forked from PGR/ascnet
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3335 lines
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Raw Normal View History

2023-10-18 15:33:14 +00:00
Id Key Text
0 Success Success
1 Fail Failed
2 ServerInternalError Temporary unavailable due to game server error
3 ServiceUnavailable Temporary unavailable as the service is not yet launched
4 InvalidRequest Invalid request
5 ParamsError Parameter error
1001 GateServerNotOpen Server is not yet available\nOpening time
1002 GateServerUpperLimit Server population has reached the limit
1003 LoginApplicationVersionError Application is not up to date
1004 LoginDocumentVersionError Source is not up to date
1005 LoginTableError Configuration list client inconsistent with server
1006 LoginInvalidStatus Login request error
1007 LoginInvalidLoginToken Account has expired, please login again.
1008 LoginInvalidUserId Account does not exist
1009 LoginAccessDenied Account has no permission
1010 LoginLoadMemberFailed Failed to load data
1011 LoginServiceInvalidLoginType
1012 LoginServiceInvalidToken Invalid Token
1013 LoginServiceRetry Login again
1014 LoginServiceAlreadyLogin You have logged in already
1015 LoginServiceInternalError Game server distribution error
1016 LoginServiceEnterGameServerFailed Failed to login
1017 LoginServiceLoadPlayerDataFailed Failed to load user data
1018 GateServerForceLogoutByAnotherLogin Account has been logged in on another device
1019 GateServerKcpInvalidRequest
1020 GateServerKcpSessionAlreadyCreated
1021 GameServerFullLoad Server is full, please try again later.
1022 GameServerNotOpen Game server is not available yet
1023 GameServerHasNoUsableVersion No game server with compiling version
1024 GameServerIsMaintenance 1023 game server updating
1025 KickOutByBanned Forced offline by GM
1026 KickOutByGm Account has been suspended
1027 LoginDeviceIdLimit Devide ID does not match
1028 KickOutByForce You have been forced offline
1029 ReconnectInvalidToken Reconnection failed 1
1030 ReconnectPlayerLogout Reconnection failed 2
1031 ReconnectInvalidSeqNo Reconnection failed 3
1032 ReconnectUnable Unable to reconnect
1033 GameServerLoginQueueFull The login queue is currently full.
1034 GameServerAlreadyInLoginQueue Logging in to server...
20000001 PlayerFunctionNotOpen Feature is not available yet
20000002 PlayerFunctionShield System is disabled
20000003 PlayerChangeDisplayCharIdCharIsNotOwned You do not own this Construct
20000004 PlayerMedalIsNotOwned You do not own this medal
20002001 PlayerDataManagerGetPlayerMaxExpFail Failed to obtain player's max EXP
20002002 PlayerDataManagerChangeNameTimeLimit You can change your name in {0} hr {1} min
20002003 PlayerDataManagerChangeNameInvalid Improper name, please check again.
20002004 PlayerDataManagerChangeSignInvalid Improper signature, please check again.
20002005 PlayerDataManagerChangeMarkInvalid Unable to edit record
20002006 PlayerDataManagerAssistRoleIdIsSet You cannot deploy a duplicate Construct
20002007 PlayerDataManagerBirthdayInValid Please fill in the correct date
20002008 PlayerDataManagerBirthdayAlreadySet You have set your birthday already
20002009 PlayerDataManagerChangeCommunicationInvalid Invalid change
20002010 PlayerDataManagerReportTimeLimit Report in cool down
20002011 PlayerDataManagerReportTagInvalid Invalid type of report
20002012 PlayerDataManagerNameIsTooLong Your name must not exceed 12 characters
20002013 PlayerDataManagerAssistCanNotSetInfection You cannot set a Uniframe as a support character
20002014 PlayerDataManagerGetHonorLevelMaxExpFail
20002015 PlayerDataManagerLevelNotMaxLevel
20002016 PlayerDataManagerHonorLevelCartoonAlreadyOpen
20002017 PlayerDataRenameBanned Player rename forbidden
20002018 PlayerDataSignBanned Player signature forbidden
20003001 FubenManagerCheckTreasureIsGet You have obtained the chapter chest reward already
20003002 FubenManagerCheckPreMapNotFound Stage id does not exist
20003003 FubenManagerCheckPreMapNotPass You have not completed the previous stage yet
20003004 FubenManagerCheckLevelNotEnough Insufficient level
20003005 FubenManagerCheckActionPointNotEnough Insufficient Serums
20003006 FubenManagerCheckChallengeNumNotEnough Insufficient attempts
20003007 FubenManagerCheckTreasureSectionIdInvalid Invalid chapter ID of the chest
20003008 FubenManagerCheckTreasureIdInvalid Invalid chest ID
20003009 FubenManagerCheckTreasureStarsNotEnough Insufficient stars to obtain the chest reward
20003010 FubenManagerCheckTreasureRewardRepeat Obtain the chest reward more than once
20003011 FubenManagerCheckStageInfoNotFound
20003012 FubenManagerCheckPreFightStageInfoNotFound Failed to obtain StageInfo during the prebattle checking
20003013 FubenManagerCheckPreFightUrgentEventMapNotOpen The stage is not available yet
20003014 FubenManagerChallengeWinFightIdNotMatch Mission data mismatched(0)
20003015 FubenManagerChallengeWinPreFightDataNotMatch Mission data mismatched(1)
20003016 FubenManagerChallengeLoseFightIdNotMatch Mission data mismatched(2)
20003017 FubenManagerChallengeLoseStageCfgNotFound Mission data mismatched(3)
20003018 FubenManagerChallengeLosePreFightDataNotMatch Mission data mismatched(4)
20003019 FubenManagerStageAllReadyMaxChallegeCount Maximum quest attempt has been reached
20003020 FubenManagerStageAllReadyMaxBuyCount Maximum quest purchase limit has been reached
20003021 FubenManagerFinishToStageStageNotFound Invalid Side Story
20003022 FubenManagerFightIntervalFast Please challenge at intervals
20003023 FubenManagerRebootCountNotMatch Number of quest revivals mismatched
20003024 FubenManagerStageLocked Stage is locked
20003025 FubenManagerStageCharacterTypeError Deployed member type error
20003026 FubenManagerCardIdTypeNotSame Character type does not match
20003027 FubenControlPreFightParamsError Team info error
20003028 FubenManagerBfrtNotGroup Stronghold does not exist
20003029 FubenManagerBfrtPreIdNotFinish Complete the previous stronghold first
20003030 FubenManagerBfrtNotChallengeCount Insufficient attempts
20003031 FubenManagerBfrtEchelonNotFound Team formation ID does not exist
20003032 FubenManagerBfrtWinParamError Stronghold result mismatched
20003033 FubenManagerBfrtTeamError Number of deployed team members error
20003034 FubenManagerBfrtServerTeamError Deployed team server error
20003035 FubenManagerBfrtServerTeamNotEqualClientTeam Number of deployed members error
20003036 FubenManagerBfrtClientCharacterIdNotInServerTeam Deployed Construct error
20003037 FubenManagerBfrtStageNotFinish Complete the previous stage first
20003038 FubenManagerBfrtSetTeamFightInfoIdsNotEqualConfigIds Number of deployed teams error
20003039 FubenManagerBfrtSetTeamLogisticsNotEqualConfigIds Number of logistics teams error
20003040 FubenManagerFightRebootFightIdNotMatch FightId of revival in battle mismatched
20003041 FubenManagerFightRebootCountNotMatch Number of revivals in battle mismatched
20003042 FubenManagerFightRebootStageNotFound Mission of revival in battle does not exist
20003043 FubenManagerGetFightRebootTemplateNotFound Settings of revival in battle does not exist
20003044 FubenManagerGetFightRebootRebootCountIllegal Invalid number of revivals
20003045 FubenManagerCheckFightRebootTeamIsEmpty Revival team is empty
20003046 FubenManagerMultipleObjectsInTheSameLocation 20003046 Multiple targets used at the same location
20003047 FubenBossSingleIsRefresh Event refreshed
20003048 FubenBossSingleChallengeCountNotEnough Insufficient attempts
20003049 FubenBossSingleCharacterPointsNotEnough Insufficient Stamina of Construct
20003050 FubenBossSingleGetBossSingleDataLevelTypeIllegal Invalid type of level
20003051 FubenBossBossStageListNotFound Stage list does not exist
20003052 FubenBossSingleScoreRewardIsNotExist Reward has been claimed
20003053 FubenBossSingleScoreRewardIsGot Reward Claimed
20003054 FubenBossSingleScoreRewardTypeError Type of claimed reward error
20003055 FubenBossSingleScoreIsNotEnough Current points are insufficient to claim reward
20003056 FubenBossSingleHistoryIsNotExist History not found
20003057 FubenBossSingleStageCanNotAutoFight Auto Clear cannot be used in this stage
20003058 FubenBossSingleStageIsNotExist Stage does not exist
20003059 FubenBossSingleSaveScoreIllegality You cannot save more than once
20003060 FubenBossSingleAutoFightCountNotEnough Insufficient attempts
20003061 FubenBossSingleCurScoreIsBigThanHistory The progress of Auto Clear is lower than the current progress
20003062 FubenBossSingleHideStageNotOpen Hidden stage is not yet available
20003063 FubenBossSingleIsAutoFighting Auto Clearing
20003064 FubenBossSingleAlreadySelectLevelType Difficulty already selected
20003065 FubenBossSingleLevelIdNotExist Difficulty ID does not exist
20003066 FubenBossSingleLevelTypeBossNotExist There is no Boss under this difficulty
20003067 FubenBossSinglePreLevelTypeNotSatisfy Difficulty selection requirement not met
20003068 FubenBossSingleMaxScoreNotEnough You don't have enough Max Points
20003069 FubenBossSingleLevelTypeNotSelect Select a difficulty first
20003070 FubenBossOnlineSectionNotFound Chapter info not found
20003071 FubenBossOnlineNotInTime
20003072 FubenMainLinePassTimesNotEnough Insufficient Main Story attempts
20003073 FubenMainLineChapterIsNotExist Chapter does not exist
20003074 FubenMainLineActivityHideChapterNotOpen Hidden chapter event not yet available
20003075 FubenPrequelStageNotPass Stage not yet cleared
20003076 FubenPrequelStageRewardAlready Rank reward claimed
20003077 FubenPrequelStageIdError Invalid Side Story stage
20003078 FubenPrequelCoverIdError Invalid Side Story cover ID
20003079 FubenPrequelChallengeIdError Invalid Side Story ID
20003080 FubenPrequelChallengeLock Side Story has not been unlocked yet
20003081 FubenPrequelChallengeUnlockAlready Side Story has been unlocked
20003082 FubenPrequelChallengeCountLimit Insufficient attempts
20003083 FubenManagerAutoFightStageNotExist Mission does not exist
20003084 FubenManagerAutoFightStageInvalid Invalid Side Story
20003085 FubenManagerAutoFightHaventPassed Side Story has not been cleared yet
20003086 FubenManagerAutoFightPoolIsFull Number of teams has reached the limit
20003087 FubenManagerAutoFightAlreadyRunning Auto Clearing
20003088 FubenManagerAutoFightNotEnoughTimes Insufficient attempts left
20003089 FubenManagerAutoFightNotEnoughActionPoint Insufficient Stamina
20003090 FubenManagerAutoFightIndexInvalid Invalid Auto Clear number
20003091 FubenManagerAutoFightStageNotMatch Auto Clear quest mismatched
20003092 FubenManagerAutoFightNotComplete Auto Clear not completed
20003093 FubenManagerTrialIdIsNotFound Trial Mission does not exist
20003094 FubenManagerTrialPreIdIsNotPass Complete the previous stage first
20003095 FubenManagerTrialIdIsNotPass Complete the prerequisite stage first
20003096 FubenManagerTrialPassRewardAlreadyGet Complete the stage first
20003097 FubenManagerTrialTypeRewardIsNotExit Reward does not exist
20003098 FubenManagerTrialTypeRewardAlreadyGet Reward Claimed
20003099 FubenManagerTrialTypeRewardIsNotFinish Stage not completed
20003100 FubenManagerDailyChapterNotFound Daily quest chapter not found
20003101 FubenManagerDailySectionNotFound Daily quest not found
20003102 FubenManagerDailyConditionInvalid Invalid daily quest requirement
20003103 FubenManagerDailyTimeNotFit Not open yet
20003104 FubenManagerAutoFightTimesError Auto Clear attempts error
20003105 FubenManagerBossSingleResetCanNotSaveScore Unable to save as the rules have been refreshed
20003106 FubenManagerBossSingleDataIsRefresh Side Story data has been refreshed, please reload the page.
20003107 FubenManagerStartFightIntervalFast You cannot challenge the quest yet
20003108 FubenAssignChapterNotFound Chapter info configuration error
20003109 FubenAssignGroupNotFound Stage info configuration error
20003110 FubenAssignTeamInfoNotFound Team info configuration error
20003111 FubenAssignGroupFightCountLimit You have used all challenge attempts
20003112 FubenAssignGroupTeamNotSet Team not configured. Unable to battle
20003113 FubenAssignFightCardCountError Battle member number error. Unable to battle
20003114 FubenAssignFightCardNotInTeam Border Pact character not in team
20003115 FubenAssignFightGroupIdNotMatch Border Pact stage group does not match
20003116 FubenAssignFightStageAlreadyFinish Border Pact stage completed
20003117 FubenAssignFightPreStageNotFinish Border Pact prerequisite stage incomplete
20003118 FubenAssignWinStageNotMatch Border Pact victory stage does not match
20003119 FubenAssignWinGroupIdNotMatch Border Pact victory stage group does not match
20003120 FubenAssignGroupTeamListNotFound Team list does not exist. Unable to battle
20003121 FubenAssignPreGroupNotFinish You have not completed the previous chapter yet
20003122 FubenAssignTeamListIsEmpty Team empty. Unable to battle
20003123 FubenAssignTeamCountError Team number does not match the requirement. Unable to battle
20003124 FubenAssignTeamIsEmpty Insufficient members in team. Unable to battle
20003125 FubenAssignTeamMemberCountLimit Team size does not match the requirement. Unable to battle
20003126 FubenAssignTeamMemberRepeated Duplicated team member. Unable to battle
20003127 FubenAssignChapterNotFinish Chapter not completed
20003128 FubenAssignChapterUseSameCharacter Character already assigned to stationing
20003129 FubenAssignChapterCharacterAlreadyUse Character already stationing in another area
20003130 FubenAssignChapterRewardAlreadyGet Chapter reward claimed
20003131 FubenManagerFightRestartFightIdNotMatch Battle restart ID not matching
20003132 FubenManagerFightRestartPreFightDataNotMatch Battle restart data mismatch
20003133 FubenBfrtChapterNotOpen Stronghold chapter not yet available
20003134 FubenBfrtTeamSetCharacterRepeat Repeated character in team
20003135 FubenManagerStageConfigNotExist Stage settings not found
20003136 FubenFightNpcIsNullOrEmpty Character deployed cannot be empty
20003137 FubenRepeatedCharacter Cannot deploy the same character again
20003138 FubenActivityReset Event has been reset
20003139 FubenBossSingleIsNotTrialStage 20003137 Stage is not a trial stage
20003140 FubenStageCharacterNpcIdCfgNotExit 20003139 Character NPC ID configuration matching the stage type not found
20004001 TeamManagerGetTeamIdFail Failed to obtain team ID
20004002 TeamManagerPrefabExceedMax Team default settings have reached the limit
20004003 TeamManagerSetTeamParaError Team preset quantity error
20004004 TeamManagerPrefabCharacterTypeNotSame Different preset character type
20004005 TeamManagerCanNotFindThePrefabTeam 20004005 Cannot find preset team
20004006 TeamManagerCharacterIsEmptyCanNotCarryPartner 20004006 No character in position. Cannot carry CUB
20004007 TeamManagerThisTeamPosIsNotExist 20004007 Position does not exist.
20004008 TeamManagerPrefabPartnerSkillIsEmpty 20004006 CUB preset skill cannot be empty
20004009 TeamManagerPrePartnerIsEmptyCanNotCarrySkill 20004008 CUB preset is empty. Cannot set skill
20007001 FightProxyManagerEnterIsExist The player is already in another battle
20007002 FightProxyManagerGetFightProxyFail Failed to obtain battle proxy
20007003 FightProxyManagerGetFightProxyForPlayerFail Failed to obtain battle proxy (player)
20007004 FightProxyManagerPlayerIdRepeat Failed to obtain battle proxy (player)
20007005 FightProxyManagerFightProxyNotFound Failed to obtain battle proxy (player)
20008001 FightProxyDoOperationNotRunning Battle is not in progress
20008002 FightProxyIsRunningFail Battle is in progress
20008003 FightProxyFightCompleteNotInFight Battle has not ended yet
20008004 FightProxyLoadCompleteFail Battle is not loading
20008005 FightProxyGetFightDataPlayerIdNotFound Failed to obtain battle proxy and player info
20008006 FightProxyDoOperationPlayerIdNotFound Battle control error
20008007 FightProxyLoadTimeout Server loading timeout
20008008 FightProxyFightTimeout Battle server timeout
20008009 FightProxySettleTimeout Battle result timeout
20008010 FightProxyJoinFightPlayerNotFound Online player not found
20008011 FightProxyGetFightPlayerNotFound Failed to obtain player info
20008012 FightProxyInvalidPlayerId
20008013 FightProxyInvalidToken
20008014 FightProxyInvalidFightId
20008015 FightProxyFightAlreadyStart
20008016 FightProxyFightAlreadyFinish
20008017 FightProxyInvalidFrameIndex
20008018 FightProxyRepeatJoin
20009001 CharacterManagerGetCharacterTemplateNotFound Failed to obtain Construct template
20009002 CharacterManagerGetLevelUpTemplateNotFound Failed to obtain Construct upgrade template
20009003 CharacterManagerGetGradeTemplateNotFound Failed to obtain Construct Overclock template
20009004 CharacterManagerGetQualityFragmentTemplateNotFound Failed to obtain Construct class Shard template
20009005 CharacterManagerGetQualityTemplateNotFound Failed to obtain Construct class template
20009006 CharacterManagerGetSkillUpgradeTemplateNotFound Failed to obtain skill upgrade info
20009007 CharacterManagerGetSkillTemplateNotFound Failed to obtain Construct skill template
20009008 CharacterManagerSkillNotFound Skill not found
20009009 CharacterManagerGetStarUseCountParamsError Parameter error in obtaining evolution material
20009010 CharacterManagerGetStarUseCountStarError Evolution material error
20009011 CharacterManagerGetCharacterByIdNotFound Construct not found
20009012 CharacterManagerCreateCharacterFail Failed to create Construct
20009013 CharacterManagerNewCharacterDataIsNil Construct data not found
20009014 CharacterManagerLevelUpMaxLevel Character level is capped
20009015 CharacterManagerAddStarFail Failed to increase star
20009016 CharacterManagerMaxQuality Construct class cap reached
20009017 CharacterManagerActivateStarMaxStar Already evolved to the highest level
20009018 CharacterManagerPromoteQualityStarNotEnough Evolution requirement not met
20009019 CharacterManagerMaxGrade Construct refit cap reached
20009020 CharacterManagerExchangeCharacterAlreadyOwn You own this Construct already
20009021 CharacterManagerGetCharacterDataNotFound Construct data not found
20009022 CharacterManagerCreateCharacterAlreadyExist Construct already exists
20009023 CharacterManagerInformationNotFound Data not found
20009024 CharacterManagerRewardNotFound Reward does not exist
20009025 CharacterManagerStoryNotFound Story does not exist
20009026 CharacterManagerStrangeNewsNotFound Episode does not exist
20009027 CharacterManagerVoiceNotFound Voice does not exist
20009028 CharacterManagerTrustLvNotEnough Insufficient Affection level
20009029 CharacterManagerInformationAlreadyUnlock Data has been unlocked
20009030 CharacterManagerStoryAlreadyUnlock Story has been unlocked
20009031 CharacterManagerStrangeNewsAlreadyUnlock Episode has been unlocked
20009032 CharacterManagerStrangeNewsCanNotUnlock Unlock requirement not met
20009033 CharacterManagerVoiceAlreadyUnlock Voice has been unlocked
20009034 CharacterManagerRewardAlreadyUnlock Reward has been obtained
20009035 CharacterManagerRewardCanNotUnlock Obtain requirement not met
20009036 CharacterManagerTrustItemNotFound Item does not exist
20009037 CharacterManagerSendGiftParaError Request parameter error
20009038 CharacterManagerTrustLevelExpNotFound Affection level error
20009039 CharacterManagerTrustGameNotCount Insufficient attempts
20009040 CharacterManagerTrustGameIdNotFound Game error
20009041 CharacterManagerTrustGameRewardNotFound Reward does not exist
20009042 CharacterManagerTrustGameFinishNumError Parameter error
20009043 CharacterManagerTrustGameResultIllegal Control error
20009044 CharacterMinSkillLevelNotFound Lowest skill level of Construct not found
20009045 CharacterMaxSkillLevelNotFound Highest skill level of Construct not found
20009046 CharacterUnlockSkillNotNeed No need to unlock Construct skill
20009047 CharacterSkillUnlocked Construct skill has been unlocked
20009048 CharacterSkillIsNotFoundOrLock Construct skill does not exist or is not unlocked yet
20009049 CharacterSkillLevelIsMax Highest level already
20009050 CharacterSkillPoolTemplateNotFound Construct skill settings not found
20009051 CharacterSkillPoolIsEmpty No skill is equipped
20009052 CharacterSkillLevelEffectTemplateNotFound Construct skill level effects not found
20009053 CharacterExtraDataNotFound Affection data not found
20009054 CharacterSkillSwitchIsSame The switched skill is the same as your current skill
20009055 CharacterGatherRewardHadGet Reward has been claimed
20009056 CharacterPreGatherRewardIsNotGet Reward of the previous stage not claimed
20009057 CharacterManagerTrustLevelIsMax Max Affection reached
20009058 CharacterSpecialSkillLevelNotEnough Uniframe Skill does not meet the prerequisite level
20010001 FashionManagerGetFashionNotFound Coating not found
20010002 FashionIsUnOwned You do not own this coating
20010003 FashionIsLock This coating has not been unlocked yet
20010004 FashionIsUnLock This coating has been unlocked
20010005 FashionCharacterDoNotMatch Coating character does not match
20012001 ItemManagerGetItemTableFailed Failed to obtain item list
20012002 ItemManagerGetItemNotFound Target item not found
20012003 ItemManagerCheckIdValidFail Item ID does not exist
20012004 ItemCountNotEnough Insufficient items
20012005 ItemCapacityNotEnough Insufficient item space
20012006 ItemAlreadyOwned Item already exists
20012007 ItemManagerGetBuyAssetTableFail Failed to obtain purchase list
20012008 ItemManagerBuyAssetMaxTimes Purchase amount has reached the limit.
20012009 ItemNotFound Item does not exist
20012010 ItemSellCountError Amount of sold items error
20012011 ItemSellFragmentLimit You cannot sell the Shard
20012012 ItemCannotSell Item cannot be sold
20012013 ItemCannotBuy Item cannot be purchased
20012014 ItemCannotConvertCharacterExp Item cannot be converted into Construct EXP
20012015 ItemCannotConvertFurnitureConfig Item cannot be converted into Decor Blueprint
20012016 ItemCannotUse Item cannot be used
20012017 ItemNotEffect Item is not available yet
20012018 ItemAlreadyInvalid Item has expired
20012019 ItemUseGiftSelectRewardIsEmpty No reward can be selected
20012020 ItemUseGiftSelectRewardAboveLimit Selected rewards have exceeded the limit
20012021 ItemUseGiftSelectRewardNotExist No reward can be selected
20012022 ItemCreateError Failed to obtain item
20012023 ItemCountException Failed to create item
20012024 ItemBatchCountNotEnough Insufficient items
20012025 ItemBatchNotFound Item has expired
20012026 ItemUseMultipleRewardTypeError Reward type error
20012027 ItemCannotConvertEquipExp Item cannot be converted into equipment EXP
20012028 ItemEquipExpUseEquipTypeError Equipment type error
20012029 ItemManagerBuyAssetNotAllowConsumeId Consumable cannot be converted
20012030 ItemCannotConvertPartnerExp This item cannot be converted into companion EXP
20012031 ItemManagerBuyAssetNotInTime Outside the purchase period
20012032 ItemManagerBuyAssetMaxTotalTimes Purchase limit reached
20014001 ArrangeManagerCalTypeFail Invalid ID, unable to identify the type.
20017001 DropManagerGetDropGoodsFail Failed to obtain dropped item
20017002 DropManagerGetDropBottomTableListFail Failed to obtain guarantee drop list
20017003 DropManagerDropItemFailed Failed to drop item
20017004 DropManagerGetDropTableFail Failed to obtain drop list
20017005 DropManagerGetDropGroupTableFail Failed to obtain drop group list
20017006 DropManagerGetDropSetTableFail Failed to obtain cluster list
20018001 DrawManagerGetDrawGroupInfoNotFound Research set info does not exist
20018002 DrawManagerGetDrawInfoNotFound Research info does not exist
20018003 DrawManagerDrawCountError Number of Researches error
20018004 DrawManagerTodayTimesUseUp Daily Research attempts have been expended
20018005 DrawManagerTodayRemainTimesNotEnough Insufficient daily Research attempts
20018006 DrawManagerActivityTimesUseUp Event Research attempts have been expended
20018007 DrawManagerActivityRemainTimesNotEnough Insufficient event Research attempts
20018008 DrawManagerNotOptionalDrawId Research ID is unable to select
20018009 DrawManagerNotInValidTime Expired
20018010 DrawManagerDrawInfoNotFound Research info not found
20018011 DrawManagerDrawInfoAlreadyExist Research info already exists
20018012 DrawManagerDrawGroupInfoNotFound Research set info not found
20018013 DrawManagerDrawGroupAlreadyExist Research set info already exists
20018014 DrawManagerDrawGroupOptionalListIsEmpty Research set info already exists
20018015 DrawManagerSetDrawIdCountLimit 20018015 This event can not be replaced again
20018016 DrawManagerDrawIdDoNotMatch 20018016 Card drawing and the ID do not match
20018017 DrawManagerDrawTicketCanOnlyBeUseSingle Free R&D Tickets can only be used to perform 1 pull
20018018 DrawManagerExistDrawTicketNotUse Unused free R&D Ticket(s)
20018019 DrawManagerDrawTicketAlreadyExpire Free R&D Ticket expired
20018020 DrawManagerDrawTicketTimesNotEnough Insufficient free R&D Tickets
20018021 DrawManagerDrawTicketHaveNotOwn Free R&D Ticket not owned
20018022 DrawManagerDrawTicketConfigNotExist Free R&D Ticket configuration does not exist
20018023 DrawManagerDrawTicketGroupIdNotMatch Free R&D Tickets used to draw cards do not match the card pool
20019001 GuideManagerGetGuideGroupTableNotFound Research set info not found
20019002 GuideManagerGetGuideCompleteTableNotFound Unable to obtain guide completion list
20019003 GuideManagerCompleteGuideErrorAlreadyCompleted Guide error, it has been completed already.
20019004 GuideManagerCompleteGuideErrorNotNeedReq Guide error, no need to retry.
20019005 GuildManagerGuildGroupIdNotFound Guide group ID does not exist
20020001 RewardManagerGetRewardTableFail Failed to obtain reward list
20020002 RewardManagerCreateRewardGoodsTypeNotSupport Invalid type of reward
20020003 RewardManagerGetRewardGoodsNotFound Reward item not found
20020004 RewardMedalGoodParamIsNull 20020004 Badge reward parameter is empty
20020005 RewardMedalGoodParamIsZero 20020005 Badge reward parameter is zero
20020006 RewardMedalGoodNotFound 20020006 Badge Reward ID not found on the Badge List
20021001 EquipTemplateNotFound Failed to obtain equipment info
20021002 EquipBreakthroughTemplateNotFound Unable to obtain equipment Overclock info
20021003 EquipManagerGetLevelUpTemplateNotFound Failed to obtain equipment upgrade template
20021004 EquipManagerGetEquipNotFound Add the cost first
20021005 EquipManagerNewEquipFail Failed to create equipment
20021006 EquipManagerLevelUpMaxLevel Equipment cap reached
20021007 EquipManagerLevelUpLevelLimit Equipment level limit
20021008 EquipManagerAddBreakthroughFail Overclock of the equipment failed
20021009 EquipManagerBreakthroughOverstep Overclock of the equipment exceeds the limit
20021010 EquipManagerBreakthroughMaxBreakthrough Overclock of the equipment is capped
20021011 EquipManagerBreakthroughLevelNotEnough Level of the equipment is insufficient for Overclock
20021012 EquipManagerGetCharEquipBySiteNotFound Equipment not found
20021013 EquipManagerPutOnRepeat Equipped already
20021014 EquipManagerPutOnSiteError Invalid grid to equip
20021015 EquipManagerPutOnTypeError Invalid type to equip
20021016 EquipManagerPutOnCharacterTypeError Coating Character and Type do not match
20021017 EquipManagerTakeOffNotBeenWorn Equipment not yet equipped
20021018 EquipManagerTakeOffCanNotTakeOff Equipment cannot be unequipped
20021019 EquipManagerDecomposeDoNot Cannot recycle equipment in use
20021020 EquipManagerDecomposeConfigNot No corresponding term for the recycle list
20021021 EquipWeaponCapacityNotEnough Insufficient weapon space
20021022 EquipChipCapacityNotEnough Insufficient Memory space
20021023 EquipSuitTemplateNotFound Failed to access equipment set configuration
20021024 EquipSuitEffectTemplateNotFound Failed to access equipment set effect configuration
20021025 EquipIsLocked Lock Equipment
20021026 EquipIsUnLock Unlock Equipment
20021027 EquipCanNotPutOnByThisCharacter Cannot be worn by this character
20021028 EquipGetEatCostCoinNotFound Failed to access the Cog cost of equipment upgrade
20021029 EquipLevelUpUseMaterialsIsEmpty Consumed material empty
20021030 EquipEatUseRepeatEquip Consumed equipment ID duplicate
20021031 EquipResonanceCanNotUseSelf Cannot consume this equipment
20021032 EquipResonanceCharacterNotOwned You do not own any character with Resonance
20021033 EquipResonanceUnconfirmedInfoUntreated Resonance info not confirmed
20021034 EquipResonanceUseEquipTypeNotSame Resonance cost type mismatch
20021035 EquipResonanceWeaponStarNotSame Resonance cost rank mismatch
20021036 EquipResonanceChipSuitIsNotSame Resonance cost set ID mismatch
20021037 EquipResonanceTemplateNotFound Resonance configuration not found
20021038 EquipResonanceUseItemTemplateNotFound Item used for Resonance not found
20021039 EquipResonanceCanNotUseThisItem Item cannot be used for Resonance
20021040 EquipWeaponSkillTemplateNotFound Weapon skill configuration not found
20021041 EquipSkillPoolIsEmpty No skill is equipped
20021042 EquipResonanceSlotConfigIsEmpty Resonance slot empty
20021043 EquipResonanceConfigError Resonance configuration error
20021044 EquipResonanceConfirmInfoIsEmpty Resonance confirmation info empty
20021045 EquipLevelUpCanNotEatSelf Cannot upgrade the weapon with itself
20021046 EquipResonanceNeedSelectCharacter Select a character to resonate
20021047 EquipDecomposeListIsEmpty Recycle list empty
20021048 EquipSuitNotFound Cannot obtain Memory info
20021049 EquipSuitCanNotTransform Memory set can no longer be refit
20021050 EquipSuitSiteError Memory set grid error
20021051 EquipTransformChipUseEquipCountError Equipped item number error
20021052 EquipTransformChipUseEquipSuitError Wrong place to equip
20021053 EquipSuitSiteConfigNotFound An error occurred while accessing the info of this Memory set
20021054 EquipResonancePoolIsEmpty No Resonance equipped
20021055 EquipResonanceWeaponSkillPoolIsEmpty No weapon Resonance skill equipped
20021056 EquipResonanceCharacterSkillPoolIsEmpty No character Resonance skill equipped
20021057 EquipResonanceAttribGroupPoolIsEmpty Resonance stats empty
20021058 EquipChipGroupCountLimit Memory Set amount exceeded the limit
20021059 EquipChipGroupNameTooLong Memory Set name too long
20021060 EquipChipGroupNameInvalid Invalid Memory Set name
20021061 EquipChipGroupEquipSiteError Invalid Memory set type
20021062 EquipChipGroupSiteRepeated Duplicate grid in the Memory set
20021063 EquipChipGroupNotFound Memory set not found
20021064 EquipAwakeTemplateNotFound Awaken configuration not found
20021065 EquipAwakeWeaponNonsupport Cannot awaken weapon
20021066 EquipAwakeStarNotEnough Insufficient stars to awaken equipment
20021067 EquipAwakeNotMaxLevel Equipment not at max level
20021068 EquipAwakeSlotNonsupport Awakened equipment slot invalid
20021069 EquipAwakeSlotIsAlreadyAwake Equipment awakened
20021070 EquipAwakeSlotNotResonance Awakened equipment slot not resonated
20021071 EquipAwakeSlotAttribConfigNotFound Awaken stats settings not found
20021072 EquipResonanceSlotHasNotSkill This resonance slot has no skill configured
20021073 EquipResonanceNeedSameCharWhenNotCost You need the same character to switch Resonance Skill with no cost
20021074 EquipResonanceMaterialIsEmpty Resonance material empty
20021075 EquipResonanceCanSelectSkillAlreadyExist No need to swap again. This character has already resonated this skill
20021076 EquipResonanceSelectSkillNotFound Select the skill again
20021077 EquipResonanceSelectSkillNeedSpecificItem A skill pick item is required for Memory Resonance Skill pick
20021078 EquipResonanceWeaponSelectSkillNotNeedItem No need to swap again. This character has already resonated this skill
20021079 EquipChipGroupCharacterNotMatch 20021079 Exclusive combo character does not match the character equipped
20021080 EquipChipGroupCharacterCanNotChange 20021080 Character selected for Memory Set cannot be changed
20021081 EquipChipGroupChipCanNotCost 20021081 Unable to consume Memory already in Memory Set
20021082 EquipChipRecycleListIsEmpty 20021081 Memory recycle list empty
20021083 EquipChipRecycleTypeOnlyChip 20021082 Only Memory can be recycled
20021084 EquipChipRecycleWearDoNot 20021083 Equipped Memory cannot be recycled
20021085 EquipChipRecycleLevelUpDoNot 20021084 Enhanced Memory cannot be recycled
20021086 EquipChipRecycleChipGroupDoNot 20021085 Memory already in Memory Set cannot be recycled
20021087 EquipChipRecycleAwakeDoNot 20021086 Awakened Memory cannot be recycled
20021088 EquipChipRecycleResonanceDoNot 20021087 Resonated Memory cannot be recycled
20021089 EquipChipRecycleStarMoreThanFiveDoNot 6★ or above Memory cannot be recycled
20021090 EquipIsRecycle 20021089 To be recycled mark
20021091 EquipIsNotRecycle 20021090 Not to be recycled mark
20021092 EquipSetUpRecycleStarListIsInvalid 20021091 Unable to find configured Recycle ★ list
20021093 EquipSetUpRecycleDaysIsInvalid 20021092 Unable to find Recycle days configuration
20021094 EquipOneKeyFeedDoNotMatchTheTarget 20021094 Quick Train does not match selected target
20021095 EquipOneKeyFeedUnknownOperation 20021095 Unknown Quick Train operation
20021096 EquipGuideNotSetTargetId 20021096 Target ID not set
20021097 EquipGuideTargetCfgNotFound 20021097 Target configuration not found
20021098 EquipGuideCharacterIdInvalid 20021098 Mismatched character ID
20021099 EquipGuideRecommendCfgNotFound 20021099 Recommended configuration not found
20021100 EquipGuideJudgeCfgNotFound 20021100 Rating configuration not found
20021101 EquipGuideSuitCfgNotFound 20021101 Set configuration not found
20021102 EquipGuideSuitNumberIncorrect 20021102 Mismatched set quantity
20021103 EquipGuideTargetNotFinish 20021101 Target progress not achieved
20021104 EquipGuideTargetHadFinish 20021102 Goal already achieved
20026001 TaskManagerInitFail Failed to initialize mission system
20026002 TaskManagerInitTaskConfigFail Failed to initialize mission settings
20026003 TaskManagerGetTaskConditionFail Failed to obtain mission requirement
20026004 TaskManagerGetTaskTemplateFail Failed to obtain mission template
20026005 TaskManagerFinishTaskTaskNotFound Mission not found
20026006 TaskManagerFinishTaskTaskAlreadyFinish Mission completed
20026007 TaskManagerFinishTaskTaskNotAchieved Mission reward not available for collection
20026008 TaskManagerFinishTaskTaskExpired Mission has expired
20026009 TaskManagerTaskNotExist Mission does not exist
20026010 TaskManagerGetActivenessStageRewardNotExist Activity reward does not exist
20026011 TaskManagerGetActivenessRewardUnknownType Unknown type of activity
20026012 TaskManagerGetActivenessRewardAlreadyGeted Reward Claimed
20026013 TaskManagerCourseRewardNotExist Failed to obtain milestone reward info
20026014 TaskManagerCourseRewardAlreadyGeted Stage not completed
20026015 TaskManagerCourseStageAlreadyGeted Stage not completed
20026016 TaskManagerTaskUnOpen Mission has not been unlocked yet
20026017 TaskManagerTaskClose Mission has been closed
20026018 TaskManagerTaskNotTimeLimit Mission has expired
20026019 TaskManagerNewPlayerActivenessIsNotExist Reward has been claimed
20026020 TaskManagerNewPlayerActivenessRewardIsNotExist Reward does not exist
20026021 TaskManagerNewPlayerActivenessAlreadyGet Reward Claimed
20026022 TaskManagerNewPlayerActivenessIsNotEnough Insufficient EXP to claim
20026023 TaskManagerNewPlayerTaskTodayCanNotFinish You cannot complete this mission today
20026024 TaskManagerNewbieProgressAlreadyGet 20026024 Reward claimed
20026025 TaskManagerNewbieProgressNotExist 20026025 Reward does not exist
20026026 TaskManagerNewbieProgressRewardIsNotExist 20026026 Reward does not exist
20026027 TaskManagerNewbieProgressIsNotEnough 20026027 Not enough missions completed. Unable to claim.
20026028 TaskManagerNewbieHonorRewardAlreadyGet 20026028 Reward claimed
20026029 TaskManagerNewbieHonorTaskIsNotEnough 20026029 Uncompleted mission(s). Unable to claim.
20026030 TaskManagerNewbieTaskPeriodCanNotFinish 20026030 Mission of this phase is locked. Unable to complete the mission.
20027001 MailManagerGetMailFail Failed to obtain mail
20027002 MailManagerGetRewardIsEmpty There is no mail reward
20027003 MailManagerGetRewardRepeat Mail reward claimed
20027004 MailManagerMailNotEffect Ineffective mail
20027005 MailManagerMailWasInvalid Invalid mail
20027006 MailManagerGetRewardWasInvalidOrRewardEmpty Mail has expired or there is no mail reward
20027007 MailManagerMailIdInvalid Invalid mail id
20027008 MailManagerMailExist Mail already exists
20027009 MailManagerMailNotExist Mail does not exist
20027010 MailManagerGetMailRewardListNotFoundReward Mail reward settings not found
20027011 MailManagerGetMailRewardSomeGoodsMoreThanCapacity Unable to obtain all the rewards as some of the items have exceeded the limit
20027012 MailManagerIsDeleted Mail has been deleted
20027013 MailManagerIsRead Mail has been read
20027014 MailCapacityNotEnough Mail limit reached
20029001 AttribManagerGetAttribTemplateNotFound Failed to obtain stats template
20029002 AttribManagerGetPromotedAttribTemplateNotFound Failed to obtain level upgrade stats template
20029003 AttribManagerGetGrowRateAttribTemplateNotFound Failed to obtain ration up stats template
20029004 AttribManagerGetTotalPromotedAttribsParamArrayError Failed to obtain ration up stats
20029005 AttribManagerGetTotalPromotedAttribsLevelError Failed to obtain the total level of level upgrade stats
20029006 AttribManagerGetNpcAttribNpcNotFound NPC not found
20029007 AttribGroupPoolNotFound Stats set not found
20029008 AttribGroupNotFound Stats set not found
20029009 AttribReviseTemplateNotFound Failed to obtain ratio change stats template
20030002 ShopManagerAddGoodsInfoAlreadyExist Product info has been imported
20030003 ShopManagerShopUnOpen Shop is not available yet
20030004 ShopManagerShopClosed Shop closed
20030005 ShopManagerGoodsUnOpen The product is not available yet
20030006 ShopManagerGoodsClosed The product is no longer sold
20030007 ShopManagerShopNotExist The shop is not on the list
20030008 ShopManagerGoodsNotExist The product is not on the list
20030009 ShopManagerGoodsGroupNotExist The product set is not on the list
20030010 ShopManagerNotResetTimes Insufficient reset attempts
20030011 ShopManagerShopNotBuyTimes Insufficient total purchase attempts in shop
20030012 ShopManagerGoodsNotBuyTimes Insufficient purchase attempts
20030013 ShopGoodsAlreadyExist Product already exists
20030014 ShopIsUnShelve Shop closed
20030015 ShopGoodsIsUnShelve The product is no longer sold
20030016 ShopRequestParamsException Shop request parameter error
20030017 ShopBuyGoodsCountLimit The purchase amount of products has exceeded the limit
20030018 ShopKindIsNotReset Unable to refresh the shop
20030019 ShopKindIsNotFixed Type of shop is not fixed
20030020 ShopOwnedUnknown Shop type unknown
20031001 FriendManagerApplyFriendFailedIsRefused Friend request has been rejected
20031002 FriendManagerApplyFriendFailedIsDeleted Failed to send friend request as you have unfriended the player
20031003 FriendManagerApplyFriendFailedIsAlreadyFriend Failed to send friend request as the player is already your friend
20031004 FriendManagerApplyFriendFailedIsNotRepeatApply Failed to send friend request as you have requested already
20031005 FriendManagerAcceptFriendFailedApplyIsNotExist Failed! Player does not exist or is your friend already!
20031006 FriendManagerAcceptFriendFailedSelfFriendCountOutOfMaxCount Failed to accept friend request as your friend list is full
20031007 FriendManagerRecommendFriendFailedRecommendCoolDownTime Friend recommendation failed due to cool down
20031008 FriendManagerCanNotOperateSelf Operation failed. You cannot operate yourself.
20031009 FriendManagerGetPlayerInfosFailedReqListIsNull Failed to obtain player info as the request list is empty
20031010 FriendManagerDeleteFriendsFailedReqListIsNull Failed to unfriend as the request list is empty
20031011 FriendManagerApplySuccess Application has been submitted
20031012 FriendManagerDeleteSuccess Unfriended
20031013 FriendManagerCanNotPlayerForId Player does not exist
20031014 FriendManagerAcceptFriendFailedOtherFriendCountOutOfMaxCount Failed to accept friend request as the player's friend list is full
