決済法に基づく表示(黒パスについて)\n\n◆前払式支払手段発行者\n株式会社ヒーローエンタテインメント\n\n◆支払可能額等\n上限はございません。\nただし、未成年者は黒パスの購入利用消費を含みますにあたり、事前に法定代理人の同意が必要です。\n※1黒パス=2円となっておりますが、黒パスの日本円換算は、為替や経済情勢の影響などにより、変動する可能性があります。\n\n◆有効期間\n有効期間の定めはございません。\n契約が解除された場合は、未使用の黒パスは失効します。\nまた、当社は、最終のアクセスから1年間以上経過しているアカウントを、あらかじめお客様に通知することなく削除することができます。この場合、未使用の黒パスは失効します。\n詳しくは、利用規約をご覧ください。\n\n◆お問い合わせ先(事務所所在地及び連絡先)\n事務所所在地大阪市生野区小路東四丁目\n連絡先\n【業務内容についてのお問い合わせ】 \n※本アドレスは業務連絡用のみです。\n\n◆利用場所\nお使いの端末のオペレーションシステムに対応するアプリ「パニシンググレイレイヴン」サービス内でご利用いただけます。\n\n◆利用上の注意\n資金決済に関する法律に基づき払戻しが認められる場合を除き、原則として、「パニシンググレイレイヴン」のゲーム内通貨である黒パスの払戻しはいたしません。\n詳しくは、利用規約をご覧ください。\n\n◆未利用残高の確認方法\nアプリ「パニシンググレイレイヴン」内の黒パスアイコンよりご確認いただけます。\n\n◆利用規約\n詳しくは、利用規約をご覧ください。\n利用規約は公式サイト下部のリンクまたは下記のURLからご確認いただけます。\n\n\n◆利用者資金の保全方法\n当社は、前払式支払手段の保有者の保護のために、資金決済に関する法律第14条第1項の規定に基づき、基準日未使用残高毎年3月31日及び9月30日時点における未使用残高で、資金決済に関する法律第3条第2項の規定に基づき算出したものをいいますの2分の1以上の額の発行保証金を供託所に供託することにより資産保全を行っております。\n※必ずしも全額保全が図られているわけではございません。\n\n当社の経営破綻により前払式支払手段が利用できなくなった場合、前払式支払手段の保有者は、資金決済に関する法律第31条の規定に基づき、あらかじめ保全された発行保証金について、他の債権者に先立ち弁済を受けることができます。\n\n◆補償方針\n前払式支払手段に関して、第三者による不正利用に伴う被害が生じた場合、当社に帰責事由がある場合を除き、当社はその責任を負いません。ただし、特別な事情があると当社が認める場合には、当社の判断により補償を行うことがあります。
PurchaseYKDes13 月間カードBについて\n月間カードBは購入後30日間有効、毎日5:00に免疫血清×90およびナット×100000を受取可能。\n特典はメールで配布します。全ての特典メールを受取り後に、再購入が可能です。\n購入後、すぐに有償黒パス610枚を獲得できます。
PurchaseYKDes14 You will receive your daily rewards through mail after your purchase. You can purchase again when all your reward mails are claimed.\nNote: You can only buy the Novice 4-Day Pass once.
SpecificbusinesstransactionTitle Specified Commercial Transactions Act
CapitaldecisionmethodTitle Financial Settlement Method
FightGradeOutput Damage
FightGradeCure Heal
FightGradeBreak Piercing Armor
ChangePasswordNotOpenTip Password cannot be changed.
DiviningRewardsText Reward obtained
NewYearChouJiang Straylight Terminal
PurchaseYKSurplusMail Days Left: {0}D
SetPasswordNotOpenTip This function is not available yet
PurchaseCurrentPayTips Please be patient while payment is being settled. Do not repeatedly purchase before payment is complete.
BuyAssertSwitchButtonNameLuoMu Fortune
UseCoinBoxNotHaveTips Select Cogs Bundle
DrawNewYearLeftTimes Insufficient event items
TipExitGame Are you sure you want to quit?
PurchaseYKBuyLimitDayCardTips Limit: {0}
BuyLimitYKButtonTips Purchase limit reached
DrawNewYearBuyCosumeItemTitle Tips
DrawNewYearBuyCosumeItemContent Insufficient event items. Purchase now?
NewYearGachaCount Draw {0} time(s)
BriefActivityEndTipText Event is over
ShowLargeIntNumText {0}k
RoootActivityUrlError Rooot活动链接出错
RoootActivityNotInTime 不在Rooot活动时间内
AFDeepLinkNotTime Event is not available
SlotMachineTimeNotOpen Energy Recovery Operation is currently unavailable.
SlotMachineTimeEnd Energy Recovery Operation has ended.
SlotMachineTimeTextDesc Remaining:
SlotMachineTipsLock Wide-Range Detector not activated
SlotMachineTipsUnLockDesc 3x Nanami guaranteed per 10x Detect
SlotMachineTipsUnLock Current: {0}/{1}
SlotMachineBtnStartLockName Detect 1 time
SlotMachineBtnStartUnLockName Detect 1 time
SlotMachineIsLocked Available after reaching max points with Common Detector
SlotMachineIsFinish Energy Detector exhausted. Detector is now offline.
SlotMachineTaskNumProcess <size=40><color=#0f70bc>{0}</color></size>/{1}
SlotMachineLogNameText {0} {1} {2}
SlotMachineLogScoreText Score +{0}
SlotMachineExchangeTitle Exchan Item
SlotMachineExchangeContent Confirm to consume Black Card x{0} to gain Cell Battery x{1}?
SlotMachineExchangeSuccess Exchange succeed
SlotMachineCellBatteryNotEnough Insufficient Cell Batteries.
FunctionalMaintenance Function is undergoing maintenance. Availability will be announced shortly!
DisableJoystickError Tutorial Stages do not support controller mode
PassportBuyTimeAlreadyEnd 今期の戦略評価マニュアルの購入は終了しました
JPMoonCardRuleTitle Monthly Pass
JPBusinessLawsDetails1 \n■提供するサービスの分量、サービスの対価は前の画面でご確認ください。\n■対価の支払の時期及び方法\n購入時·所持{0}によるお支払い\n■提供時期即時\n■購入後のキャンセル·解除はできません
JPBusinessLawsDetails2 \n■提供するサービスの分量、サービスの対価は前の画面でご確認ください。\n※購入上限{0}\n※商品価格は税込み価格です。\n※購入ボタン押すと決済画面に移ります。 \n※決済画面にて購入手続きをすると即時決済が完了します。\n※お支払い後直ちに提供通信状況により数分程度の遅延が生じることがあります\n※決済完了後のキャンセルはできません。
JPBusinessLawsDetails3 \n■提供するサービスの分量、サービスの対価は前の画面でご確認ください。\n■サービスの提供ルール、販売期間は前の画面でご確認ください。\n※購入上限{0}\n※商品価格は税込み価格です。\n※購入ボタン押すと決済画面に移ります。 \n※決済画面にて購入手続きをすると即時決済が完了します。\n※お支払い後直ちに提供通信状況により数分程度の遅延が生じることがあります\n※決済完了後のキャンセルはできません。
JPBusinessLawsDetails4 \n■提供するサービスの分量、サービスの対価は前の画面でご確認ください。\n※販売期間{0}\n※購入上限イベント期間内に1回購入限定\n※商品価格は税込み価格です。\n※購入ボタン押すと決済画面に移ります。 \n※決済画面にて購入手続きをすると即時決済が完了します。\n※お支払い後直ちに提供通信状況により数分程度の遅延が生じることがあります\n※決済完了後のキャンセルはできません。
JPBusinessLawsBuyLimitedText01 なし
JPBusinessLawsBuyLimitedText02 {0}
JPBusinessLawsBuyLimitedText03 イベント期間内に{0}回購入限定
JPBusinessLawsBuyLimitedText04 1日の購入上限{0}
JPBusinessLawsBuyLimitedText05 毎週の購入上限{0}
JPBusinessLawsBuyLimitedText06 毎月の購入上限{0}
JPBusinessLawsBuyLimitedText07 同時所持上限1、前回の購入から{0}日後から再購入が可能です。
JPBusinessLawsBuyLimitedText08 同時所持上限2、報酬受取期間が残り{0}日になってから再購入が可能です。
JPBusinessLawsBuyLimitedText09 復帰期間内30日間の購入上限{0}
JPBusinessLawsDetailsEnter <a href=""><color=#FF2D2D>特商法第12条の6に関する事項はこちら</color></a>
JPBlackCardFirstPurchaseGift 初回限定おまけ\n{0}
JPBlackCardPurchaseGift 購入おまけ\n{0}
JPReviewActivityButtonText 2nd Anniversary Review
JPReviewActivityButton Claim
2024-01-23 00:22:05 +00:00
JPBuyTicketSuccessTips 購入しました、{0}を{1}枚獲得
2024-02-29 04:51:22 +00:00
JPNoticeTypeTitle3 External Site
2023-10-18 15:33:14 +00:00
DoomsdayNumberUp <color=#0F70BC><size=28> (+{0})</size></color>
DoomsdayNumberDown <color=#E1504F><size=28> (-{0})</size></color>
Draw01 Research drop chance as follows:
Draw02 ◆5★: 11.5% (Orange)
Draw03 ◆4★: 8.5% (Purple)
Draw04 ◆3★: 30% (Blue)
Draw05 ◆Material: 50%
Draw06 At least 1 5★ equipment will appear every 7 researches.