20031015 FriendManagerApplySelfFriendNumLimit Failed to request as your friend list is full
20031016 FriendManagerApplyOtherFriendNumLimit Failed to request as the player's friend list is full
20031017 FriendManagerApplyListFull Failed to request as the player's friend request list is full
20031018 FriendManagerMyFriendFull Friend list is full
20031019 FriendManagerOtherFriendFull The player's friend list is full
20031020 FriendManagerAgreeIsFriend Failed to accept request as the player is already your friend
20031021 FriendManagerIsNotFriend Cannot add notes as the player is not your friend
20031022 FriendManagerInvalidRemark Invalid notes
20031023 FriendManagerDeleteRemark Note deleted
20031024 FriendManagerNeedRemoveBlockStateFirst Friend request failed. Please unblock the other player first.
20031025 FriendManagerAlreadyInBlacklist Already blacklisted.
20031026 FriendManagerBlacklistIsFull Blacklist limit reached.
20031027 FriendManagerBlacklistNeedRemoveMentorRelation Cannot blacklist. Please cancel Mentorship status first.
20031028 FriendManagerDoNotFindFromBlacklist Cannot find player in blacklist.
20032001 FightCheckManagerCodeNotMatch Abnormal error in battle data (0)
20032002 FightCheckManagerCodesTooLong Abnormal error in battle data (1)
20032003 FightCheckManagerCheckSkip Abnormal error in battle data (2)
20032004 FightCheckManagerSettleCodeNotMatch Abnormal error in battle data (3)
20032005 FightCheckManagerParamIllegal Abnormal error in battle data (4)
20032006 FightCheckManagerNotSettle Abnormal error in battle data (5)
20032007 FightCheckManagerFightExit Abnormal error in battle data (6)
20032008 FightCheckManagerClientVersionError Client version is too low, unable to conduct a battle
20033001 ChatManagerSendChatErrorCannotSendGift Error occurs when sending message
20033002 ChatManagerChatContentCanNotBeNull You cannot leave it blank
20033003 ChatManagerGetGiftFailedInvalidGift Invalid gift
20033004 ChatManagerRefreshTimeCooling Message in cool down
20033005 ChatManagerGetGiftAlreadyMaxCount The amount of received gifts has reached the daily limit
20033006 ChatManagerEmojiIsLock Chat stamp locked
20033007 ChatManagerInvalidEmoji Invalid chat stamp
20033008 ChatManagerNoSendGiftFriend Presentation attempts reset at 07:00 (UTC)
20033009 ChatManagerChatChannelInvalid Failed to send message
20033010 ChatManagerChatChannelIdInvalid Not in Command Bureau. Cannot speak.
20033011 ChatContentTooLong Your message is too long
20033012 ChatIsBanned You have been muted
20033013 ChatChannelNotExist Channel has been disbanded
20033014 ChatEmojiPackageIdsInvalid 20033014 Illegal stamp parameters
20034001 ConditionManagerParamsError Requirement parameter error
20034002 ConditionManagerGetConditionTemplateNotFound Requirement settings not found
20034003 ConditionManagerPlayerLevelNotEnough Insufficient player level
20034004 ConditionManagerNotOwnCharacter You does not own the specific Construct
20034005 ConditionManagerOwnCharacterCanNotFight Unable to deploy specific Constructs
20034006 ConditionManagerCharacterCountNotEnough You do not have enough Constructs
20034007 ConditionManagerCharacterSexIsError Construct gender does not meet the requirement
20034008 ConditionManagerCharacterTypeIsError Construct type does not meet the requirement
20034009 ConditionManagerCharacterLevelIsError Construct level does not meet the requirement
20034010 ConditionManagerCharacterQualityIsError Construct class does not meet the requirement
20034011 ConditionManagerMapNotPassed Rank reward claimed
20034012 ConditionManagerCharacterSexNumIsError Team member gender error
20034013 ConditionManagerCharacterTypeNumIsError Team member type error
20034014 ConditionManagerCharacterQualityNumIsError Team member class does not meet the requirement
20034015 ConditionManagerCharacterLevelNumIsError Team member level does not meet the requirement
20034016 ConditionManagerCharacterIdNumIsError You have not deployed the specific Construct as a team member
20034017 ConditionManagerRepeatChallengeLevelNotEnough Level does not meet the requirement
20034018 ConditionManagerCharacterAbilityNotEnough Member's BR does not meet the requirement
20034019 ConditionManagerCharacterResonanceNotEnough Member's Resonance does not meet the requirement
20034020 ConditionManagerCharacterNumIsError Number of deployed team members error
20034021 ConditionManagerCharacterExhibitionLevelNotEnough Member does not meet the Awaken requirement
20034022 ConditionManagerCharacterLiberateLvNotEnough Member has not reached the required Overclock level
20034023 ConditionManagerIsNotGetFirstPayReward 1st Recharge reward not claimed
20034024 ConditionManagerIsNotOwnerFashion You do not own the specific outfit
20034025 ConditionManagerIsOwnerFashion You have owned the specific outfit
20034026 ConditionManagerExperimentIdIsNotFinish Specific stage of trial area not completed
20034027 ConditionManagerWeaponResonanceNotEnough Insufficient equipment Resonance Skills
20034028 ConditionManagerChipResonanceNotEnough Insufficient Memory Resonance Skills
20034029 ConditionManagerEquipResonanceNotEnough Insufficient equipment Resonance Skills
20034030 ConditionManagerRedEnvelopeNotEnough Not enough gifts claimed by member
20034031 ConditionManagerKillBossTimeIsNotSatisfy Failed to defeat the boss within a required time
20034032 ConditionManagerBabelTowerLevelNotEnough Babel Tower level too low
20034033 ConditionManagerMonsterKillCountNotEnough Not enough enemies killed
20034034 ConditionManagerWeaponNotUnlock Weapon not unlocked
20034035 ConditionManagerWeaponMaxLevelNotEnough Weapon not at max level
20034036 ConditionManagerWeaponBreakthroughNotEnough Weapon not Overclocked
20034037 ConditionManagerAwarenessSuitMaxLevelNotEnough Memory not at max level
20034038 ConditionManagerAwarenessSuitMaxBreakthroughNotEnough Memory not Overclocked
20034039 ConditionManagerAwarenessSuitNotEnough
20034040 ConditionManagerGuildNotIn Not yet joined Command Bureau
20034041 ConditionManagerGuildLevelNotEnough Command Bureau level too low
20034042 ConditionManagerGuildJoinNotEnough Not enough days since joining Command Bureau
20034043 ConditionManagerGuildMemberNotEnough Not enough Command Bureau members
20034044 ConditionManagerFubenExploreNotFinished Exploration incomplete
20034045 ConditionManagerRogueLikeMaxTierNotEnough Not enough tower floors climbed
20034046 ConditionManagerArenaOnlineFirstPassNotEnough Not enough first-time completions in Joint Warfare
20034047 ConditionManagerArenaOnlineAssistCountNotEnough Not enough assists in Joint Warfare
20034048 ConditionManagerTaskNotFinish Mission incomplete
20034049 ConditionManagerSpecialTrainStarNotEnough Not enough stars gained in Operation Summer
20034050 ConditionManagerBossActivityStarRewardNotGet Star reward not claimed
20034051 ConditionManagerCharacterTypeNumsNotEnough Not enough deployed member types
20034052 ConditionManagerSpecialCollectionLevelNotEnough
20034053 ConditionManagerWorldBossAttributeStageFinishedNotEnough Insufficient dream locations cleared
20034054 ConditionManagerWorldBossHpPercentNotSatisfy Amberia remaining HP error
20034055 ConditionManagerWorldBossHpHurtNotEnough Insufficient damage dealt to Amberia
20034056 ConditionManagerHonorLevelNotEnough
20034057 ConditionManagerDragPuzzleNotCompleted TODO_ConditionManagerDragPuzzleNotCompleted
20034058 ConditionManagerTrpgTargetNotFinish Objective incomplete
20034059 ConditionManagerTrpgMazeCardNotFinish Maze card incomplete
20034060 ConditionManagerTrpgMazeCardIsFinish 20034060
20034061 ConditionManagerNieRCharacterLevelNotEnough YoRHa character level too low
20034062 ConditionManagerNieRSupportLevelNotEnough Auxiliary Machine level too low
20034063 ConditionManagerNieRSupportSkillLevelNotEnough Level up condition not met
20034064 ConditionManagerFuBenMainStarRateNotEnough Insufficient Main Story Mission Completion Rate
20034065 ConditionManagerChapterExtraStarRateNotEnough Insufficient Extra Story Mission Completion Rate
20034066 ConditionManagerZhouMuNotFinish You have not completed the chapters of the previous clear yet
20034067 ConditionManagerRegressionNotSatisfy Returning condition not met
20034068 ConditionManagerEndlessStageNpcGroupNotEnough Insufficient monster wave in infinite stage
20034069 ConditionManagerRecruitLevelNotEnough Recruitment level too low
20034070 ConditionManagerPartnerLevelNotEnough Companion overclock and level requirement not met
20034071 ConditionManagerPartnerQualityNotEnough Companion quality requirement not met
20034072 ConditionManagerPartnerSkillLevelNotEnough Companion total skill level does not meet requirement
20034073 ConditionManagerPartnerTypeIsError Companion type error
20034074 ConditionManagerRpgTeamLevelNotEnough 20034074 Insufficient team level
20034075 ConditionManagerPartnerHadNotOwner You never owned this CUB
20034076 ConditionManagerSpTargetProgressNotEnough Target stage progress not reached
20034077 ConditionManagerRegression2NotSatisfied 20034077 New returning condition not met
20034078 ConditionManagerCoupleCombatOccupyNotEnough 20034078 Insufficient number of stages occupied
20034079 ConditionManagerTimeIdNotEnough 20034079 Event not available
20034080 ConditionGoldenMinerUnlockNotEnough 20034080 Insufficient points to unlock the miner
20034081 ConditionManagerSceneIsLock 20034081 Scene locked
20034082 ConditionManagerSceneIsUnLock 20034082 Scene unlocked
20034083 ConditionManagerLivWarmActivityStageUnFinish 20034083 Liv: Empyrea Match Game stage not cleared
20034084 ConditionManagerLivWarmActivitySoundStageUnFinish 20034084 Liv: Empyrea Audio Puzzle stage not cleared
20036001 RobotManagerInitCharacterQualityFail Robot class error
20036002 RobotManagerInitCharacterLevelFail Robot level error
20036003 RobotManagerInitCharacterGradeFail Robot rank error
20036004 RobotManagerInitSkillLevelFail Robot skill error
20036005 RobotManagerInitWeapoonLevelFail Invalid weapon level of robot
20036006 RobotManagerInitWeapoonAweakenFail Invalid robot weapon awakening
20036007 RobotManagerInitWeapoonBreakThroughFail Invalid robot weapon enhancement
20036008 RobotManagerRobotNotExit Robot not found
20037001 PersonalInfoQueryPlayerDataFail Failed to obtain personal info
20037002 PersonalInfoWithoutPermission The Commandant has set a permission requirement
20037003 PersonalInfoNoShowCharacterWithThisId No character on display
20037004 PersonalInfoNoCharacterInfoWithThisId Character info not obtained
20038001 DailyGiveALikeFail Failed to like
20038002 DailyAddLikeSuccess Liked
20038003 DailyDelLikeSuccess Failed to unlike
20038004 DailyBanMsgFail Failed to mute
20039001 BaseEquipTemplateNoFound HQ facility not found
20039002 BaseEquipAttribPoolsNoFound Stats Pool settings not found
20039003 BaseEquipBottomPoolTemplateNoFound Guarantee Pool settings not found
20039004 BaseEquipNotFound HQ facility not founded
20039005 BaseEquipEvaluated HQ facility has been evaluated
20039006 BaseEquipNotEvaluate HQ facility has not been evaluated yet
20039007 BaseEquipWasPutOn HQ facility is in use
20039008 BaseEquipPutOnLevelLimit Level requirement of floor equipment
20040001 BountyTaskHaveNoTask Mission does not exist
20040002 BountyTaskUpperLimit Unable to accept any more missions as the number of missions has reached the limit
20040003 BountyTaskHasAccept Mission accepted
20040004 BountyTaskStatusError Bounty Mission status error
20040005 BountyTaskRefreshUpperLimit Insufficient refresh attempts of Bounty Mission
20040006 BountyTaskHaveNoTaskInTaskPool There is no Bounty Mission at the moment
20040007 BountyTaskRefreshFail Failed to refresh Bounty Mission
20040008 BountyTaskHadExpired Bounty Mission is now replaced by Operation Guardians
20041001 TaskForceTaskPoolIsFull Mission list is full
20041002 TaskForceCountLimit Number of dispatch teams has reached the limit
20041003 TaskForceHaveNoThisTaskInTaskPool Mission does not exist
20041004 TaskForceHaveNoThisTask Mission does not exist
20041005 TaskForceCharacterLevelLimit Level of the dispatch team does not meet the requirement
20041006 TaskForceTaskHasAccept Mission has been accepted
20041007 TaskForceHaveNoCharacter Member does not exist
20041008 TaskForceCharacterHasBeenDispatched Member being dispatched
20041009 TaskForceNotAcceptThisTask Mission unaccepted
20041010 TaskForceTaskWasCompleted Mission completed
20041011 TaskForceTaskTheTaskIsNotCompleted Mission incomplete
20043001 VoteGroupTemplateNotFound Failed to obtain template data of the vote set
20043002 VoteIsNotEffect Vote info does not exist
20043003 VoteIsInvalid Failed to vote
20043004 VoteIsClosed Vote closed
20043005 VoteTimesIsUseUp Voted
20043006 VoteIdUnknown Failed to vote
20044001 ArenaActivityNotFound Event does not exist
20044002 ArenaActivityIsLoading Loading data
20044003 ArenaActivityFuncIsNotOpen Feature is not available yet
20044004 ArenaActivityChallengeRegulatorNotFound War Zone manager does not exist
20044005 ArenaActivityPlayerNotFound Player does not exist
20044006 ArenaActivityPlayerHaveTeam Player is in a team already
20044007 ArenaActivityTeamIsFull The team is full
20044008 ArenaActivityPlayerIsInTeam You are already in the team
20044009 ArenaActivityPlayerNotHaveChallengeId Suitable War Zone not found
20044010 ArenaActivityArenaServiceIsNotFound Server error
20044011 ArenaActivityTeamIsNotFound Team does not exist
20044012 ArenaActivityTeamIsAlreadyApply Request Sent
20044013 ArenaActivityIsNotCaptain Only team leader can do this
20044014 ArenaActivityPlayerIsNotApply Not applied yet
20044015 ArenaActivityPlayerIsNotInTeam You are not in a team
20044016 ArenaActivityTargetIsNotFound Target does not exist
20044017 ArenaActivityTargetHaveTeam The player is already in a team
20044018 ArenaActivityPlayerIsNotInviter You are not invited
20044019 ArenaActivityPlayerGroupNotFound Challenge team does not exist
20044020 ArenaActivityAreaIsNotOpen The area is not available yet
20044021 ArenaActivityAreaIsAlreadyUnlock The area has been unlocked
20044022 ArenaActivityPlayerAlreadyJoin Joined
20044023 ArenaActivityPlayerJoinFail Failed to join
20044024 ArenaActivityStageIsError Stage error
20044025 ArenaActivityChallengeIdIsNotExist War Zone ID does not exist
20044026 ArenaActivityAreaIsNotUnlock Area has not been unlocked yet
20044027 ArenaActivityAreaIdIsNotFound Area does not exist
20044028 ArenaActivityPreStageIsNotFinish Previous stage not complete
20044029 ArenaActivityPlayerIsNotJoin You have not participated in the current event
20044030 ArenaActivityPlayerIsNotJoinBefore You did not participate in the previous event
20044031 ArenaActivityStatusIsCanNotOprea You cannot do this under the current state
20044032 ArenaActivityStatusCanNotFight You cannot battle under the current state
20044033 ArenaActivityNotHaveUnlockCount No unlock attempts
20044034 ArenaActivityActivityRegulatorNotFound War Zone event does not exist
20044035 ArenaActivityStageError Stage ID of War Zone error
20044036 ArenaActivityChallengeAreaNotExist Operation failed
20044037 ArenaGetRankFailed Invitation failed as the player has not entered the War Zone yet
20044038 ArenaActivityOperateFail Operation failed
20044039 ArenaActivityInviteTargetIsNotJoin Invitation failed as the player has not entered the War Zone yet
20044040 ArenaActivityStageCanNotAutoFight Auto Clear is not available for this mission
20044041 ArenaActivityStageAutoFightNotUnlock Auto Clear is locked for this mission
20044042 ArenaActivityStageMaxPointCanNotAutoFight Auto Clear is not available for full score
20045001 MatchCreateRoomFailed Failed to create room
20045002 MatchLevelLimit Insufficient level
20045003 MatchInvalidStageId Failed to create room
20045004 MatchRoomIsFull The room is full
20045005 MatchInvalidRoomId Invalid room Id
20045006 MatchRoomNotFound Target room not found
20045007 MatchRoomNotReady The room is not ready
20045008 MatchRoomInFight Battle has started
20045009 MatchPlayerAlreadyInMatchPool Matching
20045010 MatchPlayerNotInMatchPool Not matching
20045011 MatchPlayerAlreadyInRoom You are in a room already
20045012 MatchPlayerNotInRoom You are not in a room
20045013 MatchPlayerNotInThisRoom You are not in the room
20045014 MatchPlayerStateError Status error
20045015 MatchPlayerNotLeader You are not the Host
20045016 MatchCanNotTransferLeaderToYourSelf You cannot appoint yourself as the Host
20045017 MatchPlayerNotFound Target player not found
20045018 MatchRoomLeaderForceLeave You were kicked out by the Host
20045019 MatchRoomClose Room has been disbanded
20045020 MatchStartTimeout You were kicked out due to long standby time
20045021 MatchCharacterNotUnique Duplicate Constructs in the team
20045022 MatchPlayerOffline Player is offline
20045023 MatchPlayerIsMatching Matchmaking...
20045024 MatchPlayerCountNotEnough Insufficient players. Battle cannot begin
20045025 MatchPlayerNotHaveSuitableCharacter Not suitable characters
20045026 MatchMultiLevelControlNotExist 20045026
20045027 MatchServerMaintenance Online function maintenance, unable to conduct a match battle
20045028 MatchClientVersionError Client version is too low, unable to conduct a match battle
20045029 MatchStageInfoNotFound 20045029 Corresponding StageInfo does not exist
20045030 MatchRobotIdNotInStage 20045030 Bot ID is not available in the stage
20045031 MatchStageDontHaveRobotId 20045031 Stage Bot ID not set
20045032 MatchInvalidStageType 20045032 Invalid matching stage type
20045033 MatchInvalidStageIdAndStageType 20045033 Invalid matching Stage ID or stage type
20045034 MatchInvalidToManyMatchPlayers 20045034 Too many players in matching
20045035 MatchInvalidStageIdsNotTheSameType 20045035 Different stage type of the stage matched
20046001 ExploreChapterIsNotExist Exploration chapter does not exist
20046002 ExploreChapterIsNotFinished Character already assigned to stationing
20046003 ExplorePreChapterIsNotFinished Team empty. Unable to battle
20046004 ExploreChapterRewardIsGot Reward Claimed
20046005 ExploreChapterNodeIsNotExist Exploration point does not exist
20046006 ExplorePreNodeIsNotFinished Complete the previous point first
20046007 ExploreNodeIsFinished Stage completed
20046008 ExploreEnduranceIsNotEnough Insufficient Stamina
20047001 PayManagerGetPayTemplateNotFound Unable to find the corresponding recharge settings
20047002 PayInsertReceiptFail Recharge error
20048001 BranchChallengeIsNotExist Challenge ID does not exist
20048002 BranchPreStageNotFinish Previous stage not complete
20048003 BranchFightIsEnd Battle time is over
20048004 BranchSectionIdNotFound Side Challenge ID does not exist
20048005 BranchDifficultStageNotOpen Challenge difficulty is not available yet
20049001 BossActivitySectionIsNotExist Boss chapter does not exist
20049002 BossActivitySectionIsNotHaveStage The stage does not exist in this chapter
20049003 BossActivitySectionPreStageNotFinish Previous stage not complete
20049004 BossActivityIsEnd Battle period is over
20049005 BossActivityStarRewardIdNotExist Reward claim ID does not exist
20049006 BossActivityTotalStartNotEnough Not enough stars claimed
20049007 BossActivityStarRewardAlreadyGet Reward Claimed
20049008 BossActivityRobotGroupNotFound 20049008 Cannot find event bot group configuration
20049009 BossActivityRobotIdNotInGroup 20049009 The event bot group does not contain this ID
20050001 SignIdIsNotExist Sign-in ID does not exist
20050002 SignIdIsClose Sign-in is over
20050003 SignInfoNotFound Sign-in failed
20050004 SignRewardIsGot Signed in
20050005 SignRewardIsNotExist Sign-in reward does not exist
20051001 ExperimentGroupIsEnd Trial is over
20051002 ExperimentLevelIdError Invalid trial area Id
20051003 ExperimentGroupNotOpen Trial is not available yet
20051004 ExperimentIdNotHaveStarReward No star reward for experiment stage
20051005 ExperimentStarRewardIdNotExist Star reward ID does not exist
20051006 ExperimentIdNotFinish Trial area stage not completed
20051007 ExperimentStarNumNotExist Star reward does not exist
20051008 ExperimentStarRewardAlreadyGet Stage not completed
20051009 ExperimentStarNotEnough Insufficient stars
20052001 PracticeChapterIsNotFound Hidden chapter event not yet available
20052002 PracticeChapterStageIsError Stage does not exist
20052003 PracticePreStageNotFinish Previous stage not complete
20052004 PracticeActivityStageNotFound 20052004 Tutorial Stage of the stage not found
20053001 PurchaseTemplateNotFound Pack settings not found
20053002 PurchaseTimeNotEffect The pack is not available yet
20053003 PurchaseTimeWasInvalid Invalid pack
20053004 PurchaseWasUnShelve The pack is no longer available
20053005 PurchaseBuyTimesLimit Purchase attempts have been expended
20053006 PurchaseRemainDayLimit Remaining days until the next purchase
20053007 PurchaseIntervalDayLimit The pack is not available yet
20053008 PurchasePrePurchaseLimit Purchase requirement
20053009 PurchasePrePurchaseIsOnSale You need to purchase the previous pack first
20053010 PurchaseRecordNotFound Monthly Pass not purchased
20053011 PurchaseDailyRewardAlreadyGet Daily reward claimed
20053012 PurchaseDailyRewardExpire Monthly Pass expired
20053013 PurchaseNotContainDailyReward Purchased item does not include daily reward
20053014 PurchaseDiscountNotFound Pack discount not found
20053015 PurchaseDiscountTimesLimit Discount expired. Please check again
20053016 PurchaseDiscountCountLimit Discount coupon expired
20053017 PurchaseAlreadyHaveForeverFashion You already own the permanent Coating and do not need to purchase again
20053018 PurchaseRegression2NotInRegression 20053018 Not in returning status
20053019 PurchaseRegression2ActivityIdNotMatch 20053019 Gift pack does not apply to the returning event
20053101 PurchaseExistMutexItem Already own a conflicting product. Cannot purchase and replace it now.
20054001 CdKeyInvalid Invalid gift code, please check again.
20054002 CdKeyNotTimeYet Out of exchange period, please check again.
20054003 CdKeyTotalCountFull Gift code has been used, please check again.
20054004 CdKeyChannelWrong Invalid channel, please check again.
20054005 CdKeyPlayerCountFull You have claimed the reward already
20054006 CdKeyTimeOut Gift code has expired, please check again.
20054007 CdKeyGetSameBatchType Can only be claimed once per account per event
20055001 HeadPortraitTemplateNotFound Portrait settings not found
20055002 HeadPortraitNotOwned You do not own this portrait
20055003 HeadPortraitNotExist Portrait does not exist
20055004 HeadPortraitTimeout Portrait expired
20055005 HeadPortraitNotInTime Portrait invalid
20055501 HeadFrameTemplateNotFound Portrait frame configuration not found
20055502 HeadFrameNotOwned Portrait frame not yet unlocked
20055503 HeadFrameNotExist Portrait frame does not exist
20055504 HeadFrameTimeout Portrait frame expired
20055505 HeadFrameNotInTime Portrait frame invalid
20057001 FestivalActivityIsNotOpen Event is not available yet
20057002 FestivalActivityIsOver Event is over
20057003 FestivalActivityIdNotFount Event is over
20058001 RedEnvelopeActivityInvalid Invalid Gift Event
20058002 RedEnvelopeActivityNotOpen Event is not available yet
20058003 RedEnvelopeActivityHaveClose Event is over
20059001 BabelTowerActivityNotOpen Event is not available yet
20059002 BabelTowerActivityIsOver Event is over
20059003 BabelTowerFightIsEnd Battle over
20059004 BabelTowerStageIdError Stage ID error
20059005 BabelTowerCharacterIsInOtherStage Construct has been locked in another stage
20059006 BabelTowerSupportPointIsNotEnough Insufficient Support Points
20059007 BabelTowerStageGuideIdError Stage Guide ID error
20059008 BabelTowerPreGuideInNotFinish Complete the previous tutorial stage first
20059009 BabelTowerGuideChallengeBuffError Challenge Buff setting error
20059010 BabelTowerSelectChallengeBuffGroupError Challenge Buff Set setting error
20059011 BabelTowerSelectChallengeBuffNotInGroup Challenge Buff not found
20059012 BabelTowerSelectChallengeBuffGroupNotRepeat Cannot set duplicate Challenge Buff Set
20059013 BabelTowerSelectChallengeBuffIsLocked TODO_BabelTowerSelectChallengeBuffIsLocked
20059014 BabelTowerSelectSupportBuffGroupError Support Buff Set error
20059015 BabelTowerSelectSupportBuffNotInGroup Support Buff not found
20059016 BabelTowerSelectSupportBuffGroupNotRepeat Cannot set duplicate Support Buff Set
20059017 BabelTowerCacheDataIsNull Please select stage data first
20059018 BabelTowerStageIdIsNotSameCacheData Stage error
20059019 BabelTowerPreStageIsNotFinished Previous stage not complete
20059020 BabelTowerPreStageScoreNotEnough Insufficient points from previous stage
20059021 BabelTowerStageNotOpen The stage is not available yet
20059022 BabelTowerPreFightTeamError Deployed team error
20059023 BabelTowerTowerStageInfoIsNull Daily quest chapter not found
20059024 BabelTowerTowerStageIsAlreadyReset Stage record deleted
20059025 BabelTowerTowerStageIsNotReset Stage record not deleted
20059026 BabelTowerTeamCharacterIdIsBanned Forbidden characters in team
20059027 BabelTowerNoRank Current event has no ranking
20059028 BabelTowerGetRankInfoFail Failed to retrieve ranking
20059029 BabelTowerBuffGroupCfgNotExist Buff group settings not found
20059030 BabelTowerStageTeamDataNotFound Team info not found
20059031 BabelTowerStageTeamIdError Team ID error
20059032 BabelTowerStageTeamIdNotUnlock Team locked
20059033 BabelTowerStageLevelNotExist Stage difficulty not found
20059034 BabelTowerCanNotFindStageExtraId 20059034 Stage expansion ID not found
20059035 BabelTowerWrongActivityId 20059035 Wrong event ID
20059036 BabelTowerCanNotFindActivityTemplate 20059036 Event configuration not found
20059037 BabelTowerTeamLimitCount 20059037 Exceeding the deployment limit
20059038 BabelTowerStageLevelNotUnlock 20059038 Babel Tower Difficulty is locked
20059039 BabelTowerGlobalUnlockNotFound 20059039 Babel Tower does not have the corresponding global unlocking configuration
20060001 DormDormitoryHasActivated The room has been activated
20060002 DormCannotFindDormitoryTemplate Room settings not found
20060003 DormItemNotEnough Insufficient items
20060004 DormDormitoryNotActivated The room has not been activated yet
20060005 DormInvalidFurnitureId Invalid decor ID
20060006 DormGetRandomFurnitureConfigIdFails Failed to obtain decor settings ID randomly
20060007 DormGetFurnitureTemplateFails Failed to obtain decor settings
20060008 DormStringInvalid Contains illegal characters
20060009 DormCharacterIdInvalid Invalid member ID
20060010 DormCharacterEventTemplateIdInvalid Member event configuration not found