Draw101 About Research:
Draw102 ◆Spend 360 Black Cards to research once.
Draw103 ◆The Laboratory is under development and is subject to changes.
Draw104 ◆5★ is the highest quality.
StrongholdActivityNameFight Elimination
STCharacterPluginUnlockTip Special Enhancement Unlocked
RpgMakerGameStageLockTitle Stage Encrypted Message
CongratulationsToObtain Obtained
SameCharacterInTeam Identical character found in team
UiFahionUnlockName Coating: {0}
UiFahionBtnNameWeapon Weapon
UiFahionBtnNameCharacter Character
UiFahionDetailTitleCharacter Coating
UiFahionDetailTitleWeapon Weapon Coating
UiFahionDetailTipTitleCharacter Coating Description
UiFahionDetailTipTitleWeapon Weapon Coating Description
ChatGuilyMsg Command Bureau Chat
GuildDeclarationEmptyText Command Bureau notice cannot be blank
GuildChannelTypeMember [Members]
GuildNewsPublic The Bureau
GuildDeclarationLimited You have no authority to edit the Guild Notice.
GuildChangeDeclarationIsSame Please ensure the notice has been edited.
GuildDeclarationOverCount Characters over: {0}
GuildDeclarationNotEmpty Announcement cannot be empty.
GuildBossRewardTitle Reduce Boss HP to {0}% to claim
InfestorExploreNewDiff Grade change to <color=#34AFF8FF><size=66>{0}</size></color>
BuyAssertSwitchButtonNameXueQing Serum Bundle
AlreadySignedGuestAccount You are already signed in with guest account!
EnKrFireworksLeveldonotenough Requirement: Commandant Lv.20
DeepLinkNotTime Event is not available
EnKrNotSpecialTrainDailyTime Co-op opening Time: 01:00-04:5909:00-12:5917:00-20:59.
BuyAssetHKNotEnoughTipsEN Insufficient Rainbow Card. Go to the recharge page to purchase more?
SetJoyStickNotSwap This button is already occupied and cannot be used.
SetSingleKeyConflict One or more buttons selected in this combo are conflicting with another action. Please change the button of the conflicting action first.\nButton occupied: {0}\nConflict: {1}
PcKeyBoardButtonNoCusTip Unable to modify this button in Keyboard & Mouse mode. Please configure in Button 2 instead.
UiSetBtnTabTouchName Button Position
UiSetPCBtnTabTouchName UI Layout
EnPcRechargeCloseTip In-game recharge is not available in the Ascension Test for PC version, please recharge through mobile version.
PcControllerTypePollingIntervalTip New controller detected. Please make sure the correct model is selected in Button Position > Controller Buttons.
DefaultKeyCodesTip All button settings for the current Control Type will be restored to defaults. Continue?
PcUnableFullScreen Fullscreen mode is only available at 2560×2048 resolution or below.
PcMouseButtonAttack Attack
PcMouseButtonDodge Dodge
FavorabilityDropDownJPNCV Japanese:
FavorabilityDropDownCNCV Putonghua:
FavorabilityDropDownENCV English:
FavorabilityDropDownHKCV Cantonese:
ThousandEN K
MillionEN M
2024-01-23 00:22:05 +00:00
FavorabilityCastEN CV:{0}
2024-02-29 04:51:22 +00:00
skinvotetimevoteen 01.18 - 01.23(utc)
skinvotetimenoticeen 01.18 - 01.25(utc)
SceneTranslationEN Scene