20060011 DormCharacterEventTypeTemplateIdInvalid Member event configuration type not found
20060012 DormCharacterEventNotExist Member event does not exist
20060013 DormGetFurnitureReturnFails Failed to recycle decor
20060014 DormGetFurnitureLevelReturnFails Failed to recycle decor level
20060015 DormGetFurnitureRandomAdditionAttrFails Failed to obtain extra random boosts of decor stats
20060016 DormEventRateFails Dormitory event rate not met
20060017 DormEventCdFails Dormitory event in cool down
20060018 DormEventDailyCountFails Dormitory event has reached the daily limit
20060019 DormEventWeekCountFails Dormitory event has reached the weekly limit
20060020 DormEventMoodNotFit Required Mood for dormitory event not met
20060021 DormEventVitalityNotFit Required Stamina for dormitory event not met
20060022 DormCreateFurnitureBaseDataFails Insert at least 3 Decor Coin
20060023 DormVisitSelfDorm You cannot visit your own dormitory
20060024 DormRecommendCd Refresh in cool down
20060025 DormCharacterWorking Construct is working
20060026 DormCharacterVitalityNotEnough Stamina of the Construct is insufficient
20060027 DormCharacterNotWorking Construct is at leisure
20060028 DormFurnitureCreating There has been a decor under construction
20060029 DormFurnitureCreatePosInvalid Invalid position to build
20060030 DormNoFurnitureCreating No decor is under construction
20060031 DormFurnitureCreateNotComplete Decor is still under construction
20060032 DormCharacterFull Dormitory is full
20060033 DormCharacterNotInDormitory Construct is not in the room
20060034 DormCharacterNotEnough Insufficient dormitory residents
20060035 DormInvalidFurnitureAttrType Invalid type
20060036 DormFurnitureAttrNotEnough Insufficient room decor stats
20060037 DormFurnitureTypeNotSame Type of decor to refit mismatched
20060038 DormCannotFindWorkTemplate Working settings not found
20060039 DormWorkSeatNotEnough Working spaces are full
20060040 DormRequestDataInvalid Invalid request protocol
20060041 DormCharacterHaveInDormitory Construct is already in the dormitory
20060042 DormWorkPosIsUsing The working space has been occupied
20060043 DormLoadPlayerFails Failed to load data of visiting player
20060044 DormCharacterRewardTemplateNotFound Dormitory Corrupted reward settings not found
20060045 DormCharacterMoodNotEnough Resident's Mood too low
20060046 DormNoCharacterCanVisit No accessible members
20060047 DormGetFurnitureRewardTemplateFails Dormitory Decor reward settings not found
20060048 DormInvalidFurnitureLayout Dormitory template not found
20060049 DormCollectLayoutFull Dormitory collection full
20060050 DormLayoutBindNothing Please link to the dormitory needed
20060051 DormCreateCountTooMuch Max number of dormitories reached
20060052 DormPutFurnitureCTooMuch Furniture exceeds dormitory capacity
20060053 DormEncodeFurnitureLayoutItemListFailed Failed to generate Decor sharing code
20060054 DormInvalidSnapshotId Invalid sharing code
20060055 DormSnapshotTimesLimited Sharing limit reached
20060056 DormWrongVisitId Unable to visit this dormitory
20060057 DormFurnitureIsLocked 20060057 Decor locked. Unable to perform operation
20060058 DormFondleInvalidCharacterId 20060058 Invalid Construct ID for dormitory patting
20060059 DormFondleInvalidType 20060059 Invalid type for dormitory pat
20060060 DormRenameBanned Dormitory naming feature disabled. Contact the customer services to modify.
20060061 DormGotCharacterId Omniframe owned
20060062 DormNotGotCharacterId Omniframe not owned
20060063 DormDecomposeOverLimitCount 20060063 Scrap quantity exceeds the limit
20061001 GachaTemplateNotFound Card draw matrix configuration not found
20061002 GachaRewardUseUp Card draw matrix reward used up
20061003 GachaNotOpen Card draw matrix not available
20061004 GachaClosed Card draw matrix closed
20061005 GachaTimesUseUp Card draw matrix attempts used up
20061006 GachaTimesNotEnough Insufficient card draw matrix attempts
20061007 GachaOpenNeedGainAllPreMainReward Unlock after gaining all core rewards in the previous mystery box machine
20061008 GachaOrganizeNotFound Mystery Box Group configuration not found
20061009 GachaOrganizeNotFoundStartGacha Primary Mystery Box Machine in Mystery Box Group not found
20062001 RepeatChallengeNotOpen Event rerun is not yet available
20062002 RepeatChallengeActivityCfgIsNull Event configuration not found
20062003 RepeatChallengeStageCfgIsNull Stage does not exist
20062004 RepeatChallengeChapterCfgIsNull Hidden chapter event not yet available
20062005 RepeatChallengeChapterNotInNormalChapterIds Normal chapter settings error
20062006 RepeatChallengeChapterNotInHideChapterIds Abyss chapter settings error
20062007 RepeatChallengeChapterIsFinished This chapter has been completed
20062008 RepeatChallengeCountError Challenge attempt error
20062009 RepeatChallengeLevelCfgIsNull Level settings not found
20062010 RepeatChallengePreFightIsNull Prebattle data not found
20062011 RepeatChallengeFirstPassLimitCount 1st time challenge is limited to 1 attempt
20062012 RepeatChallengeRewardNotExist Reward configuration not found
20062013 RepeatChallengeRewardIsGot Reward Claimed
20062014 RepeatChallengeResultChallengeCountError Tally error
20062015 MultiChallengeCfgIsNotFound Multiple challenge settings not found
20062016 RepeatChallengeHideChapterNotOpen Abyss chapter is not yet available
20062017 RepeatChallengeChapterNotOpen Chapter locked
20062018 RepeatChallengeHideConditionNotSatisfy Hidden chapter requirement not met
20063001 GuildServiceUnavaliable Command Bureau server error
20063002 GuildCreateGuildNameIsNull Command Bureau name cannot be blank
20063003 GuildCreateGuildNameLengthError Command Bureau name length requirement not met
20063004 GuildCreateGuildNameInvalid Command Bureau name contains illegal characters
20063005 GuildCreateGuildDeclarationIsNull Command Bureau notice cannot be blank
20063006 GuildCreateGuildDeclarationLengthError Command Bureau notice too long
20063007 GuildCreateGuildDeclarationInvalid Command Bureau notice contains illegal characters
20063008 GuildCreateGuildIconIdIsZero Select an icon for Command Bureau
20063009 GuildCreateGuildInCreating Command Bureau being created. Try again later
20063010 GuildCreateGuildPlayerHasGuild Failed to create Command Bureau as you have already joined one
20063011 GuildCreateGuildGuildExists Command Bureau name already in use
20063012 GuildCreateGuildNameDuplicated Command Bureau name already exists
20063013 GuildCreateGuildPlayerIdDuplicated Failed to create Command Bureau as you have already joined another one
20063014 GuildCreateGuildIdDuplicated Command Bureau name already in use
20063015 GuildCreateGuildDataAsyncError Failed to create Command Bureau data
20063016 GuildCreateGuildInCd You can only join a new Command Bureau after leaving the current Command Bureau for 8 hours
20063017 GuildCreateErrorHeadPortrait Command Bureau portrait does not exist
20063018 GuildCreateNotEnoughCost Insufficient currency. Unable to create
20063019 GuildCreateServiceException Failed to create Command Bureau
20063020 GuildCreateGuildInternalError Cannot create Command Bureau data
20063021 GuildApplyInCd You can only join a new Command Bureau after leaving the current Command Bureau for 8 hours
20063022 GuildApplyPlyaerHasGuild Request failed. Already joined a Command Bureau
20063023 GuildApplyPlyaerApplyMaxCount Sending requests to too many Command Bureaus at the same time
20063024 GuildApplyApplyDuplicated Application submitted. Please wait
20063025 GuildApplyServiceException Request failed. Unknown error
20063026 GuildApplyGuildNotExist The player's Command Bureau does not exist
20063027 GuildApplyGuildApplyMaxCount The player's Command Bureau request list is full
20063028 GuildApplyReachCapacity Request failed. The Command Bureau is full
20063029 GuildAckApplyAckHasNotGuild Approval failed. Not in Command Bureau
20063030 GuildAckApplyAckGuildNotExist Command Bureau does not exist
20063031 GuildAckApplyAckNotInThisGuild Approval failed. Not in Command Bureau
20063032 GuildAckApplyAckLessRank No approval authority
20063033 GuildAckApplyApplicantHasGuild The player has joined another Command Bureau
20063034 GuildAckApplyNotApply Player has not yet sent a request
20063035 GuildAckApplyReachCapacity Command Bureau full
20063036 GuildAckApplyServiceException Approval failed. Unknown error
20063037 GuildApplyBanApply Request denied by the player's Command Bureau
20063038 GuildApplyLessLevel You do not meet the level requirement to join this Command Bureau
20063039 GuildApplyPass You do not meet the level requirement to join this Command Bureau
20063040 GuildListRecommendHasGuild Failed to recommend as you are already a member of Command Bureau
20063041 GuildListRecommendServiceException Failed to recommend due to unknown error
20063042 GuildListDetailGuildNotExist Failed to view detail as Command Bureau has disbanded
20063043 GuildListDetailPlayerNotInGuild Failed to view detail as you are not in Command Bureau
20063044 GuildListDetailServiceException Failed to view detail due to unknown error
20063045 GuildChangeIconHasNotGuild Failed to change icon as you have not joined Command Bureau
20063046 GuildChangeIconGuildNotExist Failed to change icon as Command Bureau does not exist
20063047 GuildChangeIconNotInThisGuild Failed to change icon as you are not in Command Bureau
20063048 GuildChangeIconLessRank Failed to change icon due to insufficient authority
20063049 GuildChangeIconErrorHeadPortrait Wrong portrait. Failed to change Command Bureau icon
20063050 GuildChangeIconServiceException Failed to change icon due to unknown error
20063051 GuildChangeDeclarationHasNotGuild Failed to change notice as you have not joined Command Bureau
20063052 GuildChangeDeclarationLengthError Failed to change notice as length limit is exceeded
20063053 GuildChangeDeclarationInvalid Failed to change notice as illegal characters were detected
20063054 GuildChangeDeclarationGuildNotExist Failed to change notice as Command Bureau does not exist
20063055 GuildChangeDeclarationNotInThisGuild Failed to change notice as you are not in Command Bureau
20063056 GuildChangeDeclarationLessRank Failed to change notice due to insufficient authority
20063057 GuildChangeDeclarationServiceException Failed to change notice due to unknown error
20063058 GuildChangeDeclarationIsBanned Unable to edit this message. Please contact customer services
20063059 GuildChangeRankNameHasNotGuild Failed to change Command Bureau position name. You have not joined a Command Bureau
20063060 GuildChangeRankNameInvalid Failed to change Command Bureau position name as it contains illegal characters
20063061 GuildChangeRankNameGuildNotExist Failed to change Command Bureau position name. The Command Bureau does not exist
20063062 GuildChangeRankNameNotInThisGuild Failed to change Command Bureau position name. You are not in this Command Bureau
20063063 GuildChangeRankNameLessRank Failed to change Command Bureau position name. Insufficient authority level
20063064 GuildChangeRankNameServiceException Failed to change Command Bureau position name. Unknown error
20063065 GuildReleaseWishHasNotGuild Failed to publish wish. You have not joined a Command Bureau
20063066 GuildReleaseWishErrorItemId Failed to publish wish. Incorrect item ID
20063067 GuildReleaseWishMaxCount Failed to publish wish. Wish limit reached
20063068 GuildReleaseWishGuildNotExist Failed to publish wish. The Command Bureau does not exist
20063069 GuildReleaseWishNotInThisGuild Failed to publish wish. You are not in this Command Bureau
20063070 GuildReleaseWishServiceException Failed to publish wish. Unknown error
20063071 GuildListWishGuildNotExist Failed to view wish. The Command Bureau does not exist
20063072 GuildListWishHasNotGuild Failed to view wish. You have not joined a Command Bureau
20063073 GuildListWishServiceException Failed to view wish. Unknown error
20063074 GuildWishContributeGuildNotExist Failed to donate for wish. The Command Bureau does not exist
20063075 GuildWishContributeHasNotGuild Failed to donate for wish. You have not joined a Command Bureau
20063076 GuildWishContributeItemNotEnough Failed to donate for wish. You don't have enough items
20063077 GuildWishContributeCantToSelf Failed to donate for wish. You cannot donate to yourself
20063078 GuildWishContributeNotInThisGuild Failed to donate for wish. You are not in this Command Bureau
20063079 GuildWishContributeMaxCount Failed to donate for wish. Donation limit reached
20063080 GuildWishContributeErrorWish Failed to donate for wish. Unable to find wish data
20063081 GuildWishContributeOnlyOnce Failed to donate for wish. You cannot donate to multiple wishes
20063082 GuildWishContributeServiceException Failed to donate for wish. Unknown error
20063083 GuildChangeRankHasNotGuild Failed to change position. You have not joined a Command Bureau
20063084 GuildChangeRankCantToSelf Failed to change position. You cannot change your own position
20063085 GuildChangeRankErrorNewRank Failed to change position. New position data error
20063086 GuildChangeRankGuildNotExist Failed to change position. The Command Bureau does not exist
20063087 GuildChangeRankNotInThisGuild Failed to change position. You are not in this Command Bureau
20063088 GuildChangeRankOtherNotInThisGuild Failed to change position. The target player is not in this Command Bureau
20063089 GuildChangeRankSameRank Failed to change position. Your position and the target player's position are the same
20063090 GuildChangeRankLevelLtOther Failed to change position. Your position is below the target player's position
20063091 GuildChangeRankLevelLtOtherNew Failed to change position. Your position is below the new position
20063092 GuildChangeRankMaxCount Failed to change position. Position change limit reached
20063093 GuildChangeRankServiceException Failed to change position. Unknown error
20063094 GuildQuitHasNotGuild Failed to leave Command Bureau. You have not joined a Command Bureau
20063095 GuildQuitGuildNotExist Failed to leave Command Bureau. The Command Bureau does not exist
20063096 GuildQuitNotInThisGuild Failed to leave Command Bureau. You are not in the Command Bureau
20063097 GuildQuitLeaderCantQuit Failed to leave Command Bureau. The leader cannot leave the Command Bureau
20063098 GuildQuitServiceException Failed to leave Command Bureau. Unknown error
20063099 GuildKickMemberHasNotGuild Failed to remove member. You have not joined a Command Bureau
20063100 GuildKickMemberGuildNotExist Failed to remove member. The Command Bureau does not exist
20063101 GuildKickMemberKickSelf Failed to remove member. You cannot remove yourself
20063102 GuildKickMemberOfficerNotInThisGuild Failed to remove member. You are not in the Command Bureau
20063103 GuildKickMemberLessRank Failed to remove member. Insufficient authority level
20063104 GuildKickMemberOtherNotInThisGuild Failed to remove member. The target player is not in the Command Bureau
20063105 GuildKickMemberRankLtOther Failed to remove member. Your position is below the target player's position
20063106 GuildKickMemberRunOut Failed to remove member. You can only remove up to 10 commandants per day
20063107 GuildKickMemberServiceException Failed to remove member. Unknown error
20063108 GuildListNewsHasNotGuild Failed to view Command Bureau news. You have not joined the Command Bureau
20063109 GuildListNewsGuildNotExist Failed to view Command Bureau news. The Command Bureau does not exist
20063110 GuildListNewsServiceException Failed to view Command Bureau news. Unknown error
20063111 GuildGiveLikeHasNotGuild Failed to like Command Bureau. You have not joined the Command Bureau
20063112 GuildGiveLikeGiveSelf Failed to like Command Bureau. You cannot like yourself
20063113 GuildGiveLikeGuildNotExist Failed to like Command Bureau. The Command Bureau does not exist
20063114 GuildGiveLikePlayerNotInThisGuild Failed to like Command Bureau. You are not in the Command Bureau
20063115 GuildGiveLikeOtherNotInThisGuild Failed to like Command Bureau. The target player is not in the Command Bureau
20063116 GuildGiveLikeItemNotEnough Failed to like Command Bureau. You don't have enough items
20063117 GuildGiveLikeServiceException Failed to like Command Bureau. Unknown error
20063118 GuildImpeachHasNotGuild Impeachment failed. You have not joined the Command Bureau
20063119 GuildImpeachPlayerNotInThisGuild Impeachment failed. You are not in the Command Bureau
20063120 GuildImpeachSelf Impeachment failed. You cannot impeach yourself
20063121 GuildImpeachErrorDuration Impeachment failed. The Commander-in-Chief has returned
20063122 GuildImpeachDuplicated Impeachment failed. You cannot impeach multiple times
20063123 GuildChangeImpeachServiceException Impeachment failed. Unknown error
20063124 GuildRejeactImpeachHasNotGuild Failed to reject impeachment. You have not joined the Command Bureau
20063125 GuildChangeScriptHasNotGuild Failed to change the message to new members. You have not joined a Command Bureau
20063126 GuildChangeScriptErrorIndex Failed to change the message to new members. Incorrect index
20063127 GuildChangeScriptInvalid Failed to change the message to new members. The message contains illegal characters
20063128 GuildChangeScriptErrorLength Failed to change the message to new members. The message length does not meet the requirement
20063129 GuildChangeScriptMaxCount Failed to change the message to new members. Message limit reached
20063130 GuildChangeScriptGuildNotExist Failed to change the message to new members. The Command Bureau does not exist
20063131 GuildChangeScriptOfficerNotInThisGuild Failed to change the message to new members. You are not in this Command Bureau
20063132 GuildChangeScriptLessRank Failed to change the message to new members. Insufficient authority level
20063133 GuildChangeScriptServiceException Failed to change the message to new members. Unknown error
20063134 GuildListScriptHasNotGuild Failed to view message list. You have not joined a Command Bureau
20063135 GuildListScriptGuildNotExist Failed to view message list. The Command Bureau does not exist
20063136 GuildListScriptOfficerNotInThisGuild Failed to view message list. You are not in the Command Bureau
20063137 GuildListScriptLessRank Failed to view message list. Insufficient authority level
20063138 GuildListScriptServiceException Failed to view message list. Unknown error
20063139 GuildTouristPlayerHasGuild Guest visit failed. You have already joined a Command Bureau
20063140 GuildTouristTouristHasGuild The guest has already joined a Command Bureau
20063141 GuildTouristGuildNotExist Guest visit failed. The Command Bureau does not exist
20063142 GuildTouristTryAddFailed Guest visit failed. Failed to add guest
20063143 GuildTouristMaxCount Guest visit failed. Guest limit reached
20063144 GuildQuitTouristHasNotGuild Failed to leave guest visit. You have not joined a Command Bureau
20063145 GuildQuitTouristNotInThisGuild Failed to leave guest visit. You are not in the Command Bureau
20063146 GuildRecruitRecommendHasNotGuild Recruit recommendation failed. You have not joined the Command Bureau
20063147 GuildRecruitRecommendException Recruit recommendation failed. Unknown error
20063148 GuildRecruitRecommendGuildNotExist Recruit recommendation failed. The Command Bureau does not exist
20063149 GuildRecruitRecommendOfficerNotInThisGuild Recruit recommendation failed. You are not in this Command Bureau
20063150 GuildRecruitRecommendLessRank Recruit recommendation failed. Insufficient authority level
20063151 GuildRecruitRecommendNeedRefresh Please refresh recruit recommendation
20063152 GuildUpdateRecruitRecommendGuildNotExist Failed to refresh recruit recommendation. The Command Bureau does not exist
20063153 GuildUpdateRecruitRecommendOfficerNotInThisGuild Failed to refresh recruit recommendation. You are not in this Command Bureau
20063154 GuildUpdateRecruitRecommendLessRank Failed to refresh recruit recommendation. Insufficient authority level
20063155 GuildRecruitHasNotGuild Recruit failed. You have not joined the Command Bureau
20063156 GuildRecruitServiceException Recruit failed. Unknown error
20063157 GuildRecruitGuildNotExist Recruit failed. The Command Bureau does not exist
20063158 GuildRecruitOfficerNotInThisGuild Recruit failed. You are not in this Command Bureau
20063159 GuildRecruitLessRank Recruit failed. Insufficient authority level
20063160 GuildRecruitPlayerHasGuild The target player has joined another Command Bureau
20063161 GuildRecruitPlayerNotInRecommend The target player is not in the recruit list
20063162 GuildRecruitDuplicated Duplicate recruit request
20063163 GuildRecruitGuildMaxCount Recruit failed. Command Bureau daily recruit limit reached
20063164 GuildListRecruitHasGuild You have already joined a Command Bureau
20063165 GuildListRecruitServiceException Failed to view recruit list. Unknown error
20063166 GuildAckRecruitHasGuild You have already joined this Command Bureau
20063167 GuildAckRecruitServiceException Failed to confirm recruitment. Unknown error
20063168 GuildAckRecruitGuildNotExist Failed to respond to recruit. The Command Bureau does not exist
20063169 GuildAckRecruitNoRecruit Failed to respond to recruit. Recruit message not found
20063170 GuildAckRecruitReachCapacity Failed to respond to recruit. The Command Bureau is full
20063171 GuildAckRecruitInCd You can only join a new Command Bureau after leaving the current Command Bureau for 8 hours
20063172 GuildLevelUpHasNotGuild Command Bureau upgrade failed. You have not joined the Command Bureau
20063173 GuildLevelUpServiceException Command Bureau upgrade failed. Unknown error
20063174 GuildLevelUpGuildNotExist Command Bureau upgrade failed. The Command Bureau does not exist
20063175 GuildLevelUpOfficerNotInThisGuild Command Bureau upgrade failed. You are not in the Command Bureau
20063176 GuildLevelUpLessRank Command Bureau upgrade failed. Insufficient authority level
20063177 GuildLevelUpLessBuild Command Bureau upgrade failed. Insufficient construction level
20063178 GuildLevelUpMaxLevel Command Bureau upgrade failed. Command Bureau has reached the max level
20063179 GuildPayMaintainHasNotGuild Failed to pay maintenance fee. You have not joined the Command Bureau
20063180 GuildPayMaintainServiceException Failed to pay maintenance fee. Unknown error
20063181 GuildPayMaintainGuildNotExist Failed to pay maintenance fee. The Command Bureau does not exist
20063182 GuildPayMaintainOfficerNotInThisGuild Failed to pay maintenance fee. You are not in the Command Bureau
20063183 GuildPayMaintainLessRank Failed to pay maintenance fee. Insufficient authority level
20063184 GuildPayMaintainNotEmergency Unable to pay maintenance fee outside emergency maintenance
20063185 GuildPayMaintainLessContribute Failed to pay maintenance fee. Insufficient contribution
20063186 GuildAddContributeHasNotGuild Failed to increase contribution. You have not joined the Command Bureau
20063187 GuildAddContributeServiceException Failed to increase contribution. Unknown error
20063188 GuildAddContributeGuildNotExist Failed to increase contribution. The Command Bureau does not exist
20063189 GuildListApplyHasNotGuild Failed to retrieve application list. You have not joined a Command Bureau
20063190 GuildListApplyServiceException Failed to retrieve application list. Unknown error
20063191 GuildListApplyGuildNotExist Failed to retrieve application list. The Command Bureau does not exist
20063192 GuildListApplyOfficerNotInThisGuild Failed to retrieve application list. You are not in the Command Bureau
20063193 GuildListApplyLessRank Failed to retrieve application list. Insufficient authority level
20063194 GuildAddContributePlayerNotInGuild Failed to increase contribution. You are not in the Command Bureau
20063195 GuildGetGiftHasNotGuild Failed to claim activity pack. You have not joined a Command Bureau
20063196 GuildGetGiftServiceException Failed to claim activity pack. Unknown error
20063197 GuildGetGiftInTwoGuild Failed to claim activity pack. You cannot claim the pack from another Command Bureau
20063198 GuildGetGiftGuildNotExist Failed to claim activity pack. The Command Bureau does not exist
20063199 GuildGetGiftNotInThisGuild Failed to claim activity pack. You are not in the Command Bureau
20063200 GuildGetGiftGiftNotExist Failed to claim activity pack. The pack does not exist
20063201 GuildGetGiftLessContribute Failed to claim activity pack. Insufficient contribution
20063202 GuildGetGiftDuplicated Failed to claim contribution pack. You have already claimed it
20063203 GuildGetContributeRewardHasNotGuild Failed to claim contribution reward. You have not joined a Command Bureau
20063204 GuildGetContributeRewardGot Failed to claim contribution reward. You have already claimed this reward
20063205 GuildGetContributeRewardServiceException Failed to claim contribution reward. Unknown error
20063206 GuildGetContributeRewardNotInThisGuild Failed to claim contribution reward. You are not in the Command Bureau
20063207 GuildGetContributeRewardLessContribute Failed to claim contribution reward. Insufficient contribution
20063208 GuildMailServiceUnavaliable Command Bureau mail unavailable
20063209 GuildMailServiceException Failed to send Command Bureau mail. Unknown error
20063210 GuildMailContentFormatError Command Bureau mail format error
20063211 GuildListChatHasNotGuild Failed to retrieve Command Bureau chat. You have not joined the Command Bureau
20063212 GuildListChatServiceException Command Bureau chat failed. Unknown error
20063213 GuildListChatGuildNotExist Failed to retrieve Command Bureau chat. The Command Bureau does not exist
20063214 GuildListChatNotInThisGuild Failed to retrieve Command Bureau chat. You are not in the Command Bureau
20063215 GuildFindServiceException Command Bureau search failed. Unknown error
20063216 GuildChangeApplyOptionHasNotGuild Failed to change Command Bureau application settings. You have not joined the Command Bureau
20063217 GuildChangeApplyOptionServiceException Failed to change Command Bureau application settings. Unknown error
20063218 GuildChangeApplyOptionGuildNotExist Failed to change Command Bureau application settings. The Command Bureau does not exist
20063219 GuildChangeApplyOptionNotInThisGuild Failed to change Command Bureau application settings. You are not in the Command Bureau
20063220 GuildChangeApplyOptionLessRank Failed to change Command Bureau application settings. Insufficient authority level
20063221 GuildServerInternalError Command Bureau service error
20063222 GuildGetMemberNotFound Failed to retrieve Command Bureau members
20063223 GuildShopGetGuildNotExist Failed to retrieve Command Bureau shop info. The Command Bureau does not exist
20063224 GuildBuyGoodsMemberLessRank Insufficient purchase access in Command Bureau shop
20063225 GuildRefreshShopMemberLessRank Insufficient refresh access in Command Bureau shop
20063226 GuildGetShopHasNotGuild Failed to retrieve Command Bureau shop info. You have not joined the Command Bureau
20063227 GuildGetShopServiceException Command Bureau shop error. Unknown error
20063228 GuildBuyGoodsHasNotGuild Unable to purchase from Command Bureau shop. You have not joined the Command Bureau
20063229 GuildBuyGoodsServiceException Command Bureau shop purchase error. Unknown error
20063230 GuildRefreshShopHasNotGuild Unable to refresh Command Bureau shop. You have not joined the Command Bureau
20063231 GuildRefreshShopServiceException Command Bureau shop refresh error. Unknown error
20063232 GuildListRankHasNotGuild Error viewing Command Bureau ranking. You have not joined the Command Bureau
20063233 GuildListRankServiceException Command Bureau ranking error. Unknown error
20063234 GuildAddBuildGuildNotExist Failed to increase construction level. Command Bureau does not exist
20063235 GuildAddBuildNotInGuild Failed to increase construction level. You are not in the Command Bureau
20063236 GuildRecruitGuildDailyCount Today's recruit attempts have been used up
20063237 GuildGiveLikeItemInvalid Failed to send gift. Invalid gift item
20063238 GuildChangeNameNotInGuild Operation failed. You are not in this Command Bureau
20063239 GuildChangeNameGuildNameIsNull Operation failed. New Command Bureau name cannot be empty
20063240 GuildChangeNameGuildNameLengthError GuildChangeNameGuildNameLengthError
20063241 GuildChangeNameGuildNameInvalid Operation failed. The new name contains illegal characters
20063242 GuildChangeNameGuildNameEqual Operation failed. The new name cannot be the same as the original name
20063243 GuildChangeNameNotEnoughCost Operation failed. You don't have any Command Bureau name change card
20063244 GuildChangeNameGuildNameDuplicated Operation failed. This name is already in use
20063245 GuildChangeNameServiceException Operation failed. Error during operation
20063246 GuildChangeNameLessRank Failed to change Command Bureau position name. Insufficient authority level
20063247 GuildChangeNameIsBanned 20063247 Unable to edit this message. Please contact customer services
20063248 GuildListTalentException Failed to retrieve talent. Unknown error
20063249 GuildListTalentNotInGuild You are no longer in the Command Bureau and cannot perform this operation
20063250 GuildListTalentGuildNotExist The Command Bureau has been disbanded
20063251 GuildUpgradeTalentNotInGuild You have left the Command Bureau and cannot perform this operation
20063252 GuildUpgradeTalentGuildNotExist Command Bureau does not exist
20063253 GuildUpgradeTalentLessRank The position has insufficient authority
20063254 GuildUpgradeTalentTalentNotExist Invalid beacon amplification point
20063255 GuildUpgradeTalentLessLevel Command Bureau level too low
20063256 GuildUpgradeTalentParentNotExist Prerequisite beacon amplification point not found
20063257 GuildUpgradeTalentParentLessLevel Prerequisite beacon amplification point level too low
20063258 GuildUpgradeTalentMaxLevel Already at max level
20063259 GuildUpgradeTalentPointNotEnough Insufficient Beacon Points
20063260 GuildBossBossStatusGuildNotExist Unable to retrieve Command Bureau info
20063261 GuildBossBossStatusNotInGuild You have left the Command Bureau and cannot perform this operation
20063262 GuildBossBossStatusNotOpen You need to wait for the next season of event to participate
20063263 GuildBossBossInfoGuildNotExist Unable to retrieve Command Bureau info
20063264 GuildBossBossInfoNotInGuild You have left the Command Bureau and cannot perform this operation
20063265 GuildBossBossInfoNotOpen You need to wait for the next season of event to participate
20063266 GuildBossBossActivityGuildNotExist Unable to retrieve Command Bureau info
20063267 GuildBossBossActivityNotInGuild You have left the Command Bureau and cannot perform this operation
20063268 GuildBossBossActivityNotOpen Available in the next season
20063269 GuildBossCheckResetNotInGuild You have left the Command Bureau and cannot perform this operation
20063270 GuildBossCheckResetNotOpen Available in the next season
20063271 GuildBossBossStageGuildNotExist Unable to retrieve Command Bureau info
20063272 GuildBossBossStageNotInGuild You have left the Command Bureau and cannot perform this operation
20063273 GuildBossBossStageNotExist Invalid stage
20063274 GuildBossBossStageNotOpen You need to wait for the next season of event to participate
20063275 GuildBossPlayerRankGuildNotExist Unable to retrieve Command Bureau info
20063276 GuildBossPlayerRankNotInGuild You have left the Command Bureau and cannot perform this operation
20063277 GuildBossPlayerStageRankGuildNotExist Unable to retrieve Command Bureau info
20063278 GuildBossPlayerStageRankNotInGuild You have left the Command Bureau and cannot perform this operation
20063279 GuildBossPlayerStageRankStageNotExist Stage does not exist
20063280 GuildBossGuildRankGuildNotExist Unable to retrieve Command Bureau info
20063281 GuildBossGuildRankNotInGuild You have left the Command Bureau and cannot perform this operation
20063282 GuildBossHpBoxGuildNotExist Unable to retrieve Command Bureau info
20063283 GuildBossHpBoxNotInGuild You have left the Command Bureau and cannot perform this operation
20063284 GuildBossHpBoxDuplicated Duplicate claim
20063285 GuildBossHpBoxRewardNotExist Invalid reward info
20063286 GuildBossHpBoxConditionFail Reward condition not met
20063287 GuildBossHpBoxNotOpen You need to wait for the next season of event to participate
20063288 GuildBossHpBoxActivityUpdate This cycle of event has expired
20063289 GuildBossScoreBoxGuildNotExist Unable to retrieve Command Bureau info
20063290 GuildBossScoreBoxNotInGuild You have left the Command Bureau and cannot perform this operation
20063291 GuildBossScoreBoxDuplicated Duplicate claim
20063292 GuildBossScoreBoxRewardNotExist Invalid reward info
20063293 GuildBossScoreBoxConditionFail Reward condition not met
20063294 GuildBossScoreBoxNotOpen You need to wait for the next season of event to participate
20063295 GuildBossScoreBoxActivityUpdate This cycle of event has expired
20063296 GuildBossFightNoBoss Event info not found
20063297 GuildBossFightNoStage Invalid stage not found
20063298 GuildBossFightNoRobot Trial info not found
20063299 GuildBossFightInvalidRobot Invalid trial character
20063300 GuildBossFightStageNotMatch Stage does not match
20063301 GuildBossFightNoScoreRule Unable to find result calculation rules
20063302 GuildBossUploadNotInGuild You have left the Command Bureau and cannot perform this operation
20063303 GuildBossUploadStageNotMatch Stage does not match
20063304 GuildBossUploadDamageNotMatch Result data does not match
20063305 GuildBossUploadMaxCount Insufficient upload attempts
20063306 GuildBossDamageNotInGuild You have left the Command Bureau and cannot perform this operation
20063307 GuildBossDamageActivityUpdate Event has expired
20063308 GuildBossDamageNoStage Stage not found
20063309 GuildBossDamageDuplicated You have already challenged another stage of the same type
20063310 GuildBossDamageActivityNotOpen You need to wait for the next season of event to participate
20063311 GuildBossDamageNotBreak You can only save when your points are higher than the best score in the current season
20063312 GuildBossSetLevelNotInGuild You have left the Command Bureau and cannot perform this operation
20063313 GuildBossSetLevelActivityUpdate Event has expired
20063314 GuildBossSetLevelNotAdmin Only officers can perform this operation
20063315 GuildBossSetLevelNoLevelCfg Invalid level configuration
20063316 GuildBossSetLevelLessScore Insufficient point to unlock
20063317 GuildBossSetLevelGuildNotExist Unable to retrieve Command Bureau info
20063318 GuildBossSetLevelNotOpen You need to wait for the next season of event to participate
20063319 GuildBossSetOrderNotInGuild You have left the Command Bureau and cannot perform this operation
20063320 GuildBossSetOrderActivityUpdate Event has expired
20063321 GuildBossSetOrderNotAdmin Only officers can perform this operation
20063322 GuildBossSetOrderGuildNotExist Unable to retrieve Command Bureau info
20063323 GuildBossSetOrderNotOpen You need to wait for the next season of event to participate
20063324 GuildCreateConditionNotReach Guild creation requirement(s) not met
20063325 GuildCreateReachDailyLimit Too many guild creation attempts. Please try again later.
20063326 GuildNotPermission 20063326 No permissions
20063327 GuildNotInGuild 20063327 Not in Guild
20063328 GuildFightStyleIdError 20063328 Combat Style ID Error
20063329 GuildFightStyleIdIsSame 20063329 Cannot select the same combat style
20063330 GuildFightStyleIdInCd 20063330 Combat Style switch is on cooldown
20063331 GuildFightStyleSkillIdError 20063331 Combat Style Skill ID Error
20063332 GuildFightStyleSkillAlreadyLoad 20063332 Combat Style Skill already equipped
20063333 GuildFightStyleSkillNotUnlock 20063333 Combat Style Skill is still locked
20063334 GuildFightStyleSkillIdNotMatch 20063334 Combat Style ID does not match
20063335 GuildFightStyleSkillCountMax 20063335 Number of Combat Skills cannot go beyond the upper limit
20063336 GuildFightStyleSkillOnlyOneCore 20063336 Only one Core Skill can be activated at a time
20063337 GuildGdSetBgmIdsNotInGuild Cannot perform this action as you are not in Command Bureau
20063338 GuildGdSetBgmIdsLessRank Failed to edit due to insufficient authority
20064001 RogueLikeActivityNotOpen Outside the event period
20064002 RogueLikeActionPointNotEnough Insufficient Action Points
20064003 RogueLikeSectionInfoIsNull Chapter info not found
20064004 RogueLikeNodeIsNull location settings not found
20064005 RogueLikeNodeIsNotFightNode This location is not a combat
20064006 RogueLikeNodeStageIsError Stage mismatched
20064007 RogueLikeNodeIdNotInTierCfg Location is not on this floor
20064008 RogueLikeNodeLineError Selected route mismatched
20064009 RogueLikeNodePreFightDataIsNull Prebattle data for tower-climbing not found
20064010 RogueLikeFightTeamCountIsError Number of deployed teams mismatched
20064011 RogueLikeAssistRobotNotEnough Fewer than 3 constructs for Assist
20064012 RogueLikeAssistCharacterIdError Robot mismatched
20064013 RogueLikeFightCharacterNotInSetTeam No deployed team members
20064014 RogueLikeFightNodeNotNeedSelect Combat cannot be completed manually
20064015 RogueLikeTierAlreadySelectNode Location has been selected on this floor
20064016 RogueLikeFinishNodeMustSelectFirst Select location first
20064017 RogueLikeBlackShopIdError Black Market ID mismatched
20064018 RogueLikeBlackShopNotHaveItemId Shop does not have this item
20064019 RogueLikeShopCfgNotFound Shop settings not found
20064020 RogueLikeShopItemCfgNotFound Shop item settings not found
20064021 RogueLikeBuyCountNotEnough Not enough purchases
20064022 RogueLikeSelectNodeIsNull Selected location does not exist
20064023 RogueLikeSelectNodeIsError Current location is different from the selected location
20064024 RogueLikeEventNodeCfgIsNull Event location settings not found
20064025 RogueLikeEventNodeIsNotRestType This location is not for rest
20064026 RogueLikeBuffCfgIsNull Buff settings not found
20064027 RogueLikeBuffCanNotIntensify This buff cannot be enhanced
20064028 RogueLikeIntensifyBuffNotExist Enhanced buff not found
20064029 RogueLikeNodeTypeError Type of location mismatched
20064030 RogueLikeNotOwnerBuff You do not have this buff
20064031 RogueLikeShopInfoIsNull Shop info does not exist
20064032 RogueLikeNodeShopNotHaveItemId Shop does not have this item
20064033 RogueLikeSpecialEventIdError Special event ID mismatched
20064034 RogueLikeSpecialEventCfgIsNull Special event settings not found
20064035 RogueLikeEventTypeError Type of event mismatched
20064036 RogueLikeSpecialEventTypeError Type of special event mismatched
20064037 RogueLikeRecoverCfgIsNull Recovery settings not found
20064038 RogueLikeShopBuyCountError Purchase attempt error
20064039 RogueLikeFightIsOver Battle status has ended
20064040 RogueLikeSectionIdIsError Chapter ID error
20064041 RogueLikeSupportStationCfgNotExist Support station settings not found
20064042 RogueLikeSupportCountLimit Max support attempts reached
20064043 RogueLikeSpecialEventGroupCfgNotExist Event group settings not found
20064044 RogueLikeSpecialEventGroupNotInEventCfg Event group settings do not match
20064045 RogueLikeNodeNoNeedSelect This node does not require selection
20064046 RogueLikeBoxCfgNotFound Chest settings not found
20064047 RogueLikeGroupTierCfgNotExist Event group settings not found
20064048 RogueLikeEventGroupNotExist Event group not found
20064049 RogueLikeGroupEventNotEnough Insufficient random group event
20064050 RogueLikeTeamAlreadySet Team already configured
20064051 RogueLikeTeamSetFirst Today's formation has been reset. Please leave and reconfigure the team.
20064052 RogueLikeRobotIsFull Support Construct full
20064053 RogueLikeHPFull You don't need to rest now
20065001 ArchiveInvalidEvaluateId Comment ID does not exist
20065002 ArchiveInvalidMonsterId Monster does not exist
20065003 ArchiveInvalidId Invalid ID
20065004 ArchiveConditionNotFit Unlocking condition not met
20065005 ArchiveInvalidTag Invalid comment tag
20065006 ArchiveInvalidStoryId Invalid story ID
20065007 ArchiveInvalidEvaluateType 20065007 Invalid Codex type
20066001 RegressionActivityCfgNotExist Event configuration not found
20066002 RegressionTaskActivityIsOver Event is over
20066003 RegressionGroupScheduleRewardCfgNotExist Progress reward group not found
20066004 RegressionScheduleRewardCfgNotExist Progress reward not found
20066005 RegressionScheduleItemNotEnough Insufficient progress
20066006 RegressionScheduleRewardAlreadyGet Progress reward claimed
20066007 RegressionInviteDissatisfied Invite requirements not met
20066008 RegressionInviteCodeDataAlreadyExist Invite Code already exists
20066009 RegressionInviteCodeDataNotExist Invite Code data does not exist
20066010 RegressionInviteLoadCodeDataIsNull No Invite Code loaded
20066011 RegressionInviteCfgNotExist Invite settings not found
20066012 RegressionInviteRewardIdError Invite reward ID mismatched
20066013 RegressionInviteRewardAlreadyGet Invitation reward already claimed
20066014 RegressionInviteRewardCfgNotExist Invite reward not found
20066015 RegressionInvitePeopleNotEnough Insufficient invites
20066016 RegressionCanNotUseSelfCode You cannot use your own Invite Code
20066017 RegressionInviteCodeAlreadyUse Invite Code already used
20066018 RegressionInviteCodeUseMax Use limit reached
20066019 RegressionInviteCodeNotExist Invite Code does not exist
20066020 RegressionInviteCodeUseFail Failed to use Invite Code
20066021 RegressionInviteOperating Now busy, please wait
20066022 RegressionTaskGroupCfgNotExist Mission group not found
20066023 RegressionInviteCodeInvalid Invalid Invite Code
20067001 ProductCommentActivityNotOpen Event not available
20067002 ProductCommentPraiseNotOpen Like is not available
20067003 ProductCommentActivityCfgNotExist Event configuration not found
20067004 ProductCommentPraiseItemNotEnough Insufficient cost to like
20067005 ProductCommentHttpResponseError Request respond error
20067006 ProductCommentContentCountExceedMaxNum Comment limit exceeded
20067007 ProductCommentContentLengthExceedLength Comment length exceeded
20067008 ProductCommentContentIllegal Comment contains illegal characters
20067009 ProductCommentActivityIdError Event ID error
20067010 ProductCommentUploadCountReachMax Upload limit reached
20067011 ProductCommentTodayAlreadyUpload You have reached today's upload limit
20067012 ProductCommentUploadNotOpen Upload not available
20067013 ProductCommentAlreadyPraiseComment You have already liked this comment
20067014 ProductCommentNotPraiseSelfComment You cannot like your own comment
20067015 ProductCommentSystemError System error
20067016 ProductCommentSignError Signature error
20067017 ProductCommentUrlNotExist Link does not exist
20067018 ProductCommentUnKnowError Unknown error
20067019 ProductCommentScheduleRewardAlreadyGet Reward Claimed
20067020 ProductCommentScheduleRewardIdNotExist Reward ID does not exist
20067021 ProductCommentScheduleNotEnough Insufficient current progress
20067022 ProductCommentHttpRequestError Request error. Try again later.
20067023 ProductCommentIsPraising Sending like request. Please wait...
20067024 ProductCommentIsUnloading Uploading. Please wait...
20068001 WeaponFashionTemplateNotFound Corresponding Weapon Coating settings not found
20068002 WeaponFashionTimeInvalid Weapon Coating remaining time cannot stack
20068003 WeaponFashionNotEffect Weapon Coating not in effect
20068004 WeaponFashionExpired Weapon Coating expired
20068005 WeaponFashionNotFound Weapon Coating settings not found
20068006 WeaponFashionUseEquipTypeError Weapon Coating usage type does not match
20068007 WeaponFashionTimeUseUp Weapon Coating rental time expired
20068008 WeaponFashionAddCountError Weapon Coating amount error
20068009 WeaponFashionCharacterDressRepeat Weapon Coating equipped repeatedly
20068010 WeaponFashionIsOwnedPerpetual You already own this Coating
20068011 WeaponFashionIsUnOwnedPerpetual
20069001 MatchServiceInvalidRoomId Team room disbanded
20069002 MatchServiceRepeatRoomId Duplicated room ID
20069003 MatchServiceInvalidPlayerId Invalid player ID
20069004 MatchServiceAlreadyInThisRoom You are in a room already
20069005 MatchServiceYouAreNotLeader Only room host can do this
20069006 MatchServiceMatchCanceled Matchmaking cancelled
20069007 MatchServiceAlreadyInMatchPool You are already in matchmaking
20069008 MatchServiceHavePlayerNotReady One or more players are not ready
20069009 MatchServiceRoomOptionNotExist Operation does not exist
20069010 MatchServiceAutoMatchSetSameValue Cannot set the same value
20069011 MatchServicePlayerIsFull Room full. Unable to enter
20069012 MatchServiceRoomHasClosed Room has closed
20069013 MatchServerPlayerHeartbeatTimeout Room heartbeat timeout
20069014 MatchServiceMatchTimeout 20069014
20070001 ArenaOnlineNotOpen Event is not available yet
20070002 ArenaOnlineCharacterTooMuch Member limit exceeded
20070003 ArenaOnlineCharacterNotEnough Not enough member deployed
20070004 ArenaOnlineEnduranceNotEnough Character has insufficient stamina
20070005 ArenaOnlineRoomIdInvalid Invalid Joint Warfare room ID
20070006 ArenaOnlineStageIdInvalid Invalid Joint Warfare mission ID
20070007 ArenaOnlineGetSelfPlayerParamFail Temporarily not useful
20070008 ArenaOnlineRoomParamMetaKeyInvalid Temporarily not useful
20070009 ArenaOnlineRoomPlayeridInvalid Invalid Joint Warfare player ID
20070010 ArenaOnlinePlayerParamMetaKeyInvalid Temporarily not useful
20070011 ArenaOnlinePlayerNotInRoom Not in a team room
20070012 ArenaOnlinePlayerHaveInRoom Already in a team room
20070013 ArenaOnlinePlayerIsNotLeader Only room leader may perform this operation
20070014 ArenaOnlineCharacterIdInvalid All characters have insufficient stamina and cannot participate in the challenge
20070015 ArenaOnlineLeaderForceLeave Temporarily not useful
20070016 ArenaOnlinePlayerIsInMatching Matchmaking in progress. Unable to resend request
20070017 ArenaOnlinePlayerNotInMatching Unable to cancel as you are not in matchmaking
20070018 ArenaOnlinePlayerNotReady One or more team members are not ready
20070019 ArenaOnlinePlayerLevelNotMatch Unable to enter room. You are not in the level range
20070020 ArenaOnlineInFight Unable to change during battle
20070021 ArenaOnlineEnterRoomInFight Unable to enter during battle
20070022 ArenaOnlineStageNotSingleStage
20070023 ArenaOnlineFightCharacterRepeat
20072001 InfestorExploreChapterNotFound Autopoiesis Maze chapter configuration not found
20072002 InfestorExploreMapNotFound Autopoiesis Maze map configuration not found
20072003 InfestorExploreGridNotFound Autopoiesis Maze location configuration not found
20072004 InfestorExploreGroupNotFound Autopoiesis Maze group configuration not found
20072005 InfestorExploreNodeNotFound Autopoiesis Maze location type configuration not found
20072006 InfestorExploreRewardNotFound Autopoiesis Maze reward configuration does not exist
20072007 InfestorExploreRewardPoolNotFound Autopoiesis Maze reward pool configuration does not exist
20072008 InfestorExploreEventPoolNotFound Autopoiesis Maze event library configuration does not exist
20072009 InfestorExploreDiffTemplateNotFound Autopoiesis Maze difficulty configuration does not exist
20072010 InfestorExploreGroupLevelNotFound Autopoiesis Maze level group configuration not found
20072011 InfestorExploreShopGoodsNotFound Autopoiesis Maze add-on terminal item configuration not found
20072012 InfestorExploreShopGoodsListNotFound Autopoiesis Maze item list configuration not found
20072013 InfestorExploreShopNotFound Autopoiesis Maze shop configuration not found
20072014 InfestorExploreCoreNotFound Autopoiesis Maze add-on unit configuration not found
20072015 InfestorExploreCoreLevelEffectNotFound Autopoiesis Maze add-on unit level effect configuration not found
20072016 InfestorExploreBuffNotFound Autopoiesis Maze negative effect configuration not found
20072017 InfestorExploreBuffListNotFound Autopoiesis Maze negative effect list configuration not found
20072018 InfestorExploreActivityNotFound Autopoiesis Maze event configuration not found
20072019 InfestorExploreEventShopGoodsNotFound Autopoiesis Maze overload module item configuration not found
20072020 InfestorExploreBossScoreRuleNotFound Autopoiesis Maze Analysis Period Progress tally rules configuration not found
20072021 InfestorExploreTeamFull Autopoiesis Maze team full
20072022 InfestorExploreJoinTeamFail Failed to join Autopoiesis Maze team
20072023 InfestorExplorePlayerAlreadySignUp Already signed up for Autopoiesis Maze
20072024 InfestorExploreStatusIsUnOpen Autopoiesis Maze not yet available
20072025 InfestorExploreStatusIsReset Autopoiesis Maze tally in progress
20072026 InfestorExploreCreatePlayerFail Failed to create player data in Autopoiesis Maze
20072027 InfestorExploreStatusIsNotStageExplore Autopoiesis Maze not in exploration status
20072028 InfestorExplorePlayerSignUpLevelLimit Autopoiesis Maze sign-up restriction
20072029 InfestorExplorePlayerNotFound Autopoiesis Maze player data does not exist
20072030 InfestorExploreTeamNotFound Autopoiesis Maze team data does not exist
20072031 InfestorExploreMoveToGridRepeated Already in this position
20072032 InfestorExploreMoveToGridCanNotMove Cannot move to this position at the moment
20072033 InfestorExploreMapNotContainGrid Location not in Autopoiesis Maze map
20072034 InfestorExploreFrontGridNotFinish Clear the current location before exploring further
20072035 InfestorExploreCoreUseIndexError Autopoiesis Maze add-on unit position error
20072036 InfestorExploreCoreUnOwned Autopoiesis Maze does not have this add-on unit
20072037 InfestorExploreCoreUseRepeated Add-on unit already equipped
20072038 InfestorExploreCoreIsUsed Add-on unit is being equipped
20072039 InfestorExploreTakeOffIndexError Grid error while removing add-on unit
20072040 InfestorExploreTakeOffPosIsEmpty Grid empty while removing add-on unit
20072041 InfestorExploreNodeTypeNotMatch Autopoiesis Maze location type mismatch
20072042 InfestorExploreFightStageIdNotMatch Autopoiesis Maze battle stage mismatch
20072043 InfestorExploreFightStageTeamError Autopoiesis Maze battle stage team error
20072044 InfestorExploreBuyFightRewardNotFound Autopoiesis Maze card-flipping reward does not exist
20072045 InfestorExploreBuyFightRewardAlreadyBuy Reward already bought
20072046 InfestorExploreBuyGoodsNotExist Item does not exist
20072047 InfestorExploreBuyGoodsSellout Item sold out
20072048 InfestorExploreCanNotChangeCharacter Cannot change lineup during exploration
20072049 InfestorExploreCanNotFoundSelectEvent Selected event does not exist Autopoiesis Maze
20072050 InfestorExploreRewardGridInfoNotFound Autopoiesis Maze reward info does not exist
20072051 InfestorExploreSetRewardIdInvalid Autopoiesis Maze setting reward ID invalid
20072052 InfestorExploreSetRewardMsgToLong Message too long. Please edit it again
20072053 InfestorExploreMsgInvalid Message contains sensitive characters. Please try again
20072054 InfestorExploreBossFightStageIdInvalid Autopoiesis Maze boss stage ID invalid
20072055 InfestorExploreCanBuyEventGoodsThisStatus Cannot purchase overload module item under the current Autopoiesis Maze status
20072056 InfestorExploreEventShopNotExist Autopoiesis Maze overload module does not exist
20072057 InfestorExploreBuyEventGoodsLimit Item sold out
20072058 InfestorExploreBuyEventGoodsIdInvalid Autopoiesis Maze overload module item ID does not exist
20072059 InfestorExploreLeaveMsgTimeLimit Sending message too frequently. Please try again later
20072060 InfestorExploreLeaveMsgChapterNotFound Empty comms content
20072061 InfestorExploreLeaveMsgToLong Message too long. Please edit it again
20072062 InfestorExploreBfrtCharacterIdError Autopoiesis Maze strategy simulator dispatched character ID error
20072063 InfestorUpdateTeamCharacterTypeError Autopoiesis Maze updated team member type error
20072064 InfestorUpdateTeamPosTeamIsEmpty Autopoiesis Maze team position changed. Team does not exist
20072065 InfestorExploreFightUnknownGridId Autopoiesis Maze exploration battle location does not exist
20072066 InfestorExploreFightStageUnMatch
20080001 UnionKillActivityNotOpen Event is not open yet
20080002 UnionKillActivityCfgNotExist Event configuration not found
20080003 UnionKillSectionIsNotCurSection Chapter has ended
20080004 UnionKillSectionCfgNotExist Chapter settings not found
20080005 UnionKillSectionInfoNotExist Chapter info not found
20080006 UnionKillSectionStagesNotExist Chapter stage does not exist
20080007 UnionKillEventStageCfgNotExist Stage settings not found
20080008 UnionKillScoreRuleCfgNotExist Point settings not found
20080009 UnionKillWeatherCfgNotExist Weather settings not found
20080010 UnionKillSectionNotOpen Repeated character in team
20080011 UnionKillSectionIsClose Chapter has ended
20080012 UnionKillStageNotInCurSectionCfg Stage is not in current chapter
20080013 UnionKillFightRoomNotExist Battle room info not found
20080014 UnionKillPreFightShareCardInfosError Deployed character info error
20080015 UnionKillChallengeEventStageReachMax Event stage limit reached
20080016 UnionKillFinishEventStageNotEnough Insufficient event stages completed
20080017 UnionKillFinishBossIsDead Boss has died
20080018 UnionKillFinishBossNotDead Boss is still alive; kill Boss first
20080019 UnionKillBossNotEnough Insufficient Boss defeated
20080020 UnionKillSectionRewardAlreadyGet Reward Claimed
20080021 UnionKillPreFightShareCardInfoIsNull Deployed character info empty
20080022 UnionKillPreFightOneShareInfoIsNull Single deployed character info not found
20080023 UnionKillShareCharacterNotExist Shared deployed character not found
20080024 UnionKillCanNotPraiseSelf You cannot like yourself
20080025 UnionKillPraisePlayerNotExist Player who liked does not exist
20080026 UnionKillPraiseCharacterIdError Incorrect character liked
20080027 UnionKillAlreadyPraisePlayer You have already liked this player
20080028 UnionKillAlreadyHaveTeam You already have a team
20080029 UnionKillRoomIdInvalid Invalid room Id
20080030 UnionKillNotHaveTeam You don't have a team
20080031 UnionKillKickOut You have been kicked from room
20080032 UnionKillNotMatching You are not in matchmaking
20080033 UnionKillFightIsOver Battle over
20080034 UnionKillPlayerIsFighting Player is in battle
20080035 UnionKillOperateFail Operation failed
20080036 UnionKillIsMatching Matchmaking...
20080037 UnionKillTrialStageCanNotUseShareCharacter Shared character cannot be used in trials
20080038 UnionKillFightCharacterRepeat Duplicate character deployed
20080039 UnionKillFightCardNotEqualShareInfo Number of deployed characters inconsistent with info
20081001 DailyLotteryInvalidId Event ID not found
20081002 DailyLotteryIdIsClosed Event is not available yet
20081003 DailyLotteryDataNotFound Event data not found
20081004 DailyLotteryRewardIsGot Insufficient Main Story attempts
20081005 DailyLotteryInvalidLotteryRewardId Invalid event reward ID
20081101 FireworksNotUnlock Function locked
20081102 FireworksInvalidId Invalid event ID
20081103 FireworksAlreadyFinish Event is over
20081104 FireworksNotOpen Event is not available
20081105 FireworksTimesIsUpperLimit You have reached today's event attempts.
20090001 CollectionScoreNotEnough Insufficient collection score
20090002 CollectionNotExist 20090002 Collectible does not exist
20090003 CollectionCanOnlyPlacedOnce 20090003 Each Collectible can only be placed once
20090004 CollectionNotInThisWall 20090004 Collectible not found on the wall
20090005 CollectionWallNotUnlock 20090005 Collection wall locked
20090006 CollectionWallDecorationNotUnlock 20090006 Collectible on Collection wall is locked
20090007 CollectionWallDecorationTypeNotMatch 20090007 Incorrect Collectible type on Collection wall
20090008 CollectionWallScoreTitleSizeNotMatch 20090008 Collectible size does not match
20091001 EliminateGameNotInTime Not yet available
20091002 EliminateGameNotInMove Cannot move yet
20091003 EliminateGameNotInFlip Cannot flip yet
20091004 EliminateGameGridPosInvalid Invalid tile
20091005 EliminateGameGridHadFlip Tile already flipped
20091006 EliminateGameInvalidGameId Invalid game ID
20091007 EliminateGameInitError Game initialization error
20091008 EliminateGameNotExist Game does not exist
20091009 EliminateGameRewardNotExist Reward does not exist
20091010 EliminateGameRewardNotEnough Requirement not met
20091011 EliminateGameRewardHadGet Reward already claimed
20091012 EliminateGameTargetIsObstacle Cannot perform this action on obstacles
20091013 EliminateGameTooFarAway Too far
20091014 EliminateGameNotMove Please move first
20092001 SpecialTrainStarNotEnough Not enough stars gained
20092002 SpecialTrainRewardHaveGot Reward Claimed
20092003 SpecialTrainRewardNotExist Reward does not exist
20092004 SpecialTrainRewardCannotFoundChapter Corresponding chapter not found
20092005 SpecialTrainActivityNotInOpenTime Event has not started
20092006 SpecialTrainPointRewardAlreadyGet Points reward already claimed
20092007 SpecialTrainPointRewardIdNotExist Points reward ID does not exist
20092008 SpecialTrainPointNotEnough Insufficient points
20093001 ChapterExtraPassTimesNotEnough Not enough extra mission completions
20093002 ChapterExtraInvalidStageId Invalid extra mission ID
20093003 ChapterExtraActivityHideChapterNotOpen Extra event mission not yet available
20094001 MarketVoteTokenUrlConnectFail Connection failed
20094002 MarketVoteTokenUrlParamError Token parameter request error
20094003 MarketVoteTokenUrlServerError Token service request error
20094004 MarketVoteTokenUrlSignError Token signature request error
20094005 MarketVoteTokenUrlUnknownError Unknown token request error
20094006 MarketGetVoteTokenFail Token request failed
20095001 BriefStoryIdInvalid Story ID does not exist
20095002 BriefStoryIdIsFinished Stage already completed
20096001 WorldBossIsNotOpen Outside the event period
20096002 WorldBossAttributeAreaCfgNotFound Outside the event period
20096003 WorldBossAttributeStageCfgNotFound Area stage settings not found
20096004 WorldBossBossAreaCfgNotFound Boss settings not found
20096005 WorldBossBossStageCfgNotFound Boss settings not found
20096006 WorldBossStageLevelNotExist Boss stage level not found
20096007 WorldBossStageInfoNotFound Stage info not found
20096008 WorldBossBuffCfgNotFound Buff settings not found
20096009 WorldBossScoreRuleCfgNotFound Point settings not found
20096010 WorldBossScorePhasesCfgNotFound Progress settings not found
20096011 WorldBossScoreShopCfgNotFound Item settings not found
20096012 WorldBossAttributePreStageNotFinish Previous stage not complete
20096013 WorldBossAttributeStageNotFinish Previous stage not complete
20096014 WorldBossBossUnlockFinishedStageNotEnough Boss stage locked
20096015 WorldBossChallengeCountNotEnough Insufficient attempts
20096016 WorldBossActionPointNotEnough Insufficient action points
20096017 WorldBossPreFightRobotIdsIsNull Robot info error
20096018 WorldBossCardIdCountNotEqualRobotIdCount Deployed team info error
20096019 WorldBossRobotIdNotUnlock Robot locked
20096020 WorldBossFightCharacterIdRepeat Duplicate character deployed
20096021 WorldBossAttributeAreaNotFinished This area is incomplete
20096022 WorldBossAttributeAreaRewardAlreadyGet Area reward has been claimed
20096023 WorldBossAttributeAreaNotContainStageId This stage is not part of the area
20096024 WorldBossAttributeStageNotHaveFinishReward This stage has no reward
20096025 WorldBossAttributeStageFinishRewardAlreadyGet Stage reward has been claimed
20096026 WorldBossBossPhasesRewardIdsNotContainsPhasesId Progress ID does not exist
20096027 WorldBossBossPhasesRewardHpPercentNotEnough Insufficient Boss HP progress
20096028 WorldBossBossPhasesRewardAlreadyGet Progress reward claimed
20096029 WorldBossShopIdAlreadyBuy Item already bought
20097001 PuzzleActivityInvalidId Item already bought
20097002 PuzzleActivityInvalidPieceId
20097003 PuzzleActivityPieceAlreadyFilped
20097004 PuzzleActivityRewardFailedPieceNotEnough
20098001 ClickClearCanNotFindActivityData Event is not available yet
20098002 ClickClearCanNotFindStageConfig Stage info not found
20098003 ClickClearStageLock Unlock requirement not met
20098004 ClickClearNotBestRecord Not the best on record
20098005 ClickClearRewardAlreadyGot Failed to claim reward. You have already claimed it
20098006 ClickClearNotPass Corresponding difficulty not completed
20098007 ClickClearTimeOut Record timeout
20099001 ExpeditionNoRefreshTimes No refresh attempts left. Please wait until refresh
20099002 ExpeditionExceedingRecruitTimes You can only recruit 1 member each time. Please wait until refresh
20099003 ExpeditionExceedingMaxMemberNum Team full. Dismiss 1 member before recruiting again
20099004 ExpeditionDailyLikeLimited You cannot like anymore today
20099005 ExpeditionCannotFindChapterConfig Chapter info not found
20099006 ExpeditionCannotFindDifficultyConfig 20099006 Cannot reach stage difficulty configuration
20099007 ExpeditionCannotFindStageConfig Stage info not found
20099008 ExpeditionRefreshException Refresh error
20099009 ExpeditionCannotFindCharacterConfig Character info not found
20099010 ExpeditionCharacterLevelWrong Character level error
20099011 ExpeditionCommentTooLong The message is too long
20099012 ExpeditionNotOpen Event is not available yet
20099013 ExpeditionHadCommented You have already sent a message
20099014 ExpeditionCannotFindCommand Message info not found
20099015 ExpeditionChapterRewardIsGot Failed to claim reward. You have already claimed it
20099016 ExpeditionChapterIsNotPassed Complete the stage first
20099017 ExpeditionCanNotFindCharacterConfig Character info not found
20099018 ExpeditionCanNotFindBaseCharacterConfig Basic character configuration not found
20099019 ExpeditionCanNotFindDrawPrConfig Recruit chance configuration not found
20099020 ExpeditionCanNotFindDrawStarConfig Recruit rank configuration not found
20099021 ExpeditionCanNotFindChapterRewardConfig Chapter reward configuration not found
20099022 ExpeditionActivityIsEnd Event is over
20099023 ExpeditionActivityIsReset Event has been reset
20099024 ExpeditionPreLayerNotPass 20099024 Complete the prerequisite floor first
20099025 ExpeditionStageDoNotNeedReset 20099025 No need to reset stage
20099026 ExpeditionChapterDoNotNeedReset No content needs to be reset
20099027 ExpeditionSelectDefaultTeamFirst 20099027 Select a preset team first
20099028 ExpeditionDefaultTeamIdDoNotExist 20099028 Preset team does not exist
20099029 ExpeditionCanNotSelectDefaultTeamRepeatedly 20099029 Unable to select the same preset team again
20099030 ExpeditionCanNotFireDefaultTeamCharacter 20099030 Unable to fire members of the preset team
20099031 ExpeditionCannotFindTierConfig 20099031 Cannot reach stage level configuration
20099032 ExpeditionCannotFindCharacterConfigByBaseId 20099032 Unable to find character configuration for corresponding base ID
20099033 ExpeditionCannotFindCharacterConfigByRank 20099033 Unable to find character configuration for corresponding rank
20099034 ExpeditionCharacterHadBeenUsedInSameLayer 20099034 The character is already used in another stage of the same level
20099035 ExpeditionPreStageNotPass 20099035 Pre-requisite stage limit not reached
20099036 ExpeditionChapterNotOpen 20099036 Chapter not available yet
20100001 RpgNotOpen Event is not available yet
20100002 RpgCanNotFindCharacter Character data not found
20100003 RpgTalentPosHadActivated Modification Slot already activated
20100004 RpgCanNotFindTalentConfig Modification Slot configuration not found
20100005 RpgTalentPointsNotEnough Insufficient Modification Points
20100006 RpgSameCharacter The same character already exists
20100007 RpgFightParamsError Event battle parameter error
20100008 RpgTalentDoNotNeedReset No need to reset
20100009 RpgTalentIsNotForThisCharacter Not the Modification Slot of Current Character
20100010 RpgCanNotFindCharacterTalentLayer 20100010 Character talent level configuration not found
20100011 RpgCanNotFindTalentLayer Modification Layer configuration not found
20100012 RpgPreTalentLayerDoNotActivated Activate the Modification Slot on the previous layer first
20100013 RpgCanNotFindDailyReward Daily Supply Rewards configuration not found
20100014 RpgHadGetDailyReward Daily supply claimed today
20100015 RpgTalentPosNotActivated 20100017 Talent point not activated
20100016 RpgMustResetNextLayerTalent 20100018 Reset the talent of the next level first
20100017 RpgCanNotFindTalentLayerTemplate 20100017 Talent level configuration not found
20100018 RpgTalentNeedTeamLevelNotEnough 20100018 Insufficient team level
20100019 RpgTalentNotFindTalentType 20100019 Character switch talent does not exist
20100020 RpgTalentNotResetNotUseTalentType 20100020 Talent type error of the skill
20100021 RpgTalentActivateNotCurLayer 20100021 Unable to activate stat is not on the talent page
20101001 BackgroundChoseSameScene
20101002 BackgroundIsLock
20102001 DragPuzzleActivityInvalidId Invalid Event ID
20102002 DragPuzzleActivityInvalidPuzzleId Invalid Puzzle ID
20102003 DragPuzzleActivityInvalidPieceId Invalid Shard ID
20102004 DragPuzzleActivityNoPieceCanBeExchanged No Shard available
20102005 DragPuzzleActivityInvalidTargetIdx Invalid target location
20102006 DragPuzzleActivityPieceIdxIsCorrect This Shard is already in the correct location
20102007 DragPuzzleActivityPieceIdxEqualsTargetIdx Shard has not been moved
20102008 DragPuzzleActivityCantSwapOnBoardPiece Unable to swap Shards not on the puzzle
20102009 DragPuzzleActivityInvalidRewardIdx Invalid reward index
20102010 DragPuzzleActivityInvalidRewardIdxIsGot Reward has been claimed
20102011 DragPuzzleActivityCorrectPieceNotEnoughForReward Reward requirement not met
20102012 DragPuzzleActivityExchangePieceRandIdExisted Exchange failed. Please try again
20102013 DragPuzzleActivityPasswordAlreadyCorrect
20102014 DragPuzzleActivityPuzzleStatusError
20102015 DragPuzzleActivityPuzzlePasswordFormatError
20102016 DragPuzzleActivityPuzzlePasswordOutRange
20103001 MaintainerActionWrongCard Patrol plan does not exist
20103002 MaintainerActionCardPoolError Patrol plan pool error
20103003 MaintainerActionBoxFinish Weekly support limit reached
20103004 MaintainerActionNodeEventValueError Area data error
20103005 MaintainerActionDailyActionPointLimit Daily action limit reached
20103006 MaintainerActionCurrentNodeException Current area error
20103007 MaintainerActionNodeTypeIsNotFight You are not in a battle mission area and cannot challenge the stage
20103008 MaintainerActionStageIdError Stage ID error
20103009 MaintainerActionFightFinish Battle mission completed
20103010 MaintainerActionNodeNotTriggered Area event not triggered. Unable to move
20103011 MaintainerActionNodeIsTriggered Area event has been triggered
20103012 MaintainerActionNotOpen Feature not yet available
20103013 MaintainerActionHadReset Event has been reset
20103014 MaintainerActionCanNotFindFightNode Battle mission not found
20103015 MaintainerActionFightNodeException Battle mission error
20103016 MaintainerActionExplorationIsComplete Unknown area has already been explored
20103017 MaintainerActionWarehouseFinish Abandoned Warehouse is already completed
20104001 TrpgTargetLinkIdExit Target chain does not exist
20104002 TrpgFuncNotOpen Feature is not available yet
20104003 TrpgTimeNotOpen The area is not available yet
20104004 TrpgTargetCfgNotExist Target settings not found
20104005 TrpgTargetIsFinished Target completed
20104006 TrpgPreTargetNotFinished Prerequisite condition incomplete
20104007 TrpgFuncCfgNotExist Function event settings not found
20104008 TrpgFuncIdNotNeedSave Function event does not need to be completed
20104009 TrpgFuncIdNotInGroup Function event ID not in the group
20104010 TrpgFuncGroupPreFuncNotFinish Prerequisite function event incomplete
20104011 TrpgFuncIsFinished Function event already completed
20104012 TrpgFuncStageNotFinish Function event stage incomplete
20104013 TrpgFuncExamineNotFinish Function event check incomplete
20104014 TrpgCharacterNotOwner You don't own this investigator
20104015 TrpgCharacterCfgNotExist Investigator configuration not found
20104016 TrpgTalentCfgNotExit Talent does not exist
20104017 TrpgTalentAlreadyActivate Talent already activated
20104018 TrpgTalentPreIdNotActivate Prerequisite talent not activated
20104019 TrpgTalentPointNoEnough Insufficient talent points
20104020 TrpgCharacterTalentsIsEmpty No talent activated
20104021 TrpgMazeIdNotExist Maze ID error
20104022 TrpgMazeInstNotExist Maze data not found
20104023 TrpgLayerIdNotInCurrentMaze Current maze does not have this level
20104024 TrpgLayerCfgNotExist Maze level settings not found
20104025 TrpgMapCfgNotExist Map settings not found
20104026 TrpgSelectLayerIdIsError Level selection error
20104027 TrpgSelectNodeIdIsError Node selection error
20104028 TrpgSelectPosNodeIdNotExist Selected node does not exist
20104029 TrpgSelectPosIndexNotExist Selected index location does not exist
20104030 TrpgSelectCardCfgNotExist Card settings not found
20104031 TrpgSelectPosIndexIsCross Selected index location overflow
20104032 TrpgSelectCardCanNotGiveUp Unable to give up current card
20104033 TrpgLevelNotEnough Exploration level too low
20104034 TrpgBlockCardCanNotSelect Unable to select a Block Card
20104035 TrpgItemCfgNotExist Item settings not found
20104036 TrpgUseItemCountError Item use quantity error
20104037 TrpgUseItemCountNotEnough Insufficient items
20104038 TrpgItemCanNotUse This item cannot be used
20104039 TrpgExamineIdError Check ID error
20104040 TrpgExamineActionIdError Check action ID error
20104041 TrpgEnduranceNotEnough Insufficient Stamina for checking
20104042 TrpgExamineInstNotExist Check data not found
20104043 TrpgExamineReachMaxRound Max check rounds reached
20104044 TrpgExamineCurRoundNotFinish Current round is not completed
20104045 TrpgExamineIdIsError Check ID error
20104046 TrpgExamineAttributeIdNotExist Check stats ID not found
20104047 TrpgExamineRoundError Check round error
20104048 TrpgExamineCharacterAlreadyExamine Character has already gone through check
20104049 TrpgExamineUseItemNotExist Check item does not exist
20104050 TrpgExamineUseItemEffectError Check item usage error
20104051 TrpgExamineUseItemAttributeError Check item stats error
20104052 TrpgExamineCharacterNotHaveScore Character has not been checked yet
20104053 TrpgShopIdIsError Shop ID error
20104054 TrpgShopItemIdIsError Shop item ID error
20104055 TrpgShopItemCfgNotExist Shop item settings not found
20104056 TrpgShopItemBuyCountNotEnough Insufficient item purchase attempts
20104057 TrpgMemoirIdIsError Memory ID error
20104058 TrpgMemoirIdAlreadyUnlock Memory already unlocked
20104059 TrpgMemoirUnlockItemNotEnough Insufficient unlock items
20104060 TrpgRewardIdIsError Reward ID error
20104061 TrpgRewardIdAlreadyGet Reward Claimed
20104062 TrpgBossNotInOpenTime Boss is not available
20104063 TrpgBossPhasesRewardIdIsError Progress reward error
20104064 TrpgBossPhasesRewardIdAlreadyGet Progress reward claimed
20104065 TrpgBossPercentNotEnough Insufficient Boss HP
20104066 TrpgBossCfgNotExist Boss settings not found
20104067 TrpgBossChallengeCountNotEnough Insufficient Boss challenge attempts
20104068 TrpgPageStatusNotChange No change to page switching status
20104069 TrpgConditionNotPass Requirements not met
20104070 TrpgSecondMainStageNotExist Stage does not exist
20105001 NieRActivityIsNotOpen Event is not available yet
20105002 NieRRepeatedCharacter Duplicate battle character
20105003 NieRFightNpcIsNullOrEmpty You must deploy at least one character
20105004 NieRCanNotFindCharacterConfig Character configuration not found
20105005 NieRCanNotFindCharacterLevelConfig Character level configuration not found
20105006 NieRCanNotFindCharacter Character data not found
20105007 NieRWrongFightCharacter Incorrect battle character
20105008 NieRCharacterDoNotHasFashion Character does not own this Coating
20105009 NieRCharacterIsLocked Character locked
20105010 NieRWrongItemType Incorrect item type
20105011 NieRFightResultIsNull Battle result empty
20105012 NieRCanNotFindChapterConfig Chapter configuration not found
20105013 NieRChapterNotInTime Chapter locked
20105014 NieRCanNotFindRepeatableStageConfig Stage configuration not found
20105015 NieRCanNotFindRepeatableStageStarConfig Stage rank configuration not found
20105016 NieRCanNotFindExStageConfig Stage configuration not found
20105017 NieRCanNotFindBossData Boss data not found
20105018 NieRCanNotFindActivityConfig Event configuration not found
20105019 NieRCanNotFindSupportConfig POD configuration not found
20105020 NieRCanNotFindSupportSkillConfig POD skill configuration not found
20105021 NieRCanNotFindSupportLevelConfig POD level configuration not found
20105022 NieRCanNotFindSupportSkillLevelConfig POD skill level configuration not found
20105023 NieRCanNotFindSkillData Skill data not found
20105024 NieRCanNotFindSupportData POD data not found
20105025 NieRSupportSkillMaxLevel Skill at max level
20105026 NieRActivityIsEnd Event is over
20105027 NieRActivityIsReset Event has been reset
20105028 NieRCanNotFindEasterEggMessageConfig Message configuration not found
20105029 NieREasterEggAgeWrong Message age error
20105030 NieRCanNotFindEasterEggLabelConfig Message tag configuration not found
20105031 NieREasterEggNotOpen Easter egg locked
20105032 NieREasterEggStageNotPass Rank reward claimed
20105033 NieREasterEggHadFinished Already completed
20105034 NieREasterEggWrongFightCharacter Incorrect battle character
20106001 MentorServiceUnavailable Mentorship system not available
20106002 MentorNotExit The other player has not posted an Instructor announcement
20106003 StudentNotExit Student does not exist
20106004 StudentNotPublish The other player has not posted a student announcement
20106005 MentorStudentFull The other player's student list is full. Unable to start collaboration
20106006 MentorStudentApplyFull This Instructor cannot receive anymore request
20106007 MentorApplyCd Request in cooldown
20106008 MentorAckApplyNotApply This student is not on the request list
20106009 MentorAckApplyReachCapacity Student list full. Cannot recruit more students
20106010 MentorAckApplyStudentLevelError Student level does not meet the requirement
20106011 MentorApplyFriendFailedIsNotRepeatApply Failed to send student request as you have requested already
20106012 MentorApplyListFull The player's application list is full
20106013 MentorAcceptFriendFailedApplyIsNotExist Failed! Player does not exist or is your student already!
20106014 MentorStudentDataError Student info error
20106015 MentorCannotApplyIsNotMentor Not an Instructor
20106016 MentorCannotApplyToMyself You cannot send request to yourself
20106017 MentorYourStudentFull Student list is full. Unable to start collaboration
20106018 MentorIsYourStudentAlready The player is already your student
20106019 MentorOnlyStudentCanAgreeTeacher Only a student can accept the Instructor's request
20106020 MentorNotSendAnnouncement You have not posted an announcement
20106021 MentorCannotSendAnnouncement You do not have the permission to post an announcement
20106022 MentorNoAuthority You don't have the permission
20106023 MentorManagerApplyFailedIsRefused Your request has been rejected
20106024 MentorManagerApplyFriendFailedIsDeleted Request failed. You have been deleted
20106025 MentorManagerRecommendFriendFailedRecommendCoolDownTime You are refreshing the recommendation list too often. Please wait 1 minute before trying again
20106026 MentorDailyApplyCountTooMuch Too many requests today
20106027 MentorManagerSearchFriendFailedRecommendCoolDownTime Player search failed. Search in cooldown
20106028 MentorAddMemberMongoDbError This player is already a student and cannot be recruited by other Instructors
20106029 MentorTickMemberMongoDbError Error deleting player database
20106030 MentorCannotTickMyself Unable to delete yourself
20106031 MentorCannotApplyMentorForTheMoment You cannot establish collaboration at the moment
20106032 MentorCannotApplyStudentForTheMoment You cannot recruit students at the moment
20106033 MentorMailContentFormatError Mentorship mail format error
20106034 MentorAddMemberFullForStudent This player is already a student and cannot be recruited by other Instructors
20106035 MentorAddMemberFullForTeacher The player is a student of another Instructor and cannot be recruited by you
20106036 MentorAnnouncementTooLong Announcement too long
20106037 MentorCannotGetTaskRewardAfterGraduate You cannot claim graduation challenge reward after graduating
20106038 MentorCannotGetGraduateRewardCondition Graduation requirement not met
20106039 MentorCannotGraduateMyself The Instructor cannot graduate
20106040 MentorMasterStageNotExit Graduation progress reward not found
20106041 MentorAlreadyGetStageReward You have already claimed this reward
20106042 MentorMasterStageNotReachCondition Claim requirement not met
20106043 MentorMasterGetRewardAfterStudentGraduate Student can only claim rewards after graduation
20106044 MentorGraduateTaskNotExit This mission does not exist
20106045 MentorGraduateTaskNotAchieved This mission is not completed yet
20106046 MentorCannotGetGraduateTaskRewardTwice Cannot claim the same mission reward again
20106047 MentorManagerRefreshFriendFailedRecommendCoolDownTime Failed to refresh player mission list. Refresh in cooldown
20106048 MentorOnlyTeacherCanRefreshGraduateTask Only an Instructor can refresh the mission list
20106049 MentorStudentAlreadyGraduate This player has already graduated
20106050 MentorTaskNotExist This mission does not exist
20106051 MentorTaskAlreadyReceived This mission has already been claimed
20106052 MentorTaskAlreadyCompleted This mission has been completed
20106053 MentorChangeTaskCountTooMany Mission swap limit reached
20106054 MentorGetTaskCountTooMany Daily mission limit reached
20106055 MentorGetWeeklyTaskCountTooMany Daily mission limit reached
20106056 MentorTaskNotInCache This mission is not in the refresh cache
20106057 MentorEquipTooMany Memory quantity limit reached
20106058 MentorEquipNotExist Memory does not exist
20106059 MentorEquipLevelWrong Memory level does not match
20106060 MentorEquipStarWrong Memory rank does not match
20106061 MentorTaskStatusWrong Mission incomplete or has already awarded a Memory
20106062 MentorEquipIsLock Memory is locked
20106063 MentorEquipTypeWrong Equipment type error
20106064 MentorEquipNotInCache No Memory available
20106065 MentorEquipFull Warehouse full
20106066 MentorEquipAlreadyPutOn Memory has already been equipped
20106067 MentorEquipTooFew Please select at least 1 Memory
20106068 MentorCannotAgreeStudentForTheMoment This instructor cannot recruit students at the moment
20106069 MentorApplyAlreadyTimeout Request has expired
20106070 MentorMasterTaskExpire Reward has expired
20106071 MentorMonthlyStudentCountTooMany Instructor's monthly student limit reached
20106072 MentorMonthlyStudentCountTooManyForMentor Monthly student limit reached
20106073 MentorMessageBoardIsNull Message cannot be empty
20106074 MentorMessageBoardInvalid Message contains invalid characters
20106075 MentorMessageBoardTooLong Message is too long
20106076 MentorGiftNotEnough Insufficient gifts
20106077 MentorCanNotSendToMyself You can't give yourself a gift
20106078 MentorAlreadySendGift You have sent out your gift
20106079 MentorTaskAlreadyChange You have changed the mission for your students
20106080 MentorSendMessageNotExit You should publish Instructor's Declaration on [Recruitment] to activate message function
20106081 MentorCannotApplyMentorByBlockList Currently blacklisted, cannot establish collaboration.
20106082 MentorCannotApplyStudentByBlockList Currently blacklisted, cannot send request.
20107001 TeachingActivityIsNotOpen Event has not started
20107002 TeachingActivityIdNotFount Event is over
20107003 TeachingActivityHaveNotPassedRecord No clear record found
20107004 TeachingActivityTreasureRewardNotFound No chest reward found
20107005 TeachingActivityRobotCanNotUse No Trial Character in current stage
20107006 TeachingActivityStageNoThisRobot Trial Character cannot be used in current stage
20107007 TeachingActivityCharCountNotMatch Inconsistent number of configuration characters
20107008 TeachingActivityRobotIdsIsNull Available character list cannot be empty
20108001 GuardCampActivityIdError Event ID error
20108002 GuardCampIdError Faction ID error
20108003 GuardCampNotInOpenTime Event has not started
20108004 GuardCampNotInSupportTime Cheering has not started for the event
20108005 GuardCampIsInSupportTime Cheering has started for the event
20108006 GuardCampCenterDataNotFound Event data not found
20108007 GuardCampWinCampAlreadySet Winning faction has already been configured
20108008 GuardCampAlreadySelected You have already chosen a faction
20108009 GuardCampNotSelectCamp Choose your faction first
20108010 GuardCampSupportCountNotEnough Insufficient cheer attempt
20108011 GuardCampIsOperating Processing. Please wait...
20108012 GuardCampNotJoinActivity You have not participated in this event
20108013 GuardCampResultRewardIsGet Reward Claimed
20108014 GuardCampResultIsNotSet Event results are not available yet
20108015 GuardCampResultRewardIsEmpty Reward data error
20108016 GuardCampGlobalDataNotFound Event data not found
20109001 PokemonIsNotOpen Outside the event period
20109002 PokemonMonsterInvalidMonsterId Invalid Mechanoid
20109003 PokemonMonsterDataNotExist Mechanoid not obtained
20109011 PokemonFirstMonsterIsGot You have already obtained your first mechanoid
20109012 PokemonFirstMonsterNotConfig This mechanoid cannot be obtained via the first mechanoid
20109021 PokemonMonsterLevelConfigNotExist Mechanoid level not found
20109022 PokemonMonsterMaxLevel Mechanoid has reached level limit
20109023 PokemonMonsterStarConfigNotExist Mechanoid rank not found
20109024 PokemonMonsterLevelNotEnoughForStarUp Mechanoid level too low to star up
20109025 PokemonMonsterMaxStar Mechanoid rank limit reached
20109031 PokemonMonsterInvalidSkillId Invalid mechanoid skill
20109032 PokemonMonsterStarNotEnoughForSkill Mechanoid skill level too low to star up
20109041 PokemonFormationMonsterRepeated Duplicate mechanoid in the lineup
20109042 PokemonFormationMonsterNotExist Locked mechanoid in the lineup
20109043 PokemonFormationPositionLocked Lineup slot locked
20109044 PokemonFormationOutOfEnergy Lineup requirement not met
20109045 PokemonMonsterTeamBossCountError Incorrect core member quantity
20109051 PokemonStageInvalidId Invalid Micawberism Cloisters stage
20109052 PokemonPokeChapterIsNotOpen Chapter locked
20109053 PokemonStageFailedToRandom Micawberism Cloisters random failure
20109054 PokemonStageTimesNotEnough Insufficient challenge attempts
20109055 PokemonStageActivityIdDoNotMatch Micawberism Cloisters event ID do not match
20109056 PokemonStageSkipRepeated Stage cleared or skipped
20109057 PokemonStageSkipTimesNotEnough Insufficient Trap Dolls
20109061 PokemonTimeSupplyTimeNotEnough Insufficient time to claim rewards
20110001 ComposeGameBagCapacityIsFull Inventory full. Cannot purchase
20110002 ComposeGameRewardAlreadyGet Reward Claimed
20110003 ComposeGameRewardScheduleNotEnough Insufficient prototype progress. Unable to claim
20110004 ComposeGameCanNotFoundReward Corresponding reward is empty
20110005 ComposeGameCanNotFoundShopId Part material not found
20110006 ComposeGameActivityIsNotOpen Event has not started
20110007 ComposeGameActivityIsNotFound Event is over
20110008 ComposeGameShopIdAlreadySell Part material has already been purchased
20110009 ComposeGameGoodNotFound You don't own this part material
20110010 ComposeGameRefreshCountNotEnough Not enough refresh attempts
20110011 ComposeGameCanNotFoundCanRefreshGoods Material shop is empty under the current prototype progress
20110012 ComposeGameFubenScheduleNotEnough You must meet the required prototype progress to unlock
20111001 LottoNotOpen Coating pool not available
20111002 LottoTemplateNotFound Failed to retrieve research info of pool
20111003 LottoAlreadyGetMaxLimitTimes Pool research attempt limit reached
20111004 LottoBuyTicketTemplateNotFound Failed to retrieve token exchange info
20111005 LottoBuyTicketCanNotFindCostItemId Failed to retrieve token-consumable exchange info
20111006 LottoBuyTicketCanNotFindCostItemCount Failed to retrieve token-consumable exchange quantity
20111007 LottoBuyTicketRuleCountError Token exchange info does not match the pool research attempts
20112001 CoupletIndexError Outside the event period
20112002 DoubleClickCoupletIndexError [Fill] step already completed
20112003 CoupletConfigError Couplets configuration error
20112004 CoupletSortError The lines don't match. Check your second line again!
20113001 StrongholdNotOpen Event is not available yet
20113002 StrongholdActivityIdNotMatch Event id does not match
20113003 StrongholdAssistDataIsLoading Loading support data
20113004 StrongholdSetAssistCharacterIsSame Support character is the same as current character
20113005 StrongholdSetAssistCharacterIsInCd Support character setting in cooldown
20113006 StrongholdSetAssistCharacterFail Support character setting failed
20113007 StrongholdFightNotBegin Challenge phase has not started
20113008 StrongholdFightIsEnd Battle phase has ended
20113009 StrongholdNotMineralLeft No Ore available to claim
20113010 StrongholdNotHaveMineOutPutDetail No Ore production log available
20113011 StrongholdResetGroupInfoNotExist Current stronghold has no progress
20113012 StrongholdElectricTeamMemberCountError Electricity support member quantity error
20113013 StrongholdPreTeamCountError Team preset quantity error
20113014 StrongholdPreTeamCharacterRepeat Duplicate member configured
20113015 StrongholdPluginIdNotExist Add-on id does not exist
20113016 StrongholdElectricEnergyNotEnough Insufficient current electricity
20113017 StrongholdCharacterIdIsInElectricTeam This member is already set for electricity support
20113018 StrongholdGroupIdNotExist Stage id does not exist
20113019 StrongholdGroupNotOpen Challenge stage locked
20113020 StrongholdEnduranceNotEnough Insufficient combat points
20113021 StrongholdGroupStageDataNotFound Stage data not found
20113022 StrongholdFightTeamCountError Combat team quantity error
20113023 StrongholdTeamSetCharacterError Team size configuration error
20113024 StrongholdFinishedStageCanNotChangeTeam Unable to change team for already completed stage
20113025 StrongholdFightTeamCharacterRepeat Duplicate team character configuration
20113026 StrongholdCurFightTeamDataNotExist Combat team info does not exist
20113027 StrongholdRobotIdIsNotExist Trial member id does not exist
20113028 StrongholdRobotCharacterIdNotMatch Trial member does not match
20113029 StrongholdRobotIsNotValid Invalid trial member id
20113030 StrongholdFightGroupIdError Current stronghold id error
20113031 StrongholdStageNotInCurActivity Stage is not in the current stronghold
20113032 StrongholdStageIsFinished Stage already completed
20113033 StrongholdPreStageNotFinish You have not completed the previous stage yet
20113034 StrongholdStageTeamNotExist Stage team does not exist
20113035 StrongholdPreFightDataTeamError Team data error prior to stage
20113036 StrongholdBorrowDataNotExist Borrow data not found
20113037 StrongholdBorrowCharacterIdError Borrowed character error
20113038 StrongholdBorrowCharacterCountOverflow Character borrowed exceeding single limit
20113039 StrongholdBorrowCountReachMax Total borrow exceeding limit
20113040 StrongholdRewardIdIsError Reward ID error
20113041 StrongholdRewardIdIsOffline Reward has expired
20113042 StrongholdRewardIdIsAlreadyGet Reward Claimed
20113043 StrongholdMinerCountNotEnough Insufficient total miners
20113044 StrongholdMineralNotEnough Insufficient total Ore production
20113045 StrongholdFinishGroupNotEnough Insufficient stages completed
20113046 StrongholdGroupNotFinish Configured stronghold not completed
20113047 StrongholdGroupIsFinish Configured stronghold already completed
20113048 StrongholdPredictMineralCountNotEnough Insufficient expected total Ore production
20113049 StrongholdFightTeamNotFull Deployed team is not full
20113050 StrongholdFightTeamNotReachAbility Deployed team is below the required power
20113051 StrongholdHaveGroupNotFinished Deployed team is below the required power
20113052 StrongholdPreSetTeamCanNotAssistCharacter Unable to set support character for preset team
20113053 StrongholdPreSetTeamCanNotRobot Unable to set miner for preset team
20113054 StrongholdNotSelectLevelId Level id not selected
20113055 StrongholdAlreadySelectLevelId Level id selected
20113056 StrongholdLevelIdCfgNotExit Level settings not found
20113057 StrongholdLevelIdNotMatch Selection-Level not match
20113058 StrongholdRewardLevelIdNotMatch Reward-Level not match
20113059 StrongholdCurDayCanNotStay Cannot pause currently
20113060 StrongholdCurDayIsStay Paused currently
20113061 StrongholdGroupChapterError Stronghold Chapter error
20113062 StrongholdTeamSetRuneRepeat Energy Field settings repeated
20113063 StrongholdRuneCfgNotExist Energy Field settings not found
20113064 StrongholdSetSubRuneError Energy Field Module settings error
20113065 StrongholdSetRuneIdIsNotOpen This Energy Field is not yet available
20113066 StrongholdGroupStageNotFinish Current Stronghold stage not cleared, cannot reset
20113067 StrongholdElectricEnergyOverMax Electricity used exceeds the upper limit
20113068 StrongholdLendCharacterDisableUse 20113068 Use of support characters prohibited
20113069 StrongholdFinishGroupUsedElectricOutOfRange Electricity used exceeds the upper limit of the area
20113070 StrongholdGroupIsFinished Chapter already cleared
20113071 StrongholdSweepStageConditionIsNull You cannot auto clear the area
20114001 PartnerTemplateNotFound Unable to find CUB configuration
20114002 PartnerCapacityNotEnough Insufficient CUB hangar capacity
20114003 PartnerGetPartnerNotFound CUB does not exist
20114004 PartnerChangeNameIsTooLong Name length exceeding 5 characters
20114005 PartnerChangeNameIsNotChange Name has no change
20114006 PartnerChangeNameIsNull Name is empty
20114007 PartnerChangeNameIsInvalid Name contains sensitive characters. Please change it
20114008 PartnerNewPartnerFail Failed to add CUB
20114009 PartnerCanNotCarryByThisCharacterType This character type cannot equip a CUB
20114010 PartnerIsLocked CUB is locked
20114011 PartnerIsUnLock CUB is unlocked
20114012 PartnerLevelUpUseMaterialsIsEmpty No CUB upgrade material
20114013 PartnerLevelUpIsMaxLevel CUB has reached max level
20114014 PartnerGetLevelUpTemplateNotFound Unable to find CUB upgrade configuration
20114015 PartnerLevelUpLevelLimit CUB has reached level limit
20114016 PartnerBreakThroughLevelNotEnough Must reach the max level to overclock
20114017 PartnerBreakThroughIsMaxLevel CUB overclock full
20114018 PartnerCostPartnerStatusIsLock One or more CUBs to be consumed is locked
20114019 PartnerCostPartnerIsCarryByCharacter One or more CUBs to be consumed is equipped
20114020 PartnerCostPartnerIsDifferActivate Consumed CUB ID is different from the activated CUB ID
20114021 PartnerStarScheduleIsFull CUB node is full. No need to activate
20114022 PartnerStarScheduleIsNotFull CUB node is not full. Unable to evolve
20114023 PartnerQualityIsMax Max quality reached
20114024 PartnerTemplateSkillNotFound CUB skill configuration not found
20114025 PartnerAllSkillAlreadyFullLevel All CUB skills have reached max level
20114026 PartnerSkillIdIsNotActivate Skill unactivated
20114027 PartnerSkillChangeTypeNotTheSame Skill to replace has different type
20114028 PartnerMainSkillPosCanNotBeTakeOff Main skill is fixed and cannot be unequipped
20114029 PartnerMainSkillPosCanNotBeWear Main skill is fixed and cannot be equipped
20114030 PartnerSkillPosHaveNotUnlock This slot is locked and cannot be equipped
20114031 PartnerSkillSwitchNotSameGroup The skill to swap does not belong to the same group
20114032 PartnerSkillSwitchElementNotFound The skill to swap has different element type
20114033 PartnerSkillPosNotChange Skill slot has not changed
20114034 PartnerComposeChipNotEnough Insufficient shards to combine
20114035 PartnerHasNotBeCarry This CUB is not equipped
20114036 PartnerBreakThroughTemplateNotFound Unable to find CUB overclock configuration
20114037 PartnerQualityTemplateNotFound Unable to find CUB quality configuration
20114038 PartnerSkillEffectTemplateNotFound Unable to find CUB skill effect configuration
20114039 PartnerStoryTemplateNotFound Unable to find CUB story configuration
20114040 PartnerCarryRepeat This CUB is already equipped by the character
20114041 PartnerCostPartnerIsCanNotBeSelf Unable to consume self
20114042 PartnerSkillUpTimesMoreThanCanUpTimes The level-up selected exceeds the available level-up attempts
20114043 PartnerRenameBanned 20114043 Companion rename forbidden
20114044 PartnerIsNullCanNotWearSkill 20114045 No companion to assign skills
20114045 PartnerCanNotSetWhenCharacterIsNull 20114046 No character to set as companion
20114046 PartnerIsNotCarrySkills 20114047 Companion has no configured skills
20115001 SimulatedCombatActivityNotOpen 20115001 Event is not available yet
20115002 SimulatedCombatActivityEnd 20115002 Event is over
20115003 SimulatedCombatCanNotFindStarRewardConfig 20115003 Rank reward configuration not found
20115004 SimulatedCombatTotalStarNotEnough 20115004 Rank requirement not met
20115005 SimulatedCombatStarRewardHadGot 20115005 Rank reward already claimed
20115006 SimulatedCombatCanNotFindPointRewardConfig 20115006 Points reward configuration not found
20115007 SimulatedCombatTotalPointNotEnough 20115007 Points requirement not met
20115008 SimulatedCombatPointRewardHadGot 20115008 Points reward already claimed
20115009 SimulatedCombatCanNotFindFunctionStageConfig 20115009 Gameplay stage configuration not found
20115010 SimulatedCombatCanNotFindStageChallengeConfig 20115010 Stage challenge configuration not found
20115011 SimulatedCombatCanNotFindStageMemberConfig 20115011 Stage member configuration not found
20115012 SimulatedCombatMemberIsNullOrEmpty 20115012 You need to purchase at least one member
20115013 SimulatedCombatMaxMemberLimit 20115013 You can only purchase up to 3 members
20115014 SimulatedCombatNormalTypeMinMemberLimit 20115014 You must purchase 3 members to form a team
20115015 SimulatedCombatCanNotFindStageAdditionConfig 20115015 Stage bonus configuration not found
20115016 SimulatedCombatWrongConsumeType 20115016 Incorrect consumable type
20115017 SimulatedCombatCanNotFindMemberConfig 20115017 Stage member configuration not found
20115018 SimulatedCombatCanNotFindAdditionConfig 20115018 Bonus configuration not found
20115019 SimulatedCombatPreFightCacheDoNotExist 20115019 You have not purchased any member
20115020 SimulatedCombatStarCacheDoNotExist 20115020 No clear reward to claim
20115021 SimulatedCombatStageStarRewardDoNotExist 20115021 Stage star reward does not exist
20115022 SimulatedCombatStageStarRewardDailyLimit 20115022 Daily claim limit reached
20115023 SimulatedCombatFightNpcIsNullOrEmpty 20115023 Character deployed cannot be empty
20115024 SimulatedCombatRepeatedCharacter 20115024 Cannot deploy the same character again
20115025 SimulatedCombatMemberConfigDoNotExist 20115025 Member configuration not found
20115026 SimulatedCombatRobotNotInMembers 20115026 You have not purchased the character to deploy
20115027 SimulatedCombatChallengeModeWrongConsume 20115027 Only basic currency can be used in challenge mode
20115028 SimulatedCombatChallengeStageIsNotTheSameAsBuy 20115028 Challenge stage does not match the stage you purchase members for
20115029 SimulatedCombatWrongChallengeIdCount 20115029 Identical challenge exceeding the limit
20115030 SimulatedCombatWrongMemberIdCount 20115030 Identical member exceeding the limit
20115031 SimulatedCombatWrongAdditionIdCount 20115031 Identical bonus exceeding the limit
20116001 CollectWordsCanNotGiveToSelf Cannot send the character to yourself
20116002 CollectWordsCanNotFoundWord Character not found
20116003 CollectWordsNotRequestWord Requested character not set
20116004 CollectWordsCanNotRequestWord Unable to request this character
20116005 CollectWordsCanNotGiveWord Unable to send this character to others
20116006 CollectWordsActivityNotOpen Event is not available at this time
20116007 CollectWordsRequestWordTooFast Request in cooldown. Please try again later
20116008 CollectWordsWordNotEnough Insufficient characters. Unable to send
20116009 CollectWordsCantGiveToStranger The player is not your friend or fellow Command Bureau member. Unable to send
20116010 CollectWordsGiftBoxIsEmpty No character available for claim in the package
20116011 CollectWordsGiftBoxIsFull The other player cannot receive any more characters
20116012 CollectWordsIsNotFriend Unable to send request: The player is not your friend
20116013 CollectWordsTodayCanNotRecv You cannot claim any more today
20116014 CollectWordsOthersRequestListFulled Unable to send request: The player's request received list is full
20116015 CollectWordsPlayerNotInGuild Unable to request from Command Bureau members: You are not in a Command Bureau
20116016 CollectWordsNoRewardCanGet No rewards available to claim
20116017 CollectWordsNoGetRewardTimes All rewards have been claimed
20116018 CollectWordsRequestNotExist Request message expired. Unable to send
20116019 CollectWordsGiveWordToQuick Sending character in cooldown. Please try again later
20116020 SmashEggsActivityNotOpen Event is not available at this time
20116021 SmashEggsEggIsBroken Unable to hammer the Fortune Giver: The Fortune Giver here has disappeared
20116022 SmashEggsGetActivityInfoFail Failed to retrieve event info
20116023 SmashEggsBuffItemNotEnough Insufficient item. Unable to select
20116024 SmashEggsBuffItemCanOnlyUseOneType You can only use one of this type of bonus item
20116025 SmashEggsTodayRewardIsGot Today's rewards have already been collected
20116026 SmashEggsThisStageNoReward No rewards available to claim
20116027 SmashEggsScoreNotEnough You do not meet the points target today and cannot claim any rewards
20116028 SmashEggsCurrentScoreIsZero You don't have any points to redeem
20116029 SmashEggsCurrentScoreIsMax You have reached the points limit and cannot earn any more points. Tap to convert points into Lucky Money
20117001 WhiteValentinesDayActivityNotOpen This event is not available yet
20117002 WhiteValentinesDayActivityCoinNotEnough Insufficient items. You cannot wander around
20117003 WhiteValentinesDayActivityInviteCountNotEnough Insufficient invites. Try to think of a solution
20117004 WhiteValentinesDayActivityRoleCfgNotExit Event configured character does not exist
20117005 WhiteValentinesDayActivityLocationNotOpen This location is not available yet. Explore the previous location first
20117006 WhiteValentinesDayActivityLocationCfgLose Location configuration error. Check the map
20117007 WhiteValentinesDayActivityEventCfgLose Event configuration error. This is unlikely to happen here
20117008 WhiteValentinesDayActivityEventRankCfgLose Event level not configured. It can't work out like this
20117009 WhiteValentinesDayActivityEventOnWorking Event in progress
20117010 WhiteValentinesDayActivityEnergyNotEnough Insufficient stamina. Try again later
20117011 WhiteValentinesDayActivityRoleNotActive You haven't met this character yet. Walk around and try your luck
20117012 WhiteValentinesDayActivityRoleOnEvent This character is busy
20117013 WhiteValentinesDayActivityEventAlreadyFinish Event completed. Good job
20117014 WhiteValentinesDayActivityEventNoteDispatch This event is not published yet
20117015 WhiteValentinesDayActivityRandomEventCfgLose There is no event in this location. You can only wander around
20117016 WhiteValentinesDayActivityAttrTypeNotMatch Character type does not match the event and cannot earn the bonus
20117017 WhiteValentinesDayActivityCfgLose Event has disappeared
20117018 WhiteValentinesDayActivityRoleAlredyActive You can move with this character now
20118001 MoeWarNotInVotingPeriod Outside of voting period
20118002 MoeWarInnerError 20118002 Moe War internal error
20118003 MoeWarPlayerNotFound 20118003 Contestant does not exist
20118004 MoeWarActivityNotOpen Event is not available yet
20118005 MoeWarServiceUnavailable 20118005 Moe War service is not available
20118006 MoeWarVoteDailyLimit The number of votes for the partner exceeds the limit
20118007 MoeWarVoteCountWrong Vote item number error
20118008 MoeWarVoteItemWrong Vote item id error
20118009 MoeWarVoteTotalDailyLimit Today's voting limit reached. You cannot vote anymore.
20118010 MoeWarWinGroupNotNeedMatch 20118010 Losers match in progress. Winners cannot participate.
20119001 MoeWarPreparationNotOpen Event is not available yet
20119002 MoeWarPreparationHadReset Event has been reset
20119003 MoeWarPreparationCanNotFindActivityTemplate Event configuration not found
20119004 MoeWarPreparationCanNotFindMatchTemplate Game configuration not found
20119005 MoeWarPreparationCanNotFindStageTemplate Stage configuration not found
20119006 MoeWarPreparationCanNotFindActivityGearId Rank configuration of event not found
20119007 MoeWarPreparationCanNotFindGearTemplate Rank configuration not found
20119008 MoeWarPreparationCanNotFindHelperTemplate Helper configuration not found
20119009 MoeWarPreparationCanNotFindMatchHelperTemplate Helper configuration in current Preparation not found
20119010 MoeWarPreparationCanNotFindQuestionTemplate Topic configuration not found
20119011 MoeWarPreparationCanNotFindAssistanceTemplate Unable to find off-site assistant effect configuration
20119012 MoeWarPreparationGearRewardHadGot Reward has been claimed
20119013 MoeWarPreparationGearRewardNotEnough Insufficient preparation feedback
20119014 MoeWarPreparationHelperIsNotCommunicating Helper is not contacted
20119015 MoeWarPreparationHelperCommunicationEnd Contact over
20119016 MoeWarPreparationAssistanceCountNotEnough Insufficient number of off-site assistance
20119017 MoeWarPreparationStageDataNotFind Stage data not found
20119018 MoeWarPreparationCanOnlyOneRoleFight Only one character can be deployed
20119019 MoeWarPreparationCanOnlySelectHelperCharacter Character without contact cannot be deployed
20119020 MoeWarPreparationRecruitHelperFinish Helper has been contacted
20119021 MoeWarPreparationNoWrongAnswer No error options to exclude
20119022 MoeWarPreparationCanNotSelectExcludeWrongAnswer Cannot select excluded error answers
20119023 MoeWarPreparationRecruitHelperNotFinish Helper not recruited
20119024 MoeWarPreparationNotSelectHelper Character not selected
20119025 MoeWarPreparationMoodValueNotEnough Insufficient Mood
20119026 MoeWarPreparationMoodValueLimit Mood limit reached
20119027 MoeWarPreparationGiftNotEnough Insufficient supplies. Complete preparatory tasks to obtain more
20119028 MoeWarStoreNameplateAlreadyOwn Nameplate already owned
20119029 MoeWarStoreNameplateAlreadyOwnMoreHigher Higher level nameplate already owned
20119030 MoeWarStoreCanNotFindTemplate Item not found in the Festival Shop
20120001 NameplateTemplateNotFound 20120001 Nameplate configuration not found
20120002 NameplateNotAvailable 20120002 Nameplate is not available
20121001 FingerGuessingGameActivityNotOpen Event is not available yet
20121002 FingerGuessingGameStageNotUnlock The stage is still locked
20121003 FingerGuessingGameStageIsChallenging A challenge is already in progress
20121004 FingerGuessingGameStageNoChallenging You can only choose one card to play
20121005 FingerGuessingGameRoundIsEnd This round has ended
20121006 FingerGuessingGameNoRobotTrick Unable to retrieve robot's move list
20121007 FingerGuessingGameCheatingCanNotClose Cannot turn off once enabled
20121008 FingerGuessingGameTricksNotExist The card to play does not exist
20121009 FingerGuessingGameStageNotExist Stage info not found
20121010 FingerGuessingGameActivityInFoError Error retrieving event info
20121011 FingerGuessingGameCheatingStatusNotChange Third Eye status error
20122001 PurchasePackageConvertPriceAll 20122001 Price cannot be 0 after deducting gift pack
20123001 FubenReformNotInTime Modified Instance difficulty mode is inactivated
20123002 FubenReformStageNotActive Modified instance stages is inactivated
20123003 FubenReformStageCfgLose Modified instance stages configuration is lost
20123004 FubenReformStageNotInTime Modified instance stages is not open
20123005 FubenReformStageDifficultyCfgLose Modified instance difficulty configuration is lost
20123006 FubenReformStageCurDifficultyDbLose Modified instance stages difficulty File is lost
20123007 FubenReformDifficultyCfgLose Modified Instance difficulty configuration File is lost
20123008 FubenReformDifficultyNotActive Modified Instance difficulty is inactivated
20123009 FubenReformEnemyOverMax Modified instance stage enemy number exceeds the limit
20123010 FubenReformEnemyGroupCfgLose Modified instance stage enemy group configuration is lost
20123011 FubenReformEnemySourceCfgNotExist Modified instance stage enemy source configuration does not exist
20123012 FubenReformEnemyDifficultyNotExist Modified instance stage enemy difficulty does not exist
20123013 FubenReformEnemySourceRepeat Modified instance stage enemy repeats modification
20123014 FubenReformEnemyNotExistDefault Enemy source configuration of modification mission stage is lost
20123015 FubenReformEnemySourceCfgLose Enemy source configuration of modified mission stage is lost
20123016 FubenReformEnemyTargetCfgLose Target configuration of modified mission stage is lost
20123017 FubenReformEnvCfgLose Environment configuration of modified mission stage is lost
20123018 FubenReformEnvGroupCfgLose Environment group configuration of modified mission stage is lost
20123019 FubenReformEnvCfgNotExist Environment configuration of modified mission stage does not exist
20123020 FubenReformBuffOverMax Modified mission stage buff exceeds the limit
20123021 FubenReformBuffNotExist Modified mission stage buff does not exist
20123022 FubenReformBuffCfgLose Modified instance stage Buff configuration is lost
20123023 FubenReformBuffGroupCfgLose Modified mission stage buff group is lost
20123024 FubenReformBuffDifficultyNotExist Modified mission stage buff difficulty does not exist
20123025 FubenReformScoreNotEnougth Insufficient modified mission stage points
20123026 FubenReformBuffRepeat Duplicated modified mission stage buff modification
20123027 FubenReformMemberSizeIsZero Member quantity of modified mission stage is empty
20123028 FubenReformMemberSizeOverMax Member quantity of modified mission stage exceeds the maximum value
20123029 FubenReformMemberGroupCfgLose Member group configuration of modified mission stage is lost
20123030 FubenReformMemberSourceRepeat Duplicated modified mission stage member source
20123031 FubenReformMemberSourceCfgNotExist Member source configuration of modified mission stage does not exist
20123032 FubenReformMemberSourceCfgLose Member source configuration of modified mission stage is lost
20123033 FubenReformMemberTargetCfgLose Member target configuration of modified mission stage is lost
20123034 FubenReformMemberTargetCfgNotExist Member target configuration of modified mission stage does not exist
20123035 FubenReformMemberDifficultyNotExist Modified mission stage member difficulty does not exist
20123036 FubenReformUseRobotRepeat Use of duplicated bots in modified mission stage battle request
20123037 FubenReformRobotNotFind 20123036 Bots in modified mission stage battle request does not match
20123038 FubenReformUseCustomCharacter Requested custom character in modified mission stage battle request
20123039 FubenReformEnvOverMax Number of environment modified in modified mission stage exceeds the maximum value
20123040 FubenReformFightIsReset 20123039 Modified mission event has been reset
20123041 FubenReformAffixNotFind 20123040 Modified mission affix group does not exist
20123042 FubenReformAffixIsMax Max affixes selected
20123043 FubenReformExtraScoresNotEnough 20123042 Insufficient modified mission affix points to challenge the stage
20123044 FubenReformAffixIsRepeat 20123043 Duplicated modified mission affix
20123045 FubenReformGetCharacterIsError 20123044 Modified mission fails to acquire character data
20124001 ChristmasTreeActivityNotOpen Event is not available yet
20124002 ChristmasTreeRecvDataError Event time error
20124003 ChristmasTreePartNotExist Christmas tree part error
20124004 ChristmasTreeOrnamentsNotActived You have not obtained this decoration
20124005 ChristmasTreeOrnamentsOnUsed Decoration already in use
20124006 ChristmasTreeOrnamentsTabLoseConfig Corresponding decoration position not found
20124007 ChristmasTreeOrnamentsWearPartError Decoration part error
20124008 ChristmasTreeOrnamentsActived Decoration already obtained
20124009 ChristmasTreeOrnamentsActiveNotFound You have not obtained this decoration
20125001 ChessPursuitMapNotEnterYet You have not entered the map
20125002 ChessPursuitMapNoNeedToBattle No need for battle at this stage
20125003 ChessPursuitMapCfgNotExist Map does not exist
20125004 ChessPursuitGroupCfgNotExist Map group does not exist
20125005 ChessPursuitMapNotOpen Map locked
20125006 ChessPursuitMapBossCfgLose Boss configuration is lost
20125007 ChessPursuitMapAlreadySetTeam You have already deployed and cannot repeat action
20125008 ChessPursuitMapMustSetTeam You must deploy forces to continue
20125009 ChessPursuitMapSetTeamOutOfRange Team limit exceeding the configuration
20125010 ZhuiMapCurGirdCouldNotSetTeam Unable to configure team in the current Grid
20125011 ZhuiMapCurGirdRepeatSetTeam Repeated team in the current Grid
20125012 ChessPursuitMapNeedBattleBoss You must complete the battle to continue
20125013 ChessPursuitSetCardRepeat Duplicate card found
20125014 ChessPursuitSetCardPosOutOfRange Card position exceeding the area
20125015 ChessPursuitSetCardNotByYet You have not bought the card in use
20125016 ChessPursuitGridAlreadyHaveTream Already deployed in this grid
20125017 ChessPursuitNeedSetGridTeamFirst You haven't configured the forces. Please deploy forces first
20125018 ChessPursuitBuyCardListIsNull Card purchase list empty
20125019 ChessPursuitBuyCardNotExist You are buying a card that does not exist
20125020 ChessPursuitBuyCardRepeat This Tactic Card is sold out
20125021 ChessPursuitCurMapIsNull You have not entered the map
20125022 ChessPursuitCoinNotEnough Insufficient tokens. Unable to purchase.
20125023 ChessPursuitBuyCardOverMax Card limit reached. Unable to purchase.
20125024 ChessPursuitBossStepNotFinish Boss still has more steps to make
20125025 ChessPursuitCardEffectCfgNotInit Card effect not initialized
20125026 ChessPursuitCardCfgLose Card configuration not found
20125027 ChessPursuitCardEffectCfgLose Similar card effect not found
20125028 ChessPursuitCardEffectBossActionIsNull Card effect has no sync data
20125029 ChessPursuitMapInitFuncNotExist Initialized function not configured
20125030 ChessPursuitMapInitFuncNotInit Map initialization function not initialized
20125031 ChessPursuitInitFuncTypeCfgLose Map initialization function type configuration not found
20125032 ChessPursuitInitFuncParamCountLess Insufficient parameters for map initialization function
20125033 ChessPursuitReusedRoleOnSetTeam Duplicate team configuration
20125034 ChessPursuitReusedRobotOnSetTeam Duplicate trial character configuration
20125035 ChessPursuitCaptainPosErrorOnSetTeam Incorrect leader position
20125036 ChessPursuitFirstFightPosErrorOnSetTeam Incorrect first battle position
20125037 ChessPursuitCountIsNullOnSetTeam Incorrect leader position
20125038 ChessPursuitCountOverMaxlOnSetTeam Characters deployed exceed the limit
20125039 ChessPursuitGridCantAutoFight No need for battle in current state
20125040 ChessPursuitGridCantAutoFightCaseNoTeamData Unable to auto clear. No team info found.
20125041 ChessPursuitGridTeamLose Team configuration is lost
20125042 ChessPursuitGridCantAutoFightCaseNotFightOnce Auto battle is unavailable. You have not fought this battle.
20125043 ChessPursuitSaoDangSomeGridNotFightYet Sweep failed: One or more forces has not caused any DMG to the Boss
20125044 ChessPursuitBossDeath Main target has been defeated
20125045 ConditionManagerChessPursuitMapNotFinish Map not won
20125046 ChessPursuitCardUseTargetError Incorrect target to use
20125047 ChessPursuitDBMapNotExist No map saved data found
20125048 ChessPursuitDBMapRankError Ranking does not exist
20125049 ChessPursuitDBMapAlreadyTakeReward Reward has been claimed
20125050 ChessPursuitDBMapNotRewardTime Reward is not ready to claim
20125051 ChessPursuitDBMapNotPlayingTime Current cycle has ended
20125052 ChessPursuitGroupCfgLose No group configuration found
20125053 ChessPursuitGroupRewardCfgLose No reward configuration found
20125054 ChessPursuitGroupRankNotOpen Ranking is not activated in current group
20125055 ChessPursuitGroupRankLose This group's ranking has expired
20125056 ChessPursuitLoseRank No ranking data
20125057 ChessPursuitTestRoleCfgLose Trial character not configured
20125058 ChessPursuitTestRoleNotExist Trial character does not exist
20125059 ChessPursuitRankPlayerNotExit Player is not in the ranking
20125060 ChessPursuitMapCantAutoClear The map cannot be swept
20126001 InvertCardGameNotOpen 20126001 Event is not available yet
20126002 InvertCardGameActivityIdError 20126002 Event ID error
20126003 InvertCardGameCurStageStatusError 20126003 Selected stage status error
20126004 InvertCardGameCurStageIdDbNull 20126004 Selected stage id does not exist
20126005 InvertCardGameCurStageIdCfgNull 20126005 Selected stage id does not in configuration
20126006 InvertCardGameCoinCfgNull 20126006 Tokens configuration error
20126007 InvertCardGameCardIndexOutRange 20126007 Index of selected cards out of range
20126008 InvertCardGameCardIndexFinish 20126008 Selected cards are removed
20126009 InvertCardGameCardIndexAlreadyInvert 20126009 Selected cards are flipped over
20126010 InvertCardGameStageNotInDictonary 20126010 Selected stages do not complete
20126011 InvertCardGameCardNotInDictonary 20126011 Selected cards do not complete
20126012 InvertCardGameCardNotInRewardDict 20126012 Selected stages are not in bonus list
20126013 InvertCardGameCardArrayShortDict 20126013 Array length is shorted than bonus list length
20126014 InvertCardGameCardRewardNull 20126014 No rewards to be claimed
20126015 InvertCardGameCardInvertListNull 20126015 Card Flipping List is empty
20127001 HackActivityNotOpen Mode is not available yet
20127002 HackChapterIdError Mode chapter error
20127003 HackStageCfgNotExist Mode stage does not exist
20127004 HackPreStageNotFinish Previous stage not complete
20127005 HackPreStageStarNotEnough Not enough Stars obtained from the previous stage
20127006 HackRewardIdNotInCurChapter Rewards and Chapter do not match
20127007 HackRewardIdNotExist Reward ID does not exist
20127008 HackRewardAlreadyGet Reward has been claimed
20127009 HackStageTotalStarNotEnough Insufficient Stars
20127010 HackSetBuffIndexError Buff effect error
20127011 HackSetBuffIdIsNotUnlock Buff effect is still locked
20127012 HackSetBuffIdIsRepeated Buff effect IDs repeated
20127013 HackFightCharacterRepeated Trial characters repeated
20127014 HackFightRobotError Trial character error
20127015 HackDailyTicketAlreadyGet Daily ticket is claimed
20127016 HackNoDailyTicketGet Daily ticket is unclaimed
20127017 HackLevelCfgNotExist Buff level info does not exist
20127018 HackBuffPosNotUnlock This buff slot is still locked
20128001 PokerGuessingNotOpen Event is not available yet
20128002 PokerGuessingPlayerStatusError Player status error
20128003 PokerGuessingGuessError Figure selection of blind card error
20128004 PokerGuessingLibraryEmpty Deck is empty
20128005 PokerGuessingCardCfgError Card configuration error
20128006 PokerGuessingGameNotOpen 20128006 Game not started
20128007 PokerGuessingTipsCountNotEnough 20128007 Insufficient tip attempts
20128008 PokerGuessingStoryCfgNotFound 20128008 Story configuration not found
20128009 PokerGuessingStoryUnlocked 20128009 Character story already unlocked
20129001 PartnerTeachingChapterIsNotFound
20130001 ScratchTicketActivityNotStart 20130001 Scratch-off event is not open yet
20130002 ScratchTicketActivityAlreadyEnd 20130002 Scratch-off event is over
20130003 ScratchTicketActivityCfgLose 20130003 Scratch-off event configuration is lost
20130004 ScratchTicketGridCfgLose 20130004 Scratch-off Sudoku configuration is lost
20130005 ScratchTicketActivityOpenGridRepeatOpen 20130005 Scratch-off repeated lottery
20130006 ScratchTicketActivityOpenGridOverMaxCount 20130006 Expand lottery scope of Scratch-off event
20130007 ScratchTicketActivityCanNotReset 20130007 Scratch-off cannot be reset
20130008 ScratchTicketActivityEnd 20130008 Scratch-off event is over
20130009 ScratchTicketCfgLose 20130009 Scratch-off configuration is lost
20130010 ScratchTicketStarted 20130010 The current scratch-off is in process
20130011 ScratchTicketNotFinish 20130011 The current scratch-off is in process
20130012 ScratchTicketNotWin 20130012 You have not won the current scratch-off
20130013 ScratchTicketActivityNotOpen 20130013 Scratch-off event is not open
20130014 ScratchTicketActivityFinish 20130014 Scratch-off event completed
20130015 ScratchTicketActivityOpenGridOutOfRange 20130015 Scratch-off open slot exceeds maximum index
20131001 KillZoneStarRewardStarNotEnough 20131001 Unrivaled Massacre stars insufficient
20131002 KillZonePluginAlreadyActivity Unrivaled Massacre Add-on activated
20131003 KillZonePluginLevelCfgNotExist Unrivaled Massacre stage Add-on level settings not found
20131004 KillZonePluginOnMaxLevel Unrivaled Massacre Add-on level maxed
20131005 KillZonePluginCfgNotExist Unrivaled Massacre Add-on settings not found
20131006 KillZonePluginNotActive 20131006 Unrivaled Massacre stage Add-on inactive
20131007 KillZonePluginNotUpgrade 20131007 Unrivaled Massacre stage Add-on not upgraded
20131008 KillZonePluginSlotCfgNotExist Unrivaled Massacre stage Add-on grid settings not found
20131009 KillZoneStarRewardChapterCfgLose Unrivaled Massacre stage Rank Rewards Chapter not found
20131010 KillZoneStarRewardCfgLose Unrivaled Massacre Rank Rewards settings not found
20131011 KillZoneStarRewardAlreadyTakeIt Unrivaled Massacre Rank Rewards claimed
20131012 TakeFarmRewardOnMaxCount Unrivaled Massacre Instance Rewards maxed
20131013 KillZoneStageCfgOnExist Unrivaled Massacre stage settings not found
20131014 KillZoneStageOnLock Unrivaled Massacre stage not cleared
20131015 KillZoneStageNotFarmYet 20131015 Unrivaled Massacre stage Instance not cleared
20131016 KillZoneStageNotRelateChapter 20131016 Unrivaled Massacre stage chapter not set
20131017 KillZoneRobotRepeatUse 20131014 Unrivaled Massacre Bot is repeatedly used
20131018 KillZoneRobotIdNotInConfig 20131015 Unrivaled Massacre Bot ID is not in the configuration range
20131019 KillZoneStageNotInTime 20131016 Unrivaled Massacre is not open yet
20131020 KillZonePreStageNotFinish 20131020 Unrivaled Massacre previous stage not cleared
20131021 KillZoneChapterPreStageIsLock 20131021 Unrivaled Massacre chapter previous stage not unlocked
20131022 KillZoneChapterNotInTime 20131022 Unrivaled Massacre chapter is not open yet
20131023 KillZoneActivityNotInTime 20131023 Killing Event does not start yet
20131024 KillZoneTaleDailyStarRewardRepeat 20131024 Unrivaled Massacre Daily Rewards already claimed
20131025 KillZoneTaleDailyStarRewardCfgNotExist 20131025 Unrivaled Massacre Daily Rewards do not exist
20131026 KillZoneTaleDailyStarRewardStarNotEnough 20131026 Unrivaled Massacre Daily Rewards stars insufficient
20131027 KillZonePluginAlreadyUse 20131027 Slaughter no add-on repeated use
20132001 RpgMakerGameMapIdWrong Map ID error
20132002 RpgMakerGameMapNotInit Map is not initialized
20132003 RpgMakerGameMapAlreadyPass Cleared
20132004 RpgMakerGameMapPlayerAlreadyDead Player died
20132005 RpgMakerGameMapCannotBackUp Cannot return
20132006 RpgMakerGameMapRoundFinish Turns reaches the limit
20132007 RpgMakerGameMapOperateTooOften Operation is too frequent
20132008 RpgMakerGameStageCfgNotExist Stage does not exist
20132009 RpgMakerGameChapterNotExist Chapter does not exist
20132010 RpgMakerGameChapterNotInOpenTime Chapter unavailable
20132011 RpgMakerGameSelectRoleNotExist Character does not exist
20132012 RpgMakerGameSelectRoleIsLock Character locked
20132013 RpgMakerGamePreStageNotFinish Previous stage not complete
20132014 RpgMakerGameMapConfigError Map configuration error
20132015 RpgMakerGameMapInnerError Map Internal error
20132016 RpgMakerGameMapNotOpen Event has not started
20132017 RpgMakerGameMapAnswerIsUnlock 20132017 Answer already unlocked
20132018 RpgMakerGameMapAnswerTypeError 20132018 Answer type error
20133001 SuperTowerActivityNotOpen Event has not started
20133002 SuperTowerMapCfgNotExist Map settings not found
20133003 SuperTowerMapNotOpen The area is not available yet
20133004 SuperTowerOtherTierIsProceed Other area's Infinite Abyss is in progress
20133005 SupperTowerStageSubTypeNotDefine Stage sub-type not set
20133006 SuperTowerStageNotHaveTiers Current stage floor count not set
20133007 SuperTowerCurTierNotMatchStage Current floor and stage mismatch
20133008 SuperTowerMapTierInfoNotExist Current Tower Climb information not found
20133009 SuperTowerFightCharacterNotInMapTierTeam Deploy character not set in current team
20133010 SuperTowerBagIsFull Insufficient Add-on Inventory capacity, please first consume or scrap Add-ons
20133011 SuperTowerMapTierNotHaveProgress No current Infinite Abyss progress
20133012 SuperTowerPluginResolveNumNotEnough Scrapped Add-on amount insufficient
20133013 SuperTowerTargetCfgNotExist Target stage settings not found
20133014 SuperTowerTargetStageNotOpen Target stage not yet available
20133015 SuperTowerPreTargetProgressNotReach Complete the previous stage first
20133016 SuperTowerFightCharacterIdRepeat Duplicate character deployed
20133017 SuperTowerPluginCfgNotExist Add-on settings not found
20133018 SuperTowerPluginCountError Add-on quantity error
20133019 SuperTowerPluginNotEnough Add-ons insufficient
20133020 SuperTowerTeamPluginReachMax Team Add-on limit exceeded
20133021 SuperTowerFightTeamCountError Number of deployed teams error
20133022 SuperTowerFightTeamCharacterCountError Team character quantity error
20133023 SuperTowerNotSetFightTeam Deployed team is not set
20133024 SuperTowerStageNotMatchFightTeam Target stage and setting mismatch
20133025 SuperTowerTargetPreStageNotFinish Complete the prerequisite stage first
20133026 SuperTowerTargetStageNotRepeatChallenge Cannot repeatedly challenge the same stage
20133027 SuperTowerTargetStageIndexError Stage search error
20133028 SuperTowerRobotInvalid Null Robot
20133029 SuperTowerRobotIsNotOpened Robot not yet available
20133030 SuperTowerFightCharacterNotInSetTeam Deploy character not yet set in current team
20133031 SuperTowerFightPosNotMatchSetTeam Deploy information and set team mismatch
20133032 SuperTowerStageTeamNotFound Set team not found
20133033 SuperTowerTargetStageTypeError Target stage type error
20133034 SuperTowerTargetResultNotProgress Current target has no progress
20133035 SuperTowerTargetProgressRewardIsGet Progress reward claimed
20133036 StCharacterNotExist Character unobtained
20133037 StCharacterAlreadyMountPlugin Character Add-on already set
20133038 StCharacterCfgNotExist Character settings not found
20133039 StrongholdPluginNotExist Add-on unobtained
20133040 StMallRefreshCountIsZero Add-on Fusion Center refresh data is 0
20133041 SuperTowerMallPluginNotExist Add-on not found in Add-on Fusion Center
20133042 SuperTowerBagAddPluginFailed Adding Add-on to Inventory failed
20133043 StCharacterLevelCfgNotExist Character level not found
20133044 SuperTowerBagCapacityNotEnough Insufficient Add-on Inventory capacity, cannot advance to the Infinite Abyss. Please first consume or scrap Add-ons
20133045 SuperTowerPluginIdNotExistOnBuyList Purchased Add-on is not found in purchasable list, please refresh
20133046 SuperTowerBuyPluginRepeat Add-on already purchased
20133047 SuperTowerCharacterIsAllDie Infinite Abyss Character insufficient remaining HP
20133048 SuperTowerCaptainPosIsError Infinite Abyss Leader position setting error
20133049 SuperTowerFirstFightPosIsError Infinite Abyss starter position setting error
20133050 SuperTowerTierStageFightCharacterError Please deploy 3 characters
20134001 MineSweepingActivityNotOpen Event is not available yet
20134002 MineSweepingCanNotFindChapterConfig Chapter configuration not found
20134003 MineSweepingCanNotFindChapterData Chapter data not found
20134004 MineSweepingStageNotStart Stage is locked
20134005 MineSweepingCanNotFindStageConfig Stage configuration not found
20134006 MineSweepingCanNotFindStageData Stage data not found
20134007 MineSweepingStageIndexYOutRange Y axis configuration has exceeded the boundary
20134008 MineSweepingStageIndexXOutRange X axis configuration has exceeded the boundary
20134009 MineSweepingStageFlagError MineSweeper marking error
20134010 MineSweepingStageHadStarted Stage challenge has started
20134011 MineSweepingPreChapterIsNotFinish Clear the prerequisite chapter to unlock
20134012 MineSweepingPreStageIsNotFinish Clear the prerequisite stage to unlock
20134013 MineSweepingStageIsNotInThisChapter Stage's chapter error
20134014 MineSweepingGridIsSwept The slot is already open
20135001 FashionStoryChapterIsNotFound 20135001 Coating event chapter not found
20135002 FashionStoryChapterIsNotOpen 20135002 Coating event selected chapter not found
20135003 FashionStoryStageIsNotCfg 20135003 Coating event selected Trial stage not set
20135004 FashionStoryStageIsNotOpen 20135004 Coating event selected stage not yet available
20136001 CoupleCombatNotOpen Event is not available yet
20136002 CoupleCombatCanNotFindActivityTemplate Event configuration not found
20136003 CoupleCombatCanNotFindStageData Stage data not found
20136004 CoupleCombatCanNotFindChapterTemplate Chapter configuration not found
20136005 CoupleCombatCanNotFindStageTemplate Gameplay stage configuration not found
20136006 CoupleCombatFightMemberDoNotExist Can't deploy a member that doesn't existent
20136007 CoupleCombatFightMemberCountLimit Can only deploy two members
20136008 CoupleCombatStageOpenDayLimit Stage is open later
20136009 CoupleCombatRobotHadBeenUsed Can't use locked characters
20136010 CoupleCombatChapterNotOpenTime Chapter not available
20136011 CoupleCombatChapterNotOpenCondition Chapter unlocking requirement(s) not met
20136012 CoupleCombatCareerSkillNotActive Class skill not activated
20136013 CoupleCombatCanNotFindCareerSkillTemplate Class skill configuration not found
20136014 CoupleCombatAddCharacterLose Failed to add deployed character
20136015 CoupleCombatCanNotSelectMultiSameCareerSkill You cannot select multiple skills of the same class
20136016 CoupleCombatStageIsNotCurrentActivity Stage selected does not belong to the ongoing event
20137001 PassportActivityNotOpen Current Tactical Assessment Manual is not available
20137002 PassportInfoNotExist Intel info does not exist
20137003 PassportNotUnlock Intel is locked
20137004 PassportAlreadyUnlocked Intel is unlocked
20137005 PassportInfoActivityIdNotMatch Intel not found in current Tactical Assessment Manual
20137006 PassportLevelNotEnough Insufficient level to claim reward
20137007 PassportNoRewardCanGet No claimable rewards found
20137008 PassportAlreadyMaxLevel Highest Rating Level reached
20137009 PassportLevelCfgNotExist Rating Level info does not exist
20137010 PassportRewardTemplateNotExist Reward does not exist
20137011 PassportBuyLevelMustBiggerThanNow Purchase level cannot be lower than current level
20137012 PassportExpConfigError Intel Value settings error
20137013 PassportRewardAlreadyGot Reward Claimed
20137014 PassportBuyTimeAlreadyEnd Current Tactical Assessment Manual purchase window has closed
20137015 PassportBuyExpTranscend 20137015 Unable to purchase Infinite Zone Level
20138001 LimitedLoginQuizIsNull 20136001 Login limit questions not yet reset
20138002 LimitedLoginVerifyInvalidIndex 20136002 Null answer number
20138003 LimitedLoginVerifyQuizAnswered 20136003 Cannot repeatedly answer unified question
20138004 LimitedLoginVerifyQuizId 20136004 Null answer setting ID
20139001 ReportReportInvalidTag Invalid report tag
20139002 ReportReportIntervalLimited Report interval not met
20139003 ReportReportTimesLimited Report limit reached
20139004 ReportReportedPlayerNotExist Reported player ID data not found
20139005 ReportReportedGuildNotExist Reported guild ID data not found
20140001 SlotMachinesTemplateNotFound detector settings not found
20140002 SlotMachinesIconTemplateNotFound detector symbol settings not found
20140003 SlotMachinesActivityTemplateCanNotFound detector event not found
20140004 SlotMachinesTemplateIconNotFound detector symbols not found
20140005 SlotMachinesActivityNotOpen Event is not available yet
20140006 SlotMachinesActivityIsNotFound Event is over
20140007 SlotMachinesScoreAlreadyFull Points full
20140008 SlotMachinesStartConfigNeedPerUnlock Need to complete the Common Detector before unlocking the Wide-Range Detector
20140009 SlotMachinesPerDataIsNull No prerequisite detector data
20140010 SlotMachinesNeedAchievePerUnlockScore Points must reach unlock prerequisite
20140011 SlotMachinesReceiveRewardNotExist Rewards to claim does not exist
20140012 SlotMachinesScoreIsNotEnough Not enough points. Cannot claim.
20140013 SlotMachinesRewardIsAlreadyReceive Reward claimed
20140014 SlotMachinesRockTypeNotFound detector error
20140015 SlotMachinesCoinEnoughNotNeedBuy Enough Cell Battery, no need to purchase
20140016 SlotMachinesBuyNumNoMatchNeedNum The quantity purchased don't match the quantity required
20140101 RoootActivityNotOpen RoootActivityNotOpen
20140102 RoootActivityIsEnd RoootActivityIsEnd
20140103 RoootDataError RoootDataError
20141001 LivWarmActivityNotOpen Event is not available yet
20141002 LivWarmActivityStageCfgNotExist Stage configuration not found
20141003 LivWarmActivityStageNotOpen Stage is not available
20141004 LivWarmActivityRequireStageNotFinish Previous stage not complete
20141005 LivWarmActivityStageWasFinish Stage cleared
20141006 LivWarmActivityRewardAlreadyTakeAll Reward Claimed
20141007 LivWarmActivityDismisCountNotEnough Insufficient 3-Ping attempts
20142001 LivSoundActivityNotOpen Event is not available yet
20142002 LivSoundActivityStageCfgNotExist Stage configuration not found
20142003 LivSoundActivityStageCfgNotOpen Stage is not available
20142004 LivSoundActivityStageAlreadyWin Stage cleared
20143001 SameColorGameInnerError Internal error
20143002 SameColorGameMapInitError Map initialization failed
20143003 SameColorGameMapPositionError Illegal coordinates
20143004 SameColorGameMapItemIsNull Item does not exist
20143005 SameColorGameMapSwapItemFail Failed to swap item
20143006 SameColorGameMapNotOpen Event is not available yet
20143007 SameColorGameServiceUnavailable 3-Ping link not available
20143008 SameColorGameBossNotExist Boss not found
20143009 SameColorGameBossNotUnlock Boss is locked
20143010 SameColorGameBossNotUnlockCondition Boss unlocking condition not met
20143011 SameColorGameRoleNotExist Character does not exist
20143012 SameColorGameRoleNotUnlock You have not purchased the character
20143013 SameColorGameSkillNotUnlock Skill locked
20143014 SameColorGameMaxRound No steps left
20143015 SameColorGameSkillNotExist Skill does not exist
20143016 SameColorGameSkillCd Skill is still in cooldown
20143017 SameColorGameSkillParamError Skill parameter error
20143018 SameColorGameBossIdError bossId error
20143019 SameColorGameSkillEnergyNotEnoughError Insufficient Skill Energy
20143020 SameColorGameSkillCannotCancelError Skill cannot be canceled
20143021 SameColorGameEnergyFullError Energy is full
20143022 SameColorGameBuffIdNotMatchError No matching Buff ID found
20143023 SameColorGameNoSkillCdError No skills in cooldown
20143024 SameColorGameNoSwitchItemCountError Maximum swaps reached
20144001 SimulateTrainBossNotUnlock 20144001 Simulation Training monster locked
20144002 SimulateTrainBossNotOpen 20144002 Simulation Training monster not activated
20144003 SimulateTrainNotConfig 20144003 Simulation Training configuration not found
20144004 SimulateTrainParamsError 20144004 Simulation Training parameter error
20145001 RunGameActivityNotExist 20145001 Event does not exist
20145002 RunGameChallengeTargetCfgNotExist 20145002 Challenge target configuration not found
20145003 RunGameRewardHadToken 20145003 Reward already claimed
20145004 RunGameTargetNotComplete 20145004 Challenge goal not achieved
20145005 RunGameSelectRobotInvalid 20145005 Illegal character selection
20146001 PickFlipActivityInvalidId Invalid event
20146002 PickFlipActivityInvalidGroupId Invalid reward group
20146003 PickFlipActivityInvalidRewardId Invalid reward
20146004 PickFlipActivityNotOpen Specified event not available
20146005 PickFlipActivityPickRewardFixedReward Reward already selected
20146006 PickFlipActivityPickRewardCountNotMatch Mismatched number of selected rewards
20146007 PickFlipActivityPickRewardNotInCurrentGroup Reward ID does not belong to the reward group
20146008 PickFlipActivityPickRewardTypeIsNotPick Reward selected is not a pick reward
20146009 PickFlipActivityPickRewardDumplicatedRewardId Duplicate Reward ID
20146010 PickFlipActivityPickRewardRandomConfigError Random reward configuration error
20146011 PickFlipActivityFlipRewardRewardNotFixed Reward not selected
20146012 PickFlipActivityFlipRewardIndexOverflow Reward index exceeding valid range
20146013 PickFlipActivityFlipRewardRewardFliped Reward already flipped over
20146014 PickFlipActivityFinishGroupRewardRemained Reward(s) not flipped over
20146015 PickFlipActivityFinishGroupNoMoreReward Reward already claimed with no subsequent reward groups
20146016 PickFlipActivityFlipAddExchangeTimeInvalidTimes Invalid accumulated exchange attempts
20147001 Regression2NotInRegression Player is not a returning player
20147002 Regression2ActivityInvaliId Invalid Returning to Battle Event ID
20147003 Regression2ActivityNotCurrentId Returning to Battle already ended
20147004 Regression2SignInInvaliId Invalid Bond Sign-in event
20147005 Regression2SignInIdNotInActivity Sign-in ID does not belong to the event
20147006 Regression2SignInRewardAlreadyGot Sign-in reward already claimed
20147007 Regression2SignInUnsatisfied Sign-in reward requirement(s) not met
20147008 Regression2GachaInvalidId Invalid Reward ID
20147009 Regression2GachaInvalidGroupId Invalid Reward Pool ID
20147010 Regression2GachaInvalidTimes Invalid supply attempts
20147011 Regression2GachaIdGroupIdNotMatch Reward does not exist in the Returning Supplies reward pool
20147012 Regression2GachaIdPrevGroupIdCoreUnfinished Returning Supplies reward locked
20147013 Regression2GachaNotInActivity Returning Supplies participation requirement(s) not met
20147014 Regression2GachaActivityExpired Returning Supplies already ended
20147015 Regression2GachaRegressionStateNotMatch Returning Supplies draw requirement(s) not met
20147016 Regression2GachaGroupNoMoreReward Returning Supplies reward limit reached
20147017 Regression2InviteActivityNotOpen Brothers in Arms already not available
20147018 Regression2InviteNotInActivity Invitation does not meet participation requirement(s)
20147019 Regression2InviteNotInvitee Player's returning does not meet the invitation requirement(s)
20147020 Regression2InviteInvalidId Brothers in Arms already ended
20147021 Regression2InviteAlreadyBinded Existing bond with another Commandant
20147022 Regression2InviteInvalidInviteCode Invalid Invite Code
20147023 Regression2InviteInviteCodeNotInActivity Invite Code expired
20147024 Regression2InviteOutOfInviteCount Player has used up their invitation quota
20147025 Regression2InviteRewardInvalidId Invalid Bond Reward ID
20147026 Regression2InviteRewardIdNotInActivity Invitation Reward ID does not belong to the event
20147027 Regression2InviteRewardInviteStateNotMatch Invitation not in the status required by the reward
20147028 Regression2InviteRewardAlreadyGot Invitation reward already claimed
20147029 Regression2InviteRewardUnsatisfied Bond Points required by the reward does not met
20148001 AreaWarActivityNotOpen Event is not available yet
20148002 AreaWarHoleNotUnlock Buff slot locked
20148003 AreaWarBuffIdAlreadyUnlock Buff already unlocked
20148004 AreaWarHoleNotMount Buff slot is empty
20148005 AreaWarHoleNotDemount Buff slot is occupied
20148006 AreaWarBuffIdNotUnlock Buff locked
20148007 AreaWarSpecialRoleRewardNotUnlock Amplification character reward locked
20148008 AreaWarSpecialRoleRewardAlreadyReceived Amplification character reward already claimed
20148009 AreaWarRankBlockIdError Ranking ID error
20148010 AreaWarInnerError Server Battle service not available
20148011 AreaWarBlockIdError Server Battle Block ID does not exist
20148012 AreaWarDetachConditionError Dispatch requirement configuration error
20148013 AreaWarDetachConditionNotInit Dispatch requirement(s) not initialized
20148014 AreaWarBlockNotOpen Block not available
20148015 AreaWarBlockCannotClean Block cannot be cleared
20148016 AreaWarNoHangUpReward No idle reward to claim
20148017 AreaWarBlockAlreadyClean Block already cleared
20148018 AreaWarPurificationZero Progress less than 0
20148019 AreaWarRobotNotUnlock Trial character locked
20148020 AreaWarFightStageNotMatch Mismatched Server Battle stage
20148021 AreaWarFightUploading Uploading
20148022 AreaWarRobotIdError Trial Character ID error
20148023 ConditionManagerAreaWarCleanCountNotFinish Mismatched number of blocks cleared
20148024 ConditionManagerAreaWarCleanBlockIdNotFinish Mismatched number of blocks cleared
20149001 SuperSmashBrosActivityModeNotExist Division does not exist
20149002 SuperSmashBrosActivityCfgNotExist Event configuration not found
20149003 SuperSmashBrosActivityNotOpen Event is not available yet
20149004 SuperSmashBrosActivityModeNotOpen Related division locked
20149005 SuperSmashBrosActivitySelectRoleCountOutOfLimit Number of characters selected exceeding the range
20149006 SuperSmashBrosActivitySelectMonsterLess Number of monsters selected must not be less than the designated value
20149007 SuperSmashBrosActivityCaptainPosOutOfRange Captain position exceeding the range
20149008 SuperSmashBrosActivityFirstFightPosOutOfRange First battle position exceeding the range
20149009 SuperSmashBrosActivityCharacterIsZero 0 in Character ID
20149010 SuperSmashBrosActivityCharacterPosNotMatch Mismatched character position
20149011 SuperSmashBrosActivityCharacterPosRepeat Duplicate character position
20149012 SuperSmashBrosActivitySelectRoleLess Number of selected characters less than designated value
20149013 SuperSmashBrosActivityCoreCfgLose Super Core configuration is lost
20149014 SuperSmashBrosActivityCoreLevelNotExist Super Core Level configuration not found
20149015 SuperSmashBrosActivityStrongAttackOutOfRange Enhanced ATK exceeding the range
20149016 SuperSmashBrosActivityStrongAttackOverMax Enhanced ATK exceeding the max limit
20149017 SuperSmashBrosActivityStrongHpOutOfRange Enhanced HP exceeding the range
20149018 SuperSmashBrosActivityStrongHpOverMax Enhanced HP exceeding the max limit
20149019 SuperSmashBrosActivityEnergyNotEnough Insufficient Energy
20149020 SuperSmashBrosActivityNextStageIsNull Next stage is empty
20149021 SuperSmashBrosActivityNextStageIdNotMatch Mismatched next stage
20149022 SuperSmashBrosActivityCharacterRepeatUse Duplicate use of the character
20149023 SuperSmashBrosActivityModeDataLose Mode data is lost
20149024 SuperSmashBrosActivityCharacterKillAll All characters are dead
20149025 SuperSmashBrosActivityCaptainPosError Leader position error
20149026 SuperSmashBrosActivityFirstPosError First battle position error
20149027 SuperSmashBrosActivityCharacterIdRepeat Duplicate Character ID
20149028 SuperSmashBrosActivityBattleDataErrorAllCharacterDeath Battle data all characters dead
20149029 SuperSmashBrosActivityMonsterGroupConfigLose Monster group configuration is lost
20149030 SuperSmashBrosActivityStageIdLimitMonsterCannotUsed Stage ID does not allow use of monsters
20149031 SuperSmashBrosActivityModeCfgDataLose Mode configuration is lost
20149032 SuperSmashBrosActivitySettingDataIsNull Set data is empty
20149033 SuperSmashBrosActivityEnvLibraryLose Environment library is lost
20149034 SuperSmashBrosActivityEnvCanotUsed Environment cannot be used
20149035 SuperSmashBrosActivityEnvCfgNotExist Environment decoration is lost
20149036 SuperSmashBrosActivityMonsterGroupNotExist Monster group configuration is lost
20149037 SuperSmashBrosActivityMonsterGroupNotOpen Monster grout not available
20149038 SuperSmashBrosActivityMonsterLibraryLose Monster library is lost
20149039 SuperSmashBrosActivityMapLibraryLose Map library is lost
20149040 SuperSmashBrosActivityMapCfgNotExist Map configuration is lost
20149041 SuperSmashBrosActivityMapCanotUsed Map cannot be used
20149042 SuperSmashBrosActivityMapFinish Map already completed
20149043 SuperSmashBrosActivityMapIsNotNextStage Map is not the next map
20149044 SuperSmashBrosActivityMosterKillAll All monsters already killed
20149045 SuperSmashBrosActivityRewardConfigNotExist Reward configuration not found
20149046 SuperSmashBrosActivityRewardAlreadyTaked Reward already claimed
20149047 SuperSmashBrosActivityRewardConfigScoreNoEnough Points required by reward not met
20149048 SuperSmashBrosGetRankFailed Failed to retrieve leaderboard
20149049 SuperSmashBrosSystemRobotDoNotExist 20149049 Trial character does not exist
20149050 SuperSmashBrosEggException 20149050 Easter egg error
20150001 MemorySaveChapterNotFind 20150001 Memory Rescue: Chapter ID not found
20150002 MemorySavePerNotFinish 20150002 Memory Rescue: Prerequisite stage not completed
20150003 MemorySaveChapterAwardIsGet 20150003 Memory Rescue: Chapter reward already claimed
20150004 MemorySaveChapterNotFinished 20150004 Memory Rescue: Incomplete chapter stage(s)
20150005 MemorySaveChapterNotOpen 20150005 Memory Rescue: Chapter not available
20150006 MemorySaveStageIdNotFind 20150006 Memory Rescue: Stage ID not found
20150007 MemorySaveStageTemplateNotFind 20150007 Memory Rescue: Stage template not found
20150008 MemorySaveStageAwardNotFind 20150008 Memory Rescue: Reward ID not found
20151001 ReviewActivityDataNotExist Review data not found
20151002 ShareReviewRewardHadToken Reward already claimed
20151003 ShareReviewRewardNotExist Reward does not exist
20151004 ReviewActivityNotOpen Review event not available
20152001 MaverickActivityConfigNotExist 20152001 Event configuration not found
20152002 MaverickPatternConfigNotExist 20152002 Mode configuration not found
20152003 MaverickStageConfigNotExist 20152003 Stage configuration not found
20152004 MaverickLevelUpConfigNotExist 20152004 Upgrade configuration not found
20152005 MaverickMemberConfigNotExist 20152005 Member configuration not found
20152006 MaverickTalentConfigNotExist 20152006 Talent configuration not found
20152007 MaverickMemberDataNotExist 20151007 Member data not found
20152008 MaverickMaxLevelNotExist 20152008 Max member level does not exist
20152009 MaverickHadMaxLevel 20152009 Member already reached the max level
20152010 MaverickTalentHadActive 20152010 Talent already activated
20152011 MaverickTalentHadNotActive 20152011 Talent not activated
20152012 MaverickTalentNotUnlock 20152012 Talent locked
20152013 MaverickLevelUpTotalConsumeFail 20152015 Failed to retrieve member corrupted level total cost info
20152014 MaverickLevelCanNotReset 20152016 Member corrupted level cannot be reset
20152015 MaverickPatternNotOpenTime 20152017 Mode not available
20152016 MaverickCanNotFindFightCharacterId 20152018 Character corresponding to player's deployed bot not found
20152017 MaverickHaveNotFightRobot 20152019 Deployed members cannot be empty
20152018 MaverickAddCharacterLose 20152020 Failed to add deployed character
20152019 MaverickFightOnlyOne 20152021 Only one member can be deployed
20152020 MaverickActivityNotOpen 20152022 Event not available
20153001 DiceGameRewardAlreadyGet Reward Claimed
20153002 DiceGameRewardScoreNotEnough Insufficient points. Unable to claim the reward.
20153003 DiceGameCanNotFoundReward Reward Claimed
20153004 DiceGameIsNotOpen Event has not started
20153005 DiceGameIsNotFound Event is over
20153006 DiceGameSelectResultParamError Option parameter error
20153007 DiceGameNextDice 20153007 Please throw the dice again
20154001 BirthdayPlotDoNotReset 20154001 Birthday Communications: Unable to set the birthday again
20154002 BirthdayPlotCgNotLock 20154002 Birthday Communications: Birthday story locked
20155001 TheatreDifficultyConditionError Hard mode requirement(s) not met
20155002 TheatreDifficultyAlreadySet Hard mode configuration already done
20155003 TheatreKeepsakeNotUnlock Work is locked
20155004 TheatreAdventureAlreadyStart Adventure already began
20155005 TheatreAdventureNotInit Adventure not started yet
20155006 TheatreRecruitRefreshCountError No refresh attempts
20155007 TheatreRecruitCountError No recruitment attempts
20155008 TheatreRecruitRoleIdError Recruitment Character ID error
20155009 TheatreRecruitRoleRepeatError Duplicate recruitment of the character
20155010 TheatreChapterCannotRecruitRoleError Chapter does not allow character recruitment
20155011 TheatreDecorationIdError Decoration Item ID error
20155012 TheatreDecorationConditionError Decoration item requirement(s) not met
20155013 TheatreDecorationMaxLevelError Decoration item does not have the next level
20155014 TheatrePowerFavorNotUnlock School rehearsal locked
20155015 TheatrePowerFavorMaxLevelError School already reached the max level
20155016 TheatrePowerFavorGetRewardError Duplicate claiming of the faction Affection reward
20155017 TheatreCurNodeNotExit Node does not exist
20155018 TheatreCurNodeIdError Node ID error
20155019 TheatreSelectOtherNodeError Another node selected
20155020 TheatreSlotNotExitError Slot does not exist
20155021 TheatreSlotStageIdError Slot Stage ID error
20155022 TheatreChapterNotExitError Chapter does not exist
20155023 TheatreChapterSkillNotExitError No skills available for selection
20155024 TheatreAdventureAlreadyStartError Performance already started. You can only do this after result calculation.
20155025 TheatreCurrentSlotTypeError Node type error
20155026 TheatreShopNoItemError No items available for purchase in the shop
20155027 TheatreShopItemCannotBuyRepeatError Shop items can only be purchased once
20155028 TheatreEventNodeCurStepIdError Wrong step of the event
20155029 TheatreEventNodeConfigError Event configuration error
20155030 TheatreEventNodeOptionIdError Event Option ID error
20155031 TheatreEventNodeOptionNotUnlockError Event options locked
20155032 TheatreRobotNotUnlockError Bot locked
20155033 TheatreCharacterNotUnlockError Bot corresponding to your character not recruited
20155034 TheatreCharacterFaNotEnoughError Insufficient Power to use your own character
20155035 TheatreTeamCaptainPosError Leader position error
20155036 TheatreCurrentSlotNotMultiTeamError Not a multi-team node
20155037 TheatreTeamIndexError Team ID error
20155038 TheatreMultiTeamNotSaveError Multi-team mode data not saved
20155039 TheatreMultiTeamCardRepeatError Multi-team mode does not allow duplicate characters
20155040 TheatreTeamNotSameError Mismatched team
20155041 TheatreReopenCountNotEnoughError No restart attempts
20155042 ConditionManagerTheatreChapterIdNotFinish Chapter not completed
20155043 ConditionManagerTheatreEventStepIdNotFinish Event step(s) not completed
20155044 TheatreMultiTeamIndexError Multi-team index error
20155045 ConditionManagerTheatreDecorationLevelNotFinish Event step(s) not completed
20155046 ConditionManagerTheatreEndingNotFinish Ending not completed
20156001 ShieldRequestProtocolCanNotUse 20156001 Feature under maintenance. Unable to use.
20157001 ShortStoryInvalidStageId 20156002 Invalid Stage ID
20157002 ShortStoryChapterIsNotExist 20156003 Chapter does not exist
20157003 ShortStoryActivityChapterNotOpen 20156004 Event chapter not available
20157004 ShortStoryStageNotPass 20156005 Stage not cleared
20157005 ShortStoryStageRewardAlready 20156006 Stage reward claimed
20157006 ShortStoryStarRateNotEnough 20156007 Insufficient story collection mission collection rate
20158001 EscapeIsNotOpen 20158001 Event not available
20158101 EscapeStageInvalidId 20158101 Invalid Battle Royale Stage ID
20158102 EscapeStageInvalidChapterId 20158102 Invalid Battle Royale Chapter
20158103 EscapeStageActivityIdDoNotMatch 20158103 Mismatched Battle Royale Event ID
20158104 EscapeStageChapterIdDoNotMatch 20158104 Mismatched Battle Royale chapter
20158105 EscapeStageLayerIdDoNotMatch 20158105 Mismatched Battle Royale floor
20158106 EscapeStageStageIsPassed 20158106 Battle Royale stage already cleared
20158107 EscapeStageNoCardAndRobot 20158107 Battle Royale no valid characters
20158108 EscapeStageInvalidRobotId 20158108 Battle Royale invalid Robot ID
20158201 EscapeResetStageStageNotPassed 20158201 Battle Royale Reset Stage not cleared
20158202 EscapeResetStageInvalidLayer 20158202 Battle Royale Reset Stage not the current floor
20158301 EscapeChapterNotPassed 20158301 Battle Royale chapter not cleared
20159001 NewYearLuckAward Lottery Ticket reward already claimed
20159002 NewYearLuckNotAwardTime Result not available yet. Please wait.
20159003 NewYearLuckPassUnlockTime You missed the time. Unable to purchase the Lottery Ticket.
20159004 NewYearLuckUnlockIsMax You already purchased all the Lottery Tickets.
20159005 NewYearLuckNotOpen Event is not available yet
20159006 NewYearLuckConfigNotFind Lottery Ticket does not exist
20159007 NewYearLuckUnLuck Lottery Ticket locked
20159008 NewYearLuckActivityNotFind Event configuration not found
20159009 NewYearLuckCoinNotFind Event token configuration not found
20160001 HitMouseActivityNotOpen 20158213 Whac-a-Mole Minigame: Event not available
20160002 HitMouseScoreError 20158214 Whac-a-Mole Minigame: Error in data sent
20160003 HitMouseConfigNotFind 20158215 Whac-a-Mole Minigame: Event configuration not found
20160004 HitMouseStageNotUnlock 20158216 Whac-a-Mole Minigame: Stage locked
20160005 HitMousePreStageNotUnlock 20158217 Whac-a-Mole Minigame: Prerequisite stage not complete
20160006 HitMousePreStageNotFinish 20158218 Whac-a-Mole Minigame: Stage not cleared
20160007 HitMouseNotRewardGet 20158219 Whac-a-Mole Minigame: No rewards to claim
20160008 HitMouseUnlockStage 20158220 Whac-a-Mole Minigame: Stage already unlocked
20161001 PivotCombatActivityNotOpen 20161001 Event not available
20161002 PivotCombatActivityCfgNotExist 20161002 Event configuration not found
20161003 PivotCombatRegionCfgNotExist 20161003 Area configuration not found
20161004 PivotCombatStageLibCfgNotExist 20161004 Stage library configuration not found
20161005 PivotCombatEffectLibCfgNotExist 20161005 Energy Supply Effect library configuration not found
20161006 PivotCombatCanFindCorrespondingRegionId 20161006 Area corresponding to the stage not found
20161007 PivotCombatDifficultyInvalid 20161007 Illegal difficulty
20161008 PivotCombatFightMemberCountLimit 20161008 Illegal number of participants in the battle
20161009 PivotCombatRobotInvalid 20161009 Illegal robot
20161010 PivotCombatTimeCtrlCfgNotExist 20161010 Time control configuration not found
20161011 PivotCombatRegionDataNotExist 20161011 Area data not found
20161012 PivotCombatStageDataNotExist 20161012 Stage data not found
20161013 PivotCombatCancelLockCharOpNotAllowed 20161013 Canceling locked character not allowed
20161014 PivotCombatRegionNotOpen 20161014 Area not available
20161015 PivotCombatCharacterHadBeenUsed 20161015 Participant character already used in another stage
20161016 PivotCombatSupplyEnergyLevelNotEnough 20161016 Insufficient Energy Supply Level
20161017 PivotCombatAddCharacterLose 20161017 Failed to add deployed character
20161018 PivotCombatDifficultyHadSelected 20161018 Difficulty already selected
20162001 AccumulatedConsumeDrawCanNotFoundReward 20162001 Corresponding rewards not found
20162002 AccumulatedConsumeDrawIsNotOpen 20162002 Event not available
20162003 AccumulatedConsumeDrawIsNotFound 20162003 Event is over
20162004 AccumulatedConsumeDrawMaxDrawLimit 20162004 Single-time pull limit exceeded
20163001 DoubleTowerTeamSettingUnableToUsed 20163001 Team settings not available
20163002 DoubleTowerActivityNotOpen 20163002 Event not available
20163003 DoubleTowerStageCfgNotExist 20163003 Stage configuration not found
20163004 DoubleTowerStageGroupNotExist 20163004 Stage group configuration not found
20163005 DoubleTowerStageGroupNotOpen Not available yet. Please wait for the Defense Point to be available
20163006 DoubleTowerPreStageOnLock 20163006 Previous stage not complete
20163007 DoubleTowerStageOnLock 20163007 Stage is locked
20163008 DoubleTowerPreStageNotFinish 20163008 Previous stage not complete
20163009 DoubleTowerGroupIdNotExist 20163009 Stage Group ID does not exist
20163010 DoubleTowerCurRoleCfgIsNull 20163010 Character settings not found
20163011 DoubleTowerRoleNotExist 20163011 Character does not exist
20163012 DoubleTowerRolePluginNotOnType 20163012 Character add-on type does not match
20163013 DoubleTowerRolePluginLevelCfgNotExist 20163013 Character Add-on Level configuration not found
20163014 DoubleTowerRolePluginLevelCfgLevelNotZero 20163014 Character Disassembly Level configuration cannot be 0
20163015 DoubleTowerRolePluginCfgNotExist 20163015 Character add-on settings not found
20163016 DoubleTowerRolePluginOutOfRange 20163016 Character add-on exceeded the range
20163017 DoubleTowerRolePluginNotOnGroup 20163017 Character add-on is not in the specified group
20163018 DoubleTowerRolePluginMustHaveOne 20163018 There has to be one specified character add-on
20163019 DoubleTowerGuardCfgNotExist 20163019 Guard configuration not found
20163020 DoubleTowerGuardPluginRepeatUse 20163020 Guard add-on repeated use
20163021 DoubleTowerCurGuardPluginOutOfRange 20163021 Guard add-on exceeded the range
20163022 DoubleTowerPluginCfgNotExist 20163022 Add-on settings not found
20163023 DoubleTowerPluginLevelCfgNotExist 20163023 Stage Level configuration not found
20163024 DoubleTowerPluginOnLock 20163024 Stage is locked
20163025 DoubleTowerPluginUpgradeItemNotEnough Insufficient items. Unable to level up.
20163026 DoubleTowerCacheCoinIsEmpty 20163026 No cached tokens
20163027 DoubleTowerGetRankFailed 20163027 Center server failed to obtain the rankings
20163028 DoubleTowerOnlyGroupOfLastStageCantRepeatFight 20163028 Not the final stage. Cannot be cleared repetitively.
20164001 GuildWarActivityNotOpen Event is not available yet
20164002 GuildWarDataIsNull No event data
20164003 GuildWarNoAuth No permission
20164004 GuildWarServiceUnavailable Guild Expedition not available
20164005 GuildWarActivityRoundNotOpen Round is not available yet
20164006 GuildWarRoundDataNotExist Round data not found
20164007 GuildWarDifficultyConfigNotExist Difficulty data not found
20164008 GuildWarDifficultyUnlockError Difficulty is still locked
20164009 GuildWarDifficultySelectError Repetitive choice of Difficulty
20164010 GuildWarCannotJoinCurRound Cannot participate in this round
20164011 GuildWarVersionNotMatch Version No. does not match
20164012 GuildWarInternalError Internal error
20164013 GuildWarNotSelectDifficultyError Difficulty not selected
20164014 GuildWarNodeIdError Node ID error
20164015 GuildWarNodeIsDead Node already destroyed
20164016 GuildWarNodeMaxRebuildTime Max reconstruction time of the outpost reached
20164017 GuildWarMonsterUidError Enemy ID error
20164018 GuildWarFightStageNotMatch Guild Expedition stage does not match
20164019 GuildWarFightUploading Uploading
20164020 GuildWarMonsterIdError Enemy ID error
20164021 GuildWarFightTypeError Battle type error
20164022 GuildWarNodeStateError Node status has changed
20164023 GuildWarMonsterIsDead Node has been cleared or ambush has been defeated. Unable to start the challenge.
20164024 GuildWarCannotSweepBeforeFight Auto Clear only available after battle
20164025 GuildWarCurNodeError Node error
20164026 GuildWarCannotMoveToNextNodeError Prerequisite node or Guard Node not cleared. Unable to go to this node.
20164027 GuildWarCurNodeIdxError Position error
20164028 GuildWarFightCacheNotExist Battle cache does not exist
20164029 GuildWarCannotKickMember Command Bureau members cannot be kicked out during the Guild Expedition
20164030 GuildWarRobotIdError Guild Expedition bot ID error
20164031 GuildWarAssistCharacterExist Support character already exist
20164032 GuildWarNoAssistCharacter No support characters
20164033 GuildWarAssistCharacterPlayerIdError Wrong support character player ID
20164034 GuildWarAssistCharacterIdError Wrong support character ID
20164035 GuildWarNoTeamError No team data
20164036 GuildWarAssistCharacterOften Frequent refreshes of the support character. Please try again later.
20164037 GuildWarAssistCharacterCountError Support character quantity error
20164038 GuildWarSameCharacterError Repeated use of the same character
20164039 GuildWarAssistCharacterCd Support character is in cooldown
20164040 GuildWarIsActiveMember This member has participated in this round of battle and can only be removed in the resting period
20165001 DoomsdayStageNotExist Stage does not exist
20165002 DoomsdayStageNotInOpenTime Not available
20165003 DoomsdayStageFuncCfgNotExist Function configuration not found
20165004 DoomsdayMemberRepestUsed Duplicate use of the member
20165005 DoomsdayPeopleNotExist Scavenger does not exist
20165006 DoomsdayMemberOnTeam Member already in team
20165007 DoomsdayMemberOnBuilding Member already in the building
20165008 DoomsdayResourceNotEnough Insufficient resources
20165009 DoomsdayTeamDbNotExist Team does not exist
20165010 DoomsdayCantExplore Unable to explore
20165011 DoomsdayPlaceAlreadyHaveTeam Team(s) at the location
20165012 DoomsdayCurStageDbIsNull : Empty stage
20165013 DoomsdayCurStageDbExtIsNull Empty stage ext
20165014 DoomsdayCurStageCfgIsNull Empty stage configuration
20165015 DoomsdayEventCfgLose Event configuration is lost
20165016 DoomsdayEventDbNotExist Event has no saved data
20165017 DoomsdayEventFinished Event already completed
20165018 DoomsdayEventSelctOutOfRange Event option exceeding the range
20165019 DoomsdayPeopleDbRepeatUsed Duplicate use of the Scavenger
20165020 DoomsdayPeopleDbNotExist Scavenger has no saved data
20165021 DoomsdayBuildingDbNotExist Building has no saved data
20165022 DoomsdayContructorDbRepeastUsed Duplicate use of saved Construct data
20165023 DoomsdayContrucutorUsedOnBuilding 20154025
20165024 DoomsdayContrucutorUsedOnTeam 20154026
20165025 DoomsdayOpResourceRepeat Duplicate operation of resources
20165026 DoomsdayResourceOpsIsNull Empty resource operation
20165027 DoomsdayResourceOpsTargetIsNull Resource allocation target is empty
20165028 DoomsdayEffectArgNotEnough Insufficient effect parameters
20165029 DoomsdayResourceCfgNotExist Resource configuration not found
20165030 DoomsdayOpResourceCountOutOfRange Resource calculation exceeding the range
20165031 DoomsdayStructureDbNotExist Construct has no saved data
20165032 DoomsdayResourceContainterNotExist Resource container does not exist
20165033 DoomsdayNextPlaceCfgNotExist Configuration of the next location not found
20165034 DoomsdayPrePlaceOnLock Prerequisite location locked
20165035 DoomsdayPrePlaceUnfinish Prerequisite location not completed
20165036 DoomsdayBuildingCfgNotExist Building configuration not found
20165037 DoomsdayPlaceConfigNotExist Location configuration not found
20165038 DoomsdayTaskCfgNotExist Mission configuration not found
20165039 DoomsdayCreateTeamCfgNotExist Team creation configuration not found
20165040 DoomsdayStageNotOnCurActivty Stage does not belong to the event
20165041 DoomsdayActivityNotOpen Event is not available yet
20165042 DoomsdayStageNotExistCurActivity Stage does not belong to the event
20165043 DoomsdayEffectRequireBuildingDb Effect must be applied to a building
20165044 DoomsdayEffectRequireEventDb Effect must be applied to an event
20165045 DoomsdayBuildingPosOnUsed Location already occupied by another building
20165046 DoomsdayPreStageNotFinish Previous stage not complete
20165047 DoomsdayStageAlreadyFinished Stage already completed
20165048 DoomsdayEventNotFinish Incomplete event(s)
20165049 DoomsdayTargetPalceAlreadySet Exploration target occupied
20165050 DoomsdayPlaceDbNotExist Exploration target does not exist
20165051 DoomsdayConditionNotEnough Requirement(s) not met
20165052 DoomsdayEffectRequireTeamDb Effect must be applied to a team
20165053 DoomsdayBuildingPosOutOfRange Building location exceeding the range
20165054 DoomsdayUnlockTeamCountNotEnough Insufficient unlocked team(s)
20165055 DoomsdayTeamMemberNotEnough Team member does not exist
20165056 DoomsdayTaskConditionCfgNotExist Mission requirement configuration not found
20165057 DoomsdayGetFreeBuildingPosFailed Auto-selecting building location failed
20165058 DoomsdayStageBuildingNotContainId Building does not belong to the stage
20165059 DoomsdayBuildingCantManualRemove You cannot demolish the building manually
20165060 DoomsdayTaskStateError Mission status error
20165061 DoomsdayCantGiveUpStageTask Mission cannot be abandoned
20165062 DoomsdayNotImplementation Not achieved
20165063 DoomsdayTriggerIsNull Empty trigger
20165064 DoomsdayTriggerNotMatch Wrong trigger type
20165065 DoomsdayRequestDataError Network request data error
20165066 DoomsdayCheckTaskFailed Inspection mission failed
20165067 DoomsdayCheckConditionFailed Inspection requirement failed
20165068 DoomsdayDoEffectFailed Implementing effect failed
20165069 DoomsdayEffectCfgNotExist Effect configuration not found
20165070 DoomsdayTeamInEvent Team occupied by an event. Unable to move.
20165071 DoomsdayPlaceExplorationCompleted Explored location cannot be explored again
20165072 DoomsdayStageNotFinish Stage not completed. Unable to end
20165073 DoomsdayAlreadyFinishCannotOperate Journey ended. Unable to perform operation
20165074 DoomsdayDayCountNotUnlock Event not yet available
20165075 DoomsdayWeatherModeCfgNotExist Weather mode configuration not found
20166001 BodyCombineGameNotOpen 20166001 Haicma Minigame: Event is not open yet
20166002 BodyCombineGameConfigNotFind 20166002 Haicma Minigame: Configuration not found
20166003 BodyCombineGameLock 20166003 Haicma Minigame: Already unlocked
20166004 BodyCombineGamePreNotFinish 20166004 Haicma Minigame: Previous stage locked or not complete
20166005 BodyCombineGameUnlock 20166005 Haicma Minigame: Stage is locked
20166006 BodyCombineGameActConfigNotFind 20166006 Haicma Minigame: Event configuration not found
20166007 BodyCombineGameStageConfigNotFind 20166007 Haicma Minigame: Stage swipe configuration not found
20166008 BodyCombineGameSendError 20166008 Haicma Minigame: Error in data sent
20166009 BodyCombineGameMatchError 20166009 Haicma Minigame: Pattern matching error
20166010 BodyCombineGameStageIsFinish 20166010 Haicma Minigame: Modify stage to complete
20167001 GoldenMinerNotOpen 20167001 Event not available
20167002 GoldenMinerItemNotFind 20167002 Item configuration not found
20167003 GoldenMinerShopConfigNotExist 20167003 Item not found in the shop
20167004 GoldenMinerShopIsBuy 20167004 Item has already been purchased
20167005 GoldenMinerItemIndexRepeat 20167005 Item bar is occupied
20167006 GoldenMinerScoresNotEnough Insufficient Resource Points
20167007 GoldenMinerShipSkillNotFind 20167007 UFO Skill not found
20167008 GoldenMinerShipSkillIndexNotFind 20167008 UFO Skill Level configuration not found
20167009 GoldenMinerShipSkillNotUp 20167009 UFO Skill cannot be upgraded to the same level
20167010 GoldenMinerCharacterNotFind 20167010 Character settings not found
20167011 GoldenMinerShopConfigNotFind 20167011 Shop drop configuration not found
20167012 GoldenMinerStageConfigNotFind 20167012 Stage configuration not found
20167013 GoldenMinerStageIsFinish 20167013 Stage already cleared
20167014 GoldenMinerMapDropNotFind 20167014 Scene drop configuration not found
20167015 GoldenMinerCharacterIsZero 20167015 Character not selected
20167016 GoldenMinerCharacterNotUnlock 20167016 Character is locked
20167017 GoldenMinerMapNotFind 20167017 Scene dos not exist
20167018 GoldenMinerStageScoresIsMax Resource Point number error
20167019 GoldenMinerPreStageNotFinish 20167019 Previous stage not complete
20167020 GoldenMinerNotHasCurrentStage 20167020 Game progress error
20167021 GoldenMinerBuffParamsError 20167022 Skill parameter error
20167022 GoldenMinerBuffParamsNotRegister 20167023 Skill parameter not registered
20167023 GoldenMinerSelectRankError 20167023 Failure to query leaderboard
20167024 GoldenMinerBuffRepeat 20167024 Unable to purchase a duplicate buff
20168001 WeekChallengeIsNotOpen Event is not available yet
20168002 WeekChallengeRewardAlreadyGet Reward already claimed
20168003 WeekChallengeConfigNotFound Corresponding configuration not found
20168004 WeekChallengeProgressNotEnough Progress required by the reward is not reached
20169001 MultiDimActivityIsNotOpen 20169001 Event is not available yet
20169002 MultiDimFubenNotExist 20169002 Mission configuration not found
20169003 MultiDimThemeNotExist 20169003 Theme configuration not found
20169004 MultiDimThemeNotOpen 20169004 Theme not available
20169005 MultiDimSingleFubenStageNotOpen 20169005 Solo mission stage not available
20169006 MultiDimTalentNotExist 20169006 Talent configuration not found
20169007 MultiDimTalentIdError 20169007 Talent ID error
20169008 MultiDimThemeIdError 20169008 Theme ID error
20169009 MultiDimRankTypeError 20169009 Ranking type error
20169010 MultiDimInnerError 20169010 Multidimensional Challenge service not available
20169011 MultiDimCharacterIdNotExist 20169011 Character ID does not exist
20169012 MultiDimTooManyCharacter 20169012 Too many characters
20169013 MultiDimCharacterCareerError 20169013 Character class error
20169014 MultiDimNotInOpenTime Multiplayer challenge is not available. Please try again later.
20169015 MultiDimDifficultyConfigNotExist 20169015 Difficulty configuration error
20169016 MultiDimResetTalentCd 20169016 Resetting Talent cooldown
20169017 MultiDimNoTalentToReset 20169017 No Talents to reset
20169018 MultiDimNoRecommendClass 20169018 No classes to change
20169019 MultiDimRecommendClassIdNotExist 20169019 Original class ID does not exist
20169020 MultiDimMatchNotOpenCondition 20169020 Available requirement(s) not met
20169021 MultiDimTalentNotOpenCondition 20169021 Available requirement(s) not met
20170001 TaikoMasterActivityNotOpen Event is not available yet
20170002 TaikoMasterActivityCfgNotExist Event configuration not found
20170003 TaikoMasterStageIdInvalid Illegal Stage
20170004 TaikoMasterSongCfgNotExist Song configuration not found
20170005 TaikoMasterSongNotOpen Song not available
20170006 TaikoMasterOffsetInvalid Invalid Deviation
20170007 TaikoMasterRobotInvalid Illegal character
20171001 FestivalSendGiftError 20171001 Cannot send this gift
20171002 FestivalSendGiftOnlyOne 20171002 You can only sent one special gift at a time
20172001 MoeWarParkourActivityNotOpen Event is not available yet
20172002 MoeWarParkourActivityCfgNotExist Event configuration not found
20172003 MoeWarParkourStageCfgNotExist Stage configuration not found
20172004 MoeWarParkourStageNotOpen Stage is not available yet
20172005 MoeWarParkourCanOnlyOneRoleFight Only one character can be deployed
20172006 MoeWarParkourCanOnlySelectHelperCharacter Cannot deploy unrecruited characters
20173001 GuildDormCodeStart 20173001
20173002 GuildDormInvalidRoomId Invalid room ID
20173003 GuildDormInvalidChannelId Invalid channel ID
20173004 GuildDormInvalidCharId Invalid character ID
20173005 GuildDormInvalidActionId Invalid action ID
20173006 GuildDormInvalidFurnId Invalid decor ID
20173007 GuildDormGdsInvalidRequest Invalid Dormitory service request
20173008 GuildDormGdsGetRoomGrainFailed Dormitory server failed to obtain room channel target.
20173009 GuildDormGdsTcpSessionNotActivated Invalid data flow.
20173010 GuildDormRoomInvalidPlayerId Invalid player ID.
20173011 GuildDormRoomInvalidRoomState Room channel unavailable.
20173012 GuildDormRoomOutOfCapacity Room channel full.
20173013 GuildDormRoomCreateActorFailed Player failed to create room channel
20173014 GuildDormRoomAddActorFailed Failed to add player to room channel.
20173015 GuildDormRoomEnterInvalidToken Room channel verification failed.
20173016 GuildDormRoomEnterInvalidTcpSession Room channel data flow error.
20173017 GuildDormRoomEnterInvalidKcpSession Room channel data pack error.
20173018 GuildDormRoomFurnFurnOnUsed Decor is occupied by another player.
20173019 GuildDormRoomFurnInOtherFurn Interacting with decor.
20173020 GuildDormRoomReloading Reloading the room channel
20173501 GuildDormPlayerCodeStart Guild Dormitory gameserver error.
20173502 GuildDormPlayerNotInGuild No guild joined. Cannot perform this operation.
20173503 GuildDormPlayerGetRoomGrainFailed Failed to acquire room channel target.
20173504 GuildDormPlayerRoomGrainActivateFailed Failed to activate room channel target.
20173505 GuildDormPlayerRoomGrainCallFailed Room channel request failed.
20173506 GuildDormPlayerGetDcGrainFailed Failed to obtain data operation target.
20173507 GuildDormPlayerDcGrainCallFailed Data operation request failed.
20173508 GuildDormPlayerNoChannelAvailable No channels available.
20173509 GuildDormPlayerGetGuildGrainFailed Failed to obtain guild operation target
20173510 GuildDormPlayerGuildGrainCallFailed Guild operation request failed
20173511 GuildDormPlayerSetBgmListIsEmpty Song list is empty
20173512 GuildDormPlayerSetBgmIdInvalid Invalid song ID(s)
20173513 GuildDormPlayerDiRewardTimesLimited Reward limit reached
20174001 TwoSideTowerActivityNotOpen 20174001 Event is not available yet
20174002 TwoSideTowerActivityCfgNotExist 20174002 Event configuration not found
20174003 TwoSideTowerChpaterNotFound 20174003 Corresponding chapter not found
20174004 TwoSideTowerPointNotFound 20174004 Corresponding node not found
20174005 TwoSideTowerChapterCfgNotExist 20174005 Chapter configuration not found
20174006 TwoSideTowerChapterNotOpen 20174006 Chapter is not available yet
20174007 TwoSideTowerPreChapterNotPass 20174007 You have not cleared the previous chapter yet
20174008 TwoSideTowerPointCfgNotExist 20174008 Node configuration not found
20174009 TwoSideTowerPointInvalid 20174009 Illegal node
20174010 TwoSideTowerStageNotChallengeAgain 20174010 Cannot challenge this stage again
20174011 TwoSideTowerRobotCfgNotExist 20174011 Bot configuration not found
20174012 TwoSideTowerStageCfgNotExist 20174012 Stage configuration not found
20174013 TwoSideTowerStageNotChallenge 20174013 Stage not challenged
20174014 TwoSideTowerStageNotPositive 20174014 Stage is not a forward stage
20174015 TwoSideTowerSweepInvalid 20174015 Auto Clear Illegal
20174016 TwoSideTowerStageNotNegative 20174016 Stage is not a backward stage
20174017 TwoSideTowerFeatureIdInvalid 20174017 Feature ID Illegal
20174018 TwoSideTowerUnShieldFeatureIdInvalid 20174018 Unbinding feature Illegal
20175001 CourseInvalidChapterId Invalid assessment chapter ID
20175002 CourseChapterUnlockLvNotEnough Insufficient level to unlock the assessment chapter
20175003 CourseChapterUnlockPointNotEnough Insufficient points to unlock the assessment chapter
20175004 CourseChapterUnlockPrevIdNotClear Wrong assessment chapter unlock prerequisite ID
20175005 CourseInvalidStageId Invalid assessment chapter stage ID
20175006 CourseStageUnlockPrevIdNotClear Wrong assessment stage unlock prerequisite ID
20175007 CourseSaveResultCacheNotExist Assessment result calculation result does not exist
20175008 CourseInvalidCourseRewardId Invalid assessment reward ID
20175009 CourseInvalidCourseRewardExisted Assessment reward already claimed
20175010 CourseChapterDataNotExist Assessment chapter clear data does not exist
20175011 CourseGetRewardPointNotEnough Insufficient assessment reward points
20176001 BiancaTheatreDifficultyConditionError Complete a journey of any difficulty first
20176002 BiancaTheatreDifficultyAlreadySet Already set to the hard mode
20176003 BiancaTheatreChapterNotExitError Chapter does not exist
20176004 BiancaTheatreTeamNotOpenError Squad is not available
20176005 BiancaTheatreTeamNotUnlockError Survey Team does not exist
20176006 BiancaTheatreTeamAlreadySet Survey Team already set
20176007 BiancaTheatreCurStepNotExit Node does not exist
20176008 BiancaTheatreStepTypeError Node type error
20176009 BiancaTheatreItemIdError Artifact ID error
20176010 BiancaTheatreNoCharacterToRandomError No recruitable characters
20176011 BiancaTheatreTickIdError Invitation ID error
20176012 BiancaTheatreCharacterIdError Character ID error
20176013 BiancaTheatreCharacterLevelMaxError Max Character Star already reached
20176014 BiancaTheatreTickConfigNotExit Invitation configuration not found
20176015 BiancaTheatreRecruitRefreshCountMax Max invitation refresh attempts reached
20176016 BiancaTheatreRecruitCountMax Max invitation recruitment attempts reached
20176017 BiancaTheatreLeastRecruitCount Lowest recruitment attempts not met
20176018 BiancaTheatreCurNodeNotExit Node does not exist
20176019 BiancaTheatreCurNodeIdError Node ID error
20176020 BiancaTheatreSelectOtherNodeError Another node selected
20176021 BiancaTheatreSlotNotExitError Slot does not exist
20176022 BiancaTheatreCurrentSlotTypeError Node type error
20176023 BiancaTheatreShopNoItemError No available items to purchase at the shop
20176024 BiancaTheatreShopItemCannotBuyRepeatError You cannot purchase shop items repeatedly
20176025 BiancaTheatreEventNodeCurStepIdError Event step error
20176026 BiancaTheatreEventNodeConfigError Event configuration error
20176027 BiancaTheatreEventNodeOptionIdError Event option ID error
20176028 BiancaTheatreRewardNotFind Reward configuration not found
20176029 BiancaTheatreRewardIsGet Reward has been claimed
20176030 BiancaTheatreRewardScoreNotEnough Insufficient Curse Queller's Path level
20176031 BiancaTheatreNotHasAnyReward No claimable rewards
20176032 BiancaTheatreCantGetReward You cannot claim rewards in middle of an adventure
20176033 BiancaTheatreStrengthenNotFind Enhancement node configuration not found
20176034 BiancaTheatreStrengthenExists Enhancement node activated
20176035 BiancaTheatreStrengthenNotEnough Insufficient Curse-Dispelling Chapters
20176036 BiancaTheatreStrengthenPreNotUnlock Enhancement node prerequisite conditions not met
20176037 BiancaTheatreNpcDataNotFind Character data not found
20176038 BiancaTheatreStrengthenNotOpen Lost Apocrypha still locked
20176039 BiancaTheatreCantStrengthen You cannot enhance skills in middle of an adventure
20176040 BiancaTheatreEffectGroupNotFind Effect group not found
20176041 BiancaTheatreItemRepeatableError You cannot obtain the Artifact repeatedly
20176042 BiancaTheatreSelectItemRepeatError Artifact already selected
20176043 BiancaTheatreTeamCaptainPosError Leader position error
20176044 BiancaTheatreRobotNotUnlockError Trial character still locked
20176045 BiancaTheatreCurNodeNoFight You cannot start a battle at this node
20176046 BiancaTheatreCurNodeStageTemplateNoExist Battle template does not exist
20176047 BiancaTheatreSlotStageIdError Mismatched stage ID
20176048 BiancaTheatreTeamNotSameError Mismatched team
20176049 BiancaTheatreFightRewardUidError Battle Reward UID error
20176050 BiancaTheatreFightRewardAlreadyRecv Reward already claimed
20176051 BiancaTheatreMonsterGroupNotFind Enemy set configuration not found
20176052 BiancaTheatreMonsterNotFind Enemy configuration not found
20176053 BiancaTheatreFightStageNotFind Stage template not found
20176054 BiancaTheatreActivityNotOpen Outside the event period
20176055 ConditionManagerBiancaTheatreConditionNotFinish Unlock requirement not met
20176056 BiancaTheatreNotSetDifficulty Difficulty not selected
20176057 BiancaTheatreActionPointNotEnough Insufficient Biomimetic Blood
20176058 BiancaTheatreCharacterAlreadyRecruit This character has already been recruited
20177001 SummerSignInActivityNotOpen Event is not available yet
20177002 SummerSignInNotEnoughTimesToSign You have used up the check attempts today. Please come back tomorrow.
20177003 SummerSignInMessageAlreadyOpen Postcard already opened
20177004 SummerSignInMessageCfgNotExist Postcard info does not exist
30002001 PlayerNotExist Player does not exist
30002002 ServerNodeNotFound Server not found
30002003 RequestError Request error
40001001 PayLoginTypeNonsupport Invalid type of recharge
40001002 PayCheckSignUnMatch Invalid type of recharge
40001003 PayDecodeSignException
40001004 PayGetOrderInfoError Failed to obtain recharge order
40001005 PayCheckReceiptGameNoIsNullOrEmpty Recharge info not found
40001006 PayCheckReceiptGameOrderIsNullOrEmpty Recharge info not found
40001007 PayReceiptNotFound Recharge permit not found
40001008 PayCheckReceiptGoodsIdUnMatch Product ID on the recharge permit mismatched
40001009 PayCheckReceiptAmountUnMatch Price on the recharge permit mismatched
40001010 PayCheckReceiptChannelIdUnMatch Channel on the recharge permit mismatched
40001011 PayCheckReceiptChannelUidUnMatch User ID on the recharge permit mismatched
40001012 PayUpdateReceiptStatusFail Failed to refresh the recharge permit
40001013 PayFirstPayRewardIsGet 1st Recharge reward claimed
40001014 PayTotalPayMoneyNotEnough Insufficient total recharge
40001015 PayOrderAlreadyRefund Recharge order refunded
40001016 PayUseKeyPlatformError
40001017 AccumulatedPayIdIsError Total recharge ID error
40001018 AccumulatedPayIdIsNotExist Total recharge ID does not exist
40001019 AccumulatedPayIdNotInOpenTime Total Recharge event is not available yet
40001020 AccumulatedPayRewardIdIsError Total Recharge reward ID error
40001021 AccumulatedPayRewardIdIsNotExist Total Recharge reward ID does not exist
40001022 AccumulatePayRewardIdIsGot Reward Claimed
40001023 AccumulatePayRewardMoneyNotEnough Insufficient recharge amount
40001024 PayUnsupportedTargetType Payment processing method unsupported
40001025 PayInvalidPlatformForPay Payment platform settings invalid
40001026 PayPlatformPayKeyNotMatch PayKey mismatched
40001027 PayModuleNotHandled Did not perform payment module processing
40001028 PayPlatformShield The payment platform you are using has been banned.
40001029 PayGooglePlayPointsCfgIsNotExist